HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 046-90 LDD RecycleAmerRESOLUTION NO. 46 - 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH LIVERMORE DUBLIN DISPOSAL AND OAKLAND SCAVENGER COMPANY TO IMPLEMENT THE DUBLIN RECYCLE AMERICA PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has an existing garbage collection franchise with Oakland Scavenger Company (OSC); and WHEREAS, OSC provides the services through Livermore Dublin Disposal (LDD), a wholly owned subsidiary; and WHEREAS, OSC and LDD are affiliated with Waste Management Inc., which has developed the Recycle America Program; and WHEREAS, State Law requires cities to implement steps to reduce the amount of waste directed to landfills; and WHEREAS, LDD and OSC are capable of providing the knowledge and resources necessary to successfully implement a recycling program; and WHEREAS, the City desires to implement the recycling program in order to comply with State Laws. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the agreement for the "Dublin Recycle America Program" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Paul C. Moffatt, Mayor of Dublin is hereby authorized to execute the agreement on the City's behalf. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1990. AYES: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor Paul Moffatt NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: DRAET PROPOSAL DUBLIN RECYCLING ,PROGRAM Submitted by Livemore Dublin Disposal February 13, 1990 Revised April 16, i990 EXHIBIT INTRODUCTION/EXECUTIVE Recycling is an important element of every city's integrated solid waste management plan. Livermore Dublin Disposal (LDD), a Waste lv]a~c~ageme~'t C'ompany, views recycling as a soci. al].y r'esponsib].e approach !.o handling municipal solid waste. LDD commends the City of Dublin for its awareness of and concern for this cri'tical issue. Livermore Dublin Disposa{ is uniquely qualified to assist the City with its recycling program. Serving the commuriity for over 25 years, L[>D has provided reliable service. LDD's knowledge of the Dublin customer base, and commitmerit to outstanding customer service, combine to provide unequalled qualifications. Furtl',.e:[-, LDD's relationship with Waste Management, the cour'~.try's largest curbside recycler and largest provider of collect:ion, processi~g, and disposal services, proyides valuable personnel and financial resources . Recycle America, the leading national residential and commercial recycling program, was designed by Waste Mar~agement. In 1909, 975,000 tons of materials were diverted from lar~dfills by Recycle America programs throughout the country. With the implementatio~ of a Recycle America program, Dubl in residents wi 11 joi~ I. 2 million residential customers in over 140 cities nationwide and ].~ Canada receiving the environmental and economic benefits of recyc 1 ing. Currently, there are several Recycle America programs in Northern California, including Albany, Emeryville, Fremont, Livermore, Newark, San Ramon, and Santa Rosa. Participation, the key to every program's success, is high in these communities. The Cif. y of San Jose, with 180,000 households, has over 60% participation. Fremonh and Newark, with ~8,000 households combined, have achieved a 70% participation rate. Working together, the City of Dublin and LDD will ensure success for Dublin's Recycle America program. Success f~.t ]. i nc 1 ud i ng con~nercial/industrial businesses. This implementation of a RecyTle America program, units, multiple family dwellings and business. t'ecyc 1 ].zig programs have a mul t i faceted sppr'oacb , siugle family units, ~nulti-fa~nj.'[y units, proposal outline.~ covering single fa,nily c omme r c i a 1 / i ndu s t r i a ]. Phase I, servicing single family units, will.provide curbside pick up of source separated recyclables. Three bins will be pt'ov'i.,:.]ed ~:o sort clear glass, mixed glass and PET Plastic/Tin/A]un'~[r~u,~. Newspaper will be bagged or bundled and placed next to tt~e birds. The commercial/industrial accounts and multi-family units will be addressed in Phase II. For maximum effectiveness, LDD recom~nends implementaLion of Phase II subsequent to Phase I. The recyc].able portion of this waste stream may be diverted ~,si.g compartmeni. alized bins, carts or a combinatio~ of ~he two. [lesidential waste oil and composting, Phases III respectively, would be add-ons to the residential program. BoLt items require further study and analysis. recyc 1 ]. The Phase I (single family units) charge would be $1.2[~ per ho,_~se per month. This includes the 3 bin set up for each home. adjustments would be made