HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCReso03-51 PA02-048 Tassajara Creek/Greenbriar Tmap/SDR RESOLUTION NO. 03 - 51
PA 02-048 (Tract No. 7414)
WHEREAS, Patrick Costanzo, Jr., on behalf of Marjorie Koller (Applicant/Developer), has
requested approval of a PD rezoning with a Stage 1 Development Plan amendment and a Stage 2
Development Plan for Phases III and V of the Tassaj ara Creek residential project, a Vesting Tentative
Map for Phase III to allow for the subdivision of a 20.3 acre parcel located on the west side of
Tassajara Creek into 108 lots and Site Development Review to allow for the construction of 108 single
family residential units (Phase III) and one single-family estate home (Phase V), with public and
private open space, and a regional trail along the Tassajara Creek stream corridor, in the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan area; and
WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement request is available and
on file in the Department of Community Development; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant/Developer has submitted Vesting Tentative Map and Site
Development Review project plans dated received October 10, 2003, for Phases III and V (Exhibit A
to Attachment 1), PUD Sheets 4 through 16, Sheets SL1 through SL3Sheets L-1 through L-4,
Architectural Sheets by The Dahlin Group 1 through 17 and Architectural Sheets by KM+P for Lot
131, except as modified by any condition of approval; and
WHEREAS, the City previously approved General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
amendments and a PD rezoning/Stage 1 Development Plan for a 445 unit project on 64.35 acres, to be
built in 5 phases. Phases I and II are under construction; and
WHEREAS, in connection with the prior approvals, the City adopted a Mitigated Negative
Declaration tiering from the Eastern Dublin EIR. (Resolution 31-00, incorporated herein by reference.)
The City completed an Initial Study for the current project, including a shift in density from Phase III to
Phase IV and additional detail on construction and improvement plans for Phases III and V. Based on the
Initial Study, the City detern~ined that the Eastern Dublin EIR and the prior Mitigated Negative
Declaration adequately describe the potential impacts of the project and that the current project would
have no substantial new or more severe impacts beyond those analyzed in the previous environmental
documents. An Addendum pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15164(a) was prepared for the minor
project changes and was considered by the Planning Commission together with the prior EIR and
Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to action on the project; and
WHEREAS, the Plmming Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on
October 28, 2003; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law;
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission
approve the Vesting Tentative Map for Phase III and Site Development Review for Phases III and V,
subject to conditions; and
WHEREAS, a Development Agreement must be requested and approved prior to recordation
of Final Subdivision Map for the project as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and
considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does
hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding General Plan and Specific Plan
1. The proposed project is consistent with the adopted Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan. The proposed project is also consistent with the goals, policies, and implementation
measures of the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and with the Dublin Zoning
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make
the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Vesting Tentative Map:
1. The Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision
regulations and related ordinances.
2. The design and improvements of the Vesting Tentative Map are consistent with and
conforms to the City's General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan policies as they apply to the subject
property in that it is a subdivision for implementation of a residential project in an area designated for
Medium Density Residential Development and Stream Corridor/Open Space.
3. The Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the Planned Development Rezone proposed
for this project and is, therefore, consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
4. The project site is located adjacent to major roads on relatively flat topography and is,
therefore, physically suitable for the type and density of development.
5. With the incorporation of mitigation measures from the previous EIR, action programs and
policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, mitigation measures of the previously adopted Mitigated
Negative Declaration and Conditions of Approval, the design of the subdivision will not cause
environmental damage or substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat or cause public health
6. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at
large or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The City Engineer has
reviewed the map and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature.
7. Required fire and water service will be provided to the subdivision pursuant to the
requirements of water and sewer providers, if standards and conditions are met and fees paid. Sewer
service for this subdivision shall be provided pursuant to an agreement between the applicant/developer
and DSRSD. School capacity for the residents of this project will be provided pursuant to a school
facilities mitigation agreement between the developer and the Dublin Unified School District prior to
issuance of building permit, as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/EIR.
8. The City of Dublin has considered the effect of this project on the housing needs of the
region in which it is situated and finds that the public services are available for the project and that
impacts to environmental resources will be mitigated to a level of less than significant pursuant to the
Eastern Dublin EIR and the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the previously approved Stage 1
Development Plan (PA98-062).
9. The City of Dublin finds that this project does not discharge waste into an existing
community sewer system in violation of existing requirements prescribed by a California regional water
quality control board pursuant to Division 7 of the Water Code because the Dublin San Ramon Services
District has provided conditions of approval, which assure that its standards will be met.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make
the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Site Development Review:
1. The approval of this application (PA 02-048), as conditioned, is consistent with the
intent/purpose of Chapter 8.104 (Site Development Review) of the Zoning Ordinance in that it will
promote orderly, attractive and harmonious site and structural development, resolves major project-related
issues, and ensures compliance with development regulations and the PD Zoning District.
2. The approval of this application, as conditioned, complies with the policies of the General
Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Planned Development Rezone Development Plan for the
project that allows for residential development at this location.
3. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in conformance with regional
transportation and growth management plans because road improvements and infrastructure
improvements will be made pursuant to a Planned Development Plan, Tentative Map conditions and a
related Development Agreement.
4. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in the best interests of the public health,
safety, and general welfare as the development is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implements
the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
5. The proposed site development, including site layout, vehicular access, circulation and
parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety, and similar elements, as conditioned, has been designed to
provide a harmonious environment for the development.
6. The subject site is physically suitable to the type and intensity of the approved
development because it is relatively flat and has suitable soils.
7. The visual impacts of the project were reviewed in the Eastern Dublin EIR and Greenbriar
Mitigated Negative Declaration and the project is consistent with applicable scenic corridor policies for
Tassaj ara Road.
8. The project has been designed with architectural considerations (including the character,
scale, design quality, and the relationship among buildings), along with Conditions of Approval, in order
to ensure compatibility among the design of this project, the character of adjacent uses, and the
requirements of public service agencies.
9. Landscape elements (including the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of
plant materials, provisions, and similar elements) combined with Conditions of Approval have been
established to ensure visual relief and an attractive public environment.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby
approve the Vesting Tentative Map and Site Development Review for PA 02-048 subject to the following
Conditions of Approval and subject to City Council approval of the proposed Stage 1 Development Plan
amendment, Stage 2 Development Plan, and CEQA Addendum:
Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of
building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Department of Community
Development review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies
responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: [ADM] Administration/City
Attorney, [B] Building division of the Community Development Department, [DSR] Dublin San
Ramon Services District, [F] Alameda County Fire Department/City of Dublin Fire Prevention, [FIN}
Finance Department, [PL] Planning division of the Community Development Department, [PO] Police,
[PW] Public Works Department.
PriOr to:
1. Approval. PA 02-048, Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc. - Tassajara Creek, PL, PW Approval of any
plan or filing of
Vesting Tentative Map 7414 is approved to subdivide an existing 20.34-acre parcel final map
into individual lots for 108 detached homes and open space, a stream corridor and a
regional trail. This approval shall conform generally to the plans, text, and
illustrations contained in the Planned Unit Development Plans dated received
October 10, 2003, including Sheets I through 8, prepared by Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar
and Associates (October 10, 2003), the Vesting Tentative Map prepared by RJA and
Associates, Sheets 9 through 14 (October 10, 2003), the Streetlight Plans prepared
by Giacalone Design Services, Inc., Sheets SL1 through SL3 (September 4, 2003),
the Landscape Plans Sheets L1 through L3 and the Tassajara Creek Restoration
Plan Sheet L4 prepared by The Guzzardo Partnership, Inc. (October 10, 2003), the
Architectural Plans Sheets 1 through 17 prepared by the Dahlin Group (September
12, 2003), and all other plans, programs, texts and diagrams submitted as part of the
subdivision proposal on file in the Community Development Department unless
modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein.
2. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of Various Various times,
but no later than
building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Issuance of
Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified Building
School District School Impact fees, Public Works Traffic Impact fees, City of Permits
Dublin Fire Impact fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu fees;
Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and
Water Connection fees; specific plan implementation fees and any other fees as
noted in the Development Agreement.
3. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all necessary permits Various Prior to issuance
required by other agencies (Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, of Grading
Sitework Permit
California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, State Water
Quality Control Board, etc.) and shall submit copies of the permits to the
Prior to:
Department of Public Works.
4. Infrastructure. The location and siting of project specific wastewater, bioswale, PL, PW Approval of
storm drain, recycled water, and potable water system infrastructure shall be Improvement
consistent with the resource management policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific
5. Solid Waste/Recycling. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the City's solid ADM On-going
waste management and recycling requirements.
6. Refuse Collection. The refuse collection service provider shall provide a letter PL Occupancy of
confirming that adequate space is provided to accommodate collection and sorting any building;
provisions for
of petrucible solid waste as well as source-separated recyclable materials generated collection to be
by the residents within this project, shown on plans
7. Water Quality Requirements. All development shall meet the water quality PL, PW Approval of
requirements of Alameda County's NPDES Permit No. CAS0029831 and the Final Map or
Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program. The Applicant/Developer shall submit Plans
a copy of a Notice of Intent obtained from the State Water Resources Control
Board, together with a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. In addition, all
storm water inlets within the street areas of the project shall be stenciled "No
Dumping - Drains to Bay" using a stencil approved by the City.
8. Removal of Obstructions. Applicant/Developer shall remove all trees including PW Issuance of
major root systems and other obstructions from building sites that are necessary for Grading Permit
(Demolition to
public improvements or for public safety as directed by the City Engineer. be shown on
9. Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. Applicant/Developer shall PW Approval of
comply with all applicable City of Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of Improvement
Plans through
Approval (Attachment A). In the event of a conflict between the Public Works
Typical Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these conditions shall
10. Development AgreementNesting Tentative Map Expiration. Prior to Final Map PW, PL Prior to Final
approval, the developer shall enter into a Development Agreement with the City map and On-
pursuant to the requirements of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Vesting going
Tentative Map shall expire at the standard time of two and one-half(2 1/2) years as
set forth in the Dublin Municipal Code and in the regulations of Section 66452.6 of
the Subdivision Map Act. In the event of conflict between the terms of the
Development Agreement and the Conditions of Approval contained herein, the
terms of the Development Agreement shall prevail.
11. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall conform to all B Through
building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. Completion
12. Action Programs/Mitigation Measures. Applicant/Developer shall comply with PL Approval of
all applicable action programs and mitigation measures of the Eastern Dublin Improvement
Plans through
General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan and companion Final Environmental completion
Impact Report (EIR) and the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for PA 98-062
that have not been made specific Conditions of Approval.
13. Ordinances/General Plan/Policies. The Developer shall comply with, meet, PW, PL Approval of
and/or perform all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, City of Dublin Final Map and
Issuance of
Subdivision Ordinance, City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, the City of Dublin Building
General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, City of Dublin Standard Conditions Permits
of Approval, Public Works Policies and City grading ordinance unless certain
Public Works requirements are modified by the City Engineer.
14. Clarification and Changes to Conditions. In the event that there needs to be PW Approval of
clarifications to these conditions of approval, the City Engineer has the authority to Final Map and
clarify the intent of these conditions of approval to the Applicant/Developer without Plans
going to a public hearing. The City Engineer also has the authority to make minor
Prior to:
modifications to these conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the
Applicant/Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from
impacts of this project.
15. Phased Occupancy Plan. If occupancy will occur in phases, then all physical B, PW, F, Prior to
improvements within each phase shall be completed prior to occupancy of any PL Occupancy of
any affected
buildings within that phase except for items specifically excluded in an approved building
Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor handwork items, approved by the Department of
Community Development. The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the
Director of Community Development and Public Works for review and approval a
minimum of 45 days prior to the request for occupancy of any building covered by
said Phased Occupancy Plan. Any phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular
access to all parcels in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and
purpose of the subdivision approval. No individual building shall be occupied until
the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, and provided with all reasonable
expected services and amenities, and separated from remaining additional
construction activity. Subject to approval of the Director of Community
Development, the completion of landscaping may be deferred due to inclement
weather with the posting of a bond for the value of the deferred landscaping and
associated improvements.
16. Preconstruction Survey. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Eastern PW, PL Issuance of
Dublin Specific Plan EIR mitigation measures for mitigating potentially significant k Permit
plant and animal species impacts. Within 60 days prior to any habitat modification,
Applicant/Developer shall submit a preconstruction survey, prepared by a biologist
(to be approved and hired by the City prior to commencement of the survey.) Said
survey shall examine whether any sensitive species exist on or adjacent to the site
and, if any exist, shall include recommended protection plans, including any
modifications to site design, for those sensitive species that may be discovered as a
result of the survey. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the cost of the
survey and staff review of the survey. The significance of any discoveries and
adequacy of recommended protection measures shall be subject to the discretion of
the Director of Community Development. Said protection plans and measures shall
occur at least 21 days prior to anticipated habitat modification. Any updated
surveys and/or studies that may be completed subsequently shall be submitted to the
Department of Community Development (MND 98-062)
17. Conditions of Approval. In submitting subsequent plans for review and approval, B, PW Approval of
Applicant/Developer shall submit six (6) sets of plans to the Public Works Improvement
Plans and Final
Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached a copy of these Map
Conditions of Approval with responses to conditions filled in indicating where on
the plans and/or how the condition is satisfied. A copy of the Standard Public
Works Conditions of Approval shall also be submitted which has been marked up to
indicate where on the plans and/or how the condition is satisfied. The notations
shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval and Standard Public Works
Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Improvement plans will not be
accepted without the annotated conditions and standards attached to each set of
plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of ali
participating non-City agencies.
P~ior to:
18. Building Permit. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer shall submit B Issuance of
eight (8) sets of construction plans to the Building Division for plan check. Each Building Permit
set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval.
