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8.5 1987 Goals and Objectives
/ ©d- CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 12, 1987 SUBJECT 1987 Goals & Objectives Study Session EXHIBITS ATTACHED 1986 Goals & Objectives; Goals & Objectives Rating Form RECOMMENDATION 1 ) Call a Special Meeting for Goals & Objectives Study Session 2 ) Advise Staff of any desired changes in the format of Goals & Objectives Study Session FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None . DESCRIPTION Annually, the City Council holds a Special ' Meeting to establish Goals & Objectives for the City for the upcoming year. _ Last year, the Council requested this meeting to be held during the month of February to coincide with the City' s incorporation anniversary. In preparation for the' 1987 Goals & Objectives Study Session, a copy of the adopted 1986 Goals & Objectives and a 1986 Goals & Objectives Rating Form have been attached for Council review. If the Council is interested in changing the format or method of establishing annual goals & objectives for the City, this would be appropriate to discuss on January 12, 1987 . Staff anticipates that it could be ready to present recommended goals & objectives to the City Council by February 12, 1987, barring any significant changes in the format. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES _TO: ITEM NO. { s RNED REGULAR MEETING - March 13, 1986 - An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Thursday, March 13, 1986 in the east meeting room of the Shannon Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. r + r r • ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt, Vorheeder and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ' The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. a + x GOALS & OBJECTIVES STUDY SESSION Staff presented a report representing a review of those goals & objectives adopted by tae City Council at its last Goals a Objectives Study Session in March 1985; and which identified procosed Goals s Objectives for 1986. - The City Council reviewed and adeoted the following objectives with the additional canvas and re rsicrs noted: Program Area/Goal P--coosed Objectives for Acazolis:u-.c Gca- GENERAL GOVERNMENT Administration/ - To ensure the smooth 1. (55) DSRSD Se_.vices Study (includes all sa =aces) and efficient functioning of those services 2. (86) Civic Center Land Sip provided to the cancunity. 3. (86) Study Insurance Program alte.:a_ves 4. (85) Business License Ordinance 5. (85) Codification of City Crd�z-res 6. (86) Expand Etnlovee i.aini^a Procras 7. (86) Conduct Council Tea!n a,,;,dirg ?et--e--t 8. (85) Caplete Volunteer Recogn-ition P rocs 9. (86) Aggressively seek Grant carding fcr C-°_a Aerl ticnal Goals.- 10. Work with Viacom to provide Cable •eler_sicn Ser-r-b to the A-----%o Vista Project 11. Solicit ermloyee input with respect t: the :a^mss C=Xr'v--:s of t`:e Civic Center 12. Incorporate the City's loco into a s-•a_xer. desi--n 13. Investigate flextime stzdfing iz t:- De--eac a--= seer-ces Finance/ - To effectively manage the City's 1. (86) Prepare Nos+ 5-:ear Capital L__=eme= finar:cial resources; maximize City revenues; 2. (85) Accounting Proced:res F-r-ea control expenditures; and develop an adequate 3. (85) Review of G'iarges for Sz=J`_ces reporting system. 4. (86) Reorganize Finance ELr `ti ccn 5. (85) Undertake Data Processing St c• 6. (86) Prepare Report to Cxncii C.. Ce:el=--= of an w xe t Replace rent Fund Additional Goals 7. Review format of fiancial epo t., =r--v--de : =. information regarding i^ad_:z:r of tudgze= as c=r_d-ed to e�ditures. Intercovernmental Relations/ - To work with 1. (85) Ccmlete transfer of Axrv,v '/i;ta es oc:er agencies on problems of area wide concern; 2. (85) Joint Nleetings wit: Peprese.^`_= '-m:Via.