HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.06 Financial Report 01-31-1988 J CI77 OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 31, 1988 TRAFFIC STATE ST PAR1� SR CITZN PARK allfrY M-NI GENERAL SAFETY GAS TAX REVENUE CDBG FAU TRNSPTN BOND ACT BOND ACT DEDICATION PAREIANDS PLEASURE B GRANT 1`Tv FUND FUND FUND SHARE FND FUND FUND DXTLP FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FL\I) (#001) (#205) (#206) (#208) (#209) (#210) (#211) (#213) (#214) (#215) (#216) (4217) (#220) ASSETS Cash & Investments 7,695,560 58,959 274,946 955 1,412,506 (1,485) 1,068,318 47,158 Accounts Receivable (290) Amounts Due from Others 493,066 460,498 Prepaid Items (2,717) Fixed Assets Other --------- ------- -------- --- -- TO":'AL, ASSETS 8,185,619 58,959 274,946 955 1,873,004 (1,485) 1,068,318 47,153 - -------- ------- ------- LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 9,187 Deposits from Others 66,100 Advances Due Others 8,660 460,498 Deferred Revenues 26,000 Bonds & Certificates Pyb1. Other Payables --------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ----- ------- TfFA1_ LTABILITIES 75,287 34,660 460,498 Fl:M) Flli-'IT'i F:a-id Reserve 7,565,036 41,137 #68,128 955 (34,660) 797,375 786,255 Fund Balance 1,383,360 17,822 106,818 615,7.31 (1,485) 15,202 282,063 47,158 Fund Transfers (838,064) (15,202) --------- ------- -------- ------- ------- TOTAL FUND EQUITY 8,110,332 58,959 274,946 955 (34,660)11412,506 (1,485) 1,068,318 47,158 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND EQUITY 8,185,619 58,959 274,946 955 1,873,004 (1,485) 1,068,318 47,158 v� fd� V CITY OF DUBLIA BAI_A]NCE SHF-1-)• FOR THE PFRTOD ENDING JANUARY 31, 1988 ASSESSMCNT, CAPI'T'AL & SPECIAL FUNDS ----------------------------------- ST [.tilrr I.NDSCP SN MIN RD SR RD [.Girl'/I,NI) rRijs'r INTERNAL rI\liD CAPITAL, ll1IBLIN ASSMI' DS'IR AS I' DST SPC:I PIN BND RSRV MIC: ASMI' DEPOSIT SONICE ASSETS PRO JEMS INFO INC ICYI':YL I-ljND FUND A.SSM' ITID FUND MIND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND ALL FUNDS (#710) (#711) (#712) (#713) (#828) (#830) (#901) (#M) (#601) ASSETS Cash & Investments 14,710 (10,673) 350,304 72,356 22,320 171,206 100,118 (1,655,574) 8,440,945 18,062,629 Accounts Receivable (290) Amounts Due from Others 2,09:3,693 3,047,257 Prr.hs ir3 I U'.1w; 8,6 I(i 5"899 Fixed Assets 1,16,687 113,911 8, 132,•138 8,423,036 Other 575,971 575,971 ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---------- --------- --------- TOTAL ASSETS 14,710 (10,673) 926,275 7'2,356 22,320 171,206 255,•121 11:3,911 138,119 16,573,383 30,114,502 ------- ------- LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 9,187 Deposits from Others 3,125 163,775 233,000 Advances Duo Others 63,309 2, 112,0:351 2,644,506 Deferred Revenues 575,971 601,971 Bonds &. Certificates Pybl. 857,869 11,795,000 12,652,869 Other Payables ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,4:36,965 163,775 63,309 2,11'2,039 11,795,000 16,141,533 F j\T) E�1,[:ITY Fund Reserkr. ,11i,`.31f) 24,208 (420,0011) 72,356 7,4:31 164,349' 1.13,9 11 (178,759) 5,038,113 11,222,78.1 Fund Balance (:32,2(191 (:3,1,881) (9(1,690) 22,:320 '27,711:3 (l , 10,363) (1,097,82-1) (2=19,815) Fury) Trans fr!r•s 15,202 838'06-1 ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- 'IUFAL FUND Irt)1'ITY 1,1,710 (1(1,673) (510,(190) 7'2,:3.56 '22,:320 7,431 19'2,112 1,1:3,9[1 (1,67:3,920) ,1,778,383 1'3,972,969 TUPAL LIABILITIES & FUND EcITTY 14,710 (10,673) 926,275 71,356 22,320 171,206 255,421 143,911 438,119 16,573,383 30,114,502 CITY OF ,DUMN' Di! i, �,,T 11 ALL WNUARY 31 , 1188 P 10 D 1.7R,f 7E YFAR TO C Proporty Ta:., 722,100 t ' , W . 