HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.7 Financial Review 2nd QtrOF Ill 4 �Ir 111 113 � =�, 82 DATE: TO: STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL March 1, 2016 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers CITY CLERK File #330 - 50/600 -30 FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager J SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2015 -16 2nd Quarter Financial Review Prepared by Colleen Tribby, Director of Administrative Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a financial report through the second quarter for Fiscal Year 2015- 16 and consider amendments to the Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Budget. The City Council will also consider approval of a resolution amending the City's agreement with Fehr and Peers for additional work related to the update to the Downtown Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Approval of the FY 2015 -16 budget changes will result in the addition of $2,341,865 to the General Fund operating budget, before transfers out to capital projects. Total General Fund reserves are projected at $93,027,668 as of June 30, 2016. This report also contains multiple budget changes in other funds requiring City Council approval, and confirms out -of -state business trips taken, or to be taken, by Staff through April 2016. Approval of the amendment to the agreement with Fehr and Peers has no budget impact, as there are sufficient funds in the existing budget to cover the additional costs. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report, approve the Budget Change, and adopt the Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Dublin and Fehr and Peers for Consultant Services. Reviewed By Assistant City Manager DESCRIPTION: The focus of this report is to update the City Council on the status of the FY 2015 -16 General Fund Amended Budget, including on overview on all proposed changes and their impact on total reserves. As a reminder, the Amended Budget includes budget amendments already approved Page 1 of 5 ITEM NO. 4.7 by the City Council since July 1, as well as carry -over budgets from FY 2014 -15. The Budget Change Form (Attachment 3) lists all new amendments needing approval in the General Fund as well as in other funds. FY 2015 -16: Projected Results (Attachment 1) General Fund revenues are projected to come in $2,615,169 higher than the Amended Budget due primarily to an increase in Development Permit revenue ($1,912,369) and an increase in Sales Tax revenue ($500,000) based on the most current information available from the City's consultants. Revenue from Fire plan check and inspection activities is also projected to increase by the year end ($202,800). Expenditure projections are on track with the Amended Budget, with the exception of an increase of $273,304 for development contracted service costs, which correlates to the increase in workload and projected revenue, and minor increases for recruitment efforts of senior staff, and Dublin Regional Fire Authority retiree health obligations. Staff is also recommending that an additional $300,000 in General Fund dollars be added to the Shannon Parking Lot Project, via a transfer out to the Capital Improvement Program. The City Council already set aside $775,000 in a committed reserve for this purpose, but total project costs are currently estimated at $1,075,000. After incorporating changes to revenues, expenditures, and transfers out, total reserves are projected to decrease $4,678,827 from the prior year, as illustrated in the table below. The primary reason for the decrease is the planned spending down of committed reserves, as shown in the General Fund Reserves Summary (Attachment 2). Total Reserves, Compared to FY 2014 -15 and FY 2015 -16 Amended Budget The Reserves Summary also includes the addition of nearly $1.7 million to the Committed Reserve for the City's share of Alameda County Fire Services Other Post - Employment Benefits (OPEB, or retiree health) liability. The City is still finalizing the details for the creation of a dedicated