HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.4 Financial Report 10-31-1982 330- O C I T Y O F D U B L I N STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1982 R E V E N U E ESTIMATED RECEIVED RECEIVED DESCRIPTION REVENUE THIS MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE GENERAL FUND 510 - Property Tax $ 329 , 351 $ - $ - Total Property Tax $ 329 , 351 $ - $ - OTHER TAXES 515 - Sales & Use Tax $2 ,152 ,000 $ 132 ,000 $ 483 ,048 517 - Real Property Transfer Tax 19, 000 2 ,129 3 , 452 519 - Electric Franchise Tax 54 , 000 - - 521 - Gas Francise Tax 30 ,000 - - 523 - CATV Franchise Tax 26 ,500 - - Total Other Taxes $2 ,281,500 $ 134 ,129 $ 486 ,500 LICENSES & PERMITS 530 . 01 - Building Permits $ 100 ,000 $ - $ - 530 . 02 - Animal Licenses - - - 530 . 03 - Bus Bench Ad Permits - - - 530 . 04 - Encroachment Permits - - 85 Total Licenses & Permits $ 100 ,000 $ - $ 85 FINES & FORFEITURES 532 . 02 - Other Court Fines $ 1,000 $ 251 $ 940 Total Fines & Forfeitures $ 1, 000 $ 251 $ 940 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 550 . 01 - Interest $ 72 ,000 $ 12 ,026 $ 16 , 466 550 . 02 - Investment Earnings - - - 550 . 03 - Rents & Concessions - - 324 Total Revenue From Use of Money & Property $ 72 , 000 $ 12 ,026 $ 16 ,790 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555 . 01 - Motor Vehicle In Lieu Tax $ 380 ,000 $ 26 , 806 $ 88 ,690 555 . 02 - Trailer Coach In Lieu Tax 1,280 - - 555 . 03 - Cigarette Tax 105 ,000 4 ,787 14 , 419 555 . 04 - Off Highway Motor Vehicle in Lieu Fees 330 - - Total Intergovernmental Revenues - State $ 486 , 610 $ 31,593 $ 103 ,109 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 565 . 01 - Zoning & Subdivision Fees $ 20 ,000 $ 322 $ 1, 409 565 . 04 - Sales of Maps & Documents 500 37 59 565. 06 - Special Police Dept. Services - 20 20 565 . 15 - Other Charges for Service 500 - - Total Charges for Services $ 21, 000 $ 379 $ 1, 488 Tmc.RA 10 fl Ll 0 CO REVENUE Page 2 ESTIMATED RECEIVED RECEIVED REVENUE THIS MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE OTHER REVENUES 570 . 02 - Contribution from Non- Government Sources $ $ - $ 13 570 . 03 - Miscellaneous 1, 000 - - Total Other Revenues $ 1,000 $ - $ 13 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $3,292 ,461 $ 178,378 $ 608, 925 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND FINES & FORFEITURES 532 .01 - Vehicle Code Fines $ 15,000 $ 2 ,980 $ 6,766 Total Fines & Forfeitures $ 15,000 $ 2,980 $ 6 ,766 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND REVENUE $ 15 ,000 $ 2, 980 $ 6 ,766 STATE GAS TAX FUND REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 550.01 - Interest $ - $ - $ - 550. 02 - Investment Earnings - - - Total Revenue From Use of Money & Property $ - $ - $ - INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555 . 07 - State Gas Tax (2106) $ 86,000 $ 7 ,780 $ 22,063 555. 08 - State Gas Tax (2107) 130,000 11,847 34,366 555.09 - State Gas Tax (2107 .5) 4 ,000 - 4,000 Total Intergovernmental Revenues - State $ 220 ,000 $ 19,627 $ 60,429 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND $ 220 ,000 $ 19,627 $ 60,429 COUNTY GAS TAX FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - COUNTY 557. 01 - County Gas Tax (ATC) $ . 