276,918 445,562 2 2.3 0111, Other Tanw; 5, 5wy,500 240,09 2,402,642 3, 195,85X 4 2 A 2 Licenses & Perntits 547,00 10,051 435,004 112,31H 7 9.4 7 Fines & Forfeitures qqsuo 60 53, 132 43,060 55.17% Spec ial Assessments %04 ,112 ss, ln 90,52 214 ,054 29.30% For Use of Non= Property 2,173,212 252,487 1 ,361,54 1 ,0US,636 5 T.5 000� intergo%umntl Rev State 1 ,112,06 54 ,962 569,605 S23,081 40.90%, Federal 1 ,my,aw'; 015, 131 781,520 =040,', Charges for Services 729,710 115,20 288,313 441,427 31.5 1�;", Other Revenue 530,2SO HIE 520,240 18,911 96. 49`,'� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- !DTAL REVENUES 12, 701,320 80,713 U,60,= 7,084,472 W.29% GeneraL Government. 101 City Council 00, 120 7,516 24,80 54,297 39-ON,, Cit.-: 257,544 18,07 im,817 120,727 53.12% 103 Legal Services 7S,400 7,20 50,060 17,340 7 7,3 104 Finance 128,970 10,381 72,414 66,556 3_. 11; 105 Building Management 1,398, 490 11,S20 709,082 tesms WN insurance ne,soo Too 01 ,303 45,297 66.9 V'o' 107 Eiecticns 5,00C. 5,001.) 108 Non-Departmentai 329,ow 210,000 89,04H 72.7 i'(, ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total General Government 2,441 , 1S0 5S,341 1,354,409 !,CES,771 5 5.4 8" Public SafeQ.- 201 Police Services 1,S ;9,611 121,203 372,05 1 , 177 ,229 3S.3 5% 202 Crossing Guards 22,200 1 ,002 5,640 16,w 25.41 0,,,, 203 Animal Control 42,UOU 10, 171 20,OS2 21 ,918 4 7.3 1 204 T,-,.c Egnis/Sfty Lghtg 221,500 16,09S 90,17S 135,322 39.99% 20 5, Disaster. P-,-e i;a redness 20,200 1,333 7, 129 13, 121 35.2U% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Public SafeQ.- 2, 150,04 isqssw 705,434 1,064, 10 36.6 3?"" Transportation 301 Public WorKs 130,31S 0, 100 51,00, !OS,219 32.CW", 002 Stroet Maintenancf: 519,400 10,300 60,960 152,431 :2,80,Y� 303 Street Sweepin. 52,500 4, 715 26, 132 26,06S 50.3 53,,, 304 Street Tree 1wintenance 67,500 1 ,212 26,764 40,73S 39.G 5% 305 Street Landscape Wc 2SU,910 13,51E 123,619 167 ,291 42.40. 306 Paratransiz Service 20 ,02V 2,217 18,600 7 ,422 71 .0031. ----------- --------- ------------ ----------- ------ TV& Transpurtnior 1 , 115,650 3s,ln 313,03 S02, 167 2 S. 1 U HeNth & Welfare 501 Vrnur Cont7n! Service 15,wo 1,272 14 ,22S `.2`c; Si�a�' RevenueZ� Expenditure Report CUMRENTF TO Or. All Funds Consolidated - Page 2 BDDCE7 �[N'[8 D/VOE BALAQX-F T1]y-jTET YTT Culture & Leisure Services 701. Service 1.8�1700 25,875 5l ,T50 .5l ,T50 O.O(>� 703 Par�� Maintenance 78'400 221 I,IOI 77,210 704 Community Cable Tv 20.0O0 Il,00O 9'0D8 �5.80� 8!�[ �ad�o & Rooreation 4()9.U00 2�,2I5 184'49 O 224.5I0 4 ll� ___________ _________ ___________ ___________ ______ Total Culture & Leisuro Services 8I0'900 52.2II 248'4'ZI 362/4T8 -110.W11 Coxmnunit� Do�eInpment 30l 9luooio� 52l,��0 3�'3�2 190,50� 3J0,925 �S.�5% 902 EuilJin-g & Sutatl 32Q,832 24'08I l73, 100 l50,483 7� 903 Engineering G9,l-50 4l.664 2I7,9I7 �.5 2�3 45.45/0 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ +otal Coom`uoi�� Derelormeo� I/3�0'5T2 IO2.