based on the Consumer Price index. PHASE I - SINGLE FAMILY UNITS The initial program will begin with single family units. This will create co~nunity awareness, provide an excellent opportur~ity 'for consumer education, and generally get people talking about the issue of recycling and its importance. The success of a single family unit program is measured by tonnage collected and, equally important, the number of residents participating. Based on Waste Management's extensive recycling experience, there are three key determinants in the program's participation rate -- pick up day, what people use to collect the recyclables, and public ~wareness/promotional plan. LDD will collect recyclables on the same day customers receive regular garbage service. This will eliminate any confusion as to pick up day for the residents. Providing bj.x~s for' the residents will also avoid confusion and stimulate participation. LDD will provide three plastic bins, egg crate or similar design, to each single family unit. Customers will use these stackable/nestable .birds to source separate materials. Specifically, one bin will be labeled "Clear Glass", another "Mixed Glass", and the third "PET Plastic/Tin/Aluminum." These bins, along with newspaper bundled or bagged on the side, will be set at the curb for pick up on residents' regular garbage service day. The material separation is designed to maximize 'tile commodities' resale value. Selling recyclables will defray the program's cost of operations keeping the residents' fee as low as possible. In direct response to the secondary glass market, glass should be segregated, at a minimum, by clear versus colored. While further separation (amber versus green) might provide a higher comlnoc]i'ty resale value, requiring this additional sort mi'ghL adversely effect ~?articipation. Also, capital costs would increase due additional bin requirement. The proposed [;wo glass sor'L v~i.l s3atisfy the glass market while minimizi~lg customer and capital cost. Under the submitted proposal, however, LDD would assume all market risk for cOnm~odity prices. The area of recycling has been plagued by two recurring problems, lack of markets and lagging technology. Waste Management's joint ventures are addressiny these concerns. Specifically, Waste Manageme~t has entered ~nto two joint ventures, with Du Point Jefferson Smurfit, to address the opportunities for recycling plastic and newspaper, respectively. Waste Management and Du Pont have joined together to form the Plastic Recyc].i~g Alliance. The Alliance expects to increase [~lastics' recyclability through marke't development for reclaimed ~:,lastic, and new polymer technology. The recently formed Smurfit/WMI Recycling Com~a~ty, is expected Lo be the world's largest processor and marketer of recycled pape.~:' fiber, ].ncluding newsprint and other recyclable materials. Combinit~g the expertise of Waste Management artd Jefferson Smutfit. corporation, should result in greater efficiencies, provif]j.~g en.~] users with a constant source of raw materials. 5 PtIASE II - MULTI-FAMILY UNITS AND COI~tERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Livermore Dublin Disposal recommends full implementation of Phase I before adding multi-family units to the Dublin Recycle America Program. Avoiding overlapping implementation will provide gi'eater focus for each phase and provide additional opportunities continuing public awareness programs. Working with local landlords and the City, LDD will determine mutually beneficial method of recycling. Potential method.~.~ m~.~y include carts, compartmentalized bins, or a combination of ~c.he Issues such as routing and participation will be key cost issue~3. For multi-family units~, the program cost could be levied apartment rates exclusively. The commercial accounts will be addressed individually to best determine a method of collection to maximize recycling volume. For example, a business generating significant corrugated may be given a specially designed front loader container for source separation. This would be. collected by a truck carrying only like material. Alternatively, businesses determined by LDD to have a high amount of recyclable, though mixed, material may be separaf. ely routed for ultimate disposition at a material recovery facilit:y. 6 PHASE III - WASTE OIL AND CO]~POSTING Barring any legal or environmental constraints, the Dublin Recycle America Program would include curbside pick up of residential waste oil. Harmful to city sewers as well as the Altamont landfill, is imperative that waste oil be successfully diverted from 't[~c waste stream. Presently there are two