HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttach 6Written Statement Planned Development Zoning District The proposed project is a transit-oriented, smart growth development including apartment and office buildings. The total project site area is 395,064 square feet. After a dedication of 51,097 square feet for St. Patrick Way and 8,010 square feet for BART property frontage, the net project site will consist of 335,957 square feet. The project includes 3o~ residential units on 177,264 square feet, for a residential site density of,~; units per acre. The apartments consist of 20 studio units, 132 one bedroom units, 124 two bedroom units, and 16 three bedroom units. The apartment includes below-grade parking with a total of 464 residential parking stalls. The office portion of the project includes a 119,084 square foot, four-story office building. The office design includes 357 parking stalls, 137 of which are covered stalls. The proposed rezone will benefit the City, and therefore should be approved, because it will transform a warehouse site into a high density, urban, pedestrian friendly area. The development will result in a smart growth project providing higher paying and more jobs then currently exist on the property. This transformation furthers the goals and objectives of the General Plan and the West Dublin BART Specific Plan (the "Specific Plan"). These goals include maintaining and enhancing "tax revenues to the City through high intensity and high value urban development." West Dublin BART Specific Plan, Project Goal 5, p. 6. Objectives furthered by the proposed rezone include providing "for higher intensity residential dwellings for households desiring a more urban living environment close to a transit station" and encouraging "development of office space that capitalizes on the close proximity of BART for transit to accommodate employees and visitors." West Dublin BART Specific Plan, Objectives 6.], 6.2, p. 6. a. Statement of compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan (if applicable). Not applicable because this is a combined Stage I/Stage 2 application. b. Proposed Uses, including permitted, conditional, and accessory uses. Mixed Use and Office as permitted under the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. Co Site area (gross and net), maximum densities for residential and non-residential development by type, minimum densities where applicable for compliance with the Dublin General Plan or applicable specific plans; and maximum number of residential units by type and or maximum non-residential square footage for each use. The gross site area is 395,064 square feet, while the net site area will consist of 335,957 square feet after dedications to the City. Development density is consistent with 1wc-74753{I the relevant provisions of the General Plan and West Dublin BART Specific Plan, including the standards set forth in Table 5 of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. Development Regulations for lot areas, lot square footage per dwelling unit, lot width and frontage, lot depth, setbacks, distances between buildings; maximum lot coverage, common useable outdoor space, floor area ratios, height limits, parking, driveways, loading areas, signage, grading standards, and trash enclosures, accompanied by any necessary diagrams. Within the context of the recently adopted West Dublin BART Specific Plan for a transit oriented, smart growth project, this application sets forth detailed standards for the site. The project is consistent with all requirements of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan, including sections 5.4 and 4.3. e. Area-wide and project-wide architectural standards, concepts and themes. Chapter 6 of the recently adopted West Dublin BART Specific Plan includes detailed design guidelines. The proposed project incorporates these design guidelines, which serve to ensure that the site will be developed as a pedestrian friendly, transit- oriented project. f. Indicate how this project would be compatible with the IncIusionary Zoning Regulations for the provisions of affordable housing. This statement should supplement any statement regarding compliance with the Housing Element of the General Plan. The proposed project will fulfill the City's inclusionary zoning requirements either through on-site units or in-lieu fees, or a combination thereof. g. Is the site where the project is proposed located on a hazardous waste and substances site (pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5)? A phase I environmental site assessment prepared November 8, 2002 concluded that the proposed project is not located on a hazardous waste and substances site. ]wc-74753]] Findings Statement a. Describe how the proposal will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area. As a transit-oriented development, the proposed project will be a key component of the future development of the surrounding area. The West Dublin BART Specific Plan goals for this area include encouraging "an appropriate mix of land uses consistent with a transit-oriented environment. This includes offices, restaurants, specialty retail, entertainment, residential and similar uses that are pedestrian, attractive and pedestrian- friendly." West Dublin BART Specific Plan, Project, Goal 6, p. 6. The proposed project includes office and residential uses designed to maximize the use of the future West Dublin BART station and encourage use of existing adjacent retail businesses and restaurants. The proposal includes below-grade parking to create an attractive and pedestrian friendly environment. b. Is ~he site physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being proposed ? Yes. The proposed project is a transit-oriented development located near a planned BART station. The site is also located adjacent to Interstate 580. The proposed development is consistent with the type of development and development intensity permitted for the site under the General Plan and the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. c. Will the proposal adversely effect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare ? The proposal will not adversely effect the health or safely of persons residing or working in the vicinity and it will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. The proposal is consistent with the relevant land use designations, goals, policies, and implementing programs set forth in the General Plan and West Dublin BART Specific Plan. The West Dublin BART Specific Plan was approved by the City Council based upon a Negative Declaration, which found that implementing the West Dublin BART Specific Plan would have no adverse environmental effects. d. Is the proposal consistent with all elements of the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plans of the City of Dublin ? The proposal is consistent with all elements of the General Plan. The General Plhn elements are as follows: Land Use Element -- A guiding policy of the General Plan is to "[i]ntensify development and provide housing opportunities and transit-oriented uses near transit center and facilities." General Plan Section 2.1.5. The proposal, which includes apartment and office buildings, is consistent with this policy. Iwc-747531f Parks and Open Space Element -- The transit-oriented project is consistent with this element and the landscaping and open space goals and policies of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element -- The relevant policies within this element