�5� 58l.93� 738.S42 ��.87% Internal Serrice Fucd Char--es 5 2I.20 I 9T,5�8 TOTAL OPE3�\TI�G =.ENJ]I7,7ZE3 7,782.245 �0�/20I 3.3I0.2�0 4 ' 5.5,3�� �2 l�� DEBT ��3R\ICE -SR BD ASS�rF DI6TB 12",06'-) l T l,325 DLIBLI�T IyF0�1,ATION, T--C. ET-g�.DI�_TES Dpezat'in-g Expenditures 1l,25:0 6 4/579 6,67l 40.TOo/lo 'Debt Serrice E:,�pendi�ures I.252.2'12 333,201 TI9,041 -12.5O% Ci-vic Center itures 4/276.834 7.879 1.I1010' 165 3.090,G6Q ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ TC��� I%�8�I� I��<JD!ATIO!* Z�C. 5;�40,32G 8,O35 I,723,94 6 3,Ol6,�8� 3� . I2� CAPITAL I>1P-l0\-TXE\7F FUNDS D3PENDZ�l7RES General Improvements I53,300 t3,GC'0 89.80() ' Comnn�nity In�proromeuts |l53.25� I2.1 �4 S0,I42 763.II3 i0.5G� Parka Improvements I,593/3()8 118/460 746,555 y.16,751 14.0901", Street Imororemeote 2.288,0 57 8,9U9 80 0 3I I ,49 31 825 35.U3% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ T.C.-[AL CAPITAL I}[PRJH'.7T FuX7DS 4,998' 12-0 I37.633 1,705,328 3,292,782 341 .L2% TOT.--\L ALL lO.443,753 5?8,9-15 6,866766I I11.57T,002 37 .23� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ A�ERO3�RIAIT(�NS I�C�| RESERV-ES (1,742. 131) 264,818 (2�S,Ol�) <^| .��g2/62O) 5.2T� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ CT-77 0F'OUBUN STATO�I�,7 OF RFvEW.j-Z & FI`PE�3Jl'[UK1-15 FOR 7TDF P133IOD lB,--V8\NUE Perneot of* ---------------------------------- Estimated Current Becoi�ed, Estimate 00 1. Revenue �!outb �r To Date Received ---------------------------------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- FROPFB� �� 510.01 Current 7ear Secured 495.()0O -4,I94 243,286 43.I��� 5I0.02 Current Year Unsecured G9,500 8'50 14.25� 71l0.03 Prior Year Secure,` 1.6 1S01 0 3),27:j l9.84% 5l0.04 Prior �ea.r ("n d secur� 2,000 I�6 21.80% 5lU.O� S� �plemeot�l Pr��ert� Tax 8.0UO 2,8S� 2G.2I� 510.05 Pilo1, Tuz I3l,5D0 17,222 I3.I0OX, ----------- --------- ---------- ----- To-tal Pro-r)ertv -122 00 1,94 276.838 38.330,� 0IR-Fl T/��-f-S 1.5.00 Sales & -se To:, 5.U: 0,0()U I23 2, II2,592 41 .83% 517.00 Real Propert , Trauster Tar 801000 7.3lI 49.6`2 52.02q 12.00 �ranaieut 0ccu�a�o� �a� 1D2,O*) 2I,8�2 77.12� �5.62% 51.9.00 Electric Franchise Tax I20,000 521.00 Gas Franchise Tax- 30,00O 523.00 Garbage Franchise Tax 53,000 3.S25 37,86T 80,IIC""' 523.0 0 CA-Il Franchise Taz 72,200 78.284 T8.284 ----------- --------- ---------- ----- Total Ctber Tax-es 2J5O53 2'355,484 42.69% LICENSES &- PIT! ITS 530.0I Building Permits 53 510 U0 8,490 431,�39 78.3I% 530.02 `oimul Licenses 7/000 I,2�I 4,68� 66,O4% 5:30.03 Bus ---eocb A± Fermits 300 6 .,02.00% 530.04 Euoroucbmeot Permits, 5.000 298 I66.46"'o �30,05 8ec?rliut Tcausyort Permits 50 5J 100.0001, ----------- --------- ---------- ----- Total Licenses & Permits 4T'350 1O'U5l 435,004 79.4T-0 FINTES &- FORFETI�U.S 532,02 Other Court Fines 16.50O 60 BEVE.N U E FROM 1"SE OF & IROP2I�� 530.0I Interest 59(i,()00 25G,1S8 698I71-11L IIT.2��% 550.03 Rents & Concessions 40,970 3. II9 39/6O3 9S.85�� ----------- --------- ---------- ----- Total Rev-Use of >]ooe7 & Prpty 6J6,070 259,487 738.454 113-.913%, RE3UW2S - STATE 555,01 !1otor Vehicle in Lieu tax G28,00() 54.310 342,I1'L 5'1,48". 555.03 Trailer Coach in Lieu Tar 8.500 555.03 Ci-gyarette Tar 103,400 55 3O 553,7 8� 555,0 Of C �-cTbi/}' \/ebicla in Lieu Tux 400 l52 I52 38.00 "" 555,05 Humeo'�ner'o Frpcty Taz Belief I5,500 U.24% ----------- --------- ---------- ----- Total Iotergvnmtl - Stote 75-151 800 5 4,DG2 3 37,83 32.85% ' Percent of' RfiVenoe Report - Page 2 Estimated Current. Reueived Estimate Revenue Month l!r To Date Received --------- -------- ---------- ---------- C8ARGES FOR SFElVICES :565.01 Zonin� &. Subdivision Fees 200,000 I9'023 33/5O5 I8.25% 5O5.02 Plan Check & To�poction Fees ?00.000 87,219 l42,�89 35,6O% 565.