side fund for this purpose, and Staff will bring a recommendation to partially fund the obligation to the City Council at a future meeting. Until then, Staff is adding to the reserve as a place holder, in keeping in line with the most recent estimate of the City's liability. The following is a description of the specific changes to revenues and expenditures in the General Fund. These are also listed on the Budget Change Form (Attachment 3). Page 2 of 5 Amended 2nd Quarter Actual Budget 2nd Quarter Projection 2014 -15 2015 -16 Changes 2015 -16 Revenue $ 71,835,097 $ 2,615,169 $ 74,450,266 Expenditures $ (64,667,035) $ (273,304) $ (64,940,339) Transfers Out $ (13,388,754) $ (800,000) $ (14,188,754) Year End Reserves $ 97,706,494 $ 91,485,803 $ 1,541,865 $ 93,027,668 Change to Reserves from Prior Year (6,220,692) (4,678,827) The Reserves Summary also includes the addition of nearly $1.7 million to the Committed Reserve for the City's share of Alameda County Fire Services Other Post - Employment Benefits (OPEB, or retiree health) liability. The City is still finalizing the details for the creation of a dedicated side fund for this purpose, and Staff will bring a recommendation to partially fund the obligation to the City Council at a future meeting. Until then, Staff is adding to the reserve as a place holder, in keeping in line with the most recent estimate of the City's liability. The following is a description of the specific changes to revenues and expenditures in the General Fund. These are also listed on the Budget Change Form (Attachment 3). Page 2 of 5 REVENUES Development Permits: $1,912,369 higher than budget Account Amended Budget Projected Change Recommended Budget Building Permits $2,444,500 $1,791,216 $4,235,716 C &D Permit $91,380 $43,445 $134,825 City CAL Green $140,772 $77,708 $248,273 Total Change $1,912,369 Fire Division Revenue: $201,253 higher than budget Account Amended Budget Projected Change Recommended Budget Misc Fire Revenue $500 $2,500 $3,000 Fire Plan Check $25,000 $42,771 $67,771 Fixed Systems $1,032 $5,982 $7,014 Sprinklers $130,000 $120,000 $250,000 Fire Alarm $15,000 $30,000 $45,000 Total Change $201,253 The increase in the Development Permits and Fire Division revenue is related to the continued acceleration of development activity that began in the latter half of FY 2013 -14 and which has continued into FY 2015 -16. Sales Tax Revenue: $500,000 higher than budget Upon receipt of the most current economic data and sales tax revenues, and discussions with the City's Sales Tax consultant, Staff is now projecting sales tax revenue to come in $500,000 higher than originally budgeted. The increase is due mainly to newly opened stores posting stronger than projected sales, including new restaurants. EXPENDITURES Contracted Services: $273,304 higher than budget Total Change $273,304 Page 3 of 5 Amended Projected Recommended Account Budget Change Budget Community Development, Contract $1,707,951 $192,049 $1,900,000 Services Human Resources, $43,000 $27,500 $70,500 Contract Services Public Works, Contract $0 $25,000 $25,000 Services DRFA Obligation $71,300 $28,755 $100,055 Total Change $273,304 Page 3 of 5 The increase in Contracted Services is due to planning and building contract service costs, which correlates to the increase in workload and is offset with an increase in Building Permits revenue. Additionally, there are minor increases in other departmental contracted service costs, including recruitment costs for a senior staff position, consultant services to assist the City in performing Business Storm Water Inspections, and worker's compensation settlement costs in the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority program. CIP /ONE -TIME EXPENDITURES Shannon Center Parking Lot: $800,000 higher than budget In June 2014 the City Council committed $775,000 in a General Fund reserve for the renovation of the Shannon Center Parking Lot. In July 2015, $275,000 was budgeted in the project to initiate the design work. During the preliminary work, it was determined that the facility would be