HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 Pro-Forma Financial Report t P • • I II I II N i " I II I 11 11 I I II I II II • 11 . CO II II 9.4 II II � : II 11 Pc II II II II N 11 II O. al I, II 11 11 il 1-4 11 11 < 1 N II 11 41c II I In • 11 II •- N N II N N N II . UQ1- N N 11 N N N II o. y - II - -r - II Ii II II II Z CO N II It 11 • 4Ic II P4 II it A CO 11 CO CO CO it 0 CO CO II CO 03 CO II i 07 1.4 II 1.4 II II a II 2 o II II E e N II 11 11 II U 11 11 0 14 ._ ... to 0 O II N N N I N 0 11 E. co C 11 O to 0) I 0) er II E.(E 0 CO w II 1.0 In C) I co co II 4 •. 11 ' V N 1 N II 0 C� •••• N N II 0) 0) � .4 N II 1-.I 1[) 0) 0) II N N N N CO II II (� 0 O 0) II 0 O O O O II• r,0�1N N N 11 v C) 10 IO N I1 ,��y N CO d - 0 C•) O 0) II 0) 0) O O 0) II E. EA•. o0 0 I- a) 11 -a • e' as 11 ..t O C')00 I- 4- 55 Q N N l— II r-+A 6 44 CO.-1 is CO 11 0 O t� l•• CO 11 C') (,� k] —0 — 0 11 I' t 1' l' 0 II *{+ 0 CO CO N r• M CO N f. q CO v .-4 m m co• . 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Services 15,000 420 420 2.80% 565.12 Park & Recreation Fees 87,900 2,571 2,571 2.92% 565.15 Other Charges for Services 12,000 565.16 Building Use Insurance 5,000 900 900 18.00% 565.18 Zone 7 Drainage Fees 2,000 154,739 154,739 7736.95% 565.19 Field Use fees 2,340 130 130 5.56% Total Charges for Services 729,740 162,068 162,068 22.21% OTHER REVENUES 570.01 Sale of Real & Prsnl Prpty 41,200 570.02 Non-Government Contribution 390 390 570.03 Miscellaneous 2,000 570.05 Reimbursements - General 5,000 570.06 Reimbursement for Public Dmg 5,000 570.07 Trash Bag Program 5,500 450 450 8.18% Total Other Revenue 58,700 840 840 1.43% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 8,984,760 562,409 562,409 6.26% TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (# 205) FINES & FOREFEITURES 532.01 Vehicle Code Fines 80,000 5,922 5,922 7.40% REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PRPPY 550.01 Interest 200 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 80,200 5,922 5,922 7.38% STATE GAS TAX FUND (# 206) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PRPiTY 550.01 Interest 8,200 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555.07 State Gas Tax (2106) 100,000 8,773 8,773 8.77% 555.08 State Gas Tax (2107) 194,000 12,620 12,620 6.51% 555.09 State Gas Tax (2107.5) 4,000 Total State Gas Tax 298,000 21,393 21,393 7.18% TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 306,200 21,393 21,393 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND (# 209) a INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - FEDERAL 559.02 Community Dvlpmnt Block Grant 34,660 COPercent of ' Revenue Report - Page 3 Estimated Current Received Estimate Revenue Month Yr To Date Received FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND (# 210) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - FEDERAL 559.03 Federal Aid Urban Funds 1,362,000 311,986 311,986 22.91% TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND (# 211) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE 555.10 Article 4.5 Fnds (Paratransit) 11,436 555.11 Artcl 3 Fnds (Bicycle/Pedstrn) 145,000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DVU JNT ACT FUND 156,436 STATE PARK BOND ACT FUND (# 213) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE 555.12 Rbt Z'Berg Allocation 50,000 15,202 15,202 30.40% SENIOR CITIZENS BOND ACT FUND (# 214) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE 555.13 Senior Citizen Bond Act Grant 73,650 PARK DEDICATION FUND (#215) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PRPTY 550.01 Interest 25,000 OTHER REVENUE 570.04 Park Dedication Fees 50,000 TOTAL PARK DEDICATION FUND 75,000 COMMUNITY PARKLANDS ACT FUND (# 216) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE 555.14 Community Parklands Act Grant 48,000 FUEL EneICIENT TRAFFIC MNGMNT GRANT FUND (#220) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE 555.15 Fuel Efficient TSM Grant 10,800 STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (# 710) 534.03 Special Assessments 144,500 550.01 Interest 4,150 TOTAL ST. LIGHT ASSMNT DISTR FUND 148,650 i.,. ..wT' e.......'