HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Fall Quarterly Rpt �:
DjJBLIN MEETING DATE: February 12, 2015
SUBJECT: Fall Quarterly Report
Prepared by Ann Mottola, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cultural Arts Classes Registration Report— Fall 2014
DESCRIPTION: The Heritage and Cultural Arts Division strives to develop quality
programs that strengthen community image, preserve the City's heritage, provide cultural experiences
and encourage appreciation of the arts. This is accomplished by providing diverse program of offerings
for youth and adults in the disciplines of music; dance; fine arts; and visual and performing arts. The
Division also provides a variety of programs at the Heritage Park and Museums to support education and
stewardship of the City's historic collections. The following report is a summary of programs conducted
during Fall 2014.
Cultural Arts Classes provide a unique social setting for meeting new people or sharing cultural arts
experiences with friends and family members. The variety of classes offered provides opportunities for
community members of all ages to attempt new experiences or refine current artistic and performance
skills. Classes are taught by contracted specialty instructors and are typically offered from four to eight
weeks in duration.
Total combined registration for Cultural Arts, Recreation and Leisure activities has increased by 6%from
last year's Fall quarter. Cultural Arts Classes increased by 48% as compared to last year.This is attributed
to several factors. There was increased participation in a number of returning classes including: Hip Hop,
Waltz and Ballet; the KinderDrama franchise; Beginning Ukulele; and Tri-Valley Young Performer's
production of "Sideways Stories from Wayside School." Additionally, a number of new classes were
added including Clay Creations and Guitar for Beginners.
ITEM NO: 8.3
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Resident 236 165 168 223 305
Non Resident 39 21 37 78 105
Total Registration 275 186 205 301 410
Classes Held 34 28 27 35 51
AVG Registration per Class 8 6.6 7.59 8.6 8.0
Classes Offered 65 55 36 62 60
Cancellation Rate 48°0 49% 25% 44% 15%
Hometown Heroes
On Saturday, November 8, the City of Dublin honored all veterans at the Hometown Heroes Annual
Celebration event at the Dublin Senior Center. Vice Mayor Biddle served as emcee for this community
event. The program included recognition of all veterans by Camp Parks Garrison Commander, Lieutenant
Colonel Gerdes; and a concert presented by the Wells Middle School Jazz Band. As part of the
celebration, 80 photos of veterans were displayed in the Senior Center lobby where a reception was
held. Additionally, over 300 items were donated to Operation SAM (Serving All Military). There were
approximately 150 people in attendance.
• Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex
Construction documents for pedestals for artist Todji Kurtzman's proposal, "The Spirit of Alamilla,"
have been fully integrated into the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex construction
• Fallon Sports Park
A Public Art Selection Committee convened on November 1, 2014 to review five site-specific public
art proposals for the Fallon Sports Park. Los Angeles-based artists Heath Satow was recommended
for the project by the Selection Committee.
• Trumark
Staff continues to work with a private developer, Trumark, to develop an agreement with artist Eric
Powell for public art at their residential development project at Wallis Ranch.
The "Exhibit Attendance" captures the number of individuals who visit an exhibit as part of a formal
tour, as a walk-in guest, and those who visit during special events when the Museums are open to the
public. The first quarter (Winter) featured Dublin CRUSH and the Dublin San Ramon Women's Club
Children's Art Show. During the second quarter (Spring) the Dublin Library hung the exhibit; "A Century
of Service." There were no exhibits during the third quarter (Summer). During the Fall quarter the City
presented "Santa Rita Jail: A Visual History." This exhibit was curated by Steve Minniear, one of the Lead
Volunteers, and included artifacts and materials on loan from the Alameda County Sheriffs Archive.
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Tours N/A i 438 i 110 i 36 i 584 t�[�1�": �$'� � N/A � '�i5 � �54 :
Walk-In 246 i 532 i 440 i 3571 i 1,575 I��A [, ��3 � r .�I/A � �i18 � ���
Special Events 0 i 547 i 0 i 500z i 1,047 1C}t� � 457 � ;;I��i4 � *��,� ����#
Total Visitors 246 i 1,517 i 550 i 893 i 3206 1� � 1,CI39 ? '�:� 7���..--,1,�54 '
1 Includes total number of walk-ins,as all visitors start in the Little Classroom and view the exhibit
Z Hands-On-History Event
The "Visitors Comparison" chronicles the number of people who visit the Heritage Park and Museums as
part of a formal tour or as a walk-in guest. This measurement also includes those who experience the
Heritage Park and Museums as a participant in one of the many community events hosted at the site by
the City. Tours are also tracked to differentiate between those tours that are a school group or those
that are for some other formal or informal community group.
• Tours. In general, schools do not take field trip during the Fall quarter; however, four Cub Scout
groups toured the Heritage Park and Museums during this quarter.
The City also hosted the following events at Heritage Park and Museums:
• Heritage Music Jam: This ongoing program continued to attract on average 80 participants per
• Hands-On History was held on Saturday, October 25 with an estimated attendance of 500
participants. The event featured traditional Fall activities including tractor-pulled wagon rides, a
petting zoo, hay stack play, and live music. Hands-on history activities included, panning for gold,
doing laundry, peeling apples, and making butter, ice cream and cider.
