HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attch 2 Exh A CC Reso Amend Dublin Cross plan RESOLUTION NO. �cx-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN, DUBLIN CROSSING SPECIFIC PLAN, AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATED TO THE DUBLIN CROSSING PROJECT PLPA-2015-00016 (APNS 986-0001-001-15 (PARTIAL), 986-0034-002-00, AND 986-0034-006-00) WHEREAS, the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan (DCSP) project area is approximately 189 acres in size and is generally bound by 5th Street to the north, Scarlett Drive to the west, Dublin Boulevard to the south, and Arnold Road to the east; and WHEREAS, on November 5, 2013, the City Council approved Resolutions 186-13 (EIR certification) and 187-13 (Specific Plan approval and General Plan amendments) as well as Ordinances 07-13 (Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map changes) and 08-13 (Development Agreement approval) that approved the Dublin Crossing project, which included the demolition of the existing buildings and other improvements on the site and construction of a residential mixed-use project with up to 1,995 single- and multi-family residential units; up to 200,000 square feet of retail, office and/or commercial uses; a 30 acre Community Park; a 5 acre Neighborhood Park, and a 12 acre school site to serve approximately 900 students; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2015, the City Council initiated a General Plan and Dublin Crossing Specific Plan Amendment Study to: 1) Incorporate the 1.5 acre Chabot Creek into the Community Park and increase the acreage devoted to Medium Density Residential by 1.5 acres; 2) Re-designate the 13 acre "Mixed Use" site to "General Commercial/DC High Density Residential"; 3) Allow use of the site designated "School" for both school and park purposes; and WHEREAS, the General Plan and Dublin Crossing Specific Plan Amendment Study also included amendments to the Dublin Crossing Project Development Agreement and minor amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ensure that there is consistency on all figures befinreen the boundaries of the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan area and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, an Addendum, dated April 21, 2015, incorporated herein by reference, was prepared, which describes the proposed amendments to the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan, General Plan, and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and its relation to the analysis in the Dublin Crossing EIR; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project on May 12, 2015, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and � EXHIBIT A TO ATTACHMENT� WHEREAS, on May 12, 2015, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution XX-XX Recommending City Council adoption of a CEQA Addendum for Amendments to the General Plan, Dublin Cros�ing Specific Plan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan related to the Dublin Crossing Project, v�✓hich Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 2015, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution XX-XX Recommending th�t the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the General PJan, Dublin Crossing Specific F'lan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan related to the Dublin Crossing Project, which. resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hc�urs; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the amendments to the General Plan, Dublin Crossing Specific f'lan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and CEQA Addendum related to the Dublin Crossing Project, for the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the pro�osed General Plan, Dublin Crossing Specific Plan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, and CEQA Addendum on , 2015, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, on , 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution �oc-�oc adopting . a CEQA Addendum for Amendments to the General Plan, Dublin Crossing Specific Plan, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan related to the Dublin Crossing Project and adopting a Statement of Overriding Consid�rations for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the CEQA Addendum and all above-referenced reports, recommendations, and testimony to evaluate the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part oi�this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the General Plan amendments, as set forth below, are in the public interest, will promote general health, safety and welfare, and that the General Plan as amended will remain internally consistent. The development envisioned by the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan, as amended, will continue to be consistent with the guiding and implementing policies of the General Plan in each of the Elements and will allow for development of mixed-use, commercial, residential, and public facility (parks, school) uses in a key infill development area that is within the service boundaries for utilities, the circ:ulation network, and will provide new connections through the community in an area where the� are currently limited. The development of the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan, as amended, will �ontinue to aid in implementing the goals and policies of the General Plan Land Use Element, Housing Element, Public Lands and Utilities Element, Circulation and Scenic Highways Elemer�t, Community Design and Sustainability Element, and the Economic Development Element. The General Plan amendments noted below will ensure that the implementation of the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan, as amended, is in compliance with the General Plan and t.hat each Element within the General Plan is internally consistent. 