HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 104-94 PD EastDub PA94-030 RESOLUTION NO. 104 - 94
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin adopted the Eastern Dublin General
Plan Amendment and Specific Plan on May 10, 1993 and the Dublin voters
approved the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan
on November 2, 1993; and
WHEREAS, the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan contains an
implementation measure (Action Program 4C) that requires the planning
area to be placed into a Planned Development (PD) District Overlay
Zone; and
WHEREAS, on June 27, 1994, the City Council initiated a Zoning
Ordinance Amendment Study for the initial prezone of a portion of the
Eastern Dublin project area to the PD District Overlay Zone; and
WHEREAS, Ted Fairfield, representing property owner Jennifer Lin,
and Clyde Casterson have submitted a Planned Development (PD)
Prezoning, Annexation and Detachment request for prezoning a 1,538
acre sited annexing the 1,538 acres to the City of Dublin and the
1,538 acres plus 4 additional acres to the Dublin San Ramon Services
District and detaching 1,029 acres from the Livermore Area Recreation
and Park District located within the Eastern Dublin,Specific Plan area
generally located northeast of 1-580 and Tassajara Road Interchange;
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to'
consider the request on September 6, 1994; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of this public hearing was given in all
respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended City Council
approval of the PD Prezoning and application for Annexation/Detachment
subject to conditions prepared by Staff; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing to consider this
request on October 3, 1994 and October 10, 1994; and
WHEREAS, proper public notice of this request was given in all
respects as required by law for the City Council hearings; and
WHEREAS, no new effects could occur and no new mitigation
measures would be required for the prezoning and annexation that were
not addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern
Dublin project, and the prezoning and annexation are within the scope
of the FinalEnvironmental Impact Report; and
c: \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending City Council
approval of the Planned Development Prezoning subject to conditions;
WHEREAS, the City Council heard and considered all said reports,
recommendations written and oral testimony submitted at the public
hearing as herein above set forth·
The proposed PD Prezoning , as conditioned, is consistent
with the City General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan; and
The prezoning, as conditioned, is appropriate for the
subject property in terms of being compatible with existing
land uses in the area, and will not overburden public
services; and
The prezoning will not have substantial adverse effects on
health or safety, or be substantially detrimental to the
public welfare, or be injurious to property or public
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves PA
94-030 Eastern Dublin PD Prezoning #1 subject to the general
provisions listed below:
A. Purpose
This approval is for a Planned Development (PD) Prezoning #1 for
PA 94-030 Eastern Dublin. A PD District Overlay Zone is established
for the 1,538 acre site as shown on Attachment 1 in conformity with
Action Program 4C of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The PD
District Overlay Zone allows the flexibility needed to encourage
innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies and
action programs of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
are met. More particularly, the PD Overlay Zone is intended to ensure
the following policies:
Allow and encourage mixed use residential and commercial
development in order to meet specific housing and employment
needs, reduce vehicular trips, and foster pedestrian access
to shopping and employment areas.
Concentrate development on less environmentally and visually
sensitive or constrained portions of the plan area and
preserve significant open space areas and natural and
topographic landscape features with minimum alteration of
land forms.
3. Encourage innovative approaches to site planning, building
design and construction to create housing products for all
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segments of the community, including commercial and office
Encourage higher intensity development near transit
5. Create an attractive, efficient and safe environment.
Develop an environment that encourages social interaction
and the use of common open areas for neighborhood or
community activities and other amenities.
Create an environment that decreases dependence on the
private automobile.
Land Use and Development Plans
Regulations and standards governing the PD District Overlay Zone,
in addition to land use and intensity of use, shall be established in
conjunction with-the Land Use and Development Plans which are required
to be submitted in accordance with Title 8, Chapter 2, Section 8-31.0
through 8-31.19 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
Applicants for Land Use and Development Plans or other Land Use
approvals in the Specific Plan area shall pay their pro rata share of
all costs associated with the preparation, adoption and administration
of the Specific Plan and costs of mitigation monitoring pursuant to
City Council Resolution No. 53-93. Said costs shall be paid prior to
processing the Land Use and Development Plans or other land use
No development, other than that allowed by the Interim
Agricultural Designation, shall occur for any property within the
prezoned project area until such a Plan has been adopted by the City.
