HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.1 Approve 2-10, 2-12, 2-23, 3-10-1987 Minutes •r
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was
held on Tuesday, February 10, 1987 in the west room of the Shannon Community
Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:18 p.m. by Mayor Linda Jeffery.
PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor
City Manager Ambrose advised the Council that the review of paratransit
services would be delayed pending receipt of information from LAVTA and the
Police Services review delayed due to illness of the Police Chief. Limited
Staff time necessitated a delay of the Engineering Services review. The
Police Services and Engineering Services will be dealt with in a future
The Council established the date of Monday, March 2, 1987 at 7 : 30 p.m. , as
the date for an adjourned regular meeting to review these contracts . Mayor
Jeffery requested that the meeting be held in the Conference Room at City
City Manager Ambrose also announced that due to an oversite by Staff of the
new requirements of the Brown Act, a full description of each item was not
included on the agenda. Staff used the format of last years review when
preparing this agenda in order to consolidate the preparation and mailing of
3 meeting agendas, and unfortunately when the oversite was noted, the
mandatory 72 hours for posting was not there. Therefore, Mr. Ambrose advised
the Council that this meeting will be a study session only and the contracts
will be placed on a future Council agenda for action by the Council .
Staff advised that no agreement was presented due to some outstanding issues .
This contract provides 2 key services to the City. Staff presented schedules
which indicated that the workload is fairly constant. The increase in the
number of complaints and citations is due largely to the fact that there is a
larger number of people plus people are more aware of the service. The
highest number of licenses was sold in a year when a door-to-door canvas was
conducted. Field Service costs have remained fairly constant. Shelter
service is currently located at Santa Rita with a new facility to be
constructed. Meetings regarding a new facility have been held for
approximately 2 years . Alameda County now has an initial cost estimate and
will be making proposals regarding funding of the new shelter. These costs
are spread among participating agencies who utilize the shelter.
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 10, 1987
Staff advised that the current method of contracting appears to be the most
appropriate. With regard to the part-time position, we will be looking at
alternatives .
Cm. Moffatt questioned when the Santa Rita shelter is proposed for closure.
Chief Tom Shores advised that it will be closed right after the new jail
facility is opened, which will probably be in 2-3 years. Alameda County has
obligations for the property.
Staff advised that the proposed location is adjacent to the new Pleasanton
Corporation Yard off Stanley Boulevard.
Mayor Jeffery questioned if additional cities utilize the shelter, will they
need more labor. Chief Shores indicated that it takes about the same number
of persons to operate a shelter, regardless of the number of animals .
Mayor Jeffery questioned labor costs of the person who does the canvassing.
Cm. Moffatt questioned if the canvass person would work on the weekends.
Staff responded that they would.
In late 1983, the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency made a
presentation to the City Council regarding Vector Control Services. The
County proposed to develop a Countywide Service Area and Benefit Assessment
for Vector Control Services .
At the regular City Council meeting on January 9, 1984, the Council voted to
not have the City of Dublin included in the assessment district. LAFCO was
required to take action on the formation of the "District" and the City of
Dublin was included in the sphere of influence of the Vector Control
District. The areas which are a part of the District voted on June 5, 1984
by more than two-thirds to approve the benefit assessment. The issue was
not presented to the Dublin voters since the City Council did not adopt a
resolution requesting to become a part of the District.
In October 1984, the City Council approved an agreement with Alameda County
Health Care Services Agency to provide Vector Control Services on a
complaint basis . The services are being provided by a registered sanitarian
at a current rate of $53. 00 per hour.
Staff advised that this is a difficult service to deal with as it requires
some expertise. There has been some difficulty in providing the level of
service desired to Dublin residents . The service is not limited to rats but
they handle problems with flys, animal wastes, rodents, etc . The City could
request to become a part of the District and it would then require approval
by LAFCO and approval by the voters.
Dublin has a definite rat problem which was not evident 2 years ago and our
current level of service is unsatisfac-tory under the existing contract.
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 10, 1987
Mayor Jeffery questioned if Zone 7 belongs to the District.
Cm. Moffatt questioned the possibility of looking at some kind of a pest
control company. City Manager Ambrose responded that on an individual
problem area, this might be possible, but on an ongoing basis it would be
doubtful .
Cm. Snyder questioned what the City had spent on vector control services in
1985-86. Staff advised that it spent approximately $2, 900.
Discussion was held regarding the County' s obligations to provide certain
regional services. State Law was checked a few years ago, and it appears
that there is no provision that the County must provide the services.
Cm. Snyder indicated that the current contract indicates that they must
respond to basic complaints and they have done this .
Cm. Hegarty felt that as the City grows, it is likely that we will be getting
more complaints and he felt the County has some responsibility for taking
care of some of this . If we want a higher level of service we should just
pay for it. He did not feel the County has faced up to their responsibility.
Cm. Snyder 'indicated he is in favor of increasing the level of service and
having it put to the voters by a ballot measure as soon as possible.
Cm. Hegarty felt Staff should question other cities that are in the District
with regard to their service level .
Mayor Jeffery felt that Staff should look into the possibility of bringing
someone out to take care of the problem areas immediately.
Staff presented a lengthy evaluation report on those services provided by
Taugher & Associates and highlighted the areas of: Contract Compliance,
Availability, Responsiveness, Interdepartmental Coordination, Public
Relations and Cost Effectiveness .
The issue of contract vs . City Building & Safety Services was also evaluated
and based upon the overall quality and level of professionalism which has
been provided by the Contractor, as well as the modest rate increase proposed
for Fiscal Year 1987-88, Staff recommended that the Council review the
performance and approve an amendment to the Contractor' s existing agreement
for Fiscal Year 1987-88.
Staff advised that the overall quality of this contract is at a high level .
Looking at the long range picture, providing the services through contract
appears to be the most cost effective. The services are evaluated on an
annual basis .
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 10, 1987
Problem areas were discussed. Initially, it was thought that the sign
ordinance implementation and modification process would take less time than
it has.
Mr. Taugher will be asking for somewhat less than a 3% increase, but the
insurance situation is still to be determined.
Cm. Hegarty questioned the timing of the sign ordinance process. He felt
that whatever number of hours it takes to get this done, we should consider
putting on 2 people to get the job done.
Mr. Taugher indicated he will be adding another part-time building inspector
and if the Council desired, he could look for another part-time person to
help Juanita with the sign ordinance implementation process.
Cm. Snyder questioned how the insurance surcharge is applied. City Manager
Ambrose indicated that it is added on a per hour basis as we are billed.
Staff advised that the City has contracted with MCE Corporation for almost 3
years. Their performance has improved as they have been able to stabilize
the maintenance superintendent' s position. The City receives a lot . of.
positive comments regarding the appearance of the City. MCE has inventoried
every single tree and sign in town.
Coordination between engineering and maintenance, however, leaves a lot to be
desired. This will be discussed in more depth at the time of the Engineering
Services Contract review.
Maynard Crowther, President of MCE Corporation introduced Stan Smalley, Vice
President of Contract Management. Steve Loweree, Maintenance Superintendent
was also present at the meeting.
Mr. Crowther advised the Council that it has been a real pleasure working
with the Council and Staff. They' were ,excited about the use of the "Service
Request Form" as this has proven to be a valuable management tool.
The Council complimented MCE Corporation for the favorable comments which
they have received regarding the improved appearance of the City.