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Councii hereby adopts the following amendments to the General Plan: ' Table 2.4 shall be amended to read: Table 2.4 Land Use Development Potential: Dublin Crossing Planning Area �r � • - � - • � - � • /' �- '� • �- � ' ` � ` � 43.4 6.0-14.0 units/net acre - .- �. r r- n/a � � � 46.5 14.1-25 units/net acre �- - - e �� i. - - - _ �� Up to 1,995 dwelling a o- ' - .- � � 9 � 14.1-25 units/net acre units 5 r- 0.25 to 1.0 FAR 75,000 to 200,000 - _ o - _ � 23� 20.1-60 units/net acre gross square feet �- -� .- � • �� 0.25 to 1.0 FAR .. � 12 !� � � 30 n/a n/a : n/a o,- ._ - • ' � 1.1 n/a Na n/a ... , - . . - n/a - 23.8 n/a n/a . . • . - 18 9 Notes: (1) Net acreage is defined as the gross acreage less backbone street,public street,and right-of-way area. (2) Can have commercial only,mixed-use,or residential-only uses. FAR applies only to commercial uses. (3) The school site may be developed at the Dublin Crossing Medium Density Residential(DC-MDR)use and density if the site is not utilized for school or park purposes and ff the Specific Plan maximum of 1,995 residential units is not exceeded. (4) Park acreage is net usable acres measured from back of sidewalk and includes Chabot Creek. Implementing Policy 8.1 of Section 2.7.7 Dublin Crossing Planning Area shall be amended to read as follows: Concentrate commercial uses near the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Arnold Road. lmplementing Policy 8.4 of Section 3.2.3 Dublin Crossing P/anning Area shall be amended to read as follows: The alignment of Chabot Creek shall be allowed within the boundaries of Central Park and shall be counted within the 30 net-acre calculation of usable park land in accordance with the Project Development Agreement. While it is within the park boundaries, Chabot Creek shall be owned and maintained by a separate entity that is acceptable to the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts amendments to Chapters the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan: Throughout the document references fo the "Bikeways Master Plan"have been changed to "Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan." The second paragraph of Chapter 1, Introduction, shall be amended to read: 3 The Specific Plan address the development of the proposed Dublin Crossing Project (the Project) which is comprised of residential units, commercial uses, parks and open space, and an elemeritary school. Specifically, the Project includes a maximum of up to 1,995 residential unif:s, up to 200,000 square feet (sf.) of commercial uses, a 30 net-acre Community Park, Neighborhood Park land, and an elementary school site. Chapter 2, Land Use and Development Standards, shall amended from the beginning of the Chapter through Section 2.6.4, Development Standards for General Commercial/DC High Density Residential (GC/DC HDR) Land Use District (inclusive), and is included as Exhibit A-1 to this Resolution. Section 2.7 of Chapter 2 shall be amended to read as follows: Permitted Uses Table 2-12: PErmitted Uses identifies the statutory permitting/approval requirements for each land use in the Specific Plan area. Where a land use is not identified or this Specific Plan is otherwise silent, provisions identified in the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance and shall apply. Where there is uncertainty, the Community Development Director has the discretion to make a determination on the suitability of the proposed use. There are som� use types (e.g. Daycare Centers, Community Facilities) that are permitted in all traditional residential and commercial zoning districts throughout the City. Although not specifically list�d, these use types are also permitted through the same permit approval process in all r�sidential and commercial land use districts in this Specific Plan. In addition, those uses that: require a Minor Use Permit in traditional residential and commercial zoning districts throughout the City are also permitted through the same permit approval process in all residential and commercial land use districts in this Specific Plan. Narrative descr�iptions of the respective permitted use categories are described below. In the Park (P) land use district, allowed uses include those that are included in the Park Master Plan for the park site. In the School (5) land use district, allowed uses include those that are typically associated with a public elementary school and public park, including classrooms, a multi-purpose room, administrative offices, and parking. Allowed uses also include multi-use sports field(s) and playground(s) that could be jointly used by the school and the City for Neighborhood Park purposes. Table 2.12 shall be amended to read as follows: Table 2-12: Permitted Uses . - - . . . . -. �- . � . �• . �- -- .