()'L Sales of `laps � Documents 3.�<]0 l84 '�,G2A 8'|.I�% 56.5.06 Special 'Polioe D,ept. Services 15/()0() 697 822 25.483| 5h5. I2 Park & Reoreatioo Fees 87,9D0 7,6l3 3T.360 42.50% 555.I5 0t.her Char--es for Services I2,009 U,4()i 53.28% 5G5.l6 8uildio� [�se Ioaucauce 5,()0O �6 2 2,362 59.2'�� 565. l8 Zone 7 Drainu�o tees 2.000 I ,72� 85.J5 0/10 :765:765. 1.9 � 6�. � Field Use t'ees 2.34U 48.29" ----------- --------- ---------- ----- Total CburArea tor Services lI.5,259 238,249 32.7 S 0,10 0TTIERID�E}TUES 570,0I Sale of Real. & Prsnl Pry)t7 41,2U0 2I/58I 52.3301'. 51-0.02 �oo-Corarnmeot Contribution 390 570.03 Miscellaneous 2.0()O I,8J8 01.80510, 570.05 Reimbursements - General 5.0("0 5-10.06 Reimbursement fnr Riblio Dhm- .5.U()O 7O 7b5 1:-7 .3O% 570.107 Trash Ba.c Pro:-:,rain 5.500 4-i0 2,O85 52.450'0 ----------- --------- ---------- ----- Total Otl�er Re�eoue 58,7O0 816 27,4�S 46,780,0' TOTAL CDETL'�L FT__NTj 8.984,760 -1'i3,882 4,4719;225 4O.860,0' TR�FFIC SAFF�� ET}3) 205) --------------------------------- FZ§ES L FOR-EFEITURES 532.01 Vehicle Code Fines 8(}/O00 44,5271 55.���� BBTNU.E IRON USE OF MX)��- & FDIT"Y 550.0I Interest 200 . ----------- --------- ---------- ----- TOTAL 7FL\FFIC S.AFE7Y 80/200 44,5/2T 55.520/0 STATE OAS TAI �[>--D (� 2U5} ------------------------------- 5E\FENDE FROM USE. OF }0MET &- PR�� 550.01 Zo�erest 3,200 ZfTIRGO\gIDN\lEjT.U, SE\'E>J��S - ST-ATE 553.07 State Cay '[ux <2106) IU0.000 50,2U2 .50,2g010 555,08 State Cus Iaz ( 2107) I9'11 .000 95,500 4D.23% 555.09 State Gas Tc-x (2I07,5) 4,()0() 5.Ow I25.00�� ----------- --------- ---------- ----- �otsl St-ate Gas Tax .298,ow I50.792 5O.50% ----------- --------- ---------- ----- �Z�\� SZ\3] C�S '[�� ���� 3O8.20() I50, �82 C0>NUNITT DI3rELOINENT BLOCK, GRANT UTND <-w 208> ---------------------------------------------------- I�7]llCO\�8!H�3��l. RE-I'EM-C3 - FEEDEGAL .559.02 (`oiniiunit,-,,..r DvIpm.it Block Grant J4,G60 Percent of 8gvenue'lReport - Page 3 Estimated Current Received Estimate Revenue Xlontb Yr To Date Received --------- -------- ---------- ---------- [FDEPAL AID [RB,\N FUM} 2L8> ---------------------------------- RZVEI.iIES - FEDERAL ���.0� �ederal �id ���rban �unda l,�62'(80 45.16% TRANSPORTATION ������ ACT ��N--D -------------------------------------------------- RE\E\.-,�T_ - STATE 555. l0 Article 4.5) a Eo� (Para trans i� 0001� 55-5. 11 Artc1 J Fnds (8ic7oIe/Pedstrn) I'T5,000 ----------- --------- ---------- ----- T0T�L I7��NSpOBTATI0>| D"rLOIhT ACT �(��� I3O,43O �,T�8 3.60� STATE PARK K,,Y� ACT Il.:�Z> (-- 211.3) --------------------------------------- I �� IAL RB� XJ]E - S?l\IM 555. l2 8ta�o Park Pond Funds 50,000 15,202 3O.4 00% SENTZOB CITIZENS B{X�T) A-C-I FLN-D 2I4) --------------------------------------- ��`jE37_Aj_ B3XEZ[-E - STATE ��3, I3 5eoior [itizeo Boud �ct [�couit 73,U50 PARE DEDICAIZU� R,7,\T (=2I5> ---------------------------------- P-EVIENCE BBC.�l �jSE OF 3;0.01 Interest 25100(} 07l��l RIV�E>��E 570.04 Par'--, Dedication Fees 5()/00O 282,063 564.13% ----------- --------- ---------- ----- TOTAL PABIK DEDICATION FT_:N3} ` 75,000 032.063 376.08% P. Gl0_-k_\3}S ACT n-,.