HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.4 Shannon Community Ctr Use \\. s aij
SUBJECT: Proposal from SRVCC to Utilize Shannon
Community Center - Summer 84
EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1 . EXHIBIT A - Memo from Lynn Anderson
to Gaylynn Firth - May 11, 1984
2 . EXHIBIT B - Memo from Joan August to Liz
Schmitt - May 11, 1983
3 . EXHIBIT C - Rental Rate Break-Down -
4 . EXHIBIT D - Memo from Joan August to
Gaylynn Firth - Pre-School
JC)0)( Proposal 1984-85
RECOMMENDATION: 1) To approve SRVCC proposal for summer
day classes, with exception of Jazzercise.
2 ) To recommend fee structure of 50% of
Resident Public rate for evening classes plus hourly
building attendant rate, through summer quarter program
dates .
3 ) To approve SRVCC use of Shannon
Center for the continuation of their Pre-School program for
the 1984-85 fiscal year at a minimum of $2 . 00 per hour.
SRVCC Proposal Dublin Recreation Proposal
Classes" $842 . 25 revenue $1, 195 . 00 + cost of
Building Attendant
"Pre-School No proposal submitted
Program" for Summer Usage Undetermined at
$1, 312 . 00 Revenue this time
(Sept 84-June 30, 85)
DESCRIPTION: Staff received a proposal from the
SRVCC. The SRVCC wishes to continue to utilize the Shannon
Center after July 1, 1984 when the City of Dublin assumes
the lease . The SRVCC has proposed to:
1) continue their Summer program as planned, advertised
and registered (See Exhibit A) . They proposed the following
rate for all of their classes :
Social Hall @ $3 . 50 per hour
Other rooms @ $2 . 00 per hour
2 ) continue their Pre-School program September 1984-June
30, 1985 at a rental rate of $2 . 00 per hour (See Exhibit D) .
They requested negotiating the summer session separately.
These proposals were discussed in detail at the Park and
Recreation Commission Special Meeting conducted May 22 ,
1984 . Many factors were considered.
1 . The need to facilitate a smooth management
2 . The need to continue providing community services
to residents .
3 . The need to off-set direct costs the City would
incur, by SRVCC facility usage .
The Commission discussed the intent to facilitate a smooth
management transition by accomodating the SRVCC request as
much as is financially and programmatically feasible for
this up-coming Summer.
Summer Program Proposal
Since the Recreation Department Staff is relocating to
Shannon Center, July 2 , 1984 and not initially offering an
active Summer Recreation program at the Shannon site, the
facility is available for SRVCC day use without incurring
additional staffing costs, other than increased utility
It is recommended that contractual groups or corporations
(such as Jazzercise) be given an opportunity to continue
their programs as contracting agents with the facility
leasor. We can not allow SRVCC to offer these revenue
producing programs at nominal facililty rental rates when it
is now the City of Dublin incurring all of the management,
utility, and janitorial costs of the facility.
Evening facility usage must be negotiated. Building
attendants are required, scheduling and supervision of
employees by staff is necessary; therefore it is not
realistic to maintain the SRVCC proposal as submitted.
Please refer to EXHIBIT B - May 11, 1983 memo - Joan August
to Liz Schmitt. This memo was written in response to a City
of Dublin inquiry to the SRVCC re: City use of Shannon
Center at the time of Danville ' s management of the facility.
Reference was made to their willingness to cooperate by
offering the facility at half the standard public use rate
per hour. Staff recommends extending the same level of
cooperation. Recognizing that this May, 1983 proposal was
designed for day use only and that reference was made that
the structure could not be maintained for evening programs,
due to additional costs involved. Staff and Commission
recommend this option for evening programs for the summer
months only.
The newly established Recreation Department is not prepared
to provide Pre-School programs at Shannon this first year of
operation. Since Budget information was not submitted by
the SRVCC and resident/participants are needing to know the
future of their pre-school it was decided to recommend
conditional approval of the program effective July 1, 1984,
in order to maintain a viable pre-school option for the
residents of the area.