- . � �� �- -- .- . -- .- . � �- -- .- . � �- � �- . . - �- - - � Prohibited _ Prohibited Allowed Allowed • - Prohibited Prohibited Allowed Allowed � � � �•• � Prohibited Prohibited Allowed Allowed - - , Prohibited Prohibited: Allowed Allowed 4 • - Prohibited Prohibited Allowed Allowed ... . Prohibited Prohibited CUP/PC' CUP/PC� - . Prohibited Allowed AllowedZ AllowedZ -. - Prohibited Prohibited Allowed - Allowed - .- Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed � - - Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited .. r - . • - . Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited � - - II CUP/PC� CUP/PC� CUP/PC' CUP/PC' � . . .� - TUP' TUP' TUP' TUP' The first bullet under the "Convenience Stores"heading of Section 3.4.3, Special Uses and Conditions, of Chapter 3, Design Guidelines shall be amended to read as follows: Convenience Stores . Shall be located along major streets for easy vehicular access and to minimize impacts to residential uses within the Specific Plan area. Section 3.8.2, School, of Chapter 3, Design Guidelines shall be amended to read as follows: School The elementary school will serve as a landmark for the Specific Plan area and will express the overall importance of education and recreational spaces to the Dublin community. School designs are regulated by the State of California and Dublin Unified School District. Such requirements shall take precedent over the requirements of this Specific Plan and the design regulation and guidelines contained herein. However, it is encouraged that the school be designed in a manner that is compatible with the surrounding uses, access is provided from two public streets with careful consideration on circulation patterns for pick-up and drop-off, and opportunities for the City and School District to jointly design and utilize play/sports fields and playground areas are provided. The overall design of the school and associated facilities should be distinct and create a campus feel with similar architectural features, materials, and colors. The third paragraph of Section 4.4.2, East Gateway Plaza, of Chapter 4, Circulation and Streetscape Design, shall be amended to read as follows: If the property at the corner of Arnold Road and Dublin Boulevard is developed with commercial uses, a second plaza should be incorporated between the retail buildings. This plaza could feature a smaller water element and tables with chairs with the possibly of outdoor eating areas for restaurants. Accent planting in pots and planters should be located throughout the plaza to provide color. The East Gateway Plaza will be constructed concurrent with the commercial development. The second paragraph of Section 5.6.3, Schools, of Chapter 5, Infrastructure and Public Services, shall be amended to read as follows: 5 This Specific Plan includes an elementary school site. The proposed school site has been � designed to include a residential overlay and would revert to the Dublin Crossing Medium Density Residential (DC-MDR) land use district should neither a school nor a park be constructed on the site. If this site is not developed with an elementary school, the Specific Plan area is currently located within the service boundary of Frederiksen Elementary, Wells Middle, and Du�lin High Schools. The second parag�aph of Chapter 6, Public Realm, shall be amended to read as follows: Parks and operi spaces are connected through nefinrorks of roads and multi-use (bicycle/pedestrian) pathways, providing a range of active and passive recreation opportunities at both community and neighborhood scales. The park and open space system meets t�e stated land use objectives of providing a 30 net-acre Community Park suitable for social, cultural and recreational events and a joint-use Neighborhood Park. The following polic,ies in Chapter 6, Public Rea/m, shall be amended to read as follows: PR Policv 6.4 — Provide 30 net usable acres of Community Park land ("Central Park") and Neighborhood �'ark land in the Specific Plan area in addition to any open space needed for habitat, the rea{ignment of the Iron Horse Regional Trail, or provided for private recreational amenities and facilities. PR Policy 6.8 — The drainage channel (now referred to as Chabot Creek) shall be allowed within Central F'ark and is included within the 30 net-acre calculation of usable park land. Chabot Creek �hall not be a part of the public-owned park land, but shall be owned and maintained by �� separate entity that is acceptable to the City. Section 6.4, Chabnt Creek Habitat Corridor, of Chapter 6, Public Rea/m, shall be amended to read as follows: Chabot Creek is classified as a drainage channel and riparian habitat corridor, and is required by State and Federal regulatory permitting agencies to be preserved in its current location to provide wildlife habitat. Chabot Creek will be owned and maintained by a separate entity (likely a private association or other public agency such as Zone 7). The feature is physi�ally and visually within Central Park, however the creek itself is not owned or maintained by the City. However, future trails and recreational amenities at the top of the creek bank (and outside any areas restricted for use by resource agencies) are within the public park boundary. Chabot Creek runs northeast to southwest through the park providing an excellent opportunity at the top of the creek bank for passive recreation and education including the potential for multi-use trails with staggered observation points integrated into a re-created natural riparian environment. Section 6.4.9, Chabot Creek Habitat Corridor.