• Holiday Tea: The Holiday Tea was held in the Sunday School Barn, on December 6 and December 7.
The event had 119 guests. This is the same attendance as last year, however, a second seating was
added each day to allow for a leisurely, uncrowded event. A "Holiday Market" was a new addition to
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the Tea this year. The Market offered items made by volunteers out of plants collected on the park
grounds and other salvaged materials.
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Adult—Tour 47 i 40 i 44 i 20 i 151 �S9 } �8 �- ': 4� � ' ,:.. �.�3 � �.96
Child—Tour 201 j 398 i 99 i 16 i 714 �,61 ? 311. � 3f� S� � �57
' j � : } ;.. �.
Walk-In 516 i 532 i 440 i 357 i 1845 °�� �55 �1 91�a � :;, �4� ',%� ��.� � ���37 '����
Music Jams N/A i 78 i 200 i 200 i 478 � � 4 ' �
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Special Events N/A i 1,747 i 0 i 500 � 2247 Q � 1,1�C} i ' S0 � �Q58 � 2,�{�8
Total Visitors 764 ' 2,795 i 783 ; 1,093 i 5,435 675 i 2,4E}4 I 478 [ 1,74Z � 5,298
School Tour 7 i 11 i 3 i 0 i 21 G !� 2� � t} � Q j �.$
Community Tour 2 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 4 1 j 2� } 4 i :; 4 ; 11
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Camp Tour 0 i 0 i 8 i 0 i 8 3 .�� ���� t .; � �, �
Total Tours 9 i 12 i 12 i 1 i 33 7 i 14 l 4 1 ' 4 � 2�'
There are 66 active volunteers at the Heritage Park and Museums. Volunteers are grouped by interest
and may choose to participate in a variety of specialized work groups including: Docents/Greeters,
Collections and Archives, Gardeners, Walking-Tours and Tractor Volunteers. Museum Volunteers are
coordinated by Staff and contribute approximately 54 volunteer hours per week during regular Museum
hours. This quarter, Volunteers contributed 420 hours for regular Museum operations, 82 hours
assisting with documentation of the collection, and 120 volunteer hours of garden work. Student
contributed 304 volunteer hours assisting with the Hands-on History and holiday Tea events.
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Museum Volunteer 531 i 733 i 620 i 622 i 2506 6�2 � 53� � ���i�� k������ �,���<--
Student Volunteer 100 i 200 i 90 i 304 j 694 �� ��� ��� ��� �����;
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I ntern N/A j 140 j 0 I 0 1 140 ......;������ C1;:�,�:� ��.���� �..:,. ��, �����
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Total Hours 631 j 1,073 i 710 i 926 j 3,200 ; ' 66�:i 6���� 1��� �,°� �,�;'�li � �����i
St. Raymond Church has been available to the public for private rental since prior to the expansion of
the Heritage Park and Museums in 2011. The Sunday School Barn became available for private rentals on
May 1, 2012.
During the Fall quarter, there were five rentals at the Sunday School Barn and six rentals at St. Raymond
Church. There is no longer an ongoing church rental at St. Raymond Church, resulting in the reduction
from last year's rentals.
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St Raymond Church 19 i 5 i 4�i 6 i 34 �� �� ����16 � � = �� �,''�- �� P ����-
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Sunday School Barn 8 i 10 i 3 i 5 i 26 3' [ � � ' � i` � � " ��4 '.
Total Rentals 27 i 15 i 7 i 11 i 60 23' [ �6 i �9 i. 2t} � �
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission
receive the report.
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Adult Tap II 7 6 1
Argentine Tango 0 0 0
Art of Painting Techniques on Canvas-EverPro Kids 4 4 0
Art of Realistic Drawing and Painting-EverPro Kids 6 4 2
Art of Realistic Drawing and Painting-EverPro Kids 4 4 0
Art with Oil Pastel Techniques-EverPro Kids 3 3 0
Beginning Ballet I &Tap g $ 0
Beginning Irish Dance 9 6 3
Beginning Ukulele 9 6 3
Clay Creations 4 4 0
Clay Creations 6 6 0
Discover the Artist in You � � �
Fun Sculpting for Kids 7 6 1
Fun Sculpting for Kids 5 5 0
Give me a "C" for Cheerleading 4 4 0
Guitar Lessons For Beginners 9 9 �
Hip Hop Dance for Children and Tweens 17 17 0
Hip Hop Dance for Children and Tweens 4 4 0
Intermediate Irish Dance 7 6 1
Intro to Sculpting for Teens and Adults 4 2 2
Irish Dance -Teens/Adults � 2 5
KinderDrama 20 17 3
Kindermusik (TM) Wiggle & Grow with Siblings 7 5 2
Kindermusik (TM) Wiggle & Grow with Siblings 11 6 5
Kindermusik Village Zoom Buggy 12 8 4
Kindermusik: Wiggle & Grow: Let's Play on the Farm 12 10 2
Little Hands Art Class 10 10 0
Pee Wee Art Time 1� 9 1
Pee Wee Art Time 10 10 0
Pre-Ballet and Creative Dance 12 11 1
Pre-Ballet I &Tap 12 12 0
Sideways Stories from Wayside School 16 14 2
Tiny Dancers 4 3 1
Waltz Dance Like the Stars 8 $ �
GRAND TOTALS 275 236 39