HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.1 Approve 01-28-1985 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 28, 1985 A regular meeting of ,the City Council of-the City of Dublin was held on Monday , January 28 , 1985 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 35 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty , Jeffery , Moffatt , Vonheeder and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council , Staff and those present in the pledge of alleg- iance to the flag. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS Ms . Joyce Waite addressed the Council and reiterated the need for a school crossing guard at Davona Drive and Lucania Avenue . City Manager Ambrose explained that a study of the entire City with regard to the need for crossing guards had been approved by the City Council , and that the City ' s Traffic Engineer is currently preparing this report . It is expected that it will be available in April . CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Hegarty , seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote , the Council Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $99 ,623 .12 ; Approved Financial Report for Period Ending November 30, 1984 ; Received Staff Report for the 1985-86 Insurance Program and authorized the City Manager to execute a one month extension with the current carrier; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 07 - 85 APPROVING A HOME MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT CM-4-12 Regular Meeting January 28, 1985 Cm. Jeffery requested that a correction be made to the Minutes of January 14th . On page CM-4-10 , Danville should be added to the other Tri-Valley Cities included in the proposed joint meeting. On motion of Cm. Jeffery , seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote , the_ Council approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 14, 1985 ; SOUTHERN PACIFIC RIGHT-OF-WAY/I-680 TRANSPORTATION FEASIBILITY STUDY Cm. Hegarty excused himself from the discussion on this item because of a potential conflict of interest . Contra Costa County and Alameda County are jointly conducting a study to identify and evaluate acceptable alternative transportation uses of the 24. 5 mile San Ramon Branch Line Right-of-Way . The Southern Pacific San Ramon Branch Line Right-of-Way extends from the City of Martinez to Radum Wye in the City of Pleasanton. A 19 . 5 mile portion of the right-of-way between Willow Pass Road in Concord and Alcosta Boulevard has been abandoned for rail service . The Mayor and City ' s Planning Director have participated in this study at the Policy Committee and Technical Advisory Committee levels, respectively. Mr. Joseph ( Bud) Murphy of the Contra Costa County Public Works Department requested the opportunity to make a presentation to the . Dublin City Council regarding the San Ramon Branch Line Transportation Study and to discuss any comments or concerns that the City might have with respect to the informa- tion presented on the San Ramon Branch Line Transportation Study. Since the right-of-way is between two residential neighborhoods within the City of Dublin, those concerns which Staff identified were very similar to concerns voiced in other communities along the SP right-of-way. These general concerns include : 1 ) Noise impact on adjacent neighborhoods 2 ) Security of adjacent residences from crime that might be generated by some form of transportation activity along the SP right-of-way 3 ) Safety measures protecting individuals from injury in the vicinity of any type of transportation system 4) Increased traffic that might be generated on adjacent streets 5 ) Impact on residential property values In addition to these general concerns , Staff also identified a concern with respect to location of a depot or service line at the intersection of the SP right-of-way and Amador Valley Boulevard . The City has conducted a comprehensive traffic study for Amador Valley Boulevard . As part of that study , the residents living in the residential portion of Amador Valley Boulevard expressed a grave concern with respect to the high volume of traffic and the resulting impact on the safety of their neighborhood. The City Council received the presentation by Mr. Murphy and identified their concerns . CM-4-13 Regular Meeting January 2$, 1985 I-580/DOUGHERTY ROAD/HOPYARD ROAD IMPROVEMENTS The City of Dublin has entered into an agreement with the City of Pleasanton for ramp revisions and traffic signals to be constructed at the Hopyard/ Dougherty Road connections to Interstate 580. The cost of these improve- ments are to be paid by the North Pleasanton Assessment District . Original scheduling estimates called for these improvements to be constructed last summer, but because of the State requirement that these improvements conform to an ultimate freeway widening, this