HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.2 Tri-Valley Community TV Report /o5a - n CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 14, 1988 SUBJECT Oral Communication - 6 Month Progress Report by Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation EXHIBITS ATTACHED --Letter Dated February 1 , 1988 from Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation and attachments . RECOMMENDATION Authorize allocation of $10,000 to Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation for operating expenditures . FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A total of $20, 000 in contributions to Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation for operating expenses has been budgeted. The City has made a $10 , 000 payment for the first 6 months of the Fiscal Year . Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation is requesting the second allocation of $10,000. DESCRIPTION The City Council approved a contribution of $20, 000 to the Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation for operating expenses and developing a public access studio and programming. The City Council stipulated that the City would pay the $20, 000 in two installments. The first installment was paid at the beginning of the Fiscal Year and the second installment would be paid upon a satisfactory report regarding the Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation ' s first six months of operation . Representatives from the Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation have requested an opportunity to make a presentation to the Council regarding the services they are providing to the City of Dublin. It is Staff ' s recommendation that the City Council receive their presentation and authorize the second payment of $10, 000 to the Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Jack Noonan Darla Stephens '� Claudia McCormick Tri—Valley Vommunity Television �,orporation 1052 South Livermore Avenue Livermore , CA 94550 February 1, 1988 RECEI'VED Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FEB 81988 c/o Richard Ambrose, City Manager eITY OF DUOUN City of Dublin P. 0. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mayor Jeffery and Councilmembers: On behalf of the Board members of the Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation, I' am pleased to submit the enclosed six-month progress report for your consideration. The past six months have been filled with establishing production guidelines and procedures, procuring state-of-the-art equipment, and striving to ensure that informative, high quality broadcasting is being provided through Community Television. As the enclosed report indicates, we now feel confident that the groundwork has been put in place which will provide for a finished product highlighting the Tri-Valley area that we can all be proud of. In addition to the progress report, I have included materials indicating our on-going production schedule, as well as workshops we are establishing to educate and train others who may be interested in participating in local television. Also enclosed is a six-month financial report of revenues and expenditures, and a report showing the expenditures for capital equipment items. If you find these reports sufficient we would appreciate receiving your $10, 000 allocation for the second half of this fiscal year. I would be more than willing to appear before your City Council if you so desire, and could even present a brief video clip of the studio, equipment, and activities at your Community Television facilities. We sincerely appreciate your continued support of Community Television, and would be glad to answer any questions you may have on our progress these past six months. Sincerely„ JACK NOONAN Chairman DFA:JN/cm Tri-Valley Community Television Corp. Enclosure cc: Board Members r • TRI-VALLEY COMMUNITY TELEVISION CASH FLOW ANALYSIS JULY 1, 1987 - DECEMBER 31, 1987 CASH BALANCE AS OF JULY 1, 1987 $91, 512 . 15 REVENUE: Operating 50, 554 . 83 Capital 55, 000. 00 TOTAL REVENUE 105, 554 . 83 EXPENDITURES : Operating 26, 839 . 16 Capital 60, 621. 98 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 87, 461. 14 CASH BALANCE AS OF DECE�SBER 31, 1987 $109, 605. 84 TRI-VALLEY COMMUNITY TELEVISION SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES JULY 1 , 1987 - DECEMBER 31, 1937 REVENUE Operating Capital City of Dublin $11, 000 . 00 $45 , 000. 00 City of Livermore 11, 000. 00 10, 000 . 00 City of Pleasanton 10, 000 . 00 City of San Ramon 11, 000 . 00 Hacienda Business Park 5, 301. 72 Interest 1, 753 . 