primary methods of waste collection: prepaid disposal containers, good for a single use, or reusable co~tainers, which are emptied into a truck ~vith appropriate tank, at the curb, and returned to the customer. former option allows the program costs to be paid exclusively by end users. Thre~atter alternative requires some portion of fu~ding throu h the a e str the reusable containers g ucture. However, dramatically decrease the amount of oil contaminated plastic generated. The waste oil program may be implemented within i20 days of Phase I, or any other reasonable date as mutually agreed upon by the City and LDD. Due to the sensitive environmental and legal nature of curbside waste oil removal, LDD will study the East Bay Disposal Program before implementing a program in Dublin. In the event federal or state laws and regulations regarding waste oil and recycling oil are modified in such a way that would substantially affect LDD's compliance while providing the service, LDD reserves the right to modify or t.e~mf~at.e the curbside collection of used oi].. PHASE IV - COMPOSTING The stringent goals of AB939 are compelling reasons to eventually include coinposting in Dubl in' s recycling plan. LDD recol~une~.tds studying the benefits of composting as a recycling program Pending ful 1 implementation of Phases I-III, or at a mut. ua I ly agreed upon time, yard waste collection and cornposting c<~ul<] added for Dublin residents. Of concern is an ul[~].mate use ffor ~..}~.f~ cornposted product. Some of the end product might be of use [..o Dubl in' s Public Works Department. SINGLE FAMILY UNIT PROGRAM - OPERATIONAL SPECIFICS The LDD site a't 6175 South Front Road, Livermore, will serve as base of operations for this.program. Any customer in. quiries, complaints, or missed pick ups wi 11 be handled by the administrative staff, at 447-1300. The staff will route all to the appropriate operational personnel. Timely resolutions are guaranteed. The source separated recyclables, placed curbside (wiL. hin 3 feeL. of the curb), will be removed on the regular garbage day. I.,DD anticipates using an ~ppropriately sized side loader fo~: program. The truck body will have four compartments '~o ma'tcb. curbside sort. Truck selection will be based on -the number of customers to be serviced, anticipated volume of recyclables allowance for' residential growth. The truck wi].l be st. affed qualified drivers. The Dublin Recycling Recycle America will fully utilize one recycling truck. At the end of each day, the truck will discharge its load at Bay City. Paper Stock (BCPS), a division of Oakland Scavenger Compar~y. BCPS, located on Davis Street in San Leandro, has been involved i~'~ recycling waste, paper, metal, and glass for over 20 years. Through Oakland Scavenger Company operations, BCPS collects, buys, and sells over 2,000 tons of multi-material recyclables per month. This volume ensures some stability in an environment of ever changing prices. However, Livermore Dublin Disposal will assume all market risk. BCPS will buy all recyclables at their current "gate rate" as of the date of delivery. This approach will relieve the Dublin Recycle America program of an expensive sorting process as well as · the respoDsibility to locate and negotiate end mariners. Appropriately' staffed marshalling yards are very expensive. Additionally, delivery costs and administrative time the secondary markets) would increase substantially. Use of BCPS, in an armslength transaction, saves the residents of Dubli~ considerable money. lO PUBLIC AWaRENESS/PROMOTION PROGRAM The Dublin recycling program will operate under tt~e auspice of Recycle America. This represents more than just a program name; it is an integrated approach to operaS. ions, promotions, and public awareness which has proven to be a winning combination for' successful recycling programs. ']'he official colors of the program are white, dark green a~,:] green. On all trucks and front loader bins, the primary coil. or wi. ll. be white with one stripe each of the secondary co]ors. official Recycle America program logo, available only to Management programs, i s '{ The color theme and logo provide continuity with throughout tile country· They also build a unifying theme for ].ocal residents. Both the residential and business communities will benefit from education· The initiation of a recycling program provides a~ opportune occasion to educate the public· Year one public awareness and project management expenditures are anticipa~.ed to be ~20,000. Public awareness costs alone will run $3.00 per residential account· This includes the kick off festivity held at Dublin City