project was postponed and expanded . It is anticipated that construction of this project will commence within the next two months . Mr . Jim Ogren of Bissell and Karn, made a presentation to inform the Council and the public of the details and timing for this project . Mr. Ogren stated the first phase would start approximately early to mid March. The second phase is scheduled to start some time in May. Considerable discussion was held regarding the temporary ( 2 to 3 months) off ramp to Dougherty Road being channeled through Scarlett Court . This would require retiming of the signal at Dublin Boulevard @ Dougherty Road . Mayor Snyder asked for clarification that all costs incurred along Scarlett Court for this rerouting would be borne by the North Pleasanton Assessment District . Mr . Ogren responded that they would. Mr . Dennis Kahler, who owns 2 businesses on Scarlett Court stated his bus- inesses would be greatly affected by the fact that there would be no street parking during this construction and this would put him into a real bind . Al Rosetti , Miracle Auto Painting feels the use of Scarlett Court would create a dangerous situation because of the limited parking . Various parking alternative sources were discussed . City Manager Ambrose asked if a property were identified which would be available for parking for the businesses along Scarlett Court , would the Pleasanton Assessment District be willing to pay for lease costs to obtain the property on a temporary basis . Mr. Ogren stated he could not answer for the Assessment District , but that he certainly would check. Traffic counts off I-580 were discussed . The morning counts total 1 ,000 vehicles per hour, while the evening counts total 600 vehicles per hour. 1 Cm. Vonheeder felt that routing cars through Scarlett Court would present a very serious safety problem. Alternatives to using Scarlett Court were discussed . Using evening hours for the major construction was discussed . Discussion was held as to why a clover leaf intersection was not considered for this interchange . CM-4-14 Regular Meeting January 28, 1985 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM HOUSING NEEDS TASK FORCE REGARDING ELDER HOUSING PROGRAM The City has received a letter from Ilene Weinreb , Chairperson, of the Housing Needs Task Force requesting each City within Alameda County to participate in the Ad Hoc Senior Housing Task Force . The purpose of this Task Force is to identify senior housing needs and develop a plan to meet those needs . Ms . Weinreb has requested that the City appoint a representative prior to February 8 , 1985 , if it is interested in participating. Council consensus was for Cm. Hegarty to serve in this capacity. PUBLIC HEARING KAUFMAN & BROAD SINGLE FAMILY PREZONING On January 14 , 1985 , the City Council adopted a resolution approving the Kaufman & Broad Single Family Prezoning and introduced an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance . The City Council included a Site Development Review condition as part of the Planned Development Prezoning. The project involves the prezoning and annexation of approximately 12 acres of land generally located west of the existing City limits near the Silver- gate Drive extension. The project allows 34 single family dwelling units to be developed in the City rather than in the unincorporated County territory . Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. Dave Corliss from Kaufman & Broad questioned Condition #9 on the Resolution which was adopted at the last meeting relating to review the plot plan, grading on each lot , and architecture . The Council indicated they were mainly concerned with the architectural review aspect . Cm. Hegarty stated that when he seconded Cm. Moffatt ' s motion at the last meeting adding the condition of site development review, his intention was to simply see what was being built . Discussion ensued related to County regulations versus City regulations. Cm. Jeffery felt the City Staff should reexamine the project based on the City ' s criteria. Mr. Corliss stated he felt this would be unfair. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing . Cm. Jeffery made a motion which was seconded by Cm. Moffatt to waive the reading and adopt the Ordinance . This motion was defeated due to NO votes cast by Cm. Vonheeder , Cm. Hegarty and Mayor Snyder. CM-4-15 Regular Meeting January 28, 1985 On motion of Cm. Vonheeder , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by majority vote , the Council agreed to amend Resolution No . 