The site development standards included within a Land Use and
Development Plan are intended to ensure that the Purpose of the PD
District Overlay Zone, as detailed in the introductory section of this
ordinance, is met. The Land Use and Development Plan must conform to
the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan design guidelines.
C. General Plan Amendment Policies
Portions of the prezoned project area lie outside the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan area and within the Eastern Dublin General Plan
Amendment area. In compliance with the Eastern Dublin General Plan
Amendment policies, a specific plan(s) shall be required before
approval of a Land Use and Development Plan within the Eastern Dublin
General Plan Amendment area.
D. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements
Except as specifically modified by the provisions of the PD
District, all applicable and general requirements of the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance shall be applied to this PD District.
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PD District Overlay Zone - Land Use Designations - General
1. PD - Rural Residential/Agricultural
Rural Residential/Agriculture land use
designations are established to accommodate
agricultural activities and other open space uses,
such as range and watershed management. They are
also established to provide space for and
encourage such uses in places where more intensive
development is not desirable or necessary for the
general welfare.
Intensity of Use: .01 dwelling unit per acre
Permitted Uses:
a e
One-family dwellings and farm employee housing for
persons employed on the premises. Not more than
one dwelling unit, other than farm employee
housing, shall be permitted on each site;
Home occupations conducted in accordance with the
regulations prescribed in Section 8-60.22 of the
Zoning Ordinance;
Crop, vine or tree farm, truck garden, plant
nursery, greenhouse, apiary, aviary, hatchery,
Raising or keeping of poultry, fowl, rabbits,
sheep or goats or similar animals;
Grazing, breeding or training of horses or cattle;
Public or private riding or hiking trails;
Accessory structures and uses located on the same
site with a permitted use, including barns~
stables, coops, tank houses, storage tanks,
windmills, other farm outbuildings, private
garages and carports, storehouses, garden
structures, greenhouses, recreation rooms and
hobby shops, and storage of petroleum products for
the use of persons residing on the site;
Administrative offices .for on-site and off-site
agricultural activities which are clearly
ancillary to the agricultural pursuits taking
place on the site;
Small family day care homes.
Conditional Uses:
Agricultural clustering program;
Outdoor recreation facility;
Animal hospital, kennel;
Killing and dressing of livestock, except when
accessory as specified in Section 25.4;
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Public or private hunting of wildlife or fishing,
and public or private hunting clubs and accessory
Packing house for fruit or vegetables, but not
including a cannery, or a plant for food
processing or freezing;
Flight strip when accessory or incidental to a
permitted or conditional.use;
Cemetery, crematory, or other facility for the
disposal of the human dead, Pet Cemetery;
Hog ranch;
Drilling for and removal of oil, gas or other
hydrocarbon substances;
Radio and television transmission facilities;
Public Utility building or uses, excluding such
uses as a business office, storage garage, repair
shop or corporation yard;
Boarding stables and riding academies;
Sanitary Land Fill not to include processing
salvaged material;
Occupancy of one mobile home by persons directly
related to an on-site agricultural pursuit on a
parcel containing a minimum of 100 acres where
there is no single family dwelling or on a parcel
containing a minimum of 200 acres where it can be
demonstrated that security cannot be obtained by
existing single family dwelling occupancy;
provided, however, that no such conditional use
permit shall be issued for a period to exceed
three (3) years;
Privately operated Wind-Electric generators;
Community Facility;
Large family day care homes.
2. PD - Single Family
Single Family land use designations are
established to: a) reserve appropriately located
areas for family living at reasonable population
densities consistent with sound standards of
public health and safety; b) ensure adequate
light, air, privacy and open space for each
dwelling; c) provide space for semi-public
facilities needed to complement urban residential
areas and for institutions that require a
residential environment; and d) accommodate single
family housing, including a wide range of units
from small-lot and zero-lot line units to large-
lot estate units.
Intensity of Use: .9 - 6.0 dwelling units per acre
Permitted Uses:
a. One-family dwellings;
b. Field crop, orchard, garden;
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Accessory structures located on the same site with
a permitted use, including private garages and
carports, storehouse, garden structures,
greenhouses, recreation rooms and hobby areas
within an enclosed structure;
Home occupations conducted in accordance with the
regulations prescribed in Section 8-60.22 of the
Zoning Ordinance;
Small family day care homes.