Discussion was held relative to utilizing Sheriff 's Department work crews for
maintenance within the City. Maynard Crowther indicated that his firm is
utilizing this type of program very successfully in the City of Orinda, and
they will be looking at implementing it in Dublin.
Cm. Hegarty indicated he has received a lot of questions with regard to the
City' s tree trimming policy.
Adjourned Regular Meeting February 10, 1987
Since incorporation, the City has contracted with Alameda County for the
provision of Crossing Guard Services in the City. The City presently has a
two year agreement with the County for Crossing Guard Services which will
end on June 30, 1987 . Under this agreement, the County provides crossing
guard supervision as well as crossing guards to those locations at which the
City has requested Crossing Guard Services .
Cost effectiveness and reliability issues were discussed.
Staff advised that it will request Alameda County to develop a new contract
for Fiscal Year 1987-88 which will be brought back for formal approval of
the Council .
The City of Dublin presently has Traffic Signal Maintenance Services
provided to the City under contract with Alameda County, Contra Costa County
and CalTrans .
Staff advised that we will be pursuing modification of the contract with
CalTrans in order to give us control because of our signal interconect
City Manager Ambrose advised that the issue this year is cost. Can we find
someone else that can provide an equal level of service?
Cm. Snyder questioned why MCE Corporation didn 't go into signal maintenance.
Mr. Crowther indicated that the` liability associated with signal maintenance
is very great and he felt that SMI is really the only company that provides
this type of service .
Staff advised that it will pursue development of Street Maintenance Agreement
with Alameda County and will pursue modification of Signal Maintenance
Agreement with CalTrans .
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 9 : 20 p.m.
City Clerk
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 10, 1987
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was
held on Thursday, February 12, 1987 in the meeting room of the Dublin
Library. The meeting was called to order at 7: 12 p.m. by Mayor Linda
PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle-
giance to the flag.
On September 8, 1986, the City Council approved the selection of a Design
Team for the Civic Center project. The City Council approved a scope of
work which provided for completion of a building program and schematic
design of the Civic Center. It was understood that the actual design
development and construction drawing phases would be completed under a
separate agreement.
At the City Council meeting on January 28, 1987, the City Council approved a
schematic design for the Civic Center project. At that time, Staff was also
requested to consider inclusion of cable television studios . Staff developed
a proposed agreement which would provide for the remainder of the project.
The decision to include cable television facilities' may impact the project
schedule and Staff requested City Council direction.
Various optional services and associated costs were presented by the
Architects . These included: Furniture Plan and Selection ($14, 400) ; Wind
Study ($5, 000-$6, 000) ; Post Construction Services ($15, 000-$60, 000) ;
Telephone System Specification ($8, 800) .
Cm. Moffatt questioned if the $14, 400 for Furniture Plan and Selection was
for a consultant. Mr. Miers explained that this would actually be
individuals within his firm. They will layout the furniture and then it
would be the City' s responsibility to figure out what the City already has
and go out and buy any needed items . His firm would work with all the people
who have offices in the facility and this is included in their other fee.
The $14, 400 fee would include selecting fabric, getting prices, etc . They
have better access to vendors and finding sources for purchasing of various
items .
Cm. Moffatt felt the wind study is very important and this would be a must,
particularly in Dublin.
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Mr. Miers indicated that any changes necessary as a result of the study would
be incorporated as part of their fee, unless something very unusual occurred
which they did not anticipate. This could be done in tandem with the rest of
the work.
City Manager Ambrose advised that Staff would be checking out the item
related to Telephone System Specification. There has been enough work done
by other cities that it should not be necessary for us to have to reinvent
the wheel. Assistant to the City Manager Paul Rankin advised that this
aspect will not affect the rest of the Architect's time.
With regard to Post Construction Services, everyone agreed that "as-built"
plans are very important.
On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote,
the Council approved the agreement with the deletion of Option 4, Telephone
System Specification and authorized the Mayor to execute said Agreement.
With regard to the cable television studio, 5 options were discussed at
The next meeting of the Community Television Group will be February 26th.
Their expenditure plan is not expected to be available until April.
Discussion ensued regarding what costs will be expected from the Community TV
Group. There are many alternatives. They will have the money in grant funds
from the cities. Even though Dublin will not give them the studio, Cm.
Hegarty felt the City should proceed on the basis that a studio will be
located in the new Civic Center. If for some reason they don't come in, we
can always use the space for something else. It is economically feasible to
plan for it now.
City Manager advised that the Council needed to determine if we provide the
studio space within the existing program by using some of the expansion
space, or add an additional 2, 000 sq ft.
The various scenarios were discussed.
Cm. Snyder felt this studio should be independent from the City' s operations .
It needs its own access, restrooms, etc.
City Manager Ambrose indicated that during business hours, there would be no
problem, but you need some control after hours .
Cm. Snyder felt we should not detract from what we really want to accommodate
someone else.
Mr. Miers reported that one one of the scenarios, a particular location of
the studio could actually enhance some of the upstairs offices .
Cm. Hegarty felt the studio should be separate so that it doesn 't interfere
with any other function and he felt that it should be located outside the
Police Department.
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Consensus of the Council was that it definitely wanted to provide space for a
cable television studio.
Cm. Moffatt made a motion to keep it within the area we have planned and not
add additional space. This motion died for lack of a second.
Cm. Snyder felt that we will eventually be using the expansion space and that
was why we had planned it.
Cm. Snyder made a motion which was seconded by Cm. Hegarty to follow the
concept of Plan F. This motion was defeated due to dissenting votes cast by
Cm. Moffatt, Cm. Vonheeder and Mayor Jeffery.
On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by majority vote,
the Council agreed to provide additional space by increasing the diameter of
the building (Option E) , i .e. a bigger circle. Cm. Snyder voted against this
A short recess was called. All Councilmembers were present when the meeting
On an annual basis, the City Council establishes goals and objectives and
reviews progress on items established during the prior year. This process
provides direction for City Staff as they prepare the proposed Financial Plan
and Budget.
