HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.4 Financial Report 03-31-1984 A � T J CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 31, 1984 COMMUNITY TRAFFIC COUNTY REVENUE DEVELOPMENT FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL GENERAL SAFETY STATE GAS GAS TAX SHARING BLOCK GRANT AID URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TOTAL ALL FUND FUND TAX FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND ACT FUND FUND FUNDS ASSETS Cash & Investments 3588415 8671 238374 0 51242 1253 865142 4753097 Accounts Receivable Assesment District 21509 21509 From Other Funds 404050 404050 no Prepaid Items' 7061 7061 --- --- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- TOTAL ASSETS 4021035 8671 238374 0 51242 0 0 1253 865142 5185717 LIABILITIES ----------- Deposits from Others 151235 7760 158995 Accounts Payable Payroll Taxes 3318 3318 To Other Funds 109050 290000 5000 404050 Other 0 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- TOTAL LIABILITIES 154553 0 0 0 0 109050 290000 5000 7760 566363 ! FUND—EQUITY— �! Fund Reserve 2329054 228762 42167 152517 38094 2790594 Fund Balance 2109837 8671 117979 —101275 —3747 —302705 1828760 Fund Transfers —572409 —108367 —42167 —109050 —290000 1121993 0 ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ TOTAL FUND EQUITY 3866482 ---8671 238374 ------0 51242 —109050 —290000 —3747 857382 4619354 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------ �� — TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND EQUITY 4021035 8671 238374 0 51242 0 0 1253 865142 5185717 ------- ------- ------- _______ _______ 1 'A `I S Summary Revenue & Expenditure Report - Page 2 CURRENT YEAR TO All Funds Consolidated BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE Culture & Recreation 701 Library Service 29600 9867 19733 . 702 Parks & Recreation 18260 88 88 18172 ------- ------- ------- ------ Total Culture & Recreation 47860 88 9955 37905 Community Development 901 Planning 166820 13842 93062 73758 902 Building & Safety 171350 6483 56931 114419 903 Engineering 145200 7686 54535 90665 ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Community Development 483370 28011 204528 278842 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 2717353 78719 1335389 1381964 CAPITAL PROJECTS 2478671 77642 343077 2135594 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5196024 156361 1678466 3517558 FUND BALANCE -196407 417471 1828758 ------- ------- ------- CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENviTURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING MARCH 31, 1984 REVENUE REPORT 1983-84 1983-84 Estimated Current Received - GENERAL FUND Revenue Month Year to Date PROPERTY TAX 510.01 Current Year Secured 278000 7647 186829 510.02 Current Year Unsecured 29000 30109 Total Property Tax 307000 7647 216938 OTHER TAXES 515.00 Sales & Use Tax 2500000 446820 2125387 517.00 Real Property Transfer Tax 22000 2379 24572 519.00 Electric Franchise Tax 80000 521.00 Gas Franchise Tax 32000 523.00 CATV Franchise Tax 26400 26047 Total Other Taxes 2660400 449199 2176006 LICENSES & PERMITS 530.01 Building Permits 180000 13807 150093 530.02 Animal Licenses 5000 344/4 530.03 Bus Bench Ad Permits 350 530.04 Enchroachment Permits 1500 1608 Total Licenses & Permits 186850 13807 155145 FINES & FORFEITURES 532.02 Other Court Fines 3000 341 3510 ------ ------ ------- Total Fines & Forefeitures 3000 341 3510 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 550.01 Interest 230000 7123 176604 550.03 Rents & Concessions 324 Total Revenue from Use of Money & Property 230000 7123 176928 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555.01 Motor Vehicle in Lieu Tax 370000 29023 251051 555.02 Trailer Coach in Lieu Tax 989 555.03 Cigarette Tax 77500 53580 555.04 Off Highway Vehicle in Lieu Tax 310 128 555.05 Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 16200 8568 555.06 Business Inventory Tax 25000 4115 16037 Total Intergovernmental Revenues - State 489010 33138 330363 Revenue Report — Page 2 Estimated Current Received Revenue Month Year to Date CHARGES FOR SERVICES ------- ------- ---------- 565.01 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 18000 1670 5077 565.02 Plan Check Fees 20000 5499 6046 565.03 Engineering Inspection Fees 50000 76 565.04 Sales of Maps & Documents 1500 209 1748 565.05 Animal Shelter Fees - 3000 565.06 Special Police Dept. Services 3700 400 3828 565.15 Other Charges for Services 1000 Total Charges for Services 97200 7778 16775 OTHER REVENUES 570.03 Miscellaneous 500 50 642 570.04 Park Dedication Fees 4000 4000 Total Other Revenue 500 4050 4642 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES 3973960 523083 3080307 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND FINES & FOEFEITURES 530.01 Vehicle Code Fines 50000 3545 34310 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 50000 3545 34310 STATE GAS TAX FUND . REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY 550.01 Interest 20000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555.07 State Gas Tax (2106) 90000 14899 72996 555.08 State Gas Tax (2107) 170000 30232 141508 555.09 State Gas Tax (2107.5) 4000 4000 Total State Gas Tax 264000 45131 218504 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 284000 45131 218504 COUNTY GAS TAX FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - COUNTY 557.01 County Gas Tax (ATC) 28000 TOTAL COUNTY GAS TAX FUND 28000 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - FEDERAL 559.01 Revenue Sharing 75664 127513 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 75664 127513 Revenue Report - Page 3 Estimated Current Received COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND Revenue Month Year to Date INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - FEDERAL 559.02 Community Development Block Grant 81700 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND 81700 FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - FEDERAL 559.03 Federal Aid Urban Funds 290000 TOTAL FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND 290000 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 555.10 Article 4.5 Funds (Paratransit) 8293 2073 6219 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND 8293 2073 6219 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND OTHER REVENUES 570.02 Non-Government Contributions 208000 40371 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 208000 40371 TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS 4999617 573832 3507224 BUDGET TRANSFERS IN To Capital Projects Fund 2292393 98850 1121993 To State Gas Tax Fund 28000 To Transportation Development Act Fund 5818 2326211 98850 1121993 CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND F 'DITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING MARC. 1984 EXPENDITURE REPORT GENERAL FUND CURRENT YEAR TO GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 101 CITY COUNCIL Personal Services .02 Salaries, Part Time 9000 750 5828 3172 .06 Worker's Compensation 50 50 Total Personal Services 9050 750 5828 3222 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 500 236 264 .02 Postage 200 53 147 .05 Professional Services 3650 2450 1200 .08 Advertising 1350 624 726 .14 Books, Publs & Subscp 100 100 .15 Memberships & Dues 10767 ' 1858 5545 5222 .17 Travel, Confs & Meetings . 5500 46 4114 1386 .19 Community Promotion 1500 25 50 1450 Total Services & Supplies 23567 1929 13072 10495 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 32617 2679 18900 13717 102 CITY MANAGER / CLERK Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 96000 7950 57772 38228 .02 Salaries, Part Time 2340 192 847 1493 .03 Salaries, Overtime 155 155 —155 .04 Retirement 6850 565 3825 3025 .05 Group Insurance 9000 150 2293 6707 .06 Worker's Compensation 2650 2650 Total Personal Services 116840 9012 64892 51948 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 2450 258 1580 870 .02 Postage 2700 66 2186 514 .03 Reproduction Svcs 1620 781 839 .08 Advertising 1200 30 704 496 .09 Printing 7300 51 422 6878 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1170 230 940 .14 Books, Publs & Subscps 650 192 440 210 .15 Memberships & Dues 200 50 100 100 .