better served with more lighting in the parking lot than was originally planned, as well as the inclusion of an Electric Vehicle charging station. These items are estimated to cost an additional $300,000, for a total project estimate of $1,075,000. Approval of the budget change will bring the project budget in line with the estimated cost, funded by $775,000 from committed reserves, and $300,000 from the unassigned cash flow. OTHER ACTIONS In addition to the changes to the General Fund, there are numerous budget amendments in other funds that require City Council approval. The majority of these are for administrative purposes only, such as reduced current year expenditure budgets because a particular activity will occur in the next fiscal year as opposed to this one, increased revenue from an in -lieu payment from a developer, decreased budgets for developer -built projects, or the incorporation of the updated Impact Fees. Since all of the adjustments are listed in the Budget Change Form (Attachment 3), only the non - administrative items (new appropriations) will be highlighted here in the Staff Report: 1. Budget adjustments, Non - General Fund: a) Appropriate $120,000 in the EDTIF (Eastern Dublin Traffic Improvement Fund) Category 1 Fund (4301) to hire a consultant to prepare a nexus analysis to allow an update to the EDTIF. b) Increase $80,000 in Affordable Housing Fund (2901) for legal services associated with the Veterans Housing Project c) Appropriate $61,133 in TFCA/Transportation for Clean Fund (2207) and $135,347 in Vehicle Registration Fee (ACTC) Fund (2212) for a total of $196,480 and create the Village Parkway and Brighton Traffic Signal Upgrade Project (stNEW4). o The project was originally slated to begin in FY 2016 -17, and was created to implement a left turn phase at the traffic signal which is an intersection used heavily by Dublin High School students and parents as a direct route to the school. This will eliminate movement conflicts between left turning vehicles and pedestrians. The timeline for the project has been moved into the current Fiscal Year to ensure construction is completed prior to commencement of the 2016 -17 school year, which begins in mid - August. Page 4 of 5 d) Appropriate an additional $30,000 in Public Arts Fund (2801) dollars for the Fallon Sports Park Project (pk0515) to bring the budget in line with anticipated costs for the public art installation. 2. Other Items (no budget impact): a) Adoption of a Resolution Approving of an amendment to the Agreement with Fehr and Peers (Attachment 4) for additional work needed to prepare technical studies and to respond to public comments regarding Downtown Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. There are sufficient funds in the existing operating budget. b) Out -of -State Travel Report: • Parks and Facilities Development Coordinator to Chicago, IL for the American Society of Landscape Architects annual conference in Nov 2015 • Director of Community Development Department to Phoenix, AZ for American Planning Association national conference in April 2016 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS /PUBLIC OUTREACH: 1► •l'7iT� ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Fund Summary, 2nd Quarter FY 2015 -16 2. General Fund Reserves 3. Budget Change 4. Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Agreement Between the City of Dublin and Fehr and Peers for Consultant Services Page 5 of 5 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY, 2nd Quarter FY 2015 -16 ATTACHMENT 1 Actual Adopted Amended Projected Projected vs. 14 -15 15 -16 15 -16 15 -16 Amended Revenues Property Taxes 29,437,951 31,786,036 32,913,746 32,913,746 Sales Tax 18,571,057 20,236,439 20,236,439 20,736,439 500,000 Other Taxes 6,159,654 4,908,000 4,908,000 4,908,000 - Development Permits 5,860,052 2,938,433 2,938,433 4,850,802 1,912,369 Development Services 4,781,506 4,032,006 4,032,006 4,032,006 - Other Licenses & Permits 195,203 185,259 185,259 185,259 Fines & Penalties 124,529 109,932 109,932 109,932 Interest 550,264 466,191 466,191 