Hall. In subsequent years, annual promotional project management spending will be $7,000 and $5,000, respectively· Working with the City of Dublin, LDD will specifically target promotions to reach each segment of the conununity for maximum exposure to the benefits of recycling. Pre-program education will be an integral part of the LDD approach. By reaching segments of the community before the program kicks off, people will be knowledgeable about the program from day one. The excitement and anticipation, properly harnessed, will result i~'~ a ground swelling of grass roots support. Community leaders (service, civic, religious] will be reac}~.e~'! through the LDD/OSC Speakers' Bureau. Through direct contact wjt.~. registered groups in Dublin, LDD will make speakers avai]able ~>r~ the topic of recycling in general and the Dublin program specifically. informa st i . LDD wi 11 support teachers interested in presenting recycling/ecological programs with pre-program round tables or Speakers, as desired. Realizing that a segment of the Dublin population may not be reached by either approach above, LDD will provide, with c].eara~"un~e from the City of Dublin, an informational mailing to all acid].re residential and commercial customers. This first mailing will. contain general recycling statistics and information. It wil]. also introduce the upcoming Dubl in program, promis ing addi riohal deta i 1 s as of a predetermined date. The City of Dublin Newsletter will also reach residents efficient manner. If desired, LDD will provide articler~ inclusion in the newsletter. The program kick-off, properly staged, will provide a media generating ample publicity for the City arid its' recycling prog~:am. Held on the grounds of City Hall, the kick off will include key note addresses by community leaders, distribution of promot].o~al items (pens, buttons, bumper stickers) and a very visible -- news worthy -- event. LDD wi 11 draw upon various OSC and Was te Management resources to ensure a-memorable, effective program kick off. The promotion and public education will not end with the kick--off. The LDD/OSC Speakers' Bureau will be available on a conl'.inuing basis. Also, LDD will work with the Dublin School Disf. rjcl~ develop presentation material targeted for elementary school si~.udetlt~s (including, for example, site tours of the Altamot'~t landfill for high school students and recycling presentation;~ grade school assemblies). The community has a vested interest making recycling an integral part of everyday life. The fu~.ure belongs to the childreniof today. Twice each year LDD will enclose a recycling update i~ 'the residential bill].ng. Included will be program statisti. cs and targeted goals. TIMING Day Sign Contract, amend ordinances as required. Day 60 Submit detailed public awareness/promotion plan to the City of Dublin, Day 12 t] (-) O Beg ]. n pre- imp 1 ementat i on protoo t. i on/educa 't i orl. Submit proposal re Phase II to City. Day 170 o o e City of Dublin Begin bi t u o Day 180 Phase I - Single Family Unit Program begins. Day 190 Begin Post Implementation Promotion Program. Day 210 Begin Phase II - Multi-Family Unit and Commercial/Industrial Program. Day 240 0 o Address residential waste oil program. Address composting of yard waste, REPORTING LDD will provide timely, comprehensive reporting to the City regarding the recycling program. Included will be a monthly su~l~ary, by coH~odity, of the total tonnage collected as well as the average sales price per ton. A monthly participation recap will be provided, detailing the number of set outs and the community participation rate. (LDD defines participation as at least one bin set out per home during the month.) Before Phase .[ begins LDD will provide a repoz:'t of the cu.t.'.~:.'e~t waste stream tonnage. This will be the basis for any AB939 calculations. ~ In the event requirements beyond those outlined above are introduced by the California Integrated Waste Management Board, LDD will amend the monthly reports to ensure compliance. 