HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 84-14 Quarry Land School Expansion RESOLUTION NO. 84 - 14
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6363 TASSAJARA ROAD (APN 985-0002-006-03)
1 PLPA-2014-00008
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Dr. Sabri Arac, Quarry Lane School, has requested approval of
Site Development Review and amendments to the Development Plan for the existing Planned
Development District (Ord. 24-00) to allow for 17,102 square feet of additional building area on
the school site, consisting of one new building of 13,102 square feet, and the potential to add up
to 4,000 square feet to existing Building One at some point in the future. The total building area
would be 110,602 square feet, which would also include the square footage of Building 1 (7,611
square feet), which was an existing building on an adjacent lot that was purchased by the
School in 1997 and made a part of the school campus. The added total building area is referred
to herein as the "Project"; and
WHEREAS, a complete application for the Project is available and on file in the Dublin
Planning Department; and
WHEREAS, environmental review for the Project area was previously conducted and
documented in the certified EIR for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific
Plan, which was adopted in 1993 (SCH No. 91-103064) and in the certified EIR for the Quarry
Lane Master Plan, which was adopted in 1998 by the County of Alameda (SCH No. 97122109);
WHEREAS, in 2000, the City of Dublin approved a Planned Development District Stage
1/2 Development Plan for the construction of Phase II of Quarry Lane School, and adopted a
Mitigated Negative Declaration (City Council Resolution 204-00, incorporated herein by
reference); and
WHEREAS, in 2004, the Planning Commission approved Site Development Review, a
Conditional Use Permit, and adopted a CEQA Addendum to allow the construction of Phase II of
Quarry Lane School and the associated minor amendments to the approved Development Plan
(PC Resolution 04-46, incorporated herein by reference); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, the City of Dublin prepared an
Initial Study to determine if additional environmental review was required for the Project beyond
the prior EIRs and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Initial Study determined that the project
would not require major revisions to the previous EIRs or Mitigated Negative Declaration
because the Project would not have new significant environmental effects or a substantial
increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. Because the overall site
building envelope, amount of urbanized area, and student and staff population were
unchanged, the impacts and appropriate mitigations are the same and no new mitigations are
required. Furthermore, the Initial Study determined that there was no change in circumstances
that would result in new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the
Page 1 of 3
severity of previously identified significant effects because no new or unanticipated
circumstances have developed since the previous EIRs were certified, the previous Mitigated
Negative Declaration was adopted, and the previous Addendum was adopted; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 and based on the Initial Study,
dated April 28, 2014, the City prepared an Addendum to the prior CEQA documents. The
Addendum, with its supporting Initial Study, are attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, which is
incorporated herein by reference and which describes the Quarry Lane School Phase III
expansion and its relation to the analysis in the previous environmental documents; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the
Project, including the proposed General Plan Amendment, on May 13, 2014, at which time all
interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, on May 13, 2014, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14-21
recommending that the City Council adopt a CEQA Addendum for the Quarry Lane School
Phase III expansion at 6363 Tassajara Road, which Resolution is incorporated herein by
reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and
WHEREAS, on May 13, 2014, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14-22
recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to rezone
the Quarry Lane School site to a Planned Development Zoning District and approving the
related Stage 1/2 Development Plan Amendment for the Quarry Lane School Phase III
expansion, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City
Hall during normal business hours; and
WHEREAS, on May 13, 2014, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14-23
recommending that the City Council approve Site Development Review for a new 13,102 square
foot building at Quarry Lane School, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and
available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated June 3, 2014, and incorporated herein by reference,
described and analyzed the Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion, including the associated
Site Development Review, Planned Development Rezoning, and CEQA Addendum, for the City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Quarry Lane
School Phase III expansion, including the associated Site Development Review, Planned
Development Rezoning, and CEQA Addendum, on June 3, 2014, at which time all interested
parties had the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the City Council considered the previous EIRs, Initial Study, and CEQA
Addendum, all above-referenced reports, recommendations, and testimony to evaluate the
Project; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15093 and the California Court of
Appeals decision Communities for a Better Environment v. California Resources Agency (2002)
103 Cal. App. 4th 98, 125, approval of the Project must be supported by a new Statement of
Overriding Considerations.
Page 2 of 3
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct
and made a part of this resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Council has reviewed and considered the
Addendum and Initial Study dated April 28, 2014 (Exhibit A) and the Statement of Overriding
Considerations (Exhibit B) prior to taking action on the project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby adopt the CEQA
Addendum, including the related Initial Study, attached as Exhibit A, pursuant to CEQA
Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164 for the Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby adopt the Statement of
Overriding Considerations attached as Exhibit B.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 2014 by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Biddle, Gupta, Hart, Haubert, and Mayor Sbranti
NOES: None
jj• //kJ'
City Clerk
Reso No.84-14,Adopted 6-3-14, Item 6.1 Page 3 of 3
Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion(2014)
Addendum and Initial Study
City of Dublin
April 28,2014
The Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project consists of the following components:
1. Construction of a new two story, 13,102 square foot cafeteria and science building behind the
existing office/library/administration building(Building One);
2. Documenting the addition of the existing Building 1 to the Quarry Lane School campus. The
building was acquired by the school in 1997 but the square footage was never reflected in the
adopted Development Plan;
3. Documenting a potential future expansion area for Building One by 4,000 square feet for the
purposes of creating a performing arts stage;and
4. Construction of retaining walls,site grading,and other related site improvements on the school site
to accommodate the new building area,including the removal of seven trees(four eucalyptus,two
redwood,and one Mexican fan palm).
