HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Attch 4 Exh A CC Reso RESOLUTION NO. XX-14
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Tim Lewis Communities and STL Company LLC, proposes to
create a development of 48 single-family detached homes on an 11.11 acre site known as the
Frederick and Vargas properties. The proposed development and applications are collectively known
as the "Project"; and
WHEREAS, the application includes a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment
to change the land use designations from: Medium-High Density Residential and Neighborhood
Commercial and combining the existing Medium Density Residential to a combination of Medium
Density Residential (6.16 acres) and Open Space (3.06 acres) and 1.89 acres of associated road
right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, the application also includes Planned Development rezoning with a related Stage
1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map
8133; and
WHEREAS, the Project also includes a CEQA Addendum; and
WHEREAS, the Project Site consists of two existing parcels, the approximately 7.93 gross
acre Fredrich property located at 6960 Tassajara Road and the approximately 5 gross acre Vargas
property at 7020 Tassajara Road (APNs 986-0004-002-01 and 986-0004-002-03); and
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State
guidelines and City environmental regulations, require that certain projects be reviewed for
environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared. To comply with CEQA, the
City prepared an addendum to the Eastern Dublin EIR and two prior Mitigated Negative Declarations
for the Project; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated July 22, 2014 was submitted to the City of Dublin Planning
Commission recommending City Council approval of the Project, including the Site Development
Review request and Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133; and
WHEREAS, on July 22, 2014, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and adopted
Resolution 14-XX recommending that the City Council approve the CEQA addendum, Resolution 14-
XX recommending that the City Council approve the requested General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan amendments, Resolution 14-XX recommending that the City Council approve the
Planned Development rezoning with related Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan consistent with the
requested land use amendments and Resolution 14-XX recommending that the City Council approve
the requested Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133. All of the above
resolutions are incorporated herein by reference and are available for review at City Hall during
normal business hours; and
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WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law;
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the
Project, including Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133; and
WHEREAS, on , 2014, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project
at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. Following the public hearing, the
City Council approved Resolution XX-14 approving the proposed CEQA addendum, Resolution XX-14
approving amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and adopted
Ordinance XX-14 approving a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and 2
Development Plan for the Tassajara Highlands (Fredrich/Vargas) Project. The above resolutions and
ordinance are incorporated herein by reference and are available for review at City Hall during normal
business hours; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and considered the
addendum and prior CEQA documents, all said reports, recommendations, and testimony
hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby
makes the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Site Development Review
for a development of 48 single-family detached homes on an 11.11 acre site known as the Frederick
and Vargas properties located at 6960 and 7020 Tassajara Road:
Site Development Review:
A. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104 of the Zoning Ordinance,
with the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines because: 1)
the project will be consistent with the architectural character and scale of development in
the area; 2) the project will provide a needed and attractive housing opportunity; 3) the
project is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use
designations of Medium Density Residential and Open Space; and 4) the project complies
with the development standards established in the Planned Development ordinance for the
B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance because. 1) the
project contributes to orderly, attractive, and harmonious site and structural development
compatible with the intended use, proposed subdivision, and the surrounding properties;
and 2) the project complies with the development regulations set forth in the Zoning
Ordinance where applicable and as adopted for PD PLPA 2012-00051 .
C. The design of the project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties, and
the lot in which the project is proposed because: 1) the size and mass of the proposed
houses is consistent with other existing and approved residential development in the
surrounding area; 2) the project will contribute to housing opportunities as a complement to
the surrounding neighborhoods; and 3) the project will serve the current buyer profile and
market segment anticipated for this area.
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D. The subject site is suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because:
1) the Project development envelope is tailored to protect the creek areas and avoids
steeper slopes, which are designated for open space; 2) the Project will implement all
applicable prior adopted mitigation measures; and 3) the project site is fully served by
public services and existing roadways.
E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because: 1) the Project
is required to comply with all previously adopted mitigation measures designed to ensure
slope stability; 2) grading on the site will ensure that the site drains away from any
structures and complies with the Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements; 3)
most of the steeper areas of the site are in designated open space; and 4) retaining walls
will be constructed as required to support grade differentials between building envelopes,
and setback or right-of-way areas.
F. Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, site
layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, screening of unsightly
uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar elements result in a project that is
harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other developments in the vicinity
because: 1) the Project provides a high degree of design and landscaping to complement
existing uses in the area.; 2) the structures reflect the architectural styles and development
standards in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for residential buildings in the area; 3) the
materials proposed will be consistent with the requirements of the Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan; and 4) the color and materials proposed will be coordinated among the structures on
G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of
plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project to ensure
visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public because: 1)
generous landscaping is proposed to buffer the proposed noise barrier, providing an
attractive view from Tassajara Road; and 2) landscaping in common areas is coordinated
through a series of sidewalks; 3) common area open space has been provided in the form
of two internal private open space areas; and 4) the project will conform to the
requirements of the Stage 2 Development Plan and the Water Efficient Landscape
H. The site has been adequately designed to ensure the proper circulation for bicyclist,
pedestrians, and automobiles because: 1) the project site provides opportunities for
pedestrian and bicycle circulation; 2) the project will provide a public path along the
westerly and southerly open space areas of the site.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby makes the
following findings and determinations regarding Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133:
Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133
A. The proposed Vesting Tentative tract Map 8133 is consistent with the intent of applicable
subdivision regulations and related ordinances for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
B. The design and improvements of the proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133 are
consistent with the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as amended, as they
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relate to the subject property in that it is a subdivision for implementation consistent with
adjacent residential neighborhoods designated for this type of development.
C. The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133 is consistent with the Planned Development
zoning approved for Project through the Planned Development zoning adopted for this project
and therefore consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
D. The properties created by the proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133 will have adequate
access to major constructed or planned improvements as part of the Eastern Dublin Specific
E. Project design, architecture, and concept have been integrated with topography of the project
site created by the Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8133 to incorporate water quality measures
and minimize overgrading and extensive use of retaining walls. Therefore, the proposed
subdivision is physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed.
F. The Mitigation Measures adopted with the program EIR for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
and with the prior MNDs would be applicable as appropriate for addressing or mitigating any
potential environmental impacts of the Project.
G. The proposed Vesting Tentative Map 8133 will not result in environmental damage or
substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat or cause public health concerns subject to
Mitigation Measures and Conditions of Approval.
H. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large,
or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The City Engineer has
reviewed the map and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council hereby approves the Site
Development Review for a development of 48 single-family detached homes on an 11.11 acre site
known as the Fredrich and Vargas properties located at 6960 and 7020 Tassajara Road., as shown
on plans prepared by KTGY, Inc., P/A Design Resources, Inc., Ripley Design Group dated received
July 10, 2014 and subject to the conditions included below.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council hereby approves Vesting Tentative
Map 8133 prepared by KTGY, Inc., P/A Design Resources, Inc., Ripley Design Group dated received
July 10, 2014 and subject to the conditions included below.
Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance
of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review
and approval The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for
monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. 113L.1 Planning, [Bl Building, [POI Police,
[PW1 Public Works [P&CS1 Parks & Community Services, [ADMI Administration/City Attorney,
[FINI Finance, F1 Alameda County Fire Department, [DSRI Dublin San Ramon Services District,
[C01 Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Z71 Zone 7.
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NO. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Agency Prior to: Source
1. Approval. This Site Development Review approval PL Ongoing Planning
is for the Tassajara Highlands (PLPA-2012-00051).
This approval shall be as generally depicted and
indicated on the project plans prepared by KTGY,
Inc., P/A Design Resources, Inc., Ripley Design
Group dated received July 10, 2014, on file in the
Community Development Department, and other
plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Site
Development Review, and as specified as the
following Conditions of Approval for this project.
This approval is subject to adopting the CEQA
addendum, and companion General Plan and
Specific Plan Amendments and related Planned
Development Zoning.
2. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall PL One Year DMC
commence within one (1) year of Site Development After Effective 8.96.020.
Review Permit approval or the Permit shall lapse Date D
and become null and void. If there is a dispute as to
whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a
noticed public hearing to determine the matter.
Such a determination may be processed
concurrently with revocation proceedings in
appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a
new application must be made and processed
according to the requirements of this Ordinance.