require a demonstration, prior to the issuance of building permits, that (i) capacity will exist in solid water disposal facilities for the project prior to the issuance of building permits and (ii) adequate Capacity will exist in sewage treatment and disposal facilities. Circulation and Scenic Highways Element -- This element contemplates the construction of a new street (St. Patrick Way) to connect existing north-south cul-de-sac streets near the proposed Western Dublin BART station south of Dublin Boulevard. Dublin General Plan, p. 5-8. The proposal includes the dedication of property to the City for the construction of St. Patrick Way. Housing Element -- The proposal, which adds 292 apartment units, is consistent with the Housing Element. A variety of apartment unit sizes are planned for the proposed project. The proposal includes studios, one, two, and three bedroom apartments. Conservation Element -- The proposal is consistent with the Conservation Element. The inclusion of sub-grade parking minimizes surface parking and water runoff. Seismic Safety and Safety Element -- All proposed structures are designed to the standards delineated in the Uniform Building Code and the Dublin grading ordinance. The proposed apartments are not located within 50 feet of any active fault trace. Noise Element -- As a transit-oriented development, the proposed project minimizes the use of automobiles and, therefore, reduces traffic-generated noise. The proposed apartments and office are designed to minimize noise for building occupants. The proposal is consistent with all requirements of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. e. How does this project satisfy the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 "Planned Development" of the Municipal Code ? The proposed project satisfies the purpose of Chapter 8.32 in a variety of ways. The property includes two General Plan land use classifications -- Retail/Office and Mixed Use -- and proposes a single, integrated project with development standards tailored for the site. A transit-oriented development, the proposal is consistent with, and furthers the goals and policies of, the General Plan and West Dublin BART Specific Plan. The proposal will be an integral part of the pedestrian friendly, urban area that will surround the future West Dublin BART Station. Finally, the proposal satisfies the purpose of Chapter 8.32 by including innovative components such as parking beneath the apartments. 1wc-747531[ The proposed project also satisfies the intent of Chapter 8.32, which is generally to create a more coherent and coordinated development than would otherwise be possible under a single zoning district or combination of zoning districts. The proposal satisfies this intent with an integrated project combining multi-family and office uses adjacent to a future BART station and existing urban uses. How does this project satisfy the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.104 "Site Development Review" of the Municipal Code ? The application satisfies the purpose of Chapter 8.104 because it consists of a site development review application and is part of a more comprehensive planned development rezone within the larger context of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. The project sets forth a detailed plan consistent with the requirements of the recently adopted West Dublin BART Specific Plan. The application covers Stage 1 review, which is generally conceptual, but also provides the City with the more detailed Stage 2 review. The project satisfies the intent of Chapter 8.104 by promoting a unified site development compatible with surrounding properties. Moreover, the project is consistent with the findings for the West Dublin BART Specific Plan and provides for development consistent with a larger transit-oriented, smart growth area. Iwc-74753[I Site Development Review a. What type of business, activity or use are you proposing? The proposal includes apartment and office buildings. 119,08i-~ + -' ¢76.33~ ~ I How many employees will you have or propose to have ? The office building is designed to house approximately ~ 76 employees. c. What are the proposed hours and days of operation? The office building will operate during normal business hours. The apartment units will be open continuously. Are there any ways in which your business, activity or use have a negative effect on the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare ? No. The proposal is consistent with the West Dublin BART Specific Plan, which the City approved based upon a Negative Declaration. The Negative Declaration found that the implementation of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan would have no adverse environmental effects. eo Describe how the design of the project, including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation and parking, etc., will provide a desirable environment for the future development. The proposed project is a transit-oriented development consisting of apartment and office buildings. This proposal is consistent with the goals of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan and will contribute to the future development of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area as a pedestrian friendly, urban area capitalizing on the future West Dublin BART station. The project furthers the West Dublin BART Specific Plan's goal of promoting "the development of a state-of-the-art transit-oriented development on properties adjacent to the West Dublin BART station to create a vital and visually distinctive district, both locally and regionally." West Dublin BART Specific Plan, Project Goal 1, p. 6. The site layout encourages pedestrian traffic to the future BART station. The use of below-grade parking for the apartments minimizes surface parking and furthers the goal of a pedestrian friendly, urban living environment. f. Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed? Iwc-7475311 Yes. The proposed project is a transit-oriented development located near a planned BART station. The site is also located adjacent to Interstate 580. The proposed development is consistent with the type of development and development intensity permitted for the site under the General Plan and the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. g. Describe how the proposed development may impact views. The proposed development conforms to the height limits set forth in the General Plan and West Dublin BART Specific Plan. h. Describe the physical characteristics of the site, including existing slopes and topographic features and any proposed changes to these features. The site, which is generally level with no streams or creeks, is currently occupied by a warehouse. No extensive grading is propOsed for the site. Describe the architectural design/theme of the development including character, scale and quality of the design, and explain how the project will relate to and be compatible with the existing site and character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods and uses. This mixed use, transit oriented development is consistent with the design standards in chapter 6 of the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. j. Describe how the landscape features have been designed so as to insure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. The proposed landscape features include varied patterns of attractive landscaping throughout the site. The landscape plan is shown on the attached site diagrams. lwc-74753[[