HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Attch 7 Mitigation Measures Exh C EXHIBIT C
Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21081 and CEQA Guidelines section 15091, the City Council
hereby makes these findings with respect to the potential for significant environmental impacts from
implementation of the Heritage Park project PLPA-2013-00002 ("Project") and means for mitigating those
impacts. For the purpose of these findings, the term "EIR" means the Draft and Final EIR documents
collectively, unless otherwise specified.
These findings do not attempt to describe the full analysis of each environmental impact contained in the EIR.
Instead, the findings provide a summary description of each impact, describe the applicable mitigation
measures identified in the EIR and adopted by the City, and state the findings on the significance of each
impact after imposition of the adopted mitigation measures. A full explanation of these environmental findings
and conclusions is in the EIR, and these findings hereby incorporate by reference the discussion and analysis
in those documents supporting the EIR's determinations regarding mitigation measures and the Project's
impacts and mitigation measures designed to address those impacts. The facts supporting these findings are
found in the record as a whole for the Project.
In making these findings, the City ratifies, adopts, and incorporates into these findings the analysis and
explanation in the EIR, and ratifies, adopts, and incorporates into these findings the determinations and
conclusions of the EIR relating to environmental impacts and mitigation measures,except to the extent that any
such determinations and conclusions are specifically and expressly modified by these findings.
Impact 3.2-1: Short-term Construction Emissions. The proposed project may result in future short-term air
quality impacts associated with construction activities, including grading, operation of equipment, and
demolition of existing structures on the project site. This is a potentially significant impact.
MM 3.2-1a: Implement Short-term Construction Best Management Practices. Prior to issuance of any
Grading or Demolition Permit, the City Engineer and the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Grading
Plan, Building Plans, and contract specifications stipulate that the proposed project adhere to the most recent
BAAQMD CEQA guidelines regarding short-term construction best management practices. These may include
the following:
• Water all active construction areas to maintain 12 percent soil moisture.
• All grading shall be suspended when winds exceed 20 miles per hour.
• All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off-site shall be covered.
Pave,apply water two times daily,or apply(non-toxic)soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads,parking
areas, and staging areas at construction sites.
Hydroseed or apply non-toxic soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas
inactive for ten days or more).
Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply non-toxic soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.).
• All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street
sweepers at least once per day. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to
public roadways.
• Site access points from public roadways shall be paved or treated to prevent track-out.
• Replace vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible.
• All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph.
• All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible.
• Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum
idling time to two minutes. Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points.
• All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's
specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in
proper condition prior to operation.
• Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the City regarding dust
complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The BAAQMD's phone
number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
MM 3.2-1 b: Implement NOX Reduction Measures. The following measures shall be implemented during
construction to reduce NOx related emissions. They shall be included in the Grading Plan, Building Plans,and
contract specifications and shall include the following:
• All construction equipment, diesel trucks, and generators shall be equipped with Best Available Control
Technology for emission reductions of NOx.
• All contractors shall use equipment that meets the California Air Resources Board's most recent
certification standard for off-road heavy duty diesel engines.
• The idling time of diesel powered construction equipment shall be minimized to two minutes.
• The project shall develop a plan demonstrating that the off-road equipment(more than 50 horsepower)to
be used in the construction project (i.e., owned, leased, and subcontractor vehicles) would achieve a
project wide fleet-average 20 percent NOx reduction and 45 percent PM reduction compared to the most
recent California Air Resources Board fleet average. Acceptable options for reducing emissions include
the use of late model engines, low-emission diesel products, alternative fuels, engine retrofit technology,
after-treatment products, add-on devices such as particulate filters, and/or other options as such become
• Utilize existing power sources(i.e.,electrical power)when available. This measure would minimize the use
of higher polluting gas or diesel generators.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of the mitigation measures will reduce exhaust emissions from
construction equipment and trucks by nearly half as shown in DEIR Table 3,2-5;the reduced emissions would
comply with BAAQMD thresholds for NOx emissions. Including the NOx reduction measures in grading and
other construction plans ensures that the measures will be implemented in the construction process.