3. Time Extension. The original approving decision- PL Prior to DMC
maker may, upon the Applicant's written request for Expiration 8.96.020.
an extension of approval prior to expiration, upon Date E
the determination that all Conditions of Approval
remain adequate and all applicable findings of
approval will continue to be met, grant an extension
of the approval for a period not to exceed six (6)
months. All time extension requests shall be
noticed and a public hearing shall be held before
the original hearing body.
4. Compliance. The Applicant/Property Owner shall PL Ongoing DMC
operate this use in compliance with the Conditions 8.96.020.
of Approval of this Site Development Review F
Permit, the approved plans and the regulations
established in the Zoning Ordinance. Any violation
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of the terms or conditions specified may be subject
to enforcement action.
5. Revocation of Permit. The Site Development PL Ongoing DMC
Review approval shall be revocable for cause in
accordance with Section of the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or
conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation.
6. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Various Building Standard
Applicant/ Developer shall comply with applicable Permit
City of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Public Issuance
Works Department, Dublin Building Department,
Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood
Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley
Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and
Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services
District and the California Department of Health
Services requirements and standard conditions.
Prior to issuance of building permits or the
installation of any improvements related to this
project, the Developer shall supply written
statements from each such agency or department
to the Planning Department, indicating that all
applicable conditions required have been or will be
7. Required Permits. Developer shall obtain all PW Building Standard
permits required by other agencies including, but Permit
not limited to Alameda County Flood Control and Issuance
Water Conservation District Zone 7, California
Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of
Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board,
Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the
Public Works Department.
8. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable Various Building Various
fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, Permit
including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building Issuance
fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San
Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees,
Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees,
Fire Facilities Impact fees, Alameda County Flood
and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage
and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that
may be adopted and applicable.
9. Indemnification. The Developer shall defend, ADM Ongoing Administra
indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and tion/City
its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, Attorney
action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or
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its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set
aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of
Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board,
Planning Commission, City Council, Community
Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any
other department, committee, or agency of the City
to the extent such actions are brought within the
time period required by Government Code Section
66499.37 or other applicable law; provided,
however, that the Developer's duty to so defend,
indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the
City's promptly notifying the Developer of any said
claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full
cooperation in the defense of such actions or
10. Clarification of Conditions. In the event that there PW Ongoing Public
needs to be clarification to the Conditions of Works
Approval, the Director of Community Development
and the City Engineer have the authority to clarify
the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the
Developer without going to a public hearing. The
Director of Community Development and the City
Engineer also have the authority to make minor
modifications to these conditions without going to a
public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill
needed improvements or mitigations resulting from
impacts to this project.
11. Clean-up. The Applicant/Developer shall be PL Ongoing Planning
responsible for clean-up & disposal of project
related trash to maintain a safe, clean and litter-free
12. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this PL Ongoing DMC
Site Development Review approval may be 8.104.100
considered by the Community Development
Director if the modifications or changes proposed
comply with Section 8.104.100 of the Zoning
13. Lighting. Lighting is required over exterior PL, PW Building Municipal
entrances/doors. Exterior lighting used after daylight Permit Code
hours shall be adequate to provide for security Issuance
14. Public Art Contribution. Developer shall fulfill the PL Prior to first Project
Public Art Contribution through the provision of in- occupancy Specific
lieu fees. Prior to the recordation of the final map for
the project, Developer shall obtain the total building
valuation of the project from the Building Official,
and the value of the applicant's required public art
Page 7 of 36
project shall be determined by the Community
Development Director .
15. Inclusionary Housing: This project is subject to the PL Recordation Project
City's Inclusionary Zoning Regulations (Chapter of the first specific
8.68 of the Municipal Code). Under the terms of the final map
regulations, the Developer has a 6 unit affordable
housing obligation, which may be satisfied by
several means. Developer proposed an "alternative
method of compliance" under Section 8.68.040.A to
satisfy its 6 unit affordable housing obligation, which
is subject to City Council approval. In particular, the
Developer has proposed to pay a fee of $600,000 in
lieu of construction of the 6 affordable housing
units. The Developer shall make the payment 60
days after the recordation of the final map. If the
Developer fails to make the payment when due, the
City may withhold further approvals and
authorizations for the Project, and may elect to
revoke the approval of the alternative method of
compliance and apply the Regulation's standard
16. Comprehensive Biological Resources PL Issuance of Project
Management Plan. Prior to the issuance of grading grading specific
permits, the Applicant shall have a qualified biologist permit
prepare a Comprehensive Biological Resources
Management Plan to compile the various biological
mitigation measures contained in the previous CEQA
documents in a logical manner. Completion of this
Plan will ensure that all previous applicable measures
are logically complied to eliminate overlap and
duplication and appropriately monitored at the
appropriate stage of the proposed project. Therefore,
no new or more severe impacts with respect to
candidate, sensitive or special-status species would
occur than have been analyzed in the three previous
CEQA documents. Comprehensive Biological
Management Plan shall also address impacts and
updates to previous mitigation measures addressing
riparian habitat and wetlands. No new or more
severe impacts would occur than have been
previously analyzed with respect to this topic.
17. Heritage Tree Ordinance. Prior to the issuance of PL Issuance of Project
Grading permits, the Applicant shall apply for a grading Specific
Heritage Tree Removal Permit, if needed, in permit
accordance with the plans provided herein and in
accordance with the requirements of the Heritage
Tree Ordinance.
18. Street Lights. Street lights selected for this PL In conjunction Project
subdivison shall have the ability to accept cut-off with approval Specific
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shielding to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. of
19. Final Landscape Construction Documents. The PL Issuance of Standard
final planting and irrigation design shall: building
a. Utilize plant material that will be capable of
healthy growth within the given range of soil
and climate.
b. Provide landscape screening that is of a
height and density so that it provides a
positive visual impact within three years from
the time of planting.
c. Provide that 75% of the proposed trees on
the site are a minimum of 15 gallons in size,
and at least 50% of the proposed shrubs on
the site are a minimum of 5 gallons in size.
d. Provide concrete curbing at the edges of all
planters and paving surfaces where
Final landscape construction documents shall:
a. Provide specific landscape and irrigation
plans for non-typical and corner lots. This
requirement includes any lot that varies more
than five feet in width from the typical plan.
b. Specify that all cut and fill slopes graded and
not constructed by September 1, of any
given year, are hydroseeded with perennial
or native grasses and flowers, and that
stockpiles of loose soil existing on that date
are hydroseeded in a similar manner.
c. Specify that the area under the drip line of all
existing oaks, walnuts, etc., which are to be
saved are fenced during construction and
grading operations and no activity is
permitted under them that will cause soil
compaction or damage to the tree, if
d. Include a warranty from the owners and/or
contractors to warrant all trees, shrubs and
ground cover and the irrigation system for
one year from the date of project acceptance
by the City.
20. Maintenance Agreement. A permanent PL Issuance of Standard
maintenance agreement on all common area the building
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landscaping will be required from the owner insuring permit
re ular irrigation, fertilization and weed abatement.
21. Tree Preservation. Tree preservation techniques, PL Issuance of Standard
and guarantees, if applicable, shall be reviewed and the building
approved by the Dublin Planning Division prior to permit
the issuance of the building permit.
22. Street Trees and Accent Trees. Street trees shall PL Issuance of Standard
be spaced between 30 and 50 feet on center or the building
approximately one per typical lot. Corner lots shall permit
provide a minimum of two trees and a maximum of
three street trees per lot. Generally, each lot will
rovide one accent tree, space permitting.
23. Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations. The PL Issuance of Standard
Applicant shall meet all requirements of the City of the building
Dublin's Water-Efficient Landscaping Regulations, permit
Section 8.88 of the Dublin Municipal Code.
24. Bio-Retention Areas. The designed bio-retention PL Issuance of Standard
areas shall be enhanced to create an open space the building
landscape that is landscape attractive, conserves permit
water, and requires minimal maintenance.