466,191 Rentals & Leases 1,001,581 943,073 943,073 943,073 Intergovernmental 483,300 198,620 198,620 198,620 - Charges for Services 5,527,476 3,867,803 3,867,803 4,070,603 202,800 Other Revenue 441,791 358,417 359,917 359,917 - Community Benefit Payment 2,964,899 675,678 675,678 675,678 - Subtotal Revenues 76,099,262 70,705,887 71,835,097 74,450,266 2,615,169 Carryover Prior Year Operating Revenues 866,562 866,562 Total Revenues 76,099,262 70,705,887 72,701,659 75,316,828 2,615,169 Expenditures Salaries & Wages 9,465,819 10,535,746 10,520,746 10,520,746 - Benefits 4,395,043 5,074,484 5,074,484 5,074,484 Services & Supplies 1,584,944 2,641,339 2,642,839 2,642,839 Internal Service Fund Charges 1,763,226 2,584,258 2,584,258 2,584,258 Utilities 1,724,116 2,100,310 2,100,310 2,100,310 - Contracted Services 37,400,528 39,397,142 39,875,830 40,149,134 273,304 Capital Outlay 174,314 329,250 355,005 355,005 - Contingency & Contributions 69,264 717,756 647,001 647,001 Future Projects - - - - Subtotal Expenditures 56,577,252 63,380,285 63,800,473 64,073,777 273,304 Carryover Prior Year Operating Expenditures 866,562 866,562 Total Expenditures 56,577,252 63,380,285 64,667,035 64,940,339 273,304 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) 19,522,010 7,325,602 8,034,624 10,376,489 2,341,865 CIP / One -Time Expenditures Maintenance Yard * (883,578) - (250,023) (250,023) - Public Safety Complex * (7,022) PD Wing Renovation * (31,857) (1,968,143) (1,968,143) Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex * (2,897,650) (3,000,000) (3,000,000) Civic Center Modifications * (122,339) (33,118) (33,118) Cemetery Expansion * (6,928) (998,151) (1,808,183) (1,808,183) Shannon Center Parking Lot Improvements* (275,000) (1,075,000) (800,000) Amador Plaza Rd Bicycle & Pad Impr * (9,605) (459,647) (459,647) Contribution to ISF * - (2,000,000) (2,000,000) Fallon Sports Park - Phase 1 * (1,800,000) (1,800,000) (1,800,000) Storm Drain Trash Capture * (400,000) (400,000) (400,000) San Ramon Rd Landscape (405) (238,660) (238,660) Sidewalk Safety (67,784) (104,925) (244,252) (244,252) Electronic Agenda (27,902) (216,103) (216,103) Network Syst Upgrade (89,789) (30,000) (254,004) (254,004) Tennis Court Resurfacing (133,090) GIS Portal Implementation (19,000) (106,656) (106,656) ADA Transition (22,400) (23,833) (45,010) (45,010) Storm Drain Condition (184) (83,128) (289,954) (289,954) TOTAL CIP /ONE -TIME EXPENDITURES (1,393,277) (6,366,292) (13,388,754) (14,188,754) (800,000): USE OF RESERVES (for projects noted by *) 1,051,723 6,105,406 11,994,115 12,794,115 800,000 NET IMPACT ON RESERVES 18,128,733 959,310 (6,220,692) (4,678,827) 1,541,865 TOTAL RESERVES 97,706,494 91,485,803 93- ,027,668' 1,541,865 General Fund Reserves ATTACHMENT 2 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2014 -15 FY 2015 -16 FY 2015 -16 FY 2015 -16 FY 2015 -16 Reserve Balances YEAR END INCREASE DECREASE CHANGE YEAR END Non- Sendle 1,415,691 = (633830)(633630) 841,861 Prepaid Expenses 27,080 27,080 Cemetery Endowment 60,000 60,000 Advance to Public Facility Fees - - Advance to Fire Impact Fee 470,606 (250,000) (250,000) 220,606 Advance to PERS Side Fund 918,005 (383,830) (383,830) 534,175 Restricted 500,000 500,000 Heritage Park Maintenance 500,000 500,000 Ummitted. ' 38,531,179 -3,152,190, ($,$2$,972) , ' (5,673,782) , ' 32,857,397, Economic Stability 6,000,000 6,000,000 Downtown Public Impr 1,000,000 (459,647) (459,647) 540,353 Open Space Funding - - Affordable Housing 1,000,000 1,000,000 Emergency Communications 741,000 - 741,000 Fire Svcs OPEB 9,196,000 1,682,000 1,682,000 10,878,000 Innovations & New Opport 1,372,785 - 1,372,785 Jt City/ School Projects 46,015 46,015 One -Time Initiative 1,341,408 1,341,408 Specific Committed Reserves - Emerald Glen Aquatic Complex 3,000,000 (3,000,000) (3,000,000) - Maintenance Facility 250,023 (250,023) (250,023) - Cemetery Expansion 5,272,210 (1,808,183) (1,808,183) 3,464,027 Fallon Sports Park 2,000,000 (1,800,000) (1,800,000) 200,000 Civic Ctr Expansion 136,737 (33,118) (33,118) 103,619 Public Safety Complex - - Storm