26 ,000 $ - $ - Total Intergovernmental Revenue - County $ 26,000 $ - $ - TOTAL COUNTY GAS TAX FUND $ 26,000 $ - $ - TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS $3 ,553,461 $ 200 , 985 $ 676 ,120 E X P E N D I T U R E S 0 CI TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE GENERAL FUND . GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101 - CITY COUNCIL Personal Services .02 - Salaries Part Time $ 9,000 $ 750 $ 2 ,250 $ 6 ,750 . 06 - Worker' s Compensation 40 - - 40 Total Personal Services $ 9 ,040 $ 750 $ 2 ,250 $ 6 ,790 Services & Supplies . 01 - Office Supplies $ 800 $ - $ 27 $ 773 .02 - Postage 250 5 5 245 .05 - Professional Services 6 ,000 - - 6 ,000 . 08 - Advertising 500 - - 500 .14 - Books, Publications & Subscriptions 100 - 20 80 . 15 - Memberships & Dues 3,243 38 38 3,205 .17 - Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 6,250 644 1, 411 4,839 .19 - Community Promotion 1,500 - 900 600 Total Services & Supplies $ 18,643 $ 687 $ 2,401 $ 16, 242 TOTAL - CITY COUNCIL $ 27 ,683 $ 1,437 $ 4 ,651 $ 23,032 102 - CITY MANAGER/CLERK Personal Services .01 - Salaries, Full Time $ 59,200 $ 5,058 $ 13,450 $ 45 ,750 . 04 - Retirement 5,300 86 86 5 ,214 .05 - Group Insurance 5 ,000 603 1,205 3 ,795 .06 - Worker' s Compensation 1,250 - (240) 1,490 Total Personal ■,Services $ 70,750 $ 5,747 $ 14,501 $ 56,249 Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 1,500 $ 121 $ 541 $ 959 . 02 - Postage 1,000 20 151 849 . 03 - Reproduction Supplies 1,000 159 820 180 . 08 - Advertising 1,100 28 123 977 .09 - Printing - - 266 (266) .12 - Repairs & Maintenance 1,150 - 51 1,099 . 14 - Books, Publications & Subscriptions 600 51 345 255 .15 - Memberships & Dues 150 - - 150 .16 - Auto Mileage & Allowance 3,540 538 1,112 2 ,428 . 17 - Travel, Conferences & Mtgs 2,050 - 100 1, 950 . 20 - Miscellaneous - 813 3,113 (3,113) Total Services & Supplies $ 12 , 090 $ 1,730 $ 6,622 $ 5,468 722 - Contract Services $ 1,000 $ 15 $ 445 $ 555 Total Contract Services $ 1,000 $ 15 $ 445 $ 555 Capital Outlay . 04 - Machinery & Equipment 12,200 - 1,248 10 , 952 Total Capital Outlay $ 12,200 $ - $ 1,248 $ 10 , 952 TOTAL - CITY MANAGER/CLERK $ 96,040 $ 7 , 492 $ 22 , 816 $ 73,224 0 CO . EXPENDITURES Page 2 TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES DESCRIPTION BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 103 - LEGAL SERVICES Services & Supplies .05 - Professional Services $ 28,000 $ 1,463 $ 8,475 $ 19,525 . 22 - Reserve 20,000 - - 20 ,000 Total Services & Supplies $ 48,000 $ 1, 463 $ 8 ,475 $ 39,525 TOTAL - LEGAL SERVICES $ 48,000 $ 1, 463 $ 8 , 475 $ 39,525 104 - FINANCE Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 1,000 $ - $ 191 $ 809 . 05 - Professional Services 10,000 - - 10,000 .12 - Repairs & Maintenance 200 - - 200 Total Services & Supplies $ 11,200 $ - $ 191 $ 11,009 Capital Outlay . 04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 4 ,650 $ - $ - $ 4 ,650 Total Capital Outlay $ 4 ,650 $ - $ - $ 4 ,650 TOTAL - FINANCE $ 15, 850 $ - $ 191 $ 15,659 105 - BUILDING MANAGEMENT Services & Supplies . 01 - Office Supplies $ 1,000 $ 10 $ 207 $ 793 . 