\3) (� 216) --------------------------------------- I =\TAL. RE\EN"[E - STATE 5-55. I-1 Cuxxnonit� Parklands Act Grant 18`000 !JEAS[IR2 B El,-NJ) ( #217) --------------------- TAI RE3,E.111-7- 5I5.00 Sales L Use Tax 31.3(}0 47, 158 58.0(}11/0 Fl�DL E_FI�ICIE}7 M\FFIC !CfC}D7r G8A\7r IL}�� (_�220) __________________________________________________ Pd-.\,I\i� - STATE 55.5, l5 Fuel Eft"icieut TISg Grant I0.300 S7T{EET LIGHTING ASSESS!IENT DISTRICT ILNI) TlU) -------------------------------------------------- 53-1.03 S�oeciul Assessments I44,500 3)10,7 49 32.1519 22.5C.�� ,)50.01 Interest -1, 150 ----------- --------- ---------- ----- TOTAL S`[. LIGHT ASS>8fT DISTB EUMD l.18,85D 30.5-19 12.5l8 2i .88%' Poroeu� of Revenue Report - Pa�e s�ima t e d Current Reoeived Estimate Re-venue Month yr To Date Received --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ASSESSNI>7[ DIST8ICT FND TlI> --------------------------------------- .534 .()1 Special Assessments 41'200 32() .5,572 I 52�1. 550.0l Interest 3'300 570,02 (-,on�rilxjtious from Other's 15,860 l5,PIGO 100,G�� ----------- --------- ---------- ----- TOTAL I.ANDSCAPE �SS�N'[ DZ�TB F7"MI) 60,-j60 5`320 2I/431 1 l� SAN } A:,K}y RD SPC-.,-C p[� &SS�yT DISIR- 7�.2} --------------------------------------- �34.()3 S�ecial Assessments Ily.2l2 2�.330 3U,'�11 25.54� 550.(}1. Interest 30,00o ----------- --------- ---------- ----- TOT AT SAN B��0� RD S�-'FC P[ A8S�-[[ 119,212 28,9516 3O 4 7 20.4 I5--i LA,\3)SC�F�/���T>�� �S��FT �ZS �55lI (� TI��> ---------------------------------------- 534.03 S�ecial Assessments 2Z,320 22.32(� D[BLIN I\�<}B>iAIZ��. I�C. FFU,\i<D (--." G0I ) --------------------------------------- 57.0.01 Interest' 275`500 5.50.03 Rents L ---ooceso�ons l .252,242 6 25,11 22, 5().0(�� ----------- --------- ---------- ----- DlJRLI\ I>JtO. , INC. I72\D I.527/742 626.I22 40.98� IN'IERNI4I. SERVICE F�NTD (#r OJO) ---------------------------------- 550.0I Interest 950 5h5,lT ��ui��eot l�am�e 40'06-1 ----------- --------- ---------- ----- 7I>IAL INIMY.�d- SIT'VICE FC\D 958 48.C64 5164.83% CAPITAL BROJECTD FU\D (# ]Z{) __________________________________ 550.01 Interest 136'700 570,02 Contributions Non-Govt Sources 1c,0()0 19 �67 I949.67% 570,C5 'Reimbursements 404.700 ----------- --------- ---------- ----- 7T}T4`L CAPITAL PROJECTS f7�M 55I/400 I94,96-1 35,36�3 I9FAll._, RElE\LTE - AIl F1J\i��S I3,T101,320 84 93 8'6I6,8'18 -18.2S% ` ----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----------- --------- ---------- ----- 8�DCET TRANSFERS IN To Generul Fm-,d 415.660 To Dublin Infnr:zation, Inc. 883,714 838'064 9J.77% To Copitol 'Projects Fund 167.800 l5,2O12 15,202 9.G6� ----------- --------- ---------- ----- Ic�r.-\j. 8U[XGE` 'Ol4XSFElS IN I ,477,174 15'202 853,266 57.7G� ----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----------- --------- ---------- ----- CITY 0F �U��T� 37AI1:-!'0N'T 017 BI7VTENDO A>D} FOR l3TF PERIOD EN'DI�NIG JAI9-JARY 31, l988 [JURRFNT YEAR '[0 OF GZ�D3��� FCfD �l 7'r 7 V1,FR DATL' 8�I-L\X[E 101 CITY (:CX,`17CZL Pernc.n�l Ser�icea 70L.02 Salaries, Part Time 1p,0001 10 1 39;� 7,085 57. 75�� -10I ,0-1 Retirement I.100 8'1 G2,2 70l.0� Group Insurance I3.08O I'0�3 G'9��0 7` Ih8 15 27 701 .06 Workers Compensation G8 50 .54.5:75'0 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total �erconal Services �2.3U8 2,�12 I7,017 I�.28I �2.G�Y� 5erviceS � Supp�iea 710.00 Office Su-P-plies 375 62 �I3 I6.530 -111 .00 Posta-ge l85 IT 6:5 14% 71.5.00 Advertiaio,15 71E.00 Printio.