HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.14 AmendAgmtZumwalt CITY CLERK File #600-30 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 6, 1999 SUBJECT: Amendment to Agreement with Zumwalt Engineering Group for Engineering Services Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: / R 1) 2) 3) 4) Resolution and Proposed Amendment (extension of term and adjustment of rates) Letter from James Zumwalt dated June ! 7, 1999 Comparison of current and proposed rates currentAgreement and Amendments Adopt resolution. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The ~fim. at. ed_¢xpenditure for work to be performed by Zumwalt Engineering Group for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 is approximately $530,000; therefore, the not-to-exceed limit for Fiscal Year 1999- 2000 is proposed to be $550,000. The bulk of work performed by Zumwalt Engineering is in the area of private development review and plan checking, and the costs are paid by developers. Zumwalt Engineering has proposed an adjustment of rates for 1999- 2000, the overall effect of which_is .a DESCRIPTION: The City has contracted with Zumwalt Engineering Group since 1997 for general engineering services. The scope of work has primarily been in the area of private development review, and, to a lesser degree, Capital Project design. The current agreement, which expired June 30, 1999, was amended in April to extend the not-to-exceed limit o£~e agreement from $500,000 to $615,000 for Fiscal Year 1998-99. It is recommend~¢~ ~_gL~.ggreement be extended for an additional two-year period, with a not-to-exceed limit for Fiscal Year 1.999-2000 of $550,000. Zumwalt Engineering's proposed rate schedule reflects incr~ases~.in,.~~.ranging from 2% to 3% depending on persormel classification. The increased rates have bee~ applied to an analysis of hours spent by classification for Fiscal Year 1998-99 in order.to determine the acm~_~, effe..g[~g~.~ the basis of 1998-99 hours, the overall effect of the increase is approximately 2.5%. The bulk of the work performed by zumwalt Engineering is in the area of private development review; therefore, the cost of their work is paid by developers. COPIES TO: James Zumwalt, Zumwalt Engineering Group ITEM NO. _~~ G:\engr-contractXzumwalt\agstamend99-00.doc and comp,~tifive, and Staff recommends that the Ci~- Co. Oil '~d6p-f'~the'i~e~oluti0n' approving the amendment to the RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP WHEREAS, the City of Dublin, State of Califomia, entered into an agreement with Zumwalt -. Engineering Group on July 7, 1998; and WHEREAS, City and Consultant are desirous of continUing the agreement for an additional two year period; and WHEREAS, Consultant has requested an adjustment of rates for Fiscal Year 1999-2000; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby apprOve the amendment to the agreement with Zumwalt Engineering Group, which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Glengrl~umwaliresoamend99-O0 EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION -99 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and Zurnwalt Engineering Group (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"), entered into an agreement on JUly 7, 1998, to provide en. gineering services to CITY: and WHEREAS, said agreement was amended in April of 1999 to extend the not-to-exceed limit for Fiscal Year 1998-99; and WHEREAS, the City and the Consultant wish to extend the term of agreement for an additional two years, terminating June 30, 2001 ;and WlIEREAS, Consultant ha.s requested an adjustment of rates for Fiscal Year 1999-2000; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Extension