In order to accommodate the total 17,102 square feet of additional building area and associated site
improvements,the following approvals are being sought:
1. Site Development Review for site and architectural approval of the 13,102 square foot cafeteria and
} science building;
2. Planned Development Rezoning/Development Plan Amendment to increase the allowable
development on the project site from 85,889 square feet (as noted in the existing Development
Plan)to 110,602 square feet. The added square footage is comprised of the following:
Table 1: Project Description
Square Status Description
Phase 1 15,600 Existing Allowed per Development Plan(2000)
Phase I I 70,289 Existing Allowed per amended Development Plan(2004)
Subtotal 85,889 Total allowed per Development Plan(2004)
Existing building purchased by Quarry Lane and added to school
Building t 7,611 Existing campus
Subtotal 7,611 Additional development existing on-site(2014)
New Cafeteria/ Proposed Development Plan Amendment
Science Building 13,102 Proposed and Site Development Review(SDR)
Building 1:future 4,000 Proposed Proposed Development Plan Amendment-no SDR
Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
' I
Square Status Description
Subtotal 17,102 Total Additional Development proposed on site
TOTAL 110,602 Proposed Development Plan Amendment •
The location of the new cafeteria/science building is shown in Figure 1 (Project Site Plan), which is
The project site was previously reviewed for annexation and development as part of the Eastern Dublin El R
(SCH 91103604) prepared for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan project. The
Quarry Lane School site was not annexed at this time and the property continued to remain in
unincorporated Alameda County. The Eastern Dublin EIR was certified by the City Council on May 10, 1993
via Resolution 51-93, incorporated herein by reference. Numerous mitigation measures were adopted,and
continue to apply to the Quarry Lane School project and project site as appropriate. Significant
unavoidable impacts were also identified; therefore, the City Council adopted a Statement of Overriding
Considerations upon approval of the Eastern Dublin project(Resolution 53-93).
In April 1999, Alameda County approved the first phase of the Quarry Lane School, consisting of a 15,600-
square -foot building for day care, preschool and elementary school grades with a maximum of 200
students. An Environmental Impact Report(Quarry Lane School, Environmental Impact Report,the 2060th
Zoning Unit, August 1998, SCH #97122109, incorporated herein by reference) was certified by the County
prior to approving the Phase I project. The EIR included an analysis of the full build out of the school,
consisting of 62,575 square feet of floor area for day care, preschool, elementary, middle and high school
grades with a maximum of 95o students and 55 faculty and staff members.
On December 19,2000,the City of Dublin City Council approved a Planned Development District Pre-zoning
and Annexation application for Phase 2 of the Quarry Lane School. The use, student population, building
envelope, site layout, extent of grading, and construction were studied as part of the application. The
total project size increased from the 62,575 square feet studied in the Alameda County Quarry Lane EIR to
82,263 square feet, but the student population did not change. An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative
Declaration was prepared for the Phase 2 project that considered the following environmental factors:
aesthetics; biological resources; public services; utilities/service systems; cultural resources;
hydrology/water quality; noise; air quality; geology/soils; and transportation/circulation. The adopted
Mitigated Negative Declaration determined that these impacts were less than significant with the
mitigations incorporated into the project via City Council Resolution 204-00, December 5, 2000,
incorporated herein by reference.
On May 25, 2004, the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Review application and minor
amendments to the approved Stage 2 Development Plan that included a 3,604 square foot increase to the
overall project building size (a total of 70,289 square feet), a minor amendment to the number of parking
spaces (reduction to 149 total spaces required), and allowances for an additional retaining wall on site.
With this amendment to Phase II, an Addendum to the EIRs and Mitigated Negative Declaration was
prepared that determined the changes to the Phase II project would not require major revisions to the
previous EIRs or Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Addendum was approved by the Planning
Commission via Resolution 04-46, incorporated herein by reference.
2 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
In order to determine if there were any significant environmental impacts that were present with the
Project that were not already addressed (and mitigated if necessary) in the previous environmental
documents,an Initial Study was completed. The Initial Study, dated April 28,2014 and incorporated herein
by reference, determined that the potentially significant effects of the Project were adequately addressed
in the Eastern Dublin EIR,the Alameda County Quarry Lane EIR, and the 2004 Quarry Lane School Phase II
Mitigated Negative Declaration, and that no substantial changes have been proposed with the current
Project or the conditions under which the Project will be undertaken which require revisions of the
previous environmental documents. Based on the Initial Study, this Addendum has been prepared, which
notes the difference in the Quarry Lane School Phase III project and the previous project approvals which
CEQA impacts were addressed in the previously-certified EIRs and adopted MN D.
The Proposed Development Plan Amendment(Phase III expansion)compares to the Existing Development
Plan(Phase II expansion and previous project approvals)as follows:
Table 2: Existing and Proposed Development Plans
Approved Proposed
Project Component Development Plan Development Plan Difference
(Phase II: 2004) (Phase III: 2014)
Student Population 950 95o None
Faculty and Staff 55 55 None
Classrooms 51 51 None
Increase of 24,713 SF
Total Building Area g5�gg9 SF 110 602 (7,611 SF Existing Bldg.One added to
(Square Feet) campus+13,102 New Bldg.+4,000 SF
Bldg.One future expansion area)
Floor to Area Ratio .219(maximum) .253 increase of.034
Parking Spaces 149 spaces 149 spaces None
Max.Bldg.Height 59 feet 59 feet None
The addition of 7,611 square feet in Building 1 to the Total Building Area is a result of the school's
acquisition of the building and site, which existed on a separate parcel and served as a special events
center ("Villa Tassajara") for many years. In 1997, Quarry Lane School acquired the site and parcel and
incorporated the building into the school campus,utilizing the building for administrative purposes,library,
and kitchen functions. This is not newly-constructed building area,but it is building area that had not been
previously accounted for in the Quarry Lane School Development Plan, although it was referenced in the
2000 Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration.