It is the recommendation of the Park & Recreation Commission
to require the SRVCC to submit a financial statement, to the
City, of their pre-school operation for the 1983-84 fiscal
year, as well as the 1984-85 fiscal year to date, by
December 30, 1984 . This financial statement shall include a
quarterly breakdown of number of participants enrolled,
registration fees paid, itemized program costs, and revenues
It is the recommendation of staff and the Park and
Recreation Commission to:
1) approve the SRVCC proposal for Summer day use as
submitted, excluding the Jazzercise program.
2 ) to approve the SRVCC usage of Shannon for Summer
evening programs at a rate of 50% of that charge
to the public resident, plus costs incurred for
providing an hourly building attendant.
3 ) to approve SRVCC use of Shannon Center for the
continuation of their Pre-School program for the
1984-85 fiscal year at a minimum of $2 .00 per
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San Ramon Valley Community Center, Inc.
P.O.Box 604 • 135 Love Lane • Danville,California 94526 • 837-8235
'10: Gaylynn Firth
FROM: Lynn Anderson
DATE: May 11, 1984
RE: Sumner Classes 1984
Dog Obedience 6 7:45-lOgn 7/9 Social
Belly Dance 8 7:30-8:30pn 6/25 East or West
Jazzercise 13 ..5:20-6:10pn 6/25 Social
Jazzercise 13 6:30-7:30pn 6/25 Social
Jazzercise 13 10:10-llam 6/25 Social
f ; Dancergetics 13 9-loam 6/25 . Social
KinderDance 8 3-4pn 6/25 • East or West
Gymnastics 6 3:3$r4:30pn 6/25 A&B
Ekper. Gymnastics 5 5-6pn - 6/25 A&B
- Dog Med. Novice 6 7:30-9:30pn 6/26 Social
Sr. Dance 6 11-12noon 6/26 Social
J. S. Aerobic Dance 8 5:30-6:30pn 6/26 Social
Shape-Up O.W. 13 6:30-7:30pn 6/26 West
-Jazzercise 13 9-l0am 6/26 Social
Slim Trim 13 6:30-7:30pn 6/26 Social.
Full Term Fitness 13 7-8pn 6/26 Pre-School
Tap and Ballet 8 1-4pn 6/26 A&B
'1 An Evening Out 6 7:30-9pn 6/27 Social
•-Jazzercise 13 5:20-6:10pn 6/27 Social
Jazzercise 13 6:30-7:30pn 6/27 Social
Dancergetics 13 9-l0am 6/27 Social
r Kinder Kid Tumbling 6 1-3:15pm 6/27 A&B
Gymnastics 6 3:30-4:30pn 6/27 A&B
Gymnastics(boys) 6 2:30-3:30pn 6/27 A&B
Exper. Gymnastics 5 5-6p• 6/27 , A&B
Child. Hairstyling 4 4:30-5:30pn 6/27 Fast or West
Summer 1984 SRVCC Class offerings Shannon Center
Calligraphy 6 9-11am 6/28 East
Oil Painting 6 7-9:10pm 6/28 East
J.S. Aerobic Dance 8 5:30-6:30pm 6/28 Social
Shape-Up O.W. 13 6:30-7:30Fan 6/28 West
Jazzercise 13 9-l0am 6/28 Social
Jazzercise 13 8-9pm 6/28 Social
Slim Trim 8 6:30-7:30pm 6/28 Social
Slim Trim Mini 5 6:30-7:30pm 8/21 Social
Full Tenn Fitness 13 , 7-8pm 6/28 Pre-School
Tap and Ballet 8 1-4pm ' 6/28 A&B
Invest Management 4 7:30-10pm 6/28 West
Jazzercise 13 10:10-llam 6/29 Social
Dancergetics 13 9-10am 6/29 Social
Seasonal Color Analysis 1 9-1pm 7/20 Fast or West
Seasonal Color Analysis 1 9-1pm 8/3 Fast or West
Proposed Rent:
Social Hall $3.50 per hour
East Room $2.00 "
West Roam $2.00 "
Pre-School $2.00 "
A&B Roam $2.00 "
cc Joan August
David Stegman
R07 I'I/rl 77)//&?. 1,1 14
San Ramon Valley Community Center, Inc.
