HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 14-45 Bicycle Ped Mstr Plan GPA/EDSPA DVHASP, DDSP & Dublin ZO RESOLUTION NO. 14 - 45 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN, EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN, DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECIFIC PLAN, DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND DUBLIN ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE PROPOSED CITY OF DUBLIN BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN CITY-WIDE PLPA-2014-00017 WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan was adopted on February 11, 1985 and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted on January 7, 1994 and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan was adopted on August 1, 2006 and amended on July 17, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan was adopted on February 1, 2011 and amended on May 6, 2014; and WHEREAS, the Dublin Zoning Ordinance was substantially revised and adopted on September 2, 1997 and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007 the City Council adopted the Bikeways Master Plan and associated amendments to the Dublin General Plan and various Specific Plans for consistency with the Bikeways Master Plan; and WHEREAS, Policy 1.3 of the Bikeways Master Plan is to update the Plan every five years; and WHEREAS, the Bikeways Master Plan has been renamed the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and combines the update to the Bikeways Master Plan with adoption of the City's first Pedestrian Plan into a comprehensive document that provides policies, network plans, prioritized project lists, support programs and best practice design guidelines for bicycling and walking in Dublin; and WHEREAS, amendments are proposed to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, all as set forth in attached Exhibit A, and to the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, as set forth in attached Exhibit B, to ensure that the text and maps remain consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State Guidelines and City Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents prepared; and WHEREAS, the City prepared a Negative Declaration dated June 2014 for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and the amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance (the "Project") which reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated August 26, 2014 and incorporated herein by reference, was submitted to the City of Dublin Planning Commission recommending City Council approval of the Negative Declaration and the proposed amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the project on August 26, 2014; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider the Negative Declaration and related comments and responses, all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14-46 recommending City Council adoption of the Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend City Council approval of amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance, as set forth in Exhibits A and B, based on findings that the Amendments are in the public interest; will not have an adverse effect on health or safety or be detrimental to the public welfare; will not be injurious to property or public improvements; as amended, the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan will each remain internally consistent; and, as amended, the Dublin Zoning Ordinance will be consistent with the General Plan and applicable Specific Plans. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of August 2014 by the following vote: AYES: Bhuthimethee, O'Keefe, Do, Goel, Kohli NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 2 of 3 c. Planni g Commission Chair ATTEST: C 1 _ . Assistant o unity Development Director G.PA120141PLPA-2014-00017 Bikeways Master Plan UpdatelPC Mtg 8.26.141PC Reso Bikeways GPA, SPA,ZOA.doc 3 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. XX - 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN, EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN, DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECIFIC PLAN, AND DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN CITY-WIDE PLPA-2014-00017 WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007 the City Council adopted the Bikeways Master Plan and associated amendments to the Dublin General Plan and various Specific Plans for consistency with the Bikeways Master Plan; and WHEREAS, Policy 1.3 of the Bikeways Master Plan is to update the Plan every five years; and WHEREAS, the Bikeways Master Plan has been renamed the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and combines the update to the Bikeways Master Plan with adoption of the City's first Pedestrian Plan into a comprehensive document that provides policies, network plans, prioritized project lists, support programs and best practice design guidelines for bicycling and walking in Dublin; and WHEREAS, amendments are proposed to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance to ensure that the text and maps remain consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The General Plan and Specific Plan amendments are attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan was adopted on February 11, 1985 and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted on January 7, 1994 and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan was adopted on August 1, 2006 and amended on July 17, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan was adopted on February 1, 2011 and amended on May 6, 2014; and WHEREAS, consistent with section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan Amendments. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352.3; and 1 of 13 ATTACHMENT 3-A WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State Guidelines and City Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents prepared; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Public Works Department prepared a Negative Declaration dated June 2014 for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and the amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance (the "Project") which reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project; and WHEREAS, Following a noticed public hearing on August 26, 2014, the City of Dublin Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14-XX recommending City Council adoption of the Negative Declaration for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and related proposed amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, following the noticed public hearing on August 26, 2014, the City of Dublin Planning Commission also adopted Resolution 14-XX recommending City Council approval of the proposed amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, .a Staff Report, dated , 2014 and incorporated herein by reference, was submitted to the City of Dublin City Council analyzing the Negative Declaration and the proposed amendments and recommending approval of the proposed amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Flan; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on said application on , 2014; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Council adopted Resolution adopting the Negative Declaration for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and related amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider the Negative Declaration and all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made part of this Resolution. 2of13 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dublin City Council does hereby approve amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, as set forth below, and finds that the Amendments are in the public interest; will not have an adverse effect on health or safety or be detrimental to the public welfare; will not be injurious to property or public improvements; and, as amended, the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan will each remain internally consistent. SECTION 1. DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS A. Figure 3-1 in Chapter 3 (Parks and Open Space Element) is revised to reflect existing and proposed bike lanes and trails consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, as generally depicted in Exhibit A. B. Figure 4-1 in Chapter 4 (Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element) is revised to include existing and proposed bike lanes and trails consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, as generally depicted in Exhibit B. C. Portions of Chapter 5 (Circulation and Scenic Highways Element) are revised as follows: 1. Section Design and construct all roads in the City's circulation network as defined in Figure 5-1 as well as bicycle and pedestrian networks as defined in the City of Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 2. Section The City shall periodically review the improvements identified in the Downtown Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program to ensure that the improvements identified are consistent with the adopted Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The City may revise the list of improvements included in the TIF to remove any improvements as necessary or include additional improvements which are consistent with the General Plan policies, the DDSP, and the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and also improve the efficiency of the roadway network, especially for transit service, and enhance vehicular, bicyclist and pedestrian safety in the Specific Plan area. 3. Section Projects within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area shall be reviewed to identify project-related improvements that can feasibly be implemented to increase vehicular, bicyclist and pedestrian safety, transit service efficiency, and the effectiveness of the roadway network as long as the identified improvements are consistent with the General Plan, the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 4. Section 5.5 (Pedestrian Routes and Bikeways). The City adopted a Citywide Bikeways Master Plan in 2007. In 2014, the Bikeways Master Plan was updated and renamed the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan combines the update to the Bikeways Master Plan with the City's first Pedestrian Plan into a comprehensive document that provides policies, network plans, prioritized project lists, support programs and best practice design guidelines for bicycling and walking in Dublin. The updated Master Plan contains goals and policies for development and implementing a bicycle and pedestrian network that provides a viable transportation alternative to the automobile, improves safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, and provides residents with access and good connections to parks, open space, trails and other 3 of 13 recreational opportunities. The Master Plan identifies existing and proposed bicycle and pedestrian routes and support facilities throughout the Planning area. Readers should refer to the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan for additional information regarding existing and proposed bicycle and pedestrian routes and support facilities. The greatest opportunities for successful pedestrian travel is to provide safe and comfortable connections between residential neighborhoods and key destinations including schools, parks, shopping districts, and transit. In the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area this also includes connections to Downtown Dublin businesses and the West Dublin BART Station. The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan contains policies related to increasing pedestrian amenities in Downtown, and the City's Climate Action Plan also highlights the City's commitment to the continued development of successful bicycle and pedestrian trail corridors, improved access to parks and open space areas, improved bicycle lanes and/or routes on several key cross-city corridors, bikeways on key freeway crossings, the development of education and enforcement programs, and improvements to the City's Bicycle Parking Ordinance. 