3 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Although the proposed project allows for a new 13,102 square foot building to be constructed on site and
allows for a future expansion to Building One by up to 4,000 square feet to allow for the addition of a
performing arts area within the building,those factors which could intensify the use at the site-including
the total number of students enrolled at the school and the number of faculty/staff members - is not
increasing. Therefore, even with the construction of a facility such as the new cafeteria and science
building and the future potential for an addition to Building One,the same maximum number of students
are going to be served at the school site by the same maximum number of faculty and staff members, so
the overall intensity of activity at the site remains the same as before the Phase III expansion.
Pursuant to Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, no subsequent
environmental analysis shall be prepared for the Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project, as no
substantial changes have been proposed with the Project or the conditions under which the Project will be
undertaken which require revisions to the previous environmental documents. No new significant
environmental impacts have been identified and no substantial increase in the severity of previously
identified impacts has been discovered.
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, with minor technical amendments and clarifications as
outlined in this Addendum,the previous environmental documents will continue to adequately address the
significant environmental impacts of the Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project.
The City prepared an Initial Study in connection with the Project, based on the Initial Study, the City
prepared an Addendum to the previous CEQA documents. As provided in Section 15164, the Addendum
need not be circulated for public review, but shall be considered with the previous environmental
documents before making a decision on the proposed project. The Initial Study is included below and the
previous environmental documents are available for review in the Community Development Department
at the City of Dublin,100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California.
4 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
This Initial Study has been prepared in accord with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines. It assesses the potential environmental impacts of implementing the
proposed project described below and whether those impacts are adequately addressed in prior
environmental reviews for the site. The Initial Study consists of a completed environmental checklist and a
brief explanation of the environmental topics addressed in the checklist.
Project Title
Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Lead Agency Name and Address
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Contact Person and Phone Number
Kristi Bascom
Principal Planner
Project Location
The project site is approximately ten acres
of land located on the east side of Tassajara
Road approximately 1.75 miles north of I-
580. The project location is shown below in
the figure to the right. '° ,, ,
The adjacent property to the north is
currently a single-family home and ranch
that will soon be demolished and
redeveloped with a 36-unit subdivision
approved in 2010. The adjacent property to
the south is a single-family home, landscape - A
contracting business, and landscape
nursery. 441 tstt t
Project Applicant's/Sponsor's Name and • "0'4l' •
Dr. Sabri Arac, President, Quarry Lane School
6363 Tassajara Road
Dublin, CA 94568
General Plan Designations
Medium Density Residential (6.1-14 units/acre)
5 I initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Current: Planned Development Zoning District(PA 99-064)
Proposed: Planned Development Zoning District(PLPA-2o14-0008)
Project Description
The adjacent property to the north is currently a single-family home and ranch that will soon be
demolished and redeveloped with a 36-unit subdivision approved in 2010. The adjacent property to the
south is designated Medium Density Residential (6.1 to 14 units per acre) and is currently occupied by a
single-family home,landscape contracting business,and landscape nursery.
In April 1999, prior to the site being annexed to the City of Dublin, Alameda County approved a Planned
Development District to allow the development of the first phase of the Quarry Lane School, consisting of
a 15,60o-square-foot building for day care, preschool and elementary school grades with a maximum
enrollment of 200 students. A programmatic Environmental Impact Report was certified by the County at
that time for the Quarry Lane School Master Plan.
On December 19, 2000, the City Council approved the Planned Development (PD) District Pre-zoning and
Annexation application for Quarry Lane School Phase II(City Council Ordinance 24-00—Attachment 1). The
application was for a substantial increase to the amount of development on site to allow an additional
66,685 square feet to construct a middle school and high school building, recreation areas, landscaping
and grading. This would allow Quarry Lane to expand from 200 students (daycare, preschool, and
elementary school)to a population of 95o students that would include middle school and high school ages
as well. The school use, maximum student population, ultimate building envelope, site layout, extent of
grading,and architectural plans were approved by the City at this time.
On May 25, 2004, the Planning Commission approved Resolution 04-46 (Attachment 2), which included a
minor amendment to the Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review. The application
requested Site Development Review to construct Phase II, which included construction of 70,289 square
feet of new building area (an increase from the 66,685 square feet approved in 2000) and associated
sports fields and playground areas to serve the middle and high school facilities. The project also included
other minor site revisions. While the building area increased, the total maximum student population
remained at 950 students.
Proposed Project
The Phase III expansion of Quarry Lane School includes Site Development Review and amendments to the
Development Plan for the existing Planned Development District (Ord. 24-00) to allow for 17,102 square
feet of additional building area on the school site,consisting of one new building of 13,102 square feet,and
the potential to add up to 4,000 square feet to existing Building One at some point in the future. The total
building area would be 110,602 square feet, which would also include the square footage of Building 1
(7,611 square feet), which was an existing building on an adjacent lot that was purchased by the School in
1997 and made a part of the school campus.
The current proposal is to increase the amount of development permitted on site from 85,889 square feet
(per the 2004 Stage 2 Development Plan approval) to 110,602 square feet and to increase the allowable
Floor to Area Ratio(FAR)from.209 to.253. Table i below describes the factors in the proposed increase.