Drain Capture 400,000 (400,000) (400,000) Shannon Center Parking Lot 775,000 300,000 (1,075,000) (775,000) - Utility Undergrounding - 1,170,190 1,170,190 1,170,190 Advance to Public Facility Fee 6,000,000 - 6,000,000 Assigned 35,875,264 ''4411,150, (6,243,,458) , (3,832,308) 32,042,956 Accrued Leave 953,251 953,251 Operating Carryovers 866,562 (866,562) (866,562) - CIP Carryovers 1,133,753 (1,133,753) (1,133,753) - Non- Streets CIP Commitments 3,132,016 1,205,575 1,205,575 4,337,591 Catastophic Loss 10,608,186 - 10,608,186 Service Continuity 2,771,500 - 2,771,500 Pension & OPEB 9,866,853 1,205,575 (250,000) 955,575 10,822,428 Fiscally Responsible Adj 325,000 - 325,000 Municipal Regional Permit 2,250,000 - (25,000) (25,000) 2,225,000 Specific Assigned Reserves - Civic Ctr Renovation - Police 1,968,143 (1,968,143) (1,968,143) - Contribution to ISF 2,000,000 (2,000,000) (2,000,000) Unassigned '21,324,361 15,703,260 (10,242,167) '5,461j,093_,1 26,785,454, Unassigned- Unrealized Gains (242,263) (242,263) Uunass "ugirned (A.valillallAe) 21,566,623 27,027,717 TOTAL RESERVES 1 97,706,494 1 21,266,600 (25,945,427) (4,678,827) 93,027,668 From Un- Appropriated Reserves X From Designated Reserves X Budget Change Description CITY OF DUBLIN FISCAL YEAR 2015 -16 BUDGET CHANGE FORM General Fund Budget Change Reference #: Budget Transfer Between Funds Account Other ATTACHMENT 3 X Amount Outsource for recruitment of an executive management EXP: General Fund - Human Resources member. 1001.1401.64001 Contract Services $27,500 Worker's compensation settlement for Dougherty Regional EXP: General Fund - DRFA Fire Authority. 1001.2405.64061 (DRFA Obligation) $28,755 Assistance of a consultant to performing Business EXP: General Fund - Environmental Services Stormwater Inspections in accordance with Provision C4 (Industrial and Commercial Site Controls) of the 2nd Municipal Regional Permit (MRP 2). Funding to come from General Reserve for the MRP2 work. 1001.5201.64001 Contract Services $25,000 Contract costs in Community Development for increased EXP: General Fund - Building & Safety building, safety and engineering work due to higher than projected development activities. 1001.8102.64001 Contract Services $192,049 Other Funds Re- allocate funding to CIP - Village Parkway & Brighton EXP: Transportation for Clean Air Fund - Engineering Traffic Signal Update. 2207.8301.51101 (Salaries) ($10,000) 2207.8301.64001 Contract Services $51,133 Legal services associated with Veterans Housing project. EXP: Affordable Housing Fund - City Attorney 2901.1501.65111 Professional Services $80,000 Reduce the appropriation of Eden Housing loan due to draw EXP: Affordable Housing Fund - Housing down will not happen until FY 17 -18, will re- appropriate in FY 17 -18. 2901.5701.66102 (Housing Development Loan $1,100,000 EXP - EDTIF - Engineering Contract Costs higher than projected due to the need to hire a consultant to prepare a nexus analysis. 4301.8301.51101 (Salaries) $10,000 4301.8301.65101 Professional Consulting) $110,000 General Fund 1001.8102.44231 (Building Permit $1,791,216 1001.8102.44232 (Construction & Demolition Permit ) $43,445 1001.8102.44233 (CAL Green Bldg Permit Surcharge) $77,708 Due to higher than projected development activities. 1001.2402.48301 Fire Alarm $30,000 1001.2402.48302 (Fire Charge for Services - Sprinkler/Underground) $120,000 G: \Quarterly Reports \FY 15- 16 \15 -16 Q2 \ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT FISCAL YEAR 2015 -16 ATTACHMENT 3 BUDGET CHANGE FORM Budget Change Reference #: City Council "s Approval Required 1001.2402.48303 (Fire Charge for Services - Fixed System) $6,000 1001.2402.48305 Fire Plan Check $42,000 1001.2402.48309 Misc Fire Services $4,800 Higher than projected Sales Tax receipts. 1001.0000.42101 Sales Tax $500,000 Special Revenue Funds New revenues. 2214.0000.42101 Measure BB - Local Streets $320,000 2215.0000.42101 Measure BB - Bike & Ped $110,000 Due to developer paying in -lieu fee instead of installing public art. 2801.0000.49161 Public Art Fund $240,000 Impact Fee Funds Delay of a development project anticipated to pay in -lieu fee and use of parkland credit by another development project. 