Conditional Uses:
Public and semi-public facilities;
Community facilities;
Community clubhouse;
Parking lot, only when established to fulfill the
residential parking requirements of this chapter
for a use on an abutting lot or lots:
Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the
cultivation and wholesale of plant material
(wholesale only);
Medical or residential care facility (7 or more
Large family day care homes;
Second Units.
PD - Medium Density
Medium Density land use designations are
established to: a) reserve appropriately located
areas for family living in a variety of types of
dwellings at a reasonable range of population
densities consistent with sound standards of
public health and safety; b) preserve as many as
possible of the desirable characteristics of the
one-family residential district while permitting
higher population densities; c) ensure adequate
light, air, privacy and open space for each
dwelling unit; d) minimize traffic congestion and
avoid the overloading of utilities by preventing
the construction of buildings of excessive size in
relation to the land around them; e) provide
necessary space for off-street parking of
automobiles and, where appropriate, for off-street
loading of trucks; and f) protect residential
properties from the hazards, noise and congestion
created by commercial and industrial traffic.
Intensity: 6.1 - 14.0 dwelling units per acre
Permitted Uses:
One-family dwellings;
Multi-family dwellings;
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Combinations of attached or detached dwellings~
zero-lot line units, duplexes, townhouses~ multi-
family dwellings;
Nursing homes for not more than three patients;
Accessory structures and uses located on the same
site as a permitted use.
Conditional Uses:
Public and semi-public facilities;
Community facilities;
Community Clubhouse;
Parking Lot, as regulated in Section 8-26.3(c) of
the Zoning Ordinance;
Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the
cultivation of plant materials (wholesale only);
Medical or Residential Care Facility (7 or more);
Hospital in Districts requiring not more than
fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of Building
· Site area per Dwelling Unit;
Accessory structures and uses located on the same
site as a conditional use;
Home occupations conducted in accordance with the
regulations prescribed in Section 8-60.22 of the
Zoning Ordinance;
Large family day care homes;
Bed and Breakfast Inns;
Mobilehome Parks, as regulated by Article 5 of the
Zoning Ordinance.
PD - Medium High Densit~
Medium High Density land use designations are
established to: a) reserve appropriately located
areas for family living in a variety of types of
dwellings at a reasonable range of population
densities consistent with sound standards of
public health and safety; b) preserve as many as
possible of the desirable characteristics of the
one-family residential district while permitting
higher population densities; c) ensure adequate
light, air, privacy and open space for each
dwelling unit; d) minimize traffic congestion and
avoid the overloading of utilities by preventing
the construction of buildings of excessive size in
relation to the land around them; e) provide
necessary space for off-street parking of
automobiles and, where appropriate, for off-street
loading of trucks; and f) protect residential
properties from the hazards, noise and congestion
created by commercial and industrial traffic.
Intensity of Use: 14.1 - 25.0 dwelling units per acre
Permitted Uses:
c: \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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Multi-family dwellings;
Combination of apartments, condominiums~
Nursing homes for not more than three patients;
Accessory structures and uses located on the same
site as a permitted use.
Conditional Use:
f o
Public and semi-public facilities;
Community facilities;
Community Clubhouse;
Parking Lot~ as regulated in Section 8-26.3(c) of
the Zoning Ordinance;
Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the
cultivation of plant materials (wholesale only);
Medical or Residential Care Facility (7 or more);
Hospital in Districts requiring not more than
fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of Building
Site area per Dwelling Unit;
Accessory structures and uses located on the same
site as a conditional use;
Home occupations conducted in accordance with the
regulations prescribed in Section 8-60.22 of the
Zoning Ordinance;
Large family day care homes;
Bed and Breakfast Inns;
Mobilehome Parks, as regulated by Article 5 of the
Zoning Ordinance.
PD - High Density
High Density land use designations are established
to: a) reserve appropriately located areas for
family living in a variety of types of dwellings
at a reasonable range of population densities
consistent with sound standards of public health
and safety; b) preserve as many as possible of the
desirable characteristics of the one-family
residential district while permitting higher
population densities; c) ensure adequate light,
air~ privacy and open space for each dwelling
unit; d) minimize traffic congestion and avoid the
overloading of utilities by preventing the
construction of buildings of excessive size in
relation to the land around them; e) provide
necessary space for off-street parking of
automobiles and, where appropriate, for off-street
loading of trucks; and f) protect residential
properties from the hazards, noise and congestion
created by commercial and industrial traffic.
