HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 After School Recreation Program CITY OF DUBLIN (�
SUBJECT: After School Recreation Program
B . Current Structured Program Cost
C. Cost Projection for Drop-in
Playground Program
RECOMMENDATIONS : A. The current fee based after school
program continue with an extension
of the hours beginning in January.
This will require the absorbtion of
a small deficit for the first six
months of operation.
B . That the City Council agree to the
concept of a non-structured
playground program which would be
initiated in the Spring . The
program would operate after school
and on holidays . The 1984-85
Fiscal Year cost is estimated at
$6 , 600 and would require an
appropriation from the contingent
reserve .
FINANCIAL STATEMENT : The existing budget will absorb the
operating deficit from the first six ;months of the
structured program ( $3 , 460 ) . The cost for 3 months of
a Drop-in Program is estimated at $6 , 600 . An
appropriation from the contingent reserve of $6 , 600
will be necessary to fund the "Drop-in" program for 3
months in the 1984-85 Fiscal Year .
DESCRIPTION: On September 10 ,1984 , an After School
Recreation Program was started at Murray and Nielsen
Schools . Although registration was low, City Council
directed staff to continue the program for a period of two
months and report back at the end of November .
As program registration is taken at the first of the month,
the Park and Recreation Commission was concerned that
current participants in the program would be left without an
alternative should the City Council terminate the program at
its first meeting in November . Therefore, the Commission
studied the subject at their October 9 , 1934 meeting and
unanimously recommended that the City Council establish the
After School Recreation Program as a basic level of service
and provide 1000 subsidy for the program. Staff requested
that City Council defer action to allow the opportunity to
survey parents in order to ascertain why participation Iiad
not been greater .
A survey was conducted at Murray and Nielsen School seeking
information regarding the After School Recreation Program;
Cronin School was also surveyed regarding after school
recreation interests. Detailed results of those surveys are
attached in Exhibit B .
COPIES TO: Park g Recreation Coiimiss3.on
The survey showed that 91% of the respondents from the
Nielsen and Murray sites were aware of the program. The
most common reason why parents were not participating was
that there was someone at home. when accounting for those
individuals already using the service, 34% indicated they
would consider future participation. The current hours of
operation were noted as a problem by 20% of those indicating
an interest in the service. The Cronin responses showed
that 27% would be interested in the program.
The structure ' :.)rograri analysis ( Exhibit B) shows that
through November 16 , 1984 both schools have operated at a
deficit . Based on the survey results, it is anticipated
that enrollment can be increased by extending the hours of
service and operating from 1 : 45 p.m. to 6 : 00 p.m. Staff
believes that the increased enrollment will establish a
program in which the expenses will be offset by the revenue.
It should be also be noted that the Nielsen program will be
required to move to Shannon Community Center . This is
necessary due to the school being scheduled for other uses.
The Nielsen survey results indicated that two thirds of
those indicating a future interest would participate if the
program was moved to Shannon.
Exhibit D was prepared by Staff to show a cost projection
for after school programs . The non-structured Drop-in
Program analysis identifies costs for one quarter of
operation. The Recreation Commission concurred that it is
most realistic to anticipate the implementation of the
program, after the recruitment of the full-time Recreation
Supervisor . It is important to note that if the program is
successful, the public may expect this level of service year
round. To provide a comprehensive view of the program, an
annual cost figure should be noted. If one assumes the
quarterly cost of approximately $6 ,600 for three quarters
and a summer program with the daily hours expanded to 7 , the
annual cost is estimated at $30 , 750 .
Based on this review of the program, the Park & Recreation
Commission met on November 20 , 1984 to develop a
recommendation . The Commission voted unanimously to
recommend that the City Council :
A. The current fee based after school program
continue with an extension of the hours beginning in
January. This will require the absorbtion of a small
deficit for the first six months of operation.
B . , That the City Council agree to the concept of a
non-structured playground program which would be
initiated in the Spring. The program would operate
after school and on holidays . The 1934-85 Fiscal Year
cost is estimated at $6 , 600 and would require an
appropriation from the contingent reserve.
Staff concurs with the Park- & Recreation Commission
recommendation, given an understanding of the potential
annual cost of a Drop-in program. If this format becomes
popular the commitment of resources will substantially
exceed the three month estimate of $6 ,600 . An annual
estimate of the cost of providing this program is $30 , 750 .
This cost could increase or decrease depending on the number
of sites and scope of the program. The estimate presented
accounts for a program at two sites .
I . Murray Site
A. Surveys
Number Number No. Survey
Grade Classrooms Students Returned
Kinder 3 w 27
1st 2 . 5 0 32
2nd 2 . 5 Q) � N 7
3rd 3 z 0, U) 13
Ord 2 . 5 $4 M 15
5th 2 . 5 > N U 1
6th 2 1
18 450 96
B. Responses
Why Not Participating Now
Aware of Program Other Hours Fees
Part Someone Child. Not Too
Grades* Yes No Now Home Care Suit. High
K 21 6 0 15 6 5 2
1st-2nd 35 4 3 27 7 8 12
3rd-6th 29 1 1 18 3 4 2
65 11 4 60 16 17 16
* Grades divided for convenience in tabulating data only.