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 4740 427 3236 1504 .17 Travel, Confs & Meetings 2340 1715 625 .18 Training 1000 10 990 Total Services & Supplies 25370 1074 11404 13966 Contract Services 8200 3789 4411 Capital Outlay 3250 1527 3010 240 TOTAL CITY MANAGER / CLERK 153660 11613 83095 70565 Expenditure Report - Page CL_ JT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 103 LEGAL SERVICES Services & Supplies .05 Professional Services 30800 1844 21284 9516 .22 Reserve for Litigation 20000 20000 Total Services & Supplies 50800 1844 21284 29516 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES 50800 1844 21284 29516 104 FINANCE Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 1000 337 641 359 .05 Professional Services 6000 778 4579 1421 .09 Printing 750 750 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 200 200 Total Services & Supplies 7950 1115 5220 2730 Capital Outlay - Machinery & Equip 2000 149 1851 TOTAL FINANCE 9950 1115 5369 4581 105 BUILDING MANAGEMENT Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 1000 36 255 745 .07 Communication 14000 1316 9776 4224 .13 Rentals 51000 4402 38071 12929 Total Services & Supplies 66000 5754 48102 17898 Contract Services 384 384 0 Capital Outlay Improvements Other Than Buildings 2500 203 2297 Machinery & Equipment 33616 526 17626 15990 Total Capital Outlay 36116 526 17829 18287 TOTAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT 102500 6280 66315 36185 106 INSURANCE Services & Supplies .10 Insurance Premiums 8300 -1133 12689 -4389 TOTAL INSURANCE 8300 -1133 12689 -4389 107 ELECTIONS Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 100 74 26 .02 Postage 605 605 -605 .08 Advertising 300 19 67 233 .14 Books, Publs & Subscps 200 200 .18 Training 900 270 630 Total Services & Supplies 1500 624 1016 y 484 Contract Srvcs - Rgstr of Voters 8500 8500 TOTAL ELECTIONS 10000 624 1016 8984 Expenditure Report - Page 3 CUh,.LNT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 108 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Contingent Reserve 94144 94144 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 94144 94144 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 461971 23022 208668 253303 PUBLIC SAFETY 201 POLICE SERVICES Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 1550 133 1481 69 .03 Reproduction Supplies 2400 811 1589 .09 Printing & Binding 2000 4 1996 Total Services & Supplies 5950 133 2296 3654 Contract Services .01 Personnel Costs 713244 321402 391842 .02 Vehicle Costs 77546 -3046 39533 38013 .03 Indirect Costs 60360 -3286 28539 31821 .04 Dispatch 97929 48879 49050 .05 Admin. - Financial Svcs 30902 15450 15452 .06 Services & Supplies 29972 13568 16404 Total Contract Services 1009953 -6332 467371 542582 Capital Outlay - Machinery & Equip 19000 850 11951 7049 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 1034903 -5349 481618 553285 202 AMBULANCE SERVICES Svcs & Supply - Contract Svcs 5000 130 964 4036 TOTAL AMBULANCE SERVICES 5000 130 964 4036 203 CROSSING GUARDS Contract Services 15000 3885 15011 -11 TOTAL CROSSING GUARDS 15000 3885 15011 -11 204 ANIMAL CONTROL Contract Services .01 Shelter Services 9771 3070 6701 .02 Field Service 23863 11072 12791 .03 Indirect Charges 1716 1716 Total Contract Services 35350 14142 21208 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 35350 14142 21208 205 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & SAFETY LIGHTING Services & Supply - Utilities 7500 1726 7105 395 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS-SAFETY LIGHTING 7500 1726 7105 395 Expenditure Report - Page 4 Ct,..AENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 206 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Services & Supplies . .09 Printing & Binding 300 300 .14 Books, Publs & Subscp 200 200 .15 Memberships & Dues 1500 1500 .18 Training 1000 132 868 Total Services & Supplies 3000 132 2868 Contract Services 5000 5000 TOTAL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 8000 132 7868 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1105753 392 518972 586781 HIGHWAYS & STREETS 301 STREET MAINTENANCE Sign Repair & Installation 2400 2400 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 2400 2400 304 STREET-TREE MAINTENANCE Contract Svcs — Public Works 15000 118 23316 —8316 TOTAL STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 15000 118 23316 —8316 305 BEAUTIFICATION Contract Svcs - Public Works 15000 498 5031 9969 TOTAL BEAUTIFICATION 15000 498 5031 9969 TOTAL HIGHWAYS & STREETS 32400 616 28347 4053 CULTURE & RECREATION 701 LIBRARY SERVICE Contract Svcs - County Library 29600 9867 19733 TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICE 29600 9867 19733 702 PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 12900 12900 .04 Retirement 957 957 .05 Group Insurance 1380 1380 .06 Worker's Compensation 313 313 Total Personal Services 15550 15550 Services & Supplies .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 1050 88 88 962 .19 Community Promotion 1660 1660 Total Services & Supplies 2710 88 88 2622 TOTAL PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 18260 88 88 18172 TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION 47860 88 9955 37905 Expenditure Report - Page CT"DENT YEAR TO BUDGET 'H DATE BALANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 901 PLANNING Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 76140 6695 48163 27977 .02 Salaries, Part Time 5200 5200 .03 Overtime 1560 210 1028 532 .04 Retirement . 5440 478 3186 2254 .05 Group Insurance 9000 198 574 8426 .06 Worker's Compensation 2280 2280 Total Personal Services 99620 7581 52951 46669 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 2900 64 2118 782 .02 Postage 1900 74 1469 431 .03 Reproduction Supplies 3100 1182 1918 .05 Professional Services 42900 5007 26336 16564 .08 Advertising 1100 68 761 339 .09 Printing 750 165 395 355 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1200 350 850 .14 Books, Publs & Subscrps 800 44 94 706 .15 Memberships & Dues 200 12 106 94 .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 3400 198 1872 1528 .17 Travel, Confs & Meetings 4400 629 2936 1464 .18 Training 800 150 650 Total Services & Supplies 63450 6261 37769 25681 Contract Services 700 662 38 Capital Outlay - .Machinery & Equip 3050 1680 1370 TOTAL PLANNING 166820 13842 93062 73758 902 BUILDING & SAFETY Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 16800 1450 7585 9215 .04 Retirement 1200 103 488 712 .05 Group Insurance 3000 772 2228 .06 Worker's Compensation 90 90 Total Personal Services 21090 1553 8845 12245 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 1000 16 453 547 .02 Postage 250 7 143 107 ..03 Reproduction Supplies 250 84 166 .09 Printing & Binding 1000 632 368 .14 Books, Publs & Subscps 1000 805 195 .15 Memberships & Dues 400 240 160 .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 360 6 354 Total Services & Supplies 4260 23 2363 1897 Contract Services 140000 4907 40155 99845 Capital Outlay - Machinery & Equip 6000 5568 432 TOTAL BUILDING & SAFETY 171350 6483 56931 114419 Expenditure Report — Page C' dT YEAR TO BUDGET Mun i'H DATE BALANCE 903 ENGINEERING Professional Services 134000 7437 54086 79914 Contract Services 3000 249 249 2751 Capital Outlay — Machinery & Equip 200 200 0 TOTAL ENGINEERING 137200 7686 54535 82665 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 475370 28011 204528 270842 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2123354 52129 970470 1152884 Expenditure Report - Page C" ?NT YEAR TO BUDGET H DATE BALANCE TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 205 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING Services & Supplies 26300 14000 12300 Contract Services 23700 2697 11640 12060 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LGHTNG 50000 2697 25640 24360 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 50000 2697 25640 24360 STATE GAS TAX FUND HIGHWAYS & STREETS 301 STREET MAINTENANCE Contract Services .02 Street Repair 46000 1215 15742 30258 .03 Drainage & Maintenance 25000 202 5927 19073 .04 Storm Patrol & Clean-up 11500 173 2639 8861 .05 Curbs, Gutters & Sidewalks 9000 289 8711 .06 Sign Repair & Installation 11500 1403 6210 5290 .07 Striping & Marking 6000 