HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Approve 09-09-1985 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - September 9, 1985 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, September 9, 1985 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7: 34 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt, Vonheeder and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alleg- iance to the flag. SENIOR CITIZEN INFORMATION Alice Pitchford passed out "Senior Update" Newsletters and made reference to an article "Senior Housing Needs Task Force" . Ms . Pitchford also indicated she was working on a senior services book listing all agencies that provide services to seniors on a valleywide basis. The Department of Aging will print the book and she stated that what she was requesting from the Council was information on any services of which the Council might be aware that could be included in the book. UNKEPT AREAS IN DUBLIN Norman Pitchford, 7700 Bonniewood Court, addressed the Council and expressed concern regarding some areas of Dublin that are in bad need of attention. Some yards are in such a deteriorated state that they detract from the rest of the neighborhood. Mayor Snyder mentioned that "Dublin Pride Week" , which was in April, went over very well in the community. Mayor Snyder reported statistics with regard to the number of loads of trash that were picked up this year in comparison to last year. The Housing Fix Up Low Interest Loan Program which was advertised in the City Newsletter was discussed. Cm. Hegarty suggested that the Council could play up this issue at other times of the year in addition to in the spring. Mayor Snyder reported that the Chamber of Commerce has made a commitment to continue the Dublin Pride Program. CM-4-191 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 l / 0 With regard to his individual situation, Mayor Snyder suggested that Mr. Pitchford refer to his original deed and review the CC&R' s. FOOD IRRADIATION FACILITY Lyn Dinelli, 6979 Portage Road, reported that the group, Citizens Against Radiation in Dublin, has arranged an informational meeting for all concerned citizens to be held on September 18, at 8: 00 p.m. The location was tentatively set at Murray School on Davona Drive. SENIOR CENTER FUND RAISING BREAKFAST Phil Flores, Chairman of the Dublin San Ramon Senior Center, invited the Council to attend a pancake breakfast being held at the Senior Center in San Ramon on Sunday, September 15, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Seniors are trying to raise $4,000 for the Dial-A-Ride Program. Mr. Flores also noted that flu shots for Seniors will be given at the Family Health Center on October 7th and 10th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. FOOD IRRADIATION FACILITY James Zuchelli, a Pleasanton resident, spoke against locating a food irradiation facility in Dublin, stating that most insurance policies excluded damage from radiation. Mr. Zuchelli felt there were already too many potential sources of radiation in the Valley. Jack Hughes, 6600 Maple Drive, felt that residential properties were situated too close to the proposed site. Mr. Hughes thanked the Council for all the beautification projects currently going on, for street repairs, new street lights and new traffic signals. William Pennington, Portage Road, stated that in the research he has done thus far, he has come across several businesses located in Dublin that need to be investigated insofar as what type of business they are. He felt that some of them are not legally acceptable to be located within the City limits. Cm. Hegarty reported that the Fire Department should have a list of those companies having hazardous waste products. Mr. Pennington stated that the Fire Department advised him that no such list exists. Mayor Snyder stated that if Mr. Pennington could supply the City with specific information, the City Staff could investigate. Planning Director Tong stated that if there is a particular complaint, the Zoning Investigator can check into the situation. CM-4-192 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 Mr. Pennington also reported a dangerous intersection in that cars are failing to stop before turning right onto Portage Road from Lewis Avenue. City Manager Ambrose reported that a signal would be going in in the future at the intersection of Village Parkway and Lewis Avenue, one block west of the intersection discussed. ST. RAYMOND'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL Dennis Moses, Business Manager for St. Raymond' s Church advised the Council that they are currently formulating plans for a new school in Dublin. Mr. Moses apologized for the fact that the Council had probably heard about this from the press rather than directly from St. Raymond' s. INTRODUCTION OF NEW LIBRARY BRANCH MANAGER Ginnie Cooper, Alameda County Librarian introduced the new Branch Manager for the Dublin Library, Rayme Meyer. Ms. Cooper advised that Ms. Meyer has worked for the Alameda County Library for almost 9 years as a reference librarian and as a young adult librarian. Most recently she was Branch Manager at the Union City Library. Ms. Meyer extended an invitation to meet with the Councilmembers on an individual basis. Ms. Cooper advised the Council that the Library would begin Thursday evening hours on October 4, 1985. She also advised that the Alameda County Advisory Committee will be meeting at the Library on October 2, 1985. CLOSED SESSION At 8: 16 p.m. the Council recessed to a closed executive session to discuss pending litigation, Government Code Section 54956. 