11 ------------ ----------- TOTAL REVENUE $50, 554 . 83 $55, 000. 00 EXPENDITURES Personnel $4 , 417 . 00 Supplemental Personnel Costs 662 . 00 Insurance 1, 613 . 00 Services and Supplies 2 , 672 . 44 Operating Reserve 1 673 . 00 Capital Outlay 60, 621 . 93 Bay Talk 5 , 801. 72 $26, 839 . 16 $60, 621 . 93 NEW PROGRAMS / NEW PROJECTS NEWS "PILOT" As the equipment comes in, we will soon have the technical resources to produce the first pilot for local news . Estimated time of pilot: March/April 1988 . NEWSPRINT AD CAMPAIGN A long-term display-ad effort will be launched that will , over time , increase awareness of the channel , and increase interest in local programming. An exciting attention-grabbing theme has already been designed, and will soon be seen in local papers . TIME FOR A STORY A new program "Time for a Story" will be launched. School districts and libraries are invited to utilize this program. Community Television is searching for good storytellers . Also music "teachers/storytellers" . VALLEY SENIORS A new program by and for seniors in the valley is being launched. It is titled "Young at Heart" STRAIGHT TALK This time slot, devoted to human services in the valley, deals with on coping skills , as well as drug/alcohol abuse. STAR PERFORMANCE A new program for the performing arts will be launched in March/April . Either the temporary donation or rental of a grand piano is needed for this program. WORKSHOPS AND TRAINING A schedule of workshops will be available within this next season. See attached. SURVEY A small random-sampling survey is being undertaken with the help of volunteers to ascertain the "before" awareness level . This will be compared to some future survey on awareness . PRODUCTION CURRENTLY ON THE AIR: Bay Talk; Valley Forum; Let ' s Talk Sports ; Valley Magazine; Mayors ' Report; Valley Gardening; Antiques and Collectibles ; Byline : AAUW, Young At Heart, Straight Talk. ' WCRKS8OPS AND TRAINING GOALS 1 . Educate local people so that they can produce local television. De-mystify the medium. 2. Recruit and train local people to become volunteers, interns, crew, producers. 3. Activate the potential created by the acquisition of sophisticated television equipment , and acquaint local interested persons with this equipment . SUGGESTED CONTENT The following Workshops can be offered, scheduled and advertised once the equipment is operational . Estimated time of start-up: April 1988. Most workshops (2/3) will be held during the summer , with approximately one-third scheduled during the balance of the year . Note: Interns are also assimilated on an ongoing basis in an on-the-job training mode. FEES These workshops should be self-supporting overall . However , any fees charged should be affordable and reasonable. Suggested fee: $15 for three meetings. A free "start-up" workshop will soon be held as part of the outreach effort for the channel . COURSES/CONTENT: BASIC STUDIO PRODUCTION INTERMEDIATE STUDIO ADVANCED STUDIO PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUES FOR HOME VIDEOS LOCATION PRODUCTION ENG AND FILM-STYLE PRODUCTION BASIC POST-PRODUCTION INTERMEDIATE POST-PRODUCTION ADVANCED POST-PRODUCTION SPOKESMODEL WORKSHOP ON-CAMERA PRESENTATIONS WORKSHOP INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES LIGHTING FOR VIDEO AUDIO FOR VIDEO SCRIPTS AND CONCEPTS FOR THE WRITER DIRECTING ON LOCATION , ^ Analysis of HOURLY PERSONNEL Only (Salaried Personnel hours Not Included*) (Viacom-paid Personnel Not Included) New Production Activity or Paid Personnel Number of Programs Hours Va| | ey Magazine 3 36 Mayors' Report 6 102 Bylines AAUW 3 13. 5 Antiques and Col . 6 60. 5 E| ection Returns Nite 1 97 Let ' s Talk Sports 12 24 Va| | ey Forum 5 25 Trends 1 4 Christmas Special 1 20 Bookkeeping 6 months 54 Secretary " 60 Post Production " 50 Special Projects: Basketball Game, Location (Dublin vs. Castro Val . ) Heritage Parade Alameda Cnty Fair Par . Band Review Parade Dublin Gaels Par . Messiah Sing-along in San Ramon S. R. Chamber Meeting Walnut Grove 20th Livermore Sen, Citizens Musical Dublin Tree Lighting Workshop on Interviews (in-house) "Getting the maximum from that First Phone Call " Total Spec . Proj . Hours 63 *Salaried Personnel ARE a/ / owed to workn��re hours than their --l ~' y reflects,/ eccs. Ho ur / y rersonne/ are "^ ^ _____________ ________________________________________________ Examples of SALARIED PERSONNEL Projects Program/Project :: "We Say No" pSA' s Approx. Hours D. Stevens' J. Oliver Concept Meetings 3 Location Prod. 5 Post Prod. 12 Studio 4 Livermore Air Show Dubbing 2 D. Stevens, J. Oliver (Tom Morrison, Paul