25. Plant Clearances. All trees planted shall meet the PL Issuance of Standard
following clearances: the building
a. 6' from the face of building walls or roof eaves permit
b. 7' from fire hydrants, storm drains, sanitary
sewers and/or gas lines
C. 5' from top of wing of driveways, mailboxes,
water, telephone and/or electrical mains
d. 15' from stop signs, street or curb sign returns
e. 20' from either side of a streetlight
26. Irrigation System Warranty. The Applicant shall PL Issuance of Standard
warranty the irrigation system and planting for a the building
period of one year from the date of installation. The permit
Applicant shall submit for the Dublin Community
Development Department approval, a landscape
maintenance plan for the Common Area landscape
including a reasonable estimate of expenses for the
first five years.
27. Walls, Fences and Mailboxes. Applicant shall PL Issuance of Standard
work with staff to prepare a final wall, fencing and the building
mailbox plan that is consistent with Dublin Municipal permit
Code and the design character of the architecture.
The design of the mailbox station shall be upgraded
to provide an enclosure or housing for the gang
mailboxes so that they are integrated into the
structure. Mailbox locations shall be integrated
within the landscape and shall comply with USPS
28. Sustainable Landscape Practices. The PL Issuance of Standard
landscape design shall demonstrate compliance the building
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with sustainable landscape practices as detailed in permit
the Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines by earning
a minimum of 60 points or more on the Bay-Friendly
scorecard, meeting 9 of the 9 required practices
and specifying that 75% of the non-turf planting only
requires occasional, little or no shearing or summer
water once established. Final selection and
placement of trees, shrubs and ground cover plants
shall ensure compliance with this requirement.
Herbaceous plants shall be used along walks to
reduce maintenance and the visibility of the sheared
branches of woody ground cover plants. Planters
for medium sized trees shall be a minimum of six
feet wide. Small trees or shrubs shall be selected
for planting areas less than six feet wide.
29. Copies of Approved Plans. The Applicant shall PL Construction Standard
provide the City with one full size copy, one reduced
(1/2 sized) copy and one electronic copy of the
approved landscape plans prior to construction.
30. Plans Coordination. Civil Improvement Plans, PL Preparation of Standard
Joint Trench Plans, Street Lighting Plans and final grading,
Landscape Improvement Plans shall be submitted planting and
on the same size sheet and plotted at the same utility plans
drawing scale for consistency, improved legibility
and interdisciplinary coordination.
31 . Utility Placement and Coordination: Utilities shall PL Preparation of Standard
be coordinated with proposed tree locations to final grading,
eliminate conflicts between trees and utilities. Submit planting and
typical utility plans for each house type to serve as a utility plans
guide during the preparation of final grading, planting
and utility plans. Utilities may have to be relocated in
order to provide the required separation between the
trees and utilities. The applicant shall submit a final
tree/utility coordination plan as part of the construction
document review process to demonstrate that this
condition has been satisfied.
32. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project B Through Standard
construction shall conform to all building codes and Completion
ordinances in effect at the time of building permit.
33. Retaining Walls. All retaining walls over 30 inches B Through Standard
in height and in a walkway shall be provided with Completion
guardrails. All retaining walls over 24 inches with a
surcharge or 36 inches without a surcharge shall
obtain permits and inspections from the Building &
Safet Division.
34. Phased Occupancy Plan. If occupancy is B Occupancy of Standard
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requested to occur in phases, then all physical any affected
improvements within each phase shall be required building
to be completed prior to occupancy of any buildings
within that phase except for items specifically
excluded in an approved Phased Occupancy Plan,
or minor handwork items, approved by the
Department of Community Development. The
Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the
Directors of Community Development and Public
Works for review and approval a minimum of 45
days prior to the request for occupancy of any
building covered by said Phased Occupancy Plan.
Any phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular
access to all parcels in each phase, and shall
substantially conform to the intent and purpose of
the subdivision approval. No individual building
shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished,
safe, accessible, and provided with all reasonable
expected services and amenities, and separated
from remaining additional construction activity.
Subject to approval of the Director of Community
Development, the completion of landscaping may
be deferred due to inclement weather with the
posting of a bond for the value of the deferred
landscaping and associated improvements.
35. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, B Issuance of Standard
Applicant/Developer shall submit five (5) sets of Building
construction plans to the Building & Safety Division Permits
for plan check. Each set of plans shall have
attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of
Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how
all Conditions of Approval will or have been
complied with. Construction plans will not be
accepted without the annotated resolutions attached
to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be
responsible for obtaining the approvals of all
participation non-City agencies prior to the issuance
of building permits.
36. Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall B Issuance of Standard
be fully dimensioned (including building elevations) building
accurately drawn (depicting all existing and permits
proposed conditions on site), and prepared and
signed by a California licensed Architect or
Engineer. All structural calculations shall be
prepared and signed by a California licensed
Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape
plan and details shall be consistent with each other.
37. Air Conditioning Units. Air conditioning units and B, PL Occupancy of Standard
ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view Unit
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with materials compatible to the main building and
shall not be roof mounted. Units shall be
permanently installed on concrete pads or other
non-movable materials approved by the Chief
Building Official and Director of Community
Development. Air conditioning units shall be
located such that each dwelling unit has one side
yard with an unobstructed width of not less than 36
inches. Air conditioning units shall be located in
accordance with the PD text. Air conditioning units
shall comply with Section 8.36.060,C,3 of the
Zoning Ordinance.
38. Temporary Fencing. Temporary Construction B Through Standard
fencing shall be installed along the perimeter of all Completion
work under construction.
39. Addressing B Standard
a) Provide a site plan with the City of Dublin's
address grid overlaid on the plans (1 to 30 Prior to
scale). Highlight all exterior door openings release of
on plans (front, rear, garage, etc.). The site addresses
plan shall include a single large format page
showing the entire project and individual
sheets for each neighborhood. 3 copies on
full size sheets and 5 copies reduced sheets.
b) Provide plan for display of addresses. The
Building Official shall approve plan prior to Prior to
issuance of the first building permit. (Prior to permitting
c) Addresses will be required on the front of the
dwellings. Addresses are also required near Prior to
the garage door opening if the opening is not permitting
on the same side of the dwelling as the front
d) Address signage shall be provided as per the Occupancy
Dublin Residential Security Code. of any Unit
e) Exterior address numbers shall be backlight
and be posted in such a way that they may Occupancy
be seen from the street. of any Unit
f) Driveways servicing more than one (1)
individual dwelling unit shall have a minimum Prior to
of 4 inch high identification numbers, noting permit
the range of unit numbers placed at the issuance,
entrance to each driveway at a height and through
between 36 and 42 inches above grade. The completion
light source shall be provided with an
uninterruptible AC power source or controlled
only by photoelectric device.
Page 13 of 36
40. Engineer Observation. The Engineer of record B Scheduling Standard
shall be retained to provide observation services for the final
all components of the lateral and vertical design of frame
the building, including nailing, hold-downs, straps, inspection
shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of
building. A written report shall be submitted to the
City Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame
41. Foundation. Geotechnical Engineer for the soils B Permit Standard
report shall review and approve the foundation issuance
design. A letter shall be submitted to the Building
Division on the approval.
42. Green Building B Standard
Green Building measures as detailed in the SDR Through
package may be adjusted prior to master plan Completion
check application submittal with prior approval from
the City's Green Building Official provided that the
design of the project complies with the City of
Dublin's Green Building Ordinance and State Law
as applicable. In addition, all changes shall be
reflected in the Master Plans. (Through
The Green Building checklist shall be included in Prior to first
the master plans. The checklist shall detail what permit
Green Points are being obtained and where the
information is found within the master plans. (Prior
to first permit).
Prior to each unit final, the project shall submit a Through
completed checklist with appropriate verification that Completion
all Green Points required by 7.94 of the Dublin
Municipal Code have been incorporated. (Through
Homeowner Manual — if Applicant takes advantage Project
of this point the Manual shall be submitted to the
Green Building Official for review or a third party
reviewer with the results submitted to the City.
Landscape plans shall be submitted to the Green
Building Official for review. (Prior to approval of the Prior to
landscape plans by the City of Dublin) approval of
Developer may choose self-certification or landscape
Page 14 of 36
certification by a third party as permitted by the plans by the
Dublin Municipal Code. Applicant shall inform the City of Dublin
Green Building Official of method of certification
prior to release of the first permit in each subdivision
/ nei hborhood.
