HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.3 Proc Girl ScoutsA PROCLAMATION OF THE' CITY COUNCIL CITY OF DUBLIN CALIFORNIA FILE # 610-50 WHEREAS, on March 12, 1912, Girt Scouts of America Founder Jutiette Gordon Low registered the first Girl Scout Troop in Savannah, Georgia; and WHEREAS, 'since the_n, Girl Scouting has spread across the United States and beyond brin ing to ether girls from a. broad ran e of cultural religious and sodoeconomia bac~grounJs to explore and experience al~qa~spects of li~ whzch encourage knowledge leadership, com.munity awareness and self-esteem; and ' WHEREAS, the. tit o Dublin is proud' to honor and recognize the ben.e. fl_ts that participation in GirY ~coutin has had for generations of our communit 's young women, as welt as provic~tng many zmportant volunteer services to ~he entire community; and WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts 9f..San Francisco Bay Area will be celebrating the Girl Scouts of America's 89th birthday during the week of March 11 - 17, 2001; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the City, of Dublin ex ress its gratitude' to the many leaders, 'volunteers members and frienas of the Gir~PScout organization who have contributed so muc~t over the years. . ". NO W. .TI-!r_E. REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I Guy S. Houston Ma or of Dublin on behal of the entire City. Council, do hereby ~roclaim March 1 ~l - ~lVarct~ 17, 2051, as Girl ~cout Week' throughout our Cit and encoura e our residents to join in this celebration and express thanks to airl Scouts for~flteir dedicated service to the wet of our community. DATED: March 6, 2001 ~ fv' ~j~i~/~,' S. Houston, Mayor