5. Section 5.5.1.A.1. Provide safe, continuous, comfortable and convenient bikeways throughout the City. 6. Section 5.5.1.A.2. Improve and maintain bikeways and pedestrian facilities and support facilities in conformance with the recommendations in the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 7. Section 5.5.1.A.4. Provide comfortable, safe, and convenient walking routes throughout the City and, in particular, to key destinations such as Downtown Dublin, the BART Stations, schools, parks, and commercial centers. 8. Section Improve bikeways, bicycle support facilities, and pedestrian facilities in accordance with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in conjunction with development proposals. 9. Section Ensure on-going maintenance of bikeways, bicycle support facilities and pedestrian facilities that are intended for public use and located on private property in conjunction with development proposals. 10.Figures 5-2a and 5-2b (Transit Maps) shall be revised as follows, and as generally depicted in Exhibits C and D: a. Remove "Proposed BART Station" from the legend under Destinations. b. Revise the description of "A2" from "Future West Dublin BART Station Parking" to "West Dublin BART Station Parking". 11.Figures 5-3a and 5-3b (Bicycle Circulation Maps) shall be revised as follows, and as generally depicted in Exhibits E and F: a. Revise the description of "A2" from "Future West Dublin BART Station Parking" to "West Dublin BART Station Parking". 4of13 b. Revise all bikeways, trails and study areas consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 12.Figures 5-4a and 5-4b (Multi-Modal Maps) shall be revised as follows, and as generally depicted in Exhibits G and H: a. Revise the description of "A2" from "Future West Dublin BART Station Parking" to "West Dublin BART Station Parking". b. Revise all bikeways, trails and study areas consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. D. Portions of Chapter 10 (Community Design and Sustainability Element) are revised as follows: 1. Section 10.2.H. Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan provides policies, network plans, prioritized project lists, support programs and best practice design guidelines for bicycling and walking in Dublin. 2. Section Provide attractive and convenient bicycle parking (reference: Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan). 3. Section 10.7.4.H. Implement the Streetscape Master Plan, Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, Public Art Ordinance, Heritage Tree Ordinance, the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards, and all Specific Plans. 4. Section Provide clear, identifiable, and ample pedestrian and bicycle pathways that connect sidewalks, parking areas, building entrances, trails and other site features by using wayfinding techniques such as signage, landscaping, hardscape, and prominent building entrances, where feasible (reference: Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan). 5. Section 10.8.3.C. Provide a continuous and ample network of pedestrian and bicycle routes within a project area and logical connections to the exterior of the project area and thereby create safe routes of travel to transit facilities, public gathering spaces, trails, parks, community centers, schools, City villages, gateways and entries (reference: Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan). 6. Section 10.8.3.E. Ensure that sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and trails are furnished with appropriate pedestrian amenities such as lighting, signage, trash receptacles, etc., where appropriate (reference: Streetscape Master Plan, Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 7. Section 10.8.4.A. Implement the Streetscape Master Plan and the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 8. Section 10.9.4.J. Implement the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and the Public Art Ordinance. 5of13 SECTION 2. EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS A. Section 3.4.4 (Bicycle Circulation). The Specific Plan calls for the development of a safe, continuous, comfortable and convenient bicycle circulation system. The key components of the system will be bicycle routes and support facilities consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. B. Section 5.5 (Bicycle Circulation). The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan provides for a network of bicycle routes (Figure 5-3b). Class I Shared-Use Paths, Class II Bicycle Lanes and Class III Bicycle Routes as well as bicycle support facilities will be provided throughout the Specific Plan area consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The Master Plan includes the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area and provides policies, network plans, prioritized project lists, support programs and best practice design guidelines for bicycling and walking in Dublin. Readers should refer to the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan for additional information regarding existing and proposed bicycle routes and support facilities. Goal: To provide opportunities for safe, continuous, comfortable and convenient bikeways in eastern Dublin. C. Section 5.5.1 (Bicycle Routes). Bicycle routes are classified as Class I, Class II and Class III. A Class I Bikeway is a shared-use path the provides a completely separated right-of-way for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians with cross flow minimized. A Class II Bikeway is further divided into Class IIA and Class 1113. Class IIA Bikeways are bicycle lanes that are striped for dedicated, one-way bike travel on a roadway. Class IIB Bikeways are buffered bicycle lanes which are modified on-street bicycle lanes with vehicle and/or parking-side striped buffers for additional comfort and safety on higher speed or volume roadways. A Class III Bikeway is a bicycle route that is shared with pedestrian or motor vehicle traffic. A Class IIIA Bikeway includes with sharrows within the roadway