9(a) . The public meeting was reconvened at 9: 10 p.m. , with all Councilmembers present. CIVIC CENTER SITE Mayor Snyder announced that the Council had determined that the City would pursue acquisition of the Imperial Freeholds property, adjacent to the Dublin Sports Grounds for a Civic Center site. The City will engage the services of Jerry Lemm to represent the City in its negotiations. CM-4-193 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 26, 1985; Approved Investment Report for Period Ending August 31, 1985; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93 - 85 ACCEPTING FOR THE PUBLIC A GRANT DEED FOR OPEN SPACE PARKS AND RECREATION USES Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 85 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 69-85, A RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF BONDS, ADOPTED JULY 8, 1985 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 95 - 85 DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS PURSUANT TO THE "IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915" SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN IMPROVEMENT ASSESMENT DISTRICT Authorized Staff to advertise Contract 85-6 for bid, Annual Slurry Seal Program; Awarded bid for Contract 85-4, Annual Street Overlay Program to Bay Cities Paving; Authorized Mayor to execute Agreement; Authorized City Engineer to negotiate additional work at the bid unit price; Authorized a budget transfer from the Annual Street Overlay Program in the amount of $60, 000 to the Street Maintenance Repair Account; Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $314,662. 93 . TRUCK PARKING AT ALAMEDA COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS In accordance with City Council direction, a letter was sent to the Alameda County Fair Association requesting the Association' s consideration to allow truck parking at the Alameda County Fair Grounds. The City has received a letter indicating that the Board of Directors of the Fair Association will consider the City' s suggestion at its next regularly scheduled meeting in September. CM-4-194 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 FALLON SCHOOL SITE In accordance with City Council direction, a letter was sent to the School District outlining the City' s intent with respect to purchasing the Fallon School site and multi-purpose room. The Board of Trustees of the Murray School District has sent a similar letter to the City indicating its intent to sell to the City approximately 5 acres of the site including the tennis courts and multi-use building. The School District indicated the price of the 5 acres would be based on the Naylor Bill formula and the price of the multi-use building would be the legal minimum price possible. The City has planned to use two funding sources in addition to Park Dedication Fees for the purchase and renovation of this site. As part of the City' s agreement with the Amador Lakes Developer, the developer had agreed to refurbish the tennis courts at the Fallon School site. If the City did not acquire this site by January 1, 1986, the developer would provide a cash payment to the City in the amount of $50, 000 towards that improvement. In addition, under the State Park Bond Act, the City has funds available for the renovation of the park at the Fallon School site. There are time frames attached to these funding commitments. Mayor Snyder stated that if the School District is waiting to coincide the timing of the filing of their tentative map, the City should advise them that these are separate issues , and the City should request immediate action with regard to its request for the park site. Cm. Jeffery felt the letter should stress that the City is interested in negotiating for the entire 5 acres now. By consensus, the Council authorized Staff to prepare a letter to the School District requesting an estimated time frame for the authorizations that would be required for the sale of property to the City. MURRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT' S ELIMINATION OF FUNDING FOR CROSSING GUARDS At the Regular City Council meeting on June 10, 1985, the City Council adopted formal warrants for the placement of Adult Crossing Guards. Also, the Council conducted a formal public hearing and adopted a School Safety & Crossing Guard Study prepared by TJKM. The Staff Report noted that during the 1983-84 school year, the responsibility for providing crossing guards was shared equally between the Murray School District and the City. Each agency funded two locations. During the 1984-85 school year, the School District reduced its commitment to one crossing guard. The City has now been informed that during the 1985-86 school year, the Murray School District will not provide any crossing guards. This results in the elimination of a crossing guard at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and San Ramon Road. The adopted traffic study recommended the retention of the crossing guard at this location based on the established warrants. CM-4-195 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 Given the current construction along the pedestrian/bicycle path along San Ramon Road, school children from the east side of San Ramon Road should cross with the adult crossing guard at Shannon Avenue. The Nielsen School Principal has advised parents of the construction activity and recommended that they avoid the area. Due to these changes in student travel patterns, it is difficult to gauge the need for an adult crossing guard. Staff recommended that the Traffic Engineer re-evaluate the intersection once the modifications are complete, to determine whether the adopted warrants are met. In the interim, children should be encouraged to utilize the crosswalk at Shannon Avenue. Superintendent Cochran also noted the Board ' s support for a "No Turn on Red" restriction at this location. The Traffic Engineer has reviewed this location and noted that this restriction would not address the situation. Staff did not recommend that this restriction be placed at this location. Cm. Vonheeder felt that this would also give the School District a much better feel for what effect the closing of Cronin School will have. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the City Council directed Staff to undertake further review, once con- struction is complete. PUBLIC HEARING, ORDINANCE PROVIDING SALARY FOR MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. At its meeting of August 26, 1985, the City Council introduced this ordinance which would incresse City Council salaries from $165 per month to $300 per month. This ordinance would become effective 30 days from the date of adoption or October 9, 1985. No public comments were made. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 22 - 85 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6 AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 15-84 AND NO. 7-85 AND PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE OF THE SALARY FOR MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CM-4-196 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMIT ON STAGECOACH ROAD Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. On May 13, 1985, the* City Council adopted a resolution regulating vehicular traffic on Stagecoach Road. The Council also authorized the City Traffic Engineer to conduct a speed survey on Stagecoach Road for the purposes of using radar enforcement. The Speed survey completed by TJKM recommends: 1 ) The speed limit on Stagecoach Road in the existing residential area ( from Amador Valley Blvd. to a point 1500 feet north) remain at 25 mph. 2 ) The speed limit on Stagecoach Road from 1500 feet north of Amador Valley Boulevard to the northern City limit be 35 mph. At its meeting of August 26, 1985, the City Council modified the Ordinance by extending the 25 mph zone to include the Amador Lakes Mini-Park frontage. This would result in a 25 mph speed limit being established on Stagecoach Road from Amador Valley Boulevard to a point approximately 1700 feet north. It would also provide for a 35 mph speed limit on Stagecoach Road from a point approximately 1700 feet north of Amador Valley Boulevard to the northerly City limit. It was reported that radar enforcement accounts for approximately 55-60% of the citations issued by the Police Department for traffic violations. William Pennington questioned whether the City had checked into the ease with which people can get out of radar citations , and also whether Dublin' s officers had received proper training. City Manager Ambrose explained that the radar units were purchased through a grant from the State of California, and training was included in the grant. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. Cm. Moffatt stated he was opposed to a 35 mph section along a portion of Stagecoach Road and that he felt 25 mph was more appropriate for the entire distance, even though a 25 mph limit would negate the City being able to utilize radar enforcement. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by majority vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO.. 23 - 85 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS (Speed Limits on Stagecoach Road) Cm. Moffatt voted NO on this motion. CM-4-197 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 TRANSFER OF ARROYO VISTA On Friday, September 6, 1985, the City Attorney met with the Pleasanton City Attorney to interview special legal counsel for the purpose of determining the adequacy of services proposed for assisting in the transfer of Arroyo Vista from Pleasanton to Dublin. City Attorney Nave explained that although this transfer sounded easy in concept, it will actually be very time consuming. The process could take from 4-6 months to a year. Mr. Nave recommended that the City seek the advice and perhaps representation of former HUD Attorney, Joyce Blatt. Ms. Blatt could be retained at a rate of $100 per hour. The City of Pleasanton has agreed to split the legal fees, where appropriate. Some of the work will involve only Dublin, so Dublin would be responsible for that portion of the costs. Mr. Nave further explained that before anything can be done, it is necessary for Dublin, by resolution, to activate its Housing Authority. The Council must determine and actually select who is to be the Housing Authority' s governing Board of Directors. The Council also needs to determine who is to manage Arroyo Vista. The Council could appoint a management employee, contract with an outside person or use the existing management. The major issues needing decisions were who governs and who manages. Mr. Nave pointed out that acceptance of Arroyo Vista by HUD has not yet occurred. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the Council created the Dublin Housing Authority, comprised of members of the City Council, and agreed to retain the services of Joyce Blatt to perform all the legal work necessary to obtain acceptance by HUD to achieve transfer of Arroyo Vista from the Pleasanton Housing Authority to the Dublin Housing Authority. Staff was directed to prepare a resolution. The Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 101 - 85 DECLARING THE 'NEED FOR A HOUSING AUTHORITY, ESTABLISHING THE DUBLIN HOUSING AUTHORITY AND APPOINTING THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF DUBLIN TO BE THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DUBLIN HOUSING AUTHORITY The City Attorney advised that the motion should include the findings that there is a shortage of either safe or sanitary dwelling units available to persons of low income at rental rates that are affordable. Cm. Vonheeder who made the motion