Intensity of Use: 25.1+ dwelling units per acre
Permitted Uses:
c: \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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a. Multi-family dwellings;
b. Combination of apartments and condominiums;
c. Nursing homes for not more than three patients;
d. Accessory structures and:uses located on the same
site as a permitted use.
Conditional Uses:
j o
Public and semi-public facilities;
Community facilities;
Community Clubhouse;
Parking Lot, as regulated in Section 8-26.3(c) of
the Zoning Ordinance;
Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the
cultivation of plant materials (wholesale only);
Medical or Residential Care Facility (7 or more);
Hospital in Districts requiring not more than
fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of Building
Site area per Dwelling Unit;
Accessory structures and uses located on the same
site as a conditional use;
Home occupations conducted in accordance with the
regulations prescribed in Section 8-60.22 of the
Zoning Ordinance;
Large family day care homes; ~
Bed and Breakfast Inns; ~
Mobilehome Parks, as regulated by Article 5 of the
Zoning Ordinance.
6. PD --General Commercial
Intent: General Commercial land use designations are
established to: a) accommodate a range of
regional-serving and community-serving retail and
mixed use projects incorporating retail, service
and/or office uses with residential uses when
location and design ensure compatibility; b)
provide appropriately located areas for retail
stores, offices, service establishments, amusement
establishments, and wholesale businesses, offering
commodities and services required by residents of
the city and. its surrounding market area; c)
provide opportunities for retail stores, offices,
service establishments, amusement establishments,
and wholesale businesses to concentrate for the
convenience of the public and in mutually
beneficial relationship to each other; d) provide
space for community facilities and institutions
that appropriately may be located in commercial
areas; d) provide adequate space to meet the needs
of modern commercial development, including off-
street parking and truck loading areas; and e)
minimize traffic congestion and to avoid
overloading of utilities by preventing the
construction of buildings of excessive size in
relation to the amount of land around them.
c: \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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Intensity of Use: .20 - .60 Floor Area Ratio
Permitted Uses:
Community-serving retail uses including, but not
limited to:
General Merchandise Store
Discount/Warehouse Retail Store
Clothing/Fashion Store
Shoe Store
Home Furnishing Store
Office Supply Store
Home Appliance/Electronics Store
Home Improvement/Hardware Store
Music Store
Hobby/Special Interest Store
Gifts/Specialty Store
Jewelry and Cosmetic Store
Drug Store
Auto Parts Store
Toy Store
Book Store
Pet Supplies Store
Sporting Goods Store
Grocery/Food Store
Regionally-oriented, high volume, retail uses
including, but not limited to:
Discount centers;
Promotional centers;
Home improvement centers;
Factory stores;
Furniture outlets.
Office and service establishments including, but
not limited to:
Bank/Savings and Loan
Real Estate/Title Office
Travel Agent
Medical and Dental
Employment Agency
Hair/Beauty Salon
Cleaner and Dryer
Shoe Repair
Key Shop
Athletic Club
Formal Wear/Rental
c .- \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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Other Administrative and Professional Office
Technology Access Center
Tele-Commuting Center
Hotels and Motels;
Recreational and Cultural Facilities;
Eating, Drinking and Entertainment establishments,
including, but not limited to:
1) Restaurant
2) Delicatessen
3) Specialty Food
4) Bakery
5) Ice Cream Shop
6) Sandwich Shop
7) Video Rentals
Conditional Uses:
Attached and detached dwellings at densities
established for the Medium, Medium High and High
density land use designations;
Auto Malls;
Animal Hospital, Kennel;
Public and semi-public facilities;
Community Facility;
Service Station, Type A and Type B;
Automobile, camperr boat and trailer sales~
storage or rental lot;
Plant nursery including the sale of landscaping
materials, excluding wet-mix concrete sales~
providing all equipment, supplies and merchandise
other than plant materials are kept within a
completely enclosed building;
Adult Entertainment Activity, provided however~
that no Adult Entertainment Activity shall be
located closer than 1,000 feet to the boundary of
any residential zone or closer than 1,000 feet to
any other Adult Entertainment activity;
In-patient and out-patient health facilities as
licensed by the Sate Department of Health
Wine or liquor bar with on-sale liquor license
Indoor movie theater
Video Arcade
Drive-thru Facilities, including restaurants
Other uses that could possibly meet the intent of
the General Commercial land use designation.