to designate shared-use travel with motor vehicle traffic. Policy 5-17: Establish a bicycle circulation system which helps to serve the need for non- motorized transportation and recreation in eastern Dublin that is consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. D. Section 5.5.2 (Bicycle Parking Requirements). In order to encourage the use of bicycles, safe and convenient bicycle parking areas are needed. Satisfactory bicycle parking is particularly needed at schools and recreation areas such as the Sports Park, major transit stops and commercial centers. Policy 5-18: Provide convenient and secure bicycle parking and support facilities at key destinations in eastern Dublin, such as schools, recreation areas, transit stops and commercial centers. Action Program: Bicycle Circulation 6 of 13 Program 5D: The City shall require development projects in eastern Dublin to include provisions for bicycle parking, circulation and support facilities consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. E. Revise Figure 5-3b (East Dublin Bicycle Circulation System) in Chapter 5 (Traffic and Circulation) to reflect existing and proposed bike lanes and trails consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, as generally depicted in Exhibit I. F. Portions of Chapter 7 (Community Design) are revised as follows: 1. Section 7.4.1 (Overall Gateway Design Guidelines), subsection Pedestrian/Bicycle Circulation is revised as follows: • Provide a system of comfortable, safe and convenient walking routes throughout the gateway subareas to provide east-west connections between campus office, general commercial and industrial areas, and north-south connections between the gateway areas and the Town Center. Install crosswalks at signalized intersections on Dublin Boulevard to insure safe pedestrian crossings (see Figure 7.36). • Provide bicycle parking and support facilities in accordance with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 2. The following paragraph shall be added to Section 7.5.1 (Pedestrian/Bike Paths) before the subheading, Siting. The subsections of Siting, Design and Bicycle Parking shall remain unchanged. The design and location of bicycle and pedestrian routes, support facilities and bicycle parking is critical for encouraging alternative transportation choices. The following guidelines and those contained in the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan support a reduced dependency on the automobile and promote alternative transportation choices that are convenient, comfortable and accessible for all users. SECTION 3. DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS A. Section 4.6 Transportation and Circulation is amended to read as follows: Section 4.6 Transportation and Circulation Major streets serving the Specific Plan area include Dublin Boulevard, San Ramon Road, and Donlon Way. These circulation routes are described more fully below: Dublin Boulevard is a major east-west arterial roadway through the middle of the planning area. Dublin Boulevard has six travel lanes and raised medians on the east side of San Ramon Road, four travel lanes and a raised median from San Ramon Road west to Donlon Way, and four travel lanes without a median west of Donlon Way. Dublin Boulevard is designated as a truck route and route of regional significance in the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan and Action Plan. It is also included in the Congestion Management Program (CMP) network for the Alameda County Congestion Management Plan. San Ramon Road is oriented in a north-south direction immediately east of the planning area. A major arterial roadway, San Ramon Road has six travel lanes and raised medians 7of13 north of Interstate 580. A full east-west access interchange is located at San Ramon Road and 1-580. North of Amador Valley Boulevard, San Ramon Road narrows to four travel lanes. In the West Dublin BART planning area, this roadway provides access to retail commercial uses. San Ramon Road is included in the Congestion Management Program (CMP) network for the Alameda County Congestion Management Plan. Donlon Way is oriented in a north-south direction in the middle of the planning area. The most prominent :street for this historic area, Donlon Way is a short two-lane street that serves the Dublin Heritage Center and was the area's historic stagecoach route before the construction of Interstate 580 turned the street into a cul-de-sac. Exhibit 7 depicts the current Circulation System within the project area. Regional circulation linkage is provided by 1-680, a north-south freeway and 1-580, an east- west freeway. The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) provides bus transit service ("WHEELS") through the Dublin area. Bus routes serving the vicinity of the Dublin Village Historic Area include bus line R, 3, and 10, which offers regular/limited service and has a stop near the corner of Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road, and bus line 355, which offers school service and passes through the planning area on Dublin Boulevard. The West Dublin BART Station is located at the end of Golden Gate Drive, less than one mile from the Specific Plan area. The BART Station provides a 722-space parking structure as well as bike racks and bike lockers. Bus service to the BART Station is provided by LAVTA. A Class 2 bike lane is located along Dublin Boulevard between San Ramon Road and Hansen Drive and provides a striped lane for one-way bike travel on the street. A Class 2 bike lane is also proposed west of Hansen Drive. San Ramon Road has a Class 2 bike lane on the street and a Class 1 bike path on the west side of the street; a Class 1 bike path is a path separated from the roadway and designated solely for bike and pedestrian travel. B. Exhibit 4, Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Existing Land Uses is revised as follows, and as generally depicted in Exhibit J: 1. The Heritage Center title in the legend is revised to reflect Heritage Park and Museums; and 2. The Retail land use on the former shopping center (11811-11851 Dublin Blvd, excluding the bank at 11805 Dublin Blvd) is revised to reflect Heritage Park and Museums. C. Exhibit 5, Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Existing General Plan Land Use is revised to change the Retail/Office land use on the former shopping center (11805-11851 Dublin Blvd, inclusive of the bank), the cemetery, and the vacant land south of the cemetery to Parks/Public Recreation, as generally depicted in Exhibit K. D. Exhibit 6, Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Zoning is revised to change the C-1 (Retail Commercial) designation on the former shopping center (11805-11851 Dublin Blvd, inclusive of the bank), and the Agriculture designation on the cemetery and the vacant land south of the cemetery to reflect PD (Planned Development), as generally depicted in Exhibit L. 8of13 E. Exhibit 7 is revised to reflect the following, and as generally depicted in Exhibit M: 1. The existing Class 2 Bike Lane along San Ramon Road; 2. The existing Class 2 Bike Lane along Dublin Boulevard from San Ramon Road to Hansen Drive; and 3. The proposed Class 2 Bike Lane along Dublin Boulevard west of Hansen Drive. SECTION 4. DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS A. Section 1.6.3 (City of Dublin Bikeways Master Plan) shall be revised as follows: 1.6.3 City of Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan The requirements within the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan shall continue to apply to areas within the Specific Plan area. This Specific Plan is not intended to be in conflict with nor replace the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. B. Section 2.2.4 (Circulation and Parking), subsection Existing Street Network shall be revised as follows: Existing Street Network The existing roadway network routes within the Specific Plan Area are shown on Figure 2.4: Vehicular Circulation. A description of each roadway is provided below: 1-580 and 1-680: 1-580 intersects with 1-680 immediately adjacent to Downtown Dublin. 1-680 traverses in a north-south direction and 1-580 in an east-west direction. A full access interchange is located at 1-580 and San Ramon Road. Partial access to 1-680 is provided through a southbound on- and off-ramp from Amador Plaza Road and a northbound ramp from Village Parkway. San Ramon Road: San Ramon Road is a major north-south arterial within the Specific Plan Area with a 40 miles per hour speed limit and raised center median. A full access interchange is located at 1-580 and San Ramon Road. North of Amador Valley Boulevard, San Ramon Road narrows from six to four lanes. No parking is provided on the street. A Class I Shared-Use Path is provided on the west side of San Ramon Road between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard within the Specific Plan Area; the path extends further north to Alcosta Boulevard. Class II Bicycle Lanes are provided on both the east and west sides of San Ramon Road between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard and also extend further north to Alcosta Boulevard. Regional Street: Regional Street extends in a north-south direction from Amador Valley Boulevard to its terminus south of Dublin Boulevard. It is a two-lane, Class 2 Collector with a two-way center turn lane. It provides access to adjacent commercial uses. On-street parking is provided south of Dublin Boulevard, but not between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour. Golden Gate Drive: Golden Gate Drive is a short, two-lane Class 2 Collector that provides access to adjacent commercial businesses south of Dublin Boulevard and to the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. The street extends south from Dublin Boulevard to the 9of13 BART Station and parking garage. On-street parallel parking is provided on both sides of the street. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour. Class II Bicycle Lanes are provided on the east and west sides of Golden Gate Drive. These bicycle lanes are the first green bicycle lanes in Dublin. Amador Plaza Road: Amador Plaza Road is a north-south, two-lane Class II Collector with a two-way center turn lane between Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. Between Dublin Boulevard and Saint Patrick Way, Amador Plaza Road is a four-lane Class II Collector. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour. Amador Plaza Road provides access to adjacent commercial land uses and access to and from southbound 1-680. Village Parkway: Village Parkway is a four-lane, north-south Class I Collector located to the east of 1-680. Within the Specific Plan Area, the street has a raised center median and on- street parallel parking. Village Parkway has multiple commercial driveways and provides access to smaller properties. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour. Just south of Dublin Boulevard, Village Parkway provides access to a northbound 1-680 on-ramp. Village Parkway providers a Class III Bicycle Route between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard. North of Amador Valley Boulevard, it transitions to a Class II Bicycle Lane and extends north to Alcosta Boulevard. Amador Valley Boulevard: Amador Valley Boulevard runs in an east-west direction parallel to Dublin Boulevard. Within the Specific Plan Area, it is a four-lane Class I Collector with a landscaped center median. The street provides access to most of the large retail shopping centers in the Specific Plan Area. The speed limit on Amador Valley Boulevard is 30 miles per hour. Class 11 Bicycle Lanes are provided on both sides of the street within the Specific Plan Area and extend further east to the Alamo Creek Trail. No on-street parking is provided along Amador Valley Boulevard within the Specific Plan Area. Dublin Boulevard: Dublin Boulevard is a major, six-lane east-west arterial with a center landscaped median that extends through the Specific Plan Area. Dublin Boulevard has a speed limit of 35 miles per hour. No on-street parking or bike lanes are provided on the street within the Specific Plan Area. West and east of the Specific Plan Area, Dublin Boulevard narrows to four lanes. Signals are coordinated along Dublin Boulevard from Regional Street to Village Parkway. Dublin Boulevard provides local-serving access to most of the large retail shopping centers in the Specific Plan Area. It also carries high volumes of through traffic during the morning and afternoon peak hours, as motorist use the street as an alternative route to 1-580. Saint Patrick Way: Saint Patrick Way is a local two-lane Class II Collector street with a two- way center turn Kane between Amador Plaza Road and Golden Gate Drive within the Specific Plan Area. Saint Patrick Way will be extended westward to Regional Street as future development occurs. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour. A small stretch of Saint Patrick Way west of Golden Gate Drive provides a Class II Bicycle Lane on both sides of the street and on-street parallel parking on the south side of the street. Level of Service: Ten signalized intersections in Downtown Dublin were evaluated based on the Levels of Service (LOS) concept. LOS is a qualitative description of intersection and roadway operation, ranging from LOS A to LOS F. LOS A represents free flow, un-congested traffic conditions. LOS F represents highly congested traffic conditions with what is commonly considered unacceptable delays to vehicles on the road segments and at intersections. The intermediate levels of service represent incremental levels of congestion 10 of 13 and delays between these two extremes. The City has a goal to maintain LOS D or better for streets of "regional significance." Intersection LOS is identified in Figure 2-4: Vehicular Circulation. C. Section 2.2.4 (Circulation and Parking), subsection Pedestrian & Bicycle Circulation shall be revised as follows: Pedestrian & Bicycle Circulation Downtown Dublin consists of relatively large blocks and large arterial streets. Most buildings are set back from the street. On most properties, large surface parking lots are located between the buildings and the street. The streets and development patterns in the Specific Plan Area are primarily oriented towards automobiles and they generally do not promote pedestrian and bicycle circulation (please refer to Section 2.3 Community Character for a discussion of development patterns). Sidewalks are located along all streets within the Specific Plan Area as shown on Figure 2-6: Pedestrian Circulation. A Class I Shared-Use Path is provided on the west side of San Ramon Road between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard within the Specific Plan Area; the path extends further north to Alcosta Boulevard. Class 11 Bicycle Lanes are provided on both the east and west sides of San Ramon Road between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard and also extend further north to Alcosta Boulevard. Amador Valley Boulevard provides Class II Bicycle Lanes on both sides of the street within the Specific Plan Area and extend further east to the Alamo Creek Trail. A Class IIIA Bicycle Route with Sharrows is proposed along Dublin Boulevard but have not yet been constructed. Class IIA Bicycle Lanes are proposed along Village Parkway to replace the existing Class III Bicycle Route between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard; north of Amador Valley Boulevard is an existing Class II Bicycle Lane that extends north to Alcosta Boulevard. South of Dublin Boulevard, Class IIA Bicycle Lanes are proposed along Amador Plaza Road, Saint Patrick Way and Regional Street (see Figure 2-7: Bicycle Circulation). D. Revise Figure 2-6: Pedestrian Circulation to reflect existing and proposed pedestrian networks consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, as generally depicted in Exhibit N. E. Revise Figure 2-7: Bicycle Circulation to reflect existing and proposed bike lanes consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, as generally depicted in Exhibit O. F. Portions of the following tables in Chapter 4 (Development Standards and Design Guidelines) shall be amended as follows: Section 4.1.3 Development Standards, Table "Parking Requirements", 7. Minimum Bicycle Parking Requirements Residential and Non-Residential bicycle parking requirements and support facilities shall conform to the California Green Building Standards Code. Section 4.2.3 Development Standards, Table "Parking Requirements", 7. Minimum Bicycle Parking Requirements 11 of 13 Residential and Non-Residential bicycle parking requirements and support facilities shall conform to the California Green Building Standards Code. Section 4.3.3 Development Standards, Table "Parking Requirements", 7. Minimum Bicycle Parking Requirements Residential and Non-Residential bicycle parking requirements and support facilities shall conform to the California Green Building Standards Code. G. Section 5.2.1 Pedestrian Pathways shall be revised as follows: East-west pedestrian pathways on the properties extending from Regional Street to Amador Plaza Road should be improved consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan to provide a better connection for pedestrians. Access to this pathway should be provided from sidewalks and across the rear service alley behind the retail establishments which is the planned future extension of Saint Patrick Way. The pathway may be improved as private outdoor space (such as a paseo) and follow the appropriate standards and guidelines. Landscaping, benches, building-mounted and string lighting, small product vendors, entrances to retail establishments, projecting shade elements, and other similar elements may be provided to enhance the pedestrian realm. H. Section 5.2.2 Bikeways and Bicycle Connections shall be revised as follows: The City of Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan identifies and proposed bikeways throughout the City (see Section 2.2.4 Circulation and Parking). As an implementation measure, this Specific Plan recommends exploring opportunities to expand the network throughout Downtown Dublin and creating improved connections to