07 - Communication 9,000 60 3, 875 5,125 .13 - Rentals 29,850 2 ,588 9,410 20 ,440 Total Services & Supplies $ 39, 850 $ 2 ,658 $ 13,492 $ 26,358 Capital Outlay .03 - Improvements Other Than Buildings $ 1,500 $ - $ 1,087 $ 413 . 04 - Machinery & Equipment 20 ,000 11,655 13,155 - 6, 845 Total Capital Outlay $ 21,500 $ 11,655 $ 14 ,242 $ 7 ,258 TOTAL - BUILDING MANAGEMENT $ 61, 350 $ . 14 ,313 $ 27 ,734 $ 33,616 106 - INSURANCE Services & Supplies .10 - Insurance $ 9,500 $ - $ - $ 9,500 Total Services & Supplies $ 9,500 $ - $ - $ 9,500 TOTAL - INSURANCE $ 9,500 $ - $ - $ 9 ,500 107 - ELECTIONS Services & Supplies .08 - Advertising $ - $ - $ 34 $ (34) Total Services & Supplies $ - $ - $ 34 $ (34) 722 - Contract Services $ 2 ,500 $ 35 $ 50 $ 2 ,450 TOTAL - ELECTIONS $ 2,500 $ 35 $ 84 $ 2, 416 . EXPENDITURES Page 3 TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES DESCRIPTION BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE 108 - NON-DEPARTMENTAL Services & Supplies .20 - Miscellaneous $ - $ 5 $ 14 $ (14) . 22 - Reserves 43,800 - - 43 , 800 Total Services & Supplies $ 43, 800 $ 5 $ 14 $ 43,786 TOTAL - NON-DEPARTMENTAL $ 43, 800 $ 5 $ 14 $ 43,786 TOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 304 ,723 $ 24 ,745 $ 63 , 965 $ 240 ,758 PUBLIC SAFETY 201 - POLICE SERVICES Services & Supplies . 01 - Office Supplies $ 500 $ 131 $ 213 $ 287 .03 - Reproduction Supplies 1,500 238 489 1, 011 Total Services & Supplies $ 2 ,000 $ 369 $ 702 $ 1,298 Contract Services .01 - Personnel Costs $ 59,155 $ 123,035 .02 - Vehicle Costs 7 ,310 14,240 . 03 - Indirect Costs 5,678 11,355 Total Contract Services $1,108,442 $ 72,143 $ 148 ,630 $ 959 , 812 Capital Outlay . 04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 4 ,000 $ 1,246 $ 2 , 867 $ 1,133 Total Capital Outlay $ 4 ,000 $ 1,246 $ 2 , 867 $ 1,133 TOTAL - POLICE SERVICES $1,114 ,442 $ 73,758 $ 152 ,199 $ 962,243 202 - AMBULANCE SERVICES 720 - Contract Services $ 5,000 $ 347 $ 347 $ 4 ,653 TOTAL - AMBULANCE SERVICES $ 5,000 $ 347 $ 347 $ 4 ,653 203 - CROSSING GUARDS 722 - Contract Services $ 16,200 $ - $ - $ 16 ,200 TOTAL - CROSSING GUARDS $ 16,200 $ - $ - $ 16,200 204 - ANIMAL CONTROL 716 - Contract Services $ 31,037 $ - $ - $ 31,037 TOTAL - ANIMAL CONTROL $ 31,037 $ - $ - $ 31,037 205 - TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING Services & Supplies . 21 - Utilities $ 104 ,400 $ 1,093 $ 3,482 $ 100, 918 Total Services & Supplies $ 104 ,400 $ 1,093 $ 3,482 $ 100,918 712 - Contract Services $ 21,500 $ - $ - $ 21,500 TOTAL - TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING $ 125,900 $ 1,093 $ 3, 482 $ 122 ,418 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $1,292,579 $ 75,198 $ 156,028 $1,136 ,551 ID 0 EXPENDITURES Page 4 TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES DESCRIPTION BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE HIGHWAYS AND STREETS 301 - STREET MAINTENANCE 712 - Contract Services $ 41,100 $ - $ - $ 41,100 TOTAL - STREET MAINTENANCE $ 41,100 $ - $ - $ 41,100 302 - STREET SWEEPING 718 - Contract Services .$ 55,000 $ - $ - $ 55 ,000 TOTAL - STREET SWEEPING $ 55,000 $ - $ - $ 55 ,000 303 - STREET RECONSTRUCTION/RESURFACING 712 - Contract Services $ 14 ,000 $ - $ - $ 14 ,000 750 - Capital Outlay . 