c: \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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7. PD - Neiqhborhood Commercial
Neighborhood Commercial land use designations are
established to: a) provide for the creation of
community-oriented and neighborhood-oriented
commercial centers to serve local retail, service
and entertainment needs; and b) provide for mixed-
use projects incorporating combinations of
commercial, service, office and/or residential
Intensity of Use: .25 - .60 Floor Area Ratio
Permitted Uses:
C o
Office and Service establishments identified as
permitted uses under the GeneralCommercial zoning
Community-Serving retail uses identified as
permitted uses under the General Commercial zoning
designation and typically in shopping centers with
less than 300,000 square feet of gross leasable
Eating, drinking and entertainment establishments
identified as permitted uses under the General
Commercial zoning designation;
Recreational and cultural facilities.
Conditional Uses:
a. Attached and detached dwellings at densities
established for the Medium, Medium High and High
density land use designations;
b. Hotels and Bed and Breakfast Inns;
co Public and semi-public facilities;
d. Community facilities;
e. Animal Hospital, Kennel;
f o Service Station, Type A, or a facility retailing
automotive parts and supplies which are installed
and serviced on the site but does not include
engine, transmission or differential rebuilding or
body repair;
g. Plant nursery including the sale of landscaping
materials, excluding wet-mix concrete sales
providing all equipment supplies, and merchandise
other than plant materials are kept within a
completely enclosed building;
h. Massage Establishment;
io Recycling Centers, when operated in conjunction
with a Permitted Use on the same premises;
j o In-patient and out-patient health facilities as
licensed by the State Department of Health
k. Fortunetelling;
1. Other uses that could possible meet the intent of
the Neighborhood Commercial land use designation.
c: \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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PD - Campus Office
Campus Office land use designations are
established to provide an attractive, campus-like
setting for office and other non-retail commercial
uses that do not generate nuisances related to
emissions, noise, odors or outdoor storage and
operations. Under certain circumstances, they are
also established to allow residential uses as part
of a master-planned mixed use development where a
mixed-use development would decrease potential
traffic generation and/or contribute to greater
social interaction and more vital live/work
Intensity of Use: .35 - .60 Floor Area Ratio
Permitted Uses:
Professional and Administrative offices;
Administrative headquarters;
Research and development
Business and commercial services;
Limited light manufacturing, assembly, warehousing
and distribution activities;
Ancillary uses which provide support services to
businesses and employees including, but not
limited to, restaurants, gas stations, convenience
shopping, copying services, blueprinting, printing
and branch banks.
Conditional Uses:
Attached and detached dwellings at densities
established for the Medium, Medium High and High
density land use designations. Residential
development shall not be permitted to occupy more
than fifty percent (50%) of the developed area;
Public and semi-public facilities;
Other uses that could possibly meet the intent of
this campus office land use designation.
PD - Future Study Area: Rural Residential/Agricultural
The Rural Residential/Agricultural land use
designation is established to accommodate uses
permitted under the Rural Residential/Agricultural
and Open Space land use designations and also
provides for the future study of land use
designations to determine the most appropriate use
for these lands prior to future PD rezoning of the
Intensity of Use: .01 dwelling unit per acre
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Permitted Uses:
All permitted uses listed under the Rural
Residential/Agricultural land use
Conditional Uses:
All conditionally permitted uses listed
under the Rural Residential/Agricultural
land use designation.
F. Interim A~ricultural Designation
Interim agricultural designations shall be established
for the entire PA 94-030 project area. This interim
land use designation allows the existing residential
and agricultural uses approved under Alameda County's
Zoning Ordinance to remain and allows new residential
and agricultural uses approved under this Ordinance to
be established until such time the landowners of these
parcels apply for aPD rezoning, accompanied with a
Land Use and Development Plan in accordance with
Sections 8-31.0 through 8-31.19 of the Zoning
Regulations and Standards Governing the Interim
Agricultural Zoning Designation:
As specifically provided by the Interim
Agricultural Designation, all applicable and
general requirements of the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance shall be applied to this land use
The Agricultural Districts (A Districts)
provisions of the Alameda County Zoning Ordinance
(Attachment 2) shall apply to properties with the
Interim Agricultural land use designation.