The City Council reviewed and adopted the following objectives :
Program Area/Goal Objectives for Accomplishing Goal
A. Administration
High _ (87) Complete Design of Civic Center and
Commence Construction
(85) Resolve Issue of Assumption of DSRSD
' Services
Medium _ (85) Complete Development of a Municipal
(86) , Secure Cable TV Service for Arroyo
_ (87) Resolve sewer service problem for
Arroyo Vista
_ (87) Report on Feasibility of Household
Hazardous Materials Pick-up
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Program Area/Goal Objectives for Accomplishing Goal
A. Administration (Continued)
_ (87) Use of City Pins for Employee
Recognition Program
(85) Develop Business License Ordinance
Low _ (86) Conduct Council Team Building
_ (86) Investigate Flextime Staffing in the
Development Services Area
_ (87) Conduct a Workshop for Employers for
Implementation of the Smoking
B. Finance
High _ (85) Complete Data Processing Study and
make recommendations to City
Council -regarding acquisition of
Data Processing Equipment
Medium _ (85) Review Charges for Services rendered
by all departments
With regard to an identified goal of "Select new Auditing Firm", Cm. Snyder questioned why this
change was necessary. Staff advised Council that they had elected to change auditing firms
every 4 years. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder and by unanimous vote, the
Council agreed to change the policy and retain the current auditing firm. City Manager Ambrose
reminded the Council that since the audit firm selection was not agendized, he would confer
with Legal Counsel to determine if the Council could change the policy by modifying the goals
C. Intergovernmental Relations
Medium _ (85) Joint Meeting with Representatives
from Other Agencies
(86) More aggressively monitor activities
of other regional agencies
D. Public Relations
High _ (87) Distribute 2 Community Newsletters
Medium _ (86) Develop entry level brochure or
video tape, etc., regarding the
City for new businesses and
(87) Student Government Day
_ (86) Develop Program for Recognition of
Outstanding Development
(87) Community Gift Catalog
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Program Area/Goal Objectives for Accomplishing Goal
E. Contract Administration
High (87) Perform Contract Review for the
following contracts:
a. Building & Safety
b. Engineering
c. Animal Control
d. Vector Control
e. Public Pbrks Maintenance
f. Traffic Signal Maintenance
g. Crossing Guards
h. Police Services
A. Planning
High _ (86). Streamline Planning Application
Process by filling vacant position
in Planning, providing additional
design review training, developing
a project tracking system, under-
take applicant survey,
computerization of records
_ (85) Complete Downtown Improvement Plan
and undertake implementation
Medium _ (86) Site Development Review Guidelines
(86) Develop Environmental Guidelines
(85) Revise Zoning Ordinance
_ (87) Provide Staff with City name tags
(86) Develop Annexation/Fiscal Impact
Review Procedures
_ (85) Workshop with Planning Commission
_ (86) Report on Historic Element to
General Plan
B. Building & Safety
High _ (87) Complete sign enforcement
notification program
_ (87) Prepare report on Property
Maintenance Ordinance
Medium _ (87) Prepare an ordinance adapting the
1985 Uniform Building, Plumbing,
Mechanical and Housing Codes
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Program Area/Goal Objectives for Accomplishing Goal
C. Engineering
High _ (87) Update Dublin Boulevard Planline,
especially in the vicinity of San
Ramon Road and Regional Street
— (86) Develop specific transportation plan
for extension of development to the
(86) Develop specific transportation plan
for extension of development to the
_ (87) Study road connecting Golden Gate
Drive and Regional Street
High _ (86) Complete construction of Kolb
_ (86) Determine disposition of parks
and recreational facilities in
the City which are currently
owned by DSRSD
(86) Secure State approval of Lease
Agreement for Fallon School
Multi-Use Room and complete
renovation for senior center use
_ (87) Expand the summer playground
program to three sites
(86) Pursue development of a teen
program and/or teen center
utilizing the assistance of
Dublin Teens
_ (87) Develop a Field Use Policy for
the Dublin Sports Grounds
_ (87) Initiate a Volunteer Program
Medium _ (86) Complete construction of
Stagecoach Park
(86/87) Complete construction of Dolan
Park Phase I-Design Phase II
_ (87) Assume responsibility for
aquatics programming provided
objective No. 1 is accomplished
_ (87) Increase utilization of Shannon
Center by 10%
_ (86) Commence renovation of Shannon
Park and Shannon Community
Center provided Objective No. 1
is accomplished
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Program Area/Goal Objectives for Accomplishing Goal
_ (86) Investigate the need for
additional outdoor recreational
facilities at Dublin High School
_ (86) Hire a Recreation Coordinator to
initiate senior citizen programs
(86) Investigate opportunities for
assisting in the promotion of
historical and cultural
activities in Dublin
_ (87) Develop adult sports programs
(87) Implement a park and recreational
facility maintenance program
in cooperation with the Public
Works Department
_ (87) Investigate the need for
resident/non-resident recreation
Low _ (87) Introduce one new special event
(87) Investigate no fee for non-profit
organizations to use Shannon
or Civic Center for meetings
that are not fund raisers.
A. Police
High _ (87) Increase the scope of alcohol/drug
awareness program to include
all grades within within Murray
School District and private schools
_ (87) Prepare report on providing
increased level of traffic
enforcement in residential areas
and commence enforcement of
commercial weight violations
Medium _ (87) Prepare a report on development of
Secret witness Program
_ (87) Prepare report regarding
implementation of a Special
Enforcement Unit for Fiscal Year
_ (87) Expand Bicycle Safety/Education/
Enforcement Program to include
teens and adults
(87) Work in cooperation with Recreation
Department to develop an elderly
assistance program
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Program Area/Goal Objectives for Accomplishing Goal
A. Police (Continued)
(87) Expand Merchant Alert Watch Program
to include 100 active participants
(86) Hbrk in cooperation with Planning
Department to develop Commercial
Lighting Standards
B. Animal Control
High _ (86) Prepare report to City Council on
long term solution for animal
_ (87) Investigate feasibility of County
sponsoring low cost vaccination
clinic in Dublin
Medium _ (87) Hold special days for licensing
C. Disaster Preparedness
High _ (85) Complete Emergency Response Plan
Medium (87) Hold Disaster Simulation Exercise
A. Maintenance
High _ (85) Complete implementation of Pavement-
Maintenance System
Medium _ (87) Improve response to routine service
requests from 3 days to 2 days
(86) Report to Council on Street Tree
— (87) Implement Performance-Based 4brk
Program and Budget for Street and
Park Maintenance
(87) Complete development of Public 1tibrks
Maintenance Procedures Manual
B. Transportation
High _ (86) Resolve issue of Downtown BART
_ (87) Evaluate options for providing
Paratransit Services for Fiscal
Year 1987-88
_ (85) ;%brk with LAVTA to install Bus
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
Program Area/Goal Objectives for Accomplishing Goal
B. Transportation (Continued)
Medium (85) Work with IAVTA to address commuter
parking problem alternatives,
if BART Park & Ride lot is not
Capital Improvements
In addition to those Capital Improvements identified in the 1986-91 Capital Improvement
Program, the City Council identified other projects which should receive consideration in the
Update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program:
Dougherty Road Soundwalls
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 11 :25 p.m.
City Clerk
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Adjourned Regular Meeting February 12, 1987
REGULAR MEETING - February 23, 1987
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on
Monday, February 23, 1987 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The
meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 p.m. by Mayor Linda Jeffery.
* * * *
PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor
* * * *
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle-
giance to the flag.
* * * *
Mayor Jeffery requested a moment of silence in tribute to Frank Damerval, a
Trustee of the Amador Valley Joint High School District, who passed away on
February 20th.
* * * *
Mayor Jeffery read a proclamation declaring March, 1987, as "ARC - Mental
Retardation Awareness Month. " The proclamation was presented to Mr. Ellis of
ARC, who expressed his appreciation.
* * * *
On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
the Council took the following actions :
Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 9, 1987;
Approved an amendment to the agreement with Taugher and Associates for
Building Law Enforcement Services, authorized Mayor Jeffery to execute said
agreement, and approved a budget transfer in the amount of $18, 250 for
completion of the sign enforcement survey;
Approved an agreement with MCE Corporation for Public Works Maintenance
Services and authorized Mayor Jeffery to execute said agreement;
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
and authorized Staff to advertise Contract 87-4 Annual Sidewalk Repair
Program for bids;
authorized Staff to accept letter of credit guaranteeing replacement of
landscaping improvements, and authorized Staff to accept a maintenance bond
at a future date;
Authorized Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 87-3, Annual Slurry Seal
Awarded Contract No. 87-1 Dublin Blvd. Signal Interconnect to Steiny and Co. ,
Inc. , authorized Mayor Jeffery to execute agreement, and authorized Staff to
negotiate for additional work originally contained in Phase II, provided the
total contract amount does not exceed the $150, 000 budget;
Approved Financial Report for period ending January 31, 1987;
Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $404, 268. 56.
