HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Approve 06-27-1983, 06-28-1983 and 7-11-83 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 27 , 1983
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on
Monday, June 27 , 1983 in the multipurpose room of Frederiksen Intermediate
School . The meeting was called to order at 7 . 38 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder .
PRESENT : Councilmembers Burton, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder .
The Mayor led the Council , Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag .
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the
following were approved : Minutes of regular meeting of May 23 , 1983 ;
Warrant Register in the amount of $117 , 378 . 25 ; Financial Report for Period
Ending May 31 , 1983 ; City Manager ' s Employment Agreement .
Cm. Moffatt asked that the item related to approval of final map for Tract
4988 be removed .from the consent calendar for discussion. Cm. Moffatt felt
concern related to complaints about dust on this project . The City Engineer
indicated the builder has been using' a water truck as often as possible .
The builder is working with those residents affected, and the City Engineer
felt a solution could be worked out .
On motion of Cm. Moffatt , seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the
following resolution was approved :
Mr . Fred Drena , Manzanita Lane, addressed the Council with a request that
because the 4th of July is rapidly approaching, he would like the Council to
June 27 , 1983
go on record and ask police to enforce the ordinance related to fireworks .
He felt that the people of Dublin voted to have safe and sane fireworks, and
therefore , users of illegal fireworks should be punished . He suggested that
perhaps permit fees could be increased, and the additional money could be
used to inform the community that illegal fireworks are very dangerous .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the
Council asked that police strictly enforce the ordinance related to
fireworks and further , that awareness be present regarding the proliferation
of illegal fireworks .
Elmer & Diane Hanus , on April 11 , 1983 , requested City Council consideration
of a juvenile curfew law in Dublin . They also indicated that there was a
serious speeding problem in their neighborhood and requested placement of
stop signs at the intersections of Bonniewood at Ardmore and Bonniewood at
Sharon .
The City Council asked Staff to identify alternatives available to the City
which might prevent such occurrences as those on March 27 , 28 and 29 , 1983 ,
in the future, and investigate speed mitigation measures on the streets of
Ardmore and Sharon .
The City Attorney prepared a memo which included a curfew ordinance from the
City of Sacramento, which has been upheld in court ; and a noise ordinance
from the City of Moraga , which has not been challenged . Chief Shores
indicated that these ordinances would be useful tools for the police in
controlling loud parties and loitering by juveniles . Chief Shores indicated
he had discussed both ordinances with the County District Attorney ' s office .
The DA ' s office indicated that both ordinances would make it easier to
prosecute . Under the current Disburbing the Peace sections of the Penal
Code, the police and the DA ' s office would have to prove that an individual
was maliciously and willfully disturbing the peace, of his neighbors, which
is difficult to prove . The Morage ordinance sets forth a standard of
reasonableness which is easier to prosecute .
Cm. Burton felt the idea of a curfew law should be resisted, except by a
vote of all the people . He felt this solution was like killing a gnat with
a sledge hammer . Cm. Jeffery agreed and felt that a curfew law would be an
overreaction .
Cm. Moffatt stated he was appalled at the hour many young people, even as
young as 8 and 10 years old, are on the streets . He felt a real need to
control this type of activity.
Cm. Hegarty agreed with Cm. Moffatt and felt public hearings could be held
to get community input on this topic .
Regular Meeting June 27, 1983
On motion of Cm. Moffatt , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council agreed to consider a curfew ordinance patterned after the
Sacramento ordinance, and to hold public meetings for discussion of same .
Discussion was held related to noise control measures .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the
Council agreed to go through the public hearing process for a noise
ordinance .
With regard to the speeding problems in this neighborhood, the City Traffic
Engineer has reviewed the problem, and due to the configuration of the
streets, it was the Traffic Engineer ' s position that neither stop signs nor
increased traffic enforcement in this area would be effective solutions to
the problem. The Traffic Engineer recommended that the Council consider
closure of Ardmore Avenue between Wicklow and Bonniewood, if it meets with
the approval of the neighborhood . Some negative consequences, however ,
could result from street closure .
