HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Approve 10-25-1982 Minutes Signs
Cm. Burton suggested a sign be placed near Chamber of Commerce offices directing to City
Cm. Hegarty suggested an emergency vehicle sign be placed on Amador Valley Boulevard
indicating an emergency exit situation.
* * * *
Median Response from CalTrans
The City Manager indicated the City has received a response with CalTrans' position with
respect to the access on San Ramon Road median at Shell Station. This item will be agendized
for City Council consideration at a future meeting.
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Publication of Commemorative Issue
Copies received and distributed to Council .
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There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
( Mays
City Clerk
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A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, October 25,
1982, in the meeting room, Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by
Mayor Peter Snyder.
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PRESENT: Cm. Burton, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder.
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The Mayor called the meeting to order and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to
the flag.
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The minutes of the regular meeting of October 11, 1982, with correction on Page CM-1-1.40,
361 CM-1-145
cif word from "appropriate" to "inappropriate", on motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm.
Jeffery, and by unanimous vote were approved.
The Warrant Register in the amount of $19,220.89, the Treasurer's Report, and the Request
by Heritage Commons for Variance to Building and Plumbind Code, on motion of Cm. Jeffery,
seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote were approved.
* .* * *
Chris West addressed the Council in order to inform call -present of Measure C. -Alameda
County is the last remaining county without paramedics. Measure C is an advisory vote to
assess the willingness of the voters to support a maximum $10 annual fee per residence to
create a paramedic service in Alameda County.
* * * *
Michael J. Rose, 6958 Brighton Drive, presented the Council with a petition signed by 54
residents in and around the location of Brighton Drive and Langmuir Lane, requesting that
immediate action be taken to control traffic at this location.
After discussion, Staff was directed to forward the request to the Traffic Engineer for
review as soon as possible and repot back at a future meeting.
* * * *
At its meeting of October 4, 1982, the Planning Commission noted traffic hazards involving
vehicles and pedestrians trying to cross Dublin Boulevard at the Sports Grounds and at
Clarke Avenue. The Commission requested that the City consider traffic controls along
Dublin Boulevard at the Sports Grounds and at Clarke Avenue when the appropriate staffing
is in place.
Mayor Snyder felt that if, in fact, foot traffic was desirable to the Sports Grounds,
perhaps DSRSD should have an involvement.
After discussion, Staff was directed to forward concern to Traffic Engineer and emphasize
need to complete study of traffic patterns as soon as possible.
* * * *
Naugles, Inc. , was granted a Conditional Use Permit to operate a drive-in restaurant in
the General Commercial District. A condition of approval required the proposed drive-in
window to be relocated. The applicant appealed the condition. The Staff analysis of the
project found potential traffic study problems with the proposed location of the drive-up
window. Staff recommended denying the appeal and approving the project subject to the con-
ditions that: 1) the drive-up window is relocated, 2) adequate queuing space is provided,
3) the western portion of the site is landscaped and 4) the project is completed within one
There was no one present at the meeting representing the Appellant. After discussion, on
motion by Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the City Council
denied the appeal and approved the project subject to conditions.
* *
At the October 11, 1982 meeting the City Council requested clarification on the planning
review process. The Council requested 1) distinctions between Staff review and Planning
Commission review in other cities and the County, 2) percentage of applications handled by
each, 3) specific examples of applications. A chart indicating the requested information
was presented for Council review.
The City Council elected to look individually at each category and make decisions for each.
Variances: Will be handled by Staff, with referral to Planning Commission at Staff's
discretion. Planning Commission will hear appeals. Motion made by Cm. Jeffery, seconded
by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved.
Conditional Use Permits: Staff prepares recommendation, Planning Commission hears, except
for community care facilities, accessory uses, accessory units and temporary uses which are
handled directly by Staff. Appeals will go to Planning Commission. Motion made by Cm.
Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote the Council approved.
