HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-1996 Item 9.1 Easter Dublin Scenic Corridor Adoption and Policies & Standards CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: January 16, 1996 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff ^ c/ PREPARED BY: Carol R. Cirelli, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Adoption and Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards GENERAL INFORMATION: PROJECT: The City has completed a draft Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards document. This document complies with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Action Program 6Q, which requires the City to officially adopt Tassajara Road, I- 580 and Fallon Road as designated scenic corridors and adopt a set of scenic corridor policies, and establish review procedures and standards for projects within the scenic corridor viewshed. LOCATION: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan BACKGROUND In August, 1995, the City hired the consulting firm of David L. Gates and Associates to prepare the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Visual Survey project. The successful completion of this project required the skills of a consulting firm with landscape architecture, visual survey/viewshed analysis and computer graphics simulation expertise. In compliance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Action Program 6Q, the City is required to officially adopt Tassajara Road, 1-580 and Fallon Road as designated scenic corridors and adopt scenic corridor policies and review procedures and standards for projects within the scenic corridor viewshed. The intent of these scenic corridor policies and standards is to minimize the potential project development impacts of altering the character and obscuring the view of prominent ridgelines, watercourses, and distinct landscape features, and altering the visual Item No. 9.1 Copies To: Project File Senior Planner Admin. File experience of travelers on scenic routes in Eastern Dublin. Significant Scenic Features/Vistas The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment assessed the project's potential effects on the visual or aesthetic qualities of resources and addressed mitigation measures that would help preserve these important natural resources. Two primary natural features of the project site's visual character are hillsides and ridges, and watercourses. Tassajara Creek, located along the western edge of the Specific Plan area, is a distinctive watercourse feature that contributes to the visual character of Eastern Dublin. Distinct visual landscape elements, such as riparian vegetation and oak woodland, exist along Tassajara Creek's northern portion within the Specific Plan area. There are also visually-sensitive and prominent ridgelands within and surrounding the Eastern Dublin area. The higher ridgelands occurring just outside the Specific Plan area form an important visual backdrop for the lower foothills and flatlands in the southern portion of the area. The ridgelands within the Specific Plan area are visible from 1-580, Tassajara Road, and certain points within the Specific Plan area. The low lying hills located in the southeast portion of the Specific Plan (designated as Open Space) also form a distinct visual feature. Although their elevations are considerably lower than the northern ridge elevations, these ridges form an important backdrop to the flatlands along 1-580. As the EIR states, these hills and ridges are considered an important visual and environmental asset contributing to Dublin's identity. They form a natural backdrop to the Tri-Valley communities and provide a recognizable open space separator between Dublin and adjacent communities. Other Related Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Action Programs, Policies and EIR Mitigation Measures The Specific Plan Action Programs 6R and 6S identify some preliminary procedures and standards that should be implemented. Program 6R requires projects with potential impacts on scenic corridors to submit detailed visual analysis with development project applications, e.g. graphic simulations and/or section drawn from affected travel corridors through the development parcel, representing typical views of the parcel from these scenic routes. Program 6R further specifies that the "graphic depiction of the location and massing of the structure and associated landscaping can then be used to adjust the project design to minimize the visual impact." Program 6S requires the establishment of techniques for implementing the long term preservation of visually significant portions of hillsides, including density transfers, homeowner association maintenance, private ownership with public maintenance by assessment on homeowners, or dedication of land to a public agency, such as the East Bay Regional Park District. 2 The following are Specific Plan policies and EIR mitigation measures related to this project: Policy 6-28: Preserve the natural open beauty of the hills and other important visual resources, such as creeks and major stands of vegetation. Policy 6-29: Development is not permitted on the main ridgeline that borders the planning area to the north and east, but may be permitted on the foreground hills and ridgelands. Minor interruptions of views of the main ridgeline by individual building masses may be permissible in limited circumstances where all other remedies have been exhausted. * MM 3.8/5.0: Development is not permitted on the main ridgeline that borders the planning area to the north and east, but will be permitted on the foreground hills and ridgelands if a backdrop of natural ridgelines remains visible when viewed from designated scenic routes and appropriate measures are taken to minimize visual impacts (relates to Policy 6-29). * Policy 6-30: Structures built near designated scenic corridors shall be located so that views of the backdrop ridge (identified in Figure 6.3 as "visually sensitive ridgelands - no development") are generally maintained when viewed from the scenic corridors. MM 3.8/5.1: Structures shall not be located where they would obstruct scenic views or appear to extend above an identified scenic ridgetop (i.e. silhouetted) when viewed from designated scenic routes (relates to Policy 6-30). Policy 6-31: High quality design and visual character will be required for all development visible from designated scenic corridors. * The scenic corridor policies shall not preclude development with some visual impacts, as long as the development incorporates sensitive design features that recognize the rural/open space character of the Specific Plan area. ANALYSIS: Purpose The draft Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards (Exhibit A) and the responses to comments (Exhibit B), complies with all the Specific Plan policies, Action Programs and EIR mitigation measures. The draft