Implementation of the measures will reduce nuisance fugitive dust emissions as recommended by BAAQMD.
Therefore, after applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact3.2-2: Long-Term Operational Emissions—Regional Emissions. Implementation of the proposed
project could result in regional air emissions from operational sources in exceedance of BAAQMD significance
thresholds. This is a potentially significant impact,
MM 3.2-2: Implement only natural gas hearths in residential units. The proposed project shall include
natural gas hearths only in the proposed on-site residential units. These shall be incorporated into the project
design to reduce operational ROG air emissions to ensure consistency with BAAQMD emission thresholds.
The project applicant shall demonstrate the incorporation of natural gas hearths priorto approval of final design
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Restricting hearths in the residences to natural gas only would substantially reduce
area emissions from the Project, resulting in emissions well below the ROG thresholds. Therefore, after
applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.2-4: Long-Term Operational Emissions—Toxics Air Contaminants. The proposed project could
expose sensitive receptors to substantial long-term operational pollutant concentrations, particularly from
vehicles and trucks on adjacent roadways. These impacts are potentially significant.
Mitigation Measures 3.2-1a and 1b. See above description.
MM 3.2-4: Provide Upgraded Ventilation Systems. Prior to the issuance of building permits,the Community
Development Director shall confirm that all building plans and contract specifications require residential dwelling
units within 600 feet of the north edge of the 1-580 general purpose lanes to be equipped with sealed heating,
ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC)systems. The sealed air system shall be designed so that all ambient
air introduced into the interior living space would be filtered to remove diesel particulate matter(DPM)and other
particulate matter at minimum of up to 75 percent of particulates of 0.3 micron or larger in size from the ambient
air that is introduced to the system, and 90 percent of particulates of 1 micron or larger.
This mitigation measure also requires a commitment by the applicant to ensure regular maintenance and
replacement of filters as needed. This requirement will be included as part of the conditions of approval and
could be done as part of the responsibility of the Home Owner's Association.
Project design specifications shall stipulate that the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system
intakes shall be placed as far away from 1-580 as feasible. The design shall also require positive pressure with
the HVAC system in all occupied spaces to prevent the incursion of outside air that bypasses the HVAC filters.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of the mitigations will reduce exposure to diesel exhaust for the
residences within 600 feet of 1-580 to less than applicable exposure thresholds . The mitigations employ a
combination of techniques to reduce such exposure. The mitigations require use of sealed ventilation systems
to filter and remove diesel and other particulates so the amount entering the homes would be reduced by 75%
or more. By requiring positive pressure in the ventilation system, the mitigation further limits the amount of
diesel exhaust exposure to residents because outside air would not bypass the filters. By requiring the HOA to
maintain and replace the filters, the mitigation ensures that the filtration system will function as intended. In
addition to filtering,the measure ensures that ventilation system intakes are located as far from the freeway as
feasible since the exposure decreases with distance from the freeway,thereby further decreasing exposure to
residents. Therefore, after applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.2.6: Long-Term Operational Emissions—Clean Air Plan Consistency. Construction-related and
operational criteria pollutant emissions may conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable Air Quality
Plan. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would result in a potentially significant impact.
Mitigation Measure 3.2-2. See above description.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: By restricting the use of residence hearths to natural gas only, the mitigation ensures
that implementation of the Project would reduce ROG emissions to below applicable standards,thus ensuring
compliance with state ozone standards and the 2010 Bay Area Clean Air Plan. Therefore, after applying the
mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant,
Impact 3.3-2: Archaeological Resources. The proposed project has been previously disturbed with
development of the Heritage Park commercial/office complex. However, based on the existence of the
archaeological resources within and adjacent to the Dublin Village Area Specific Plan,there is a high probability
of identifying Native American archaeological resources and encountering historic-period archaeological
resources within the Specific Plan area and at the project site, Therefore, this is a potentially significant
MM 3.3-2a: Archaeological Monitoring. An archaeological monitor shall be present at the project site during
ground disturbing activities (e.g. grading and excavation) during construction of the proposed project. If
anything is discovered during the archaeological monitoring, the project applicant shall implement Mitigation
Measure 3.3-2b.