43. Electronic File: The applicant/developer shall B Issuance of Standard
submit all building drawings and specifications for the final
this project in an electronic format to the satisfaction occupancy
of the Building Official prior to the issuance of
building permits. Additionally, all revisions made to
the building plans during the project shall be
incorporated into an "As Built" electronic file and
submitted prior to the issuance of the final
44. Construction trailer: Due to size and nature of the B TUP required Standard
development, the applicant/developer, shall provide prior to
a construction trailer with all hook ups for use by placement of
City Inspection personnel during the time of trailer
construction as determined necessary by the
Building Official. A Temporary Use Permit is
required prior to placement of the construction
trailer. In the event that the City has their own
construction trailer, the applicant/developer shall
provide a site with appropriate hook ups in close
proximity to the project site to accommodate this
trailer. The applicant/developer shall cause the
trailer to be moved from its current location at the
time necessary as determined by the Building
Official at the Applicant/Developer's expense.
45. Copies of Approved Plans. Applicant shall B 30 days after Standard
provide City with 2 reduced (1/2 size) copies of the permit and
City of Dublin stamped approved plan. each revision
46. Solar Zone — CA Energy Code B In Standard
Show the location of the Solar Zone on the site conjunction
plan. Detail the orientation of the Solar Zone. This with Master
information shall be shown in the master plan check Plan check,
on the overall site plan, the individual roof plans and prior to
the plot plans. This condition of approval will be issuance of
waived if the project meets the exceptions provided Building
in the CA Energy Code. Permits
47. Wildfire Management. Provide in the master B Prior to Standard
drawing set, a sheet detailing which lots are issuance of
adjacent to open space and subject to the Wildfire Building
Management provisions of the code. Permits
48. Household Waste Materials. Removal of existing B Prior to Project
household waste materials on the site shall be issuance of Specific
monitored by a qualified professional and that Grading
normal and customary testing be performed for lead Permits and
Page 15 of 36
based paint and asbestos building materials prior to issuance of
demolition of existing on-site buildings. Compliance demolition
with this condition shall be demonstrated to the permit
Building Official prior to obtaining a demolition
49. New Fire Residential Sprinkler System F Prior to CA
Requirements. In accordance with The Dublin Fire issuance of Building /
Code, fire sprinklers shall be installed in all Building Residential
buildings. The system shall be in accordance with Permits Code
the NFPA 13D, the CA Fire Code and CA Building /
Residential Code.
50. Fire apparatus. Roadways shall have a minimum F In CA
unobstructed width of 20 feet and an unobstructed conjunction Building /
vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. with Site Residential
Roadways under 36 feet wide shall be posted with Improvement Code
signs on one side; roadways under 28 feet wide Drawings
shall be posted with signs both sides of the street as
1. Fire apparatus roadways must extend to
within 150 ft. of the most remote first floor
exterior wall of any building.
2. The maximum grade for a fire apparatus
roadway is 12%.
3. Fire apparatus roadways in excess of 150
feet in length must make provisions for
approved apparatus turnarounds.
51. Gate Approvals. Fencing and gates that cross F Prior to CA
pedestrian access and exit paths, as well as vehicle issuance of Building /
entrance and exit roads and Emergency Vehicle Building Residential
Access ways, need to be approved for fire Permits Code
department access and egress as well as exiting
provisions where such is applicable. Plans need to
be submitted that clearly show the fencing and
gates and details of such. This should be clearly
incorporated as part of the site plan with details
provided as necessary.
52. Hydrants & Fire Flows. Show the location of any F Prior to CA
on-site fire hydrants and any fire hydrants that are issuance of Building /
along the property frontage as well as the closest Building Residential
hydrants to each side of the property that are Permits Code
located along the access roads that serves this
property. Provide a letter from the water company
indicating what the available fire flow is to this
53. 1 Complete improvement plans shall be submitted tc DSRSD Issuance of Standard
Page 16 of 36
DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the any building
Dublin San Ramon Services District Code, the permit
DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and
Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and
Wastewater Facilities", all applicable DSRSD
Master Plans and all DSRSD policies.
54. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient DSRSD Issuance of Standard
capacity to accommodate future flow demands in any building
addition to each development project's demand. permit
Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance
with DSRSD utility master planning.
55. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity DSRSD Issuance of Standard
flow to DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer system. any building
Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be permit
allowed under extreme circumstances following a
case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any
pumping station will require specific review and
approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports,
design criteria, and final plans and specifications.
The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment
of present worth 20 year maintenance costs as well
as other conditions within a separate agreement
with the applicant for any project that requires a
pumping station.
56. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for DSRSD Issuance of Standard
Tracts or Commercial Developments shall be any building
designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid permit
dead end sections in accordance with requirements
of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound
en in ering practice.
57. DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines DSRSD Issuance of Standard
to be located in public streets rather than in off- any building
street locations to the fullest extent possible. If permit
unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements
must be established over the alignment of each
public sewer or water line in an off-street or private
street location to provide access for future
maintenance and/or replacement.
58. Prior to approval by the City of a grading permit or a DSRSD Issuance of Standard
site development permit, the locations and widths of any building
all proposed easement dedications for water and permit
sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by
59. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall DSRSD Issuance of Standard
be by separate instrument irrevocably offered to any building
DSRSD or by offer of dedication on the Final Map. permit
60. Prior to approval by the City for Recordation, the DSRSD Issuance of Standard
Final Map shall be submitted to and approved by any building
DSRSD for easement locations, widths, and permit
Page 17 of 36
61. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit DSRSD Issuance of Standard
or Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon any building
Services District, whichever comes first, all utility permit
connection fees including DSRSD and Zone 7, plan
checking fees, inspection fees, connection fees, and
fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit
shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the
rates and schedules established in the DSRSD
62. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit DSRSD Issuance of Standard
or Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon any building
Services District, whichever comes first, all permit
improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be
signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing
of improvement plans shall contain a signature
block for the District Engineer indicating approval of
the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to
approval by the District Engineer, the applicant shall
pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an
engineer's estimate of construction costs for the
sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a
one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive
general liability insurance policy in the amounts and
forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant
shall allow at least 15 working days for final
improvement drawing review by DSRSD before
signature by the District Engineer.
63. No sewer line or waterline construction shall be DSRSD Issuance of Standard
permitted unless the proper utility construction any building
permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit
permit will only be issued after all of the items in
Condition No. 9 have been satisfied.
64. The applicant shall hold DSRSD, its Board of DSRSD Issuance of Standard
Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of any building
DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the permit
same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting
from the construction and completion of the project.
65. Improvement plans shall include recycled water DSRSD Issuance of Standard
improvements as required by DSRSD. Services for any building
landscape irrigation shall connect to recycled water permit
mains. Applicant must obtain a copy of the DSRSD
Recycled Water Use Guidelines and conform to the
requirements therein.
66. DSRSD has no objections to this proposed alternate DSRSD Issuance of Project
site plan should such a site plan be permissible with any building Specific
the revised Tassajara Road right of way and under permit
Dublin Zoning regulations.
Page 18 of 36
67. Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment PW First final map Public
District. The Developer shall petition to have the Works
project area annexed into the Citywide Lighting
Maintenance Assessment District and shall provide
any exhibits required for the annexation. In
addition, Developer shall pay all administrative
costs associated with processing the annexation.
68. Ownership and Maintenance of Improvements. PW Final map Public
Ownership and maintenance of street right-of-ways, and on going Works
common area parcels and open space areas and
improvements shall be by the City of Dublin and the
Tassajara Highlands Homeowner's Association as
shown on the "Ownership and Maintenance Plan"
Stage I & II PD Exhibit, Sheet SI&II.5 prepared by
P/A Design Resources, dated July 4, 2014, except
as modified by these Conditions of Approval.
69. Landscape Features within Public Right of Way. PW Final Map Standard
The Developer shall enter into an "Agreement for
Long Term Encroachments" with the City for
maintaining landscape features and other
improvements within the public right-of-way and
City-owned parcels including frontage & median
landscaping, decorative pavements, decorative
features (i.e. walls, monuments, fences, etc.), storm
drain facilities, stormwater treatment measures and
public trails as generally shown on Site
Development Review exhibits. The Agreement shall
identify the ownership of the special features and
maintenance responsibilities. The Developer will be
responsible for maintaining all decorative
pavements including restoration required as the
result of utility repairs.
70. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions PW First Final Public
(CC&Rs). A Homeowners Association(s) shall be Map; modify Works
formed by recordation of a declaration of with
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions to govern successive
use and maintenance of the landscape, decorative Final Maps
pavement and other features within the public right-
of-way contained in the Agreement for Long Term
Encroachments; all private road improvements; all
open space and common area landscaping; all
stormwater treatment measures; and all trail
improvements. Said declaration shall set forth the
Association name, bylaws, rules and regulations.
The CC&Rs shall also contain a provision that
prohibits the amendment of those provisions of the
CC&Rs requested by City without the City's
approval. The CC&Rs shall ensure that there is
Page 19 of 36
adequate provision for the maintenance, in good
repair and on a regular basis, of the private roads,
landscaping & irrigation, stormwater treatment
measures, public trail, decorative pavements,
fences, walls, drainage, lighting, signs and other
related improvements. The Developer shall submit a
copy of the CC&R document to the City for review
and approval relative to these conditions of
71. Phased Improvements. Right-of-way dedication PW First Final Public
and installation of public and private improvements Map Works
may be done in phases as indicated on the
Tentative Map and Site Development Review,
subject to the review and approval of the City
Engineer. With each phased Final Map, the City
Engineer shall identify all improvements necessary
to serve and access the phased lots created,
including stormwater treatment measures required
to meet the provisions of the Regional Water Quality
Control Board (RWQCB) Municipal Regional Permit
(MRP). All rights-of-way and improvements,
including utilities and traffic signal installation and
modifications, identified by the City Engineer for
construction within the boundaries of each phase of
the development shall be required with the Final
Map for that phase. In addition, the City Engineer
may require the Developer to perform off-site
grading in order to conform site grading to the
adjacent grade outside of the phase proposed for
72. Moller Creek Culvert. The Moller Creek culvert PW Prior to filing Public
improvements, to be constructed by others as of first Final Works
shown on Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8102, shall Map that
be substantially completed to the satisfaction of the creates Lots
City Engineer prior to filing the first Final Map that 25-28 and Lot
creates Lots 25-28 and Lot 39. The Developer may 39.
alternatively submit phasing plans demonstrating
how these units may be constructed in such a way
as to not impede the progress of the Moller Creek
culvert construction or compromise public safety.
The phasing plans shall be submitted to the City
Engineer for review and approval prior to filing the
first Final Map that creates Lots 25-28 and Lot 39.
73. Tassajara Road. The Developer shall dedicate PW First Final Public
right-of-way along the project's Tassajara Road Map Works
frontage as shown on the Tentative Map such that
the typical half-street right-of-way width of Tassajara
Road is sixty four feet (64'), in general conformance
with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the
Page 20 of 36
Precise Plan adopted for Tassajara Road. Slight
variations in the typical half street right-of-way width
will be permitted to allow for variations in the fence
line fronting Tassajara Road as shown on the
Tentative Map and as approved by the City
Engineer. All right-of-way for Tassajara Road
shown on the Tentative Map shall be dedicated with
the first Final Map.
74, Tassajara Road. If necessary, the Developer shall PW First Final Public
dedicate additional right-of-way along the Map Works
Tassarjara Road frontage of the portion of Parcel E
identified on the Tentative Map as "To Be Acquired
from City of Dublin Through Exchange Agreement"
to facilitate widening of the southbound lanes of
Tassajara Road by the developer of the adjacent
Wallis Ranch development.
75. Tassajara Road. A portion of Parcel E, as PW First Final Public
identified on the Tentative Map, is currently roadway Map Works
right-of-way for the planned widening of Tassajara
Road as established in the Precise Plan. This area
of existing roadway right-of-way shall be vacated
with the first Final Map for the project in accordance
with Subdivision Map Act Sections 66434(g) and
66436, and deeded to the Developer. The
Developer shall pay all administrative costs
associated with processing the vacation and grant
76. Tassajara Road Frontage Improvements. The PW Improvement Public
Developer shall install complete roadway and utility Plans for Works
improvements along the project's Tassajara Road Tassajara
frontage as shown on the Tentative Map. The Road
Developer shall also construct a sixteen-foot (16') approved and
wide raised landscaped median between the improvements
project's main driveway and the median bonded prior
improvements constructed with the Moller Ranch to first Final
development (Tract 8102). The curb-to-median curb Map
width shall be a minimum of forty four feet (44') and
include three 12' travel lanes and an 8' bike lane in
the southbound direction. At the intersection with
Fallon Road, the southbound curb-to-median curb
width shall be increased to provide one left turn
lane, two through lanes, two right turn lanes and a
bike lane.
Required roadway and utility improvements for the
widening of Tassajara Road along the project's
frontage shall include, but are not limited to:
installation of pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb
ramps, drainage structures, stormwater treatment
Page 21 of 36
measures, street trees, median landscaping,
irrigation, utilities, street lights, and fire hydrants. In
addition, signing, striping, pavement conforms and
transitions may be required to conform to the
existing pavement width on Tassajara Road north of
the project's main driveway. The Developer shall
be eligible for Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee
(EDTIF) Section 1 credits for the cost of right-of-
way, improvements and design in an amount not to
exceed the costs included in the 2010 EDTIF
Update or subsequent updates.
77. Completion of Sidewalk. The Developer shall PW First Final Public
construct sidewalk and curb ramps at the northwest Map Works
curb return of the intersection of Tassajara Road
and the project's main driveway. In addition,
sidewalk shall be provided along the north side of
the project's main entrance road connecting to
Tassajara Road.
Crosswalks shall be provided across the project's
main entry road and across both approaches of
Tassajara Road at the project's main entry
intersection. Pedestrian ramps shall be provided at
all crosswalk approaches.
78. Intersection Visibility. Any sound walls or any PW First Final Public
architectural walls shall be designed to avoid the Map Works
visibility zone at the intersection of Tassajarra Road
and the project's main driveway. The Visibility
Zones shall be defined by the triangles established
at the intersection corners by applying the Corner
Sight Distance criteria of the current Caltrans
Highway Design Manual. Corner Sight Distance
shall be calculated using a 45 MPH speed along
Tassaarra Road.
79. Left Turn Pocket: The pocket length for the PW First Final Public
northbound left turn lane at the intersection of Map Works
Tassajarra Road and the project's main driveway
shall be 150 feet long. The bay taper for this left turn
lane shall be 120 feet long and designed according
to the City standards
80. Tassajara Road Bus Stop. The Developer shall PW Improvement Public
construct a bus stop, concrete bus pad and shelter Plans for Works
just south of the project's main driveway along Tassajara
southbound Tassajara Road. The final location of Road
the bus stop shall be approved by LAVTA and the approved and
City Engineer. In conjunction with the new bus improvements
stop, the Developer shall construct an eight foot (8') bonded prior
sidewalk between the project's main driveway and to first Final
the bus stop location (Approximately 100 feet). The Map
Developer shall pay the cost of procuring and
Page 22 of 36
installing these improvements.
81. Tassajara Road Traffic Signal: The project's main PW Signal Plans Public
driveway will form the fourth leg of the intersection and Works
of Tassajara Road and the entrance road to the improvements
Moller Ranch development (Tract 8102). The bonded prior
Moller Ranch development is conditioned to to first Final
construct a 3-legged traffic signal at this Map. Signal
intersection. The Developer shall modify the complete
Tassajara Road traffic signal as needed to prior to
accommodate the project's main driveway and occupancy of
required Tassajara Road frontage improvements. the 24th unit.
If the 3-legged traffic signal required to be
constructed by Moller Ranch has not been/will not
be completed prior to occupancy of the 24th unit, the
Developer shall be responsible for construction of a
3-legged traffic signal. In such case, the Developer
may enter into a reimbursement agreement for any
cost over 50% of the total estimated cost of a four-
legged signal.