document contains five overall scenic corridor implementing policies, specific scenic corridor zone policies and development standards for 6 zones and implementation procedures 3 that promote the preservation of scenic vistas from the three transportation corridors. As specified in the document (Exhibit A), the main intent of these policies and standards is to allow project development to occur while maintaining the visual character of the eastern ridgelines, watercourses, and distinct landscape features for travelers on scenic routes throughout Eastern Dublin. While the applicant should generally comply with these standards, the City may allow some flexibility with meeting these standards only if the applicant demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Planning Department, compliance with the overall intent of the policies and standards. The Specific Plan includes somewhat general policies related to the preservation of significant visual resources, and offers only advisory design guidelines for particular areas along the proposed scenic corridors. The draft policies and standards would supplement and clarify the Specific Plan land use and natural resource policies and programs. They are not intended to change any land uses described in the Specific Plan. Methodology The consultant conducted a visual survey identifying and mapping scenic corridor viewsheds of existing scenic vistas. Profiles of elevations across the area were analyzed in order to evaluate the potential impacts of development on specific views. In addition to the visual survey conducted, the consultant based many of the policies and development standards on the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan figures specifying land uses and environmental constraints. Comments on the draft were received from staff and the property owners. A workshop was held last October and additional meetings were held with staff and the property owners since then, and with this input, the final document would include the attached responses to comments. Policies and Standards The document begins with the following 5 overall scenic corridor implementing policies that apply to all development adjacent to a scenic corridor, generally within 700 feet of such a corridor: 1. Maintain a sense of place for Eastern Dublin with relation to natural landforms and topography. 2. Allow the traveler along a Scenic Corridor to experience the varied features of the landscape. 3. Assure that development along the Scenic Corridors is well planned and sensitively sited to respect the natural topography. 4 4. Achieve high quality design and visual character for all development visible from designated Scenic Corridors, generally within 700 feet of a Scenic Corridor. 5. Assure that landscaping adjacent to the Scenic Corridors harmonizes with the scenic environment. The Specific Plan area was then divided up into 5 zones. Each of the zone polices and standards implement the Specific Plan policies i.e., requiring high quality design along the corridors, developing parcels that preserve the natural open beauty of hills and other important visual resources, such as creeks, major stands of vegetation and backdrop ridgelands, and so forth. Each zone includes a description of what significant visual features would be seen from that corridor, viewpoints (representing views of exceptional scenic quality), development standards and specific implementing policies. The implementing policies for each zone address the variety of conditions specific to each segment of the scenic corridor. The objective of the document's review procedures and standards is to identify how projects should comply with the scenic corridor policies. Project developers must then demonstrate policy compliance. Summary of Zone Standards Zone 1 : 1-580: This zone is located along the entire length of the 1-580 corridor that abuts the Specific Plan area. It contains three viewpoints, one at Tassajara Creek, one at the 1-580 and Tassajara Road overpass, and one at the 1-580 and Fallon Road overpass. This zone is defined by a backdrop of the ridges to the north and east and large knolls to the northwest. 1-580 also crosses Tassajara Creek corridor, a significant natural feature, providing a view up the corridor. A low group of hills along Fallon Road, which are designated as Open Space, visually emphasize the rural character of the area. Development standards in this zone include balancing building heights and setbacks, controlling blockage of visually sensitive ridgelands and foreground hills of no more than 25 percent or 50 percent of the total horizon line of ridgelands, and designing development adjacent to the viewshed to complement the view rather than distract from it, e.g. use varied roof forms or parapets of varying heights to break down the scale, use base colors and materials of buildings, fences and walls that are compatible with the natural environment, use landscaping to screen loading docks. Zone 2: Tassajara Gateway This zone is located on Tassajara Road between 1-580 and Gleason Road. This is a major entry into the Eastern Dublin Town Center. Built form and streetscape will be the predominant views due to the flatness of topography in this area. The designated City park will afford views to Tassajara Creek and the knolls 5 c . beyond, connecting the traveler with natural features of Eastern Dublin. This zone contains one viewpoint at Tassajara Road south of Gleason Road, where the City park begins. For this zone, the advisory guidelines of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Sections 7.4.1 and 7.4.2, are applied to ensure scenic quality. The development standards in this zone mainly deal with building heights and setbacks, and landscape criteria. Zone 3: Tassajara Creek Valley This zone is located on Tassajara Road between Gleason and the general vicinity of the Eastern Dublin Tassajara Village Center. As stated in the document, this section of Tassajara Road parallels Tassajara Creek through a valley formed by a series of knolls and low foreground hills. This zones' policies and standards provide for the periodic view of hills and knolls, and the riparian vegetation along Tassajara Creek as one proceeds through the corridor. The views from Tassajara Road at the creek crossings will provide the strongest sense of the rural/open space character of Eastern Dublin and preserve views of this main water course. This zone contains one viewpoint where Tassajara Creek's intermittent branch crosses Tassajara Road. The development standards for this zone involve: building setbacks; building clustering, or varying of roof heights and pitches allowing views over or through to the hills beyond; siting of entry roads to developments so that they provide direct views of hills, knolls and creek vegetation; treating right-of-way landscaping so that they do not obscure views to the creek; using