- =c=nc'' keeo abreast of legislation which Tracts the (includes any acener) City. Ac'ditional Goal- 3. fibre aggressively -cnit--r the ac-'✓_ties ct �t`e reg gal agerc_es such as the County Public Relations/ - To effectively ccrnsrnicate 1. (86) Distri:ute 1 Ca= i:y ',.--dslezze and 1 Cale-ca: terra-_ and solicit input from the ccmm mity on City 5 years of Citybood. services and activities. 2. (86) Develop Program for Recocu:t_cn of Cu- -a-na;--:a Ce•releane-nt Projects Additional Goal 3. Develop entry le�rel b_-ochize fqr nee+blrsi-e<se< and�ide<is regarding the City 4. Incorporate Service Di_-ect:r;=eetinc itto tie Ne slettn- CCt%"ITY DEVELOPMENT Planning/ - To develop plans for future growth 1. (85) Sign Ordinance and development; administer the zoning, 2. (85) Revise Zoning Ordinance subdivision and sign ordinances; analyze 3. (85) Camp Parks Annexation environmental reports and provide assistance 4. (85) Downtown Inprovement Plan to developers. 5. (85) Comvnity Development Fancbuts 6. (86) Streamline Planning Aaplicatirn P-ngess 7. (85) Site Development Review Guidelines 8. (85) Workshop with Planning Cccmi.ssicn arm+era+a+++raxraxraa:af,aaa+raaaxaa+++aaa are+rook:araaa::+aarrrr:aaa++:a+ar+a++++aa+aaa+raaaaxaa+:a: -- CM-5-52 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 13, 1986 r 9. Develop Annexation Fiscal Impact Review Procedures 10. Develop Environmental Guidelines - Additional Goals 11_ Prepare a report to Council on Park Brad Act eligibility for historic building funding 12. Report to Council on historic element of General Plan or ordianx Building & Safety/ - To administer and enforce 1. (86) Revise Ordinance related to Fencing Swim, =' ?cols the City's Building, Plumbing, Electrical, 2. (86) Revise Ordinance related to AssigrLina Accesses Mechanical, Housing and Zoning Codes; to 3_ (86) Develop Infraction System fcr biJ ding & Zoning violations ensure the safe construction and maintenance of buildings and structures and assist applicants in a timely manner. Enaineerina/ - To provide local review of 1. (86) Re-evaluate the oriority of future unde_rgrour_d uti ity ora ec-_ subdivision and parcel maps; to perform 2. (86) Develop specific plan for er-_E of develx,-t to t. as transportation planning and recamcend of the City solutions to traffic safety problems; design 3. (86) Resolve agreement with A_v r_ca-:jtS Da,;he ?cad capital improvements; and act as an advocate right-of-way for the City on all engineering related 4. (85) Coordinate I-580/Dcugher•ty Scac _-mrov,.__eats to a,ti=:ze i?ac problems on adjacent prc�-zy a.-:ens. 5. (86) Develop master transportation plan for eastern arrea-ticn area CULTURE AND LEISURE Recreation/ - To enhance the quality of life 1. (86) Determine disposition of ja=<s and park ro c;s i?_ries f=r o al residents by providing recreational those parks in the City cam entl..,c»;_ed tv w_mam and other special interest programs; i=rove 2. (86) Acquire Fol.b Park and the Fallon School vu ti_se ?•ortm f_2=� the utilization of existing recreation Mir-ray School District facilities; develop new recreation facilities. 3. (86) Ccmlete and adopt the Park reverent P:an 4. (86) Corplete construction of A-2orr *_•acs Mini-?a_:c 5. (86) Ccolete const=cticn of Kalb Park 6. (86) Cc olete renovation of the Fa_icn School M_lt_=�se Roma f Senior Center use 7. (86) [sire a Senior Center Direr;r to ini_a:e se,?c_trot: 8. (86) Camlece the Shannon Center Building :=-vim_ Plan arc iroleme-t reccarerded renaati;r. 9. (86) Camlete re=aticn of Sranncn ?ark 10. (86) Cmnrence const_-uc^ on of Dolan Park 11. (86) Develop teen program u_il_L.a tL2 ass,.a-)ce of ?' teas 12. (86) Work with et=ay School Disc cm to sec_=e per�-,ar_er.t s:ace f...- the Afterschool PlaygroL•nd?_•ocrmm 13. (86) Investigate the need for ac:i`cea ca.door r,_ea_c.al facilities at Dublin Fish Scho 1 14. (86) Adcot new rental polio for S a..-rn Ce^.te= 15. (86) Conduct 85% of classes of'�-°_ 16. (36) I.-crease ,&--okay utilizaticr: of S^2r .cn Ce ze: ^•• 2=14 of 1P35 1' (86) Eland the pre_sch.00l prcS-ram by cre-th�-d „_ _935 .18. (86) Resolve conflict for :;ielsen r'_er_`nool ?