and Cm. Jeffery who seconded the motion concurred with this addition. Cm. Moffatt indicated. a problem with giving an attorney an open check book. Staff advised that Ms. Blatt will provide an itemized list of services on a monthly basis, which is a standard practice. Cm. Hegarty suggested that Staff write a letter asking for cooperation from Congressman Stark to facilitate this item. CM-4-198 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 MCE CORPORATION PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT EVALUATION & AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT In accordance with established practice as well as the City' s Agreement with MCE Corporation, the City Manager' s office has undertaken an evaluation of MCE Corporation' s performance during Fiscal Year 1984-85. A detailed report was presented for Council review. MCE Corporation performs as the City' s prime Public Works contractor. Following discussion of MCE' s performance, on motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized an amendment to Agreement with MCE Corporation, Attachment I, Revised Schedule of Work for Fiscal Year 1985-86. PERSONNEL SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS The City Manager has met with full-time employees to evaluate conditions of employment. Staff has also conducted an in depth survey to determine competitive salary and benefit levels. Based on this review, several changes have been recommended. In order to facilitate City Council review, a background memorandum was prepared on each key area. Staff attempted to identify methods for providing these benefits in the most cost effective manner. This report also identified necessary modifications as a result of the application of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act to municipal governments. The City Council reviewed the materials presented. Cm. Moffatt questioned if, under FLSA, time off could be given in lieu of pay. City Manager Ambrose explained that it could, provided that the time taken off falls within the same week that the overtime occurs. Cm. Moffatt questioned the need for the Clerk-Typist to have a Class III Driver' s License. City Manager Ambrose explained that this position could be required to perform various activities such as posting notices, delivering packets, etc. , requiring a driver' s license and also requiring proof of insurance. Cm. Moffatt indicated he felt uncomfortable with the wording "The payment of any dental (or mileage reimbursements or car allowance) shall be further contingent upon the fulfillment of requirements established by the City Manager. " City Manager Ambrose responded that the wording could be changed to read ". . .requirements established by the City' s accounting procedures and other rules and policies. " Cm. Moffatt indicated that with regard to the ABAG Dental Trust, he felt the costs could vary and get out of hand. City Manager Ambrose explained that the rates are good for one year and the City can disasociate itself from the Trust with 30 days notice. The City has no real good means of controlling costs; however, we have a say in what the rates will be and if we don' t like. the rates, we can shop elswhere. CM-4-199 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized the payment of overtime for non-exempt employees incurred after the April 15, 1985 effective date for application of FLSA; authorized the Mayor to execute a budget transfer from the contingent reserve totaling $14,.205; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96 - 85 AMENDING THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM RULES and RESOLUTION NO. 97 - 85 PRESCRIBING TIME & METHOD OF PAYING SALARIES AND WAGES & RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 61-82 & 64-84 and RESOLUTION NO. 98 - 85 AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN and RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 85 AMENDING THE SALARY & BENEFIT PLAN and RESOLUTION NO. 100 - 85 AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ABAG BENEFITS TRUST FOR THE PROVISION OF DENTAL INSURANCE OTHER BUSINESS Dublin Connection City Manager Ambrose reported that the City had received a letter from Dick Cochran related to Dick Hooper, the Irish Marathon Runner who will be coming to Dublin in December. Cm. Jeffery suggested that the City coordinate its efforts with the Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a reception for Mr. Hooper on the afternoon or evening of December 3, 4 or 5. Cm. Vonheeder indicated her willingness to coordinate the event. I-680 Widening, Fremont to Pleasanton, EIR Cm. Moffatt reported a notice he had read in the newspaper related to CalTrans requesting public input for environmental impact of the widening of I-680 from Fremont to Pleasanton. Cm. Moffatt felt this might be an opportune time for the Council to comment. CM-4-200 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985 Council directed Staff to -determine if the EIR for this portion of the widening had been received. Mayor Snyder indicated that CalTrans will be coming forth with a whole new interchange for I-58'0/I-680. Consensus of the Council was that it would be more appropriate to comment as the widening proceeds and more directly affects Dublin. Meeting with County Board of Supervisors Representatives Related to Dublin' s request to meet with representatives from the Alameda County Board of Supervisors , Cm. Hegarty reported that in a closed session, the Supervisors on a 3/2 vote directed the County Administrator to meet with the City Manager on a 1-on-1 basis with no elected officials at the meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10: 55 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CM-4-201 Regular Meeting September 9, 1985