of Term The term of agreement shall be until June 30, 2001. i Adiustment of Rates The rate schedule attached hereto as Exhibit 1 shall be in effect for Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Consultant shall be entitled to request a further adjustment of rates for the second year of the agreement tenn. The a~eement shall have a not-to-exceed limit of $550,000 for Fiscal Year 1999-2000. CITY OF DUBLIN ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP James W. Zurnwalt, Principal Date: EXHIBIT 1 page I of 2 ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP CHARGE RATE FEE SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 The compensation of Zumwalt Engineering Group for work done will be on the basis of an hourly charge rate, plus incurred expenses and will be the sum of all the items set forth below: A. PERSONNEL SERVICES PRINCIPAL $123.00 SUPERVISING ENGINEER $118.00 SENIOR ENGINEER $108.00 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER $ 97.00 ASSISTANT ENGINEER . $ 82.00 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE $ 77.00 TECHNICIAN/CAD OPERATOR $ 72.00 CLERICAL/OFFICE SUPPORT $ 46.00 TVVO-MAN SURVEY CREW $164.00 Rates for individuals may vary depending on the service performed. EFFECTIVE THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000, AND SUBJECT TO REVISION ANNUALLY TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES Thirty-five cents ($0.35) per mile for use of vehicles. A minimum of six dollars ($6.00) per hour will be charged for use of vehicles carrying field equipment or used for field inspection and supervision. OUTSIDE SERVICES Invoice cost of services and expenses charged to Zumwalt Engineering Group by outside consultants, professional, or technical firms engaged in connection with the order, plus 15% handling charge: MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES The invoice cost of materials, supplies, reproduction work, and other services prOcured by Zumwalt Engineering Group from outside sources, plus a handling charge of 15%. All out-of-pocket expenses not included in Items A, B and C will be included in this category. Co EXHIBIT 1 page 2 of 2 ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP ~;~' '. ~,~':: MUNICIPAL STAFF AUGMENTATION CHARGE RATE FEE SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 The compensation of Zumwalt Engineering 'GrouP'f(~: ;w~)rE ;dOne Wili'~be'0'~ .th~ basiS'of an hourly charge rate, plus incurred expenses and will be the sum of all the items set forth below: A. PERSONNEL SERVICES PRINCIPAL SENIOR ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER/SURVEYOR ASSOCIATE ENGINEER SENIOR DESIGNER STAFF ENGINEER FIELD REPRESENTATIVE CAD DESIGNER TECHNICIAN/CAD OPERATOR CLERICAL $95.00 $90.00 $85. O0 $79.00 $79.00 $68.00 $68.00 $68.00 $51.00 $41.00 Rates for individuals may vary depending on the service performed. .EFFECTIVE THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000, AND SUBJECT TO REVISION ANNUALLY OUTSIDE SERVICES -.. .~_. .,- : :- ~ ..... Invoice cost of services and expenses charged to zumwalt Engineering Group by outside consultants, professional, or technical firms engaged in connection with the order, plus 15% handling charge. - MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES - . The invoice cost of materials, supplies, reproduction work, and other services procured by Zumwalt Engineering Group from outside sources, plus a handling charge of 15%. All out-of-pocket expenses not included in Items A and B will be included in this category. ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP Civ~ Engineering/Project Management 2680 Bishop Drive, Suite 150 - San Ramon. California 94583 Tel. (925) 830-5016 Fax (925) 830-5023 June 17. 