_9fU A..-A.*!'-(..T..n v::9 tie.. +w..n..n.vy:4x u'a-.red.'s-ate.-+.w. ..•,.-+vc rn ,.+. _. rr..x:.a.r'> .es.-.a. ....ti..u.rrsr^.wwufbvtsa.-.RJ.f4u.se'%aviY xe.-uw.+w..:+x&'aut.erenn^r s+.. ...x Percent of Revenue Report - Page 4 • Estimated Current Received Estimate Revenue Month Yr To Date Received LANDSCAPE ASSESSMNT DISTRICT FND (# 711) 534.03 Special Assessments 41,200 550.01 Interest 3,300 TOTAL LANDSCAPE ASSMNT DISTR FUND 44,500 SAN RAMON RD SPCFC PLN ASSMT DISTR (# 712) 534.03 Special Assessments 119,212 550.01 . Interest 30,000 TOTAL SAN RAMON RD SPCFC PLN ASSMT 149,212 DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC. FUND (# 601) 550.01 Interest 275,500 550.03 Rents & Concessions 1,252,242 TOTAL DUBLIN INFO. , INC. FUND 1,527,742 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND (# 830) 550.01_ Interest 950 CAPITAL PROJECTD FUND (# 3XX) 550.01 Interest 136,700 570.02 Contributions Non-Govt Sources 10,000 570.05 Reimbursements 404,700 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 551,400 TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS 13,604,160 916,912 916,912 6.74% BUDGET TRANSFERS IN To General Fund 415,660 To Dublin Information, Inc. 55,650 To Capital Projects Fund 167,800 TOTAL BUDGET TRANSFERS IN 639,110 • CITY OF DUBLIN SUMMARY OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS CONSOLIDATED FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JULY 31, 1987 CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET Y REVENUES Property Tax 722,500 . Other Taxes 5,517,200 29,398 29,398 5,487,802 0.53`. Licenses & Permits 547,350 323,594 323,594 223,756 59.12` Fines & Forfeitures 96,500 7,713 7,713 88,787 7.99` Special Assessments 304,912 304,912 For Use of Money & Property 2,373,212 35,804 35,804 2,337,408 1.51`. Intergovmmntl Rev - State 1,392,686 45,509 45,509 1,347,177 3.27`. Intergovmntl Rev - Federal 1,396,660 311,986 311,986 1,084,674 22.34` Charges for Services 729,740 162,068 162,068 567,672 22.21`. Other Revenue 523,400 840 840 522,560 0.16`. TOTAL REVENUES 13,604,160: 916,912 916,912 12,687,248 6.74` EXPENDITURES General Government 101 City Council 72,680 3,935 3,935 68,745 5.41`. 102 City Manager/Clerk 255,438 17,340 17,340 238,098 6.79`. 103 Legal Services 76,400 1,059 1,059 75,341 1.39`. 104 Finance 138,970 6,834 6,834 132,136 4.92`. 105 Building Management 1,398,490 15,556 15,556 1,382,934 1.11` 106 Insurance 136,600 89,335 89,335 47,265 65.40`, 107 Elections 5,000 5,000 108 Non-Departmental 363,802 363,802 Total General Government 2,447,380 134,059 134,059 2,313,321 5.48`. Public Safety 201 Police Services 1,848,634 1,598 1,598 1,847,036 0.09` 202 Crossing Guards 22,200 22,200 203 Animal Control 42,000 42,000 204 Trfc Sgnls/Sfty Lghtg 225,500 225,500 205 Disaster Preparedness 20,250 20,250 Total Public Safety 2,158,584 1,598 1,598 2,156,986 0.07` Transportation 301 Public Works 159,318 2,052 2,052 157,266 1.29' 302 Street Maintenance 519,400 519,400 303 Street Sweeping 52,500 52,500 304 Street Tree Maintenance 67,500 67,500 305 Street Landscape Mtc 275,050 400 400 274,650 0.15`. 306 Paratransit Service 26,022 26,022 Total Transportaion 1,099,790 2,452 2,452 1,097,338 0.22`. Health & Welfare 501 Vector Control Service 15,500 15,500 Saw,' Summary Revenue & Expenditure Report CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT All Funds Consolidated - Page 2 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET Y Culture & Leisure Services 701 Library Service 103,500 103,500 702 Parks & Recreation 409,000 21,189 21,189 387,811 5.18 703 Park Maintenance 78,400 78,400 704 Community Cable Tv 19,800 19,800 Total Culture & Leisure Services 610,700 21,189 21,189 589,511 3.47 Community Development 901 Planning 521,530 23,447 23,447 498,083 4.50 902 Building & Safety 329,892 2,305 2,305 327,587 0.70 903 Engineering 469,150 111 111 469,039 0.02 Total