6 Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
Table 1: Project Description
Square Status Description
Phase 1 15,600 Existing Allowed per Development Plan(2000)
Phase II 70,289 Existing Allowed per amended Development Plan(2004)
Subtotal 85,889 Total allowed per Development Plan(2oo4)
Existing building purchased by Quarry Lane and added to
school campus(but never added to the Stage 2
Building 1 7,611 Existing Development Plan total)
Subtotal 7,611 Additional development existing on-site(2014)
New Cafeteria/ Proposed Stage 2 Development Plan Amendment and Site
Science Building 13,102 Proposed Development Review(SDR)
Building 1:
future addition 4,000 Proposed Proposed Development Plan Amendment-no SDR
Subtotal 17,102 Total Additional Development proposed on site
TOTAL 110,602 Proposed Stage 2 Development Plan Amendment
Proposed Planned Development Rezoning and related Stage 1/2 Development Plan Amendments:
The proposed changes to the Stage 1/2 Development Plan are to:
1) Increase the amount of development permitted on site from 85,889 square feet(per the 2004
Stage 2 Development Plan approval)to 110,602 square feet;and
2) Increase the allowable Floor to Area Ratio(FAR)from.219 to.253.
All other standards of the Stage 1/2 Development Plan remain the same.
Site Development Review approval for the new cafeteria/science building is also a part of the requested
Other public agencies whose approval is required
Grading and Building permits(City of Dublin)
Sewer and water connections(DSRSD)
Encroachment permits(City of Dublin)
Notice of Intent(State Water Resources Control Board)
7 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
Ill. Environmental Checklist
Environmental Factors Potentially Affected by the Project
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project,involving as
indicated by the checklist on the following pages.
Aesthetics Agricultural Resources ' Air Quality
Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology/Soils
Hazards& Hazardous Hydrology/Water Land Use/Planning
Materials Quality
Mineral Resources Noise Population/Housing
Public Services Recreation Transportation/
Utilities/Service Mandatory Findings of Significance
1. A brief explanation is required for all answers except"No Impact"answers that are adequately
supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each
question(see Attachment A: Source List). A"No Impact"answer is adequately supported if the
referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one
involved (e.g.,the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A"No Impact"answer should be
explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards(e.g.,the project
will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants,based on a project-specific screening analysis).
2. All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-site,
cumulative as well as project-level,indirect as well as direct,and construction as well as operational
3. Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur,then the checklist
answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with
mitigation,or less than significant."Potentially Significant Impact"is appropriate if there is
substantial evidence that any effect may be significant. If there are one or more"Potentially
Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made,an EIR is required.
4. "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated:applies where
incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from"Potentially Significant Impact"
to a"Less Than Significant Impact."The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures,and
briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level.
5. Earlier Analysis may be used where,pursuant to the tiering, Program EIR,or other CEQA process,
one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration.
Section 15o63(cX3)(D). In this case,the checklist entry will be"No New Impact"and a discussion
should identify the following on attached sheets:
8 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
a. Earlier analysis used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review.
b. Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within
the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal
standards,and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on
the earlier analysis.
9 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
1. AESTHETICS. Would the project
a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? X
b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including
but not limited to trees,rock outcroppings,and X
historic buildings within a state scenic highway?
c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character X
or quality of the site and its surroundings?
d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare,
which would adversely affect day or nighttime X
views in the area?
The school campus is currently occupied by 93,50o square feet of educational buildings, parking
areas, recreational fields,and other facilities appropriate to a school and therefore the visual
character of the site has already been determined. The proposed new two-story building(13,302
square feet)will be located behind an existing two story building and will have limited visibility from
Tassajara Road. The future expansion area to Building 1 will be aesthetically complementary to the
existing campus and within the development standards already specific in the Stage 1/2
Development Plan. No more substantial light or glare impacts will be created as a result of the new
building or the future expansion area.
The Quarry Lane MN D(2000)contained several mitigation measures that will continue to apply to
the project site, including:
The Quarry Lane Phase Ill expansion project would not have any impacts on aesthetics/visual
resources beyond those already analyzed in the previous environmental documents,and therefore
no new impacts would result.
2. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES AND FORESTRY RESOURCES. In determining whether impacts to
agricultural resources are significant environmental effects,lead agencies may refer to the
California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model(1997)prepared by the
California Department of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on
agriculture and farmland. In determining whether impacts to forest resources,including
timberland,are significant environmental effects,lead agencies may refer to information
compiled by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection regarding the state's
inventory of forest land,Including the Forest and Range Assessment Project and the Forest
Legacy Assessment project;and forest carbon measurement methodology provided in Forest
Protocols adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Would the project:
a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland,or
Farmland of Statewide Importance(Farmland),as X
shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the
10 I initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
Issues Incorpor. Impact impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Saurus):
Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the
California Resources Agency,to non-agricultural
b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use,or X
a Williamson Act contract?
c) Conflict with existing zoning for,or cause rezoning
of forest land(as defined in Public Resources Code
Section 12220(g)),timberland(as defined by Public X
Resources Code section 4526)or timberland zoned
Timberland Production(as defined by Government
Code section 51104(g))?
d) Result in loss of forest land or conversion of forest X
land to non-forest uses?
e) Involve other changes in the existing environment,
which due to their location or nature,could result in X
conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use or
conversion of forest land to non-forest use?
The project area has already been developed and there are no agricultural or forestry present,no
agricultural zoning or Williamson Act land,and therefore there would be no new impact.
