HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 Penn Drive Parking Regulation dr„:::itg of D L Wa AGENDA STATEMENT 5a0 —ZD Meeting Date: August 23, 1982 SUBJECT : Ordinance Establishing Parking Restrictions on Penn Drive EXHIBITS ATTACHED : Letter from Ronald Sorensen, Road Department, dated July 19, 1982;. School Survey; Aerial Photo; Site Plan; Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION Introduce Ordinance; authorize work. • FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated cost $110. Sufficient funds have been budgeted in street maintenance. DESCRIPTION Earlier this year, the Alameda County Road Department surveyed those schools within the City of Dublin with respect to needed improvements for student safety. Mr. Stan DeCoite, Murray School District, suggested that certain curb areas along Penn Drive be painted red to restrict parking. This would reduce conflicts in the bus loading zone and would also enhance sight distance for student pedestrians using the crosswalk at Penn Drive and King Way. The County of Alameda Traffic Engineer concurs that the requested work is needed and recommends the City authorize the following work: 1 . Paint 167' of red curb marking off the existing bus loading zone. Parking is already restricted for a distance of 220' within the bus loading by signs and 53' of red curb marking. The remaining red curb marking would reinforce the existing parking restrictions. See attached site plan for details. 2. Designate 40' zones to prohibit parking on the southwesterly curbline of Penn Drive northwesterly and southeasterly of the crosswalk across Penn Drive at the northwesterly curbline of King Way. This will improve sight distance for student pedes- trians crossing at this location and reduce potential conflicts between students and motorists. These zones would be designated with red curb marking as shown in the attached site plan. The estimated cost of painting the above curb markings is approximately $110; and sufficient funds are available in this years budget. An item such as this is not normally brought to the City Council for approval , however, in this particular case the Council must adopt an ordinance restricting Q Copies To: Dick Cochran 8 ITEM NO. 8.3 Agenda Statement: Ordinance Establishing Parking Restrictions on Penn Drive Page 2 parking at the location identified in No. 2 above, before the red curb marking can be installed. It is Staff recommendation that the City Council authorize the work and introduce an ordinance restricting parking on those zones recommended above. RECEIVED, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA JUL 2 1982 PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY CITY OF DUBLIN • te, PUBLIC t 399 Elmhurst Street • Hayward, CA 94544-1395 ::WORKS (415) 881-6470 9 es°urces July 19, 1982 File: City of Dublin Penn Drive Mr. Richard Ambrose City Manager City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mr. Ambrose: Each year, the County Superintendent of chools contacts school districts on behalf of the Road Department to determine changes needed to improve student safety facilities. Attached is a sketch relating to Wells School on Penn Drive in Dublin and a 1982 Survey Of School Safety Devices form prepared by Murray - - School District requesting certain changes. These proposals were studied on site with Stan DeCoite on July 14, 1982, and the following are recommended responses: 1. Do not install a crosswalk across Penn Drive at the northeasterly curbline of Poplar Way. This location is shown as "Need Crosswalk" on the sketch. A bus loading zone is in place on the northwesterly curbline of Penn Drive, and its use would obstruct sight distance between southeasterly bound student pedestrian traffic and southwesterly bound drivers. 