The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have
been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated
resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible
for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies prior to the
issuance of building permits.
19. Air Conditioning Units. Air conditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be B. PL Occupancy of
screened from public view with a 6' wood fence or with materials compatible to the Unit
main building. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non-
movable materials to approved by the Building Official and Director of Community
20. Street Names and Address Numbering System. Prior to approval and recordation PW ~treet names to be
of the final map, street names shall be assigned to each public/private street ipproved prior to
~pproval of Final
pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 7.08. The Applicant/Developer shall propose Vlap: Addresses
a list of preferred and alternate street names for review and approval by the City and o be assigned
all interested outside agencies. Street names must not match or be closely similar to >rior to issuance
existing street names within Alameda County. After the map records but before ~f Building
Building Permits are issued, address numbers will be assigned to each dwelling unit ~ermits.
based on the existing address grid developed for Alameda County and available
from the Dublin Building Official. The Applicant/Developer is responsible for
developing the addressing scheme for review and approval by the Building Official.
21. Addressing: Cluster Homes shall have the dwelling address posted and back lit at B Through
or near the front door and the garage vehicle door. Completion
22. Street Name Sign Content. Street name signs shall display the name of the street PW Acceptance of
together with a City standard shamrock logo. Posts shall be galvanized steel pipe, Improvements
break away posts.
23. Slope protection area. Immediately prior to construction (within 3 days), the slope PL Immediately
protection area shall be surveyed thoroughly for Red-legged Frog (RLF) by the prior to
construction of
Ecological Monitor (EM). If a RLF is sighted, all work within 100 feet of the the slope
sighting shall cease until the biologist verifies that no RLF are present in the work protection area
area. Individuals surveying for frogs must meet the requirements contained in RLF
the adopted MND and Mitigation Monitoring Plan for PA 98-062. The construction
area shall then be hand cleared and a further survey made. At the conclusion of that
survey, the construction area must be fenced with erosion control fabric held in place
by t-posts and buried 4 inches in the surface to create a barrier to RLF movement intc
the construction area. The barrier shall be inspected daily to ensure it maintains its
integrity. Weekly surveys of both the construction and preservation zone shall be
conducted to more specifically define RLF locations and movement areas and ensure
that RLF do not move into the construction zone. (MM #1, #6 and #10)
A yearly monitor compliance report shall be submitted to the City by November 1st O~
each year during construction of project
24. Ecological monitor. During construction, an EM shall be on-site twice weekly to PL During
educate the construction crews as to the importance of the habitat on-site, ensure
unintended impact do not occur, and that construction practices minimize temporary
construction-related impacts. (MND PA98-062 & MM#4, #8 and #11)
25. Fencing of riparian zone. The riparian zone shall be fenced at all times during PL During
construction with bright orange construction fencing. The fencing shall be installed construction
at an off-set 10 feet from the edge of the riparian canopy to ensure no intrusion
occurs in these areas. (MND PA98-062 & MM #5, #9 & #12)
26. Revegetation. Following construction, the "disturbed" areas will be revegetated PL Following
with native species to restore riparian habitat. (MM #2 & #7). During construction, construction of
all tree roots greater than I inch in diameter exposed by excavation will be cut and bridges
leaned at pit edge and sealed. (MM#3)
27. Improvement Agreement and Security. Pursuant to §7.16.620 of the Municipal PW Approval of
Code and Subdivision Map Act §66499, the Applicant/Developer shall enter into Final Map
Improvement Agreement with the City at the time of Final Map approval to
guarantee the required subdivision improvements. The Agreement will require
Improvement Security to be posted to guarantee the faithful performance of the
permitted work and the payment for labor and materials. Such Security shall be in
the form of cash, a certified or cashier's check, a letter of credit, or surety bonds
executed by the Applicant/Developer and by a corporate surety authorized to do
business in California. The amount of the Security guaranteeing faithful
performance shall be 100% of the estimated cost of the work. The amount of the
Security guaranteeing the payment for labor and materials shall be 100% of the
estimated cost of the work. The Applicant/Developer shall provide an estimate of
these costs with the first submittal of the final map and improvement plans for
28. Release of Security. When all improvements governed by the Improvement ?w Acceptance of
Agreement are complete to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the City Council Improvements
will consider accepting the improvements and releasing the Security. Prior to the by City Council
Council's acceptance, the Applicant/Developer shall furnish the following to the
a) A Maintenance Bond or other replacement security in an amount equal to
25% of the estimated cost of the work to guarantee against defects for a
one-year period.
b) As-Built or Record Drawings printed on mylar of all Improvement Plans
and maps associated with the project.
c) Digital computer files of the plans in a format compatible with the City's
GIS system.
d) A recorded copy of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions that govern
the project.
e) A Declaration or Report by the project Geotechnicai Engineer confirming
that all geotechnical and grading work associated with the project has been
performed in accordance with the Engineer's recommendations.
f) Payment of any outstanding City fees or other debts.
g) Any other information deemed necessary by the City Engineer.
29. Quitclaim of Private Access Easement. According to the Preliminary Title Report PW Approval of
by Old Republic Title Company dated 8/22/02 (Order No. 313545-SU), a 20'-wide Final Map
private access easement was granted across Lot 130 of Tract 7075 for the benefit of
Lots 131 and F. Since Lots 131 and F will be accessed from Street "A" when the
final map for Tract 7414 records, the existing easement shall be quitclaimed by the
owner(s) of Lots 131 and F, and a replacement easement across Street "A" shall be
30. Public Service Easement Dedications. Applicant/Developer shall dedicate a PW Approval of
public service easement over the entire width of the private street right-of-way for Final Map
Somerset Lane, Maymont Lane, and Street "A", and over the private access
easements for the private courts. In addition, Applicant/Developer shall dedicate a
5' wide Public Service Easement along both sides of Somerset Lane (except at the
bridge), Maymont Lane (except at the bridge), and Street "A".
Applicant/Developer shall dedicate a minimum 10' wide Public Service Easement
over any needed joint utility trench lines and storm drain lines to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer. Applicant/Developer shall also provide Public Utility Easements
per the requirements of the City Engineer and/or public utility companies as
necessary to serve this area with utility services, utility structures and allow for
vehicular and utility service access.
31. Dedication and Improvement of Emergency Vehicle Access Easements. PW, PO Approval o£
Applicant/Developer shall dedicate an emergency vehicle access easement (EVAE) Improvement
Plans and Final
over the private portions of Somerset Lane, Maymont Lane, and Street "A".
Map; EVA to be
Applicant/Developer shall also dedicate an emergency vehicle access easement Constructed as
over the maintenance road on Parcels A and G, connecting Somerset Lane to the required by
north end of Street "A". The grading, paved access and improvements shall be ACFD to serve
constructed in accordance to City street standards and approved by the City each Phase
Engineer, Zone 7 and ACFD.
32. Dedication and Improvement of Fire/Emergency Access. Applicant/Developer PW, PO Approval of
shall provide adequate access and turn-around for fire and other emergency vehicles Improvement
Plans and Final
(32 foot minimum radii for cul-de-sacs or approved hammerhead) per Alameda
Map; EVA to be
County Fire Department (ACFD) standard requirements in all public streets and constructed as
Courts. Internal private streets and drive aisles shall be designed for fire and other required by
emergency vehicles to conveniently pass through (20 foot minimum lane width) and ACFD to serve
have access to all buildings, each Phase
33. Dedication and Improvement of Somerset Lane and Maymont Lane (Public PW, F Dedication to
Street) Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to the City of Dublin and improve occur on Final
Map; Streets to
Somerset Lane and Maymont Lane from Creekview Drive to the west bank of be constructed
Tassajara Creek as public streets. The width for Somerset Lane shall be a 46' right- and opened to
of-way, with a 32' curb-to-curb width, with a 10' sidewalk on the north side of the the public as
street. The width for Maymont Lane shall be a 42' right-of-way, with a 32' curb-to- required by
curb width, with a 5' sidewalk on the south side of the street. The public portion of ACFD and PW
to serve each
the road shall include a cul-de-sac turnaround on the west side of the creek, with a Phase
minimum radius of 30'. The west end of the road shall include a concrete curb and
gutter and a decorative pavement band to clearly delineate the limits of public
ownership. The cul-de-sac drainage shall be designed so that all runoff from the
public portion of the street is intercepted by inlets and does not drain onto the
private street.
34. Improvement of Somerset Lane and Maymont Lane Bridges Applicant/ PW, Approval of
Developer shall construct two bridges over Tassajara Creek within the Somerset Zone 7 Bridge Plans;
Bridges to be
Lane and Maymont Lane public rights-of-way, as shown on the tentative map. The constructed and
final bridge design shall be approved by the City Engineer and by Zone 7, and shall opened to the
be consistent with the requirements of any permits issued by jurisdictional agencies, public as
The bridge abutments shall be designed to resist adverse impacts from potential required by
creek scour in conformance with the letters from Zone 7 dated October 1, 2003, and ACFD and PW
to serve each
from Biggs Cardoza Associates dated August 28, 2003, as required by the City Phase
Engineer and Zone 7 during final bridge design. The final bridge design shall allow
for the bridges to remain serviceable (open to vehicle traffic) and resistant to
damage at both the span and the approaches in the event of scour. The depth of the
sewer siphon shall be increased as required by Zone 7. Final review of the siphon
shall be subject to review by Zone 7.
35. Improvement and Dedication of Somerset Lane, Maymont Lane, and Street PW Dedication to
"A" (Private Streets). Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to the Homeowner's occur on Final
Map; Streets to
Association and improve Somerset Lane, Maymont Lane, and Street "A" as shown be constructed
on the tentative map. Private right-of-way width shall be 45', with a curb-to-curb and opened to
~vidth of 36' and a 4.5' sidewalk on both sides of the street. The curb-to-curb width the public as
may vary as shown on the tentative map to accommodate right-angle parking and required b.y ....
landscape bulbouts. The sidewalk shall widen to a width of 6' along all right-angle ACFD and PW
to serve each
parking spaces to accommodate vehicle overhang. Phase
36. Improvement and Dedication of Private Courts Applicant/Developer shall PW Dedication to
improve and dedicate to the Homeowner's Association the private courts, as shown occur on Final
Map; Courts to
on the tentative map. The courts shall be located in a reciprocal access easement in be constructed
favor of the adjoining lots. Pavement width shall be 22' minimum, with a minimum and opened to
of 28' between the faces of the garages, the public as
required by
to serve each
37. Tassajara Creek Parcel Lot Line Adjustment/Open Space Easement PW Prior to
Approval of the
Abandonment Applicant/Developer shall complete a lot line adjustment between Final Map
Parcels "J" and "A" (access parcels) and Parcels "C", "D" and "E" (creek parcels)
and Lot 130 of Tract 7075 to conform with the currently proposed location of the
Maymont Lane and Somerset Lane extensions. Further, the Applicant/Developer
shall process an application for abandonment of the existing open space easement
over Parcel 130 of Tract 7075 to conform with the revised Somerset Lane and
Maymont Lane extension. The easement abandonment must be approved by the
City Council. If Council approval is not obtained, then the bridge alignments shall
be moved to the original alignments created on the Tract 7075 final map.
38. Zone 7 Parcels A, B, and C (Tassajara Creek) PL, PW, Acceptance of
Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to Zone 7 the stream/open space corridor ZONE 7 the
Parcels "A", "B", and "C" as shown on the tentative map. by the City
39. Tassajara Regional Trail Improvements. Applicant/Developer shall construct PL, PW, Trail to be
the Tassajara Creek Regional Trail on the west side of Parcel "A", from the north EBRPD, constructed and
ZONE 7 opened to the
side of Somerset Lane to the north end of Lot 131 of Tract 7075, abutting the East public as
Bay Regional Park District property. Trail improvements shall consist of a 14' wide required by
paved trail with a 4' gravel shoulder on the east (creek) side and a 2' gravel ACFD and PW
shoulder and a concrete ditch on the west side, as shown on the tentative map. The to serve each
trail shall be constructed per Zone 7 and East Bay Regional Park District standards. Phase
The north end of the trail shall be designed to allow for a smooth extension onto the
Park District property to the north. Final design shall be subject to approval of both
agencies, as well as the City Engineer and Alameda County Fire Department. Trail
improvements shall include fencing, bollards, and/or gates for unauthorized vehicle
control at the entrances, including installation ora 2-rail fence along the east side of
trail through Lot 131The Applicant/Developer shall be eligible for Eastern Dublin
Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) credits for the regional trail construction, as well as the
widened walkway on the Somerset Lane bridge, as shown in the latest update of the
40. Local Trail Improvements, Parcel B. Applicant/Developer shall construct a PL, PW, Zone 7's
public bicycle/pedestrian path on the west side of Parcel "B", from Maymont Lane ZONE 7 acceptance of
Parcel B, but not
to Somerset Lane. Improvements shall consist of an 8'-wide paved trail, a 6'-wide later than the
gravel shoulder on the east (creek) side, a 2'-wide gravel should on the west side, City Council's
and a 2'-wide concrete ditch on the west side, as shown on the tentative map. The acceptance of
trail shall be constructed per Zone 7 standards. Final design shall be subject to the the tract
approval of the Zone 7 and the City Engineer. Trail improvements shall include improvements.
fencing, bollards, and/or gates for unauthorized vehicle control at the entrances.
41. Zone 7 Maintenance Road, Parcel C Applicant/Developer shall construct a Pl, PW, Zone 7's
maintenance road on the west side of Parcel "C", from Maymont Lane south to ZONE 7 acceptance of
Parcel C, but not
Parcel "D". Improvements shall consist of a 16' gravel road with a 2' wide concrete later than the
Prior to:
ditch on the west side of the road. The trail shall be constructed per Zone 7 City Council's
standards. Trail improvements shall include fencing and gates at the Maymont Lane acceptance of
the tract
entry to prevent public use. improvements.