_a•-*cra=.c rx as Additional Goals 19. Prepare report on adding one to L= escl=j Playground Program =20. Prepare report cn City =der`..aci::c --_-_ C 21. Prepare resort on oeeninc the Thar on S__2av 22. invest-4 cate cpport unities for assisti.a in action c° historical and cultural ac-. •r_= es Du lin PUBLIC SAFE= Police/ - To deter tire, respond to calls, acorenend criminals, enforce traffic regula- 1. (85) _r:crease level of Traffic tions and educate the public in order to 2. (25) Irmlece.^.tichaoznopc Se'_-=He!c ?_xraa enhance camaraity safety and security. 3. (86) De•w--lcp Truancy Program,r:-z Du__n Z-�_`gn s&=l Additional Goals 4. Prcmcte narcotic ed-ucatien trx_,-s in the _c_:arts s poi cades 5. Report on con-.ercial lichti^.g tand_?s Anirral Control/ - To ensure public health and 1. (86) Work with adjacent carxni=ies to identify !_r.g term s:,letitn saiet_v by providing animal licensing, for the animal shelter enforcement and shelter services; and vector cont_o Disaster Preoaredress/ - To plan, prepare and - 1. (85) Ccralete Erergency Response Plan train emergency personnel to handle disasters 2. (86) Coordinate Hazardous Spills 3esxrse w-i y Al-arreda CC-nmay in an effective and expeditious manner in order to protect persons and property. TRANSPORTATION Maintenance/ - To maintain and improve the 1. (85) Pavement Maintenance System overall quality, condition and appearance 2. (85) Develop Street Tree Policy of public facilities and property. 3. (86) Maintain 3 Day Routine Response on Service Requests • rrryryraarrrrarraaayaaraarrrrrrarrrrrrrraa::*aarrrata rararrrraarrrarr aarrrr:rrraa*rraarasaraaaarrarr CM-5-53 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 13, 1986 • Transportation/ - To assess and attempt to 1. (85) Bus Shelters meet wtiere possible the need for public 2. (85) Address camuter parking problems transportation in the cc mwnity. 3. (86) Resolve issue of Downtcwn Bart Station Additional Goals 4. Provide City Staff support in those areas rA,-:ed to isnie,✓t '_oca! transit system CCNTRACT ADMINISTRATION Contract Review for the following areas: 1. Building & Safety 2. Engineering 3. Police 4. Animal Control 5. Vector Cont.-ol 6. Public Works Maintenance 7. Paratransit Services CAPITAL DPROVDSNTS In addition to the Caoital Improvements identified in the 1983-88 Capital 7r,�ro,.--P_nr ?�ca�, the Cz__�Cy_nc_ r_:er that the following item be given consideration in the new Five-Fear Program: 1. A data processing system to address various needs of the departments, part�cilarly 2. The installation of benches along the bike path en San Ramon Road as wt:ll as cc:.c•ai-_-_cr xtentia_ f v_re ch_,?-:c 3. Investigate possibility of obtaining holiday decoraticns for the City streets Councilrtember Jeffery brought to the Staff's attention that the lights at the irt°_:ec-?x c_ Aradcr Vt_lev Boule.-a=c _c Village Parkway have been on during the day. Staff indicated it would contact PG&E to ec_-rert tre ,.,,big, r • r r " ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjo::rned a= i p.M. u_vo_ �g n ATTEST: rrrrrrrrr,esrirrrrrr*rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:rrrrrrrrrrtrr*rrrrr.rrrrr CM-5-54 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 13, 1986 -1987 GOALS & OBJECTIVES RATING FORM Service Area Initials For each Service Area (i . e . Administration, Finance , etc . ) , - please rank in priority order the goals & objectives for 1985 . If you add objectives not included in Staff' s list , please mark them with an asterisk ( ) . 1 . 2 . 3 • 4 5 • 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 • 10. 11 . 12 . _ 13 . 14 15 16. 17 . 18 . 19 . 20. _ ,. .........._ ,_.,,.--r•;•r rn.-�..,-s'rt�'''•..r.-u^3. Y�....F17%;°`='c;•�'Evu;��.+T€'h�i ^+�7:�i'!;?'_",Syr? 'e°c--.-`� !a'�it'v`�i"�Tk.�, v?rx�i��'.--1°'�','-_,T'��•'-;5"v!."-"a' �'F'ry..,"lv?.?". mr'dT.. ^.Y"