6704 15194 -9194 .08 Guardrail Repair 500 836 -336 .10 Weed Control 8500 569 3737 4763 .13 Bike Path Maintenance 2000 20 315 1685 Total Contract Services 120000 10286 50889 69111 Capital Outlay 2200 2200 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 122200 10286 50889 71311 302 STREET SWEEPING Contract Services .01 Street Sweeping 44300 3011 32834 11466 .02 Litter Pick-up 17000 2807 9564 7436 Total Contract Services 61300 5818 42398 18902 TOTAL STREET SWEEPING 61300 5818 42398 18902 303 STREET RECONSTRUCTION & RESURFACING Contract Svcs - Road Dept 8000 7237 763 Captl Outlay - Impry Othr Thn Bldgs 75000 75000 TOTAL STREET RECONSTRCTN & RESURFACING 83000 7237 75763 TOTAL HIGHWAYS & STREETS 266500 16104 100524 165976 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 903 ENGINEERING Professional Services 8000 8000 TOTAL ENGINEERING 8000 8000 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8000 8000 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 274500 16104 100524 173976 Expenditure Report - Page 8 CUR°FNT YEAR TO BUDGET 1 I DATE BALANCE REVENUE SHARING FUND 201 POLICE SERVICES Contract Services .01 Personnel Costs 192182 192182 0 .02 Vehicle Costs 20591 3047 20591 0 .03 Indirect Costs 16015 3286 16015 0 ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Contract Services 228788 6333 228788 0 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 228788 6333 228788 0 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 228788 6333 228788 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND 503 SOCIAL SERVICES Srvcs & Supply - Kaleidoscope Ctr 26600 26600 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND 26600 26600 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND 501 PARATRANSIT SERVICE Contract Svcs - SRV Community Ctr 14111 1455 9966 4145 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND 14111 1455 9966 4145 TOTAL OPERA'TING EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 2717353 78718 1335388 1381965 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 0001 Dublin Blvd/Silvergate Dr 34044 34244 -200 0002 San Ramon Road Study 751 751 0 0003 Aerial Map-Dublin Blvd 8026 3242 5562 2464 0004 City Base Map 40503 38896 1607 0005 Village Parkway Median 25628 25750 -122 0006 General Plan 65269 65269 0 0007 Traffic Study-Dougherty Rd/Amdr Vly B1 17000 3551 16392 608 0008 Traffic Signal-Dublin Blvd/Amdr Plz Rd 100000 23337 37119 62881 0009 San Ramon Rd Improvements 75000 240 5230 69770 0010 Traffic Signal-Amador Vly/San Ramon Rd 75000 3757 71243 0011 Dougherty Rd Improvements 153950 15153 138797 0012 Rehab-Dublin Blvd/Village Pkwy/Amdr Vl 355000 990 20382 334618 0013 Intersection Mods-Dublin Blv/Dghrty Rd 32000 540 3930 28070 0014 Street Name Approach/Street No. Signs 27500 2330 25170 0015 Median Landscape-Amador Valley Blvd 112000 5460 11517 100483 0016 Median Landscape-Dublin Blvd 8000 5460 10533 -2533 0017 Traffic Signal-Amador Valley Blvd 8000 96 393 7607 0018 Street Imprvmts-Amador Valley Blvd 25000 8252 12836 12164 0019 Traffic Signal-Dublin Blvd/Donlon Way 100000 . 100000 0020 Sewage Facility Expansion 420000 420000 0021 Bus Shelters 28000 912 27088 0022 City Entrance Signs 13000 13000 0023 Street Tree Program 35000 35000 0024 Civic Center Facility 300000 300000 0025 Defective Sidewalk Repair 100000 3572 5273 94727 0026 Village Parkway Median Landscape 4247 8193 -8193 0027 Village Parkway Wall 200000 10298 10298 189702 0028 Village Parkway Landscape & Sidewalk 120000 8357 8357 111643 ------- ------- ------ ------- TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND EXPENDITURES 2478671 77642 343077 2135594 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 5196024 156360 1678465 3517559 Expenditure Report - Page 9 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET TRANSFERS OUT From General Fund 1673627 44900 572409 1101218 From State Gas Tax Fund 183367 108367 75000 From Housing & Comm. Devel. Act Fund 109050 53950 109050 0 From Federal Aid Urban Fund 290000 290000 0 From County Gas Tax Fund 70167 42167 28000 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT 2326211 98850 1121993 1204218