42. Zone 7 Parcel D (Tassajara Creek) PL, PW, Zone 7's
Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to Zone 7 the open space/creek parcel Parcel ZONE 7 acceptance of
Parcel D, but not
"D" as shown on the tentative map. Applicant/Developer shall construct a later than the
maintenance road on Parcel "D", from the north end of the parcel (connecting to the City Council's
road on Parcel "C"), and extending south along the edge of the creek to a point 250' acceptance of
to the south, at which point the road will curve to the west away from the creek to a the tract
connection point with the maintenance road on the adjoining Alameda County improvements.
property. A spur road shall be extended along the westerly edge of the property to a
point 500' south of the north end of the property; a hammerhead turnaround
acceptable to Zone 7 shall be provided at the south end of the road. The roads and
any associated grading shall maintain a minimum 50' setback from the proposed
frog pond. Improvements for the main road shall consist of a 16' -wide gravel road,
with a 2' -wide concrete ditch for the northerly 250' of the road along the creek;
the ditch may be eliminated along the remainder of the road provided it is graded in
a manner that allows sheetflow across the road and flows are not concentrated.
Concrete, turfblock, or other approved material shall provided on the road to
provide adequate traction on grades, as required by Zone 7. The spur road shall
consist of gravel or a suitable all-weather surface such as turfblock, without a ditch.
The spur road shall follow the alignment of the existing dirt road along the westerly
property line, and shall be designed to minimize grading and to maintain a
migratory corridor for frogs. Roads shall have a maximum grade of 8% and a
minimum inside radius of 35', or with exceptions as as allowed by Zone 7.
Improvements shall include construction ora gate at the Alameda County property
connection. All improvements shall conform to the Zone 7 creek setback criteria,
which is a 2.5:1 projection from the toe to the ground. Improvements shall
generally conform to the preliminary plan shown on the tentative map. Final design
shall be subject to the approval of Zone 7, the City Engineer, and the Director of
Community Development.
In the event that Zone 7 has not been able to secure a connection onto the Alameda
County property prior to the City Council's acceptance of the tract improvements,
Applicant/Developer may, with the City's approval, modify the maintenance road
to eliminate the connection to the Alameda County property. The revised access
shall include adequate access and turnaround provisions for Zone 7, and shall
conform to the other provisions listed above. Applicant/Developer shall make
provisions, on the final map or through separate agreement, for maintenance of the
frog pond by the Tassajara Creek Maintenance Association, by the Homeowner's
Association or other parties.
43. Tassajara Creek - License Agreement for Trail Use. Applicant/Developer shall PL, PW, Zone 7's
cooperate with the City and Zone 7 to amend the City's license agreement with EBRPD, acceptance of
ZONE 7 any parcel
Zone 7, dated March 18, 1987, which grants to the City the use of Zone 7 creek
within Tassajara
maintenance roads for public pedestrian and bicycle access. Specifically, the license Creek, but not
agreement shall be amended to cover the regional trail on Parcel "A", and the local later than the
trail on Parcel "B". Furthermore, the Applicant/Developer shall enter into a City Council's
sublicense agreement with the City transferring the maintenance and liability for the acceptance of
the tract
local trail to the Tassajara Creek Maintenance Association. The Applicant/ improvements.
Developer shall cooperate with the City to develop a separate sublicense agreement
between the City and the East Bay Regional Park District,
transferring maintenance of the regional trail on Parcel "A" and Lot 131 to the
EBRPD. In the event that EBR?D is unwilling to accept maintenance of the
PriOr to:
regional trail, the sublicense agreement with the Association shall be amended to
cover the regional trail as well as the local trail.
44. Stream Restoration Plan. This project is subject to the Eastern Dublin PL, PW, Approval of
Comprehensive Stream Restoration Program. The coneptual landscape plans for the EBRPD, Improvement
ZONE 7 Plans;
project incorporates the recommendations of the Tassajara Creek Subdivision Restoration
Tassajara Creek Restoration Plan prepared by Olberding Environmental, Inc. dated Work to be
August 1, 2003, A final landscape plan shall be submitted for the riparian Constructed
restoration and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Prior to
Community Development and by the City's Landscape Architect. The approved Acceptance of
plan shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Dublin. Creek
restoration work (e.g.: removal of exotic plantings, supplemental native plants, etc.)
shall be determined prior to construction by a biologist retained by the City and
shall meet the requirements of the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan
EIR and the Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project. Restoration work shall
be completed according to the timeframe contained in the Restoration Program.
Trail and maintenance road construction shall be coordinated with any restoration
work required under the Stream Corridor Restoration Program. Developer-provided
bond or other financial security mechanism may be required. Tree plantings shall be
located a minimum of 4 feet away from the regional trail.
45. Open Space Parcels E, F, and G Applicant/Developer shall dedicate Open Space Dedication to
occur on Final
Parcels "E", "F", and "G"to Zone 7. If Zone 7 will not accept the parcels they Map;
shall be dedicated to the HOA for Tract 7414.Applicant/Developer shall install Landscaping to
improvements on parcels as shown on the tentative map, including a vegetated be constructed
bioswale ,landscaping and fencing. A final landscape plan shall be submitted for as required by
Parcels E, F and G and shall be subject to the review by the City's landscape PL and PW to
architect. Final design of the bioswale and landscaping shall be to the satisfaction serve each Phase
of the City Engineer and Director of Commuhity Development. Maintenance and
performance standards shall be submitted for review and approval by the City
Engineer and the Director of Community Development. Maintenance of these
parcels shall be the responsibility of the Tassajara Creek Maintenance Association.
46. Open Space Parcel H Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to the Homeowner's PW Dedication to
occur on Final
Association Open Space Parcel "H", as shown on the tentative map. Applicant/ Map;
Developer shall install improvements on parcels as shown on the tentative map, Landscaping to
including landscaping. A final landscape plan shall be submitted for Parcel H and be constructed
shall be subject to the review by the City's landscape architect. Final design of the as required by
landscaping shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of PL and PW to
Community Development. Maintenance standards shall be submitted for review serve adjacent
and approval by the City Engineer and the Director of Community Development.
Maintenance of this parcels shall be the responsibility of the Homeowner's
47. Trash/Debris Removal on Open Space Parcels. The restoration/landscaping Pw, PL Approval of
work on Parcels A-G shall include removal of all abandoned vehicles, equipment, Improvement
Plans and Final
debris, and trash along the creek banks. In addition, the existing access roads shall Map; Cleanup
be disked, ripped, or otherwise obliterated to allow planting of replacement Work to be
vegetation. The existing bridge shall be removed, with the abutments left in place. Completed Prior
This work shall be noted on the improvement and landscaping plans, to the Git>,
Acceptance of
the tract
48. Survey Control. Survey monuments shall be set in finished public streets and at PW Acceptance of
designated property corners or other control points in accordance with the final Improvements
by City Council
maps recorded for this project, and as required by the City Engineer. Said street
Prior to:
monuments shall be set within twenty (20) seconds for any angle and 1 in 10,000
feet for distances between monuments as required by Municipal Code {}9.20.040.
In addition, pursuant to Subdivision Map Act {}66497, the surveyor of record shall,
within five days after the final setting of all monuments has been completed, give
written notice to the City Engineer that the final monuments have been set. The
Applicant/Developer shall then present evidence to the City Engineer of the
payment and receipt of payment by the surveyor of record for the monument
49. ADA Requirements/Handicap Ramps. All handicap ramps shall comply with all PW Acceptance of
current State disabled access requirements and City of Dublin Standards. Improvements
or Occupancy of
First Unit in
affected Phase
50. Storm Drain Improvements. Applicant/Developer shall install all storm drain PW, Approval of
improvements in general conformance with the tentative map, except that a public ZONE 7 Improvement
Plans; Storm
drainage easement shall be dedicated over Parcel "F"., The Tassajara Creek Drainage
Maintenance Association shall provide vegetation maintenance in the Parcel "F" Improvements
swale. Storm drain improvements shall include a Stormcepter manhole or similar to be
pollutant filter at the outfall of the storm drain into Tassajara Creek. The manhole Constructed
Prior to
and/or property lines shall be amended to locate the manhole within the Maymont Acceptance of
Lane public right-of-way and outside the Zone 7 parcel. Applicant/Developer shall Improvements
be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits from regulatory agencies for the or Occupancy of
outfall construction. Final design of the storm drain system and outfall shall be First Unit in
subject to approval by Zone 7 and the City Engineer. affected Phase
51. Storm Drain Maintenance Responsibilities Applicant/Developer shall dedicate PW Approval of
easements to the City over those portions of the storm drain system conveying Final Map
runoff from public streets, consisting of the outfall, Stormcepter manhole, and
pipes in Parcel "C",, and the system within the public portions of Somerset Lane
and Maymont Lane.. The Homeowner's Association and/or Tassajara Creek
Maintenance Association shall maintain the remaining portions of the system.
52. Storm Inlet on Adjoining Alameda County Property. According to the PW Approval of
preliminary utility plan by Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar Inc. (Sheet 3 of the Tentative Map Plans
exhibits), a storm water inlet is proposed on Alameda County property just west of
the driveway separating Lots 70 and 74. Before installing said inlet, the
Applicant/Developer shall submit written evidence that Alameda County has
granted permission for this off-site improvement, and shall demonstrate that the
Homeowner's Association will have a right to maintain the inlet in perpetuity. In
the event the easement cannot be obtained, the project shall be modified to locate
the inlet within Lots 70 and 74.
53. Parkland Dedication - The developer shall be required to pay a Public Facilities PW Approval of
Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in City of Dublin Resolution No. 60- Final Map
99, adopted by the City Council on April 6, 1999, or in the amounts and at the
times set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee, as
implemented by the Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution 195-99. No
credit against the dedication requirement shall be given for open space within this
54. Streetlights. Streetlights on City streets inside project shall be the City Standard PW Approval of
cobra head luminaries with galvanized poles. Either standard City cobra head Improvement
luminaries or approved decorative lights may be used on residential private streets.
Streetlights to be
Decorative lights shall be designed so as to not shine into adjacent windows. (All Constructed
publicly-maintained street lights shall be annexed into the Citywide Street Light Prior to
Maintenance Assessment District 1983-1 (for standard corbra-head type fixtures), Acceptance of
or into the Dublin Ranch Street Light Maintenance Assessment District 1999-1. Improvements
................ or Occupancy of
PriOr to:
All decorative street lights shall be maintained by the Homeowner's Association. First Unit in
A street lighting plan which demonstrates compliance with this condition shall be affected Phase
submitted prior to recordation of the Final Map and shall be subject to review and
approval by the City Engineer. The type of residential streetlights used shall be
located only on private streets and private court and shall be reviewed and
approved by the City Engineer.
55. Graded Slopes/Erosion Control. All landscaped and graded slopes in open space PW October I of
and creek areas shall be hydroseeded and treated with erosion control measures each year
upon completion to prevent soil erosion. The hydroseed mix shall be subject to
approval by the Director of Public Works.
56. Geotechnical Report and Recommendations. The Applicant/Developer shall PW Issuance of
incorporate the recommendations of the Geotechnical report prepared for the Grading/Sitewor
k Permit
project, and additional mitigation measures required by the City Engineer into the
project. The Geotechnical Engineer shall certify that the project design conforms
to the report recommendations prior to issuance of a Grading/sitework Permit.
57. Grading on Adjacent Koller Property. According to the Vesting Tentative Tract Pw Issuance of
Map exhibits by Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar & Associates, grading work is necessary on Grading/Sitewor
the adjoining Koller (Lot 131 of Tract 7075) property. Before commencing ~vith k Permit
any off-site grading, the Applicant/Developer shall provide written evidence from
the adjoining property owner that this work is allowed.
58. Retaining Walls. All retaining walls over 30 inches in height and in a walkway B, PW Through
shall be provided with guardrails. Ali retaining walls over 24 inches with a Completion
surcharge or 36 inches without a surcharge shall obtain permits and inspections
from the Building Division.
59. Stop Sign Locations Applicant/Developer shall modify the existing intersections PW Occupancy of
on Creekview Drive at Somerset Lane and Maymont Lane to provide a STOP sign, the First Unit in
bar, and legend on the new west approach to each intersection, affected Phase
60. Somerset Lane and Street "A" Intersection. Applicant/Developer shall install a PW Occupancy of
3-way STOP control at the intersection Somerset Lane and Street A". any Unit in
affected Phase
61. Maymont Lane and Street "A" Applicant/Developer shall install s 3-way STOP PW Occupancy of
control at the intersection of Maymont Lane and Street "A". any Building in
affected Phase
62. Parking Assignment Eight (8) parking spaces shall be restricted by signing or PW Occupancy of
markings for the exclusive use of the below-market rate units, as shown on the any below
market rate
parking exhibit of the Planned Unit Development. The remaining spaces shall be
unassigned and available to all residents and their guests..
63. No Parking. Applicant/developer shall install no parking anytime signs or painted PW Occupancy of
red curbs on Somerset Lane and Maymont Lane between Creekview Drive and the any Building in
affected Phase
west end of the public street. On-site parking shall be restricted to designated
parking areas only. Areas along Street "A" that are not designated for parking shall
have "No Stopping - Fire Lane" (Caltrans standard R26F) signs posted at
appropriate intervals.
64. Tassajara Road/1-580 Interchange Improvement Cost Contribution. Applicant/ PW Issuance of
Developer has previously paid a pro-rata share of the design and construction cost Building
of interchange improvements at the Tassajara Road/1-580 interchange, as
determined by the City Engineer. Developer shall receive credit towards the
subdivision Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) for such contribution to interchange
improvements in accordance to the City TIF credit policies.