McIntyre; Hourly) Meetings 3 Script Writing 3 Production 7 ' " CONTINUED Pleasanton Heritage Days Bed Race D. Stevens, Jack Oliver Location Prod. 5 Post Prod. 10 Dublin "Concourse" and Dr . Don Rose Roast Meetings 2 Script Writing 2 Location Prod. 7 Post Production 20 Drivers Ed for Parents Production/Dub 6 League of Women Voters San Ramon City Council Candidates Night 5 San Ramon Central Park 4 .rary 4 post 11 San Ramon (Walt Disney School ) Halloween Segment On-Location 3 post 8 Walnut Grove 20th Anniv. Location 2 Election Nite . Prep Editing 6 Equipment Demos, Consultations, Conferences GESI in Berkeley (Demo of Sony Video Disk) Sony Broadcast Seminar at TVA, Sunnyvale (3/4SP, SVHS) KRON-TV Nightly news Industrial Professional Video' Open House/Demo in Sacramento Pro-Video Equipment Demo, Sacramento KGO-TV Solicitation of Equipment for Donation Bank of America " Snader and Associates, Marin (Demo) Hours: Not Estimated Not Charged Telephone Conferences and Purchasing Activities Much time is spent shopping (nationwide) for best prices, conferring about exact specifications, comparing capabilities, compatibility, and applicability regarding local television and our specific needs. We take pride in the many helpful contacts we have, involving video manufacturers, distributers, and retailers. Hours: Not estimated Not charged CT's! ALLOCATION OF TIME PAST SIX MONTHS Board R.7aotfng 18.0% & R®porta Production 20.015 Financiau 10.0% & Post Production Adminlartstive Promotion 8.0% Studio 20.035 Menagomont Now Sate Equipment Drop Equipment Roo 30.0% & Purchnaing 0 M M U N I T Y 7r E L E V I S 0 �J Six-Month Review/Repori; Financial Narrative In the first six months, we report the following conditions: . As you know, TVCTV is a non-profit 501 (C)3 corporation which can receive tax-deductible donations of funds, goods and services for the benefit of the participating cities' local pub | ic , education and government a| te| evision communication needs. . TVCTV has fu| fi | | ed the proper legal and regulatory requirements regarding insurance, the IRS, and personnel . . TVCTV met its first payroll -- on Dec . 18, 1987, which paid workers for the time period July 187 to Dec . 187. . Staff worked free of charge July through November ; hourly workers were utilized at a minimum for July through November . . Production was increased relative to previous six month level , even though most staff time in this six month period .was spent on the selection and purchase of equipment , plus physically pkeparing the studio and sets. . TVCTV filed year-end tax report and issued 1099s' . Notes of interest : For the purchasing price of ONE set of camera cables (to the control room) , Jack Oliver has fabricated all THREE camera cables by purchasing the materials and making all the cabling. The cost of a console to house monitors and controllers in the control room runs about $2, 300. Jack has custom-made our console for about $200. We have now created nine separate "sets" in the studio by utilizing all wall space. These can be utilized in many formats and styles of productions, from interviews to panels or presentations. The design, carpentering and building has been done at lowest possible cost--essentially by staff. Darla Stevens, Executive Director 0 P.O. Box 884 Pleasanton, CA 94566 e (4}5) 467-3]73 .moo. ti..�. .� .�. .�.. C O M M U N I T Y T E L E V I S I O N STATUS OF N'ON-PROFIT CORP OPP.TION Six-Vonth Review/Rer_crt We report the folloiwng conditions TVCTV is a nor:-profit 50i (c) 3 cOrc `•" craion i:_ C" can rPCci tax- deductible donations of funds , COOds and services for the :�enefit of the participating cities ' local public, education and ccvern- mental television COmmunicaticn needs . We ''ave sol1C'_ted ap^rox_mately YE3 , 5 00 . * (see below) TVCTV has fulfilled u.e proper legal and regulatory requirements regarding insurance, IP.S , and personnel . TVCTV received first Operations money in November, 1917 . TVCTV met its first payroll -- on December !-7 , 19P7 , :which _paid workers for the time period July , 1987 thru November, 1c)P- Donated Goods and Services 'Estimated `value Donor- items- Tount- Bank of America 9/swivel chairs ci Q00 0$200 Ofc . Desk & Chair 500 Macy ' s Car^etirg/3 studio sets POO Goold Electric Inc . Studio 'wiring 50n KRO`?-TV Consulting/T,dvisinc 300 \GOliver Monitors/VCR' s/:di- Controller 2,000 Sonv Receiver 500 Console 3 , n00 Slip-Cover Couch 2100 Tapes 2/Color Cameras-CraD_ hics D . Stevens Piano/Ladder/Table Tape Recorder/Screen Projector/New Microwave 620 S . Tole Coffee Maker 30 Phones 150 $ 63 , 500 D:lrLi CCtvonS A n (l P_ __. oo , n, . .