The City Manager reported that barriers may simply move the problem from
this neighborhood to another .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by majority vote, the
Council authorized Staff to prepare the necessary documentation to notify
all affected residents that , on a temporary basis , blocking off is being
considered . A 6 month time period would be used to see if this solution is
effective or if it creates other problems . Staff should select area to send
notices and. a majority would be required to approve closure . Cm. Jeffery
was opposed to this motion .
In March, 1983 , the City Council approved a Request for Proposal for
Building Inspection Services and directed Staff to focus on private contract
services , as opposed to investigating the alternative of providing building
department services with City employees .
As part of the request for proposal process, Staff contacted those firms and
individuals which had previously expressed an interest in providing building
department services to the City, and made arrangements with a private
consultant and a contractor oriented publication to advertise the City ' s
interest in contracting for building inspection services . Staff also
contacted the County to determine if the County was interested in overcoming
those obstacles identified last year and making a proposal to the City.
In soliciting proposals , consideration was given to only those firms or
individuals who had demonstrated experience in the area of building
department services . In accordance with earlier City Council approval ,
Staff utilized the advisory services of William F. Anderson, who has
approximately forty years experience in the area of building inspection and
plan checking, and has served as Chief Building Official for a number of
Regular Meeting June 27 , 1983
agencies in and outside of the Bay Area . Mr . Anderson assisted in the
development of the request for Proposal, reviewed the background of several
firms which submited proposals and assisted in the interviewing of several
firms .
The City received proposals from a total of four private contractors and the
County. Three of the four private contractors were invited to an interview.
One of the three contractors withdrew his proposal at that point . Staff
interviewed two private contractors . In the judgment of Staff and Mr .
Anderson, Taugher & Associates had the best qualifications .
Staff recommended that the City contract with Taugher & Associates, due to
greater convenience to applicants, as all services would be provided in the
City offices and the City would have greater control over the provision of
this service .
Cm. Hegarty questioned where Mr . Taugher would draw manpower from during
rush times . Staff explained that the consultant would develop a pool of
resource people . Cm. Hegarty also felt situation would be much cleaner if
Mr . Taugher were already retired from the County. He stated he would rather
wait 1 year before entering into this type of arrangement with him.
A discrepancy was pointed out with regard to the price of $59 . 00 per hour to
handle complex commercial industrial plan check between the agenda statement
and Exhibit A of the Agreement . It was clarified that $59 . 00 per hour is
the correct and agreed upon price, for complex structural commercial and
industrial building plan checking only.
Mr . Tim .Nesbitt , field representative for the United Service Employee ' s
International Union, Local 616 felt a definite conflict exists with the City
contracting with Mr . Taugher , and that such a contract would be illegal .
Mr . Fred Drena, a Dublin resident was also opposed to the City contracting
with Mr . Taugher . He expressed concern with dealing with a Contractor who
doesn ' t have a track record .
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by majority vote, the
Council 1 ) approved agreement with Taugher & Associates (with clarifications
made to Exhibit A) ; and 2 ) authorized Staff to notify County of City ' s
intent to terminate Building Inspection Services effective August 15 , 1983 .
Opposed to the motion were Cm. Burton and Cm. Hegarty.
A short recess was called . The meeting reconvened at 10 : 30 p.m. with all
Councilmembers present .
Regular Meeting June 27 , 1983
The City received a letter from Dr . Theodore C. Woy indicating . his desire to
resign from the City ' s Planning Commission, due to health reasons .
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the
Council accepted Dr . Woy ' s resignation and asked that a letter of commenda-
tion be prepared thanking Dr . Woy for his service on the City ' s first
Planning Commission . The Council further authorized Staff to advertise the
Article XIII B , Section 2 of the State Constitution states that "revenues
received by an entity of government in excess of that amount which is
appropriated by such entity in compliance with this Article during the
fiscal year shall be returned by a revision of tax rates or fee schedules
within the next two subsequent fiscal years" .
Staff extimated that revenues in excess of 1982-83 appropriations for Fiscal
Year 1982-83 will be approximately:
General Fund $ 651 , 630
State Gas Tax Fund 184 , 750
County Gas Tax Fund 28 , 000
Revenue Sharing Fund 153 , 124
$ 1, 017 ,504
The City Manager explained that given the fact that the City' s organization
has not yet been completed, the City will need reserves for future capital
improvements, and reserves generate revenue .
