HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.1 Approve 04-08-1985 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - April $, 19$5 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, April , 19$5 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 35 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty , Jeffery , Moffatt , Vonheeder and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council , Staff and those present in the pledge of alleg- iance to the flag. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Snyder read proclamation declaring April 20-27, 19$5 as "Week of the Young Child" . Mayor Snyder read proclamation declaring April 14-20, 19$5 as "National Library Week" . Barbara Baxter, Dublin Branch Manager was present at the I meeting to accept the proclamation. STATUS REPORT ESTRELLA COURT DRAINAGE PROBLEMS Gordon Bowen, 11574. Estrella Court addressed the Council and gave a status report on the drainage problems he had encountered as a result of the Kaufman & Broad construction going on behind his property. Mr. Bowen thanked the Council for their assistance with his problem. Cm. Hegarty commented that the Council appreciated the fact that Mr. Bowen took time out of his schedule to appear before the Council to thank them for their help. . John Wolfe , a neighbor of Mr. Bowen, addressed the Council and voiced his ` feeling that the Kaufman & Broad project was railroaded into their neighborhood . Mayor Snyder and Cm. Hegarty explained that this project had been before the public and public hearings had been conducted for the last 5 or 6 years. Mr. Wolfe stated he had only received one notification, and since he works a swingshift , he was unable to attend the public hearing. CM-4.-65 Regular Meeting April $, 19$5 I i . 4 INTRODUCTION OF CITY' S NEW RECREATION SUPERVISOR City Manager Ambrose introduced the City' s new Recreation Supervisor, Cindy Benson. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Hegarty , seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote , the Council took the following actions : Approved the Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of March 21 , 1985 and Regular Meeting of March 25 , 1985 ; Approved the Warrant Register in the amount of $224,012 . 83 ; Approved the City Treasurer' s Investment Report for period ending March 31 , 1985 ; Awarded bid for Contract 85-2 , Landscaping & Irrigation of Dublin Boulevard , Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway to Valleycrest Landscaping at a bid price of $370 , 736 ; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 20 - 85 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO . 124-84 AND MODIFYING MANDATORY DATES FOR UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES IN THE SAN RAMON ROAD UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NUMBER 1 Denied claim of Dennis L. Herrington and directed Staff to notify claimant and insurance carrier; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 21 - 85 ACCEPTING, FOR THE PUBLIC , AN EASEMENT DEED FOR A TEN FOOT WIDE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 22 - 85 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING ON STAGECOACH ROAD IN THE CITY OF SAN RAMON and authorized the Mayor to sign the agreement ; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 23 - 85 OF INTENT REGARDING ADDITIONAL 1 . 28 MGD OF WASTEWATER DISCHARGE Authorized Staff to proceed with the formal bid process for an Automated Traffic Safety Records System; CM-4-66 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL REQUEST FOR SUPPORT Councilmember Moffatt withdrew from discussion and participation in this item due to a possible conflict of interest . Alameda County is divided into specific zones and one hospital within each zone will be selected to direct pre-hospital advanced life support performed by paramedics . Valley Memorial Hospital is bidding to be designated as the Advanced Life Support Base Station Hospital in this area. Valley Memorial Hospital is in the same zone as Eden Hospital in Castro Valley. Councilmember Jeffery asked for a definition of advanced life support . City Manager Ambrose explained that it related to the level of training in which paramedics qualify. Cm. Jeffery felt that since Eden Hospital already has a pilot program, perhaps it would be best if the City Council did not make any recommendation. On motion of Cm. Hegarty , seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by majority vote ( Cm. Moffatt abstained ) , the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO . 24 - 85 SUPPORTING VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL' S APPLICATION TO ALAMEDA COUNTY TO OBTAIN DESIGNATION AS AN ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT BASE STATION HOSPITAL Voting NO on this motion was Cm. Jeffery . PUBLIC HEARING MORRISON HOMES , PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING & TENTATIVE MAP 5388 Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. Morrison Homes , property owners and Creegan & D' Angelo and the Environmental Center , applicants , are requesting the City rezone approximately 13 acres of property located north westerly of the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road from a Planned Development District (PD) as established under the Planned Development Rezoning request by H & H Development Company to a modified Planned Development District (PD) . They are concurrently requesting the City to consider a request to subdivide the property to accommodate the proposed 177 multi-family residential condominium units . - The use of the site is governed by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan which requires the proposed development to be processed by the City through the use of the Planned Development Rezoning procedure . The owner has requested that the Tentative Map process take place simultaneously with the rezoning. Assuming affirmative action by the City Council on these two submittals , the next step for the owner will be to submit a Site Development Review (SDR) request . The SDR will be handled at the Staff level and will be utilized to address specific minor architectural and site planning issues . CM-4-67 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 During the course of prior meetings , two primary issues emerged : 1 ) the requirement to provide rental of 10% of the units for one year; and 2 ) the requirement to install a pedestrian/bicycle bridge crossing from the project site over Martin Canyon Creek to either the Nielsen School site or the Mape Park site . Cm. Hegarty questioned Staff with regard to park dedication fees and whether the money required to build the bridge would be over and above what they had paid. ;._.. Ayden Murtaugh, representing Morrison Homes , felt that the 10% rental issue did not fit this size development project . He felt it inappropriate in that they could not possibly rent the units for the required $1 , 200-$1 ,400 per month. With regard to the bridge , they have already provided the necessary park fees for the project , in excess of $340 , 000. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. Planning Director Tong presented statistics related to the number of past , current and projected rental units in Dublin. Based on the 1980 census information, the split between single family houses and multiple family houses was shown, as well as the split between rental units and owner occupied units . In updating this information, Staff took a look at the number and type of housing units that have been constructed in the City in the last 5 years . Projecting out through the end of December, 1985 , Staff found that .while the number of single family houses versus multiple family houses in 1980 was approximately 89% to 11/, by the end of 1985 it will be approximately 78/o to 22%. The report indicated that multiple family units have increased from 11% to 22%, essentially a 100/ increase . Cm. Jeffery expressed concern in that if the Council requires the 10% rental units , what they would be doing is setting up a situation where they would allow people to move into a condominium and then just allow them to stay one year. Cm. Jeffery questioned if the percentage required was up to the Council to determine and if a finding of 0% could be made. Mr. Tong explained that it was a policy decision to be made by the. Council , or another alternative would be to amend the General Plan. City Attorney Nave stated that the Council could make a finding in the resolution that there is a sufficient number of rental units available at this time , and thereby delete Item #75 • Cm. Moffatt questioned how the Planning Commission felt about this issue . Mr. Tong explained that there was mixed reactions ; some were opposed to the concept , but the vote was unanimous , due to conformance to the General Plan. Cm. Vonheeder felt the Council should make a statement that this requirement was put in the General Plan in order to deal with very large developments to the east . CM-4-68 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 Cm. Hegarty felt the bridge area could become a haven for undesirable activities . He would rather see a park set up that is wide open and felt this requirement should be lifted , and Staff directed to iron out the money requirements insofar as park dedication fees are required . Cm. Jeffery felt that if children move into this project , they would tend to take the shortest route (through the creek) to get to where they are going. Discussion was held regarding access points . Cm: Moffatt questioned if the roads would be dedicated 'to the City. Planning Director Tong stated they, are being proposed as private roads. Discussion was held regarding police protection on private vs public roads . Lt . Shores explained that even though residents on private roads receive the same police protection as public roads , traffic control is the big problem. Discussion was held related to who would own the bridge if it is built . It would serve the homeowners , but would be on public easement . Mr. Tong explained that ownership had not been determined. It had been required as part of the required pedestrian/bicycle access which is going to be an easement for public purposes . City Attorney Nave explained that the Specific Plan provides for bicycle/ pedestrian access across the creek. Roger Coupe , Creegan & D ' Angelo stated that the San Ramon Road Specific Plan does not provide for access across the creek, but rather the intent of getting public access from down toward the commercial centers . It does not specify access across the creek. On motion of Cm. Jeffery , seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote , the Council agreed to delete Condition #75 of the Planned Development Rezoning and Condition #27 of the Tentative Map and add "Whereas the City Council finds that this project is not a large multi-family project as contemplated by Section 3 . 