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Item 4.03 Financial Report 04-30-1985
f H CITY OF DUBLIN 3 BALANCE SHEET L=J FOR THE PERIOD ENDING APRIL 30, 1985 COMMUNITY TRAFFIC REVENUE DEVELOPMENT FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION PARK STREET LANDSCAPE GENERAL SAFETY STATE GAS SHARING BLACK GRANT AID URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEDICATION LIGHT ASSMT ASSMT DISTR OFFICE OF AVB EXT. CAPITAL FIXED O FUND FUND TAX FUND FUND FUND FUND ACT FUND FUND 83-1 FUND 83-2 FUND TRAFFIC SAFETY ASSESSMT PROJECTS ASSETS TOTAL ALL • FUND FUND FUND FUND FUNDS ASSETS Cash d Investments 8013051 9310 119611 92993 44261 320202 4446 655664 61015 25704 6225 17596 148316 9584580 Due From Other Funds 433384 317620 Accounts Receivable 15853 751004 Prepaid Items 35336 15853 C` Fixed Assets _ -- _� 35336 W 98470 98470 TOTAL ASSETS 8497624 9370 179671 92993 44267 637822 4446 655664 67075 25704 6225 17596 148316 98470 10485243 LIABILITIES Deposits from Others 328759 Payroll Taxes Payable 4 7760 336519 Due to Other Funds 8000 317620 35000 4 Accounts Payable 5801 35000 355364 750984 5801 TOTAL LIABILITIES 334564 8000 317620 35000 35000 363124 1093308 FUND EQUITY Fund Reserve 4631228 573 233689 163855 495713 Fund Balance 3641706 797 —52518 —70862 44267 320202 4446 159951 32075 25704 678142 98470 6301670 Fund Transfers —109874 —1500 6225 —17404 —1004324 3090265 111374 0 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 8163060 1370 179671 92993 44267 320202 4446 655664 — 32075 25704 6225 —17404 —214808 98470 9391935 TOTAL LIABILITIES d 8497624 9370 179671 92993 44267 637822 4446 655664 67075 25704 FUND EQUITY ��� .gym mss... �u�Q1O .tee. 6225 17596 148316 98470 10485243 V v W Q r` V CITY OF DUBLIN SUMMARY REVENUE & EXPENDITURE REPORT ALL FUNDS CONSOLIDATED FOR THE PERIOD ENDED APRIL 30, 1985 CURRENT YEAR TO REVENUES BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE Property Tax 359500 133189 371595 -12095 Other Taxes 3451500 406463 3271211 180289 Licenses & Permits , 234850 67736 252663 -17813 Fines & Forfeitures 61000 10285 51431 9569 Special Assessments 48809 131988 For Use of Money & Property 605000 148992 750829 -145829 Intergovernmental Revenue 1630292 156194 1143912 486380 Charges for Services 281000 2397 122075 158925 Other Revenue 727500 4980 492718 234782 TOTAL REVENUES 7350642 979045 6588422 894208 EXPENDITURES General Government 101 City Council 45570 3456 29920 15650 102 City Manager/Clerk 162330 12540 114112 •48218 103 Legal Services 60000 3195 37440 22560 104 Finance 11980 1448 9935 2045 105 Building Management 110500 7142 80645 29855 106 Insurance 40300 72118 -31818 108 Non-Departmental 14180 14180 Total General Government 444860 27781 344170 100690 Public Safety 201 Police Services 1349320 129393 919142 4.30178 203 Crossing Guards 16500 479 16021 204 Animal Control 43000 8679 25653 17347 205 Traffic Signals & Safety Lighting 178600 11668 115436 63164 206 Disaster Preparedness 12000 541 11459 Total Public Safety 1599420 149740 1061251 538169 Transportation 301 Street Maintenance 260650 11251 195104 65546 302 Street Sweeping 60200 4911 42527 17673 304 Street Tree Maintenance 24750 1071 18365 6385 305 Beautification l 32000 1469 27171 4829 306 Paratransit Service 14084 1298 7415 6669 Total Transportation 391684 20000 290582 101102 Health ,& Welfare 501 Vector Control Service 8925 8925 Total Health & Welfare 8925 8925 Summary Revenue & Expend re Report — Page 2 URRENT YEAR TO All Funds Consolidated BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE Culture & Leisure Services 701 Library Service 41437 10359 31077 10360 702 Parks & Recreation 282266 14823 129994 152272 Total Culture & Leisure Services 323703 25182 161071 162632 Community Development 901 Planning 226065 15665 125241 100824 902 Building & Safety 197244 14618 126806 70438 903 Engineering 188350 43382 210153 —21803 Total Community Development 