HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 087-93 StRay NegDecl RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR PA 93-022 ST. RAYMOND'S CHURCH EXPANSION SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW/ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST AT 11555 SHANNON AVENUE WHEREAS, David Goldin, Architect, and Edy Coleman, representing St. Raymond's Church, have made application to the City of Dublin for Site Development Review approval to allow the construction of a new two-story ±20,400 square foot Parish Center/Classroom building with related site work and landscaping and Conditional Use Permit approval to allow expansion of the community facility use on the existing approximate 9 acre parcel, located at 11555 Shannon Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Council did review and consider the Negative Declaration at a public hearing held on July 12, 1993; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State CEQA Guidelines and City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documentation be prepared; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study was conducted finding that the project, as proposed, would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find that: 1. The Site Development Review/Conditional Use Permit request for PA 93-022 will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Negative Declaration has been prepared and processed in accordance with State and local environmental laws and guideline regulations. 3. The Negative Declaration is complete and adequate. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of July, 1993. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder None. ~a~~~a~~ None ATT I ~?~J~ C ~ ~y Cit~ RESOLUTION NO. 87 ~ 052 A PjSOLUTION OF/THE .~LA~N~JIJG COFZ. ISSiON OF T~ CZTY OF DUBLIN AP2KOVZNG FA 87-088 ST. ~OMD'S 'SCHOOL CONDITIONAL USE APPLiCATiON TO CSNTI~FGE USE OF ~E LXiSTING ~OP~AB~ BUiD!NGS ~2~D P.~.iSH FOP. AN E2~NTJJ. Y SCHOOL (G%~ES K Z~OUGH EIGHTH) AT 11555 Si~;CN AVE~E ~Z{E.IL~S, the App!ican~, Richard ~. MatSen, At=inistrazor, representing the Rc=an Catholic Bishop of Oakland, filed an app!icacicn for a Conditional Use Pond= to concinue operation of an elemental; school (grades kindergarten through eighth) for a maximum of 250 students in axiszing portable buildings and che parish hall ac 11555 Shannon Avenue~ ari ~i{Z?-,L~S, this app!ica~ion has been reviewed in accordance with provisions of ~ha California Enviro=aencai Qua!day Ac~, and has been fcund he ca=egorica!!y exempt; and ~Z{EPL~S, no=ice of Public Hearing was published in Zae Herald. posted in public'buildings, and mailed ~o pro.~err/c~ers within 300 faez cf =he project in accordance with Ca!ifonia Sta~e Law; and VHE~Z_~S, a Staff analysis wa~ submitted recom2ezding conditional approval of the application; and ~:~ZF"__~S, =he D~an~n~ Co--lesion held a public hearing cn july _.~,, to consider all repor%s, recc~-~-endazions, and tee=itch'/; NOW, TH'~SFOP-E BE IT ~=S0~TS_'D %e~T ~{E Dublin ~a~=-" Ccraissizz does hereby find ~haT: a) ?ze usa is required by the public need in ~haT %here are nc o~her CaTkc!ic schools in Dublin, and iz meets the public need for an a!terr. ative tc p~Diic educe%ion; b) The use w~]l b~ prooar!' ~ __ _ . . y reidted z~ other ~--~ uses and ~rans.3crTation and sac;ice facilities in the vicinity in %ha% The size is !coated cn a major resident!a! street, across fro= a public park and center, and %he daytime activities of the project will be cc.