Cm. Burton suggested returning the money to the people . Discussion was held
related to various ways to refund some of the money, perhaps $100 , 000 to
residents . Cm. Hegarty felt the idea was good, but questioned the means by
which this could be accomplished. Concern was voiced related to setting of
precedent . Cm. Hegarty suggested the funds could be better used to upgrade
visible service that will benefit the entire community.
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, suggestion was made to
refund $100 , 000 to people living in Dublin . The motion was defeated by no
votes by Mayor Snyder and Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt and Jeffery.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by majority vote,
Staff was directed to appropriate those funds remaining as of June 30 , 1983
to the Street Improvement Reserves in the General, State Gas Tax and County
Gas Tax Funds ; and to reserve for future anticipated projects in the Revenue
Sharing Fund . The City ' s total reserves as of June 30 , 1983 are estimated
Regular Meeting June 27, 1983
at $2 ,528 , 969 , as indicated in the 1983-84 Preliminary Budget . Opposed to
the motion was Cm. Burton.
The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for discussion of the Five Year Capital
Improvement Program and 1983-84 Preliminary Budget and Revenue Sharing .
The City Manager gave background information related to how the program was
put together . He explained that it was not necessarily all inclusive, but
rather a list of all possible projects he and his Staff could identify, and
other items could be added, should the Council so desire . Projects could
also come up next year which were not anticipated due to development , etc.
The projects were prioritized over a five year period. The total cost of
1983 dollars is $7 . 2 million, and this is a preliminary estimate . A total
of about $12 . 7 million is allocated for street related projects, and about
$2 . 5 million has been set aside for community improvement projects .
This plan was presented to the Planning Commission and they determined that
it was in conformity with the anticipated General Plan, as they are required
to do by State law . The Planning Commission did have some concerns with
regard to the value of street trees along major commercial boulevards , and
how those trees might impact the structural portion of sidewalks , curbs ,
etc. The Planning Commission also asked that Staff review the swales on the
north and south side of Dublin Boulevard at Regional Street and look at
street cross section on the north side of Dublin Boulevard between Regional
Street and Golden Gate Drive as part of the Dublin Boulevard Rehabilitation
Project . They also trees should be eliminated from the median ladnscaping
projects . They also asked that a review be made of alternatives to
construction of a Civic Center facility such as abandoned school sites .
A page by page review was made of the Capital Improvement Program. Each
project was discussed and eight modifications were requested:
1 . Sewage Capacity - ask DSRSD if industrial uses can use other permits
2 . Add ( 1 ) bus shelter to project
3 . Business Area Street Number Signs - include all business areas
4 . Contact TJKM re traffic signal synchronization timing and cost
5 . Consider extension of Dublin Boulevard in Dublin Boulevard study
6 . Develop project for Village Parkway fences
7 . Split Village Parkway median improvement into a commercial and
residential .phase
8 . Scarlett Court - notify CalTrans of City ' s interest in Scarlett Court
extension .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the
Council adopted the Five Year Capital Improvement Program.
Regular Meeting June 27, 1983
Due to the lateness of the hour , at 12 : 15 a.m. Mayor Snyder declared the
meeting recessed until June 28 , 1983 at 7 : 30 p.m. at which time the Council
will consider the 1983-84 Preliminary Budget and Revenue Sharing Program.
City Clerk
Regular Meeting June 27, 1983
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was
held on Tuesday, June 28 , 1983 in the multipurpose room of Frederiksen
Intermediate School . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 33 p.m. by Mayor
Peter Snyder .
PRESENT : Councilmembers Burton, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder .
The Mayor led the Council , Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag .
The City Manager explained that the Five Year Capital Improvement Program
had been approved at the meeting of the previous night , and at this meeting
it was appropriate to devote the entire meeting to the 1983-84 Preliminary
Budget .
A page by page review was conducted . Due to the fact that Eleanor Tandowsky
from the Dublin Library was present in the audience, the Library Service
item was discussed first .