611659 73665 462200 149459 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 3380251 296368 2319274 1060977 CAPITAL PROJECTS 4776094 128904 1178884 3597210 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8156345 425272 3498158 4658187 FUND BALANCE —805703 553773 3090264 CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENL_ ORES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING APRIL 30, 1985 REVENUE REPORT ------------------------------- 1984-85 1984-85 Estimated Current Received GENERAL FUND Revenue Month Year to Date PROPERTY TAX 510.01 Current Year Secured 323000 128760 327183 510.02 Current Year Unsecured 36500 974 , 35663 510.03 Prior Year Secured 3455 7046 510.04 Prior Year Unsecured 1703 Total Property Tax 359500 133189 371595 OTHER TAXES 515.00 Sales & Use Tax 3280000 228139 2995706 517.00 Real Property Transfer Tax 35000 5368 36175 518.00 Transient Occupancy Tax 48478 89402 519.00 Electric Franchise Tax 77400 91519 91519 521.00 Gas Franchise Tax 32600 32959 32959 523.00 CATV Franchise Tax 26500 25450 Total Other Taxes 3451500 406463 3271211 LICENSES & PERMITS 530.01 Building Permits 224000 65613 241274 530.02 Animal Licenses 7500 957 5546 530.03 Bus Bench Ad Permits 350 306 530.04 Enchroachment Permits 2000 1166 5537 530.05 Other Permits 1000 Total Licenses & Permits 234850 67736 252663 FINES & FORFEITURES 532.02 Other Court Fines 6000 948 12412 Total Fines & Forefeitures 6000 948 12412 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 550.01 Interest 523500 144603 706356 550.03 Rents & Concessions 48000 4389 44473 Total Revenue from Use of Money & Property 571500 148992 750829 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES — STATE 555.01 Motor Vehicle in Lieu Tax 422000 65303 312713 555.02 Trailer Coach in Lieu Tax 2000 2538 555.03 Cigarette Tax 91300 8114 82489 555.04 Off Highway Vehicle in Lieu Tax 300 159 555.05 Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 19000 8510 555.06 Business Inventory Tax Total Intergovernmental Revenues — State 534600 73417 40640: . Revenue Report — Page 2 Estimated Current Received Revenue Month Year to Date CHARGES FOR SERVICES -------- ----------- ------------ 565.01 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 30000 335 31647 565.02 Engineering Plan Checks & Insepction Fees 85000 10 55059 565.04 Sales of Maps & Documents 2500 127 4087 565.05 Animal Shelter Fees 565.06 Special Police Dept. Services 5000 560 6770 565.12 Park & Recreation Fees 158000 5096 26155 565.15 Other Charges for Services 500 565.16 Building Use Insurance 194 2172 565.17 Shannon Management Fee 565.18 Zone 7 Drainage Foes —3925 —3815 Total Charges for Services 281000 2397 122075 OTHER REVENUES 570.01 Proceeds from Sale of Property 124884 570.02 Non—Government Contributions 12580 570.03 Miscellaneous 500 9 570.04 Park Dedication Fees 570.05 Shannon Lease Subsidy 24000 2000 15999 570.06 Reimbursement for Public Damage 4735 Total Other Revenue 24500 2000 158207 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES 5463450 835142 5345401 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND FINES & FOEFEITURES 532.01 Vehicle Code Fines 55000 9337 39019 REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY 550.01 Interest TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 55000 9337 39019 STATE GAS TAX FUND REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY 550.01 Interest 33508 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES — STATE 555.07 State Gas Tax (2106) 83500 7143 65354 555.08 State Gas Tax (2107) 160500 14180 127644 555.09 State' Gas Tax (2107.5) 4000 4000 Total State Gas Tax 248000 21323 196998 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 281500 21323 196998 Revenue Report — Page 3 Estimated Current Received GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Month Year to Date --------------------------- --------- ---------- ------------ REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY 550.01 Interest INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE — FEDERAL 559.01 Revenue Sharing 207400 55645 163142 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND- 207400 55645 163142 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES — FEDERAL 559.02 Community Development Block Grant 84000 44267 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND 84000 44267 FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES — FEDERAL 559.03 Federal Aid Urban Funds 510000 320202 TOTAL FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND 510000 320202 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 555.10 Article 4.5 Funds (Paratransit) 8892 2223 6669 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND 8892 2223 6669 PARK DEDICATION FUND REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY 550.01 Interest OTHER 570.04 Park Dedication Fees 405000 159951 TOTAL PARK DEDICATION FUND 405000 159951 OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES — STATE 555.11 Office of Traffice Safety Grant 37400 3586 6225 TOTAL TRAFFICE SAFETY GRANT FUND 37400 3586 6225 Revenue Report — Page 4 Estimated Current Received STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTR 83-1 Revenue Month Year to Date ----------------------------------- -------- ----------- ------------ SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS 534.03 Special Assessments 40709 106285 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING ASSMENT DISTR 83-1 40709 106285 LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-2 SPECIAL BENEFIT 'ASSESSMENTS 534.03 Special Assessments 8100 25704 TOTAL LANDSCAPE ASSMENT DISTR 83-2 8100 25704 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND OTHER REVENUES 570.02 Non-Government Contributions 298000 2980 174560 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 298000 2980 174560 TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS 7350642 979045 6588423 BUDGET TRANSFERS IN To Capital Projects Fund 3532020 -140874 3532020 140874 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND E," 'DITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING APRIL j, 1985 EXPENDITURE REPORT GENERAL FUND CURRENT YEAR TO GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 101 CITY COUNCIL Personal Services .02 Salaries, Part Time 9900 825 7367 2533 .06 Worker's Compensation 60 60 Total Personal Services 9960 825 7367 2593 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 500 30 138 362 .02 Postage 150 2 41 109 .05 Professional Services 7700 7191 509 .08 Advertising 1390 32 909 481 .09 Printing 100 99 1 .14 Books, Publs & Subscp 100 20 80 .15 Memberships & Dues 11050 1970 5294 5756 .17 Travel, Confs & Meetings 6600 55 5506 1094 .18 Training 2500 1357 1143 .19 Community Promotion 1500 554 946 .20 Miscellaneous Exps 1400 1400 Total Services & Supplies 32990 2089 21109 11881 Capital Outlay 4020 542 1444 .2576 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 46970 3456 29920 17050 102 CITY MANAGER / CLERK Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 98125 8731 82504 15621 .02 Salaries, Part Time 4380 242 1293 3087 .03 Salaries, Overtime 300 45 255 .04 Retirement 8200 1010 8471 -271 .05 Group Insurance 9315 523 5210 4105 .06 Worker's Compensation 2240 2240 Total Personal Services 122560 10506 97523 25037 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 2500 205 1585 915 .02 Postage 5450 91 2028 3422 .03 Reproduction Svcs 2500 88 1524 976 .08 Advertising 1800 606 1373 427 .09 Printing 6000 353 5647 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1200 172 1028 .14 Books, Publs & Subscps 1000 16 431 569 .15 Memberships & Dues 520 473 47 .