Prior toI
65. Improvements. All improvements shall be to the satisfaction of Zone 7. Zone 7 Approval of
66. Tassajara Creek. The subject property is located on Tassajara Creek (Line K). Zone 7 Zone 7's
This portion of Tassajara Creek is included in Zone 7's "Project 1" Area, therefore, acceptance of
Zone 7 cannot reimburse for any channel improvements but can take ownership if any parcel
improvements are made to Zone 7 satisfaction Creek
67. Requirements and Fees. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Alameda Zone 7, PW SDA 7-1 fees to
County Flood Control and Water Conservation District-Zone 7 Flood Control be paid as
follows: For
requirements and applicable fees. Impervious Area
within the
streets to be paid
prior to approval
of Final Map;
For Impervious
Area within
each lot to be
paid at the time
of issuance of
each Building
68. Salt Mitigation. Recycled water projects must meet any applicable salt mitigation Approval of
requirements of Zone 7. Improvement
69. Wells. Any water wells, cathodic protection wells or exploratory borings shown on Zone 7, PW Issuance of
the map that are known to exist, are proposed or are located during field operations k Permit
without a documented intent of future use, filed with Zone 7, are to be destroyed
prior to any demolition or construction activity in accordance with a well
destruction permit obtained from Zone 7 and the Alameda County Department of
Environmental Services or are to be maintained in accordance with applicable
groundwater protection ordinances. Other wells encountered prior to or during
construction are to be treated similarly
70. Trees. Thc Applicant/Developer shall install all trees within the site, Somerset PL, PW Approval of
Lane, and Maymont Lane from the face of curb to the site right-of-way, and all Improvement
street trees proposed within the public service easements, to the design and Plans;
Landscaping to
specifications of the Specific Plan and City of Dublin specifications, and to the be Constructed
satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Community Development. Street Prior to
tree varieties shall be planted along all street frontages and shall be shown on the Acceptance of
Landscaping plans; at least 20% of the trees shall be a minimum size of 24"-box, Improvements
or Occupancy of
three trees shall be 36" box and the remainder shall be a minimum size of 15 First Unit in
gallon. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the affected Phase.
City Engineer prior to planting. The proposed variety of trees to be planted
adjacent to sidewalks or curbs shall be submitted for review and approval by the
City Engineer. Root barriers shall be required unless other~vise determined by the
City Engineer and the Director of Community Development.
71. Landscaping. The Applicant/Developer shall install all landscaping within the site, PL, PW Occupancy of
Somerset Lane, and Maymont Lane from the face of curb to the site right-of-way, to the First Unit in
affected Phase
the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Community Development.
Eighty percent (80%) of all shrubs shall be five (5) gallon can size and the balance
shall be one (1) gallon can size minimum.
Prio~ to:
72. Project Entries and Focal Areas. The Applicant/Developer shall install enhanced PL, PW Occupancy of
landscaping at the entrances to the project along both sides of Somerset Lane and the First Unit in
Maymount Lane from the trail to the residential lots to the to the satisfaction of the affected Phase
City Engineer and Director of Community Development. Landscaping may include
retaining walls as necessary, 24" box trees, five gallon shrubs, ground cover and
73. Parcel "E" Landscaping. The Applicant/Developer shall construct all landscaping PL, PW Occupancy of
within Parcel "E", from the face of walkway to the maintenance road, to the the First Unit in
satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Community Development. Trees, affected Phase
shrubs and ground cover selected for this area shall be native and shall be irrigated
with a fully automatic underground irrigation system.
74. Parcels "F and G" Bioswale. The Applicant/Developer shall construct the PL, PW Occupancy of
bioswale within Parcels"F and G", to satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director the First Unit in
of Community Development. Design of the bioswale shall be to current Best affected Phase
Management Practices and shall include a subdrain system. Trees, shrubs and
ground cover selected for this area shall be installed to provide an appropriate
transitional landscape area between the trail, bioswale and the homes. All plants
shall be native with the exception of the hydroseeded perennial grasses and shall be
irrigated with a fully automatic underground irrigation system.
75. Parcel "H" Landscaping. The Applicant/Developer shall construct all landscaping PL, PW Occupancy of
within Parcel "H", to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of the First Unit in
Community Development. Trees, shrubs, ground cover and grasses selected for this affected Phase
area shall be native and compatible with the oak grassland ecosystem. All ground
cover, shrubs and trees shall be irrigated with a fully automatic underground
irrigation system. Additional improvements shall include installation of one heavy
duty park bench to be located near the sidewalk.
76. Open Space and Stream Corridor Parcel Landscaping. The landscape PL, PW Approval of
improvements for creek open spaces and stream corridor Parcels "A"-"H" shall be Improvement
installed by Applicant/Developer concurrently with the development of the adjacent Plans;
Landscaping to
residential parcel unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer or the be Constructed
Development Agreement. Restoration/establishment plans, maintenance standards Prior Occupancy
and monitoring programs are required for all stream corridors and open space areas of First Unit in
that are proposed to be planted with trees and shrubs and shall be approved by the affected Phase
City Engineer and the Community Development Director.
77. Fencing. The Applicant/Developer shall construct all fencing to the satisfaction of Occupancy of
the City Engineer and Director of Community Development. Fencing shall be the First Unit in
generally consistent with the Fencing Location Exhibit with the folowing affected Phase
a) Install 2 rail fence at the property line, north from Lot 1 along back of walk
to the opening of the EVA Regional trail. Continue 2 rail fence on
opposite side of EVA trail along property line to north corner of property,
and westerly to Koller drive. Continue 2 rail fence at property line west
from Koller drive to private lattice top wood fence.
b) Install 2 rail fence from Lot 46 to Lot 50 at property line adjacent to open
c) Install open wire fence at the ends of the common driveways, along the
property line, from Lot 2 to 4, from Lot 6 to 9, from Lot 13 to 17, from Lot
20 to 23, from Lot 26 to 29, from Lot 32 t 35, from Lot 38 to 41, and from
Lot 43 to 45. Provide detail for this fencing.
d) Install 2 rail fence from east comer of Lot 105 to the Koller driveway.
e) Install open wire fence from Maymont bridge south along the east side of
the maintenance road to the gates
f) install 2 rail fence from the Maymont bridge to the Somerset bridge, along
Prior to:
thc eastern edge of the maintenance road.
g) Install 2 rail fence from Somerset bridge to thc northernmost property line
of Parcel ';A' and then through Lot 131 to the EBRPD boundary, along
thc east side of thc EVA trail.
h). Install gates and/or other traffic control devices, at each intersection of thc
EVA trail and maintenance road with project streets, to the approvals of
thc director of Public Works and Community Director and Zone 7.
i) Install open wire fence along west side of Lot 51 adjacent to open space
j) All retaining wall design and construction shall be consistent with the
design and construction of the perimeter wall.
78. Bridge Enhancements. The Applicant/Developer shall add columns at each end PL, PW Acceptance of
and each side of the bridges with a similar design as the entry monuments as shown Public
on sheet L-2 and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of by City Council
Community Development.
79. Tree Protection and Preservation. The Applicant/Developer shall follow the tree PL Ongoing during
preservation guidelines per the Tree Report for Phase 3, Yarra Yarra Ranch, Dublin, Construction
CA, prepared by HortScience, lnc, September 2003: Specifically:
a) Tree Preservation Notes shall be placed on all civil, landscape, and bridge
b) The consulting arborist will identify a Tree Protection Zone for all trees to
be preserved, in which no soil disturbance is permitted, except as approved
by the Arborist.
c) Any herbicides placed under paving materials must be safe for use around
trees and labeled for that use.
d) Fence all trees to be retained, to completely enclose the Tree Protection
Zone prior to demolition, grubbing, or grading. Fences shall be orange
construction fencing or equal. Fencing shall be placed at the drip-line, and
shall remain until all grading and construction is completed.
e) Trees in the area of the creek crossings shall be pruned by a Certified
Arborist or Tree Worker, according to ANSI A300 and Z 133 standards, as
well as the Best Management Practices of the International Society of
Arboriculture, to provide adequate clearance for construction. Clearance
shall be provided by selectively thinning low-hanging lateral branches.
f) Any grading, construction, demolition or other work within the Tree
Protection Zone shall be monitored by the Consulting Arborist.
g) Any root pruning required for construction shall receive the prior approval
of, and be supervised by, the Consulting Arborist.
h) If injury should occur to any tree during construction, it shall be evaluated
as soon as possible by the Consulting Arborist so that appropriate
treatments can be applied.
i) No excess soil, chemicals, debris, equipment, or other materials shall be
dumped or stored within the Tree Protection Zone.
j) Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance during construction must
be performed by a Certified Arborist and not by construction personnel.
80. Open Space Management Program. The Open Space Management Program by PW Program
prior to:
Oberding Environmental dated January 15, 2003 shall be revised as needed to Approval of
resulting from adopted conditions of approval of thc Vesting Tentative Map. The Final Map.
revised Open Space Management Program shall be submitted for approval by the CC&R's
submitted prior
Community Development Department. The Open Space Management Program to Recordation
shall reflect any changes in the open spaces resulting from conditions of approval of of Final Map
the project. The Management Program for Open Space areas shall be in addition to and approved
prior to
any Fire Buffer Zone and shall address maintenance of enhanced landscape areas, Occupancy' of
noxious weed control and fire control. Standards to ensure the healthy establishment An>' Unit
and survival of all Open Space plantings shall be designated in the Open Space
Management Program and shall be subject to final review and approval by the City
at Applicant/Developer's expense. The program shall include provisions for
mowing and removal of cut plant materials, debris, and other miscellaneous trash
items. The requirements of this program shall be included in the Maintenance
Association CC&R's and shall be subject to review and approval by the Community
Development Director and City Engineer. Any necessary restoration of Open Space
plantings shall be the responsibility of the Maintenance Association, and shall be
completed according to the time frame contained within the Management Program.
If the Open Space plantings are not maintained according to the standards
established by the Management Program, the City will have the right, but not the
obligation, to take corrective measures and to bill the Maintenance Association for
the cost of such maintenance and corrective measures plus the City overhead costs.
81. Landscape Maintenance Applicant/Developer shall maintain landscaping after PL, PW Acceptance of
City-approved installation until the appropriate Homeowner's Association or the Improvements
Tassajara Creek Maintenance Association is established or amended to assume the by' City Council
maintenance responsibilities. This maintenance shall include replanting, reseeding,
irrigation, weeding and the application of pre-emergent chemicals.
82. Landscaping at Aisle Intersections. Landscaping at aisle intersections shall be PL, PW Approval of
such that sight distance is not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be Improvement
higher than 30 inches above the curb in these areas.
83. Landscape plantings. Establishment and Maintenance of required and/or optional PW, PL Acceptance of
landscape plantings shall be the responsibility of the developer. A boned or other Improvements
assurance may be required to ensure survival of plantings, by City Council
84. Utilities Service Report and Plan. Applicant/Developer shall submit will-serve ?w, PL Approval of
letters to the City Engineer and Community Development Director to document that Improvement
domestic fresh water, electricity, gas, telephone, and cable television service will be
provided to each residence.
85. Utility Boxes shown on Landscape Plans. Applicant/Developer shall show all PW, PL Approval of
utility boxes or structures over 2 feet square on the Landscape planting plan Plans
showing how the utility boxes will be screened and blended in the proposed
landscape of street parkways and other areas. Also the boxes shall be placed not to
interrupt spacing of street trees and other landscape features to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer and Community Development Director.
86. Joint Utility Trenches/Undergrounding/Utility Plans. Applicant/Developer shall PW Occupancy of
construct all joint utility trenches (such as electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas) in affected units
accordance with the appropriate utility jurisdiction. All communication vaults,
electric transformers, cable TV boxes, blow-off valves and any appurtenant utility
items thereto shall be underground and located behind the proposed sidewalk within
the public service easement, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer and
any applicable agency. Conduit shall be under the sidewalk within the public right
of way to allow for street tree planting. Utility plans, showing the location of all
Prior to:
proposed utilities (including electrical vaults and underground transformers) behind
the sidewalk shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. Location of
these items shall be shown on the Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. Any above
ground utilities of boxes over 3' x3' shall be screened from public view to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
87. DSRSD Conditions. All in-tract potable and recycled water and wastcwatcr DSR
pipelines and facilities shall be constructed by the Applicant/Developer in
accordance with all DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and
requirements. Applicant/Developer shall also comply with all of the following
General Conditions
a) Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the Issuance of
requirements of the DSRSD Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Building
Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities," all applicable
DSRSD Master Plans and policies, and all Recycled Water Design and Construction
b) All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate future flow Issuance of
demands in addition to each development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains Building
shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility master planning. Permits
c) Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer Approval of
system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme Improvement
circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station
will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design
criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require
payment of present value 20-year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a
separate agreement with Applicant/Developer for any project that requires a pumping
d) Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for residential tracts or commercial Approval of
developments shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead-end sections Improvement
in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound
engineering practices.
e) DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines to be located in public streets rather Approval of
than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, public sewer or Improvement
water easements must be established over the alignment of each public server or water line
in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or
f) The locations and widths of all proposed easement dedications for ~vater and sewer lines Issuance of
shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD. Grading Permit
g) All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by separate instrument irrevocably Approval of
offered to DSRSD or by offer of dedication on the Final Map. Final Map
h) The Final Map shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD for easement locations, Approval of
widths, and restrictions. Final Map
i) All utility connection fees, plan-checking fees, inspection fees, permit fees, and fees Issuance of
associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with Building
the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. Permits
prior to!
j) All improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the District Engineer. Issuance of
Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Building
Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to
approval by the District Engineer, Applicant/Developer shall pay all required DSRSD
fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water
systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general
liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD.