3. AIR QUALITY. Where available,the significance criteria established by the applicable air
quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the
following determinations. Would the project:
a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the X
applicable air quality plan?
b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an X
existing or projected air quality violation?
c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of
any criteria pollutant for which the project region is
non-attainment under an applicable federal or state X
ambient air quality standard(including releasing
emissions,which exceed quantitative thresholds for
ozone precursors)?
d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant X
e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial X
number of people?
n I initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
The proposed project does not increase the maximum student population able to be
accommodated on site nor does it allow for an increase in the number of faculty and staff at the
school. Therefore,the vehicular trips to and from the school site will not increase beyond that
which was previously assumed and the air quality impacts normally attributed to vehicular
emissions would not be increased. Since the maximum student population is not increasing,the
number of potentially sensitive receptors is not increasing either. The school campus will not
create objectionable odors.
The Quarry Lane Phase Ill expansion project would not have any impacts on air quality beyond
those already analyzed in the previous environmental documents,and therefore no new impacts
would result.
4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse effect,either directly or
through habitat modifications, on any species
identified as a candidate,sensitive,or special-status X
species in local or regional plans,policies, or
regulations,or by the California Department of Fish
and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?
b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian
habitat or other sensitive natural community
identified in local or regional plans,policies, X
regulations or by the California Department of Fish
and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?
c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally
protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of
the Clean Water Act(including,but not limited to, X
marsh,vernal pool,coastal,etc.)through direct
removal,filling,hydrological interruption, or other
d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any
native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species
or with established native resident or migratory X
wildlife corridors,or impede the use of native
wildlife nursery sites?
e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances
protecting biological resources, such as a tree X
preservation policy or ordinance?
f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat X
12 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
Conservation Plan, Natural Community
Conservation Plan,or other approved local,
regional, or state habitat conservation plan?
The school campus is currently occupied by 93,50o square feet of educational buildings,parking
areas, recreational fields,and other facilities appropriate to a school. The location of the proposed
new cafeteria and science building is currently occupied by a storage shed,outdoor eating area for
students,and a commercial grade walk-in refrigerator. Therefore,there are no biological resources
present on the project site near the proposed expansion areas.
There are seven trees that are proposed to be removed from the project site,including four
eucalyptus,two redwoods(with trunk diameters of 10 inches and 12 inches)and one Mexican fan
palm tree. These trees are located in areas that are to receive extensive grading. All other
landscaping is to remain on site,and the newly-created slope areas are to be planted with
The Quarry Lane Phase III expansion project would not have any impacts on biological resources
beyond those already analyzed in the previous environmental documents,and therefore no new
impacts would result.
5. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the
significance of a historical resource as defined in X
CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5?
b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the
significance of an archaeological resource pursuant x
to section 15064.5?
c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique
paleontological resource or site or unique geologic X
d) Disturb any human remains, including those X
interred outside of formal cemeteries?
The school campus is currently occupied by 93,50o square feet of educational buildings,parking
areas, recreational fields,and other facilities appropriate to a school. The location of the proposed
new cafeteria and science building is currently occupied by a storage shed,outdoor eating area for
students,and a commercial grade walk-in refrigerator. No historic resources exist on site.
While the likelihood of finding archaeological and/or cultural resources on the project site in the
location of the future buildings is low,in the event that such resources are encountered,mitigation
Measure 3.9/5.o and 6.o contained in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR establishes procedures to
131 Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
be activated in the event archeological resources are encountered during grading.
The Quarry Lane Phase Ill expansion project would not have any impacts on cultural resources
beyond those already analyzed in the previous environmental documents,and therefore no new
impacts would result.
6. GEOLOGY AND SOILS. Would the project expose people or structures to potential substantial
adverse effects,including the risk of loss,injury,or death involving:
a) Rupture of a known earthquake fault,as delineated
on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault
Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the X
area or based on other substantial evidence of a
known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and
Geology Special Publication 42?
b) Strong seismic ground shaking? X
c) Seismic-related ground failure, including X
d) Landslides? X
e) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of X
f) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable,
or that would become unstable as a result of the
project,and potentially result in on-or off-site X
landslide,lateral spreading,subsidence,liquefaction
or collapse?
g) Be located on expansive soil,as defined in Table 18-
i-B of the Uniform Building Code(1994),creating X
substantial risks to life or property?
h) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the
use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater X
disposal systems where sewers are not available for
the disposal of wastewater.
Since the site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Safety Zone,the potential for
ground rupture is anticipated to be minimal.Adherence to Mitigation Measures MM 3.6/1.o through
8.o contained in the Eastern Dublin EIR will ensure that new structures built on the site will comply
with generally recognized seismic safety standards so that ground shaking impacts would be
14 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources
The previous environmental documents include a number of mitigation measures to deal with
geologic impacts,including the requirement for a soils report prior to issuance of building permits,
completion of a geotechnical report for the site,identifying appropriate construction methods and
techniques consistent with generally recognized engineering principles;Review of the final grading
plan by a geotechnical engineer;and Identification of specific methods to minimize risk of
landslides and expansive soils as part of the geotechnical report. Construction of any future
buildings on the project site will need to comply with these requirements.
The Quarry Lane Phase Ill expansion project would not have any impacts on geology and soils
beyond those already analyzed in the previous environmental documents,and therefore no new
impacts would result.
7. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. Would the project:
a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly
or indirectly,that may have a significant impact on X
the environment?
b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation
adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions X
of greenhouse gases?