1999 Mr. Ke~-in VanKa~'k Senior Civil Engineer CITY OF DTLTBLIN P.O. Box 2340 Dub.t/ri, CA 94568 Sllbject." Fiscal Year 1999-00 St-affAugmentation Charge Kate Fee Schedule Dear Kevin: ,4 reque~ed, attached herewith is our Municipal Staff Au~m-nentation Charge Rate Fee Schedule for the 1999-00 Fiscal Year. This fee schedule applies to assignments in which we serve as an ex-tension of City ~affa.t the City offices or at our office in San Ramon on a rime and materials basis. Also attached is a supplement to this fee schedule which provides for the classification of employees anticipated to pro,4de services to the City of Dublin during the forthcoming fiscal year. Furthermore, back-up documentation is provided in the form of spreadsheets show-lng the classifications of employees along with the current and new hourly rates. Hours from July 1, 1998 through May 31, 1999 are provided along with estimated hours for the month of June. One spreadsheet each is provided for Plan Check and CIP sen,ices. We appreciate ~e opportunity to pro'~Sde continued service. Very truly yours, ZI_IM~A. LT ENGLNrEERING GROUP .-~ CaJifornia Corporation Principal · ':~' ..... · ".$IJPpLEMENT TO MIIN]CIPAL STAFF AUGMENTATION 1999-00 CHARGE RATE FEE SCI:t[EDULE Classification of Employees anticipated to provide services to the Ci.ty of Dublin durin,, the 1999-00 Fiscal Year: Employee M. Lander I. Enke G. Antkowiak A..D. Dopson L. Hemandez ' ,J 995-99 Classification Senior En~neer Project Surveyor Associate En=~in~r Senior Designer ~ .:: cAD Designer T. Bartunek StaffEngineer · B. Srratton Senior Designer 999-00 CI,,as$i~cati0n Senior Engineer Senior Engineer Associate Engineer Senior Designer Ve i_=er StaffEngineer SeniOr Designer Employees other than those Ii'ed above are available to the CiD, upon request. Clerical staff support are available to assi~ the technical staffwith the preparation of deVelopment rexSes' doCUments. P. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 70 - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH ZUM~¥ALT ENGINEERING GROUP FOR FY1998-99 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin, State of California, entered into a contract with Zumwalt En~neering Group for fiscal year 1998-99 on July 7, 1998; and WHEREAS, said contract contained a not-to-exceed amount equal to $500,000; and WHEREAS, said services are primarily for private development plan review and costs are charged to developers; and WHEREAS, City anticipates that, due to the current workload, the total projected charges for the fiscal year will exceed said not-to-exceed amount of $500,000; and WHEREAS, City desires to amend said contract to increase the not-to-exceed amount to $615,000 ~der the existing terms of said contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby app. rove the amendment to the agreement with Zumwalt En~neering Group, which is attached hereto as PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1999. AYES: Councilmembers t-Im~,ard, Lockhctrt, McCormick, Zikct & 3leo,or Houston NOES: None ABSENT: None .~d3STAIN: None t~Cterk Mayor ..: 1LDLrBLIJxr~2[CaW';CC-M'JTJ~.99-QT'~2~4auP. JLt4-20-99'wes°-zumwalt'd°c FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES , I WHEREAS, the City of Dub. lin (hereinafter referred to as 'CITY") and Zumwalt Engineering Group (hereinafter referred to as 'CONSULTANT"), entered into an agreement on Jul>, 7, 1998, to provide engineering services to CITY: and WlIEREAS, said agreement was amended in April of 1999; and WHEREAS, the City's current worldoad requires an increase in the not-to-exceed amount; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Increase of Not-to-Exceed Amount Paragraph One of Exhibit B of the Agreement is amended to revise the not-to-exceed amount to $615,000. CITY OF DUBLIN 'Mayor ZUMWALT ENGiNEERING GROUP RESOLUTION NO. 10S - 95 ' A' RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COUNCII, OF TItE CITY OF DUBLIN _4_PPROVlSNG-43t-END~fENT TO.AGREEMlgNT FOR F-2{GIN=EERING SERVICES WITtt ~;b-'BIS¥.