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 5000 394 3912 1088 .17 Travel, Confs & Meetings 4000 308 2308 1692 .18 Training 800 798 2 Total Services & Supplies 30770 1708 14957 15813 Contract Services 6500 77 6423 Capital Outlay 2500 326 1555 945 TOTAL CITY MANAGER /. CLERK 162330 12540 114112 48218 Expenditure Report — Page 2 CUR. i YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 103 LEGAL SERVICES Services & Supplies .05 Professional Services 40000 3195 37440 2560 .22 Reserve for Litigation 20000 20000 ------ ------- ------- ------- Total Services & Supplies 60000 3195 37440 22560 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES 60000 3195 37440 22560 104 FINANCE Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 1300 436 864 .05 Professional Services 8500 1248 8233 267 .09 Printing 750 199 551 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 200 200 .14 Books Publs & Subscrps 480 476 4 .17 Travel,, Confs & Meetings 550 391 159 Total Services & Supplies 11780 1248 9735 2045 Capital Outlay — Machinery & Equip 200 200 200 0 TOTAL FINANCE 11980 1448 9935 2045 105 BUILDING MANAGEMENT Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 500 15 126 374 .07 Communication 23500 1547 16326 7174 .13 Rentals 72000 5580 55800 16200 Total Services& Supplies 96000 7142 72252 23748 Contract Services 500 500 Capital Outlay Improvements Other Than Buildings 1000 1000 Machinery & Equipment 13000 8393 4607 Total Capital Outlay 14000 8393 5607 TOTAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT 110500 7142 80645 29855 106 INSURANCE Services & Supplies .10 Insurance Premiums 40300 72118 —31818 TOTAL INSURANCE 40300 72118 —31818 108 NON—DEPARTMENTAL Contingent Reserve 9080 9080 TOTAL NON—DEPARTMENTAL 9080 9080 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 441160 27781 344170 96990 PUBLIC SAFETY 201 POLICE SERVICES Personal Services .02 Salaries, Part Time 9880 840 4045 5835 Expenditure Report - Page 3 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MOP' DATE BALANCE 201 Police Services, Persnl Srvcs, Contin'd .06 Worker's Compensation 280 280 Total Personal Services 10160 840 4045 6115 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 2200 90 263 1937 .02 Postage 500 67 689 -189 .03 Reproduction Supplies 2500 102 1987 513 .04 Operating Supplies 1750 72 818 932 .09 Printing & Binding 1700 394 1306 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1690 227 1463 .14 Books, Publs & Subscrps 100 20 20 80 .15 Memberships & Dues 60 20 40 .16 Auto Mileage & Allowance 620 25 139 481 .17 Travel, Confs & Meetings 840 30 71 769 .18 Training Expense 675 511 164 .19 Community Promotion 200 25 175 Total Services & Supplies 12835 406 5164 7671 Contract Services .01 Personnel Costs 675000 76671 482110 192890 .02 Vehicle Costs 72000 8629 47727 24273 .03 Indirect Costs 55560 7003 42019 13541 .04 Dispatch 87000 24984 66324 20676 .05 Admin. - Financial Svcs 34000 8143 24317 9683 .06 Services & Supplies 30000 2642 12098 17902 Total Contract Services 953560 128072 674595 278965 Capital Outlay - Machinery & Equip 4825 75 1334 3491 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 981380 129393 685138 296242 202 AMBULANCE SERVICES Svcs & Supply - Contract Svcs TOTAL AMBULANCE SERVICES 203 CROSSING GUARDS Contract Services 16500 479 16021 TOTAL CROSSING GUARDS 16500 479 16021 J 204 ANIMAL CONTROL Contract Services .01 Shelter Services 7000 2609 7444 -444 .02 Field Service 36000 6070 18209 17791 Total Contract Services 43000 8679 25653 17347 TOTAL ANIMAL,CONTROL 43000 8679 25653 17347 205 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & SAFETY LIGHTING Services & Supply - Utilities 600 600 Contract Services TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS-SAFETY LIGHTING 600 600 Expenditure Report — Page CL. AT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 206 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Services & Supplies .09 Printing & Binding 300 300 .14 Books, Publs & Subscp 200 200 .15 Memberships & Dues 500 500 .18 Training 1000 541 459 ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Services & Supplies 