Impacts related to Greenhouse Gas Emissions were not analyzed in any of the prior environmental
documents. However,the proposed project does not increase the maximum student population
able to be accommodated on site nor does it allow for an increase in the number of faculty and
staff at the school. Therefore,the vehicular trips to and from the school site will not increase and
the vehicular emissions generated will not increase.
a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through the routine transport, use,or X
disposal of hazardous materials?
b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through reasonably foreseeable upset X
and accident conditions involving the release of
hazardous materials into the environment?
c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or
acutely hazardous materials,substances,or waste X
within '/, mile of an existing or proposed school?
d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of
hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to X
Government Code Section 65962.5 and,as a result,
15 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
would it create a significant hazard to the public or
the environment?(V.13)
e) For a project located within an airport land use plan
or,where such a plan has not been adopted,within
two miles of a public airport or public use airport, X
would the project result in a safety hazard for
people residing or working in the project area?
f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip,
would the project result in a safety hazard for X
people residing or working in the project area?
g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere
with an adopted emergency response plan or X
emergency evacuation plan?
h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of
loss,injury or death involving wildland fires,
including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized X
areas or where residences are intermixed with
The new science building will contain small amounts of chemicals for the purposes of middle and
high school level appropriate science experiments. The amount of chemicals allowed to be stored
on site is regulated by the Fire Prevention Division of the City of Dublin. There is no potential
impact from the limited nature and use of these chemicals.
The project area is not located within an airport land use planning area nor near a private airstrip. It
will not create a hazard for the public,impair the execution of any emergency response plans,nor
will it increase the risk of wildland fires. Therefore,there is no potential impact from the Project.
The quarry Lane Phase III expansion project would not have any impacts on hazards and hazardous
9. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY. Would the project:
a) Violate any water quality standards or waste X
discharge requirements?
b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or
interfere substantially with groundwater recharge
such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer X
volume or a lowering of the local ground water
table level(for example,the production rate of pre-
existing nearby wells would drop to a level which
i6 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase 111 expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant I No New
Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
would not support existing land uses or planned
uses for which permits have been granted)?
c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of
the site or area,including through the alteration of
the course of a stream or river,in a manner,which X
would result in substantial erosion or siltation on-or
d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of
the site or area,including through the alteration of
the course of a stream or river,or substantially X
increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a
manner,which would result in flooding on-or off-
e) Create or contribute runoff water which would
exceed the capacity of existing or planned storm X
water drainage systems or provide substantial
additional sources of polluted runoff?
f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? X
g) Place housing within a loo-year flood-hazard area as
mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or X
Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard
delineation map?
h) Place within a loo-year flood-hazard area structures, X
which would impede or redirect flood flows?
i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of
loss,injury or death involving flooding,including X
flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam?
j) Inundation by seiche,tsunami, or mudflow? X
The school campus is currently occupied by 93,50o square feet of educational buildings,parking
areas,recreational fields,and other facilities appropriate to a school and therefore is considered a
developed site. All future construction will need to comply with the requirements of the Regional
Water Quality Control Board as well as all City of Dublin stormwater treatment and water quality
requirements. No new impacts to hydrology and water quality will result from the implementation
of the project that have not already been addressed in previous environmental documents.
10. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the project:
a) Physically divide an established community? X
17 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan,policy, or
regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the
project(including,but not limited to the general X
plan,specific plan, local coastal program,or zoning
ordinance)adopted for the purpose of avoiding or
mitigating an environmental effect?
c) Conflict with any applicable Habitat Conservation X
Plan or Natural Community Conservation Plan?
The proposed project is in conformance with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
There is no adopted Habitat Conservation or Natural Community Conservation Plan for the site. No
new impacts to land use and planning will result from the implementation of the project that have
not already been addressed in previous environmental documents.
11. MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral
resource that would be of value to the region and X
the residents of the state?
b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally
important mineral resource recovery site delineated X
on a local general plan,specific plan,or other land
use plan?
There are no known mineral resources within the City of Dublin or designated in the General Plan or
other land use plan,and therefore there would be no impact.
12. NOISE. Would the project result in:
a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels
in excess of standards established in the local X
general plan or noise ordinance or applicable
standards of other agencies?
b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive
ground borne vibration or ground borne noise X
c) Substantial permanent increase in ambient noise
levels in the project vicinity above levels existing X
without the project?
d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in X
18 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above
levels existing without the project?
e) For a project located within an airport land use plan
or,where such a plan has not been adopted,within
two miles of a public airport or public use airport, X
would the project expose people residing or
working in the project area to excessive noise
f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip,
would the project expose people residing or
working in the project area to excessive noise X
The expansion of the school campus will not result in new noise impacts because the maximum
student population is remaining the same,and therefore no new noise sources will be created on
site. Temporary noise impacts due to construction on site have been analyzed and mitigated in the
existing environmental documents and related mitigations will apply to the Project. No new
impacts to noise will result from the implementation of the project that have not already been
addressed in previous environmental documents.
13. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the project
a) Induce substantial population growth in an area,
either directly(for example, by proposing new X
homes and businesses)or indirectly(for example,
through extension of roads or other infrastructure)?
b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing,
necessitating the construction of replacement X
housing elsewhere?
c) Displace substantial numbers of people,
necessitating the construction of replacement X
housing elsewhere?
The proposed project will not add new population to the area nor will it displace any housing,
therefore no new impacts will result.
14. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated
with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities or need for new or
physical altered governmental facilities,the construction of which could cause significant
environmental impacts,in order to maintain acceptable service ratios,response times,or
19 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
other performance objectives for any of the public services:
a) Fire protection? X
b) Police protection? X
c) Schools? X
d) Parks? X
e) Other public facilities? X
New construction projects are required to comply with applicable building,safety,and fire codes,
fund on-and off-site improvements,and contribute to the City's public facilities fees commensurate
with the type,size and scope of the project. There will be no new impacts resulting from the
proposed project that are different than those analyzed in the previous environmental documents.