Site Development Review: Staff to review first, then to Planning Commission, then to City
Council on appeal. Motion was made by Cm. Hegarty to keep original ordinance related to
site development review, seconded by Cm. Moffatt. Yes votes by Cm. Hegarty, Moffatt, Jef-
fery, and Mayor.Snyder. „Cm. Burton votes no.
Parcel Maps: On motion by Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, leave ordinance as is
related to parcel maps. . It was felt that we need a broader base for decisions and motion
was defeated by no votes of Mayor Snyder, Cm. Hegarty and Cm. Burton.
On motion by Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed
to combine parcel maps and tentative maps, with Staff making recommendations to Planning
Commission and appeals going directly to City Council.
The City Attorney asked for clarification. It was his understanding that what the Council
was concerning themselves with at this meeting was the initial step. In all cases, if there
is an appeal., it will first go to the Planning Commission and secondly to the City Council
acting as a court of last resort. The Council clarified that the first item, Variances,
would end with the Staff.
It was further clarified that anytime the Planning Director felt the Planning Commission
should be involved, it was understood that he would refer matter to them.
* * * *
At the time the City negotiated the contracts for service with Alameda County, the County
proposed that the City assume all liability exposures for services provided. As part of the
final contract agreement the County agreed to accept a reciprocal hold harmless clause, in
which the City would be responsible for the acts of its employees and the County would be
responsible for the acts of County employees providing service to the City of Dublin. During
the last several months, the ounty has been unsuccessful in curing a separate liability
insurance policy to cover those services it provides to the City of Dublin. In order to
adequately insure those services the County identified two alternatives. The first would
be to add the County as an additional insured to the City's insurance policy. If the City
agreed to add the County on its insurance policy the County would agree to pay an additional
premium costs and also pay any premium increases which were directly attributable to contract
services for not only the term of the contract, but also 2 years beyond the termination date
of the contract. In addition, the overhead rates which the City presently pays the County
would be reduced. The second alternati-e would be for the County to cover the contract
services to the City of Dublin under the County's Risk Management Program. The County has
estimated that the annual cost for this type of coverage would be $98,217. This cost would
be passed onto the City as part of the contract service, if this alternative was selected.
It's important to note that the City is already paying a portion of this insurance cost in
the overhead rates which it pays the County on all services except Sheriff services. The
City's insurance broker has contacted the City's present insurance carrier, Continental
Insurance Company. The insurance company underwriter has indicated that the only additional
cost of adding the County as an additional insured to the City's insurance policy would be
a charge of $2,736 for liability coverage of those policy vehicles which are specifically
assigned to Dublin. This charge would be paid by the County.
After discussion, on motion by Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote,
the Council authorized the addition of the County of Alameda to the City's insurance policy.
* *
At its October 4, 1982 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Dublin
General Plan Work Program. The work program as drafted is a time frame for preparing the
General Plan. The work program includes an initial determination of planning area, time
horizon, citizen participation program and the use of consultants. All the territory, both
public and private within the City would be included in the planning area, in addition to
unincorporated areas which relate to the City's planning. This additional unincorporated
area would need to be determined as part of this general plan work program process. In
terms of time horizon, the general plan is to be a comprehensive long-term guide to the
development within the Dublin area. By projecting future conditions and needs and setting
long-term policies, the general plan will become the basis for determining current policy
and day-to-day decision making. Some of the proposals in the general plan could be imple-
mented currently, others may need 15 to 20 years to complete. The main time horizon
recommended in this work program is that the Dublin General Plan will be for the year 2000.
To achieve the objectives', the work program recommends various techniques such as using
Planning Commission conducted workshops, press releases, meeting notices and public hearings.
