HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.3 Proclamation CA Earthquake Preparedness Month ...._ . 1-3 _....- .:,---:.•,-.—:=.:-.•.%:.:::.. ... --:-......45;40:.,•.. ...,,,,..,..,_--7.7,77,,:z,...,..„.......__ .....2.,...7... ..41,.,.. .... .5.._, ,, ,--.:- _.,,,,..,..,.___,_„..3., ............,„-...,....____..„.4:,, ,.,,,,....,...,.,,,,, ./,.......„.. .....,;.......... .--..-,.......,,,,..,....„...„,,,., .t4..:.n,%;16!:-.; i';,4':;7;.7.‘;-:1.-..---:=-.,"=,V-:',-,-:'.',:-e! 1 .V. -`.1;.:.-;-::•,'r kYl'i4ist1;,,-.!:,.4-,s:,4;ii61rit7.•'-...i.4-i4..:.:-.:.':47. l..-:g....--:-.1"; i?3.!:.-*:;YV7;•;:0-::;?.'.11'q;::"4'i'R1.::::.':,-:1::A-.'...,....:'.":,W,;:f4:..2.;,i1l:::l:-"%.;''1:i,•i7-`"j::-r.71i.:;•■t•••-t.IX•V::-.::1-:!.:W.4;;34,:;.:.:*f:;j;5, ;*;.1.:1!;-,:;'.F.?:::.:;":,::-q.I M▪ .:.;:.-i:ii• .:'A:::•::%.;.Y;-I-Y',-:".i•.•,Nd•.5r4;•.2•'•.4'4:741; : 4:2:':;::,,!5..•:':;'7,-!i•.:•-:,4'?'',1t-'i''i',..:5'".?::?:•:.7.'t:-4',:;i:•:'.'.g;.:.:i:1r.■i":;:.-??`i',:f'?;-:;;;r,.;-,i:•':)'•Y.',;.'•!':;-:..:7::1-.:.:C:4.;,V:"ii:1-•,-A.:.:;•,'1."•A..,-..=.V'sF'•t..:i.':.,:.:1:'ii:;i111:1-/g:/.::.';.':i..Z:'l":..=)-.,*.?-.-:.-..:•/•:.:•"::":1:a,:-:-.:r,:;:.;.-:?:.:..')...",.a:r,-5;,.-1•34••-.f;6•--•-;4; i,..-;:;.. ;e-, i4_ i..?:.ii 7 N5. . . 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A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL - . • . • 1.,,:-....N-.--,.,_.=.1.::,.„... ,. :...r.,,,-,::-;.=:.::'...-....:.;11-1,7.-=.,;',..:--.1,:•1:!,7, • ,.\-14.75,:;:.,-.-.-:-,..: ...._. • . .. -.,..,.,....„..- •••:;„.... DUBLIN ,.. ...... . . • .• .-CALLFORNIA .... ...,EiV- 23-7 :-.:::..-,.-:-..-....,-.1 Nbk A,Itm..,.:%„....,,---',,"s1". ).:..:•.: .,i:-.,.,,..•:-:..• .•-,.... • .. . •• ' . •:.• • ....... .••• .-:,.•••,•,... ,...j --•.•••••:,.... i. .,... .. -. • --... .•• .. . .. . • . .. . •.• . , ••- . • • ... . • .-,4",TIL.7.::::iig..V.i t....:1•.---1(6......a,,• - -:!• .T.T. c.,.....-.. ,.--•.4 • •• • — • •.1---.-•,-k ,.4.: 'f-1--iff•- ••‘4-, •:r• . * . 1 - . . . ... .., ---- - : .-• . • . .. . • . .. • „, I,.....''R• •,—,..,\ . '' •ki."1.F:,:..::f.:"!'14. ■l■4 .. . • , • .a r-1 Y -K •' f.?1.-• WHEREAS, . the State of :California -continues to.. experience significant - - •-••• . • t3:::::::::•„1-2-.,•.,.,.....:,,,,:.. --- • . .......„ K,,......,-....---;-,,,-_,••••. -.1,k1.1!:-,,.: .seismic activity, as evidenced . by the- - October 17, 1989. Loma P.rieta. i.,,;7-2i.::.;-i.--:..77i'..:7:::13'.-i• ''''''-'''''''':::C":"?-11' •i . earthquake, which killed. 63 persons, injured more than 3;000, -and caused an N.-.-.%-,.j:111-K:f141'••,' .