All properties with the Interim Agricultural land
use designation shall conform to Sections 8-62.0
through 8-62.9 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to
legal non-conforming uses and buildings.
G· School Facilities Impact Mitigation
Because fees authorized under State Law may be inadequate to
mitigate the effects of new development on the Dublin Unified School
District and the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District, the
City Council intends to require all future development within the
boundaries of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area to mitigate
impacts on affected school districts required to serve student
population generated by new development.
No development, other than that allowed by the Interim
Agricultural Designations shall be approved on any property subject to
this pre-zoning until after legislative review and approval by the
City Council of a Land Use and Development Plan and Planned
Development District rezoning covering that property, in accordance
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with Section 8-31.16 of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Prior to
Council approval of a Land Use and Development Plan and Planned
Development District rezoning, all developer(s) of property subject to
the Land Use and Development Plan shall enter into a written
mitigation agreement with the affected school district and the City.
The mitigation agreement shall establish the method and manner of
financing and/or constructing school facilities necessary to serve the
student population generated by the development. The mitigation
agreement shall address the level of mitigation necessary, the amount
of any school impact fees, the time of payment of any such fees and
similar matters. The City shall be a party to any such agreement only
for the purposes of assuring uniformity with respect to different
property owners and appropriate land use planning.
H~ Fiscal Impacts Related to the Annexation
Goals and policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan require
annexation and new development to be revenuelneutral. Prior to the
effective date of the prezoning, the proponents of the prezoning and
annexation shall enter into an agreement with the City that will
.guarantee that the financing goals and policies of the Specific Plan
are met. Prezoning shall not take effect until the annexation
agreement is signed and the financial security is provided to the
City's satisfaction.
PASSED, APPROVEDAND ADOPTED this 10th day of October, 1994
AYES: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard,Moffatt
and Mayor Snyder
NOES: None
t- Mayo~ '
c: \planning\carol\94030cc3 ( c2reso#104-94 )
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mmmmmm Roads
~ PD Rural Residential/.01 D.UJAe.
~ PD 81ngle Family0,9-6.0 D.UJAC.
~ PD Medium Density6,1-14.0 D.UJAc,
~ PD Med-Hi Density14.1-~.0 D.UJAe,
~ PD High Density 25.1+ D,UJAC.
~ PD General Commercial
~ PD Neighborhood Commercial
~ PD Campus Offleo
N$ Neighborhood ~quare
OCT - 5 199q
"' .: Ei!ii:.>::E!!!!ii!:~i~i:E:i:!:E:E:!:: '., '~.
.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '..'"....-P..-zo.,.G Bou~RY
$ General Cor~'nercial may be pernitted
by a Plamed D~elopment Zodng Proce
~ Future Study Area: Rural Residential/Agriculture
AUG ~6 '94 08:5? PLAMM~F ~ORTH P.1/4
8-2,a. 5
8-ZI. 0
8-~i ,4
tFll.19 '
Four-Family Dwelling ~ist~icts
Persitted Uses: R-$ Districts
Conditional Hsesl R-I Distri.cts
Density Limitations: t-a DistNcts
haldang !its: ~-~ Dis~,ric~,s
Yards: R-I Districts
~ei~ht o{ Euildings: R-I Districts
Other .~egulations: R-S ~istricts
'~ultipte Residence or R-40istricts: Intent
Permitted Uses: R-4 Districts
Conditional Uses: R-4 Oistrict~
Density Lisit~ti~ns: R-4 Districts
Buildin~ Site: R-4 Districts
Yards: a-4 Districts
L~t Coverage: R-4 Districts
Density and Coverage ~c~ptin~: R-4 Ozstricts
O~e~ Regdations: R-4 Oie~ricts
Other Regulations: R-4 Districts
PB Oistricts
Planned Developsent Districts: Intent
Change in Zoning District Required
Preliminary Plan--Application
Preliminary Plan--Pro{essinnal Services Req~irsd
Preliminary elan--ln{~rmation Required
Prelisinary Plan--Notice ~o the Public
Prelisina~y Plan--Action by the Pla~nin~ Comaisaiah
Land Use and Developsent Plan--Persons Authorized to P~epare
Land Use and Development Plan--!n~armation ~equire~
Common Area~--Provision~ ONnetS~ip and Eazntena~ce
L~d Use and Development Plzn--act~an ~v the Plannag
Land Use Shall Cootors
Structures ~t Indicated on the Land ~e a~d ~eveioOsent Pla~
Deposit to Cover Cost of Inspections;
AUG 2 6 19gb
8-25.0 Agricultural Districts: Intent
A;ricultural Oistricts, ~ereina~er designated a~ ~ Diltricls~ are 8stablished to promote
implesentation o~ 8esera/PLan land use proposaL~ ~or a!}ricultur~l and other nOn-utteRs uses~ ~o
c~nServe and protect adoring agricultural uses~ and to provide space for a~d encourage such ~ses
in places s~ere sore intensive develepeen~ is not desirable. nr necessary for the general ~et~ate.