-.zensuraTe present use cf surrounding properties within =he c) The use, under all %he circ'cs~atcss and conditions cf This particular case, will not materially affect adversely zhe health cr safely persons residing cr working in the vlcinizy or be materially dezrizenzal public welfare or injurious to property or i=provemen~a in The neighbcrhcc~ all as~l=^a~:= raz'_'!azions will be d) The use will no= be csncrar/co the specific incenT clauses zr performance standards established for the dls=ric% in ~hich it is cc ~e located, in That the e!emen=ary schco! is conslorenz with %he character residential dlszricz. EE iT FURrEEK RESOLVED ~hat the Planning Com~issisn does here~y ccnditicna!i]; approve PA 87-08~ as sho~?, by materials labeled "Exhibit A" or. file with the Dublin ?ianning Department and subject ~o ........... e conditions: l) 2) This approval is for use of the existing parish hail and exiszini on-silo portable bud!dines for St, Rayzond Ca~hoiic School. Said use shall be !imi=ed taa maxim'_'? total of 2~0 students and shall be !imi~ed z: grades Kindergarten thrcugh eighth gra~e~ Hours of operation for the school shall be ~,=; ro 8:00 a m :c 3'~ p.m. Mop]da"/through Pride7, vizh the 'exception of an occasional evetinI me~ or other school re!a:ad activ{t7. 3) Tee Applicant shall supplement existing landscaping, adjacent to the north frontage of porzab!e buildings, with small ~rees or large shrubs (miniron tB-ga!!on size). ?no App!ican~ shall submit a written descrlp%Ion cf proposed landscaping identifying plant type, size and soacin revie~ and approve! of ~he Dublin Planning Department. Said !andsca.~Ing shall be insral!ed ~iChin ~0 days of ~he effective da~e of :his pernit. 4) OuTside play aczlvi=ies shall not occu~ prior ~o 81O0 5> School noise shall be controlled so as net :o crea~a a nuisance adjoining residential neighborhood. s) 7) s) ?no drop-off and pick-up of students shall occur on-sits viihit ~he exis~ " !o~ _.~ parKlng area. ?he schcc! cpera=or shall make arrangements ~o have ~he Dub!in Police SeT;ices Child Abuse Program, or an equiva!en~ program, presented zc The school s~aff and all children a~zanding ~he school faci!izy, at minlz~ cz an annual hasis. Prior ~o July !st of each year, the Applicant shall submi~ ~ri~ten confirmation '~o The Planning Department, indicacin~ this Condimic~ has been complied with. TEe Aoo!icant shall comp!7 vith a~ as=~:cab~ Dc=¢D Fire Desar=men= requiremen-s,'inc!uding but not !imi=ad :o: A. Each c!assrccm shell have pas~ed.a plan sho~inE paths cf travel to evacuate %ha room in case of emergency. B. An ezerEency pre'~fire plan shall be prepared for raylay and a;prr:al ~i" the DSKSD Fire Depart:end. C. Fire drills shall be conducted no~ less chat once a tenth and a report submitted To DSRSD Fire Department· All drapes, curtains, hangings, and other such decorative materials shall be ncn-f!am~ab!a maker!a!, cr shall be ~reazed to.zainraln a f!aze-rezardan~ condition. Fire ezctinguishers of a 2A-i0BC classification shall ~e located 75' cf travel. ~q~en a firs extinguisher is located behind !ccked doors, sunk as in locked c!assrccms, the extinguisher shall be ~i~hin ea=h area to insure accessibi!i=y to ~he exzin~-=isher. F. Everi,' school building, regardless of occupancy classification, shall prc';ided.=ith a~dependab!e method of sounding an a!ar-_. Z~is pe_"z. iz shall expire cn July !, i~0, and shall be re'.'=cable fzr cause in accordance =irk Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Crdinance. The approval .~eriod for ~he Conditional Usa Per:it may he e:.:cended cvc additional ::ears (Applicant musz submi~ a ~riz~en rec. ues~ f~r the ex=enzi:r. Prior z~ ~ha axzira~ion da~a of ~k~ Condi~isna! Usa =~-~:-~ ~" eke P!anzinz Director u~cn his da~arminazicn zhaz ~he Conditions of A~Frcva! retain adequate ~s assure than the above sza~ad Findings will ccnzinu~ z~ ~s men. PASSED, APPP. OVED AND ADOPTED ~his 6~h day of july, !937. ='-'=~: Cc~_~ission~rs Barnes,' 3urrZ~am, ~ .... and Relay None None ATTEST: P!anr. ing Director PLanning Cor._-ission Chair~rjcn -\