03 - Improvements Other a Than Buildings 140,000 - - 140 , 000 i TOTAL - STREET RECONSTRUCTION/ A RESURFACING $ 154 ,000 $ - $ - $ 154 ,000 304 - STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 722 - Contract Services $ 44 ,300 $ - $ - $ 44 ,300 TOTAL - STREET MAINTENANCE $ 44 ,300 $ - $ - $ 44 ,300 305 - COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Contract Services $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ 50 ,000 TOTAL - COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION $ 50 ,000 . $ - $ - $ 50, 000 TOTAL HIGHWAY AND STREETS $ 344,400 $ - $ - $ 344, 400 HEALTH AND WELFARE 501 TRANSPORTATION 714 - Contract Services $ 9,818 $ - $ 1,674 $ 8 ,144 Total Transportation $ 9,818 $ - $ 1,674 $ 8,144 TOTAL - HEALTH AND WELFARE $ 9,818 $ - $ 1,674 $ 8 ,144 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 901 - PLANNING Personal Services . 01 - Salaries, Full Time $ 50,100 $ 2 ,700 $ 8,100 $ 42 ,000 . 03 - Overtime Pay 1,200 - - 1,200 . 04 - Retirement 4 ,500 86 86 4 ,414 . 05 - Group Insurance 5,000 49 4 , 951 . 06 - Worker' s Compensation 1,050 - - 1, 050 Total Personal Service $ 61,850 $ 2,786 $ 8 ,235 $ 53,615 Services & Supplies .01 - Office Supplies $ 1,800 $ 121 $ 139 $ 1,661 .02 - Postage 1,500 29 29 1, 471 .03 - Reproduction Supplies 2 ,500 397 455 2 ,045 .05 - Professional Services 20 ,000 - - 20 , 000 . 08 - Advertising 1, 560 113 113 1, 447 ID 4:0 EXPENDITURES Page 5 TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES DESCRIPTION BUDGET THIS MONTH TO DATE BALANCE . 09 - Printing & Binding $ 1,000 $ 5 $ 63 $ 937 . 12 - Repairs & Maintenance 600 - - 600 .14 - Books, Publications & Subscriptions 365 9 29 336 .15 - Memberships & Dues 100 - 94 6 .16 - Auto Mileage & Allowance 2,500 307 634 1, 866 . 17 - Travel Conferences & Mtgs 3,250 98 794 2 ,456 .18 - Training Expense 600 - - 600 Total Services & Supplies $ 35,775 $ 1,079 $ 2,350 $ 33,425 Capital Outlay .04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 7,500 $ 639 $ 2,737 $ 4 ,763 Total Capital Outlay $ 7,500 $ 639 $ 2,737 $ 4 ,763 TOTAL - PLANNING $ 105,125 $ 4,504 $ 13,322 $ 91, 803 902 - BUILDING & SAFETY Services & Supplies . 01 - Office Supplies $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 Total Services & Supplies $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 Contract Services $ 112,400 $ - $ - $ 112 , 400 Total Contract Services $ 112 ,400 $ - $ - $ 112,400 Capital Outlay . 04 - Machinery & Equipment $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 5 ,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 5, 000 TOTAL - BUILDING & SAFETY $ 118,400 $ - $ - $ 118,400 903 - ENGINEERING Contract Services $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ 15 ,000 TOTAL - ENGINEERING $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ 15 ,000 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 238,525 $ 4,504 $ 13,322 $ 225,203 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $2 , 190 ,045 $ 104 ,447 $ 234,989 $1,955,056 GAS TAX FUNDS 301 - STREET MAINTENANCE 712 -Contract Services $ 246,000 $ - $ - $ 246 , 000 TOTAL - STREET MAINTENANCE $ 246 ,000 $ - $ - $ 246,000 TOTAL GAS TAX FUNDS $ 246 ,000 $ - $ - $ 246 ,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS $2,436,045 $ 104,447 $ 234 ,989 $2,201,056