� Central Park Section, of Chapter 6, Public Realm, shall be amended�o read as follows: This section of�Chabot Creek runs through Central Park, where the habitat corridor provides a passive-nature themed and educational amenity within the envelope of Central Park. The corridor presenres an existing drainage channel and conveys stormwater flows through the 6 site. Native riparian planting on the banks could provide suitable habitat for birds, insects- and small animals. A walking path with occasional overlooks and educational signage could create opportunities for bird watching and nature appreciation. Vehicular access is restricted to authorized vehicles only. Signage indicating this restriction will be posted fencing will be located as necessary to ensure pedestrian access only. The exhibit below illustrates the Chabot Creek (A), a pedestrian bridge (B), and riparian planting (C). Enhancements to Chabot Creek shall be completed by the Developer and shall not be a part of the City's construction of Central Park. Section 6.4.2, Chabot Creek Habitat Corridor.� G Street Section, of Chapter 6, Public Realm, shall be amended to read as follows: This section of Chabot Creek north of"G" Street and extending to the north edge of the � project site will be designed as a passive open space with the creek corridor. This segment has a more shallow profile and will also feature native riparian and other ecologically suitable planting that will attract nesting birds, insects and other small wildlife. This section will not be within Central Park and will be owned and maintained by separate entity (likely a private association or other public agency such as Zone 7). The development of this habitat corridor and open space area is the responsibility of the Developer. Section 6.5, Neighborhood Park, of Chapter 6, Public Realm, shall be amended to read as follows: A Neighborhood Park will be located within the Specific Plan area, which will be designed in concert with the surrounding development. The actual park design process will be closely coordinated with the Dublin Unified School District as they move forward with planning the design of the school site. The playground(s), recreational field(s), and other amenities are intended to be jointly-used by both the school community and the surrounding neighborhood. Section 7.3.7, School Site Acquisition, of Chapter 7, Administration, Implementation, and Financing, shall be amended to read as follows: The Dublin Crossing Development Agreement between the City and the Developer stipulates the conditions of acquiring the school site. As a condition of approval of the Large Lot Tentative Map, the developer shall be responsible for dedicating right-of-way and constructing all needed utility and road infrastructure to serve the school site prior to the completion of the school construction or as determined by the City. Financing The acquisition costs of the school site are as stipulated in the Project Development Agreement and the construction costs of the school facilities shall be the responsibility of DUSD. Development of the Project shall be subject to the applicable school mitigation fees imposed under state law. The first sub-sections in Section 7.3.8, Parks, of Chapter 7, Administration, Implementation, and Financing, shall be amended to read as follows: 7 Responsibility The land for 30 net-acres of Community Park land shall be offered to the City for dedication in accordance with the Project Development Agreement. Once this offer is accepted, maintenance of the parks will be the responsibility of the City. Park Improvements and Dedication The City shall c��nstruct 30 net-acres of public park facilities in accordance with the Project Development A�reement. With respect to the other open space, landscape, and similar facilities described in the Specific Plan (e.g., landscaped areas, private recreational amenities, in-tract pedestrian and bikeway systems, in-tract landscaping, detention basins), these facilities shall be constructed by the DevelopE;r. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments to the� Eastern Dublin Specific Plan: The following figurE�s shall be amended so they no longer include two parcels that have been included in the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan (APNs 986-0034-002-00, and 986-0034-006-00): Figure 4.1, Land Use Map Figure 4.2, Plar�ning Subareas Figure 5-3b, Circulation System PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of , 2015 by the following vote: , AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:1PA120151PLPA-2015-00016 Dublin Crossing GPA-SPA15.12.15 PC MtglAtf 2-ExhibitA-CC Reso SP and GPA.docx $