Applicant/Developer shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing
review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer.
k) No sewer line or water line construction shall be permitted unless the proper utility Issuance of
construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will only be Building
' Permits and all
issued after all of the DSRSD conditions herein have been satisfied. DSRSD
I) The Applicant/Developer shall hold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, commissions, On-going
employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify the same from any litigation,
claims, or fines resulting from completion of the project.
m) The project lies within the area annexed to the District in 1995 as DSRSD Annexation 94- Issuance of
1. All properties within this annexation are subject to District conditions that restrict the Building
availability of services. All parcels which seek service with the District within this area
are also subject to a Condition of Annexation requiring an Areawide Facility Agreement
which regulates the manner and timing of services by the District.
n) The project is located within the District Recycled Water Use Zone #1 (Ord. 276), which Completion of
calls for installation of recycled water irrigation systems to allow for the future use of Improvements
recycled water for approved landscape irrigation demands. Major recycled water facilities
are described in the DSRSD Eastern Dublin Facilities Plan Update, June 1997. Unless
specifically exempted by the District Engineer, compliance with Ordinance 280, as may
be amended or superseded, is required. Irrigation water services as necessary for this
development shall connect to any off site extension and stub out to the property line
adjacent to the irrigation service tap, to allow for conversion when recycled water is
available. Improvement plans shall include required recycled water improvements.
o) The parcel proposed for development has been excluded from the Water Service Area of Final Map
the District by special condition imposed at the time of annexation to the District.
Removal of this condition and inclusion of the parcel into the Water Service Area of the
District requires independent action by the DSRSD Board of Directors. The subdividing
area shall be included within the Water Service Area of the District prior to approval by
the City for recordation of the final map.
88. Construction by Applicant/Developer. All in-tract potable and recycled water DSR, PW Completion of
and wastewater pipelines and facilities shall be constructed by the Improvements
Applicant/Developer in accordance with all DSRSD master plans, standards,
specifications and requirements.
89. Responsibilities for Subdivider. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all DSR, PW Approval of
implementation "responsibilities for subdivider" as outlined in Tables 9.1 and 9.2 of Improvement
the "Wastewater Service Matrix of Implementation Responsibilities" and Table 3
"Storm Drainage Matrix Implementation Responsibilities of the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan dated January 7, 1994 for water systems incorporated herein by
reference and the Water Efficient Landscape Regulations (Chapter 8.88).
~ERGENC~'SE CE~ ~ DA ~ Y~ ~EP :i ~i
90. EVA/multi use road. The EVA shall be paved for a 14 feet width with gravel Approval of
compacted to support the weight a fire apparatus to provide a 20 feet width. The Improvement
triangular shaped landscaped area in the north side EVA (near the gates) shall be
reduced in size to allow a 20 ft wide EVA.
91. Gates. Gates shall comply with the City of Dublin, Zone 7 and EBRPD Approval of
~,,,;.am~.*o A II ..~ ........ [7;~ I%an.,.~,*,,~n* .... e ....... ~ oh~ll h...,a .~ .-~;.; .... Improvement
requirements. All gates across Fire Department access ways shall have a minimum Plans
12-foot clear, unobstructed linear width and a clear vertical height of 13 feet 6
inches. All locking devises shall provide for Fire Department emergency access.
All gate plans shall be approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to
92. Automatic Fire Sprinklers. Homes shall be provided with automatic sprinkler F Approval of
systems as indicated on PUD Sheet 7, or as required by the ACFD.. Plans
93. EVA Easement. The Applicant/Developer shall provide a copy of the recorded F Approval of
easement or final map showing the EVA for the project. Plans
94. Fire Hydrant Fire Flow. The Applicant/Developer shall show location of the fire F Improvement
hydrants and provide fire flow information from DSRSD to ACFD. Plans
95. Fire Hydrants. The Developer shall provide DSRSD standard steamer type (1-4- F Building permit
1/2" and 1-2-1/2" outlet) fire hydrant(s). Bollards shall be provided for the
protection of fire hydrants subject to vehicle damage at the request of the ACFD.
96. Fire Hydrant location markers. The Developer shall identify the fire hydrant F Building permit
locations by installing reflective "blue dot" markers adjacent to the hydrant 6 inches
off center from the middle of the street.
97. Fire apparatus roadways. Fire apparatus roadways shall extend to within 150 feet F Occupancy of
of the most remote first floor exterior wall of any building. Fire apparatus First Unit in
affected Phase
roadways shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet and an unobstructed
vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Roadways less than 36 feet wide
shall be posted with signs and shall have red curbs painted with labels on one side,
unless otherwised approved by the ACFD. Roadways less than 28 feet side shall be
posed with signs and shall have red curbs painted with labels on both sides of the
street, unless otherwise approved by the ACFD. The labels shall read as follows:
98. Weight. Fire apparatus roadways and bridges must be capable of supporting the F Improvement
imposed weight of fire apparatus and must be provided with an all-weather driving plans
surface. Only paved surfaces are considered to be all-weather driving surfaces.
99. Turnarounds. The Developer shall make provisions so that fire apparatus roads in F Improvement
excess of 150 feet in length have approved apparatus turnarounds, plans
100. Fire access prior to vertical construction or combustible storage on site. Fire F Building Permit.
access roadways and water supply must be in place prior to vertical construction or
combustible storage on site. A plan showing the access and water supply shall be
submitted and approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to issuance of a
building permit.
101. Weed abatement program. The Developer shall provide a weed abatement F Approval of
program before, during and after construction for vegetation within 100 feet from Imp. Plans, On-
combustible construction and 30 feet from the street and property lines, construction and
after Occupancy
of each Unit in
affected Phase.
102. Wildland or open space interfaces. If Development interfaces with wildland or F Grading/Sitewor
open space areas, a separate landscape plan for vegetation fuel modification and/or k Permit
buffer zone(s) featuring fire resistive and drought tolerant varieties is required to be
submitted and approved by the ACFD, City of Dublin, Fire Prevention Division,
prior to issuance of grading and building permits. The zone(s) shall be
shown/designated as separate lettered lots. The plan shall include dedicated
easements for emergency and maintenance access to these zones. The maintenance,
in perpetuity, for the zones and emergency/maintenance access ways shall be
assigned to either the Homeowner's Association, the Tassajara Creek Maintenance
Association, or other approved agent. These responsibilities shall be disclosed to
prior to:
property owner(s) by way of deed restrictions and/or covenants, conditions and
103. Fire flow and hydrant location. The Fire Prevention Bureau shall approve F Improvement
minimum fire flow and fire hydrant location, plans
104. Mowing of weeds. The Developer or a lighting and landscape maintenance district F Approval of
and/or maintenance association shall ensure that weeds and grassy areas adjacent CC&R's
open space areas (with the exception of the creek) are mowed as required by the
ACFD or City of Dublin.
105. Street Names. All new street names and addressing shall be submitted for approval F Final Map
to the Administrative Mapping Division of the ACFD, City of Dublin, Fire
Prevention Division and the Alameda County Planning Department.
106. ACFD Rules, Regulations and Standards. Applicant/Developer shall comply F Issuance of
with all Alameda County Fire Services (ACFD) rules, regulations and standards, Building
including minimum standards for emergency access roads and payment of
applicable fees, including a City of Dublin Fire Capital Impact Fee.
107. Uniform Building and Fire Codes. The project shall comply with the Uniform B, F Throughout
Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Dublin at the time of building project
permit, including the wildfire management plan and heritage tree ordinance.
108. Wildfire Management Plan. The applicant shall comply with the City's Wildfire PL, F Approval of
Management Plan for covering long-term maintenance of the urban/open-space CC&R's
interface. The Plan requirements shall be incorporated into the CC&R's for the
project. Ifa Wildfire Management Plan has not been adopted prior to approving the
CC&R's for the project, the applicant shall provide a project specific wildfire
management plan and shall submit this plan prior to recordation of the Final Map.
109. Driveways. A driveway access serving one dwelling/structure shall have a F Improvement
minimum 12 foot unobstructed linear width providing all portions of the first floor plans
are within 150 feet of the required standard 20-foot wide minimum access road. A
driveway serving two dwelling/structures shall have a minimum 12 foot
unobstructed linear width. All driveway accesses shall meet Fire Department
standards for distance, weight loads, turn radius, grades and vertical distance
requirements. Approved turnarounds shall be required for distances over 150 feet
from approved access roads. Other mitigation shall/may be required in addition to
those listed.
110. Minimum number of access roads. The minimum number of access roads serving F Occupancy of
residential developments shall be based on the number of dwelling units served and each Unit in
shall be as follows: affected Phase
a) 1-25 units, one public access road.
b) 26-74 units, one public access road and one emergency vehicle access road
c) 75 plus units, at least two public access roads.
111. Secondary Emergency Vehicle Access Route. In accordance with the ACFD PW, F, B Occupancy of
requirements, for all phases of development in excess of 25 lots, each Unit in
affected Phase
Applicant/Developer shall provide secondary emergency vehicle access routes into
all proposed residential developments. In all phases of development in excess of 75
lots, Applicant/Developer shall provide a second street access into all proposed
residential developments. Applicant/Developer shall demonstrate how emergency
access requirements shall be achieved on the Improvement Plans to the satisfaction
of the City and the ACFD.
112. Access Phasing Plan. Submit a plan before construction begins showing how the F, B, PW Approval of
construction shall be phased in regard to completion of the bridges and the EVA Improvement
access road. If applicable submit a phased occupancy plan also. The access roads
and hydrants shall be installed and in service prior to the storage of combustibles or
vertical construction.
113. Address numbers. Approved address numbers shall be placed on all new and F Occupancy of
existing buildings. The address shall be positioned as to be plainly visible and each Unit in
affected Phase
legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast
with their background.
114. Residential Security. The project shall comply with the City of Dublin Residential PL, B Occupancy of
Security Requirements and the Conditions of Approval for the Vesting Tentative each Unit
115. Addresses. Unit addresses shall be lighted at night and clearly visible from the middle PL, B Occupancy of
of the street, each Unit
116. Security. The project shall conform to the Residential Building Security PL, B, PO Issuance of
Requirements of the currently adopted Uniform Building Security Code as amended Building permit
pursuant to Chapter 7.32.220 of the Dublin Municipal Code
117. Traffic and Towing. The Developer shall either: (1) Post private street areas in PL, B Approval of
accordance with California Vehicle Code regulations; and/or (2) Traffic and towing CC&R's and
Occupancy of
must be covered by CC&R's of the Homeowners Association. each Unit in
affected Phase
I 18. Access to Koller. The turnaround and parking area at the north end of the project shall PL, B Occupancy of
be posted to ensure access to the property north of the project is maintained. Unit on Koller
I 19. Graffiti. The Developer and/or Property Owner shall keep the site clear of graffiti PL, B On-going
vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. Graffiti resistant materials
and foliage should be used
120. Locator Markers. The trail along the east edge of the project shall have locator PL, B Occupancy of
markers to assist in emergency response needs, each Unit in
affected Phase
121. Restricted Access to Zone 7 Parcel D. The design of the Zone 7 access at the PL, B Acceptance of
southeast edge of the project shall limit access to unauthorized persons and vehicles. Parcel D by
Design features to accomplish this should include gates and signage. Zone 7
122. Perimeter fencing. Perimeter fencing for the project shall be at a minimum height of PL, B Occupancy of
six (6) feet. each Unit in
affected Phase
123. After Hours Security. The perimeter of the site shall be fenced during PL, B On-going during
construction, and security lighting and patrols shall be employed as necessary. The Construction
Developer shall provide after hours call-out information to Police Services on an
"Emergency Response Form." Ali information shall be kept current and up to date.
124. Projected Timeline. Developer shall submit a projected timeline for project PO Issuance of
completion to the Dublin Police Services Department, to allow estimation of Building
Permits for each
staffing requirements and assignments. Phase
125. Asbestos. PL, PW Prior to
a) All regulated asbestos containing material (RACM) shall be removed prior renovation or
demolition of
to the renovation or demolition of structures on the property that could
impact or disturb RACM. Any asbestos-containing material (ACM) that is
friable, or may become damaged or friable during repairs, renovation, or
demolition shall be removed prior to those destructive activities.
b) Prior to removal of ACM an asbestos abatement/specification shall be
prepared which sets forth the guidelines for proper and cost effective
Prior to removal
removal of ACM. The project specification shall outline the performance of ACM
parameters for hazard remediation work standards, contamination control,
health and safety, contractor qualifications, regulatory compliance,
clearance and release criteria, and other requirements specific to this
Prior to:
c) The design/specification shall be prepared by a qualified firm and shall be
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
d) Only qualified asbestos abatement contractors licensed by the Sate of Prior to removal
of ACM
California and registered with the Department of Occupational Safety and
Health shall remove ACM. Ongoing
e) The Applicant shall obtain an EPA generator identification number if
greater than 50 pounds of friable/hazardous ACM will be removed and
disposed of. The number can be obtained by calling (916) 324-1781. Ongoing
f) An on-site monitor qualified as in "d" above shall observe the removal of
ACM by the contractor to ensure compliance with accepted industry
During ACM
standard practices and regulatory standards, removal
g) A final visual inspection and clearance air monitoring shall be performed by
a firm qualified as in "d" above to certify that industry clearance standards
are met prior to general re-entry of the asbestos abatement work area. The Prior to re-entry
inspection and clearance shall be reviewed and approved by the City of the asbestos
Engineer. abatement area
126. Lead. Lead paint was found on the east side of Tassajara Creek within the overall PL Prior to
project site area, containing lead at or above the "action level" of 0.5% by weight or contractor
5,000 mg/kg, bidding on work
a) The Applicant shall disseminate a copy of the ProTech Lead Survey and
Evaluation report dated August 29, 1997, as well as any other lead-related Ongoing
information to all prospective contractors bidding on work at the subject
b) Contractors shall employ HUD developed; lead safe work practices if lead
coated surfaces are to be impacted or disturbed. These would include Prior to issuance
methods for controlling lead dust; properly controlling, collecting and of
disposing of lead waste; worker training, monitoring, and protection; and Grading/Sitewor
environmental monitoring, k permit
c) The Applicant shall establish baseline soil and dust levels at the project site.