• - • - . • .. . . .. :'.-&-:•.k-s.:;•--...:-•-.4s,:t \Wi.5a":,;-::':";.!iii."':-.. estimated .$5.9 billion- in damage, an : •. . . --,• - .• . . 1:___ 1..i.tex....4I..• .::::;ss ..: ...• •, -:,-. •,...-• -• • . -- . . •- •- ...,,,,ii --.,..z.,,,......:,., -,,,•• --.0.--,::...,..4......\ . -1 i?),-'i•Sf.7.'...:''"• "2t.i1.7;:-‘5: :.'..•- :...WHEREA S . - . --the ' loss . of -life •.1..and property • can be greatly .reduced - if '.-;-1',•;,4. -.----1-ft-i..,:-•••••••,w.:-:` - - and - ,i-..-..3_,-..k•:.••.•;77.....::.:.%-_-_--......1....,-; (;:.'"''''''.1.:7--f;':!...:•A''FiEl':.. : appropriate earthquake'. preparedness measures are taken before, during, ana • :_ifr•-_-:::::1:„..i::::-...,...;:n.::::: •,.4.::ir-....:: ,i. ..ti.-..-=-1 .-- • — - .,...---K.r-...f.i-7.. .•:.i,...:E.,......j: 0 •••-: .4.•••:5.": ".• ''''4- : •- after -a damaging _earthquake,. .an ,.., ... , - _ : _ „. _ : _ .. . .. ... . . ... . _ _ ..,,.. ..._... .. ..1 0 ..1 • ,... ,43:::: . . ,, --,N-4.;-:.: • „. f.„,i. . . _ • • d •''•'-i Ia..=•'''''..:•;,if,t..”. / . H ‘'ilic.".'1:1- .5-'!.....?.:1'T:::::;?'..:-Y''-': * :*.Ft7'if._ERE" .A. 5.-7 7. li.1; ...e. lilie-SaVi-n. ..;:i.-;ri)'Oseifii'reS• '...Wi.--11L:e.'high. lighted. during the month 4:--i--- F"::'..4.7.1•1;-:' - .• - ••• r ... ..„, .... - -- VI /:',..:.:.::!::,,:;?-s:Im ...iii':-.! of April . - as .', .the Governor's.::.-:...Office i . : .'.'.1::.•.,:,.of:11.):*in-'e"±7go,r2. --.Oy"....... S ery i c 6's, H... q4.-ti.2. • -the _ .:::......z.,,..., ..... ,„ . d : other l•-,:t.---_,.,---,,_-- --,F,,,..-..E,..--:,::;`; 1-3 • ;:=5.'z'P'''.1-:.-5,-*-- fi:-".- --:assistance --of • City :iandr----CoLillti :s.*:Emergency.,..-_-.5ervices;. -Offices and .. .,,„,.. .,..,./ \,*..,.. ...„7.:,:ssr•-.1 ,.-;,,i....1- .,.. ... .. ..._. .- :._.• ... ....... .. .:.•-.....f. ,-_-_,.. , ,--„,-• ,.. .,,•...,..-4.-.,,......".1.`-I ---, .•':.•7'.''. -- : '. ••.'' 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" • \ ii;(114'...?;.p....iis.:..1.:.!iz1.: ... ,...:. ...... . ......... . ...... ....2,.. ..,: .., . : . ..„• :,• ,7.. .,...:. ...,. ..,. ,, . ,).,..,.. :......N.:.t.:-:..:3.g:.'-!.‘.‘.,.: ..7... ..'-•......::::..- '..4-2. ..7--- - .... ." ..*,,;.. :•:. . 7": -. ."i.• .:7.2.- ....::- _.)P_,, --3'17--117;.?:•-:•:::::f..:4.'- --. . . ., . . . . . . . V-.... .......w:::-....vi i.::.,..... ... WHEREAS, the measures . .P.re Sen. t e'd.'-in -.-the :•:``BE A T THE QUAKE" •caMpaign -should ••••-• :..A.17i-':.,-.:,'.:-.?g&-':".f.--,11:41) . .. . , ,0.••••.::...-Te_.--f , ,• . . . -.:- ,- rir.I • increase ._ public awareness regarding proper Pr.Ocedure ...to follow. during a ...