Cm. Burton asked if libraries would ask for more money if the State does not
fund them. Ms . Tandowsky stated no, the dollars allocated by Dublin will be
used for extra hours beginning October 1st . However , according to her
latest information, they must wait to see what happens with the State and
County budget insofar as libraries are concerned.
Mayor Snyder suggested approval should be of concept rather than specific
hours and programs .
By unanimous consensus , the Council approved recommendation that the City
fund morning/afternoon hours on Mondays .
Cm. Moffatt questioned the number of Contra Costa County residents who
currently use the Dublin Library. Ms . Tandowsky responded that 440 of the
Library ' s users lived in Contra Costa County, but stated further that they
also shop in Dublin , so we don ' t want to discourage them too much .
City Manager Ambrose explained each budget item, and discussion was held
related to each . ,
Adjourned Regular Meeting June 28 , 1983
Cm. Jeffery suggested raising auto mileage reimbursement from $ . 21 to $ . 25
per mile . Mayor Snyder felt it was appropriate to agendize this as a future
item for discussion . The consensus of the Council was to raise the
reimbursement to $ . 25 per mile, and Staff was directed to prepare a resolu-
tion to this effect .
Related to legal services, Cm. Burton questioned the reason for the $20 , 000
reserve for litigation . He indicated he would be satisfied if the Warrant
Register broke down this expenditure separately from routine legal services .
Mayor Snyder asked if it would be feasible for the City to utilize a WATS
line, MCI or Sprint system. The City Manager indicated Staff is
investigating this possibility and right now it looks like the most cost
effective immediate measure would be the installation of an Oakland number ,
as many of the present toll calls are to Oakland. Because of the 13 digits
that must be dialed prior to dialing the actual number you want, he wasn ' t
sure if a Sprint System would actually benefit our officers . It was
suggested that perhaps an automatic dialer used in conjunction with a system
of this sort might prove cost effective .
The Council gave approval for Staff to negotiate the lease of an additional
suite within the existing City office facility to house Building Inspection,
Planning , Zoning and Engineering . The portion of the suite vacated by the
Planning Department would be totally utilized by the Police Department . The
City Manager also indicated that the installation of a sign should also be
considered . The City Manager felt a suitable sign could be obtained for
approximately $400 - $500 . A sizeable expenditure would also be required to
have room dividers installed .
The City Manager indicated a hearing had been held regarding the proposed
use of Revenue Sharing Funds , in accordance with Revenue Sharing law. There
was an individual present who indicated he felt those funds should be spent
for more police service, additional street lighting and bus shelters .
With regard to Police Services , the City Manager clarified that police
vehicles were not included in the budget . It would be necessary for the
Council to allocate additional funds if vehicles were to be purchased.
These funds would basically come from the reserve account . Cm. Burton asked
if , at this meeting the Council was deciding about the length of the
contract and/or the purchase of vehicles . The City Manager explained that
funds are being allocated based on the contractual figures given for the
next year for police services . There is no contractual obligation inherent
with this budget, i . e . you could turn around and indicate the City has
changed its mind and wants to start its own police department . The
distinction that must be made is that this is a budget allocation, not a
contractual agreement .
The City Manager indicated that Animal Control services have been very
frustrating this year . Staff has attempted to look at available contractors
in the area in order to improve the level of field service. A great deal of
time was spent with the City of Pleasanton attempting to work out some type
of mutual contract , but with no success . Mayor Snyder asked if it would be
possible to look into a joint powers agreement , whereby we would administer
Adjourned Regular meeting June 28 , 1983
the program rather than contracting . The City Manager felt that neither the
City of Pleasanton nor City of Livermore were interested, but possibly the
City of San Ramon would be . They, however , do not use the same shelter as
The number of licenses is drastically down and it was felt that residents no
longer identify with the County when it comes to animal licensing . They
feel that because we are a City, they no longer need to complete County
forms .
The City Manager explained that street tree maintenance is performed on a
complaint basis . Cm. Jeffery mentioned the west side of Village Parkway as
being exceptionally bad . The question of whose responsibility this was was
discussed. The City Manager indicated that a street tree pglicy should be
developed which spE�lls out whose responsibility is what . The County has
basically asked us what we want . They are handling now on a case by case
basis as we request . We realize this is an Unacceptable practice .