Zev Kahn, resident of Harlan Road, requested that the item regarding the
Agreement for Joint Use of Alamo Creek be removed from the consent calendar.
Mr. Kahn stated that the Park and Recreation Commission had approved the
plans which indicated a fully developed creek for use of the public . The
City Council overturned this recommendation and elected to leave the creek
under the control of Zone 7 . Mr. Kahn asked the City Council to reconsider
or have Staff re-evaluate allowing use of the creek by visitors to the park.
City Engineer Lee Thompson stated that several alternatives were considered,
including grading a floodplain at the level of the creek which could be used
as a playing field during the summer but would be under water during the
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
winter. The final plan has the playing fields above the level of the creek
and fences off the creek from general public use. The architect is nearly
finished with the plan.
Mr. Kahn questioned whether there was any way to get into the creek.
Mr. Thompson responded that the creek is intended to be inaccessible. The
joint use plan intensifies the landscaping within the channel and provides
for a bridge and a permanent four-foot fence to keep children out of the
channel .
Mayor Jeffery stated that this proposal would be environmentally better for
the creek.
Mr. Kahn stated that it would have been environmentally better not to have
built the subdivision. The idea of leaving the creek open was to provide a
natural preserve for use of scouts and so forth, such as that provided at
Shannon Park.
Cm. Moffatt stated that the purpose of the approved design was to keep small
children out of the creek, but he thought there would be access.
Mr. Thompson said that the landscape architect had originally recommended the
floodplain design, leaving the creek open, but that with the joint use
agreement, the City assumes liability for the creek.
Mr. Kahn asked how much water was in the creek during the winter.
Mr. Thompson stated that the creek was four to five feet deep in spots . .
Mayor Jeffery concurred.
Mr. Kahn questioned if gates could be placed in the fence and opened in the
Mr. Thompson stated that there would be gates for maintenance vehicle access
but not for general public use.
City Manager Ambrose stated that the banks of Alamo Creek are steep and
hazardous, not like those of Shannon Creek.
Recreation Director Diane Lowart stated that the architect had recommended
the fence if the low/pond design was not adopted.
On motion by Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote;
the Council adopted
and authorized Mayor Jeffery to execute the agreement.
* * * *
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
At the Housing Authority Meeting held earlier in the evening, the Housing
Authority requested that the City Council appoint a subcommittee to review
applications for tenant member positions on the Housing Authority Board of
Directors. By unanimous vote, the Council appointed Cm. Snyder and Cm.
Moffatt for this subcommittee.
* * * *
City Engineer Lee Thompson presented a letter submitted by Caltrans
requesting permission to maintain the temporary parking lot constructed on
Scarlett Court as part of the interchange improvements as a permanent park-
and-ride facility. The State proposed to maintain the lot and that the
California Highway Patrol would enforce normal park-and-ride lot regulations
regarding 72-hour maximum parking. There would be no user fees. This lot
was constructed to replace on-street parking that was temporarily eliminated
on Scarlett Court and was scheduled for demolition once Phase 1B of the
interchange improvements is completed.
In response to a question from Cm. Moffatt regarding the number of cars that
could be parked on the lot, Mr. Thompson stated that the lot had room for
approximately 20 cars .
Mayor Jeffery asked whether there would be any restrictions regarding parking
of trucks.
Cm. Vonheeder asked whether the lot could be signed for weight restrictions.
Mr. Thompson stated that a large truck probably would not fit on the lot, but
that the State could sign for and limit anything that became a problem.
On motion by Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote,
the Council approved allowing Caltrans to retain the lot as a park and ride
facility following construction of the interchange improvements .
* * * *
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
City Engineer Thompson presented the Staff report, which stated that the City
Council had received a Staff presentation at the meeting of February 9, 1987,
which recommended installation of a STOP sign on Clark Avenue at this
intersection. Public testimony at that hearing indicated a desire for a
two-way or three-way STOP and also requested modification of the centerline
striping on Clark Avenue so that customers of Triple-A would turn left into
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
The City Council directed Staff to prepare an Ordinance for a 3-way STOP
intersection and also to make a recommendation regarding modification of the
centerline. The City' s Traffic Engineering firm, TJKM, concurred that the
3-way STOP might help to assign right-of-way and exercise additional control
over turning movements at this intersection. They recommended breaks ,in the
double-yellow centerline at the two . Triple-A driveways .
No public testimony was received.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
Cm. Snyder clarified that Staff understood authorization was also given to
modify the centerline on Clark Avenue.
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the
Council waived the reading and on an urgency basis adopted
(3-Way STOP Intersection at Clark Avenue/Maple Drive/Ebensburg Lane)
* * * *
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
City Engineer Thompson presented the Staff report, which stated that Ophelia
Basgal, Executive Director of the Dublin Housing Authority, had submitted a
letter to the City requesting that the City pursue the possibility of
applying Section 21107. 5 to Arroyo Vista. The streets within Arroyo Vista
are private and therefore the State Vehicle Code cannot be enforced within
the development. However, Section 21107. 5 of the Vehicle Code permits a City
Council to adopt a Resolution allowing enforcement of the Vehicle Code on
private streets if (1) the streets are generally open for public use, and (2)
the streets connect with highways so as not to be distinguishable from a
public road. The City' s Traffic Engineering firm, TJKM, recommended
installation of 25 m.p.h. speed limit signs and 15 m.p.h. curve warning
signs, and also recommended that the STOP signs currently in place in the
development be retained. TJKM also performed a speed survey within the
development. Staff ' s recommendation was that the required findings could be
met and that the City Council adopt the resolution regulating vehicular
traffic within Arroyo Vista.
No public testimony was received.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
On motion by Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted
* * * *
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
City Manager Richard Ambrose presented the Staff report, which stated that,
at the meeting of February 9, 1987, the City Council had directed the
Assistant City Attorney to prepare two draft ordinances which would repeal
the City' s Campaign Contribution Ordinances No. 1-84 and No. 3-84 . If either
of these ordinances were adopted, the State Law regulating campaign
contributions would be the law regulating campaign contributions in the City,
with the exception that contributions to a candidate or a committee could not
exceed $300. Because the Councilmembers had the experience of seeking
office, the City Attorney prepared two ordinances in order to give the City
Council an option of establishing an election period beginning January 1 and
ending December 31 or beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of an election
Cm. Moffatt asked if the election period referred to the same calendar year
as the election and whether contributions could only be received during that
year. He gave the example of holding fund-raisers after December 31st of the
specified year.
City Manager Ambrose stated that this section applied to the $300 maximum for
a one-year period.
Cm. Snyder stated that this ties into the recording date.
Mr. Ambrose stated that it ties into their filing statements.
Cm. Snyder questioned the effect a special election would have and whether
the election period specified in the ordinance would change; for example, if
the election were held in June rather than in November.
City Attorney Nave stated that this issue had not been addressed in the draft
Mayor Jeffery asked whether the election period could be set in the
resolution calling for a special election.