82. Tassajara Road/Fallon Road Traffic Signal: The PW Signal Plans Public
Developer shall modify the existing traffic signal at and Works
Tassajara Road and Fallon Road to accommodate improvements
the required Tassajara Road frontage bonded prior
improvements. to first Final
83. Traffic Signal Interconnect. The Developer shall PW Signal Plans Public
interconnect the traffic signals at Fallon and Works
Road/Tassajara Road and Moller Ranch improvements
Drive/Tassajara Road/project main driveway. bonded prior
Project applicant shall provide one communication to first Final
modem/switch at the signal controller at each Map
location as well as one spare per signal location.
84. Tassajara Road Overhead Utility Lines: The PW First Final Public
Developer shall be responsible for undergrounding Map Works
or removing the two existing joint utility poles and
associated overhead utilities with the northwest
quadrant of the Tassajara Road/Fallon Road
85. Tassajara Road Traffic Control: The Developer PW Issuance of Public
shall provide traffic control measures, including first Grading Works
flaggers if necessary, to allow for the safe ingress or Sitework
and egress of construction traffic to/from the project Permit
site from/to Tassajara Road. A traffic control plan
shall be submitted for review and approval by the
City Engineer and Traffic Engineer at least ten (10)
days prior to the start of any construction activities.
The traffic control measures shall be in place prior
to the start of construction and remain in place until
all traffic signal improvements at the project's main
Page 23 of 36
driveway are operational.
86. Tassajara Road, 1-580 to Dublin Boulevard: If PW First Final Public
applicable, the Developer shall pay the Map Works
proportionate cost of a 5t" northbound lane on
Tassajara Road from 1-580 to Dublin Boulevard.
87. Private Streets: The owner shall dedicate private PW Approval of Public
street right-of-way and install complete street final map and Works
improvements for the proposed private streets improvement
within the development as shown on the Tentative plans
Map as Parcel A.
88. Private street and common area subdivision PW Final Map Public
improvements. Common area improvements, Works
private streets, private alleys and all other
subdivision improvements owned or maintained by
the homeowners' association are subject to review
and approval by the City Engineer prior to Final Map
approval and shall be included in the Tract
Improvement Agreement. Such improvements
include, but are not limited to: curb & gutter,
pavement areas, sidewalks, access ramps &
driveways; enhanced street paving; parking spaces;
street lights (wired underground) and
appurtenances; drainage facilities; utilities;
landscape and irrigation facilities; open space
landscaping; stormwater treatment facilities; striping
and si na e; and fire hydrants.
89. Private Street Easements. Public Utility PW Final Map Public
Easements (PUE), Sanitary Sewer Easements Works
(SSE) and Water Line Easements (WLE) shall be
established over the entire private street right-of-
ways within all subdivisions. The PUE, SSE and
WLE dedication statements on each Final Map are
to recite that the easements are available for, but
not limited to, the installation, access and
maintenance of sanitary and storm sewers, water,
electrical and communication facilities. Project
entry monument signs and walls shall not be
located within these easements.
90. Private Street Easements. The Developer shall PW Final Map Public
dedicate Emergency Vehicle Access Easements Works
(EVAE) over the clear pavement width of all private
streets and alleys. Easement geometry shall be
subject to the approval of the City Engineer and Fire
91 . Emergency Vehicle Access Gate. Prior to the PW, PL, First Final Public
issuance of grading permits, the developer shall F Map creating Works
provide details of the EVA access way and gate to 30t" unit
Public Works, Fire and Planning.
92. Intersections. The design of all project PW Final Map or Public
Page 24 of 36
intersections shall be generally as shown on the improvement Works
Tentative Map and the Site Development Review. plans
The Developer shall submit a typical intersection
layout showing the design for the ramps, sidewalks,
entry walls, stop signs, landscape planters, street
trees, crosswalk locations and decorative pavement
to be approved by the City Engineer prior to the
submittal of the Improvement Plans. Decorative
pavement shall not be installed within crosswalks.
Final design details shall be subject to review and
approval by the City Engineer.
93. Monuments. The Final Map shall include private PW Monuments Public
street monuments to be set in all private streets. to be shown Works
Private street monuments shall be set at all on Final Map
intersections and as determined by the City and installed
Engineer. prior to
acceptance of
94. Public Trail: The Developer shall dedicate Public PW Final Map Public
Access Easements and construct a six foot (6') wide creating said Works
concrete trail within Parcels C, E and the "Transfer parcels
Parcel" as shown on the Tentative Map to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
95. Stormwater Management. The provided PW Prior to Public
Stormwater Management Plan included with the approval of Works
Tentative Map is approved in concept only. The grading,
final Stormwater Management Plan is subject to improvement
City Engineer approval prior to approval of the Tract plans
Improvement Plans. Approval is subject to the
developer providing the necessary plans, details,
and calculations that demonstrate the plan complies
with the standards of the Regional Water Quality
Control Board (RWQCB) Municipal Regional Permit
96. Stormwater Management. The proposed PW Prior to Public
Bioretention Basin #3 and Hydromodification Basin approval of Works
#4 as shown on Tentative Map shall be sized to grading,
accommodate the stormwater runoff from the improvement
additional impervious roadway pavement surface on plans
Tassajara Road constructed as part of the Moller
Creek culvert widening.
97. Stormwater Management. If the project is PW Grading, Public
developed in phases, suitable stormwater treatment improvement Works
and hydromodification measures shall be installed plans for each
with each phase such that the stormwater runoff phase
from the impervious areas created or replaced
within the boundaries of each phase shall be
properly treated and metered with stormwater
treatment and h dromodification measures
Page 25 of 36
constructed with that phase or in previous phases.
98. Storm Water Treatment Measures Maintenance PW Final Map Standard
Agreement. Developer shall enter into an
Agreement with the City of Dublin that guarantees
the property owner's perpetual maintenance
obligation for all stormwater treatment measures
installed as part of the project. Said Agreement is
required pursuant to Provision C.3 of the Municipal
Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order No. R2-
2009-0074. Said permit requires the City to provide
verification and assurance that all treatment devices
will be properly operated and maintained. The
Agreement shall be recorded against the property
and shall run with the land.
99. Drainage Release Easements: The Developer PW Final Map Public
shall dedicate to the City of Dublin drainage release Works
easements on any privately owned parcels (HOA or
Trust) that accept storm drainage from public owned
streets or parcels.
100. Stormwater Source Control. "No Dumping Drains PW Final Map or Public
to Bay" storm drain medallions per City Standard improvement Works
Detail CD-704 shall be placed on all public and plans
private storm drain inlets.
101. Trash Capture. The project Stormwater PW Final Map or Public
Management Plan shall incorporate trash capture improvement Works
measures such as screens, filters or CDSNortex plans
units to address the requirements of Provision C.10
of the Regional Water Quality Control Board
(RWQCB) Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
102. Grading. The toe of any slope shall be one foot PW Approval of Public
back of sidewalk. The top of any slope shall be Grading Works
three feet back of walkway. Minor exceptions may Plans or
be made in the above slope design criteria to meet issuance of
unforeseen design constraints subject to the grading
approval of the City Engineer. permit and on
103. Curb Ramps: Curb ramp layouts are not approved PW Approval of Standard
at this time. The number, location and layout of all improvement
curb ramps shall be reviewed and approved by the plans or start
City Engineer with the Improvement Plans of
associated with each Final Map. All pedestrian construction
ramps shall be designed and constructed to provide On going
direct access to marked or unmarked crosswalks.
Each pedestrian ramp shall be oriented such that it
is aligned and parallel to the marked or unmarked
crosswalk it is intended to serve. Pedestrian ramps
serving more than one marked or unmarked
crosswalk shall not be provided, unless specifically
Page 26 of 36
approved by the City Engineer.
104. Utilities. All new utility service connections, PW Approval of Standard
including electrical and communications, shall be Improvement
installed underground. Electrical transformers shall Plans or start
be installed in underground vaults within an of
appropriate utility easement or public service construction
easement. On going
105. Landscape Plans. Developer shall submit design PW 1S submittal Standard
development Landscape Plans with the first plan or
check for the street improvement plans and final improvement
map for each respective tract. The Landscape plans and
Plans shall show details, sections and supplemental approved with
information as necessary for design coordination of Final Map
the various civil design features and elements
including utility location to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer. Complete Landscape Plans shall be
concurrently approved with the Tract Improvement
Agreement and Final Map.