&LT ENGINEERING GROUP W'AiEREAS, zhe CiW Council of tM CiD' of Dublin approved an z_m-=~ment for enggn=~ring senders with Zumwatt Engln~ring G--roup, on May 20, 1997; and V,'Tt-~R.F. AS, said _a_D-~mcnt was amenclcd in March of 1998 to tx-tend the term of ~_o-recment and incrczse thc Not To Exceed Iimig ad i~ ~r~.~RE.~.q, Zumwalt Ez~neering has proposed an zdj ,uranent of rates for l~sczl Year 199g-99; ~W_r-~'-P,~AS, the tm--m of~.~eem~t is proposed to be ex-tended for an addi4onal one-year penoa; NOW, Ti~FORE, BE I'f RESOLVED that thc CiW Council ofthz City of DubEn does herd=y avvrove thc amendment to ~e acm-_ cement w~& Zumwa!t Enginca~ng Group, wNch is anachcd hereto as BE iT ~'-u-R.TI-~- ~K RESOLVW2D ~t the .Mayor is au~or:~ed to exezute the mmmndment. PA. SS?~, .A2PROV-~> A.ND A.DOPTED zhis7~ day of July, 1998. AYES: Couneitmembers SarT~ex, ~,urton, f-forward, Lockhart and.~rayor f~ozzx~o?; NOES: None None None Mayor K" lG/7- 7- 9 $irex =~amZ do: ~,tflEEEREAS, the Ciw of Dublin (hereinm.C~er referred to as "CITY") and ZumwJt Engineering Group (hereina~er referred to as "CONSLrLTANT"), entered into an a~esrn,~'' on May 1997, to pro~4de en_~n~ering s~nqc~$ to CITY: mad W_WI~REAS, said agrgement was mmenaccl in March of 1998; and VeWERE.-kS,. an adjustment of rates and e~ension often-n are proposed; ' N.OW, TWE~REFORE, the pm-Jes hereto a~ee ~s follows: · 'o' o= ,~ ' the z.::a~hgd E:"-Jbit 2'ne sch~aule of rotes for Fiscal Ye~ 1998--°P sha!l be as a.tm._t.zI m ~'.~k" (Stanaarrl Rzt~s and Mu~=ipal Au_m-nentatJon Rates). The total e×mendkure zor .:h~s~ sen4~es for Fiscal Ye~ 199g-99 shaIl not ex~ed $500,000. Ex-tension of Te~ ~'rn The term of the z~eement shall be ex-tended to coincide with ~e end of.:he 199~-~9 lz~.sz~ Year, i.e., until Iune 30, I999. CITY O~ DUBLiN ZUMWA.LT ENGIN'EE~G GR. OL? Jmes \V. Zumwalt, Principal Dale: ST.~N'DA.RD GROD? ~ Co~.~m]~, ), who a=~_- 2. PA-~.IC6~. C],.-y s5,--_!/ p~y Co~,---,~t for sm-,.%=s z:aim-=i .~.;_~,,-?, :~ -.'.~:.: On: A-~,~z.~:] Lz~:, $~ ] ] 0 ?. O..Ssx 7_~-'.,0 iCiT':f 07' ':~c~.~- -,.3 - · $ COPE OF SERVI C~$ _~-D ~ C~DL~E E.'X-~TB IT C ~, ~ ~ay b= z~oa~iy n~m3' for Condor's ~ ~;~ ~d r:~d='a~g r:sor~ ~d ~: ~o~on ~ po~=s~on of Civ- ~: of~:~bi~ s~a ~n)'~ ~fi:s sh~ ~: ~ ~= sot: CiD' bz ~=E~a ~o ~h ==--y lasSO ~zh ~y ~vo]vz ~z~ G~P,_AL PR O1rlrsIoNs O) c'>) : LisbOn,. :od: ] ,,==v zmo" =_nd _=ndo.~:m:m CA 0025. ¢) -:_=,jzs'y =_2d pm?=,-y O) (2} (e ::<.2:" {4) ~.]] no 1=~ ~'?¼.4zl,nTr.,. .. 3 ]0. ]]. ' " _ . ' m' ~of~n~~s'~= --. - 5:':-.'.-1 .:.:_.:.:., E.I.U:FI~iT "_&" OF RESOLUTION -95 .~-D. _MiE_ ~NT TO AGREF--M-EN~r CITY OF DUBLIi~ .A ND ZUNfW.tsLT ENGLTx-EERL~G GROUI' FOR ENGIN-EERING SERVICES zUMWALT ENGINF~RING GROUP CHARGE RATE FEE SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL Y=_AR A. pERSONNEL SE.RV]CES !. T~,-?frv= =-~-z (3>-) ==' ,~. '-'= z=r == oz v:===~ A m:,,~;=,,-n =f s-~ 8=1t_~-~ (~=.00) p--- 5~'~ b: Do ZUMWALT ENGINEERING GROUP MUNICIPAL STAFF AUGMENTATION 19.98-99 CHARGE RATE FEE SCHEDUI!= -A. MUNIC:tPAL STAFF AUGIVIENTATIDN SERVICES ~.-_~Ciiv_- .~_--:_~OUGH.ru-Jx~ 30, 1P.%°~_N""D =__. 'T,qANSPD~TATIDN =-X,PENS=S OUTSIDE !. lnvoi== =am ofs:,wi:=s prof=-:=-io.-.=_=~, or ,~'.::=i=.-,t ,5~_s =?-=z:d in =o.~..~.=don wSt. h ~= ora=, pt,.s 15% h=~g zEro-g:. Do 'I/,~!SC-7.LL-%N =D US =_.X.F'EIgS -iS