8 . 3 of the Housing Element Portion of Vol . 2 : Technical Supplement of the General Plan and by section 6.4E of the General Plan Vol. 1 : Plan Policies" . On motion of Cm. Hegarty , seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote , the Council agreed to delete Condition #72 of the Planned Development Rezoning, related to the bridge . On motion of 0m. Moffatt , seconded by Cm. Hegarty , and by unanimous vote , the Council (with changes discussed) , adopted RESOLUTION NO. 25 - 85 APPROVING AND ESTABLISHING FINDINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING WITH DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR A THIRTEEN ACRE SITE CONCERNING PA 84-084.1 , MORRISON HOMES PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING and CM-4-69 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 RESOLUTION NO . 26 - $5 APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP 5388 CONCERNING PA 84-084 . 2 MORRISON HOMES/CREEGAN & D ' ANGELO On motion of Cm. Jeffery , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote , the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 27 - 85 ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR PA 84-084.1 and . 2 MORRISON HOMES PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING AND TENTATIVE MAP On motion of Cm. Hegarty , seconded by Cm. Moffatt , and by unanimous vote , the Council waived the reading and introduced an ordinance (as amended) amending the zoning ordinance to permit the rezoning of real property within the City of Dublin. Cm. Hegarty questioned the developer to make sure they understood that there would be no occupancy until all conditions were met . Mr. Murtaugh said they would comply with all the conditions . PUBLIC HEARING SALARY FOR MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing . Governor Deukmejian signed into law AB 2281 on April 4, 1984, which became effective January 1 , 1985 . This legislation adjusted the schedule utilized for establishing salaries for City Councilmembers in General Law Cities . At a previous City Council meeting , the Council requested that the issue be placed on the agenda after the effective date of the legislation. The law would allow for the City Council to establish the City Councilmembers salary at a maximum of $300 per month. If enacted, the proposed ordinance would not take Effect until December 16, 1986. City Manager explained that this $ figure is determined based on Dublin' s population. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Moffatt , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote , the Council waived the reading and introduced an ordinance amending Ordinance No . 15-84 Providing a Salary for Members of the City Council . SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER LEASE RENEWAL The lease on the Shannon Community Center expires June 30, 1985 . The center is used as the Recreation Department Office as well as a site for a CM-4-70 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 majority of the City' s recreation programs . The operating costs through February are $37 ,$54 and the revenue $48 ,147. The net gain to the City is $10 , 293 • Cm. Moffatt questioned how the Park & Recreation Commission felt about this renewal . Recreation Director Lowart explained that this issue is on the Park & Recreation Commission' s agenda for the following night , but Commissioners have indicated in past discussions that they are in favor of renewing the lease . Cm. Vonheeder questioned if the City had considered a longer lease option. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote , the Council directed Staff to notify the Dublin San Ramon Services District of the City' s desire to renew the lease on Shannon Center for the 19$5-86 Fiscal Year. The Council also directed Staff to advise DSRSD of their interest in a lease for longer than a one year period . DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT STUDY & COMMITTEE During the City' s 1985 Goals & Objectives Study Session, the City Council identified the development of a Downtown Improvement Plan and Ad Hoc Downtown Improvement Committee as a goal which the City should pursue . The City Council also allocated $50 , 000 in the 19$4-85 budget for the purpose of securing the professional services of a contract urban designer to assist in the development of a plan for the City ' s downtown area. The Council identified the area to be studied as part of the downtown improvement plan as being the area approved on Exhibit 2, as recommended by the Planning Commission, but also to include the shopping center containing Fandango ' s and the old site of the Alpha Beta market . The Council agreed to form a blue-ribbon ad hoc