MM 3.3-2b: Halt Work/Archaeological Evaluation/Site Specific Mitigation. If any potential archaeological,
pre-historic or cultural artifacts are encountered during site grading or other construction activities, all ground
disturbance within 50 feet of the discovery shall be halted until a qualified archaeologist can identify and
evaluate the resource(s)in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines 15064.5(f). The archeological consultant
shall immediately notify the project sponsor and the City staff of the encountered archeological deposit. If the
deposit does not qualify as an archaeological resource,then no further protection or study is necessary. If the
deposit does qualify as an archaeological resource then the impacts shall be avoided by project activities. If the
deposit cannot be avoided,adverse impacts to the deposit shall be addressed in accordance with State CEQA
Guidelines 15126.4(b). Measures may include, but are not limited to archaeological data recovery,etc. Upon
completion of the assessment by the archaeologist, a professional-quality report shall be submitted to the City,
the project applicant, and the Northwest Information Center at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park. The
project applicant shall fund and implement the mitigation in accordance with Section 15064.5(c)through (f)of
the CEQA Guidelines and Public Resources Code 21083.2.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigations ensure that currently unknown archeological resources will not be
inadvertently disturbed or destroyed as a result of construction activities. Through the requirement for an
archeological monitor, the mitigations also ensure that a knowledgeable professional will be present during
construction activities to recognize and identify potential artifacts or other resources. Therefore,after applying
the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.3-3: Paleontological Resources. No paleontological resources are known to exist within the project
vicinity. However, the presence of unknown paleontological resources could be discovered during site
preparation and grading activities, which would be a potentially significant impact.
MM 3.3-3: Halt Work/Paleontological Evaluation/Site Specific Mitigation. If paleontological resources are
encountered during subsurface construction activities, all work within 50 feet of the discovery shall be
redirected until a qualified paleontologist can evaluate the finds. If the paleontological resources are found to be
significant,they shall be avoided by project construction activities and recovered by a qualified paleontologist.
Upon completion of the recovery, a paleontological assessment shall be conducted by a qualified paleontologist
to determine if further monitoring for paleontological resources is required. The assessment shall include: l)the
results of any geotechnical investigation prepared for the project area; 2) specific details of the construction
plans for the project area; 3) background research; and 4) limited subsurface investigation within the project
area. If a high potential to encounter paleontological resources is confirmed,a monitoring plan of further project
subsurface construction shall be prepared in conjunction with this assessment. After project subsurface
construction has ended, a report documenting monitoring, methods, findings, and further recommendations
regarding paleontological resources shall be prepared and submitted to the Director of Community
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigations ensure that currently unknown paleontological resources will not be
inadvertently disturbed or destroyed as a result of construction activities. Therefore, after applying the
mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.3-4: Disturb Human Remains Interred Outside of Formal Cemeteries. Due to the disturbed
nature of the project site, there are no known human remains interred outside of formal cemeteries that are
anticipated to be disturbed during short-term construction activities, However, human remains could be
discovered during site preparation and grading activities, which would be a potentially significant impact.