We anticipate the use of consultants to provide specific services such as assisting the
i Planning Commission in conducting workshops and lending technical expertise as those speci-
I fic areas are identified. '"The Planning Commission recommended the following process: 1)
Staff to prepare a Request for Proposal, screen the proposals, and schedule interviews with
the top 4 or 5 consultants, 2) Staff and Planning Commission to interview the consultants
and make recommendations to Council and 3) Council to make final determination on consultant
With respect to time frame for the various tasks, reference was made to the Work Program
Exhibit I.
Cm. Burton pointed out that time frame for completion of Genral Plan went past date of
election. He felt the plan should be in place prior to this date.
Mr. Tong clarified for Cm. Jeffery that he had been in touch with the Office of Planning
and Research and the Governor's Staff and the Department of Housing and Community Develop-
ment which will be generating the specific regulations for housing elements and will be
reviewing our housing element. We foresee coordinating our efforts with the Staffs of both
these agencies.
Mayor Snyder asked if it would be possible to compress the time frame for adoption of the
General Plan. ' Mr. Tong indicated the outline was very general and felt it would be pos-
sible to do so.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote the Council approved
the Dublin General Plan work program and authorized Staff to begin consultant selection
* * *
The City has received a request from the Murray School District for the City to provide a
crossing guard at the intersection of Village Parkway and Davona Drive. Another request
has also been received from Ralph Hendricks, 8359 Mulberry Place for a crossing guard at
the same location. There are presently four school crossing guards in the City. Two
positions are funded by the City and two positions are funded by the School District.
The City Manager indicated this intersection is different from the other 4 intersections
which currently have crossing guards in that it is a 3-way stop as opposed to a 4-way stop.
Discussion was held related to possibility of moving the crossing guard which is presently
located at Brighton Drive and Village Parkway to Davona Drive. Perhaps fewer students
would be inconvenienced. The Council felt perhaps the school district could provide infor-
mation related to how many students presently use the Village Parkway/Brighton Drive
intersection and crosswalk.
Concensus of Council was to ask for further information related to the priorities of the
2 intersections.
* * * *
Mayor Snyder indicated the City Council is in receipt of 2 letters from 2 citizens in the
community and he asked that the City Manager and the City Attorney review and report back
to the City Council. One letter is from Ms. Diane Sprinkle and the other is from William
Tenery. Cm. Jeffery asked whether or not it would be appropriate for this matter to become
an agenda item. Cm. Burton indicated he felt it was a personality conflict and would not
be appropriate to involve the Council. Mayor. Snyder felt it appropriate because of refer-
ence. to the City in Ms. Sprinkle's letter.
* * * *
The Pleasanton City Council at the October 12, 1982 meeting 'discussed the proposed Zone 7
rate increase. The Zone did not take any action to increase their rates..
* * *
On November 9, 1982 at 9 a.m. , the Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, will hold a California
earthquake seminar lasting 3 hours.
Mr. Ambrose indicated he contacted the State Water Resources Board and they advised that the
State Board had approved the plan. The cover resolution indicated, however, that the re-
quirements for local erosion control to be in accordance with that plan are not mandatory.
They do feel that some additional action might be appropriate on the part of the Council.
Mayor Snyder clarified that the ordinances passed earlier this year are still applicable.
Linda Best from COLAB advised Mr. Ambrose that they adopted the plan, but the resolution
language adopting it that referred to mandatory, was not mandatory to local government.
Cm. Burton asked if Linda Best had indicated if they were. satisfied. Mr. Ambrose stated
she had indicated they were _going to stay on top of it. Cm. Burton felt the issue was very
very complicated.
* * * *
Cm. Moffatt reported that October 18th meeting was held. Those present were himself, Peter
Hegarty and Georgean Vonheeder. They discussed the feasibility of the City of Dublin getting
involved with the program to provide some financial help and clerical help with after school
programs, :maybe some educational programs, and possibly consider taking over the lease that
the San Ramon Recreation has, or working with them. As a result, they decided perhaps
another meeting should be held inviting the public to determine the feasibility and get
their feedback. Ms. Vonheeder has composed a letter that could be sent. The letter was
read to the Council, for possible changes and/or ideas. They would send the letter to
presidents and vice presidents of recreation groups in Dublin. Cm.-Jeffery asked whether
funds had been set up for this project. ..Cm. Moffatt replied negative. Amount they needed
at the moment was less than $10. Cm. Jeffery had concern that if public attended the meeting
and got all fired up, no action could be taken to implement programs. Clarification was made
that this would simply be a feasibility study. Suggestion-was made that meeting should be
held in the Library meeting room rather than conference room at City offices.