15. RECREATION. Would the project:
a) Increase the use of existing neighborhood and
regional parks or other recreational facilities such X
that substantial physical deterioration of the facility
would occur or be accelerated?
b) Include recreational facilities or require the
construction or expansion of recreational facilities X
which might have an adverse physical effect on the
The proposed project will not result in the increased use of existing public recreation facilities, nor
cause the need for new facilities,therefore no new impacts will result.
i6. TRANSPORTATION/'TRAFFIC. Would the project:
a) Conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance,or policy
establishing measures of effectiveness for the
performance of the circulation system,taking into
account all modes of transportation including mass
transit and non-motorized travel and relevant X
components of the circulation system,including but
not limited to intersections,streets,highways and
freeways,pedestrian and bicycle paths,and mass
b) Conflict with an applicable congestion management X
program,including,but not limited to level of
zo I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources)
service standards and travel demand measures,or
other standards established by the county
congestion management agency for designated
roads or highways?
c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns,including
either an increase in traffic levels or a change in X
location that result in substantial safety risks?
d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design
feature(for example,sharp curves or dangerous X
intersections)or incompatible uses(for example,
farm equipment)?
e) Result in inadequate emergency access? X
f) Conflict with adopted policies,plans,or programs
supporting regarding public transit, bicycle,or X
pedestrian facilities,or otherwise decrease the
performance or safety of such facilities?
The proposed project does not change the emergency access routes to the site,change any
circulation features of the project site,or impact any transportation facilities serving the area. The
proposed project does not increase the maximum student population able to be accommodated on
site nor does it allow for an increase in the number of faculty and staff at the school. Therefore,the
vehicular trips to and from the school site will not increase beyond that which was previously
assumed and therefore no new impacts to transportation would result.
a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the X
applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board?
b) Require or result in the construction of new water
or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of X
existing facilities,the construction or which could
cause significant environmental effects?
c) Require or result in the construction of new storm
water drainage facilities or expansion of existing X
facilities,the construction of which could cause
significant environmental effects
d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the
project from existing entitlements and resources,or X
are new or expanded entitlements needed?
21 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase Ill expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources):
e) Result in a determination by the wastewater
treatment provider,which serves or may serve the
project that it has adequate capacity to serve the X
project projected demand in addition to the
provider's existing commitments?
f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted
capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste X
disposal needs?
g) Comply with federal,state,and local statutes and X
regulations related to solid waste?
No new or expanded utility systems would be required and there would be adequate capacity with
existing infrastructure. Additionally, new construction is required to contribute to the City's impact
fees to fund public service infrastructure commensurate with the type,size,and scope of the new
construction. The Dublin San Ramon Services District(water and sewer provider)has provided its
standard conditions of approval for the proposed project. No new impacts to utilities and service
systems will result from implementation of the proposed project.
a) Have the potential to degrade the quality of the
environment,substantially reduce the habitat of a
fish or wildlife species,cause a fish or wildlife
population to drop below self-sustaining levels,
threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, X
reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or
endangered plant or animal or eliminate important
examples of the major periods of California history
or prehistory?
b) Have impacts that are individually limited, but
cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively
considerable" means that the incremental effects of
a project are considerable when viewed in X
connection with the effects of the past projects,the
effects of other current projects,and the effects of
probable future projects.)
c) Have environmental effects,which will cause
substantial adverse effects on human beings,either X
directly or indirectly?
22 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
Potentially Unless Less Than No Impact
Significant Mitigation Significant /No New
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Issues Incorpor. Impact Impacts
Issues(and Supporting Information Sources)
The project area is a developed site. The project area contains buildings,parking lots,and
recreational facilities,and there is no natural habitat for fish or wildlife species. Because the site is
already developed,there would be no new impacts to sensitive plant and animal species,riparian
{ habitat,and federally protected wetlands,and/or archaeological resources. Future development
within the project area will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment,
substantially reduce habitat or eliminate habitat for fish and wildlife species below self-sustaining
levels,and/or eliminate important examples of California history or pre-history.
As described throughout this environmental checklist,the proposed project would not result in
substantial environmental effects on human beings either directly or indirectly and therefore there
would be no new impacts.
23 I Initial Study/Addendum for Quarry Lane School Phase III expansion project
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1. General.
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15093, the City Council of the City of Dublin adopted a
Statement of Overriding Considerations for those impacts identified in the Eastern Dublin EIR as
significant and unavoidable (Resolution 53-93, May 10, 1993).
The City Council balanced the benefits of the original Quarry Lane project and carefully
considered each impact in its decision to approve urbanization of Eastern Dublin through
approval of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Environmental
Impact Report (EIR). The City Council is currently considering approval of Site Development
Review and amendments to the Development Plan for the existing Planned Development
District(Ord. 24-00)to allow for 17,102 square feet of additional building area on the school site,
consisting of one new building of 13,102 square feet, and the potential to add up to 4,000
square feet to existing Building One at some point in the future. The total building area would
be 110,602 square feet, which would also include the square footage of Building 1 (7,611
square feet), which was an existing building on an adjacent lot that was purchased by the
School in 1997 and made a part of the school campus.
The impacts of the Phase III expansion, including the construction of the 13,102 square foot
building, were studied in the certified EIR for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and
Specific Plan, which was adopted in 1993 (SCH No. 91-103064), in the certified EIR for the
Quarry Lane Master Plan, which was adopted in 1998 by the County of Alameda (SCH No.