the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. Bicycle support facilities, such as bike lockers, bike racks, and shower facilities are encourage in or near the Station. Direct access to bicycle {parking - should be provided throughout Downtown Dublin consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and turning movements at intersections and into/out of major developments should be explored. I. Section 5.2.3 Golden Gate Drive Bicycle Improvements shall be revised as follows: The Specific Plan recommended improving Golden Gate Drive with Class II bike lanes between Dublin Boulevard and the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. The Downtown Transit District Streetscape Project was completed in June 2013 and enhanced pedestrian and bicycle access on Golden Gate Drive and made the Downtown Transit District entryway more aesthetically pleasing. The main features of the project included: widening of sidewalks; installation of pedestrian-scaled lighting; construction of bicycle lanes between Dublin Boulevard and the BART Station; enhancement of pedestrian crosswalks with decorative stamped asphalt at the intersections of Golden Gate Drive with Dublin Boulevard and Saint Patrick Way; and, installation of street trees, a raised center landscaped median and landscaping. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of adoption. 12 of 13 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 2014 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 13 of 13 � Q O ..,...,........,...�.........n.. e w M N = O m N ° !f( t CD -- c (� .,....o,......«..o.d.. m L U_ 0 20' s N O N m U m C cti o D m O N . N Om s • m O C O N O_ h O . O IL x d w Of � s� -- = = m N �t N N N N O IN N N d U U U Of d s Is L W . (3 ` - ♦ (n N a i C n ? 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IF T : her j r... �► .� �� ., ORDINANCE NO. xx — 14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING CHAPTER 8.76 (OFF-STREET PARING AND LOADING REGULATIONS) OF THE DUBLIN ZONING ORDINANCE CITY-WIDE PLPA-2014-00017 WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007 the City Council adopted the Bikeways Master Plan and associated amendments to the Dublin General Plan and various Specific Plans for consistency with the Bikeways Master Plan; and WHEREAS, Policy 1.3 of the Bikeways Master Plan is to update the Plan every five years; and WHEREAS, the Bikeways Master Plan has been renamed the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and combines the update to the Bikeways Master Plan with adoption of the City's first Pedestrian Plan into a comprehensive document that provides policies, network plans, prioritized project lists, support programs and best practice design guidelines for bicycling and walking in Dublin; and WHEREAS, amendments are proposed to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance to ensure that the text and maps remain consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State Guidelines and City Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents prepared; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Public Works Department prepared a Negative Declaration dated June 2014 for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and the amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance (the "Project") which reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project; and WHEREAS, following a noticed public hearing on August 26, 2014, the City of Dublin Planning Commission adopted Resolution 14-XX recommending City Council adoption of the Negative Declaration for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and proposed related amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, following the noticed public hearing on August 26, 2014, the City of Dublin Planning Commission also adopted Resolution 14-XX recommending City Council approval of the proposed amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and ATTACHMENT 3-B WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated , 2014 and incorporated herein by reference, was submitted to the City of Dublin City Council recommending approval of the proposed Negative Declaration and amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Historic Village Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the project on , 2014; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Council adopted Resolution adopting the Negative Declaration for the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and related amendments to the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance, and Resolution _-_ approving the above referenced General Plan and Specific Plan amendments, which resolutions are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider the Negative Declaration (including comments and responses) and all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and all applicable Specific Plans, as amended, in that the General Plan and applicable Specific Plans include policies which support bikeways and bicycle support facilities consistent with the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment sets forth bicycle parking and support facility requirements consistent with the General Plan, applicable Specific Plans and the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. SECTION 2: Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"): The City Council adopted a Negative Declaration on , 2014 through Resolution XX-14, incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: Section 8.76.070.A.2 (Bicycle Racks) of Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: 2. Bicycle Parking and Support Facilities. Residential and Non-Residential bicycle parking requirements and support facilities shall conform to the California Green Building Standards Code. SECTION 4: Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of California. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this day of , 2014, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:IPk20141PLPA-2014-00017 Bikeways Master Plan UpdatelPC Mtg 8.26.140raft CC Ord Bikeways.doc