04-85 to exclude the plot plan and grading from Condition #9 • The Council further agreed to bring back the Ordinance for a second reading and adoption at the Council meeting of February 11 , 1985 . Voting NO on this motion was Cm. Jeffery. ARROYO MANAGEMENT PLAN - ZONE 7 FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE DRAFT On December 10 , 1984 , the City Council reviewed the Zone 7 Arroyo Management Plan, Initial Progress Report . The report included background information and an initial inventory of trail feasibility. Zone 7 has now released an Administrative Draft of the Final Arroyo Management Plan for the City' s review and comment . The Draft Plan recommends Alamo Creek as part of the trail system. Cm. Jeffery stated she felt this was very similar to the proposal put before the DSRSD Board in 1976 - 1978 . People came out strongly against this plan at that time . The Council questioned why Zone 7 was doing this . Staff was questioned whether or not Zone 7 can go ahead with this without the City of Dublin' s approval . The response was no , unless they planned to foot the entire bill . City Manager Ambrose felt the money would be better spent on existing storm drain channel problems . Cm. Jeffery suggested and the Council concurred that the Park & Recreation Commission should hold hearings on this . Mayor Snyder suggested making it a point to put the Valley Spokesmen Bicycle Club on the notification list for their input . Staff was directed to notify Zone 7 of this action . FIRE SERVICES STUDY CITIES OF DUBLIN AND SAN RAMON Through an earlier action, the City Council expressed its desire to evaluate the provision of Fire Safety Services . The intent was to participate in a joint study with the City of San Ramon. The City Council Liaison Committees from San Ramon and Dublin have met to discuss the proposed study with the Consultant , Angus McDonald . The Dublin Liaison Committee has met with the City Manager and discussed several issues , including an extended study of other services now provided by the Dublin San Ramon Services District . Cm. Jeffery questioned if the paramedic issue would be a part of the fire study . Mr. McDonald stated that it was their original intent to separate the two issues , but after getting into the matter they realized that the two cannot be kept separate . Cm. Vonheeder stated she had hoped that all the issues could have been studied at once . CM-4-16 Regular Meeting January 28, 1985 On motion of Cm. Vonheeder , seconded by Cm. Hegarty , and by unaimous vote , the Council agreed to 1 ) remove Dublin' s extended planning area from scope of study; 2 ) eliminate Two City Fire Department alternative from scope of study ; 3 ) authorize City ' s participation in Study at a cost of $22 , 500; 4) Authorize Staff to solicit proposals from consultants to undertake a study of those remaining services provided by Dublin San Ramon Services District , including Parks & Recreation, Water , Sewer and Garbage ; 5 ) Notify the City of San Ramon that the City of Dublin will commence the review of the above services 3 months after the commencement of the Fire Study and invite the City of San Ramon to participate ; 6) Authorize a budget transfer from the contingent reserve in the amount of $22 , 500 to cover the cost of the Fire Services Study. DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM The development of a comprehensive Public Information Program has been examined which will attempt to address the provision of information to residents and the ability to obtain feedback. The Public Information Program will include the current methods of providing information to residents . The Recreation Brochure will advertise programs sponsored by the City of Dublin. The City has also used display advertising in local newspapers advising readers of important public hearings . The local press has also been responsive in covering events related to local government . Staff will continue to provide members of the press with agenda packets . In addition, when appropriate press releases have been used to direct attention to important items . These efforts will continue to be used by Staff . In addition, the use of a special service request form and a City Newsletter are proposed as additional elements of the City ' s Public Infor- mation Program. Cm. Jeffery stated she felt the Newsletter should be an informational document rather than a marketing tool for the City. Cm. Jeffery also felt a sixth category should be added "No Opinion" . Also , the letter to the Resident needs some warmth as it sounds too formal . A definition should also be included with Vector Control as most people do not know what a vector is . On motion of Cm. Jeffery , seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote , the Council authorized Staff to proceed with the implementation of a Service Request Form which allows for feedback and the production of a City Newsletter. LAVWMA SEWAGE CAPACITY NEGOTIATIONS The members of the Livermore Amador Valley Water Management Agency are presently attempting to reach a negotiated settlement regarding the percentage of sewage capacity each agency should receive from the 4.4 million gallon per day sewage expansion project