MM 3.3-4: Halt Work/Coroner's Evaluation/Native American Heritage Consultant/Compllance with Most
Likely Descendent Recommendations. In the event that human remains are encountered during grading and
site preparation activities,all ground-disturbing work within 50 feet of the remains shall cease immediately and
a qualified archaeologist shall notify the Office of the Alameda County Coroner and advise that office as to
whether the remains are likely to be Native American. If determined to be Native American, the Alameda
County Coroner's Office shall notify the Native American Heritage Commission of the find, which in turn will
then appoint a"Most Likely Descendent. (MLD)."The MILD in consultation with the archaeological consultant
and the project sponsor will advise and help formulate an appropriate plan for treatment of the remains,which
might include recordation, removal, and scientific study of the remains and any associated artifacts, After
completion of the analysis and preparation of the report of findings, the remains and associated grave goods
shall be returned to the MLD for burial.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigations ensure that currently unknown human remains will not be inadvertently
disturbed or destroyed through ground disturbance as a result of construction activities. Therefore, after
applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.4-3: Exposure of People or Structures to Seismic Ground Shaking. Ground shaking is likely to
occur at the project site and in the project vicinity in the event of a major earthquake on one of the nearby faults
resulting in the exposure of people and/or structures to potentially significant adverse effects,including the risk
of loss, injury or death. This is considered a potentially significant impact.
MM 3.4-3: Preparation of Design-Level Geotechnical Report. The project applicant shall consult with a
registered geotechnical engineer to prepare a design level geotechnical report that incorporates the
recommendations in the geotechnical investigation by Stevens Ferrone and Bailey Engineering Company, Inc,
(March 2012). These include maintaining a minimum 25 foot setback from the center line of the Calaveras fault
trace,construction of post-tensioned slab foundations,and over-excavation of disturbed weak soils and fill. The
design level geotechnical report shall address site preparation and grading (including measures to address
potential liquefaction and expansive soils), building foundations, CBC seismic design parameters, and
preliminary pavement sections. This report shall be submitted in conjunction with Building Permit application(s)
and reviewed and approved by the City. Recommendations from the design-level geotechnical report shall be
incorporated into the project design and construction documents.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The Project is subject to the California Building Code ("CBC") which recognizes the
seismic risk of developing in this state and includes stringent design and construction requirements and
engineering applicable not only to future Project structures but also to grading,foundations,retaining walls and
other structures. The Project also prepared site- and project-specific geotechnical studies with
recommendations which the City peer-reviewed as part of the EIR process, Building from the background of
the CBC regulatory scheme and the existing preliminary geotechnical studies,the identified mitigation sets forth
the next steps for the Project, consistent with City requirements for design-level geotechnical studies to show
how the CBC requirements and the preliminary study recommendations will be implemented through specific
structural and improvement design. Though the mitigation,the Project will continue the process of increasingly
refined engineering review to ensure that ground shaking is addressed at each step of the development
process. Therefore, after applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.4-4: Exposure of People or Structures to Liquefaction. The proposed project could expose
people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects of liquefaction. This is a potentially significant
MM 3.4-3: Preparation of Design-Level Geotechnical Report. See above description.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The required design-level geotechnical report will build on the existing geotechnical
studies to show how liquefaction regulations in the CBC, and the City's standard engineering practices and
design criteria for soil stability will be implemented in project construction and improvement. The mitigation will
ensure that proper soil engineering, foundation design and construction will be implemented to avoid hazards
from seismic-related ground failure such as liquefaction. Therefore,after applying the mitigation measure,the
impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.4-6: Exposure to Expansive Soil. Implementation of the proposed project would include future
development within an area that has expansive soils. With adherence to the City's Building Code and CBC
requirements, this is a potentially significant impact.
MM 3.4-3: Preparation of Design-Level Geotechnical Report. See above description.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The required design-level geotechnical report will build on the existing geotechnical
studies to show how regulations in the CBC, and the City's standard engineering practices and design criteria
for soil stability will be implemented in project construction and improvement. The mitigation will ensure that
proper soil engineering, foundation design and construction will be implemented to avoid hazards from
expansive soils. Therefore, after applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.6-4: Accidental Conditions During Construction. Construction activities at the project site may
result in accidental conditions as a result of potentially contaminated groundwater underlying the project site.
This is a potentially significant impact.