Contractors performing work at the site shall be required to leave the site
"clean" relative to pre-existing conditions as established by baseline
d) (Refer to MND PA98-062 and Mitigation Measures for site)
STO ,.M W T . oLLtrno '
127. Best Management Practices. ApplicanffDcvclopcr shall demonstrate to the City Pw ^pproval of
Engineer that the project development meets the requirements of the City of Improvement
Dublin's "Best Management Practices" to mitigate storm water pollution. Plans
128. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). PL, PW Occupancy of
An Association shall be formed by recordation of a declaration of Covenants, First Unit
Conditions, and Restrictions. Said declaration shall set forth the name of the
association, ownership of the Common Area, the restrictions on the use or
enjoyment of any portion of the Common Area for maintenance and/or access, and
the bylaws, rules and regulations of the Association. Prior to recordation, said
CC&R document shall be reviewed by the City for compliance with this Condition.
The CC&Rs shall address maintenance of private streets, open space, including fire
buffer zones; wildfire management areas; stream restoration landscape areas;
community and neighborhood entries; landscaping, parkway areas, monumentation,
private lighting, signage, walls, and fences, street trees, street signs, walks, street
furniture, and the potential impacts that Camp Parks will have on the future
Prior to:
residents (i.e., the CC&Rs should include a Camp Parks disclosure statement). The
Declaration will specify that, as it pertains to the maintenance of the site
improvements described by the Development Agreement, it cannot be amended
without the consent of the City. The CC&Rs shall ensure that:
129. a) A Homeowner's Association shall be established for lots 1 through 108, complete with Bylaws, that will
monitor and provide oversight to the ownership and maintenance of private streets (including any
decorative paving on private streets), private drainage, and private street lights, landscaping and
improvements within Open Space Parcel "H" owned by the HOA and all other common improvements.
The Tassajara Creek Maintenance Association shall, upon completion of improvements, assume,
maintenance of landscaping on Parcels "A", "B", "C .... D", "E", "F" and "G" which are owned by Zone 7
or the Homeowner's Association, Maymont Lane and Somerset Lane rights of way, and shall also monitor
and maintain the California Red-Legged Frog seasonal pond on Parcel "D", the regional trail on Parcel
"A"(unless the regional trail is maintained by EBRPD), the private trail on Parcel "B", and urban/open
space interface and common areas as described above and elsewhere in these conditions relating to project
improvements and obligations.
The applicant shall provide proof of a financial security the satisfaction of the City Attorney and
Community Development Director that will cover the cost of maintaining the above referenced
landscaping and seasonal pond in perpetuity. In the event that any area falls into a state of disrepair or fails
to meet the Performance Standards established by Olberding Environmental for the Tassajara Creek
Restoration Plan, the City will have the right but not the obligation to take corrective measures and bill the
appropriate security fund, homeowner and/or maintenance association for the cost of such repair and
corrective maintenance work plus City overhead. These requirements shall be included in the project
130. b) The CC&Rs shall insure that there is adequate provision for the maintenance, in good repair and on a
regular basis, of all commonly owned facilities, property and landscaping, including but not limited to
private open space areas, lighting, landscape and irrigation facilities, fencing, and drainage and erosion
control improvements.
131. c) The parking of recreational vehicles between a building and a private street, along a private street, and
along any public streets shall not occur. Recreational Vehicles are defined as a motorhome, travel trailer,
utility trailer, boat on a trailer, horse trailer, camper where the living area overhangs the cab, camping
trailer, or tent trailer, with or without motive power.
132. d) The landscaping and irrigation on individual parcels not maintained as common area by the Association
shall be maintained and kept in good order by the resident and/or owner of each residence.
133. e) Private streets shall be posted in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22658, Sections 1 and
2. Fire lanes shall also be posted in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22500.1.
134. Affordable Housing Agreement. An Affordable Housing Agreement shall be PL Final Map
entered into by the Developer and the City of Dublin as required by Section 8.68 of
the Dublin Municipal Code.
135. Construction Noise Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction PL and/or Issuance of
Plan. Applicant/Developer shall conform to the following Construction Noise PW Grading Permit
Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan. Construction shall be
conducted so as to minimize the impacts of the construction on the existing
community and on the occupants of the new homes as they are completed.
136. Construction Noise Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan. The following measures
shall be taken to reduce construction impacts:
1. Off-site truck traffic shall be routed as directly as practical to and from the freeway (I-580) to the job site.
Primary route shall be from 1-580 along Tassajara Road. An Oversized Load Pemfit shall be obtained from
the City prior to hauling of any oversized loads on City streets.
prior to!
2. The construction site shall be watered at regular intervals during all grading activities. The frequency of
watering should increase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Watering should include all excavated and
graded areas and material to be transported off-site. Use recycled or other non-potable water resources where
3. Construction equipment shall not be left idling while not in use.
4. All construction equipment shall be fitted with noise muffling devises.
5. Erosion control measures shall be implemented during wet weather to assure that sedimentation and erosion
do not occur.
6. Mud and dust carried onto street surfaces by construction vehicles shall be cleaned-up on a daily basis.
7. Excavation haul trucks shall use tarpaulins or other effective covers.
8. Upon completion of construction, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. Replanting and repaying
should be completed as soon as possible.
9. Houses will be constructed in phases such that most of the construction traffic can be routed into the
subdivision without traveling in front of existing homes that are occupied.
10. After grading is completed, fugitive dust on exposed soil surfaces shall be controlled using the following
A. Inactive portions of the construction site should be seeded and watered until grass growth is evident.
B. Require that all portions of the site be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive amounts of dust.
C. On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph.
D. Use of petroleum-based palliatives shall meet the road oil requirements of the Air Quality District. Non-
petroleum based tackifiers may be required by the City Engineer.
E. The Department of Public Works shall handle all dust complaints. The City Engineer may require the
services of an air quality consultant to advise the City on the severity of the dust problem and additional ways to
mitigate impact on residents, including temporarily halting project construction. Dust concerns in adjoining
communities as well as the City of Dublin shall be addressed. Control measures shall be related to wind
conditions. Air quality monitoring of PM levels shall be provided as required by the City Engineer.
11. Construction interference with regional non-project traffic shall be minimized by:
A. Scheduling receipt of construction materials to non-peak travel periods.
B. Routing construction traffic through areas of least impact sensitivity.
C. Routing construction traffic to minimize construction interference with regional non-project traffic
D. Limiting lane closures and detours to off-peak travel periods.
E. Providing ride-share incentives for contractor and subcontractor personnel.
12. Emissions control of on-site equipment shall be minimized through a routine mandatory program of low-
emissions tune-ups.
137. I Temporary Fencing. Temporary Construction fencing shall be installed along B, PW On-going during
perimeter of all work under construction, construction
: Prior to:
138. Postal Service. Applicant/Developer shall confer with local postal authorities to PL, PW Occupancy of
determine the type of mail units required and provide a letter from the Postal First Unit in
affected Phase
Service stating its satisfaction with the units proposed. Specific locations for such
units shall be subject to approval and satisfaction of the Postal Service and the
Director of Community Development and City Engineer. A plan showing the
locations of ali mailboxes shall be submitted for review and approval by the City
139. Dust Control/Cleanup. Applicant/Developer shall ensure that areas undergoing PW On-going during
grading and all other construction activity are watered or other dust control construction
measures are used to prevent dust problems as conditions warrant or as directed by
the City Engineer. Further, Applicant/Developer shall keep adjoining public streets
and driveways free and clean of project dirt, mud, materials and debris, and clean-
up shall be made during the construction period as determined by the City Engineer.
140. Hours of operation. Construction and grading operations shall be limited to week- PL On-going during
days, Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours of 7:30 construction
a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The City Engineer may approve work on Saturday and hours
beyond the above mentioned days and hours with the understanding that the
developer is responsible for the additional cost of the Public Works inspectors'
141. Archaeology - Should any prehistoric or historic artifacts be exposed during PL, PW, B On-going during
excavation and construction operations, the Department of Community construction
Development shall be notified and work shall cease immediately until an
archaeologist, who is certified by the Society of California Archaeology (SCA) or
the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOPA), is consulted to evaluate the
significance of the find and suggest appropriate mitigation measures, if deemed
necessary, prior to resuming ground breaking construction activities. Standardized
procedures for evaluating accidental finds and discovery of human remains shall be
followed as prescribed in Sections 15064.5 and 15126.4 of the California
Environmental Quality Act Guidelines.
142. Stationary Source Emissions. Applicant/Developer shall ensure that stationary PL lssuance of
source emissions associated with project development are minimized. The Building
Permits for each
requirements of Mitigation Measure 3. l 1/12.0 of the Eastern Dublin EIR shall be affected Phase
accomplished by the following requirements:
a) The houses shall be designed to meet or exceed the requirements of Title 24 of'
the California Code of Regulations (energy efficiency requirements). By
meeting or exceeding these requirements, the houses will require less energy to
heat and cool, thereby reducing the emissions created in the production of
electric power and created by burning natural gas.
b) The subdivision will utilize curbside recycling, which will reduce the amount
of solid wastes from the subdivision, which would be deposited at a landfill
site, thereby minimizing the amount of nitrous oxide emissions from the
c) During rough grading construction the construction site will be regularly
watered to contain dust, and after construction the front yards and street
landscaping will be installed, thereby minimizing the amount of air pollution
caused by airborne dust from the site.
143. Rodenticides and Herbicides. The use ofrodenticides and herbicides within the PL On-going during
project area shall be performed in cooperation with and under the supervision of the construction
Alameda County Department of Agriculture and will be restricted, to the
satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, to reduce potential impacts
to wildlife.
144. School Mitigation Agreement. The Developer shall enter into a School Mitigation PL Building
prior to:
Agreement with the Dublin Unified School District. Permits for each
affected Phase
145. Hold Harmless. The Applicant/Developer shall hold the City harmless for all costs PL, PW On-going
and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by the City or held to be the
liability of the City in connection with the City's defense of its actions in any
proceeding brought in any State or Federal court challenging the City's actions with
respect to the Applicant/Developer's project.
146. Federal and State Permits.. The Applicant Developer shall receive all necessary PL, PW Prior to issuance
permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or State Department of Fish and of
Game prior to any grading of the project site. k Permit.
147. Kit Foxes. Should any Kit Foxes be discovered on the site either during the PL, PW On-going during
Preconstruction Survey or during project construction, the Applicant/Developer construction.
shall be responsible for complying with the Kit Fox Protection Plan (Refer to
EDSPEIR and MND for PA 98-062).
PriOr to:
1 Approval. PA 02-048, Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc. - Tassajara Creek, PL Approval of any
plan or filing of
Vesting Tentative Map 7414 is approved to subdivide an existing 20.34 acre parcel final map
into individual lots for 108 detached homes and open space, a stream corridor and
a regional trail. This approval shall conform generally to the plans, text, and
illustrations contained in the Planned Unit Development Plans, including Sheets 1
through 8, prepared by Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar and Associates (October 10, 2003),
the Vesting Tentative Map prepared by RJA and Associates, Sheets 9 through 14
(October 10, 2003), the Streetlight Plans prepared by Giacalone Design Services,
Inc., Sheets SL1 through SL3 (September 4, 2003), the Landscape Plans Sheets L1
through L3 and the Tassajara Creek Restoration Plan Sheet L4 prepared by The
Guzzardo Partnership, Inc. (October 10, 2003), the Architectural Plans Sheets 1
through 17 prepared by the Dahlin Group (September 12, 2003), and all other
plans, programs, texts and diagrams submitted as part of the subdivision proposal
on file in the Community Development Department unless modified by the
Conditions of Approval contained herein.
2 Standard Conditions. The project shall comply with the City of Dublin Site PL, B On-going
Development Review Standard Conditions.
3 }louse Numbers List. Applicant/Developer shall submit a house numbers list PL Issuance of
corresponding to the lots shown on the Tentative Map. Said list is subject to Building Permits
approval of the Director of Community Development.
4 Term. Approval of the Site Development Review shall be valid for one year from PL Approval of
effective date of project approval. If construction has not commenced by that time, Improvement
this approval shall be null and void. The approval period for Site Development
Review may be extended six (6) additional months by the Director of Community
Development upon determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate
to assure that the above stated findings of approval will continue to be met.
(Applicant/Developer must submit a written request for the extension prior to the
expiration date of the Site Development Review.)
5 Revocation. The SDR will be revocable for cause in accordance with Section PL On-going
Pd°~ to:
8.96.020.I of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or
conditions of this approval shall be subject to citation.
6. Wildfire Management Plan. The project is subject to the approved Wildfire On-going
Management Plan. B, F, PL
7 Green Building Guidelines. To the extent practical, the applicant shall B lssuance of
incorporate Green Building Measures. Green Building plan shall be submitted to Building Permits
the Building Official for review.