106. Street Light and Joint Trench Plans. Streetlight PW V submittal Standard
Plans and Joint Trench Plans shall be submitted or
with the first plan check for the street improvement improvement
plans and final map for each respective tract. The plans and
final streetlight plan and joint trench plan shall be approved
completed prior to Final Map approval for each prior to Final
respective subdivision. Map
107. Geotechnical Investigation. The Developer shall PW 1st submittal Standard
submit a design level geotechnical investigation of grading
report defining and delineating any seismic hazard. plans and on
The report shall be prepared in accordance with going
guidelines published by the State of California. The
report is subject to review and approval by a City
selected peer review consultant prior to the
acceptance of each Final map. The applicant shall
pay all costs related to the required peer review.
The recommendations of those geotechnical reports
shall be incorporated into the project plans subject
to the approval of the City Engineer.
108. Soils Report. The Developer shall submit a PW 1S submittal Public
detailed soils report prepared by a qualified of grading Works
engineer, registered with the State of California. The and
required report shall include recommendations improvement
regarding pavement sections for all project streets plans
including Tassajara Road and all internal streets. On going
Grading operations shall be in accordance with
recommendations contained in the required soils
report and grading shall be supervised by an
engineer registered in the State of California to do
such work.
109. Geotechnical En ineer Review and Approval. PW 1s submittal Public
Page 27 of 36
The Project Geotechnical Engineer shall be retained of grading Works
to review all final grading plans and specifications. and
The Project Geotechnical Engineer shall approve all improvement
grading plans prior to City approval and issuance of plans
grading permits. On going
110. Grading. The disposal site and haul truck route for PW Approval of Public
any off-haul dirt materials shall be subject to the grading plans, Works
review and approval by the City Engineer prior to or start of
the approval the improvement plans or issuance of construction
a Grading Permit. If the Developer does not own or issuance of
the parcel on which the proposed disposal site is grading
located, the Developer shall provide the City with a permit
Letter of Consent, signed by the current owner,
approving the placement of off-haul material on their
parcel. A grading plan may be required for the
placement of the off-haul material.
111 . Dust Control/Street Sweeping. The Developer PW Start of Public
shall provide adequate dust control measures at all construction Works
times during the grading and hauling operations. All On going
trucks hauling export and import materials shall be
provided with tarp cover at all times. Spillage of
haul materials and mud-tracking on the haul routes
shall be prevented at all times. Developer shall be
responsible for sweeping of streets within,
surrounding and adjacent to the project if it is
determined that the tracking or accumulation of
material on the streets is due to its construction
112. Underground Obstructions. Prior to demolition, PW Prior to Standard
excavation and grading on any portion of the project grading and
site, all underground obstructions (i.e., debris, septic construction
tanks, fuel tanks, barrels, chemical waste) shall be
identified and removed pursuant to Federal, State
and local regulations and subject to the review and
approval by the City. Excavations shall be properly
backfilled using structural fill, subject to the review
and approval of the City Engineer.
113. Developer shall comply with the following City of PW On going Standard
Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of
Approval ("Standard Condition") unless specifically
modified by Project Specific Conditions of Approval
114. The Developer shall comply with the Subdivision PW On going Standard
Map Act, the City of Dublin Subdivision, and
Grading Ordinances, the City of Dublin Public
Works Standards and Policies, the most current
requirements of the State Code Title 24 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act with regard to
Page 28 of 36
accessibility, and all building and fire codes and
ordinances in effect at the time of building permit.
All public improvements constructed by Developer
and to be dedicated to the City are hereby identified
as "public works" under Labor Code section 1771.
Accordingly, Developer, in constructing such
improvements, shall comply with the Prevailing
Wage Law (Labor Code. Sects. 1720 and following)
115. The Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold PW On going Standard
harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers,
and employees from any claim, action, or
proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents,
officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or
annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its
advisory agency, appeal board, Planning
Commission, City Council, Community
Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any
other department, committee, or agency of the City
related to this project to the extent such actions are
brought within the time period required by
Government Code Section 66499.37 or other
applicable law; provided, however, that The
Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly
notifying The Developer of any said claim, action, or
proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the
defense of such actions or proceedings.
116. If there are conflicts between the Tentative Map PW On going Standard
approval and the SDR approval pertaining to
mapping or public improvements the Tentative Map
shall take precedent.
Agreement and Bonds
117. The Developer shall enter into a Tract Improvement PW First Final Standard
Agreement with the City for all public improvements Map &
including any required offsite storm drainage or Successive
roadway improvements that are needed to serve the Maps
Tract that have not been bonded with another Tract
Improvement Agreement.
118. The Developer shall provide performance (100%), PW First Final Standard
and labor & material (100%) securities to guarantee Map &
the tract improvements, approved by the City Successive
Engineer, prior to execution of the Tract Maps
Improvement Agreement and approval of the Final
Map. (Note: Upon acceptance of the improvements,
the performance security may be replaced with a
maintenance bond that is 25% of the value of the
performance security.)
119. The Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect PW Zone 7 and Standard
Page 29 of 36
at the time of building permit Parkland In-
issuance including, but not limited to, Planning Lieu Fees
fees, Building fees, Dublin San Ramon Services due prior to
District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified filing each
School District School Impact fees, Public Works Final Map,
Traffic Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services other fees
fees, Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In- required with
Lieu fees, Alameda County Flood and Water issuance of
Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water building
Connection fees and any other fees as noted in the permits
Development Agreement.
120. The Developer shall dedicate parkland or pay in-lieu PW Prior to filing Standard
fees in the amounts and at the times set forth in City final map
of Dublin Resolution No. 60-99, or in any resolution
revising these amounts and as implemented by the
Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution
121. Developer shall obtain an Encroachment Permit PW Start of work Standard
from the Public Works Department for all
construction activity within the public right-of-way of
any street where the City has accepted the
improvements. The encroachment permit may
require surety for slurry seal and restriping. At the
discretion of the City Engineer an encroachment for
work specifically included in an Improvement
Agreement may not be required.
122. Developer shall obtain a Grading/Sitework Permit PW Start of work Standard
from the Public Works Department for all grading
and private site improvements that serves more that
one lot or residential condominium unit.
123. Developer shall obtain all permits required by other PW Start of work Standard
agencies including, but not limited to Alameda
County Flood Control and Water Conservation
District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and
Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water
Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies
of the permits to the Public Works Department.
124. All submittals of plans and Final Maps shall comply PW Approval of Standard
with the requirements of the "City of Dublin Public improvement
Works Department Improvement Plan Submittal plans or final
Requirements", and the "City of Dublin Improvement map
Plan Review Check List".
125. The Developer will be responsible for submittals PW Approval of Standard
and reviews to obtain the approvals of all improvement
participating non-City agencies. The Alameda plans or final
County Fire Department and the Dublin San Ramon map
Services District shall approve and sin the
Page 30 of 36
Improvement Plans.
126. Developer shall submit a Geotechnical Report, PW Approval of Standard
which includes street pavement sections and improvement
grading recommendations. plans, grading
plans or final
127. Developer shall provide the Public Works PW Acceptance Standard
Department a digital vectorized file of the "master" of
CAD files for the project when the Final Map has improvements
been approved. Digital raster copies are not and release
acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in of bonds
AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format. Drawing
units shall be decimal with the precision of the Final
Map. All objects and entities in layers shall be
colored by layer and named in English. All
submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate
System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State
Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot.
Final Ma
128. All Final Maps shall be substantially in accordance PW Approval of Standard
with the Tentative Maps approved with this Final Map
application, unless otherwise modified by these
conditions. Multiple final maps may be filed in
phases, provided that each phase is consistent with
the tentative map, that phasing progresses in an
orderly and logical manner and adequate
infrastructure is installed with each phase to serve
that phase as a stand-alone project that is not
dependent upon future phasing for infrastructure.
129. All rights-of-way and easement dedications required PW Approval of Standard
by the Tentative Map shall be shown on the Final Final Map
130. Any phasing of the final mapping or improvements PW Approval of Standard
of a Tentative Map is subject to the approval and Final Map
conditions of the City Engineer.