Mr. Ambrose stated that the persons running in the special election would
have their own contributions and that contributions made to the previous
office-holder ' s campaign would not count toward the total.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
Cm. Snyder stated that the Council could decide which dates would be best for
a November election but not for an election held at another time of year.
Mr. Ambrose stated that it would be better to address the matter in the
ordinance and tie the dates down to the filing period.
There was no public testimony on this issue.
City Attorney Nave stated that a separate ordinance could be adopted at the
time of the special election but that it would be better to cover all
situations in one document.
Mr. Ambrose stated that the ordinance was drafted to coincide with the
semiannual filing dates .
Cm. Moffatt asked whether the special election would normally be held at the
same time as a regular election.
Mr. Ambrose stated that the special election could be held at any time within
the time frame established by State Law.
Cm. Moffatt asked how long the election process takes .
Mr. Nave stated that the law requires a 120 day period.
On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the
Council continued this item to the meeting of March 9th and directed Staff to
address special elections in the draft Ordinance.
* * * *
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
Chris Kinzel of TJKM, the City' s traffic engineering firm, presented the
Staff report, which stated that the vehicle code sets a "prima facie" speed
limit for residential streets that are less than 40 feet in width, have only
one traffic lane in each direction, and have no more than one-half mile of
uninterrupted length. The police department is permitted to use radar for
enforcement of the speed limit on these streets . Some residential streets in
the City of Dublin, however, were wider than 40 feet and therefore had to be
surveyed in order for the police department to use radar for enforcement of
the 25 m.p.h. speed limit. These streets were Hansen Drive west of Amarillo,
Betlen Drive west of Circle Way, Tamarack Drive east of Village Parkway, and
Penn Drive north of King Way. Some non-residential streets were also
surveyed because of changes in design or traffic control. These were
Dougherty Road north of Amador Valley Blvd. , which was recently widened to
four lanes, and Dublin Blvd. east of Sierra Court, which recently received a
new traffic signal . San Ramon Road north of Silvergate had not been
previously surveyed. The City' s Traffic Engineering firm, TJKM, did not
recommend any changes in speed limits from those previously established.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
No public testimony was received.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted the survey results and directed Staff to implement the
recommended signage.
Planning Director Larry Tong presented the Staff report, which stated that,
at the meeting of January 26, 1987, Dave Burton had requested the City
Council to ask BART for an EIR on the Park and Ride Lot. This item was
agendized for the February 9th meeting; however, JoAnne Bergeron Castro,
representing the Chamber of Commerce, requested that this item be tabled
until the meeting of February 23rd so that the Chamber Board of Directors
could discuss the issue. The Dublin General Plan contains various policies
regarding a BART facility at the end of Golden Gate Drive. The City
identified mitigation measures in a November 25, 1986, letter to BART
regarding (1) land use, (2) traffic, and (3) design. The BART Staff issued a
preliminary response which stated (1) that BART agreed to enter into a joint
use agreement to provide a mix of BART uses and retail/commercial uses; (2)
that BART will request TJKM to prepare an additional traffic study to
determine traffic effects and potential mitigation measures; and (3) that
BART has begun to re-design the facility to address the design concerns .
BART Staff will meet with City Staff to discuss the project and mitigation
measures after the additional traffic study has been prepared and the
facility has been re-designed. The BART Board of Directors postponed
consideration of the Negative Declaration that was previously scheduled for
discussion in February. The BART Board Engineering and Operations Committee
will consider the Negative Declaration on March 24, 1987, and the Board will
take action on March 26th.
JoAnne Bergeron Castro stated that the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
had met on February 11th and agreed to support the park and ride lot but due
to its location, they felt an EIR was necessary. She requested that the City
ask BART for an EIR regarding traffic impacts on Dublin Blvd. and said that
the Chamber disagrees with BART' s statement that traffic would not be
affected by the park and ride lot.
Paul Moffatt said he had read an article which indicated the Chamber
President wanted a traffic study. He asked Ms . Castro if the Chamber would
be interested in sharing in the cost of the study.
Ms . Castro stated that she felt they would not. '
Cm. Snyder asked whether the commute hour park and ride traffic had been
discussed. He stated that the Chamber Board did not have sufficient
information to request an EIR and that most park and ride traffic would be
earlier or later than other commute traffic . People using the park and ride
lot would generate additional benefits to businesses in Dublin.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
Cm. Hegarty stated that since a new analysis was being presented on March
24th, the City would have an opportunity to request that the Negative
Declaration not be allowed at that time. The impacts would have to be
addressed to the satisfaction of the City.
Cm. Snyder said that the Chamber Board should be aware that (1) BART has the
right to condemn property but that they have been forthright in all
discussions and have reduced the size of the lot from the original 14 acres
to 7 acres at the request of the City, and (2) BART had been through a long
negotiating process with Bedford on the basis that it was better to negotiate
than to condemn.
Cm. Vonheeder stated that the City Council had made the same comments as the
Mr. Tong suggested that the Council request a clarification from BART or TJKM
regarding the timing of the report on the traffic study.
Bob Allen, representing the BART Board of Directors, said that he was
attending the meeting as an observer only.
Chris Kinzel of TJKM said that the purpose of the study was to provide a more
complete analysis than the original environmental assessment. The more
detailed analysis will address the points of concern and will be the same as
an EIR regarding traffic impacts . TJKM's report will be presented at the
meeting of March 24th.
Mayor Jeffery asked whether copies could be provided to the City Council and
Mr. Kinzel said that their work was a subcontract to Earthmetrics .
Jack Hughes, a resident of Dublin, said he had attended the January 24th BART
Board meeting and, after hearing the report presented by BART, felt that the
BART staff had not been to Dublin. He stated that an additional 700 cars
would have an impact on traffic and that he was happy that the City Council
is interested in the situation.
Dave Burton stated that when the lot was first discussed in 1978, it was a
good idea. The situation has now changed. He said that the City needs BART
but suggested that the station be moved one or two miles east.
Mayor Jeffery said that the 1/2� ballot measure indicated one BART station
and also showed the City Limit as it was prior to annexation.
Mr. Burton asked why the City did not bring up using County property at Santa
Rita Road or Hopyard Road and that people would not shop in a traffic jam
Bill Foster, a resident of Dublin, said that he was a proponent of Measure B,
that he supported the BART station at the Golden Gate Drive location. He
felt the station should serve the downtown area and that too much concern was
being expressed regarding the EIR.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
Mr. Burton asked how Staff could get a copy of the traffic impact report in
time to react before the March 26th meeting.
Bob Allen said that he normally gets the reports the Friday before a meeting
and that he could get a copy to the City Staff approximately a week before
the March 26th meeting.
Mr. Tong stated that this would not be enough time for a City Council meeting
but that the City Staff could comment.
Mayor Jeffery asked what the City' s options would be if Staff disagrees with
the report.
Mr. Tong said that Staff could provide comments to the BART Directors
suggesting sufficient mitigation measures .
Cm. Vonheeder said that each City Council member would have to attend the
BART meeting since there was not enough time to formulate a collective
City Attorney Nave stated that there is a 30-day period in which to challenge
a Negative Declaration or EIR.
Cm. Snyder asked Mr. Kinzel whether his report included a review of the
number of private vehicles now parked in businesses ' lots or streets that
would be using the park and ride lot.
Mr. Kinzel stated that his report would include that figure.