-, Biodin-o' 25U IO 10 240 4.00% 718.00 �epaira Naintooance 0 l`200 T2U.00 �oo�� � 9o�licu�i�oa 200 �8 l52 2�.00% �2I,00 �emher�bipo & Dues �'�O0 l .�2� 5'07� �I.g2� 723.0() Travel 6 Conferences 10.900 ( I-1 ) 3'0I3 72--Ir.00 Traioio--- 5,000 5,000 728.0O Le-o�al Notices l .200 709 5,92� 729.00 Profeoeinnal Services 5.ODO 5,0n0 500 90.91% 7 31 .00 Conuno�it}' Pnrmotioos I8,�62 5,2G2 2�,6�% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Serrices & Suptliea �I '0�2 �,0�4 I7.3�6 33.T5G 33.9l% 750.I0 CptI ()utla7.---Laod 2-0 250 750.60 C'ptI Outlay-Furu/Tztra 5()0 . 500 I00,00% 750.7(1 C�tl Outlay-�ohnr�/��p 5,0U0 5.000 101 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 89,130 7.596 34.K33 54,29T 39.O8'0 L02) CITY HANA= / C=111' Personal Services 701.01 3'aluriea, Full Time O`905 11,T32 100.6 7O.229 58,9IY{ 7O1 .02 Salaries, Part Time 70l.<)3 Salerieo, C^'ertiine 2.450 .521 I.927 701 .04 Retirement 15,3 4J 1, 124 9'118 5'225 70I.05 Group Insuruoce I�,()2(3 983 8/29I 8,735 �8.70� TO1 .O6 Worker's Cmnpeoaation �.2�4 540 l,�IG 3.538 32.6G� 701.0-1 State l"uemplymnt Iosru 701.08 Nedicare FICA 330 23 1-16 1 54 53.33% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 'Cotul Personal Services 1 1 30O 15,402 120,500 9()/808 5T .03% -110,G0 OFtice Supplies 2,8UO 161 1'246 2,354 32.79% 711 .00 Poetoae 210-50 319 1 .228 822 59.9O� 7l2�()O Copier �u�pl�ee �'550 902 1 ,548 35.3T� T1 00 Adrertiaing 798 G22 5J.9 J�" 7]G.00 Printing &- 8iodina 000 S0 8.95% f* : 1 7 N 'M) 7'T7;)r—"T' ciL ,"---f-f,nd:j..h.ir-�-.,- R(-port-, - P 2 (IJER-1 I I- 51.1—Y,-T r F"'A"FE, �• LAN'TE B 1-'-D F.7 -;:TF) Cl., 71.P; GO` R :p;:::1... FC ::=1O 276 27 720.T.) Bc ' (V Piro LcL i-o i 2 1. 1 2 :j;I 7 2)2'. All.nt, 2 j i 6 2 -47 7 E 4. "n`ernal ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 9 1 -7 7 r, C, ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Q f: L..:3 SE VT.C`-,S 0 1 -PC Sri 1 Ol 0:-- c (�rcu 7 2 0 0 P C)IF -I's r.,l..-nera.! o! s ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 02 T-l' r-l"(1"1. SEER -e r c i al, . erg ices a":j me O.o 422. 7 0 G'� e--t i n I e T 0 1..0 4' Re t j.ren�n 11 8.1 10 :1163 2, 605 0 - 1 (.,- --OLi 7 --, - Q.�-o 7:z I'D J. 01 0 1 —J., 2 -1 (ii o-0.-er, s Cmmensat' lon 1,11 t T IS, I 0; St-ate 11E:%- 7 C, ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 0 9 Total, Persrnai 19 730 -n Service!, & Supj.lies ( 10-00 0 f r".41.c e -s u I-P1 i c.-,-S i . I 0C "ril, l r nd.in- 0 6-8 L j T IS OO Pepairs c ;J c''ks t'. 0 E T--, t n n 2 0( " f)o \lilea-e L i0 fl) 66 co T' n--vel S ow T uv 7: ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ S._r 'i S E,-,Tonciiture Report OF 'T dt (C'0N7TTMI_T)) NO F"ME PlUa,'J' P C T) trac t Sle ry , , T 7.10 fgr4.t� Accoun"An_ 7;G` 1.b('�() T S:-­.-cs ..'0 t ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- t 2, 9 7 4 i9). o a . % f7 Ol t L a ) 1 7C).7{) C'-.4-.1 :7 -r ---_-- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- To a] L f f)T,() A J 1,05 Pt T l'-:r- i�O7ii 1. es 1� T I ._anL. -iJ -,a -..,7;r.s L 8 2 71.9 00 12 7, 05 Cias L'il- Elc%i` 2 1'7- 0 'i C_ T'. 1. 10 Sr,.-c 25 U Cable ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ n f) I ,T 14 L I es Tc ta 2 , 40.01i1 rill r a i -1 2i 7,7 T,n -17 C p t-11. lul t Ia'.- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ S7, o r J.1 apital a Imo.