Community Development 1,320,572 25,863 25,863 1,294,709 1.96 Internal Service Fund Charges 118,859 118,859 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 7,771,385 185,161 185,161 7,586,224 2.3E DEBT SERVICE -SR RD ASSMT DISTR 123,062 89,031 89,031 34,031 72.35 DUBLIN INFORMATION INC. EXPENDITURES Operating Expenditures 55,650 55,650 Debt Service Expenditures 1,252,242 1,252,242 Capital Expenditures-Civic Ctr 3,394,370 3,394,370 TOTAL DUBLIN INFORMATION INC. 4,702,262 4,702,262 CAPITAL IMPROtEMENT FUNDS EXPENDITURES General Improvements 153,500 153,500 Community Improvements 840,886 840,886 Parks Improvements 1,693,308 1,452 1,452 1,691,856 0.09 Street Improvements 2,284,057 72 72 2,283,985 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPRVMNT FUNDS 4,971,751 1,524 1,524 4,970,227 0.02 TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES 17,568,460 275,716 275,716 17,292,744 1.57 APPROPRIATIONS FROM RESERVES (3,964,300) 641,196 641,196 (4,605,496) -16.17 • CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JULY 31, 1987 . EXPENDITURE REPORT CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT 0' GENERAL FUND BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT] 101 CITY COUNCIL Personal Services 701.02 Salaries, Part Time 18,000 1,386 1,386 16,614 7.70% 701.04 Retirement 1,100 86 86 1,014 7.82% 701.05 Group Insurance 13,560 603 603 12,957 4.45% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 110 110 Total Personal Services 32,770 2,075 2,075 30,695 6.33% Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 375 3 3 372 0.80% 711.00 Postage 185 15 15 170 8.11% 715.00 Advertising 1,200 1,200 716.00 Printing & Binding 250 250 720.00 Books & Publications 200 200 721.00 Memberships & Dues 6,500 250 250 6,250 3.85% 723.00 Travel & Conferences 10,900 657 657 10,243 6.03% 724.00 Training 5,000 5,000 728.00 Legal Notices 40 40 (40) 729.00 Professional Services 5,500 5,500 731.00 Community Pormotions 9,300 495 495 8,805 5.32% Total Services & Supplies 39,410 1,460 1,460 37,950 3.70% 750.60 Cptl Outlay-Furn/Fixtrs 500 400 400 100 80.00% 101 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 72,680 3,935 3,935 68,745 5.41% 102 CITY MANAGER / CLERK Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time 170,905 11,875 11,875 159,030 6.95% 701.02 Salaries, Part Time 701.03 Salaries, Overtime 2,450 69 69 2,381 2.82% 701.04 Retirement 15,343 1,076 1,076 14,267 7.01% 701.05 Group Insurance 17,026 790 790 16,236 4.64% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 5,254 2,730 2,730 2,524 51.96% 701.07 State Unemplymnt Insrnc 701.08 Medicare FICA 330 22 22 308 6.67% Total Personal Services 211,308 16,562 16,562 194,746 7.84% 710.00 Office Supplies 3,800 73 73 3,727 1.92% 711.00 Postage 2,050 240 240 1,810 11.71% 712.00 Copier Supplies 2,550 115 115 2,435 4.51% 715.00 Advertising 1,350 1,350 716.00 Printing & Binding 2,000 2,000 Expenditure Report - Page 2 CURRENT OAR TO PERCENT 01 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT1 CITY MANAGER / CLERK - Servcs & Supp (Continued) 718.00 Repairs & Mtc 340 340 • 720.00 Books & Publications 1,300 1,300 721.00 Memberships & Dues 670 50 50 620 7.46% 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 5,240 300 300 4,940 5.73% 723.00 Travel & Conferences 5,900 5,900 724.00 Training 3,250 3,250 725.20 Telephone 728.00 Legal Notices 729.00 Professional Services 739.00 Internal Service Charges 7,280 7,280 • Total Services & Supplies 35,730 778 778 34,952 2.18% 740.00 Contract Services 7,500 7,500 750.60 Cptl Outlay-Furn/Fixtrs 500 500 750.70 Cptl Outlay-Mchnry/Eqp 400 400 Total Capital Outlay 900 900 102 TOTAL CITY MANAGER / CLERK 255,438 . 