8 Third floor units. The first of each plan constructed with three floor shall be B Through
surveyed for actual square footage of the thrid floor. Certification shall be provided Completion
to the Building Division prior to insulation of selected units. At the option of the
BUILDING OFFICIAL the City may select other units for review at time of the
third floor diaphragm inspection. If any unit is determined to be over 500 square
feet by the City, developer shall have said unit surveyed.
9 Decks. Decks within or facing the Wildfire Management Plan shall be one-hour B, F, PL Issuance of
fire resistive construction, heavy timber construction or constructed with Building Permits
and Through
noncombustible materials. See Wildfire Management Plan for specific Completion
10 Air Conditioning Units - Air conditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be B, PL Occupancy of Unit
screened from public view using materials compatible with the main building or by
6 ft. fence. Units shall be permanently installed plumb and level on concrete pads
or other non-movable materials to be approved by the Building Official and
Director of Community Development. Air conditioning units shall be located such
that each dwelling unit has one side yard with an unobstructed width of no less
than 36 inches.
11 Automatic Garage Door Openers - Automatic garage door openers shall be B, PL Occupancy of Unit
provided for all dwelling units and shall be of a roll-up type. Garage doors shall
not intrude into the private access easements.
12 Fences. Fences within or facing thc Wildfire Management Plan that arc B, F, PL Issuance of
constructed of combustible materials shall be separated from the perimeter of Building Permits
and Through
buildings containing habitable space by connecting to buildings with a Masonry Completion
Pilaster. See Wildfire Management Plan for detail of Pilaster.
13 Perimeter Walls and Fences. Design of the masonry perimeter wall along the PW, PL Approval of
west boundary of the project shall reflect the design concept shown on Sheet L-2 Improvement
of of the Tassajara Creek Phase III project (PA 02-048). Installation shall be to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer. The wall shall be constructed to ensure its long
term utility and appearance, golid perimeter walls shall not be permitted along the
west and east property boundary for the two-acre estate lot (Lot 131, Tract 7075)
and open space parcels. As noted in the PUD Plans, fences will be limited to open
design fences to provide for California Red Legged Frog migratory patterns to the
eastern uplands and require approval by the Community Development Director.
14 Wall or Fence Heights. All wall or fence heights shall be 6 feet high (except in PW Approval of
those locations where Section 8.72.080 of the Zoning Ordinance requires lower Improvement
fence heights). All walls and fences shall be designed to ensure clear vision at all
street intersections to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
15 Retaining walls. All retaining walls over 30 inches in height and in a walkway B, PW Issuance of
shall be provided with guardrails. All retaining walls over 24 inches with a Building Permits
surcharge or 36 inches without a a surcharge shall obtain permits and inspections
from Building Division.
16 Level area on both sides of fence. Fencing placed at the top of banks/slopes shall PW, PL Issuance of
Prior to:
be provided with a minimum one-foot level area on both sides in order to facilitate Grading/Sitework
maintenance by the property owners. Permit
17 Parking. Applicant/Developer shall provide parking in compliance With the PD PL Completion of
Stage 2 Development Plan (PUD Sheet 5) Improvements
18 Recreational Vehicle Parking. Recreation vehicle (as defined in thc Dublin Acceptance of
Zoning Ordinance) parking shall be prohibited on public streets. Signs shall be Improvements by
posted to that effect. City Council
19 Residential Security. The project shall comply with the City of Dublin PL, B Occupancy of
Residential Security Requirements and the Conditions of Approval for the Vesting Units
Tentative Map 7414.
20 Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. Applicant/Developer shall submit a PL, PW Issuance of
Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan, conforming to the requirements of Section Building Permits
8.72.030 of the Zoning Ordinance (unless otherwise modified by Conditions of this
Resolution), stamped and approved by the City Engineer and the Director of
Community Development. Alameda County Fire Department approval is also
required where this project is adjacent to wildfire areas. That plan should
generally conform to the Conceptual Landscape Plans _, except where modified by
conditions of approval of the Stage 1 and Vesting Tentative Map and stream
restoration program for this project (PA02-048).
21 Final Landscape Plan Review. The plant palette varieties shall be shall be PL Issuance of
subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development and Building Permits
reviewed by the City's Landscape Architect to determine compatibility with
reclaimed water use, where appropriate. An irrigation plan shall be submitted with
Final Landscape Plans indicating that the system is designed for reclaimed water,
where required by DSRSD.
22 Landscaping required. All front yards and common areas shall be landscaped by PL Prior to
the Applicant/Developer prior to occupancy of the adjacent homes. Occupancy of first
Unit in affected
23 Fire-resistant or drought tolerant plant varieties. Fire-resistant or drought PL, F Issuance of
tolerant plant varieties shall be provided in the plant palette to the maximum extent Building Permits
24 Monument Signs. Design of any monument signs within the development shall PL, PW Completion of
be approved by the Director of Community Development to assure compatibility Improvements
with design elements of the project and by the City Engineer to assure
unobstructed traffic visibility.
25 Backflow Devises. Backflow devises shall be hidden from view by means of PL Approval of
fencing, enclosures, landscaping and/or berms. Plans
26 Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. Applicant/Developer shall ensure that PL, PW, Approval of Final
the Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan conforms to the City's Water Efficient DSR Landscape Plans
Landscape Regulations, including dual piping to facilitate future recycled water.
27 Health, Design and Safety Standards. Prior to final approval allowing PW, PL Occupancy of Unit
occupancy of any new home, the physical condition of the subdivision and the lot
where the home is located shall meet minimum health, design, and safety standards
including, but not limited to the following:
Prior to:
a. The streets providing access to the home shall be complete to allow for safe PL Occupancy of Unit
traffic movements to and from the home.
b. All traffic striping and control signing on streets providing access to the PW Occupancy, of Unit
home shall be in place.
c. All street name signs on streets providing access to the homes shall be in PL Occupancy of Unit
d. All streetlights on streets providing access to the homes shall be energized PW Occupancy of Unit
and functioning.
e. All repairs to the street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk that may create a hazard PW Occupancy of Unit
shall be required or any non-hazardous repairs shall be complete and
bonded for.
f. Cluster homes shall have the dwelling address posted and backlit at or near B, F, PL Occupancy of Unit
the front door and the garage vehicle door.
g. The lot shall be finish graded, and final grading inspection shall have been B Occupancy of Unit
approved by the Building Department.
h. All sewer clean-outs, water meter boxes, and other utility boxes shall be set PW Occupancy, of Unit
to grade to the approval of the Director of Public Works.
i. The homes shall have received all necessary inspections and have final B Occupancy of Unit
approval by the Building Department to allow occupancy.
j. All fire hydrants in streets providing access to the homes shall be operable F Occupancy of Unit
to City and ACFD standards.
k. All streets providing access to the homes shall be improved to an adequate pw, F Occupancy, of Unit
width and manner to allow for fire engine circulation to the approval of the
Director of Public Works and ACFD.
i. All mailbox units shall be at the back of the curb/sidewalk as appropriate. PL Occupancy of Unit
The developer shall submit a mailbox design and location plan to indicate
where mailboxes and associated lighting will be accommodated. The
Postmaster shall be consulted for design criteria. Architectural
enhancements should be provided to community mailboxes where visible
from the project streets.
m. Exterior lighting shall be provided for dwelling entrances and shall be of a PL, PO Occupancy of Unit
design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties.
n. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security PL, PO, B Occupancy of Unit
needs. (Photometrics and lighting plans for the site shall be submitted to the
Department of Community Development and Dublin Police Services for
review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits)
28 Glare/Reflective Finishes - The use of reflective finishes on building exteriors is PL Issuance of
prohibited. In order to control the effects of glare within this subdivision, Building Permits
reflective glass shall not be used on all east-facing windows.
29 Phased Occupancy Plan. If occupancy is requested to occur in phases, then ali PL, B Prior to Occupancy
physical improvements within each phase shall be required to be completed prior for any affected
to occupancy of units within that phase except for items specifically excluded in an
approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor hand work items, approved by the
Department of Community Development. The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be
submitted to the Director of Community Development for review and approval a
minimum of 45 days prior to the request for occupancy of any unit covered by said
Phased Occupancy Plan. Any phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access
to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose
of the subdivision approval. No individual unit shall be occupied until the
adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, provided with all reasonably expected
services and amenities, and separated from remaining additional construction
Prior to:
activity. Subject to approval of the Director of Community Development, the
completion of landscaping may be deferred due to inclement weather with the
posting of a bond for the value of the deferred landscaping and associated
30 Access and the Phased Occupancy Plan B, F, PW Issuance of
Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, applicant shall provide either A) Building Permits
and Through
Authorization from Alameda County for the use of the Alameda County private completion
road and a paved access road from the Alameda County road to the appropriate
building location or B) Either the Maymont Lane or the Somerset Lane Bridge
shall be completed. An adequate water supply shall be in place and approved by
the Fire Department prior to the storage of combustible material or vertical
construction is started. Prior to the first certificate of occupancy either the
Maymont Lane or the Somerset Lane Bridge shall be completed. Prior to issuance
of the 26th building permit south of Somerset Lane Bridge, both bridges shall be
complete. Prior to issuance of the 26th building permit north of Somerset Lane
Bridge, one bridge and the Emergency Access Road shall be completed. Prior to
issuance of the 75th building permit both bridges and the Emergency Access Road
shall be completed. (Issuance of Building Permits and Through Completion)
Responsible Agency - Building / Fire / Public Works.
31 Acknowledgment. Applicant/Developer shall obtain a written acknowledgment PL, ADM, B Sale of any unit
(secured from the individual property owner) acknowledging the continuance of within a phase
construction activity within the unoccupied phases of the project. The written
acknowledgment shall include a statement that the property owner has reviewed
and understands the following:
a) Access and Phased Occupancy Plan.
b) The proximity to the Department of the Army Parks Reserve Forces
Training Area, County Sheriff training facilities and associated noise from
the bomb detonation facility, firing ranges and emergency vehicle training
c) Restrictions for parking on streets within the subdivision. No Parking
areas, as established with the improvement plans, towing, and other traffic
safety regulations shall be described. Additional parking restrictions (e.g.:
red curb areas) may be applied in the future if traffic safety or circulation
problems arise.
d) Special standards for this development regarding yard setbacks for cluster
Said acknowledgments are subject to City Attorney review and approval.
Applicant/Developer shall keep a copy of said written acknowledgment on file and
shall submit the original signed acknowledgment to the Department of Community
Development within three (3) days upon request of the Director of Community
Development. If Applicant/Developer fails to comply, the Director of Community
Development may require the submittal of the written acknowledgment prior to
release of occupancy of any future units and/or future phases.
32 Plot Plan. A plot plan for each lot shall be submitted and approved by the PL Issuance of
Director of Community Development before approval of building permits for the Building Permits
respective lot. Said plot plan shall include pad elevations, unit number and type,
dwelling unit outline, air conditioning units, setbacks, lot drainage, and street
utility locations.
33 Residential Units shall comply with the architectural drawings submitted by The PL Issuance of
Dahlin Group and shall generally conform to the colors and materials book for the Building Permits
Tassajara Creek Phase III project PA 02-048, on file in the City of Dublin
Department of Community Development.
Prior tol
34 Development Agreement. Approval of this Site Development Review is subject PL Recording of Final
to Applicant/Developer securing approval from the City Council of a Development Map
Agreement as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
35 Infrastructure Sequencing Program. The Development Agreement shall include PW, PL Recording of Final
an infrastructure sequencing program and shall be recorded. Map
36 Building Permit. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer shall submit B Issuance of
eight (8) sets of construction plans to the Building Division for plan check. Each Building Permit
set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval.
The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have
been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated
resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible
for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies prior to the
issuance of building permits.
37 Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of PW, PL Various times, but
building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building no later than
Issuance of
fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin
Building Permits
Unified School District School Impact fees, Public Works Traffic Impact fees, City
of Dublin Fire Impact fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu
fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage
and Water Connection fees; and any other fees as noted in the Development
Agreement. Un-issued building permits subsequent to new or revised TIF's shall
be subject to recalculation and assessment of the fair share of the new or revised
38 Parkland Dedication - The developer shall be required to pay a Public Facilities PL As required in
Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in the City of Dublin Resolution No. Development
60-99, adopted by the City Council on April 6, 1999, or in the amounts and at the Agreement
times set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee, as
implemented by the Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution 195-99. No
credit against the dedication requirement shall be given for open space within this
39 Compliance With Requirements. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all F, PW, PO, Approval of
applicable requirements of the Alameda County Fire Department, Public Works Zone 7, Improvement
Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone DSR, PL Plans
7, and Dublin San Ramon Services District.
I Approval. This Site Development Review approval for Tassajara Creek Phase PL Issuance of
V of the Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc. project (Lot 131 of Tract 7075), Building Permit
PA 02-048 establishes the detailed design concepts and regulations for the
project. Development pursuant to this Site Development Review generally shall
conform to the Planned Unit Development Plans, including Sheets 1 through 8,
prepared by Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar and Associates (October 10, 2003), the
Vesting Tentative Map prepared by RJA and Associates, Sheets 9 through 14
(October 10, 2003), the Streetlight Plans prepared by Giacalone Design Services,
Inc., Sheets SL1 through SL3 (September 4, 2003), the Landscape Plans Sheets
L1 through L3 and the Tassajara Creek Restoration Plan Sheet L4 prepared by
The Guzzardo Partnership, Inc. (October 10, 2003), Architectural Plans
prepared by K+M for a single-family estate home dated July 29, 1998, and the
Tassajara Creek color schemes book on file in the Department of Community
Development, and other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Site
Development Review, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained
2 Standard Conditions. The project shall comply with the City of Dublin Site PL, B On-going
Development Review Standard Conditions.