\_T 29S. "�Cl 09 G 2 6 8 0,S:• 106 5CO 9 2 C.:3' Tnsurance I -anc e IA1 .02 'Ens'a inns 0 -e,,:, 29 C ) P ro fe s s i, cf s ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 106: TO AIL'. T'\S".T'ANCE C 7-1 5 50 Ad-..-er ta s i n 7 1 G Printin, D, d i I L 7.10.00 Re'gistn-ir of Vot(-,rs 0'c' ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ T TC. 7 S _ 9 0 T 0 C-00:� T 9 0 0 S i 6 16 0:10 (JLZ6 7 1 75 IQ ,C)TAL _14"L 5,(i• 'EzT.;enditure Report - Palzye [LT���T MUl TO PIT,i,-7 01., NJDGET N-TONMl Di7F BUDCET-'y7D F�B�IC 3AFC7Y 20l POLTCD Personal Services 7()1.02 Salaries' Part Time l�.OUO 1' 110'� 7'311.12 5 88 7;G.2.5% 701.06 Comnensztion 470 59 l?,7 283 3S.79% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Personal Services 1:1' 470 11 ,164 -1 ,499 :�5.67% Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 2.o 0() lOI 918 I/OG2 4B.90,11, 7I1.0O Posta�e � , l0() IG8 OS2 4OO 62.3l% 712.00 Copier Supplies 1,730 586 1, I6LI 1�,�g% 713.00 ,.'�perating Supplies I�,250 I ,2911. l0,08S I0.23�". 7I6.00 Printing Biodin--- l 'S 5 11,27 208 1,467 I2.42� 71.8.00 Repairs & jto 2.725 321 I,174 l ,5-D-] 0 TIS.GO 'Rentals I .400 8T 578 82 29�� 720.i)8 800kdo & Publications 3 50 l� 1-11-10 I38 72I.00 'D ersbi�s & Dues 200 130 35.08/6 722.00 Milea-c;e Allo`,:. 72)3.00 Traael & Cooterances T91 724.00 Traiuiu� l,800 13 887 I.33� 725.2D Telephone 726.00 Ssall TVnIa 727.00 Uniform Allowances 79-8.00 Le�ul �oticea 500 I01 0.0A� 739.�D IoternuI 8nr Cbr�o 31359 1 19 35 I,934 5O.0 IF,;" 739.0I Io�rol 9rrc Fud-�bclea 8G.520 :32,902 53,8I8 �8.O�% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Se-rvices & 8uzrplies 117,630 998 42'53J 75,058 3G.20% Contract Services 740.00 General 21/ I70 589 19,241 2/928 80. 1 9� 740.0I Personnel I'393,003 I�0.084 52I,0 87 '37 37.40� 740.02 Vehicles 25,000 1,41.9 7,72O I7,274 3,0,3O�Ia 740.03 Indirect 8-�,008 6,917 34,58-( 48.422 -1I.67o/'o T40.04 Dispatch 128,035 2:3,401 105,034 I8.14o// 740.05 Adnioietratioo 22. 137 5'534 I6,603 25.00% 740,06 Serrir-ea & Supplies 3S,425 4,213 32,2I2 lI .5T� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Contract Services IjlO,-185 119, 1(j'5 (315.T48 I,095,037 357.99% 750,60 Cptl Outlav-Furn/Fztrs l,200 1,041 159 86.755 750.70 Cptl Outla7-!!cbor/Eqp G,5 4 0 5`53-1 I,006 84.827� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Totul Capital 0mtla-, 7, 740 8,575 1.l85 84.95o' 20I 7O�lL PO�Z�D SI��'I��S l,849.�34 I%I .2GO 5T2,4O5 I ,l77,229 ZO.35� 202 CIR()S8ZNG GUARDS 7401.00 Cnntruot Services 2�,�O0 1,992 5.64V 16 "s 25.�l.7401.00 203 A'�iI!&L C0\'1701. 740,60 Cntrct Sr%r-Sbltr Srrc 15,O0O 11609 6,35)8 8,U42 416'39� 74U.G] Cotrct Srvr-Field 3r``c 2� .OU0 8,�6� l3,�2� 11,8�G -18.6 1� 203 TOTAL ANI!L\L C0INT30L 4�'000 10,171 2O,0O2 21 .9 l8 4-1 .81% odi���re Reoort - �u�e � (��U��D' Y��8 TO ���[3�7T OF DATE BALANCE BUDGET-WD 204 TRAFFIC SITIAL.S A STTDET,,T LICRTINGr T25.0.5 Gas & Electric 9'.�00 9,500 740.00 Contract So 885 204 TOTAL 777TC SIG\N4L3 & ST, LG}[7, <(-: 8 7,;I5 19.8�� 20.5 DISASTIER PRCPARED��3S 7I4 0 C'ommuuinations 650 60 294 31 5S 4.5.2J1% 71.6.00 Printinr 500 -500 720,0O Books & T.:`ublioations I8(} I()0 72I.0 0� �en`berahi�e & Dues lOO T24.00 Training i/ 1100 1.400 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- Total Services & Surnliea 2'75(} 50 294 2,456 lO.f--,g� 740.80 Contract 3erviceo l�.00�) l.