17,340 17,340 238,098 6.79% 103 LEGAL SERVICES 701.04 Prsnl Srvc - Retirement 3,400 69 69 3,331 2.03% 701.05 Prsnl Srvc - Group Insur 729.00 Profs Srvcs - General 57,000 57,000 729.01 Profs Srvcs - Litigation 16,000 16,000 740.00 Contract Services 990 990 (990) 103 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES 76,400 1,059 1,059 75,341 1.39% 104 FINANCE Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time 79,500 5,488 5,488 74,012 6.90% 701.03 Salaries, Overtime 700 700 701.04 Retirement 4,840 340 - 340 4,500 7.02% 701.05 Group Insurance 8,370 293 293 8,077 3.50% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 560 560 701.07 State Unemplymnt Insrnc 701.08 Medicare FICA 760 52 52 708 6.84% Total Personal Services 94,730 6,173 6,173 88,557 6.52% Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 1,625 1,625 716.00 Printing & Binding 2,200 2,200 718.00 Repairs & Mtc 7,100 7,100 720.00 Books & Publications 1,000 486 486 514 48.60% 721.00 Memberships & Dues 305 305 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 2,400 175 175 2,225 7.29% 723.00 Travel & Conferences 500 500 724.00 Training 1,760 1,760 725.20 Telephone 739.00 Internal Service Charges 150 150 Total Services & Supplies 17,040 661 661 16,379 3.88% Expenditure Report - Page 3 CURRENT : 1670 PERCENT OF FINANCE (CONTINUED) . ;. MONTH BUDGET-YTD Contract Services 740.00-'City Accounting Services 13,750 13,750 740.30 LAMA Accounting Services - ' 12,000 12,000 740.31 -- Other Contract Services Total Contract Services 25,750 25,750 750.60 Cptl Outlay - Furn/Fxtrs 950 950 750.70 Cptl Outlay - Mchnry/Eqp 500 500 Total Capital Outlay 1,450 1,450 104 TOTAL FINANCE 138,970 6,834 6,834 132,136 4.92% 105 BUILDING MANAGEMENT Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 300 300 .713.00 Operating Supplies 100 100 714.00 Communications 719.00 Rentals 1,355,280 15,556 15,556 1,339,724 1.15% 725.05 Utilities-Gas & Electric 220 220 725.10 ' Utilities Water & Sewer 4,300 4,300 725.20 Utilities-Telephone 29,500 29,500 725.30 Utilities-Garbage Srvc 725.40 Utilities-Cable Tv Total Services & Supplies 1,389,700 15,556 15,556 1,374,144 1.12% 740.00 Contract Services 2,420 2,420 750.50 Cptl-Impry Othr Thn Bldgs 4,570 4,570 750.70 Cptl Outlay-Mchnry/Egp 1,800 1,800 Total Capital Outlay 6,370 6,370 105 TOTAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT 1,398,490 15,556 15,556 1,382,934 1.11% 106 INSURANCE 717.01 Insurance Premiums 99,100 89,235 89,235 9,865 90.05% 717.02 Insurance Claims Expns 37,500 100 100 37,400 0.27% 729.00 Professional Services 106 TOTAL INSURANCE 136,600 89,335 89,335 47,265 65.40% 107 ELECTIONS 711.00 Postage 1,000 1,000 715.00 Advertising 250 250 716.00 Printing & Binding 750 750 740.00 Registrar of Voters 3,000 3,000 107 TOTAL RTFCTIONS 5,000 5,000 108 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 748.00 Purchase of FAU Funds 250,000 250,000 799.00 Contingent Reserve 113,802 113,802 108 TOTAL NON DEPARTMENTAL 363,802 363,802 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT . 2,447,380 134,059 134,059 2,313,321 5.48% Expenditure Report - Page 4 CURRENT OAR TO PERCENT O; BUDGET MONTH ATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT' PUBLIC SAFETY 201 POLICE SERVICES . Personal Services 701.02 Salaries, Part Time 13,000 975 975 12,025 7.50% 701.06 Workers Compensation 470 470 Total Personal Services 13,470 975 975 12,495 7.24% Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 2,000 56 56 1,944 2.80% 711.00 Postage 1,100 150 150 950 13.64% 712.00 Copier Supplies 1,750 77 77 1,673 4.40% 713.00 Operating Supplies 12,250 12,250 716.00 Printing & Binding 2,000 2,000 718.00 Repairs & Mtc 2,000 2,000 719.00 Rentals 1,400 21 21 1,379 1.50% 720.00 Bookds & Publications 350 350 721.00 Memberships & Dues 200 200 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 723.00 Travel & Conferences 2,200 2,200 724.00 Training 1,000 1,000 725.20 Telephone 726.00 Small Tools 727.00 Uniform Allowances 739.00 Internal Srvc Fnd Charges 3,869 3,869 739.01 Intrnl Srvc Fnd-Vehicles 86,520 86,520 Total Services & Supplies 116,639 304 304 116,335 0.26% Contract Services 740.00 General 45 45 (45) 740.01 Personnel 1,393,009 1,393,009 740.02 Vehicles 25,000 25,000 740.03 Indirect 83,009 83,009 740.04 Dispatch 129,035 129,035 740.05 Administration 22,137 22,137 740.06 Services & Supplies 36,425 36,425 General 22,170 22,170 Total Contract Services 1,710,785 45 45 1,710,740 0.00% 750.60 Cptl Outlay-Furn/Fxtrs 1,200 1,200 750.70 Cptl Outlay-Mchnr/Eqp 6,540 274 274 6,266 4.19% Total Capital Outlay 7,740 274 274 7,466 3.54% 201 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 1,848,634 1,598 1,598 1,847,036 0.09% 202 CROSSING GUARDS 740.00 Contract Services 22,200 22,200 203 ANIMAL CONTROL 740.60 Cntrct Srvc-Shelter Srvc 15,000 15,000 740.61 Cntrct Srvc-Field Srvc 27,000 27,000 203 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 42,000 42,000 C Expenditure Report - Page 5 CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT 01 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-NIT 204 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING 725.05 GAS & ELECTRIC 9,500 9,500 204 TOTAL TRFC SIGNALS & ST. LIGHTING 9,500 9,500 205 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 714.00 Communications 650 650 716.00 Printing 500 500 720.00 Books & Publications 100 100 721.00 Memberships & Dues 100 100 724.00 Training 1,400 1,400 Total Services & Supplies 2,750 2,750 740.00 Contract Services 15,000 15,000 750.70 Cptl Outlay-Mchnry/Egp 2,500 2,500 205 TOTAL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 20,250 20,250 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1,942,584 1,598 1,598 1,940,986 0.08% TRANSPORTATION 301 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time 66,610 1,689 1,689 64,921 2.54% 701.03 Salaries, Overtime 1,000 16 16 984 1.60% 701.04 Retirement 4,060 105 105 3,955 2.59% 701.05 Group Insurance 7,455 113 113 7,342 1.52% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 1,685 1,685 701.07 State Unemplymnt Insrnc 701.08 Medicare FICA 620 620 Total Personal Services 81,430 1,923 1,923 79,507 2.36% Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 1,100 42 42 1,058 3.82% 711.00 Postage 650 75 75 575 11.54% 712.00 Copier Supplies 370 12 12 358 3.24% 720.00 Books & Publications 500 500 721.00 Memberships & Dues 500 500 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 1,720 1,720 723.00 Travel & Conferences 1,700 1,700 724.00 Training 500 500 739.00 Internal Srvc Fnd Chrgs 2,698 ' 2,698 Total Services & Supplies 9,738 129 129 9,609 1.32% 740.29 Cntrct Srvc-Mtc Suprvsn 66,000 66,000 750.60 Cptl Outlay-Furn/Fxtrs 1,850 1,850 750.70 Cptl Outlay-Mchnry/Eqp 300 300 Total Capital Outlay 2,150 2,150 301 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 159,318 2,052 2,052 157,266 1.29% . . Expenditure Report Page 6 ® CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT 0 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT: 302 STREET MAINTENANCE 713.00 Operating Supplies 1,000 1,000 740.21 Drainage & Maintenance 18,500 18,500 740.22 Storm Patrol 13,200 13,200 740.23 Curbs Gutters Sidewalks 22,800 22,800 740.24 Sign Rpr & Installation 22,400 22,400 740.25 Striping & Marking 5,800 5,800 740.26 Guardrail Repair 1,200 1,200 740.27 Weed Control 5,300 5,300 740.28 Bike Path Maintenance 6,200 6,200 302 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 96,400 96,400 303 STREET SWEEPING 740.00 Contract Services 52,500 52,500 304 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 740.00 Contract Services 67,500 67,500 305 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 725.10 Srvc & Supp-Utilities 14,350 14,350 740.00 Contract Srvc-Public Wks 209,700 209,700 740.40 Litter Pick-up 400 400 (400) 750.70 Cptl Outlay-Mchnry/Eqp 305 TOTAL STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 224,050 400 400 223,650 0.18% 306 PARATRANSIT SERVICE 740.00 Contract Services 14,586 14,586 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 614,354 2,452 2,452 611,902 0.40% HEALTH & WFT:FARE SERVICES 501 VECTOR CONTROL SERVICES 740.00 Contract Services 15,500 15,500 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES 701 LIBRARY SERVICS 740.00 Contract Services 103,500 103,500 702 RECREATION Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time 142,650 