C . Future Participation
Would consider : 28
If fees lowered
or eliminated 22
If hours were
changed 19
Would participate in general
recreation program with no
fee 24
II . Nielsen Site
A. Surveys
Number Number No. Survey
Grade Classrooms Students Returned
Kinder 3
�' 2 9
3 caciuNi 30
2nd 3 c '� r-1 19
U)4th 2 . 5 Q) $ 9
5th 3 . 5 a a 6
6th 110
20 612
B. Responses
Why Not Participating Now
Aware of Program Hours Fees
Part. Someone Child Not Too
Grades* Yes No Now Home Care Suit . High
K - 1 S6 5 1 28 16 8 8
2nd - 6th 46 3 3 27 7 10 5
102 8 4 55 23 18 13
* Grades divided for convenience in tabulating data only.
C. Future Participation Totals
Would consider 40
If fees lowered or eliminated 19
If hours were changed 20
Would participate in general 21
recreation program with no fee
Would you participate
if program was moved to Shannon?
Of those considering future
Responding "No" 13
Only if transportation provided 5
III . Cronin School
A. Surveys
Number Number No. Survey
Grade Classrooms Students Returned
K 1 o 4-4 cn 11
1st 1 . 5 Q) En 17
2 U � r 8
2nd M -W u 3
3rd 1 �4 N 8
4th 1 . 5 > o a4 16
5th 2 6
6th 2
11 325 63
B. Responses
Would Be Inter. Would Not Would Participate
Grades* In Program Be Interested In Gen. Rec. Program
K - 2nd 4 20 8
3rd - 6th 13 26 12
17 46 20
* Grades divided for convenience in tabulating data only.
Reasons given for no interest in program:
Someone Home 20
Other Childcare 3
Cannot Afford To Pay 3
IV. Additional Comments
Many suvey participants provided additional comments . Comments
significant to consider program modificatoin are as follows :
a. Need recreation program during Christmas, Easter and
other holidays . (9 )
b. Need before school service also. (11)
C . Need later hours ( 4 )
d. Provide discounts for two or more children. ( 4 )
V. Conclusionz
A. Ample number of surveys were returned to provide data
upon which conclusions could be made:
Murray 21%
Nielsen 18%
Cronin 19%
B. There is a need for after school recreation programs in
the community.
C . If a non-fee structured drop-in recreation program were
provided, participation would be adequate to justify the
D. There is a need for a structured after school program
which would meet needs of working parents .
E. There is a need for the hours of the structured program
to be modified to correspond with school dismisal times .
F. If hours of the structured after school program were
modified, participation could increase by 57% .
G. The current . fee structure prohibits participation by
nearly 60% of the potential users .
H. If fees were reduced or eliminated, enrollment could
increase by 66% .
I . Though fee reduction is an issue, if parents are using
structured program for child care, they should pay for
Structured Program/Costs through November 16 , 1984
Murray 14ielsen
Salaries Expended $1717 . 00 - $1344 . 75
Materials & Supplies Expended $ 208 . 61 $ 248 .66
Facility Rental 253 . 88 223 . 88
2 9 49 $181 29
Revenue Received - $1230 .38 - $1522 .33
Variance ( $949 . 11 ) ( $294 . 96 )
A. Hours of Operation
1 : 45 to 6 : 00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
B . Duration/January-June 1985
5 hours/day x 111 days = 555 hours
C. Projected Salaries
1 Sr . Rec. Ldr . @ $7 . 00/hr x 555 hrs . = $3885 . 00
1 Rec. Ldr . II @ $5 . 00/hr x 555 hrs. = $2775 . 00
$6660 . 00
D. Materials & Supplies
$100 'per month x 5 months = $ 500 . 00
E. Rental of Facility
555 hours @ $1 .50 = $ 832 . 50
F. Total Costs per site = $7992 . 50
times 2 sites = $15 , 984 . 00
Costs $15 , 984 . 00
Revenue - $16 , 650 . 00
Variance $ 666 . 00
NOTE: 20 child average x 3 hrs/day x $1 . 25 hr
x 111 days $3325 . 00 per site x 2 sites = $16 , 650 . 00
It is anticipated that the extended hours would increase
the enrollment from the curent average of 13 children .
I . Drop-In Program/Costs For One Quarter
A. Hours of Operation
2 : 30 - 5 : 00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
B. Duration
3 hrs/day x 20 days/month x 3 months = 180 hours
6 hrs/day x 5 day/quarter = 30 hours
"210 hours
C. Projected Salaries
1 Sr . Rec. Ldr . @ $7 . 00/hr x 210 hrs . _ $1470 . 00
1 Rec. Ldr . II @ $5 . 00/hr x 210 hrs . $1050 . 00
2520 . 00
D. Materials & Supplies
$150 . 00 per month x 3 months = 450 . 00
E. Rental of Facility
210 hours @ $1 . 50/hour = $ 315 . 00
F . Total Costs Per Site = $3 , 282 . 00
times 2 sites $6564 . 00