Request was made for Staff to request one copy of DSRSD meeting minutes on an ongoing basis.
Consensus was that City would prepare and send out letter.
* * * *
Mayor.Snyder_ acknowledged a letter of thanks to himself, Cm. Burton and Lt. Shores for the
assistance provided to the U. S. Army last summer at the training sessions at Camp Parks.
* * * *
y nyder,read note from Supervisor Excell related to revenue bonds. He enclosed a news
article. . At bottom of .letter,was a personal note stating "I'm working on the colors for
your. cop cars"._ Mayor Snyder telephoned him and Supervisor Excell stated he had already
pursued it with the Sheriff.
* * * *
Mr. Ambrose indicated the City had received notice on Friday that the Solid Waste Manage-
ment Authority is having a special orientation meeting on Saturday, November 6th. He felt
it appropriate for Dublin to have representative present. ` Mayor Snyder will attend.
* * * *
Mr. Ambrose stated Murray School District has again requested that the City look into
taking over the maintenance of Cronin Park, Kolb Park, the tennis courts and also the
swimming facility. He requested maintenance figures on their initial request. If this
is appropriate for ad hoc committee discussions, then it should be turned over to them.
Consensus was that it should be a part of the ad hoc committee discussions.
* * * *
Mr. Ambrose advised that a Planning Secretary has been hired, who will be able to privide
to the City some very good skills. Linda Trahey will begin her employment on November 8th.
nu 1 ' GA * * * *
Cm. Moffatt questioned status of Traffic Engineer. Mr. Ambrose responded that the City has
interviewed 1 engineering firm and will interview more and narrow down to several firms
that the City Council may wish to interview via a committee or at a public meeting. Cm.
Burton felt public meeting would ensure that they are a little better prepared. He felt
that Staff should present maybe 3 firms that they are comfortable could meet City's
standards for Council review.
* * *
Mr. Ambrose stated he had been advised that the problem was due to the fact that the drains
are 1" in diameter.
* * * *
Cm. Jeffery requested that the representative issue be agendized for the next meeting.
* * * *
Cm. Burton felt that request from Southampton & Company proclaiming October 31 - November 7
as solar week should trigger a policy from the City with respect to which requests do we
respond to. He felt it inappropriate due to the fact that this request is from a commercial
* * * *
Chief Shores indicated a particularly dangerous area where several accidents have occurred;
Donahue and Landale. This location should be included in traffic study. The intersection
of Silvergate/Dublin Blvd. , should be followed up on with respect to configuration, and/or
traffic modification.
* * * *
Cm. Burton felt Mr. Ambrose should attend the Finance Director's Seminar being held in
Monterey on December 1-3, 1982. Seminar is being put on by League of California Cities.
* * * *
Mr. Ambrose will be attending a meeting with the Cities of Pleasanton, Livermore and rep-
resentatives from MTC and BART next week for purposes of discussing area wide transit
system. BART will also be coming out to talk with the 3 cities related to location of
BART stations.
* * * *
The City Attorney felt it appropriate for public hearings to be conducted in a more formal
manner than has been happening. What mainly concerned him was that we avoid an appearance
of predetermination. He will put in an outline form for Planning Commission and City
* * * *
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Mr. Tong reported that the technical advisory committee of the Alameda County Housing Program
reserved $50,000 for the Dublin area program for this fiscal year.
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned
at 11:05 p.m.
City Clerk
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