8,656 8,656 133,994 6.07% 701.02 Salaries, Part Time 69,735 6,647 6,647 63,088 9.53% 701.03 Salaries, Overtime 500 4 4 496 0.80% 701.04 Retirement 8,685 537 537 8,148 6.18% 701.05 Group Insurance 21,865 744 744 21,121 3.40% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 7,525 7,525 701.07 State Unemplymnt Insrnc 701.08 Medicare FICA 1,785 110 110 1,675 6.16% Total Personal Services 252,745 16,698 16,698 236,047 6.61% Expenditure Report - Page 7 CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT O: BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YTi Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 3,150 215 215 2,935 6.83% 711.00 Postage 4,150 225 225 3,925 5.42% 712.00 Copier Supplies 2,720 58 58 2;662 2.13% 713.00 'Operating Supplies 19,000 560 560 18,440 2.95% 715.00 Advertising 650 650 716.00 Printing & Binding 15,250 15,250 718.00 Repairs & Mtc 1,100 1,100 719.00 Rentals 5,875 300 300 5,575 5.11% 720.00 Bookds & Publications 400 412 412 (12) 103.00% 721.00 Memberships & Dues 450 80 80 370 17.78% 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 3,600 175 175 3,425 4.86% 723.00 Travel & Conferences 5,700 260 260 5,440 4.56% 724.00 Training 400 400 725.05 Gas & Electric 14,400 14,400 725.10 Water & Sewer 1,200 13 13 1,187 1.08% 725.20 Telephone 3,150 3,150 729.00 Professional Services 739.00 Internal Srvc Fnd Charges 7,515 7,515 Total Services & Supplies 88,710 2,298 2,298 86,412 2.59% Contract Services 740.50 Recreation Instruction 33,900 2,037 2,037 31,863 6.01% 740.51 Shannon Services 16,720 121 121 16,599 0.72% 740.52 Senior Center Services 8,500 8,500 740.53 Special Events 1,600 35 35 1,565 2.19% 740.54 Teens 2,100 2,100 Total Contract Services 62,820 2,193 2,193 60,627 3.49% 750.60 Cptl Outlay-Furn/Fxtrs 1,625 1,625 750.70 Cptl Outlay-Mchnry/Eqp 3,100 3,100 Total Capital Outlay 4,725 4,725 702 TOTAL RECREATION 409,000 21,189 21,189 387,811 5.18% 703 PARK MAINTENANCE 713.00 Operating Supplies 300 300 725.05 Gas & Electric 2,200 2,200 725.10 Water & Sewer 8,600 8,600 Total Services & Supplies 11,100 , 11,100 740.00 Contract Services 55,800 55,800 703 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 66,900 66,900 704 COMMUNITY CABLE TV 740.00 Contract Services 19,800 19,800 TOTAL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES 599,200 21,189 21,189 578,011 3.54% Expenditure Report - Page 8 CURRENT GAR TO PERCENT 03 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-NM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 901 PLANNING Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time 224,530 19,610 19,610 204,920 8.73% 701.02 Salaries, Part Time 4,800 240 240 4,560 5.00% 701.03 Salaries, Overtime 3,550 28 28 3,522 0.79% 701.04 Retirement 13,670 1,216 1,216 12,454 8.90% 701.05 Group Insurance 24,950 868 868 24,082 3.48% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 6,520 6,520 701.07 State Unemplymnt Insrnc 701.08 Medicare FICA 940 52 52 888 5.53% Total Personal Services 278,960 22,014 22,014 256,946 7.89% Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 4,850 144 144 4,706 2.97% 711.00 Postage 4,590 630 630 3,960 13.73% 712.00 Copier Supplies 2,100 119 119 1,981 5.67% 715.00 Advertising 3,700 3,700 716.00 Printing & Binding 2,200 2,200 718.00 Repairs & Mtc 1,000 1,000 720.00 Books & Publications 1,200 50 50 1,150 4.17% 721.00 Memberships & Dues 400 400 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 2,500 175 175 2,325 7.00% 723.00 Travel & Conferences 5,900 225 225 5,675 3.81% 724.00 Training 1,100 1,100 725.20 Telephone 728.00 Legal Notices 90 90 (90) 729.00 Professional Services 165,000 165,000 730.00 Filing Fees 739.00 Internal Srvc Fnd Charges 7,390 7,390 Total Services & Supplies 201,930 1,433 1,433 200,497 0.71% 740.00 Contract Services 38,500 38,500 750.60 Cptl Outlay-Furn/Fxtrs 2,140 2,140 901 TOTAL PLANNING 521,530 23,447 23,447 498,083 4.50% 902 BUILDING & SAFETY Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time 27,975 1,938 1,938 26,037 6.93% 701.03 Salaries, Overtime 1,470 1,470 701.04 Retirement 1,700 120 120 1,580 7.06% 701.05 Group Insurance 4,100 108 108 3,992 2.63% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 170 170 Total Personal Services 35,415 2,166 2,166 33,249 6.12% Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 1,100 45 45 1,055 4.09% 711.00 Postage 655 90 90 565 13.74% 712.00 Copier Supplies 350 4 4 346 1.14% 716.00 Printing & Binding 1,400 1,400 • Expenditure Report - Page 9 CURRENT TO PERCENT 0 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT: 720.00 Books & Publications 2,000 2,000 . 