Cm. Snyder said that the .Chamber needed to understand that the City has a
concern regarding commuters ' vehicles parked in shopping center lots,
particularly Mervyn ' s .
Cm. Hegarty stated that the City could not have a BART station without a
parking lot.
The Council agreed that the traffic impact report would have to be studied
before an answer could be reached.
Recreation Director Diane Lowart presented the Staff report, which stated
that Founders Week festivities, normally held in September, will take place
July 27 through August 2, 1987 . This activity was organized primarily by the
Historical Preservation Association in previous years, but a number of new
activities have been proposed for 1987 . The purpose of the expanded format
is to raise funds for Dublin-based non-profit organizations and service
clubs . Members of the steering committee for this event suggested that a
representative from the City Council and City Staff also serve on the
committee. Each committee member is to chair or co-chair one of the nine
subcommittees and provide membership for the remaining eight subcommittees.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
Staff recommended that the City Council appoint a member of the Council and a
staff member from the Recreation Department to serve on the steering
committee with the understanding that additional representation from the City
is not possible.
Tom McCormick stated that the organization that was formed for the fund-
raising festival had decided to incorporate in order to provide a more solid
Board of Directors as a basis for distributing funds to •nonprofit groups .
Cm. Snyder said that there is a lack of understanding regarding distribution
of funds . The Lions organization gets 25% net, with the balance to the
designated charity. He asked whether the charitable organization would get
Mr. McCormick stated that the funds would go to the organization to use as
they saw fit and that a way to control the funds is needed. Their attorney,
Ralph Hughes, is working out the details.
Cm. Vonheeder recommended that the Mayor and Pis. Lowart be the designated
appointees to the steering committee. Cm. Moffatt is already on the
committee through the Lions organization.
Cm. Moffatt said that Ms . Lowart should be able to, designate a member of her
Staff to attend meetings due to . time constraints .
The City Council unanimously agreed that Mayor Jeffery and Ms . Lowart be
appointed to serve on the Founders Week/Shamrock Festival steering committee.
* * * *
Assistant to the City Manager Paul Rankin presented the Staff report which
stated that at the meeting of February 9, 1987, the City Council had
requested consideration of the Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies
(SAFE) . The State Legislature adopted a bill in 1985 which enables the
creation of a SAFE program, which coordinates financing, implementation,
operation, and maintenance of an emergency aid system. The Board of
Supervisors of a County, joined by the majority of Cities having a majority
of the population must pass resolutions to establish a SAFE. This .program
may include not only call boxes but also paramedic services, airborne medic
patrols, and other emergency aid systems . The call boxes provide direct
communication between motorists and the California Highway Patrol and can be
used to report accidents, hazards, or disabled vehicles. The cost of the
system depends upon the technology used and is financed by a $1. 00 surcharge
on automobile registrations . The resolution prepared by Staff was based on a
model provided by the City of Livermore and was amended to refer specifically
to the freeway call box system. The resolution also urged evaluation of the
potential to expand the service area.
Cm. Moffatt asked whether there were any problems reported concerning
vandalism or ongoing maintenance.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
Mr. Rankin stated that research by the City of Livermore indicated vandalism
was not a problem. The funding source for maintenance is the $1. 00 surcharge
on auto registrations .
Mayor Jeffery questioned whether any research had been done on the total
freeway miles in Alameda County. Mr. Rankin responded that the mileage in
this area was much less than that in some Southern California areas .
Cm. Vonheeder asked whether the City would be able to designate which routes
get the call boxes first. She indicated there is more than enough funding .
Mayor Jeffery suggested that the excess funds be used for air medics .
Cm. Moffatt asked if each county would have its own Authority.
Mr. Rankin said that two members would come from the Board of Supervisors and
the remaining five from cities, probably selected at the Mayors ' Conference.
On motion by Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted
City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff report, which stated that the City
had received a letter from Councilmember Dick Spees, President of the
Association of Bay Area Governments, transmitting the ABAG Fiscal Year
1987/88 budget, which included an approximately 3. 5% dues increase. This
increase would cost the City of Dublin $73. 00 per year.
On motion by Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the
Council approved the 3. 5% increase in Association of Bay Area Governments
dues .
* * * *
City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff report, which stated that the League
of California Cities is proposing an increase of 6% in annual membership
dues. The League of California Cities requested that the City review and
proposed increase and express the City's position to the East Bay Division of
the League of California Cities .
Cm. Vonheeder stated that the East Bay Division had already acted on this
* * * *
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
STOP Signs at Larkdale Ave. and Bristol Drive
Cm. Moffatt requested that Staff re-study the Larkdale/Bristol intersection,
as residents of the area felt that a four-way STOP was needed rather than the
2-way STOP installed recently on Larkdale. The two-way STOP does not
alleviate the speeding problem. He asked if this issue could be placed on
the agenda for the March 23rd meeting.
Cm. Vonheeder stated that the problem on Bristol is between Brighton and
Larkdale and that a STOP sign at Larkdale would not help.
Mayor Jeffery said she felt STOP signs would not help because Bristol is a
short stretch followed by a long stretch.
The Council agreed to place this issue on a future agenda.
* * * *
Rental of Fallon School Multipurpose Room
Mr. Rankin discussed a recommendation from the State Allocation Board that
Murray School District charge the City $2, 174 per month to lease the Fallon
School multipurpose room. The City and the school district had already
agreed on $100 per month. The State Allocation Board initially recommended a
$400 per month rental amount but then submitted a staff report which stated
the City should pay the full market value of $2, 174 per month. It has been
the State Board' s policy to recommend full market value when the school
district has outstanding State loans . Murray School District owes the State
approximately $10 million, which it has been paying back at approximately $1
million per year. The school district has appealed the decision, and the
Board will hear the appeal on Wednesday, February 25th, at 4 : 00 p.m. in
Sacramento. Sen. Lockyer ' s office has recommended a continuance.
City Manager Ambrose stated that he preferred to reach a decision at the
hearing on February 25th.
Cm. Hegarty asked if this situation would jeopardize the City's grant for
building renovation.
Ms . Lowart stated that the grant could probably be transferred to another
Mayor Jeffery asked why the Board had not asked for the money when the site
was sold.
Mr. Rankin stated that the school district 's repayment scheduled would not be
affected. The district is required to submit leases to the State Board for
approval .
The City Council concurred that the lease agreement would have to be re-
evaluated if the Board does not change its ruling.
* * * *
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
Guideline for Brown Act Bill
Cm. Snyder asked a question with reference to the February 18th League
Bulletin regarding guidelines for the Brown Act bill.
Mr. Rankin said that the Deputy City Clerk may have requested this already
and that he would ask her when she returns from a conference on Wednesday.
Proposed Cable TV Studio in Civic Center
Cm. Hegarty stated that he would not be able to attend the Cable TV Board
meeting on February 26th, but that Lee Horner should be advised of the
Council ' s position regarding the Civic Center and that a decision needs to be
made. The issue is on the Board' s agenda for the February 26th meeting.
Mr. Rankin said that the Council would be discussing the Civic Center at the
adjourned meeting on March 2nd.
* * * *
Amador Valley Boulevard Repair
Mayor Jeffery asked when the holes on Amador Valley Boulevard between I-680
and Donohue Drive would be repaired.