2000 541 1459 Contract Services 5000 5000 Machinery & Equipment 5000 5000 TOTAL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 12000 541 11459 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1053480 138072 711811 341669 TRANSPORTATION 301 STREET MAINTENANCE Cntrct Svcs—Sign Rpr & Instll'tn 6250 742 5508 Improvements Othr Than Bldgs Machinery & Equipment 1500 1719 —219 Total Capital Outlay 1500 1719 —219 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 7750 2461 5289 304 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE Contract Svcs — Public Works 23600 1071 18365 5235 Services & Supplies — Utilities 1150 1150 TOTAL STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 24750 1071 18365 6385 305 BEAUTIFICATION Contract Svcs — Public Works 32000 1469 27171 4829 TOTAL BEAUTIFICATION 32000 1469 27171 4829 306 PARATRANSIT SERVICE Contract Svcs — SRV Community Ctr 5192 1298 5192 0 TOTAL PARATRANSIT SERVICE 5192 1298 5192 0 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 69692 3838 53189 16503 HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES 501 VECTOR CONTROL SERVICES Contract -Services 8925 8925 TOTAL VECTOR-CONTROL SERVICES 8925 8925 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES 701 LIBRARY SERVICE Contract Svcs — County Library 41437 10359 31077 10360 TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICE 41437 10359 31077 10360 Expenditure Report — Page 5 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 702 PARK & RECREATION Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 60250 3121 29226 31024 .02 Salaries, Part Time 60555 4027 24670 35885 .03 Salaries, Overtime 450 459 —9 .04 Retirement 5050 328 2183 2867 .05 Group Insurance 8075 243 3689 4386 .06 Worker's Compensation 4100 4100 Total Personal Services 138480 7719 60227 78253 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 2700 156 1314 1386 .02 Postage 5200 22 3088 2112 .03 Reproduction Services 1375 20 407 968 .04 Program Materials 15800 50 3516 12284 .05 Professional Services 9200 14101 —4901 .07 Communications 2400 225 2953 -553 .08 Advertising 1100 67 175 925 .09 Printing 12400 1843 7836 4564 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1000 1000 .13 Rentals 15410 303 955 14455 .14 Books, Publs & Subscrips 50 5 45 .15 Memberships & Dues 455 80 375 .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 3265 252 1587 1678 .17 Travel, Confrncs & Meetings 1350 78 794 556 .18 Training Expense 400 127 273 .19 Community Promotion 4000 1691 2490 '1510 .21 Utilities 14000 1134 8410 5590 Total Services & Supplies 90105 5841 47838 42267 Contract Services .01 Recreation Instruction 27195 74 9433 17762 .02 Shannon Services 12986 902 9222 3764 Total Contract Services 40181 976 18655 21526 Capital Outlay — Machinery & Egpmt 13500 287 3274 10226 TOTAL PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 282266 14823 129994 152272 TOTAL CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES 323703 25182 161071 162632 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 901 PLANNING Personal Services :O1 Salaries, Full Time 107300 9763 78785 28515 .02 Salaries, Part Time 6220 1228 4992 .03 Salaries, Overtime 1300 45 748 552 .04 Retirement 8960 814 6114 2846 .05 Group Insurance 11820 827 7848 3972 .06 Worker's Compensation 2860 2860 ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Personal Services 138460 11449 94723 43737 Expenditure Report — Page 6 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE 901 PLANNING (Continued) Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 3800 425 2006 1794 .02 Postage 2600 91 1948 652 .03 Reproduction Supplies 1925 67 1624 301 .05 Professional Services 72500 2033 16312 56188 .08 Advertising 1600 101 1021 579 .09 Printing 2800 9 673 2127 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1600 375 1225 .14 Books, Publs & Subscrps 400 7 32 368 .15 Memberships & Dues 260 114 146 .