downtown improvement committee to consist of ll . members . The method agreed upon will be for each City Councilmember to appoint two members to the committee , one member from the business community and one member from the residential community. The appointments to this committee are to be made at the first City Council meeting in May. It was also agreed that the Chamber of Commerce should be invited to appoint a member for the committee with full voting rights . Cm. Vonheeder felt that intense Planning Commission involvement is critical. Cm. Jeffery felt a time limit should be put on the Committee with an ending date of November, 1986. Mayor Snyder felt the residential committee members should be appointed from the 5 basic areas of the City. The Council concurred with the means of dividing up the City into 5 areas and drew numbers to determine from which area their appointment was to be - made . CM-4-71 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 Cm. Jeffery' s appointment will be from the area west of San Ramon Road. Cm. Moffatt ' s appointment will be from the area north of Amador Valley Boulevard and east of San Ramon Road . Mayor Snyder' s appointment will be the area east of I-680 and west of Village Parkway . Cm. Hegarty' s appointment will be from the area near Dublin High School , north of Amador Valley Boulevard , east of Village Parkway . Cm. Vonheeder' s appointment will be from the Echo Park area near Wells and Cronin Park, south of Amador Valley Boulevard. The Council suggested that Staff publicize the fact that the Council is looking for people to serve on this committee . Cm. Moffatt questioned the involvement of various merchant ' s associations on this committee . Since all the meetings will be public meetings , anyone can provide input . However, the Council felt that in order to reach any kind of a consensus , the number of committee members should be limited . Cm. Jeffery requested that Staff notify the merchant ' s associations of this committee being formed . City Manager Ambrose reported that he and Mr. Tong would sit on the committee as staff advisors. The City Council directed Staff to work with the committee in developing a scope of services for a project consultant . The scope of services should be presented to the City Council for its approval prior to entering into the contract with the consultant . Upon completion of the committee ' s report , that report would be reviewed and acted upon by the Planning Commission and subsequently by the City Council . On motion of Cm. Jeffery , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by majority vote , the Council agreed to form an 11 member committee that will cease to exist in November, 1986. Voting NO on this motion was Cm. Moffatt . RECESS A short recess was . called . All Councilmembers were present when the meeting was reconvened. LANDSCAPING SCHEMATICS SAN RAMON ROAD & VILLAGE PARKWAY (NORTH OF AVB) As part of the 5 Year Capital Improvement Program, Staff has begun the de- sign of landscape improvements on San Ramon Road and Village Parkway. The elements included are the use of interlocking paving stones and the plant- ing of trees and shrubs . A determination is r1equired as to whether ground medians . A third option cover or lawn should be established on the center p is to design the project with a combination of grass and ground cover. Ken Hansen of Hansen Babcock made a slide presentation, illustrating various types of ground covers and trees that they would propose to use in Dublin. Their selections were based on those trees that are the most drought resistent , plus are able to stand up to the wind. Mr. Hansen recommended using lawn in the residential parkway areas , but did not recommend using lawn in the commercial areas due to the logistics of trying to maintain the medians on busy streets . CM-4-72 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 Cm. Jeffery made a motion to utilize strictly ground cover in the medians . This motion died due to the lack of a second. On motion of Cm. Moffatt , seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote , the Council determined that a combination of lawn and ground cover be utilized in the median landscape design. The selection of the various kinds of ground cover and trees should be left to the discretion of the Staff. DOUGHERTY ROAD/HOPYARD ROAD OVERCROSSING At a previous City Council meeting, the Council reviewed temporary detours proposed in conjunction with the Dougherty Road/I-5$0 interchange improve- ments . The cost of the improvements are being paid by the developments in the northern area of Pleasanton. The proposal includes the temporary detour of traffic onto Scarlett Court during construction. This would require the elimination of parking along Scarlett Court . To alleviate the impacts of this measure , a temporary parking lot is proposed on highway right of way . Jim Ogren from Bissell & Karn gave a status report on this project . Roger Henderson from TJKM was also present to answer questions . Mayor Snyder questioned if the parking lot was actually located within Dublin' s City limits . A boundary map indicated that it was . Cm. Moffatt questioned how they arrived at the number of