97122109), and in the Quarry Lane Phase II expansion project Mitigated Negative Declaration
(approved by the Planning Commission on May 25, 2004). An Addendum document has been
prepared that documents the negligible impacts resulting from the proposed project.
The City Council has carefully considered each impact in reaching its decision to approve the
Project. Even with mitigation, the City Council recognizes that implementation of the Project
carries with it unavoidable adverse environmental effects as identified in the EIR. The City
Council specifically finds that to the extent the identified significant adverse impacts for the
Project have not been reduced to acceptable levels through feasible mitigation or alternatives,
there are specific economic, social, land use and other considerations that support approval of
the project. 1
2. Unavoidable Significant Adverse Impacts.
The City Council finds that many of the unavoidable environmental effects identified in the
Eastern Dublin EIR that are applicable to Quarry Lane School site will be substantially lessened
by mitigation measures adopted with the original approvals by the City and County, by the
environmental protection measures adopted through the Quarry Lane School Planned
Development and Annexation approvals, and by the environmental protection measures
adopted through the Quarry Lane School project amendments, and the related Conditions of
Approval, to be implemented with the development of the Phase III expansion project. Even
with mitigation, the City Council recognizes that the implementation of the project carries with it
1'...public officials must stil go on the record and explain specifically why they are approving the later project despite Ns significant
unavoidable impacts.'(emphasis original)Communities for a Better Environment v.California Resources Mencv 103 Cal.App.4'98,
unavoidable adverse environmental effects as identified in the Eastern Dublin EIR and the
Quarry Lane School EIR. The City Council specifically finds that to the extent that the identified
adverse or potentially adverse impacts for the Quarry Lane School project amendments have
not been mitigated to acceptable levels, there are specific economic, social, environmental, land
use, and other considerations that support approval of the Project.
The following unavoidable significant environmental impacts identified in the Eastern Dublin EIR
for future development of Eastern Dublin and in the Quarry Lane School EIR apply to the Quarry
Lane School project amendments:
Eastern Dublin EIR
Land Use Impact 3.1/F. Cumulative Loss of Agricultural and Open Space Lands; Visual Impacts
3.8/B; and, Alteration of Rural/Open Space Character. Although considerable development has
occurred south of the Quarry Lane School area, the site was agricultural grazing land prior to
construction of the current school, and the site has some remaining open space character.
Future development of the Quarry Lane School site will contribute to the cumulative loss of open
space land.
Traffic and Circulation Impacts 3.3/B. 3.3/F. 1-580 Freeway, Cumulative Freeway Impacts: The
Traffic Study prepared for the Quarry Lane School project and the Dublin Transit Center EIR
update cumulative impacts to the 1-580 and 1-680 freeways from development in Eastern Dublin.
While city street and interchange impacts can be mitigated through planned improvements,
transportation demand management, the 1-580 Smart Corridor program, and the extension of
Fallon Road to Tassajara Road and other similar measures, mainline freeway impacts continue
to be identified as unavoidable, as anticipated in the Eastern Dublin EIR. Future development
on the Quarry Lane School site will incrementally contribute to the unavoidable freeway impacts.
Community Services and Facilities Impact 3.4/S Consumption of Non-Renewable Natural
Resources and Sewer. Water:and Storm Drainage Impact 3.5/F. H. U. Increases in Energy
Usage Through Increased Water Treatment, Disposal and Operation of Water Distribution
System: Future development of the Quarry Lane School project will contribute to increased
energy consumption.
Soils. Geology. and Seismicity Impact 3.6/B. Earthquake Ground Shaking, Primary Effects:
Even with seismic design, future development of the Quarry Lane School project could be
subject to damage from large earthquakes, much like the rest of the Eastern Dublin planning
Air Quality Impacts 3.11/A. B. C. and E: Construction of the Quarry Lane School project will
contribute to cumulative dust deposition, construction equipment emissions, mobile and
stationary source emissions.
Quarry Lane School EIR
Noise Impacts. Chapter IV.G: Using the Model Noise Ordinance allowable level of 75 dBA, the
Quarry Lane School construction operations could potentially produce an adverse response by
adjacent resident within 300 feet. Despite the temporary nature of the effect, this would
constitute a significant noise impact. Application of mitigation measures would not fully reduce
these impacts to a level of insignificance.
3. Overridina Considerations.
The City Council previously balanced the benefits of the Eastern Dublin project approvals
against the significant and potentially significant adverse impacts identified in the Eastern Dublin
EIR and the Quarry Lane School EIR. The City Council now balances those unavoidable
impacts that apply to future development on the Quarry Lane School site against its benefits,
and hereby determines that such unavoidable impacts are outweighed by the benefits of the
Quarry Lane School project as further set forth below.
A. The Quarry Lane School has a history of high academic achievement. High-quality
schools are a complement to existing and planned residential land uses in the vicinity. An
educated future workforce is an asset to the community and the proposed expansion of
the new cafeteria and science building will allow the school to continue implementing
their mission of providing excellent educational opportunities to the broader community.
B. The School site contains a large area of open space and undeveloped hillside. The open
area will contribute to the aesthetics of the community and offer a rural component to the
C. The School site is easily accessible as it is located 1.75 miles north of 1-580 on an arterial
D. The School offers after-school care for students.
Therefore, the Quarry Lane School project, as amended by the Phase III expansion, provides
important benefits to the City of Dublin, Alameda County and the Bay Area, and the benefits of
the project outweigh any remaining adverse impacts that may remain after the implementation
of Mitigation Measures and other project components.