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DATE: July 14, 2015
TO: Planning Commission
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING — PLPA-2015-00009 Dublin Mazda Site
Development Review Permit
Report prepared by Martha Aja, Environmental Coordinator
The Applicant has requested approval of a Site Development Review Permit to allow façade
modifications and related site improvements to the existing Dublin Mazda dealership building
located at 6363 Scarlett Court.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the
public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing
and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for
façade modifications and related site improvements to the Dublin Mazda dealership building
located at 6363 Scarlett Court.
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Sul4fnitted By Reviewed B
Y By
Environmental Coordinator Assistant Community Development Director
Property Owner
ITEM NO.: 8.1
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G:IPA120151PLPA-2015-00009 Mazda Facade Remodel SDRIPC Mt.7.14.151PC Staff Report 7.14.15.docx
,0000: Vicinit Map
Project Location
''%' '' - j/ The project site is located at 6363
.1 f Scarlett Court and consists of the
Project Site -. _. , existing Dublin Mazda dealership
- building, which includes a showroom,
�. � t.7 - Al ^- service reception, offices, parts
Ifs« k j ,tr_� storage and service area. This site has
- - a General Plan land use designation
of Business Park/Industrial and
ir7 Outdoor Storage. The project site is
't i zoned M-1, Light Industrial. Car
�� dealerships are a conditionally
' ' permitted use in the M-1 zoning
district. There is an existing
Vehicle Display r i ; % S r
Parcel Conditional Use Permit for the
`�; - dealership.
Surrounding Uses
The location of the project site is
shown on the vicinity map to the left.
• Scarlett Court and Interstate 580 are
located south of the project site. The Dublin Honda dealership is located north of the project site.
An equipment rental business is located to the west (across Dougherty Road) and light industrial
and automobile related services are located to the east.
Adjacent to the Dublin Mazda dealership is an additional parcel that is owned by Dublin Mazda
and used for vehicle display. This parcel was previously owned by Caltrans. As part of the
project, the Applicant is proposing landscaping on a portion of this parcel.
Project History
In 2010 the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Review for the construction of
a 26,775 square foot automobile dealership (Nissan Dealership). The dealership included an
indoor showroom, outdoor displays, parts storage, lobby, sales offices and a service facility with
17 automobile bays. The project also included minor modifications to the Honda Dealership,
located at 6382 Scarlett Court to incorporate the vacated right-of-way of Scarlett Court into the
site and for use of this area as inventory parking. The Planning Commission also approved a
Conditional Use Permit for off-site parking located at 6382 Scarlett Court, (Honda Dealership)
and a Conditional Use Permit to operate an Automobile/Vehicle Sales and Service facility.
Caltrans previously owned the small parcel at the southwest corner of the dealership parcel and
constructed an unsightly accessory structure at the gateway to the City. At the City's request,
the dealership purchased the site at their expense in 2013 and relocated those facilities. The
parcel is now used by Dublin Mazda as a vehicle display area.
Project Description
The Applicant is currently requesting approval of a Site Development Review Permit to allow
façade modifications and related site improvements, including minor improvements to the former
Caltrans lot, to the existing auto dealership building located at 6363 Scarlett Court. These
improvements will complete the transition of the site from the former Nissan dealership to the
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current Mazda dealership. A Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit is
included as Attachment 1.
Site Layout
The project site was improved with the original construction of the dealership buildings (Exhibit
A to Attachment 1, Sheet A2-1). Access to the site is provided from Scarlett Court. No site
layout modifications are proposed other than to incorporate the existing vehicle display lot that
was purchased from Caltrans and add landscaping to this parcel.
The existing dealership building is a modern design, with metal accents, simple lines and gray
colors. The overall design includes varying roof heights and wall projections, which is consistent
with the Scarlett Court Design Guidelines. The existing building ranges from 22 to 27 feet in
height and features several materials which include silver walls with a stucco covering, red
metal entry element, silver aluminum composite panels and metallic gray ribbed steel panels.
The main entrance to the building (west elevation) is oriented towards Dougherty Road and
includes extensive storefront glass. Although visible on this elevation, the service roll-up doors
are set back from the main wall of the elevation. The Scarlett Court elevation (southern
elevation) is set back more than 65 feet from the property line. Views of this elevation are
partially obscured by the landscaping at the terminus of Scarlett Court. This elevation also
features varying roof heights and wall projections to break up the massing of the building. The
north and east elevations face the adjacent properties and function as the rear of the building.