131. Street names shall be assigned to each PW Approval of Standard
public/private street pursuant to Municipal Code Final Map
Chapter 7.08. The approved street names shall be
indicated on the Final Map.
132. All Final Maps shall include street monuments to be PW Monuments Standard
set in all public streets. to be shown
on final map
and installed
prior to
acceptance of
133. The Developer shall obtain abandonment from all PW Approval of Standard
applicable public agencies of existing easements improvement
Page 31 of 36
and right of ways that will no longer be used. plans or
final map
134. The Developer shall acquire easements, and/or PW Approval of Standard
obtain rights-of-entry from the adjacent property improvement
owners for any improvements on their property. The plans or
easements and/or rights-of-entry shall be in writing appropriate
and copies furnished to the City Engineer. final map
135. The Grading Plan shall be in conformance with the PW Approval of Standard
recommendations of the Geotechnical Report, the grading plans
approved Tentative Map and/or Site Development or issuance of
Review, and the City design standards & grading
ordinances. In case of conflict between the soil permits.
engineer's recommendations and City ordinances, On going
the City Engineer shall determine which shall apply.
136. A detailed Erosion Control Plan shall be included PW Approval of Standard
with the Grading Plan approval. The plan shall grading plans
include detailed design, location, and maintenance or issuance of
criteria of all erosion and sedimentation control grading
On oin
137. PW Approval of Standard
Tiebacks or structural fabric for retaining walls shall grading plans
not cross property lines, or shall be located a or issuance of
minimum of 2' below the finished grade of the upper grading
lot. permits.
On goi ng
138. The public improvements shall be constructed PW Approval of Standard
generally as shown on the Tentative Map and/or grading plans
Site Development Review. However, the approval or issuance of
of the Tentative Map and/or Site Development grading
Review is not an approval of the specific design of permits.
the drainage, sanitary sewer, water, and street On going
139. PW Approval of Standard
All public improvements shall conform to the City of improvement
Dublin Standard Plans and design requirements plans or start
and as approved by the City Engineer.
On going
140. Public streets shall be at a minimum 1% slope with PW Approval of Standard
minimum gutter flow of 0.7% around bumpouts. improvement
Private streets and alleys shall be at minimum 0.5% plans or start
slope. of
On going
141. Curb Returns on arterial and collector streets shall PW Approval of Standard
Page 32 of 36
be 40-foot radius, all internal public streets curb improvement
returns shall be minimum 30-foot radius (36-foot plans or start
with bump outs) and private streets/alleys shall be a of
minimum 20-foot radius, or as approved by the City construction.
Engineer. Curb ramp locations and design shall On going
conform to the most current Title 24 and Americans
with Disabilities Act requirements and as approved
by the City Traffic Engineer.
142. Any decorative pavers/paving installed within City PW Approval of Standard
right-of-way shall be done to the satisfaction of the improvement
City Engineer. Where decorative paving is installed plans or start
at signalized intersections, pre-formed traffic signal of
loops shall be put under the decorative pavement. construction.
Decorative pavements shall not interfere with the On going
placement of traffic control devices, including
pavement markings. All turn lane stripes, stop bars
and crosswalks shall be delineated with concrete
bands or color pavers to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer. Maintenance costs of the decorative
paving shall be the responsibility of the
Homeowners Association.
143. PW Occupancy of Standard
The Developer shall install all traffic signs and units or
pavement marking as required by the City Engineer. acceptance of
144. Street light standards and luminaries shall be PW Occupancy of Standard
designed and installed per approval of the City units or
Engineer. The maximum voltage drop for acceptance of
streetlights is 5%. improvements
145. The Developer shall construct bus stops and PW Occupancy of Standard
shelters at the locations designated and approved units or
by the LAVTA and the City Engineer. The acceptance of
Developer shall pay the cost of procuring and improvements
installing these improvements.
146. Developer shall construct all potable and recycled PW Occupancy of Standard
water and sanitary sewer facilities required to serve units or
the project in accordance with DSRSD master acceptance of
plans, standards, specifications and requirements. improvements
147. Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the PW Occupancy of Standard
Alameda County Fire Department. A raised reflector units or
blue traffic marker shall be installed in the street acceptance of
opposite each hydrant. improvements
148. The Developer shall furnish and install street name PW Occupancy of Standard
signs for the project to the satisfaction of the City units or
En ineer. acceptance of
Page 33 of 36
149. Developer shall construct gas, electric, cable TV PW Occupancy of Standard
and communication improvements within the units or
fronting streets and as necessary to serve the acceptance of
project and the future adjacent parcels as approved improvements
by the City Engineer and the various Public Utility
a encies.
150. All electrical, gas, telephone, and Cable TV utilities, PW Occupancy of Standard
shall be underground in accordance with the City units or
policies and ordinances. All utilities shall be located acceptance of
and provided within public utility easements and improvements
sized to meet utility company standards.
151. All utility vaults, boxes and structures, unless PW Occupancy of Standard
specifically approved otherwise by the City units or
Engineer, shall be underground and placed in acceptance of
landscape areas and screened from public view. improvements
Prior to Joint Trench Plan approval, landscape
drawings shall be submitted to the City showing the
location of all utility vaults, boxes and structures and
adjacent landscape features and plantings. The
Joint Trench Plans shall be signed by the City
Engineer prior to construction of the joint trench
152. The Erosion Control Plan shall be implemented PW On-going as Standard
between October 15th and April 15th unless needed
otherwise allowed in writing by the City Engineer.
The Developer will be responsible for maintaining
erosion and sediment control measures for one year
following the City's acceptance of the subdivision
153. If archaeological materials are encountered during PW On-going as 1993
construction, construction within 100 feet of these needed EDEIR
materials shall be halted until a professional MM
Archaeologist who is certified by the Society of
California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of
Professional Archaeology (SOPA) has had an
opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find
and suggest appropriate mitigation measures.
154. Construction activities, including the maintenance PW On-going as Standard
and warming of equipment, shall be limited to needed
Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays,
between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
except as otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
Extended hours or Saturday work will be considered
by the City Engineer on a case-by-case basis.
155. Developer shall prepare a construction noise PW Start of Standard
Page 34 of 36
management plan that identifies measures to be construction
taken to minimize construction noise on surrounding implementatio
developed properties. The plan shall include hours n and on-
of construction operation, use of mufflers on going as
construction equipment, speed limit for construction needed
traffic, haul routes and identify a noise monitor.
Specific noise management measures shall be
provided prior to project construction.
156. Developer shall prepare a plan for construction PW Start of Standard
traffic interface with public traffic on any existing construction
public street. Construction traffic and parking may n and implementatio
be subject to specific requirements by the City going as
Engineer. needed
157. The Developer shall be responsible for controlling PW On-going Standard
any rodent, mosquito, or other pest problem due to
construction activities.
158. The Developer shall be responsible for watering or PW On-going Standard
other dust-palliative measures to control dust as
conditions warrant or as directed by the City
159. The Developer shall provide the Public Works PW Issuance of Standard
Department with a letter from a registered civil Building
engineer or surveyor stating that the building pads permits or
have been graded to within 0.1 feet of the grades acceptance of
shown on the approved Grading Plans, and that the improvements
top & toe of banks and retaining walls are at the
locations shown on the approved Grading Plans.
Storm Water Quality (NPDES)
160. Prior to any clearing or grading, the Developer shall PW Start of any Standard
provide the City evidence that a Notice of Intent construction
(NOI) has been sent to the California State Water activities
Resources Control Board per the requirements of
the NPDES. A copy of the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be provided to the
Public Works Department and be kept at the
construction site.
161. PW SWPPP to be Standard
The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared
(SWPPP) shall identify the Best Management prior to
Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the project approval of
construction activities. The SWPPP shall include the improvement
erosion control measures in accordance with the plans,
regulations outlined in the most current version of implementatio
the ABAG Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook n prior to start
or State Construction Best Management Practices of
Handbook. The Developer is responsible for construction
ensuring that all contractors implement all storm and on-going
water pollution prevention measures in the SWPPP. as needed.
Page 35 of 36
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of 2014 by the following vote:
City Clerk
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