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 2950 228 1924 . 1026 .17 Travel, Confs & Meetings 4100 —44 2305 1795 .18 Training 750 235 550 200 .24 LAFCO Filing Fees 400 400 —400 Total Services & Supplies 95285 3552 29284 66001 . Capital Outlay — Machinery & Equip 4820 664 1234 3586 TOTAL PLANNING 238565 15665 125241 113324 902 BUILDING & SAFETY Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 18750 1600 15050 3700 .03 Salaries, Overtime 200 125 75 .04 Retirement 1564 133 1185 379 .05 Group Insurance 3105 261 2766 339 .06 Worker's Compensation 100 100 Total Personal Services 23719 1994 19126 .4593 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 1000 143 981 19 .02 Postage 500 17 339 161 .03 Reproduction Supplies 375 15 256 119 .09 Printing & Binding 1000 38 762 238 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1000 1000 .14 Books, Publs & Subscps 1600 1600 .15 Memberships& Dues 400 300 100 .16 Auto Mileage & Allow. 150 13 137 .18 Training Expense 300 198 102 Total Services & Supplies 6325 w 213 2849 w 3476 Contract Services 165000 12109 104346 60654 Capital Outlay — Machinery & Equip 2200 302 485 1715 TOTAL ,BUILDING & SAFETY 197244 14618 126806 70438 Expenditure Report - Page 7 903 ENGINEERING Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 250 8 242 .05 Professional Services 161500 24397 180341 -18841 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 1100 1100 162850 24397 180349 -17499 Capital .Outlay - Machinery & Equip 1000 1058 -58 .TOTAL ENGINEERING 163850 24397 181407 -17557 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 599659 54680 433454 166205 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2496619 249553 1703695 792924 Expenditure Report — Page 8 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET M I DATE BALANCE • TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 205 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING Services & Supplies 20800 19448 1352 Contract Services 34200 357 18774 15426 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LGHTNG 55000 357 38222 16778 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 55000 357 38222 16778 STATE GAS TAX FUND PUBLIC SAFETY 205 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING Services & Supplies 15000 3004 3004 11996 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LGHTNG 15000 3004 3004 11996 TRANSPORTATION 301 STREET MAINTENANCE Contract Services .02 Street Repair 75000 305 71888 3112 .03 Drainage & Maintenance 25000 353 24912 88 .04 Storm Patrol & Clean—up 14000 406 939 13061 .05 Curbs, Gutters & Sidewalks 1800 1434 366 .06 Sign Repair & Installation 17000 3029 7552 9448 .07 Striping & Marking 20500 2740 11827 8673 .08 Guardrail Repair 1500 3086 -1586 .10 Weed Control 5600 1750 4672 928 .13 Bike Path Maintenance 10000 8665 1335 .17 Maintenance Supervision 34000 2668 28135 .5865 Total Contract Services 204400 11251 163110 41290 Capital Outlay—Imprvmt 0th Thn Bldgs 48500 29533 18967 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 252900 11251 192643 60257 302 STREET SWEEPING Contract Services .01 Street Sweeping 45500 3924 31269 14231 .02 Litter Pick—up 14700 987 11258 3442 Total Contract Services 60200 4911 42527 )17673 TOTAL STREET SWEEPING 60200 4911 42527 17673 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 313100 16162 235170 77930 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . 903 ENGINEERING—TRAFFIC Professional Services 12000 1581 11342 658 TOTAL ENGINEERING 12000 1581 11342 658 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 340100 20747 249516 90584 Expenditure Report — Page 9 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE REVENUE SHARING FUND 201 POLICE SERVICES Contract Services .01 Personnel Costs 309500 202683 106817 .02 Vehicle Costs 33000 17315 15685 .03 Indirect Costs 25440 14006 11434 Total Contract Services 367940 234004 133936 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 367940 234004 133936 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 367940 234004 133936 ST. LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-1 FUND 205 SAFETY LIGHTING Srvcs & Supply — Professional Svcs 5000 168 6256 —1256 Srvcs & Supply — Utilities 103000 8139 67954 35046 TOTAL ST. LIGHTING ASSMNT DISTR. 