--.,:t„....,--..,..4v7,,,,,, *-,-.:*•,..,:r.7.-.,.•.,,-.; T1.7.,: . • .,._ . . .-. .- __. :. . .. - - . . .:. " .:-.,1111.•:tv.;2:;'.:0.1?:/ . .-.. • .... . .- • .-- . - ... :. - Gt.... Itig'.'4,&':41.,: t'-';' ' I: tremor- ' -... •• ••• • • • . :;. .• ••-•-:-•;•••- • ...•-.....,...: . . - ...... ., .;,:•-:•. ., • :-.•:.:::•.... •, .• . .. . • ... . ...- .......,... ._ . . • s• . r,,:q.--,,..,..7.,,,„*...,,,..., i..:ii FA-r,-....-ot-.aii, . 1,.11:FJ- :.:•--31•ti o' . - • • ... " ---.-". • — ' " • - • • •". • . . ,. - • - - . . -. ----- ,,,-. . .:t fIZ:.•,...g.-{..=-A1-...;:::::,:,_-.% ,pt--:--,...-..--":±z.5-..:-.-.,,,,:e,A•i•--,. ' ,lei,ijr•-::::::...:11-:;:.g.-,•..,.-.,.',T,..'' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Peter W. Snyder, Mayor of Dublin, .do - ••••:;frr; , z-i ,:_.i=.:7-.7.---:•,..7,.::•,c, i......iii:;;i'•- --;..7--;;;•...:!:••*".1.•. •- hereby proclaim April .1991 as -. CALIFORNIA,.'EARTHQUAKE- PREPAREDNESS MONTH" - .,•...,:•.”-..:-..,:-,:,y,-• -:;::.::•:,;::,,,i vi.-;•-•:::,::::....„-:;-,_ -... ,,-.f.-,Ii.• •,.. ,. . ..- •:. N-..-:6•%•.- "="?•; .•\;"':-. - and encourage all citizens to enhance . their knowledge and --'apiarenes. .o \''z.::.-.z.---:git - fiF. '•-.,1‘..n-t-..:. : :•7,..:,-.... gli.. proper safety measures to follow before, ' du .-, .a • nd after an earthquake.f'... ' . .. . . ....,-N. l',•S'!:.• -;?'.•;:i•.•-ji.'. ' .. . . .. .. " i..%9i,-;';:--&--=.,4"3i-••::-:.:-•-i.•.:".i:'.,'g'':-•'"::...1"..g•--4•.:-"•-3te.:-.:.f.,."::*--*C--•.r-.Vi.,I-"=:-I 47,.i,,"'"•....•. .• • - • . • . •.• •: • •. -.. -:-•:• . ..- .. -.- •C_ ...••. -.i._., •i.../g.A 1- • •. .•. . . • . DATED: April 8, 1991 ,\I;-..•:\),..:•:• A_(.7.-•--.'`:/':'•.\:.s.. ;,- g , „ , \ I Mayor Pe ter 7 ----_, Snyder ., ....;.._-- .0,1.., .......:, ___._._,_ •—•--,--_-‘,.-,.--.--;:.-,..:-,,T.:7-7,:7:7.:...7,.;'.7.7:7,7:-_,..-7.7.7-:-.-. i•1 k\ '..\::";:g:k.::..:‘::::. ..k"7";'.1';'.',---;-.--.,..-.7.:..7-7,,-:. --:. .---,-,::.-.:.•7•77.7.777.7"-•-•.',7;•••::77,-.:771:77,....7.7.. ..7..fr....7:-..7.7....W.,72:17. 7..;.,.t.:77.:•-•77-7.,--::•:....,,,-,;.'1...:1•-7::.;•,-;..L.,-1;;;, _;•.:;__:....;_-_-..,,,....1.....,_......-:-..._'-‘,......,•••••••..-'..--.....-,--••••-w.-•.•-•• _•,...1.\ - '..\ - /I I ' . C....) •••V%"'"1-'1' , V: ;4:7%;"•'•••"'''..1'°■••.•'''• •••••47,-•:%,--:;" ••••••g%':""%'4.;‘V•Ikt-Z2•;":.••••',4•,'FAg..- 1, i',1:1.,-••'- .:7'...z3.- . . ,...4.,•i.-"....7.41.1",,;',;;•. .1.-r!•110.e.4•,..,; ."..*_-2:-,. ...?;?.14'01,1.. . 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