MM 3.6-4: Review Files for the former Dublin Square Shopping Center and Prepare a Worker Safety
Plan. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, an environmental consultant with Phase II/site characterization
experience shall review the existing files maintained by the Department of Toxic Substances and Control, the
Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health for the
Heritage Park site and prepare a worker safety plan to ensure construction worker safety during
grading/excavation activities.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation recognizes the potential for contaminated groundwater from previous
underground storage tank releases and ensures that an effective construction worker safety program will be
crafted based on existing information from regulatory agencies,so as to limit exposure of workers to hazardous
materials. Therefore, after applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.6-5: Accidental Conditions During Operation. During operation of the proposed project,there is
the potential for the residential uses to be exposed to hazardous vapors as a result of contaminated
groundwater in the vicinity of the project site. potentially significant impact.
MM 3.6-5: Conduct a Vapor Intrusion Investigation. Prior to issuance of building permits, vapor intrusion
investigations shall be conducted by a qualified Environmental Professional, in consultation with the Alameda
County Department of Environmental Health (ACDEH) or other appropriate agency if applicable. Should the
environmental professional determine that proposed buildings could be impacted by vapor intrusion, the
Environmental Professional shall recommend specific design measures to be incorporated into the building
design that would reduce these indoor air quality concentrations to below applicable regulatory thresholds.
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation follows up on the existing Phase I ESA to determine if vapor intrusion
will occur from prior onsite and offsite uses. The mitigation requires that the nature and extent of the vapor
encroachment will be identified, if any, and that appropriate design measures will be implemented to ensure
that applicable indoor air quality standards are met, in compliance with county and state regulatory
requirements. Therefore, after applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 3.9-1: Exposure to Short-term Construction Related Noise and Vibration. The proposed project
may result in short-term construction-related noise at nearby noise sensitive land uses. This is a potentially
significant impact.
MM 3.9.1: Implement Short-Term Construction Best Management Noise Practices. Prior to issuance of
any Grading Permit, the Public Works Director and the Building Official shall confirm that the Grading Plan,
Building Plans, and specifications stipulate that the following basic construction mitigation measures shall be
implemented for all construction projects:
All construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and sound control devices (e.g., intake
silencers and noise shrouds) no less effective than those provided on the original equipment and no
equipment shall have an un-muffled exhaust. The contractor shall maintain and tune-up all construction
equipment to minimize noise emissions.
Stationary equipment shall be placed so as to maintain the greatest possible distance to the sensitive
receptors. '
Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum
idling time to five minutes (as required by the California airborne toxics control measure Title 13, Section
2485 of California Code of Regulations[CCR]).Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at
all access points.
All equipment servicing shall be performed so as to maintain the greatest possible distance to the sensitive
A qualified"Noise Disturbance Coordinator"shall be designated amongst the construction crew whom shall
be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. When a complaint is
received,the Disturbance Coordinator shall notify the City within 24 hours of the complaint and determine
the cause of the noise complaint(e.g.,starting too early, malfunctioning muffler, etc.)and shall implement
reasonable measures to resolve the compliant, as deemed acceptable by the Planning Department.
Select demolition methods to minimize vibration,where possible(e.g.,sawing masonry into sections rather
than demolishing it by pavement breakers).
® Construction trucks shall utilize a route that is least disruptive to sensitive receptors, preferably major
roadways(San Ramon Road, and Interstate 580). Construction trucks should,to the extent practical,avoid
the weekday and Saturday a,m, and p.m. peak hours (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a,m. and 4:00 p.m, to 6:00 p.m.).
Net Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation measure ensures that construction traffic will be limited to less noise
sensitive periods of the day, that construction equipment is operated and maintained to reduce noise levels,
and that staging and storage areas are located as far from sensitive receptors as feasible. Through this variety
of measures, the mitigation ensures that construction noise impacts will be reduced to less than significant.
Therefore, after applying the mitigation measure, the impact would be less than significant.