rural landscaping patterns and signs, fence and wall materials appropriate for a semi-rural setting. In addition, providing a transition to Tassajara Village, rural residential dwelling units east of Tassajara Road should be sited to provide views of the knolls. Zone 4: Tassajara Village Area This zone is located generally around the future intersection of Tassajara and Fallon Roads, and the Eastern Dublin Tassajara Village Center. Ridges and hills rise on the eastern and western sides. This is the first point of entry to the Eastern Dublin area from the north. Nearby knolls provide focal points from the corridor and they serve as natural gateways for both the Fallon Road and Tassajara Road scenic corridors. Standards include maintaining view corridors that connect Tassajara Village to the surrounding landscape. This zone includes one viewpoint at the intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. Some of the design standards include clustering development to generally allow views to the visually sensitive ridgelands and Tassajara Creek; keeping right- of-way landscaping open to preserve views; using siting and landscaping to announce village presence and character; unifying design elements around the Fallon and Tassajara Road intersections for both residential and commercial uses. 6 Zone 5: Fallon Rural Open Space This zone is located along Fallon Road, between Zone 4 and Gleason Road. The character of this corridor is defined mainly by adjacent land uses, i.e. park, rural residential, open space knolls, open slopes, and riparian drainage swale. The northern part of this zone allows for an uninterrupted view of the visually sensitive ridgelands, the rolling hills in the foreground, and the riparian corridor that crosses the road and joins Tassajara Creek. The southern part of this zone includes immediate open space, knolls and drainage swales with riparian vegetation, which blocks or buffers views to development. This zone includes one viewpoint at the high point of Fallon Road where it emerges between the 2 knolls, just past the northern boundaries of the residential land uses. Standards in this zone require that development not be located on tops of ridges or knolls, or extend above the horizon line of the visually sensitive ridgelands. There is also a standard generally avoiding the alignment of entries to residential development with direct sight lines from the road. Other standards include extension of riparian vegetation along the swale serving as a buffer to the residential development and keeping street landscaping open to views. Zone 6: Fallon Road Gateway and Village This zone is located along Fallon Road between Gleason Road and 1-580. It is anticipated that auto-oriented commercial development will occur in this zone. This zone's focus will be on the foreground hills that are designated Open Space and they will provide a significant backdrop to the commercial uses. Fallon Road will also serve as a secondary gateway to Eastern Dublin. North of this area, Fallon Road passes through compact residential development. The low lying hills and community park provide the visual focus in this area. This zone includes one viewpoint on Fallon Road south of the foreground hills. The standards for this zone require high quality architectural elevations and rural landscape treatment for developments adjacent to the corridor. The standards also include certain building setback requirements. Implementation The last section of the documents deals with policy and standard implementation. An applicant seeking Tentative Map and Site Development Review approval for development projects within the viewsheds of the 3 corridors, shall be subject to Scenic Design Analysis during project processing. This section describes the required materials for conducting this level of analysis and a list of standards that need to be complied with under each zone. This implementation section complies with Program 6R of the Specific Plan. The policies and standards outlined in this document are required for each applicable Eastern Dublin development. Some of these standards are advisory 7 design guidelines from the Specific Plan, which through adoption of this document, would be requirements, instead of advisory guidelines. Any changes that are deemed not in substantial conformance with the document's policies and standards would require City Council adoption of a resolution. Any minor modifications would be subject to the Planning staff's review and approval. Planning staff will make the initial determination of conformity. The final document would incorporate the responses to comments as specified in Exhibit A of this staff report. Conclusion Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the draft Resolution Exhibit C recommending that the City Council officially adopt Tassajara Road, 1-580 and Fallon Road as designated scenic corridors and recommending City Council approval of the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards (Exhibit A), and the Response to Comments document (Exhibit B). The document's policies and standards comply with the policies and action program requirements of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Planning Commission may want to continue this item to allow for additional document review and preparation of staff responses to any Planning Commission meeting comments. This item would be continued to the February 6, 1996 Planning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS: FORMAT: 1) Hear staff presentation. 2) Take testimony from the public. 3) Question staff and the public. 4) Deliberate 5) Adopt Resolution Exhibit C relating to the official adoption of Tassajara Road, 1-580 and Fallon Road as designated Scenic Corridors and the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards; or give staff direction and continue the matter to the February 6, 1996 Planning Commission meeting. ACTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council officially adopt Tassajara Road, 1-580 and Fallon Road as designated Scenic Corridors and approve the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards; or give staff direction and continue the matter to the February 6, 1996 Planning Commission meeting. To approve the project as presented, a Planning Commissioner may make a motion such as: 8 I move to adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council officially adopt Tassajara Road (between the Contra Costa County/Alameda County boundary line); 1-580 (portion that abuts the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area); and Fallon Road (between the Contra Costa County/Alameda County boundary line), as designated Scenic Corridors and approve the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards Exhibit B: Responses to Property Owner/Staff Comments Exhibit C: Resolution Recommending City Council Approval f:\cirelli\pcsrscen 9