83-1 FUND 108000 8307 74210 33790 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND 306 PARATRANSIT SERVICE Contract Svcs — SRV Community Ctr 8892 2223 6669 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND 8892 2223 6669 AMADOR VALLEY BLVD EXTN ASSMT DISTR FUND 903 ENGINEERING SERVICES Srvcs & Supply — Professional Svcs 15000 17404 17404 —2404 TOTAL AMADOR VLLY BLVD EXTN ASSMT DISTR FUND 15000 17404 17404 —2404 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES — ALL FUNDS 3391551 296368 2319274 1072277 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 0001 Dublin Blvd/Silvergate Dr 0002 San Ramon Road Study 0003 Aerial Map—Dublin Blvd 0004 City Base Map J 15000 621 8667 6333 0005 Village Parkway Median 0006 General Plan 7800 6706 1094 0007 Traffic Study—Dougherty Rd/Amdr Vly B1 1000 2048 —1048 0008 Traffic Signal—Dublin Blvd/Amdr Plz Rd 0009 San Ramon Rd Improvements — Phase I 69000 2529 66471 0010 Traffic Signal—Amador Vly/San Ramon Rd 0011 Dougherty Rd.Improvements 61500 65483 —3983 0012 Rehab—Dublin Blvd/Village Pkwy/Amdr V1 513116 2369 438604 74512 0013 Intersection Mods—Dublin Blv/Dghrty Rd 15000 168 638 14362 0014 Street Name Approach/Street No. Signs 90 90 —90 0015 Median Landscape—Amador Valley Blvd 0016 Median Landscape—Dublin Blvd 0017 Traffic Signal—Amador Valley Blvd 103000 3182 16046 86954 0018 Street Imprvmts—Amador Valley Blvd 20000 320 320 19680 Expenditure Report - Page 10 CURRENT YEAR TO BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (CONTINUED) 0019 Traffic Signal-Dublin Blvd/Donlon Way 0020 Sewage Facility Expansion 480000 480000 0021 Bus Shelters 29000 29000 0022 City Entrance Signs 15000 431 889 14111 0023 Street Tree Program 34000 202 2032 31968 0024 Civic Center Facility 0025 Defective Sidewalk Repair 35000 21370 24892 10108 0026 Village Parkway Median Landscape 0027 Village Parkway Wall 253258 34619 229521 23737 0028 Village Parkway Landscape & Sidewalk 137000 11440 20234 116766 0029 Annual Street Overlay Program 135520 119132 16388 0030 Word Processing Equipment 18000 18150 -150 0031 OTS Traffic Study Project 37400 1219 8456 28944 0032 Downtown Improvement Study 50000 50000 0033 Dublin Blvd Undergrounding 405000 405000 0034 Downtown Street Lighting Additions 180000 7077 172923 0035 Kolb Park Improvements 405000 546 404454 0036 San Ramon Road Phase II 550000 62480 487520 0037 San Ramon Road Phase III 70000 11174 58826 0038 Traffic Signal-Alcosta/San Ramofi Rd 130000 240 129760 0039 Traffic Signal-Dublin/Sierra - 35000 1863 33137 0040 Traffic Signal-Dublin/Dublin Ct 197500 985 27295 170205 0041 Traffic Signal-Dublin/Clark 188000 1388 22612 165388 0042 Traffic Signal Interconnect 12000 12000 0043 Median Break-Silvergate/Silvertree 17000 13079 13197 3803 0044 Median Landscape-V. Pkwy/AVB to Kmbll 25000 2953 13886 11114 0045 Median Landscape-Major Arterials 476000 25048 38420 437580 0046 Handicap Curb Ramps 30000 9420 12803 17197 0047 San Ramon Road Banner Pole Foundations 3500 2854 646 0048 Dublin / San Ramon Fire Services Study 22500 22500 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND EXPENDITURES 4776094 128904 1178884 3597210 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 8167645 425272 3498158 4669487 BUDGET TRANSFERS OUT From General Fund 2901520 109874 2791646 From State Gas Tax Fund 1500 1500 From Community Developent Block Grant Fund 84000 84000 From Federal Aid Urban Fund 510000 510000 From Office of Traffic Safety Grant Fund 35000 35000 From Capital Projects Fund 29500 29500 0 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT 3561520 140874 3420646