2. Install 167' red curb marking along the length of the bus loading zone in front of the school northeasterly of Poplar Way. Signing is in place designating a 220' zone. The purpose of the painting is to reinforce the signing. The curb is painted red along the northeasterly 53' of the zone. The proposed curb painting would include the bottoms of two seldom used driveways. The location of this work is shown as "Need Red" near Poplar Way. 3. Designate 40' zones to prohibit parking on the southwesterly curbline of Penn Drive northwesterly and southeasterly of the crosswalk across Penn Drive at the northwesterly curbline of King Way. The purpose of these zones is to enhance sight distance for student pedestrians crossing at this point. These zones could be designated with red paint. The location of this work is shown near King Way as "Need Red". The crosswalk shown on the sketch is actually on the opposite side of the intersection. The zones would extend to the driveway northwesterly of the crosswalk but only 40' southeasterly of it, instead of to the next driveway southeasterly, because Mr. DeCoite felt that the curbline here should be left for parking use. Mr. Richard Ambrose July 19, 1982 Page Two A copy of an aerial photo is attached to help orient the sketch with locations as they exist. It has been the policy of this department to provide these school safety devices at Road Department expense. Please advise if you wish us to proceed at City expense. A cost estimate of the curb painting is attached. Installation will also require certain ordinance changes which will also have certain costs if performed by this department. The extra copy of this letter is provided in case you wish to include it in any response to the Murray School District. Very truly yours, ne° OIVALD F. SORENSEN CHIEF, ROAD DEPARTMENT RFS:SO:sl Attachments • 1982 SURVEY OF SCHOOL SAFETY DEVICES (unincorporated areas) [ ] The existing school zone pavement painting and signs adjacent to schools in this district are satisfactory. [ ] Some of the existing school zone pavement painting and signs in this district are unsatisfactory and it is recommended that improvements be made for the following reasons: LOCATION: gf` ',/t-17 c.• WHY UNSATISFACTORY AND SUGGESTED IMMPROVEMENTS: [ ] The following schools in this district will be closed in the fall of 1982: • /"7- Submitted % • bJE � �- -�-< �. .,� Signature date • d stri r telephone Return by April 30, 1982 to: V X3? Carol Smith, Admin. Asst. Alameda County Office of Education 224 West Winton Avenue, Room 131 Hayward, CA 94544 ~ ~_ ___ _ ' _ _ - - ' ,iii . ^ ' ~ ' � ' 0 u� � � \ ��0 N�� • • \ . _- _�' ^' , ,r | �. \ .���� -_' � '.---.....-.- -� _ __- -�__ _____ __ -__-___ J. | '• _._ 1 N 42e! . 7:...e.), . 9( __. rm i � \� � _ | . 5 �L ( 4.44.e4S. _____ -___-__I___---__. _ - __--'--_- ''-��__� _ �� } .....>--- ~~~~ _ ___ _ ______ ____- -_____ ____--__�� � � '�� - - --- ' ' - - -=�, =-' - -- - - — -- ---' ---' '-----------/u'----------- ---- -- -- - �, ive __ �� �� �� _ ~5 I i N40-C1 _ _________ _ .__ ____ 06‘ti Cl - - -------------------� -- ______ __ � / pr\ve _ _ -_--__---_� -_-- - ,, / L. �k-���� [ / / ,�� ~~ - - . � _ - / __-_--� '__ _ - ___ °JIB I ♦ _ _. . .. E ., 4 � .. n'n iiii, Wyly f$ ,� ;Ya�F . .1 " • / '•-' " •*=•t•.• ° fv.°: '. • ,.1° t ,..s.;,"• .?0,00'lw , ,, .„,,,:,....: • "V • 'erg?" 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Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94566 (415) 829-3543 MEMORANDUM August 17 , 1982 TO: COUNCILMEMBERS AND CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY ATTORNEY RE: ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING REGULATIONS ON PENN DRIVE This ordinance will effectuate a traffic safety measure requested by the Murray School1District. Introduc- tion of the ordinance at this meeting will enable the no parking zone to be painted by the opening of school . MRN/bh ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ESTABLISHING PARKING REGULATIONS ON PENN DRIVE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section 1 . NO PARKING ZONE ON PENN DRIVE It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in that space adjacent to southwesterly curbline of Penn Drive for a distance of forty feet northwesterly and forty feet southeasterly of the pedes- trian crosswalk across Penn Drive at the northwesterly curbline of King Way. Section 2. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION Violations of this ordinance shall be punish- able in accordance with the provisions of the California Vehicle Code and Title 6 of the Alameda County Ordinance Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Council of the City of Dublin on this day of August, 1982 . AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Mayor Attest: By City Clerk