(Amended by sac.
'~U~ 26 '94 08:58 PL~MMI~ IORTH P.2/4
8-25o! ~ap ])esig. atio.:
Every parcel designated
%0 those requlations ~or &n A OistricL Att s~ch parcels are hereby ncJared
Oistrict and shall be sD designated upon any revised Zoning
8-25.2 Permitted Uses: A Districts
on the ~nning Hap as bein~ in an A-2 District ~h~ll here~{ter ~e subject
to be in an A
Th~ ~ollowing Principle Uses are permitted in an A District:
On a building site, one one-~am~ty dwelling or one-~amily mobilehome airher constructed
a~ter .%ptenber 15, 1~7!, and issued ~n insignia o~ appnval by She California Department
oF Housing and Community Development and permanently ~ocated on a permanent ~oun~atio~
systen, ~r cnnstruct~ a~ter ;uly I5, 1~7~, and issued an insignia o+ approval by the U.S.
Oepartmen~ of Housing and Urban Oevelopme~t a~d perman~ntIy Iotated o~ a ~oundation system.
CrGpf vine or tree farm, truck garden, p~ant nursery, greenhoUSe apiary, aviary, hatchery,
~) 6ra;ing, breeding or training o~ horses or cattle.
e) Winery.
f) Fis~ hatcheries and rearing ponds.
~) hbtic or private riding or hiking'trails~
(A~ende~ by sec, l, Ord. 22-29; ~mend~d by sec. 1, 8rd. 80-102).
8-25.3 Conditional Uses; A Districts
In addition to the uses listed in Section 8-60. aO and 8-&l,O~ the
Raising or keeping o~ pouttry~ ~owl, rabbits, sheep ur goats or sial]at antmaim.
~o}luwing are con~itZenaI uses
and shah be permitted in an A District only i~ approved by the Znning AUiniStratcr, as provided
in Section 8-~4,0 an~ 8-25.0:
a)' tidditional d.eXlings ~or persons employed in the a~riCuitural use o~ ~ubje~t proper~y and
the. hollies o+ those potions, and/or living qcarters ~or {~r= laborers, ~hea found by the
Zoning Administrator to be necessary to the ~ar,ing aperation.
b) Outdoor Recreation Facility.
c) Animal Rospit~J, ~enn~t.
d> Kiltin~ and dressing of liwstock, e~capt when accessory as specifie~ in Sectinn 25.4,
e) P~bllc or priva~ hu~ting o~ sitdli{e or Hshin~, ant public or private hunting clubs
accessory structures.
~} Packing hn~se ~or {nit nr vegetables, hut not including a cannery, or a plant far food
processing ~r
AUG ~6 '94 08:58 PLAMMIh fORTH
h) Cemetery, cremat~ry, or ;~er facility far the disposal of the buman deadt Pet Ceeet~ry.
i) ~og Ranch
.j) Drilling for and removal of ~iI, gas or other hydrocarbon substances.
k) Ra~io and to!evasion transmission facilities,
· l) Public utility b~itding or uses, excluding s~¢~ use~ as a ~usinesi affice~ ~tora~e garaget
Fopair shop or corporatio~ yard.
~) Boarding stables and riding academies.
n) Sanitary land fill nat ~a ~nchde processing saivage~ aa~eriat.