P.O.Box 604 • 135 Love Lane • Danville,California 94526 • 837-8235
Linda Best TO: Liz Schmidt - Fred Dreana
Jerry Clifford
Jess Jacques
Alexander R. Mehran FROM: Joan Franciosa August, Assistant Manager/J
Don Sledge �✓
Gay Wynehorn DATE: May 11, 1983
David Stegman RE: Rental Rates for Space at Shannon
Boyer August The standard fees for rental of the A & B rooms at
Dr.A. Berardino Shannon are as follows: .
Lucille Borton
Dr. Robert Brown Private Use $17. 00 per hour
Dennis Bushman
Bill Cardinale
Joseph Cartan Public Use $12.00 per hour
Sister M. Castellucio
Loretta Dias
Julie Duda We would be most willing to cooperate with you by
Dorothy Ebbett offering you the A F B room on a contract basis at
Geo-geFilice half the standard public per hour use fee. That would
Rev. Paul Forman
William Gagen, Jr. reduce the fee from $12.00 to $6.00 per hour. This
Jocelyn Goodman use would be for the hours 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. --
Jim Graham
Marian Hasbrouck All programming after 5:00 P.M. and on weekends would
Roz Hirsch have to be negotiated separately due to additional
Linda Jeffery costs involved.
Linda Johnson
Bill Ketsdever
Dave Laing Hope this helps - good luck. Let me know if I can help
Charles Lowell in any other way.
Ernie Lynch
Jack Marzluft
Tom McFarland
Patrick J. McMahon
Ray McNamara
Ken McNerney
Claudia Nemir
Doug Offenhartz
Kay Owens
Nita Parsons
Syma Reynolds
Mike Rupprecht
Owen Schwaderer
Joy Severin
Sam Stotler
Jack Steger
Brian Thiessen
Roy Whitten
Suzy Ziegler
May 21, 1984
# Hrs . No Proposal
Day Use 45 . 0 79 . 5 12 . 0 22 . 0 Submitted
to date
# Hrs .
Eve. Use 76. 5 10 .0 15 . 0 44 . 0 26 . 0
TOTAL HRS. 121.5 89 .5 27 .0 66 . 0 26 . 0
SRVCC Proposal
Social Hall 121. 5 hrs @ $3 . 50 = $425 .25
Rest of Bldg. 208. 5 hrs @ $2 . 00 = 417 . 00
$842 . 25
City of Dublin Proposal
Social Hall 45 hrs . @ $3 . 50 = $157 . 50
Rest of Bldg. 113 . 5 hrs . @ $2 . 00 = 227 . 00
Evening Use
Social Hall 76 . 5 hrs . @ $10 . 00 = $ 765 . 00
A & B 10 . 0 hrs . @ 6 . 00 = 60 . 00
East Room 15 . 0 hrs . @ 6 . 00 = 90 . 00
West Room 44 . 0 hrs . @ 4 . 00 = 176 . 00
Pre-School 26 . 0 hrs . @ 4 . 00 = 104 . 00
$1, 195 .00 + cost of bldg.
attendant as
I •
San Ramon Valley Community Center, Inc.
P.O.Box 604 • 135 Love Lane • Danville,California 94526 • 837-8235
TO: Gaylynn Firth
Recreation Director
City of Dublin
FROM: Joan Franciosa August
Assistant Manager
San Ramon Valley
Community Center Inc.
RE: PS-78 Pre-School Proposal for 1984-85
The Pre-School information you requested is
enclosed. The handbook contains most of our procedures .
I'm also sending you a copy of methods and philosophies.
You may have heard that we have just completed our
licensing procedures and expect a visit from the licensing
staff either this week or next.
We are proposing to pay $2. 00 per hour for the use
of the room during the times the pre-school is in session.
For 1984-85 this would mean 164 days x 4 hrs per day x $2.00
per hour which equals $1, 312. This does not include summer
session which would be negotiated separately.
The Directress is willing to share the space providing
that each decision for shared pre-school space include discussion
with and approval of the Directress and that it does not require
a permanent change in room set-up.
Hope this helps. Call if you need any further infor-