Mr. Ambrose said that the slurry seal applied in this area two years ago' had
not stayed in place and that a remove-and-replace process was required to
repair the holes . The maintenance crew had begun repairing them that day
(February 23) and would continue the repair as weather permitted.
* * * *
Senate Bill 13
Mayor Jeffery said that Senator Lockyer had called her in reference to the
status of S.B. 13 . It is the Senator' s candid opinion that the bill is not
likely to pass but that the Council should keep an eye on it anyway.
Reimbursement for State-Mandated Costs
Mayor Jeffery also said that the League of California Cities had sent the
Council documentation on five court cases that the League had participated
in. One case is the City of Los Angeles vs . the State of California
concerning the extent to which the .State reimbursed local agencies for
State-mandated costs . She asked whether Staff had reviewed that case.
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
Mr. Ambrose responded that Staff had not had a chance to review it.
Philosophically Staff supported it, but the City has not had a chance to file
a claim because there is a minimum expense to be incurred before a claim can
be filed, and the City has not had sufficient expenses to date in any of the
State-mandated programs .
* * * *
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 9 : 30 p.m.
* * * *
City Clerk
* * * *
Regular Meeting February 23, 1987
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was
held on Monday, March 2, 1987 in the upstairs conference room of the Dublin
City Offices . The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 p.m. by Mayor Linda
* * * *
PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor
* * * *
Civic Center Project
Rick Wendling, 7194 Elk Court, advised Mayor Jeffery that he had about 5
questions that he wished to address to the Council and asked when the
appropriate time would be.
When questioned regarding the topic of the questions, Mr. Wendling advised
that they related to the Civic Center project. Mayor Jeffery then advised
him that this was an agendized item and his remarks would be appropriate when
that item is discussed.
* * * *
Staff advised that the City has received a letter from Senator Bill Lockyer
requesting support for SB 100, which proposes the development of a trail
system which would circle the San Francisco Bay. The system would serve
pedestrians and bicyclists and in some areas it may become necessary to move
inland from the shoreline. The concept, however, is to provide a contiguous
SB 100 would authorize a committee to prepare a feasibility report on the
project. The committee would be established under the auspices of ABAG and
would be required to issue its report by January 1, 1989. The bill provides
for $200, 000 in funding for the planning process, with said funds provided by
the State Environmental Vehicle License Fund.
On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. .Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote,
the Council adopted
* * * *
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987
At the City Council meeting on February 12, 1987, the City Council directed
the Architect to enlarge the diameter of the building to accommodate a cable
television studio. The proposed location was on the second floor of the
City Offices.
The Community Television Corporation Staff met with the Architects on
February 17, 1987. The City was also represented at this meeting. The
purpose was to identify the needs of a cable television studio and explain
the existing building concept to Community Television representatives . This
also allowed City Staff to provide additional input to the Architect on
implications this change may have to the previously approved layout.
The Architects pursued the addition of a studio and 5 alternative scheme
layouts were presented for Council review. The advantages and disadvantages
of each of the 5 schemes were discussed.
Cost estimates ranged from $159, 500 to $219, 400 and related only to the
construction of additional shell space. The interior improvements were not
included for the studio space. If interior improvements are consistent with
the rest of the building, they are estimated at $40/sq ft. However, if they
require special sound isolation systems, additional conduit or special
lighting, the interior costs could equal $60/sq ft.
An optional cost factor is the cost of providing additional ceiling space in
the studio area. If the studio is on the second floor, this cost is
estimated at $20, 000. This requires raising the roof over the studio area.
On the first floor, the additional height is obtained by lowering the floor
which is a more costly approach. The lower floor is estimated to add
$30, 000 to the studio construction cost.
Cm. Snyder questioned why this facility simply couldn't be added onto the
exterior area of the police facility.
George Miers explained that the advantage of the design that they have
developed is that it allows for future expansion and he would hate to see the
City cut the expansion capabilities short.
Cm. Hegarty felt that if the building is designed to expand, what ' s the
difference on whether it expands in 1987 or 1990.
Mr. Miers felt that the expansion space was designed in to take care of the
City' s growth needs to the year 2005. They designed safeguards into the
building based on the City' s growth scenario studies.
Cm. Hegarty stated that when we originally designed the building several
months ago, the design was exactly as we wanted it. Now we are considering
adding .a 2, 000 square foot studio and he felt that Cm. Snyder ' s suggestion
has merit in that it should be a separate facility.
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987
Cm. Snyder expressed concern that if we have to expand in the future, we will
need to leap frog over an existing useage that has nothing to do with City
Mr. Miers did not feel that this was necessarily the case, in that it would
depend on how the expansion space is layed out.
Cm. Moffatt indicated that when this building is built, we will have
approximately 4, 000 sq ft of extra space. He questioned how long it would
take the City to utilize this extra space. If the television studio people
can utilize some of the space, it would be good. He felt they would be
looking at some additional place to move to within 10-15 years. In the
meantime, this extra space could be utilized on a temporary basis .
Cm. Hegarty did not feel it appropriate that the 4 cities would spend in
excess of a quarter million dollars and only have it last for 10 years .
Discussion ensued relative to the study that George Miers & Associates
conducted regarding the square footage of civic centers compared to
population statistics in various cities.
The issue of security was discussed relative to the various schemes.
Cm. Moffatt questioned when we could expect a commitment from the community
television people.
City Manager Ambrose advised that this will not occur for several months .
Rick Wendling indicated he feels there is an overabundance of television
channels already and questioned how the public would benefit from a studio
built here at public expense.
Mayor Jeffery explained the concept of public access television to Mr.
Wendling and that this studio would be for Dublin, San Ramon, Livermore and
Cm. Moffatt felt Dublin should look for other potential uses for the 4, 000 sq
ft excess space on a temporary basis . He felt it may be premature on our
part to assume that community television will go into the building. He felt
it would be desirable in the future to see this studio as a part of an
emerging arts theater.
Cm. Snyder made a motion, which was seconded by Cm. Hegarty, to add
additional space to the building opposite the police facility. This motion
was defeated by a majority of dissenting votes cast by Cm. Moffatt, Cm.
Vonheeder and Mayor Jeffery.
When questioned, Mr. Miers advised that the City would be looking at a 50-600
premium on the shell to add at this location. The entire security of the
police facility would have to be looked at.
The merits of Scheme 1 were discussed. This would add the television studio
to the second floor next to the City Manager' s Office area.
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987
Cm. Snyder felt it was ludicrous to have to add another elevator.
Mayor Jeffery questioned the possibility of relocating the existing
Staff pointed out that once you do this, you must then deal with security
issues for the entire building.
On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by majority vote,
the Council approved the location of cable television studio space in
accordance with Scheme #1. Cm. Hegarty and Cm. Snyder voted against this
The ceiling height of the cable television studio was discussed. If a 12 '
ceiling were used, the space would be more adaptable for other uses .
George Miers indicated that from his standpoint, it would be a relatively
minor change to go from a 12 ' to a 15' ceiling.
Cm. Snyder strongly urged the Council to consider the fact that every time a
change is made, dollars are involved.
Cm. Hegarty made a motion which was seconded by Cm. Vonheeder to plan for a
15' ceiling in the television studio. This motion was defeated by a
majority of dissenting votes cast by Cm. Snyder, Cm. Moffatt and Mayor
Jeffery. The television studio ceiling will therefore be planned with a 12'
With regard to the interior layout, Assistant to the City Manager Rankin
advised that it may be more appropriate to wait until community television
has committed to this project. Mr. Miers indicated that the perimeter of
the studio space can be set.