With regard to beautification, Cm. Burton felt the setting at the entrance
to The Springs was very nice: . Something of this nature could be
incorporated into the City ' s plan . The easement of this location was
questioned, in that perhaps service clubs could buy benches .
On motion . of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote ,
the Council approved the resolution adopting the 1983-84 budget , with those
changes discussed.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted:
FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 - $5 , 740 ,559
League of CA Cities Dues
Cm. Burton discussed the request on the part of the League of California
Cities to increase their dues by 500 . He asked for Council consensus to
communicate that dues should be increased by 20% w thout automatic
increases .
Adjourned Regular Meeting June 28, 1983
On motion of Cm. Burton , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the
Council directed Staff to prepare a resolution stating the City of Dublin
felt the proposed increase is too much , and that a 20% increase would be
more appropriate . Staff should convey further that the Board of Directors
should not have the authority to automatically increase dues , but rather
continue with the present method of increasing dues .
Solid Waste Management
Cm. Burton indicated he had recently attended a Solid Waste ManageEl.ent
Authority meeting and a report was presented stating that billions of cubic
feet are available out there _`or landfill . The County in their new state
law, in going thrill a General Plan amendment , state that all government
entities must have a solid waste disposal plan in their General Plan.
BARN' Meeting
Cin. Burton indicated he had recently attended a BART meeting and it looks
like .or,e of the options for our station is between Foothill Road and I-680 ,
with park::ng on both sides_. There was concern ex�>ressed related to t-he
possible traffic increase in Dublin with people parking and then travelling
elsewhere on BART to shop.
Mobile Veterinary Clinics
Cm. Moffatt indicated in talking with local Veterinarians, they were very
upset regarding the permits that were being issued for other Veterinarians
coming in to have cl .nics set up in parking lots . They are offering to have
similar clinic's for the people in Dublin and are also offering to
participate in a program in coordination with the City to register the
animalF . The local Vets further felt that those corning into the area should
be required to pay a fee commensurate with the taxes or monetary outlay that
locals must pay to practice in Dublin.
Cm. Jeffery was opposed to this concept in that she felt the loca?. Vets
should provide the low-cost services themselves if they are so opposed to
it . The intent appears to try and limit competition .
Cm. Burton indicated he was in favor of Business Licenses and fees for all ,
whether they are residents or out-of-towners .
Adjourned Regular Meeting June 28, 1983
Housing Authority
Cm. Hegarty gave a short informational report related to the Housing
Authority. Mayor Snyder will negotiate with Pleasanton to get Dublin
represented of the board of the Pleasanton Housing Authority with regard to
the Arroyo Vista development .
Hospital Proposals
The City Manager indicated there was real concern on the part of the two
hospitals as to who is going to give their presentation first . They will
make a summary presentation to the City Council at its regular meeting of
July 11, 1983 . Consensus of Council was for Mr . Ambrose to assign the
order , and convey that presentations should be limited to a maximum of 10
minutes .
Sphere of Influence
Mr . Roland Mayne from LAFCO has communicated with Staff and has asked "What
does Dublin really want - what area do you reasonably expect you are going
to develop? " Consensus of the Council was to convey that the Dublin City
Council had passed a Resolution stating requested sphere, and it is now Mr .
Mayne ' s responsibility to pass this Resolution on to the Commission .
There being no further business to come before the Council, at 10 : 31 p.m. .
the meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk
Adjourned Regular Meeting June 28, 1983
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was. held on
Monday, July 11 , 1983 in the multipurpose room of Frederiksen Intermediate
School . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 35 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder .
PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder .
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag .
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council approved the Warrant Register in the amount of $42 , 876 . 67 ; and
denied the claim submitted by Shirley Seronello .
The City received a Notice of Intent to dispose of the Dolan Schol site on
Castilian . The site is 26 . 9 acres . In accordance with the Education Code,
the District offered the property to the City first for recreational
purposes . Staff discussed the property with the District ' s Real Estate
Consultant who indicated no purchase price has been placed on the property.