D) Administrative offices acCeSsory to the PrinCipsl use Do the premises inciudin~ activities
by the same occupancy .~ich are not related t~ the Principal ~se providing ¢uc~ activities
not so relate~ are ac¢ess~y to the administrative offic~ activity.
p) Occupancy ~ ~ne mobile hom,e by persons dirsctl~ related to an on-site ~gricul~ura~ p~rsuit
on a parcel containing a mi~m of !~ acres where there is na ~ngte family dNeiling or
en a parcel containing ~ mini~= o~ 200 ~c~e~ ~he~e it c~ be de~n~t~ted that secu~iEy
cannot be oOta~ned by ~x~!ting i~nqle f~=ity dNelii~g occupancy~ p~pvided, heNever, that no
~uch conditional u~e permit ~ha11 be issued ~or a perio~ tO exceed three (3)'years.
q~ ~dministrat~ve support end ~rvice fec~lit~B ~f ~ Public ~eg~anat Recreation ~strict.
(~mendee ~y sac. 5, )d. 59-23, aaendedby sac. 2, Drd. 69-~ amended by sac. 1, Ord. 70-5)
amended by sec~ ~, Ord. 70-~7) amended by sac. 2~ O?d. 70-7~; ameade~ by sac. 1D?d, ~2-6; aended
by ~ec. i, Ord. 72-29) amended by sac. 1, Ord. 7~-22; amended by sac. 1, Ord. 7&-4~ a~ended by
sac, i, Drd, 8149)
8-25.4 ~c~e~sory Uses~ A Districts
When located in in A 9istric~, an~ subordinate to a !a~ul Use, ~he {~tlo~ing Accessor~ Usest in
a~d[t~on to those normoily accessory to a OMejHng are permitted:
a) Farm buU~jngs~ including stable, barn, pen, corraJ~ at ccapl
b) Building or r~aa ~ar packi,~ Or.handling products raised On ~e pre~ises~
c) Kii1~ne and dressing o{ poultry, rabb~ts and other s~l) )~vestock ra~d ~n the premisest
b~t not including an abetfair ~or sheep, cattle ~r hogs)
~) Stand ~or the sale at retai) o+ items produced or raisee ~ the premises havin~ a ground
coverag~ not in excess of four hundred (4~) sqaare feet;
e> Accessory 9us~ness S~gns n~t exceed~n~ an aggregate area a~ tNeBty (20) square ~eet~ haviq
no ~oviag parts ~r illumination;
AUG ~6 '94 08:59 PLAMMtr'. HORTH
Adainistrative o~ic~, aaint~ance building, ~hen accessdry taa Principal Use paralYZed ~y
subparaqraph ~h) ~ Section ~25. L
hildin~ St.re: A Districts
use in an ~ District thai] be on a 9~iIding Site havin~ an area not tess ~han ~ne h~ndred
~Ame=de¢ oy sec, 5, Ore, 70-57; ase~e~ oy ~ec. ~, Ord.
8-25.6 YaWs; A Districts
0epth of front yard ~ ~ot isis than thirty (50) ~eet.
Depth of rear yard - not less tha~ ten (~Ot NEL
Width n~ s~de yards - not less than ten (10) feel
fANended ~y sec. I, Ord. 72-29)
8-25.7 Sigasa A District
No sign in an A District eh~l be ~lluminatad. ~o more than two {2) Sate or Lease signs .shall be
placed an any Lot, and no such sign shall have an area in excess a~ twenty-~our (24) square fee~,
except in :nn~orsance ~ith Sectinn 8-60.58 and 8-40.59 (Subdivision). I~ other respects, Section
8-60.~ shall control.
(Based on sac. 2, Ord. 72-29)
8~26.0 SinSle ly Residence Oistricts: Intent
Single family Residence hereina~t~ desiqnatsd a Districts, are established t~
provide ~r acd protec~ blished neighborhoods ~ 9wellin~s, a~d to provide spa:e in
suitable locations Nr admit: development of tats tenether ~th appropriate c~maunity
~acilit~es and alio=a~ce ric~ed interi~ )fl o{ the soil co.patihle with such
lG.-density residential dave.
8-26, i ~ap Designations: R-I Di
Every parcel designated on ~he Zonin{ i~ ic ~he R-E Oistrict, as well as every parcel
'designate~ is bein~ in a R-I Oi , shal. suhjec~ to these reguiati~ns ~or a Single Faaily
Residence District, and shall be :naiad ~-I any revi~ed Zoning Map.
8~26,2 PersiSted Uses: -I Districts
ol i r' '