needed parking spaces . It was reported that they actually went out and counted cars both in the morning and afternoon. It was reported that there were as many as 26 cars and as few as 17 observed . Cm. Moffatt asked for clarification that the North Pleasanton Assessment District was indeed paying for this project . Dublin would assume responsibility for enforcement only. It was reported that the one hour traffic counts on the Dougherty Road off ramp were 700 (7:00-9 : 00 a.m. ) and 1 ,000+ (4: 00-6 :00 p.m. ) . It was clarified that the detour would exist for approximately 2 to 3 months . A point was also made that once people realize there is road construction going on, they can go to the next off ramp to exit . A representative from Busick Properties expressed concern regarding the maneuvers requi/red by large trucks . John Corallo , owner of Valley Boat House expressed concern regarding how someone pulling a boat in or. out of his property will manage . The situation is bad now, and wil•1 be worsened by the additional traffic . Council indicated the possibility of putting in a ' stay clear' or 'do not block' area in front of Mr. Corallo ' s property . CM-4-73 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 Gordon Gaucheo , Aircote Supply Company ,. immediately behind Busick, indicated they had been tenants since 1971 . He felt that what the City was attempting to do will penalize and put quite an economic burden on the businessmen in this area . He also expressed concern regarding safety. They are .in the welding supply and industrial gas business . They move trucks in loaded with industrial gas , which comes under the DLT and hazardous materials . Mayor Snyder felt that the stop signs would relieve the safety concerns expressed . At the present time , there is no control . Mr. Gaucheo questioned the exact location of where the stop signs would be placed. The speed limit on the off ramp was discussed. Roger Henderson, TJKM stated that the off ramp speed limit will be 30 mph. Danny Kahler indicated his main concern is the parking and questioned the condition of the parking lot . It was reported that the lot will be paved and fenced . The consensus of the business people present was that it would be better for them if the project were done later in 'the year, i . e . September/October/Nov- ember, as opposed to starting earlier. On motion of Cm. Jeffery , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote , the Council approved the temporary elimination of parking and shifting of traffic lanes on Scarlett Court during retaining wall construction and approved the use of Scarlett Court as a temporary off-ramp which will require the elimination of parking on Scarlett Court , provided that a) none of the associated costs will be paid by the City of Dublin; b) a temporary City park'.ng lot is constructed to replace lost on-street parking (approximately 22 spaces ) ; and c ) adequate traffic control measures are taken to safely handle the revised traffic configuration. OTHER BUSINESS Withdrawal from BART City Manager Ambrose indicated the Assistant City Attorney had prepared a memo related to Dublin' s withdrawal from BART. The Council requested that Staff contact BART to determine how much money is being spent on the BART express bus . Also , Council directed Staff to investigate whether Dublin could sue for a park & ride lot . Council .requested Staff to invite Director Robert Allen to speak at the May 13th Council meeting. Tri-Valley City Council Meeting The City has received a letter from the .City of Pleasanton advising that the Pleasanton Hotel will not be available on the tentative date for the next scheduled meeting of the Tri-Valley City Councils. Pleasanton has rescheduled the meeting for Thursday evening, Jur)e 6th. All Councilmembers indicated that this date was okay. CM-4-74 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 Kolb Park City Manager Ambrose requested Council direction with regard to a possible joint meeting 4,,ith the Board of Trustees of the Murray School District to set up the framework to get moving with the Kolb Park acquisition. Suggested evening meeting dates were May 9tr, or May 16th. DSRSD Fire Study City Manager Ambrose reported that the Council had received arl. outline of the alternatives identified by Angus McDonald & Associates with regard to the fire study. Conference/City Attorney City Attorney Nave requested Council permission to attend the League ' s City Attorneys Spring Conference. in Monterey on May 1-3 , 19$5 • On motion of Cm. Jeffery , seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote , the Council authorized Mr . Nave to attend this conference . Emergency Procedure Cm. Moffatt questioned the dispatch system being used in Dublin. He reported that someone had complained to him that they had tried to call in a dangerous situation and the dispatcher had responded in an inappropriate manner. City Manager Ambrose questioned the date and advised that he and Lt . Tom Shores would investigate the situation. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council , the meeting was adjourned at 11 : 39 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CM-4-75 Regular Meeting April 8, 1985