4101.0000.49161 PFF - Community Parkland $770,000 Due to higher than projected development activities and increase in fee rates due to new fee study. 4101.0000.49163 PFF - Community Parkland $12,500 4102.0000.49161 PFF - Neighborhood Parkland $77,000 4103.0000.49161 (PFF - Community Park Improve.) $1,400,000 4104.0000.49161 PFF -Neighborhood Park Im rov $40,000 4105.0000.49161 PFF -Community Buildings) $900,000 4106.0000.49161 PFF - Libraries $300,000 4107.0000.49161 PFF - Civic Center $200,000 4108.0000.49161 PFF - Aquatic) $35,000 4109.0000.49161 (Quimby Act Park In -lieu Fee $188,000 New fees. 4110.0000.49161 (PFF - Community Nature Parkland ) $30,000 4111.0000.49161 (PFF - Community Nature Park Improve.) $200,000 Due to higher than projected development activities. 4201.0000.49161 Fire Impact fee $120,000 Due to higher than projected development activities. 4301.0000.49161 EDTIF1 $550,000 4301.0000.49163 EDTIF1 $58,000 4302.0000.49161 EDTIF2 $150,000 4302.0000.49163 EDTIF2 $15,000 4304.0000.49161 West Dublin TIF $500,000 4306.0000.49161 TVTD $150,000 G: \Quarterly Reports \FY 15- 16 \15 -16 Q2 \ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT FISCAL YEAR 2015 -16 BUDGET CHANGE FORM The project will improve traffic safety at the intersection of Village Parkway and Brighton Drive by creating an exclusive left turn phase (left turn arrows instead of a green ball) at the traffic signal for the east and west approaches. Budget Change Reference #: ATTACHMENT 3 eet CIP - Village Parkway & Brighton Traffic Signal Update 316.9100.9101 (Salaries & Benefits) 316.9200.9201 (Contract Services - Gen) 316.9400.9401 (Improvements - Not Bldg) 316.9500.9502 (Processing /Filing Fees) 316.9500.9503 (Printing & Binding) 316.2207 (Transportation for Clean Air Fund) 316.2212 (Vehicle Registration Fee) 3600.9601.49999 (Transfers In) 2207.9601.89101 (Transfers Out) %illf AsZ:Y11IIFL3%7dITlis3rET3O11[i $9,480 $6,500 $180,000 $250 $250 $61,133 $135,347 $196,480 $61,133 $135,347 Parks CIP - Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements pk0215.9100.9101 (Salaries) pk0215.9200.9201 (Contract Services - Gen) pk0215.9200.9202 (Design) pk0215.9200.9204 (Construction Admin) pk0215.9200.9206 (Testing) G: \Quarterly Reports \FY 15- 16 \15 -16 Q2 \ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ($69,175) ($15,000) ($403,000) ($45,000) ($50,000) Streets CIP - San Ramon Road Trail Improvements st0514.9100.9101 (Salaries) $11,379 st0514.9200.9201 (Contract Services - Gen) $5,000 st0514.9400.9401 (Improvements - Not Bldg) $84,624 Move future year project costs to FY 15 -16. st0514.9500.9503 (Printing & Binding) $500 st0514.9500.9505 (Postage) $100 st0514.1001 (General Fund) $101,603 3600.9601.49999 (Transfers In) $101,603 1001.9601.89101 Transfers Out $101,603 Parks CIP - Shannon Center Parking Lot Improvements Updated design includes with more lighting at the parking pk0316.9200.9201 (Contract Services - Gen) $50,000 lot, and the addition of an EV charging station. Partially pk0316.9400.9401 (Improvements - Not Bldg) $750,000 funded by General Fund Reserve of $775,000. Total project pk0316.1001 (General Fund) $800,000 cost is $1,075,000. 3500.9501.49999 (Transfers In) $800,000 1001.9501.89101 Transfers Out $800,000 Parks CIP - Public Art - Heritage Park pk0116.9100.9101 (Salaries) ($7,576) pk0116.9200.9201 (Contract Services -Gen) ($42,764) Decrease Budget due to change in project timeline. Project is anticipated to start in FY 2017 -18. pk0116.9400.9401 (Improvements -Not Bldg) ($200,000) pk0116.2801 (Public Art Fund) ($250,340) 3500.9501.49999 (Transfers In) ($250,340) 2801.9501.89101 (Transfers Out) ($250,340) Parks CIP - Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements pk0215.9100.9101 (Salaries) pk0215.9200.9201 (Contract Services - Gen) pk0215.9200.9202 (Design) pk0215.9200.9204 (Construction Admin) pk0215.9200.9206 (Testing) G: \Quarterly Reports \FY 15- 16 \15 -16 Q2 \ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ($69,175) ($15,000) ($403,000) ($45,000) ($50,000) FISCAL YEAR 2015 -16 ATTACHMENT 3 BUDGET CHANGE FORM Budget Change Reference #: city Council "s Approval Required Posted By: Date: G: \Quarterly Reports \FY 15- 16 \15 -16 Q2 \ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT pk0215.9200.9209 (Inspection - PW Contract Services) ($20,000) Decrease Budget due to change in project timeline, project pk0215.9200.9210 (Inspection - Bldg Services) ($30,000) is anticipated to start in FY 2017 -18. pk0215.9400.9401 (Improvements - Not Bldg) ($690,000) pk0215.9300.9301 (Land) ($348,480) pk0215.9500.9502 (Processing /Filing Fees) ($121,278) pk0215.9500.9503 (Printing & Binding) ($13,000) pk0215.9500.9504 (Legal Notices) ($2,700) pk0215.9500.9505 (Postage) ($550) pk0215.1001 (General Fund) ($1,808,183) 3500.9501.49999 (Transfers In) ($1,808,183) 1001.9501.89101 Transfers Out $1,808,183 Parks CIP - Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park pk0514.9400.9401 (Improvements - Not Bldg) ($1,617,057) Improvements will be constructed by developer, not the pk0514.4104 (PFF Neighborhood Park City. Improvements) ($1,617,057) 3500.9501.49999 (Transfers In) ($1,617,057) 4104.9501.89101 Transfers Out $1,617,057 Parks CIP - Public Art - Fallon Sports Park pk0515.9400.9401 (Improvements - Not Bldg) $30,000 Due to increase in public art construction cost. pk0515.2801(Public Arts Fund) $30,000 3500.9501.49999 (Transfers In) $30,000 2801.9501.89101 Transfers Out $30,000 As Presented at the City Council Meeting 3/1/2016 Posted By: Date: G: \Quarterly Reports \FY 15- 16 \15 -16 Q2 \ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ATTACHMENT 3.Q2 Budget Change_CT ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO. - 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND FEHR AND PEERS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Dublin ( "City "), State of California, entered into an Agreement with Fehr and Peers ( "Consultant ") on May 6, 2014, to perform consultant services to update the Downtown Dublin Traffic Impact Fee; and WHEREAS, term of said Agreement expired September 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, City and Consultant now desire to extend the terms of the Agreement an additional one year until September 30, 2016; and WHEREAS, due to the additional work needed to prepare technical studies and to respond to public comments, City and Consultant desire to increase the Consultant compensation from $58,200 to a not to exceed amount of $85,580; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the Amendment to the Agreement with Fehr and Peers, which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized to execute the Amendment to the Agreement on behalf of the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of March, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION -16 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND FEHR AND PEERS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as "City ") and Fehr and Peers (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant "), entered into an agreement on May 6, 2014, to provide consultant services to City; and WHEREAS, term of said agreement expired September 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, City and Consultant wish to extend the term of the agreement for an additional one year, terminating September 30, 2016; and WHEREAS, due to the additional work needed to prepare technical studies and to respond to public comments, the City and Consultant desire to increase the Consultant compensation from $58,200 to a not to exceed amount of $85,580; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Extension of Term The term of the agreement shall be extended from September 30, 2015, to September 30, 2016. Section 2. COMPENSATION City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed $85,580, notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant's proposal, for services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. CITY OF DUBLIN FEHR AND PEERS ATTEST: City Manager City Clerk Date: Principal