Cm. Moffatt indicated that he was in favor of developing school sites into
park and recreation areas , rather than to allow them to go to commercial
enterprises .
Cm. Burton inquired as to the price being asked for the property, and Mr .
Ambrose indicated that while a selling price was not yet determined, it
would be negotiated within 60 days , after notice of interest .
Since the Council did not express a definite interest in obtaining the
property at this time, Cm. Hegarty suggested reviewing a previous study
which was undertaken several years ago .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote , the
Council agreed to defer a decision until after the public and the Parks &
Recreation Advisory Committee were made aware of the pending sale of the
property, and were given the opportunity to comment on the issue, possibly
at the next meeting .
Regular Meeting July 11, 1983
Cm. Moffatt removed himself from discussing this issue, due to a conflict of
interest .
Each hospital proponent was invited to attend meeting and make a summary
presentation and provide any additional information that had not already
been presented to the Council .
Representatives from National Medical Enterprises and Valley Memorial
Hospital addressed the Council . John Muir Hospital indicated they would not
have a representative present .
Many comments from the audience were received by the City Council . Lengthy
discussion was held regarding the merits of each proposal .
Cm. Jeffery suggested that no endorsement be made until after State approval
was received by one of the hospitals .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by majority vote, the
City Council went on record in support of the Valley Memorial Hospital
Certificate of Need Application No . 82-165 . Against the motion was Cm.
Jeffery. Cm. Moffatt abstained.
A short recess was called . The meeting reconvened at 9 : 40 p.m. with all
Councilmembers present .
Three of the four County Service Contracts were presented to the Council .
These were Street Maintenance , Police, and Building Inspection Services .
The City Manager explained that the Building Inspection and Street
Maintenance Agreements were very similar to the 1982-83 Agreements that the
City entered into with the County. With respect to the Building Inspection
Agreement , Staff has notified the County that the City will terminate
services as a result of hiring a private consultant . Therefore, the term of
this agreement with the County will be about 2 months .
Discussion was held related to the means of reviewing the various contracts,
particularly the Police Services Contract . Cm. Jeffery felt this was a
topic that should be discussed in depth, with a goal of refining the evalua-
tion method used this past year .
Cm. Burton indicated he would like to see something done in the way of
traffic enforcement that would enhance the cooperative spirit of the Police
and help the image of Dublin, and further stated he felt that officers
should be allowed to issue warnings for marginal cases, rather than
citations . Cm. Burton further expressed a desire to see more officer
visibility, crime prevention and public relations activity.
Regular Meeting July 11, 1983
Lt . Tom Shores indicated his department ' s willingness to comply with these
requests .
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote,
the Council approved the agreements and authorized the Mayor to execute
same .
The City Manager explained that the Animal Control Contract draft has not
yet been completed, and will be placed on a future agenda .
The City Council at its regular meeting of February 28 , 1983 , initiated
proceedings for the formation of a Maintenance Assessment District for
street lighting to replace the County Service Area for lighting within
Dublin . At that time, Staff indicated that there was a ruling by the
California Court of Appeals which has clouded the constitutionality of
utilizing Maintenance Assessment Districts for this purpose . This decision
was to be reheard, but to date, no trial date has been set . As a result of
this uncertain legal ruling , it is Staff ' s recommendation that the City
Council proceed with the development of a local Street Light Maintenance
Assessment District . However , if no decision has been. made by the Court
with respect to this matter at the time that it is necessary for the City to
notify the County Auditor , it is recommended that the City notify the County
Auditor to levy a zero assessment for the City ' s District . It was also
recommended that , at that point , the City request the County to continue
funding the costs of street lighting through the County Servcice Area which
is presently performing that function. Staff has already provided the
County Public Works Agency with the necessary assessment information in
order to accomplish this in the event that the City determines not to levy
an assessment with the Local Assessment District .