authorized by the voters of the Valley on June 5 , 19$4• CM-4-17 Regular Meeting January 28, 1985 As indicated in the Measure K Ballot Measure language , the voters approved the expansion project with each member agency receiving 330 of the capacity . The City has received a letter from the Dublin San Ramon Services District asking if the City of Dublin has a position with respect to the sewage capacity distribution issue . The District would like to know if the City Council would support either of the following negotiating positions : 1 ) 33% split for all LAVWMA member agencies ; 2 ) A settlement which would give the DSRSD a little less than 33%. Cm. Hegarty felt the City should go for a 1/3 split . Cm. Jeffery felt there were pros and cons associated with each solution. Mayor Snyder read from the Draft EIR statement . City Attorney Nave stated he felt that legally , the only way to go is with a 1/3 split . On motion of Cm. Hegarty , seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote , the Council directed Staff to notify the Dublin San Ramon Services District that the City of Dublin supports the position of a 1/3 split . OTHER BUSINESS City Attorney Replacing County Counsel and/or District Attorney City Attorney Nave prepared an Ordinance which clears up some language relating to a previously adopted ordinance . Mayor Snyder opened a public hearing. No public comments were made . Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote , the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 03 - 85 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 13 Pak n Save Status Report City Manager Ambrose reported that Pak n Save has not met the final conditions for their opening which is scheduled to occur on January 31st . The City Council discussed ways in which the City could halt their opening if the conditions are not met prior to the deadline . CM-4-18 Regular Meeting January 28, 1985 Transit Committee Meeting Cm. Jeffery reported that she would be attending a Transit Committee meeting on Friday morning. The group will be going over the JPA one more time . The study done by DKS & Associates will also be discussed . Cm. Jeffery indicated she would try to summarize the differences in the routes being recommended . Joint Tri-Valley City Council Meeting Cm. Jeffery reported that Stafford ' s Restaurant had been reserved on March' 14th for the joint Council meeting of the Cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore , San Ramon and Danville . League of California Cities General Meeting Cm. Vonheeder reminded the Council of the February 8th League meeting in San Pablo . Cm. Jeffery indicated she would be attending. Pak n Save Gary Scott , Safeway Attorney , addressed the Council requesting some type of relief to allow Pak n Save to have their Grand Opening as scheduled . Mr. Scott stated he had worked out the access requirements with Dublin Investors and has been working closely with Lee Thompson, City Engineer regarding the necessary Lot Line adjustments . Mr. Scott stated they still needed documents signed by Mr. Gaspare , the property owner, but they had been unable to locate him as he was traveling somewhere in the State of Utah. Mr. Scott indicated that Safeway would be willing to put up a $100,000 forfeitable bond . The City Council indicated their concerns , and felt it was unfortunate that someone representing Pak n Save had not been assigned to coordinate this project from start to finish. City Staff reported that there had been several meetings with representatives from Pak n Save and Mr. Gaspare , the property owner, in which the City had been very specific in relaying the requirements that would need to be met prior to the store opening. CLOSED SESSION At 11 : 17 p.m. the Council recessed to a closed executive session to discuss personnel matters . PUBLIC MEETING RECONVENED The public meeting was reconvened at 11 : 23 p.m. with all Councilmembers present . CM-4-19 Regular Meeting January 2$, 1985 RECREATION DIRECTOR APPOINTMENT The City has been involved in the process of recruiting a replacement Recreation Director. Numerous applications have been received . After screening , a group of candidates were invited to participate in an all day assessment center, at which the Park & Recreation Commission and Interim Recreation Director participated as raters . City Manager Ambrose recommended that Diane Lowart be appointed as the City' s Recreation Director effective February 11 , 1985 • On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote , the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 08 - 85 CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF DIANE LOWART AS RECREATION DIRECTOR ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council , the meeting was adjourned at 11 : 25 p .m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CM-4-20 Regular Meeting January 28, 1985