These elevations are not visible from the public right-of-way. Below are pictures of the existing
west and south elevations, which face Dougherty Road and Scarlett Court.
West Elevation: South Elevation:
The Applicant is proposing to modify the exterior of the existing dealership building to be
consistent with the Mazda dealership branding image. The Mazda image includes a color
palette of white, black, gray and green. The Applicant proposes to remove the existing
dealership entrance element, the metal louvers over the storefront and the existing aluminum
composite panels on the west elevation. On the west elevation the Applicant proposes to add
new aluminum composite panels (white, black & green) and stucco, and paint the existing back
metal panels gray. The Applicant also proposes to add a new aluminum composite wall and
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extend the wing wall to emphasize the main entrance, which includes a two story glass element
(Sheet A1.0).
On the south elevation the Applicant proposes to remove the existing aluminum composite
panels at the showroom fascia area, to provide new glass storefront openings, provide new
stucco and aluminum composite panels at the service reception wall (white, black & green) and
to paint the existing metal wall gray.
The Applicant proposes to paint the east and north elevations white. On the north elevation the
Applicant also proposes to remove the existing aluminum composite panels, and replace with
new black aluminum composite panels and white stucco.
Please refer to sheet A7.0 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1 for the existing elevations and sheet
A7.1 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1 for the proposed exterior elevations. The color elevations are
included as Attachment 2.
The landscaping on the site was installed with the construction of the original dealership
building. The original landscaping included a landscape buffer adjacent to Dougherty Road,
which was planted with a mixture of shrubs and groundcover to screen the vehicles. Additional
landscaping was also planted throughout the site.
The Applicant is proposing to add landscaping around the perimeter of the vehicle display lot.
This landscaping is intended to provide a consistent landscape buffer along the Dougherty Road
frontage. The proposed landscape area is located on a parcel that is owned by Caltrans and will
therefore require their approval. Condition of Approval No. 21 requires that the Applicant work
with the Community Development Department on the landscaping within the vehicle display
parcel. Condition of Approval No. 22 requires the Applicant to approach Caltrans about installing
landscaping along the perimeter of the vehicle display parcel and to work with Staff to modify
the landscape plan as necessary.
All signs shown on the plans are conceptual in nature. Condition of Approval No. 20 requires the
Applicant to apply for and receive approval of a Master Sign Program prior to installing any on-
site signage.
The project site has a General Plan land use designation of Business Park/Industrial and
Outdoor Storage. An auto dealership is consistent with that land use. The overall design
includes varying roof heights and wall projections, which is consistent with the Scarlett Court
Design Guidelines. The proposed project includes a façade remodel and the Applicant is
proposing to modify the building elevation to be consistent with the Mazda image. The project
site is zoned M-1, Light Industrial. Car dealerships are a conditionally permitted use in the M-1
Zoning District. The proposed project is consistent with the existing Conditional Use Permit for
the project site.
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In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants
within 300 feet of the proposed Project. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times
and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has received no
objections from surrounding property owners regarding the Project. A copy of this Staff Report
was provided to the Applicant.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State Guidelines and City
Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts
and when applicable, environmental documents prepared. Staff is recommending that the
Planning Commission find this project exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for
façade modifications and related site improvements to the
Dublin Mazda dealership building located at 6363 Scarlett Court
(APN: 941-0550-076-04 & 941-0550-078-00) with the project
plans attached as Exhibit A.
2) Colored Elevations.
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Dublin Honda/KBH LLC
6400 Dublin Blvd.
Dublin, CA 94568
APPLICANT: Mark Bankert
Marcatects Architects, Engineering & Planning
240 North Market Place
Escondido, CA 92029
LOCATION: 6363 Scarlett Court (APN: 941-0550-076-04 & 941-0550-
LAND USE DESIGNATION: Business Park/Industrial and Outdoor Storage
ZONING: M-1 (Light Industrial)
Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of
Site M-1 (Light Industrial) Business Park/Industrial and Automobile
Outdoor Storage Dealership
North M-1 (Light Industrial) Business Park/Industrial and Honda Dealership
and C-2 (General Outdoor Storage
South None None Scarlett Court & I-
580 Freeway
East M-1 (Light Industrial) Business Park/Industrial and Light Industrial and
Outdoor Storage Automobile related
West , M-1 (Light Industrial) Retail/Office and Automotive Equipment Rental
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