* * * *
A short recess was called. All Councilmembers were present when the meeting
* * * *
In accordance with previous police contract evaluation criteria, Staff
evaluated those police services presently provided to the City under
contract with the Alameda County Sheriff ' s Department. Areas evaluated were
Patrol Service, Traffic Enforcement, Criminal Investigation, Juvenile
Investigation, Narcotics Investigation and Community Programs .
Patrol Services - Comparison statistics were presented which compared 1986 to
1984 and 1985. Chief Severini gave a brief overview of the 1986 report. He
stated that overall 3 new positions were being requested: a patrol sergeant
to provide relief coverage, a sergeant that would free Sergeant DiFranco' s
time in order that he could devote the necessary time to community programs,
and a traffic officer.
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987
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Vacation relief, increased state mandated attendance for advance officer
training, as well as an expanded patrol area and service population have
impacted the City' s ability to provide a desirable level of patrol service.
The Council will be asked to consider the addition of 2 officers to this
Traffic Enforcement - A full-time traffic enforcement position was staffed in
August, 1986. The objective of this unit is both enforcement and education.
Fifteen trouble spots have been identified. The Police Chief recommended
that the City consider adding another traffic officer to focus on commercial
weight violations.
Cm. Moffatt questioned overtime payments. Chief Severini indicated that a
separate portion of the budget addresses overtime, and they are not over
budget in this area. Several hundred hours of overtime were paid as a result
of the double homicide in Dublin in January 1986.
Criminal Investigation - The 3 sergeant staffing level is considered to be
adequate at this time.
Juvenile Investigation - The detective sergeant presently assigned to this
position has specific responsibility for the investigation of crimes by and
against juveniles . Particular emphasis is placed upon child abuse and sexual
molestation cases .
Narcotics Investigation - This position, which was filled and operating by
September, 1985, has been successful in identifying and investigating
numerous narcotics dealers in the City of Dublin. Prior to the funding of
this position, most of the narcotics investigations and arrests involved
smaller street dealers . The staffing of this activity is believed to be
sufficient at this time.
Community Programs - Includes Neighborhood Watch, Merchant Alert, Community
Awareness and Safety Literature.
Business Office Services - This office is staffed by two Specialist Clerks,
five days per week from 7 : 30 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. Staffing appears adequate to
meet the Department ' s needs at this time.
Cost Effectiveness - In studying the cost effectiveness of the contract,
Staff reported that it appears that the only viable alternative at this time
would be to provide the service with City employees. The analysis presented
indicated, however, that at this time, it is clearly more cost effective to
contract for police services . Based on the cost comparison done, the
additional cost to the City of operating a full service City police
department would range from approximately $258, 000 to $266, 000 per year more
than the current contract cost with Alameda County.
Staff felt that the overall performance of Dublin Police Services is of the
highest caliber, based upon daily personal contacts and review of work
performance and evaluation of statistical data.
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987
Assigned personnel are mature and share a broad and diverse law enforcement
background. Each officer is proud of their position with Dublin Police
Services and endeavors to achieve optimum performance. There also exists a
special camaraderie that lends itself to excellent employee morale. The men
and women assigned to Dublin Police Services clearly identify with the
community and have become very much a part of that community, irrespective
of where they may actually reside.
Some of the overall accomplishments for 1986 include: continued respon-
siveness to the business and residential community with respect to their
concerns and timely delivery of service; the culmination of successful
criminal investigations indicated by high numbers of arrests, closed cases
and recovered stolen property; development and continued maintenance of
juvenile programs designed to counsel and assist troubled youths; targeting
areas requiring special traffic enforcement; furnishing a speakers bureau
for community groups; successful interfacing other city functions and other
governmental agencies .
City Manager Ambrose indicated that the 3 recommended additional positions
will be presented with justification during the budget process.
Mayor Jeffery stated that complaints received from the public regarding
police services are down considerably.
* * * *
An indepth report was prepared which evaluated the services provided by
Santina & Thompson and TJKM. While preparing this evaluation, the need was
identified to discuss organizational changes related to the provision of
Engineering Services.
The Staff Report addressed comments on contract compliance with regard to
administrative duties, traffic engineering, development review and capital
projects . The Contractor' s availability, responsiveness and cost
effectiveness were also addressed.
City Manager Ambrose advised that he is recommending that the Council
consider the provision of a portion of the Public Works Inspection function
with a City employed Public Works Inspector. This will result in significant
cost savings to the City. He also recommended that the Council consider the
hiring of an employee to serve as a full-time Public Works Director/City
Engineer. This individual would not replace the City Engineer, but rather
supplement and provide additional Public Works Administrative and Engineering
expertise to the City. This change is recommended to provide better
continuity, more administrative control of the Public Works functions and
more available Staff time to deal with complex public works issues .
The TJKM review indicated that they have provided all aspects of traffic
engineering services to the City in a professional and competent manner. The
City could not perform this function for a lower cost with City employees .
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987
The range of traffic engineering personnel and their expertise could not be
provided by one or even two individual employees. TJKM is uniquely suited to
assist in dealing with future traffic related issues because of the large
data base and .level of knowledge they have regarding all aspects of local and
regional traffic issues.
Because TJKM works for so many governmental and private clients in the
Valley, there is the potential for conflict between the interests of TJKM's
various clients. The addition of an in-house Public Works professional will
help to filter such potential conflicts by reviewing TJKM's proposals .
Santina & Thompson is recommending an average of 4% increase in their rates
for Fiscal Year 1987-88.
TJKM has proposed an average 13.4% increase over their current rates . Their
current rates have been in effect since March of 1985.
Staff reviewed these rate increases with each of the contractors and concurs
that they are reasonable for Fiscal Year 1987-88. Staff recommended that the
Council adopt the amended agreements for both TJKM and Santina & Thompson for
the 1987-88 Fiscal Year rates .
In summary, Mr. Ambrose advised that the change in organization that is being
proposed should assist the contractors in focusing on those things that each
contractor does best. The change should also help provide more local control
and better administrative controls over the entire public works function.
'Cm. Hegarty questioned if costs prompted this recommendation.
City Manager Ambrose advised that it was not merely costs, as he had made the
same recommendation last year.
Cm. Hegarty stated he felt Dublin should either remain with a contract, or go
entirely with employees . He felt there would be a conflict of having an
employee report to a contractor.
City Manager Ambrose indicated we have a situation now whereby an employee
reports to a contractor and there has been no problems .
Lee Thompson indicated he could see possible conflicts with one inspector
reporting to the City and another reporting to a contractor.
City Manager Ambrose indicated he has a problem when a neighboring City pays
$27/hour for an inspector and we pay $65/hour. We need to look for ways to
cut costs and this would be one alternative. The Council will face some very
difficult decisions this next year with regard to financial issues .
Cm. Hegarty made a motion to leave the Santina & Thompson structure as is .
This motion died due to lack of a second.
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987
On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by majority vote, the
Council approved the proposed Santina & Thompson amended agreement, approved
the proposed TJKM amended agreement, and approved in concept the proposed
Public Works Organization. Cm. Hegarty voted against this motion.
* * * *
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
* * * *
City Clerk
* * * *
Regular Meeting March 2, 1987