3 House Numbers List. Applicant/Developer shall submit a house numbers list PL Issuance of
corresponding lots shown on the Tentative Map. Said list is subject to approval Building Permit
of the Director of Community Development.
4 Term. Approval of the Site Development Review shall be valid for one year PL Issuance of
from effective date of approval by the Planning Commission. If construction has Building Permit
not commenced by that time, this approval shall be null and void. The approval
period for Site Development Review may be extended six (6) additional months
by the Director of Community Development upon determination that the
Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above stated findings
of approval will continue to be met. (Applicant/Developer must submit a written
request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Site Development
5 Revocation. The SDR will be revocable for cause in accordance with Section PL On-going of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or
conditions of this approval shall be subject to citation.
6. Wildfire Management Plan. The project is subject to the approved Wildfire B, F, PL On-going
Management Plan
7 Green Building Guidelines. To the extent practical, the applicant shall B Issuance of
incorporate Green Building Measures. Green Building plan shall be submitted to Building Permits
the Building Official for review.
8 Decks. Decks within or facing the Wildfire Management Plan shall be one-hour B, F, PL Issuance of
fire resistive construction, heavy timber construction or constructed ~vith Building Permits
noncombustible materials. See Wildfire Management Plan for specific
9 Air Conditioning Units - Air conditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be B, PL Occupancy of
screened from public view by a 6 ft. fence or materials compatible with the main Unit
building. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non-
movable materials to be approved by the Building Official and Director of
Community Development. Air conditioning units shall be located such that each
dwelling unit has one side yard with an unobstructed width of no less than 36
~ P~i°r to:
10 Automatic Garage Door Openers - Automatic garage door openers shall be B, PL Occupancy of
provided for all dwelling units and shall be of a roll-up type. Garage doors shall Unit
not intrude into the private access easements.
11 Open Space, Trail, and Creek Maintenance - Prior to issuance of building PW, PL, Issuance of
permits, Applicant/Developer shall develop a plan for the ongoing maintenance ZONE 7 Building Permits
of the portion of Lot 131 encompassed by the existing open space and trail
easement. The plan shall include the following elements:
a) Lot 131 shall annex to the Tassajara Creek Maintenance Association and the
Homeowner's Association.
b) The portion of Lot 131 encompassed by the open space easement shall be
dedicated in fee to Zone 7, as required by Condtion of Approval #48 for
Tract 7075. Maintenance access or improvements shall be provided as
required by Zone 7. In the event Zone 7 is not willing to take ownership of
the parcel in fee, the Applicant/Developer shall develop an alternate plan for
the ongoing maintenance of the creek, in a manner acceptable to the City
Engineer, such as easement dedication to Zone 7, or dedication of this area to
the Maintenance Association.
c) Maintenance of the regional trail shall be included in the license agreement
between the City and Zone 7 and the sublicense agreement with EBRPD or
the Maintenance Association, so that maintenance of the trail is transferred to
either of these entities in conformance with the arrangements for Parcel "A"
of Tract 7414.
d) The Tassajara Creek Maintenace Association shall assume responsibility for
the stream restoration plantings within the open space easement.
12 Fences. Fences within or facing the Wildfire Management Plan that are B, F, PL Issuance of
constructed of combustible materials shall be separated from the perimeter of Building Permits
and Through
buildings containing habitable space by connecting to buildings with a Masonry Completion
Pilaster. See Wildfire Management Plan for detail of Pilaster.
13 Perimeter Walls and Fences. Solid perimeter walls shall not be permitted along PW, PL Approval of
the west and east property boundary for the two-acre estate lot (Lot 131, Tract Improvement
7075) As noted in the Stage 2 PUD Plans, fences will be limited to open design
fences to provide for California Red Legged Frog migratory patterns to the
eastern uplands and require approval by the Community Development Director.
14 Wall or Fence Heights. All wall or fence heights shall be 6 feet high (except in PW Approval of
those locations where Section 8.72.080 of the Zoning Ordinance requires lower Improvement
fence heights).
15 Retaining walls. All retaining walls over 30 inches in height and in a walkway B, PW Issuance of
Building Permit
shall be provided with guardrails. All retaining walls over 24 inches with a
surcharge or 36 inches without a a surcharge shall obtain permits and inspections
from Building Division.
16 Level area on both sides of fence. Fencing placed at the top of banks/slopes PW, PL Issuance of
shall be provided with a minimum one-foot level area on both sides in order to Building Permit
facilitate maintenance by the property owners.
17 Tassajara Creek Regional Trail Improvements. Applicant/Developer shall PL, PW, Trail To Be
construct the Tassajara Creeek Regional Trail through Lot 131, from the north EBRPD, Constructed Prior
ZONE 7 to Final
end of Parcel "A", Tract 7414, to the East Bay Regional Park District property. Inspection of
Trail improvements shall consist ora 12' wide paved trail with a 4' gravel New Residence
shoulder on the east (creek) side and a 2' gravel shoulder and a 2' concrete ditch and Utility
on the west side, as shown on the tentative map. The trail shall be constructed Releases
per Zone 7 and East Bay Regional Park District standards. The north end of the
trail shall be designed to provide a connection to the existing dirt path on the
Prio~ to
Park District property to the north. Final design shall be subject to approval of
both agencies, as well as the City Engineer and the Director of Community
Development. Trail improvements shall include fencing, bollards, and/or gates
for unauthorized vehicle control at the entrances, including a 2-rail fence along
the east side of the trail.
1 8 Parking. Applicant/Developer shall provide parking in compliance with the PD PL Completion of
Stage 2 Development Plan (PUD Sheet 5) Improvements
19 Recreational Vehicle Parking. Recreation vehicle (as defined in the Dublin Occupancy of
Zoning Ordinance) parking shall be prohibited on public streets. Signs shall be Unit
posted to that effect.
"20 Residential Security. The project shall comply with the City of Dublin PL, B Occupancy of
Residential Security Requirements and the Conditions of Approval for the Unit
Vesting Tentative Map.
21 Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. Applicant/Developer shall submit a PL, PW Issuance of
Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan, conforming to the requirements of Building Permits
Section 8.72.030 of the Zoning Ordinance (unless otherwise modified by
Conditions of this Resolution), stamped and approved by the City Engineer and
the Director of Community Development. Alameda County Fire Department
approval is also required where this project is adjacent to wildfire areas.
22 Stream Restoration Plan. This project is subject to the Eastern Dublin PL Landscape Plan
Comprehensive Stream Restoration Program. The project includes the Tassajara to be Approved
Prior to Issuance
Creek Subdivision Tassajara Creek Restoration Plan prepared by Olberding of Building
Environmental, Inc. dated August 1, 2003, Permit:
A final landscape plan shall be submitted for the riparian restoration and shall be Landscaping to
subject to the review and approval of the Director of Community Development be completed
and by the City's Landscape Architect. The approved plan shall be implemented prior to final
inspection of
to the satisfaction of the City of Dublin. Creek restoration work (e.g.: removal house or utility
of exotic plantings, supplemental native plants, etc.) shall be determined prior to releases
construction by a biologist retained by the City and shall meet the requirements
of the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan EIR and the Mitigated
Negative Declaration for this project. Restoration work shall be completed
according to the timeframe contained in the Restoration Program. Trail and
maintenance road construction shall be coordinated with any restoration work
required under the Stream Corridor Restoration Program. Developer-provided
bond or other financial security mechanism may be required. Tree plantings shall
be located a minimum of 4 feet away from the regional trail. Landscaping work
shall include an open wire fence along the open space easement line from Parcel
"A", Tract 7414 to the East Bay Regional Park District property.
23 Landscaping required. All front yards and common areas shall be landscaped PL Prior to
by the Applicant/Developer prior to occupancy of the adjacent homes. Occupancy
24 Fire-resistant or drought tolerant plant varieties. Fire-resistant or drought PL, F Issuance of
tolerant plant varieties shall be required in the plant palette. Building Permits
25 Backflow Devises. Backflow devises shall be hidden from view by means of PL Issuance of
fencing, enclosures, landscaping and/or berms. Building Permit
26 Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. Applicant/Developer shall ensure PL, PW, DSR Approval of Final
that the Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan conforms to the City's Water Landscape Plans
Efficient Landscape Regulations, including dual piping to facilitate future
recycled water.
Prior to:
27 Health, Design and Safety Standards. Prior to final approval allowing Pw, PL Occupancy of
occupancy of any new home, the physical condition of the subdivision and the Unit
lot where the home is located shall meet minimum health, design, and safety
standards including, but not limited to the following:
a. The streets providing access to the home shall be complete to allow for PL Occupancy of
safe traffic movements to and from the home. Unit
b. All traffic striping and control signing on streets providing access to the PW Occupancy of
home shall be in place. Unit
c. All street name signs on streets providing access to the homes shall be in PL Occupancy of
place. Unit
d. All streetlights on streets providing access to the home shall be energized PW Occupancy of
and functioning. Unit
e. All repairs to the street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk that may create a hazard PW Occupancy of
shall be required or any non-hazardous repairs shall be complete and Unit
bonded for.
g. The lot shall be finish graded, and final grading inspection shall have been B Occupancy of
approved by the Building Department. Unit
h. All sewer clean-outs, water meter boxes, and other utility boxes shall be PW Occupancy of
set to grade to the approval of the Director of Public Works. Unit
i. The home shall have received all necessary inspections and have final B Occupancy of
approval by the Building Department to allow occupancy. Unit
j. All fire hydrants in streets providing access to the homes shall be operable F Occupancy of
to City and ACFD standards. Unit
k. All streets providing access to the home shall be improved to an adequate PW, F Occupancy of
width and manner to allow for fire engine circulation to the approval of the Unit
Director of Public Works and ACFD.
1. All mailbox units shall be at the back of the curb/sidewalk as appropriate. PL Occupancy of
The developer shall submit a mailbox design and location plan to indicate Unit
where mailboxes and associated lighting will be accommodated. The
Postmaster shall be consulted for design criteria. Architectural
enhancements should be provided to community mailboxes where visible
from the project streets.
m. Exterior lighting shall be provided the dwelling entrances and shall be ora PL Occupancy of
design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties. Unit
n. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security PL, PO, B Occupancy of
needs. (Photometrics and lighting plans for the site shall be submitted to Unit
the Department of Community Development and Dublin Police Services
for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits)
28 Glare/Reflective Finishes - The use of reflective finishes on building exteriors PL Issuance of
is prohibited. In order to control the effects of glare within this subdivision, Building Permit
reflective glass shall not be used on all east-facing windows.
29 Access and the Phased Occupancy Plan. The project is subject to requirements B, F, PW Issuance of
for access and phased occupancy plan of Vesting Tentative Tract 7414. Building Permit
and Through
30 Acknowledgment. Applicant/Developer shall obtain a written acknowledgment PL, ADM, B Occupancy of
(secured from the individual property owner) acknowledging the continuance of Unit
construction activity within the unoccupied phases of the project. The written
acknowledgment shall include a statement that the property owner has reviewed
Prior to:
and understands the following:
a) Phased Occupancy Plan.
b) The proximity to the Department of the Army Parks Reserve Forces
Training Area, County Sheriff training facilities and associated noise
from the bomb detonation facility, firing ranges and emergency vehicle
c) Restrictions for parking on streets within the adjacent subdivision. No
Parking areas, as established with the improvement plans, towing, and
other traffic safety regulations shall be described. Additional parking
restrictions (e.g.: red curb areas) may be applied in the future if traffic
safety or circulation problems arise.d.d. Special standards for this
development regarding yard setbacks for cluster units.
Said acknowledgments are subject to City Attorney review and approval.
Applicant/Developer shall keep a copy of said written acknowledgment on file
and shall submit the original signed acknowledgment to the Department of
Community Development within three (3) days upon request of the Director of
Community Development. If Applicant/Developer fails to comply, the Director
of Community Development may require the submittal of the written
acknowledgment prior to release of occupancy of any future units and/or future
31 Plot Plan. A plot plan shall be submitted and approved by the Director of PL Issuance of
Community Development before approval of building permits for the residence. Building Permits
Said plot plan shall include pad elevations, unit number and type, dwelling unit
outline, air conditioning units, setbacks, lot drainage, and street utility locations.
32 Residential Units shall comply with the architectural drawings submitted by PL Issuance of
KM+P and shall generally conform to the colors and materials book for the Building Permits
Tassajara Creek Phase III and Lot 131 of Tract 7075 (project PA 02-048) on file
in the City of Dublin Department of Community Development.
33 Building Permit. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer shall B Issuance of
submit eight (8) sets of construction plans to the Building Division for plan Building Permit
check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these
Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions
of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be
accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans.
Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all
participation non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits.
34 Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of PW, PL Final Building
building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building Permits
fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin
Unified School District School Impact fees, Public Works Traffic Impact fees,
City of Dublin Fire Impact fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In-
Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7)
Drainage and Water Connection fees; and any other fees as noted in the
Development Agreement. Un-issued building permits subsequent to new or
revised TIF's shall be subject to recalculation and assessment of the fair share of
the new or revised fees.
35 Parkland Dedication - The developer shall be required to pay a Public Facilities PL Addressed in
Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in the City of Dublin Resolution Development
No. 60-99, adopted by the City Council on April 6, 1999, or in the amounts and Agreement
prior to:
at the times set forth in any resolution revising thc amount of the Public
Facilities Fee, as implemented by the Administrative Guidelines adopted by
Resolution 195-99. No credit against thc dedication requirement shall be given
for open space within this project.
36 Compliance With Requirements. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all F, PW, PO, Approval of
applicable requirements of the Alameda County Fire Department, Public Works Zone 7, DSR, Improvement
PL Plans
Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control District
Zone 7, and Dublin San Ramon Services District.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of October, 2003.
Nassar, King, Fasulkey
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