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the
Council approved adoption of :
During the 1983-84 Budget Hearings , the City Council approved the addition
of 3 positions : 1 ) Associate Planner position to the Planning Department ,
2 ) Administrative Assistant to the City Manager , and 3 ) Secretary to provide
primary clerical support to the Building Inspection Consultant and secondary
clerical support to Engineering , Planning and City Manager functions when
Regular Meeting July 11, 1983
necessary. Before commencing the recruitment , salary ranges and job
descriptions were presented for approval . Staff performed salary surveys of
cities of similar size which have similar positions .
Cm. Jeffery questioned the use of the phrase 'Master ' s Degree Preferred ' ,
and felt it should be deleted. The City Manager indicated that no one would
be excluded for lack of this degree .
Related to the secretarial position, Cm. Jeffery requested that minimum
experience be changed from 5 years to 2 years with a degree .
Cm. Burton felt a salary range should be established for the Associate
Planner position of $1 , 800 - $2 , 250 per month .
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted the following resolutions , and authorized the City
Manager to proceed with recruitment for the three positions .
During the 1983-84 Budget Hearings , the City Council directed Staff to
increase the reimbursement for use of a private vehicle on City business
from $ . 21 to $ . 25 per mile to meet the increased costs of operating a
vehicle .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote the
Council approved:
The Alameda County Planning Department has forwarded an initial study for
the modification of Alameda County Agriculture Preserves Guidelines for
review and comment . The proposed project would allow Planned Development
rezoning to be considered at the request of individual property owners under
Regular Meeting July 11, 1983
the Williamson Act, to permit creation of 5 acre building sites at a ratio
of one per each full 100 acres of contiguous total ownership. Various sites
within the Dublin Planning Area for the General Plan, and within the
proposed Dublin Sphere of Influence are under the Williamson Act . At its
meeting of July 5 , 1983 , the Planning Commission considered this matter and
made no recommendation on it .
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote, the
Council agreed to endorse the modification.
The Livermore Planning Department forwarded the Draft EIR for Triad General
Plan Amendment for review and comment . The proposed project includes
prezoning the area and annexation to the City of Livermore . The project
site is within the Dublin Planning Area for the General Plan and within the
proposed Dublin Sphere of Influence .
After discussion, Council consensus was that no comments would be made
related to this subject .
Directly Elected Mayor
Cm. Burton asked for Council comments related to the issue of having the
Mayor directly elected by the voters .
Cm. Burton moved that the City Council submit by resolution to the citizens
to decide on initiative in April , 1983 . The motion died for lack of a
The City Council agreed to discuss this item in the future and requested
Staff to place it on the agenda during October , 1983 .
Possible Reorganization of DSRSD
Cm. Burton suggested that the issue of dissolving the Dublin San Ramon
Services District should be addressed in order to get our issues passed by
LAFCO. Cm. Burton felt this dissolution to be imperative .
Cm. Moffatt suggested group work/study sessions be held.
Cm. Jeffery suggested holding a meeting with the Board of Directors to see
what plans they have regarding Dublin ' s Sphere of Influence.
Regular Meeting July 11, 1983
On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote, the
Council directed Staff to organize a meeting with the Cities of Pleasanton,
San Ramon, Dublin and DSRSD to discuss 'items of mutual interest and a
possible change in organization .
Cm. Burton reported that he had been in contact with the Director of Red
Devil Fireworks with the request to provide wooden sparklers only and
requested Staff to contact the Fire Department for comments .
Street Name Change
Cm. Burton questioned the status of the proposed street name change from San
Ramon Road to Foothill Road .
The Planning Director responded that the public hearing notice was included
in the Council packets .
Purchase of Art Work for City Offices
Cm. Jeffery questioned status of money set aside for purchase of art work
for City offices .
The City Manager reported that the money allocated will be added to any
allocation made next year . The Deputy City Clerk viewed the artwork and was
unable to purchase what she felt would be a suitable piece of artwork with
the money allocated.
Citizen ' s Workshop - General Plan
The City Manager reminded the City Council of the upcoming Citizen ' s
Workship Meeting scheduled for input related to the General Plan.
Regular Meeting July 11 , 1983
There being no further business to discuss , the meeting was adjourned at
11 : 40 p.m.
City Clerk
Regular Meeting July 11 , 1983