721.00 Memberships & Dues 500 500 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 50 50 724.00 Training 1,000 1,000 725.20 Telephone 739.00 Internal Srvc Fnd Chrgs 2,422 2,422 Total Services & Supplies 9,477 139 139 9,338 1.47% 740.00 Contract Services 285,000 285,000 902 TOTAL BUILDING & SAFETY 329,892 2,305 2,305 327,587 0.70% 903 ENGINEERING Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 750 14 14 736 1.87% 711.00 Postage 650 75 75 575 11.54% 716.00 Printing & Binding 2,000 22 22 1,978 1.10% 720.00 Books & Publications 300 300 724.00 Training 750 750 726.00 Small Tools 500 500 739.00 Internal Srvc Fnd Chrgs 1,000 1,000 Total Services & Supplies 5,950 111 111 5,839 1.87% Contract Services 740.70 General Engr/Inspection 78,000 78,000 740.71 General Traffic Engr 46,000 46,000 740.72 Prvt Dvlpmnt-Engr/Inspc 310,000 310,000 740.73 Prvt Dvlpmnt-Trfc Engr 10,000 10,000 740.74 Assessment Distr Engr Total Contract Services 444,000 444,000 750.60 Cptl Outlay-Furn/Fxtrs 2,700 2,700 903 TOTAL ENGINEERING 452,650 111 111 452,539 0.02% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,304,072 25,863 25,863 1,278,209 1.98% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 6,923,090 185,161 185,161 6,737,929 2.67% TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (# 205) 204 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING 725.05 Utilities-Gas & Electric 26,500 26,500 740.00 Contract Services 53,500 53,500 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 80,000 80,000 STATE GAS TAX FUND (# 206) 302 STREET MAINTENANCE Contract Services 740.20 Street Repair 335,100 335,100 740.25 Striping & Marking 37,900 37,900 Total Contract Services 373,000 373,000 Expenditure Report - Page 10 CURRENT 4w4AR TO PERCENT 0 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT' 750.50 Imprvmnts Othr Thn Bldgs 50,000 50,000 302 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 423,000 423,000 903 ENGINEERING 740.'71 Gen'l Engr Cntrct Srvcs 4,000 4,000 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 427,000 427,000 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND (# 211) 306 PARATRANSIT SERVICE 740.00 Contract Service 11,436 11,436 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND 11,436 11,436 STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTR FUND (# 710) 204 TRAFFIC SIGNAL & STREET LIGHTING 725.05 Utitilities-Gas & Elctrc 136,000 , 136,000 903 ENGINEERING 740.74 Assmnt Distr Cntrct Srvcs 8,500 8,500 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING ASSMNT DSTR FUND 144,500 144,500 LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTR FUND (# 711) 305 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 725.05 Gas & Electric 7,000 7,000 725.10 Water & Sewer 2,000 2,000 740.00 Contract Services 42,000 42,000 305 TOTAL STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 51,000 51,000 703 PARK MAINTENANCE 725.05 Gas & Electric 200 200 725.10 Water & Sewer 900 900 740.00 Contract Services 10,400 10,400 703 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 11,500 11,500 903 ENGINEERING 740.74 Assmnt Distr Cntrct Srvcs 2,000 2,000 TOTAL LANDSCAPE ASSMNT DISTR FUND 64,500 64,500 LANDSCAPE/LIGHTING MTC ASSMNT DISTR FUND (TRACT 5511) (#713) (Tract 5511) (FUND #713) 903 ENGINEEZING 740.74 Assmnt Distr Cntrct Srvcs 2,000 2,000 TOTAL LNDSCP/LGHTNG ASSMNT DSTRCT FUND 2,000 2,000 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND (# 830) 710.00 Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 713.00 Operating Supplies 29,300 29,300 717.01 Insurance 10,800 10,800 Expenditure Report - Page 11 CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT 0' BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT: INTERNAL SERVICE FUND (CONTINUED) 718.00 Repairs & Maintenance 23,900 23,900 764.00 Depreciation/ Replacement 53,859 53,859 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 118,859 118,859 TOTAL OPERATING FUND EXPENDITURES 7,771,385 185,161 185,161 7,586,224 2.38% SAN RAMON RD SPECIFIC PLAN ASSMT DISTR FUND (#712) 732.00 Interest Payments 68,062 55,000 55,000 13,062 80.81% 733.00 Principal Payments 55,000 34,031 34,031 20,969 61.87% TOTAL SAN RAMON RD ASSMNT DISTR FUND 123,062 89,031 89,031 34,031 72.35% DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC. FUND (# 601) Operating Expenditures 711.00 Postage 1,250 1,250 716.00 Printing & Binding 10,000 10,000 740.31 Contract Services 2,100 2,100 748.00 Property Tax 42,300 42,300 Total Operating Expenditures 55,650 55,650 Debt Service . 732.00 Interest Payments 1,072,242 1,072,242 . 733.00 Principal Payments 180,000 180,000 Total Debt Service Expenditures 1,252,242 1,252,242 Capital Expenditures 725.05 Gas & Electric 5,000 5,000 729.00 Professional Services 23,000 23,000 740.00 Filing Fees (Zone 7) 32,276 32,276 740.00 Contract Services 411,594 411,594 750.50 Imprvmts Othr Than Bldgs 2,922,500 2,922,500 Total Capital Expenditures 3,394,370 3,394,370 TOTAL DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC. FUND 4,702,262 • 4,702,262 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS (# 3XX) General Improvements 315.00 Data Processing System 80,000 80,000 316.00 Cable TV Eqp & Facility 55,000 55,000 330.00 Word Processing Eqp 13,000 13,000 350.00 Copier Equipment 5,500 5,500 Total General Improvements 153,500 153,500 Community Improvements 319.00 Major Arterial Soundwalls 491,500 491,500 321.00 Bus Shelters 40,000 40,000 322.00 City Entrance Signs 28,000 28,000 325.00 Sidewlh Sfty/Bus Stp Pads 120,000 120,000 326.00 Arroyo Vista Soundwall 128,000 128,000 mom.._ _ _ .. C 0 Expenditure Report - Page 12 CURRENT YEAR TO PERCENT 0 BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YT. • Community Improvements (Continued) 332.00 Downtown Imprvmnt Plan 6,886 6,886 367.00 Dhrty Rd Fencing Est Side 26,500 26,500 Total Community Improvements 840,886 840,886 Park Improvements 335.00 Kolb Park 676,570 676,570 346.00 Shannon Center Renovatn 195,800 195,800 363.00 Dolan Park 596,570 1,452 1,452 595,118 0.24% 365.00 Stagecoach Park 70,568 70,568 369.00 Sr. Citizen Center 120,300 120,300 370.00 Dougherty Hills Park 8,000 8,000 375.00 Fast Dhrty Hills Park 25,500 25,500 Total Park Improvements 1,693,308 1,452 1,452 1,691,856 0.09% Street Improvements 329.00 Annual Street Overlay Prg 204,000 204,000 336.00 San Ramon Rd Phs II 987,257 72 72 987,185 0.01% 337.00 San Ramon Rd Phs III 600,000 600,000 342.00 Traffic Signal Intercnct 40,000 40,000 347.00 Trfc S1 Emrgncy Pre-Emptn 7,000 7,000 356.00 Rehb/Lndscp AFB 46,200 46,200 359.00 San Ramon Rd Phs IV 30,000 30,000 371.00 Dbln Blvd NW Frntg-Clark 149,000 149,000 372.00 Trfc Sgnls Addtn 120,000 120,000 374.00 FETSIM 8,600 8,600 376.00 Dbln Blvd Plan Line Updt 7,000 7,000 377.00 Amdr Plz to Rgnl Cnnctn 10,000 10,000 378.00 Dougherty Rd Bike Path ' 75,000 75,000 Total Street Improvements 2,284,057 72 72 2,283,985 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS 4,971,751 1,524 1,524 4,970,227 0.03% TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 17,568,460 275,716 275,716 17,292,744 1.57% BUDGET TRANSFERS OUT From General Fund (# 001) 55,650 55,650 From Cmmnty Dvlpmt Bik Grnt Fnd (#209) 34,660 34,660 From Federal Aid Urban Fund (#210) 193,800 193,800 From Fuel Effcnt Trfc Sgnl Fund (#220) 2,200 2,200 From San Ramon Rd Spcf Pin Fnd (#712) 167,800 167,800 From Capital Projects Fund (#3XX) 185,000 185,000 TOTAL BUDGET TRANSFERS OUT 639,110 639,110