15 COST OF PROGRAM The following assumptions operations: Contract Term were used to develop the cost of Through 3/31/96. Account Increase 2% annually Labor Cost Set Out Rate Teamsters Local 70, 5% annual escalation, year 1 - $51,000. Year 1-50%, (based on East Bay Disposal's experience); 10% increase for years 2 and 3; 5% increase in years ~ and 5. Capital 1-40 yard side loader $100K modified with ~ compartments. Bins ($15/set plus tax and delivery) ,~; 90K Truck Radio $ 2K $192K Based on the above, the first year price will be $1.25. Subsequent annual adjustments will be based on the Consumer Price Index ("A].I Urban Consumers" for the San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose Areas ["All Items" Group]) published by the United States Department of Labor Statistics ("CPI"). See Exhibit I for the five year Revenue/Cost Su~nary. 16 The tonnage assumptions were based on East Bay Disposal's Recycle America program, servicing the cities of Fremont and Newark. Projected year one volume is: Newspaper Glass Tin Aluminum PET Plastic 960 tons 255 tons 50 tons 12 tons 5 tons Projected Landfill Diversion (Year 1) 1,282 tons Coverage of all single family units will be accomplished with o~.e recycling route, using ~ front end loader. Collection of the recycling fee could be handled with ease using the existing LDD residential billing structure. LDD suggests starting the surcharge at the beginning of the quarter to avoid retro active billing adjustments. In the event the implementation date did not coincide with the rate increase date, all collected would be applied only to recycling program expenditures. 17 EXHIBIT I DUBLIN RECYCLE AMERICA PROGRAM PHASE I - SINGLE FAMILY UNITS FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL SUP~ARY (O00'S Except as noted) Year Projected Co~nodities' Revenue Projected Program Costs Net Program Profit/(Loss) [ Cost per Household/Month $ 59 $ 65 $ 70 $ 75 $ 80 (134) (143) (149) (158) (167) (75) (78) (81) (84) [87) $1.25 $1.30 $1.35 $1.40 $1.45 NOTE: These costs do not include waste oil or composting. ME900i6.m i8 4010 East 26th Street Los Angeles, CA 90023 (213) 262-5145 FAX 269-8506 CURBSIDE RECYCLE CONTAINERS STACKING BIN SYSTEMS STACKING BINS DIMENSIONS LENGTH WIDTH Exterior: 20.125" x 15.25" Interior: 17.50" x 13.60" HEIGHT x 12.40" x 11.50" Stacked height for 3 bins: 35.60 in. Nested height for 2 bins: 24.60 in. Capacity: 11.85 gallons per bin or 35.55 gallons for 3 bins WEIGHT Model RBoR: Ribbed sides 4.0 Ibs. Model RB-SS: Solid sides 4.5 Ibs. DESIGN FEATURES * Injection molded HDPE construction designed for strength and long life. * Ultra-violet stabilizers added to prevent fading or material breakdown. * May include up to 25% post-consumer recycled plastic. * 5-year prorated warranty against defects in material or workmanship, * Available in a wide range of colors. * Patented snap-lock handles secure units for distribution to customers. * Recessed bottom elevates bin above ground so bin stays cleaner longer. * Radiused corners and reinforced legs survive the toughest punishment. * Large branding areas for Iogos and recycling slogans. * Four drain holes in bottom, NESTED BINS FOR SHIPPING .... r""""':';".: 7L::2" ~ .'" ' " ~ .: · ;'" :7 · '. ' -_ · %-' "'~, '" ": ",{ · !. .. '. J ',,~ STACKING CONFIGURATION A D V, aJV CE ~,~s~,v F~ESE,4Rcz-,, 41 B HANGAR WAY WA TSONViLLE, CA. 95076 .", PHONE: 408-728-4344 .,,,,tit" FAX: 408- 728-5629 CYCL 2000 CURBSIDE RECYCLING COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR THE NEXT GENERATION TWO BIN SYSTEM WITH COMB LIFTER ADVANCE DES ' N RESEARCH, INC. .41 B, HAIVGAR I~,4Y, WATSONVILLE, CA 95076 ,. PHONE: 408 728-4344, FAX: 408 728-5629 RECYCLE 2000 is a newly developed curbside recycling body designed to enhance the productivity of collection operations by providing large capacity, segregation bins installed on level frame truck chassis' equipped with mechanical filter loading. Bodies can be configured with from two to four bins on most chassis. Both lateral dumping and rear dumping bins can be set up to discharge .to most debris boxes commonly available whith the recycle truck and the bin are at the same 'grade level Charging height of the loading bins is nominally 36" depending on chassis and wheel arrangements, lessening fatigue and improving productivity. Charging buckets can be equipped with aXtachements to carry most semi-automated roll out containers on their front face for intermixed commercial and high density res;dential recycling programs. Charge bin capacity is adequate to accumulate recyclables from numerous residences between dumping cycles. RECYCLE 2000 is available in capacities from 24 to 32 cubic yards on single axle chassis. Due to stressed skin construction techniques, average installed body weight is nominally 6,500 p~unds, allowing most completed vehicles to be certified below 33,000 GVW with proper weight distribution . RECYCLE 2000 is designed and built by people with more than ten years experience in recycling vehicle manufacturing.. RECYCLE 2000 is a vehicle that will take your recycling operations forward to the next century. '0 0 0 · O 0 RECYCLE 2000 CURBSIDE RECYCLING COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR THE NEXT GENERATION ADR040589