�73 4,78� 10 NO/ 3l .90O/ 7�0.7 0 Crtl Out 2,580 2.050 450 82,08% 205 TOTAL DISASTER IRE"PABED>1SS 20.250 I, .128 I3,I2� 25.20� TOTAL PIm-L-LC SA, 1'943,584 I35.640 T07, I4I l'238'443 3O.38� T8.AYSM- DlTATZDN7 3Dl PL3]I.IC �J7RICS ���I5IS�B��I�� Perscoal Services 70I.01 Salaries, FIFull Time G 'G l0 l.882 l3.583 O27 Z,0.3C% 03 Salaries, C:e�time l ,08O I2� 8T� l2.�0% 701.04 Retirement. 4.050 ll5 827 3,21J3 20.J�� 70I.0 5 Groum Insurance 7.455) G`ARO 18.60% 701,06 Worker's Compeusatj.00 70I.07 State [nempl�nmt Innroc 701.08 �led��are FI--A 610 620 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Totul Personal Services 81, 430 2,152 l5,035 65,435 19.51-115/0 Services S. Supplies 0.(1 Office Suppl-eS 1' 100 58 J 647 41. 13P. 7.11.00 Postage 850 32J 32T 4�.P9� Tl2.0�) Copier Supplieo 370 92 2T8 -4.c6% -2O.00 Books. LIK Publications 500 50(} T2)l .O<] }lemberehiye &- Dues ;()() �O0 722.00 Auto �{ilea�e & Allow. � ,�28 l,7�O 72:3.00 Travel & Conferences l,7O0 l'�80 724 .00 Truiuin� 500 50V 739.00) Internal Sr,,-c Fnd [hr-o, 2.698 1,349 1,349 5O.0�� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Totul Services &, Supplies 9.T38 1�2 7 '521 22.7T� �40.29 8" r g� ,-a 66,1000 894 3 75O,60 Cptl Ctutluy-Burn/F�,trs I,G50 1,85() T50.-;V [pt! Outlay-!|chnr�/Zqp 300 300 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Cupit�l Outlay ' 21,150 2, l50 101. TOTAL rJBLZC \i0Q21"S AD!|INI8]FRATI I5-D,Sl8 6.l00 .5I.U0A l0S''2l0 32.0T% E.�endibxe Report Palre 6 YEAR T-O PERCT717 O�7 DATE BALAN(M, B1,T;,f1 ET-Y_D 302 STREET lies 713.00 re ra t i n,P Supp -1.,000 ].,0()0 740.21 Drainage b, i',Iadntenance P,500 25-'j 9,32<1 9,'176 50. t 710.2 ' Storm Patrr,.L 1:),2!,'0 2,98% i.0,21:) 22 1% ( 10.23 Cijr'bs Ditters Sidewalk '22,2,' 0 I , 7 7 20,82,1, 8.6 70/1 7 - 77 6 55)9 15,841 ,40.2 A Sign Ppr & InstUati-i 22,-10-0 1,21 710.25 Striping & Mark.i.n.,", 5,"1;00 5,200 7:10.2; Guardrail Repair I ,200 2-1 '0.2.5 740.27 �.dIeed Control. 5,300 i 1 2=':1 1,.4("8 8:32 27. F 1 1 fl. j-;g 761 7.0 H01 7<10.2`8 Path Naintenance 6),200 1- 0 .5 1 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 302 TOTAL. STREET C0 5,3:; 22,99.-7,7 73,405 2:3.35 303 STREET S1,7EEP*E',`G 4,�],9 26,-13e2 2 6 06 3 0, 740.00 COntrac"I Services lt 3-04 STREET 'FREE 740.0'0 'anti-act Services 6 550 i 91 9 4 0 -136 :1105 S"IRE-ET T -"1 7.3. .5 PfT &_ E 4 .5 .5 14 39 U8.4! % / 725.10 ;pater 3,875 7.2016 6,669 51 .91 7=10.00 Ccntr;tct Sr- c-Pr)l- Wks 2C9, 7 00 G2 5Q 15 1,2'28 27. 38 - 1.10.40 Litter.,Pick.-up 37 75 0--1 Cptl Cutlay-V Ic hnr5 E qp ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 305 L _01. D03 6E 1305 TOTAL STREET L M 306 PAFATR. XS-IT SERVICE 74.0.00 Co-tract Services 14,586 2,2171 i I, Z,9 i 3, 189 78. 14 10Tk- TR,\NSP RTAT ION 61 1 ,351 31 ,803 207,016 407,338 33.700/0 H7EALTH &. 1%TLFAR]E SERN`ICES 501 VECTOR CG\,7YROL SERVICES 28 140.00 Contract Services 15,.5 0 1,2-2! 14,2- LPI QE 7R.`,'I CE S _St:R SL tOl LIBR.aRY SERVICS 740.00 Contract Services 10:3,500 25,875 51,750 51, 750 51 0 7.)'? PAPU� MAD-11NIANCE 71.3.00 0j.,;eratin-,• Sul.-plies 300 300 725.0,:; Gas & Electric 21200 2 200 725. 10 Water Sewer 8,6.1,N) 8 (*-)*0() ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Tot.-.al Services Supplies 11 11.00 7.10.00 Contract Services 55),807` 1 ,181 91 4 ,6 Q NL=kINTFI a Kk NT,7, 70.1 ("';MMUN'ITY CABLE; TV 7:10.00 Contract Services 20 000 11,000) 9,()0(, :15.P)0 W, F'xj)endi�ure Report - Page 7 {3JRREN7 YEAR TO AR[E}T OF B(AYET 4]HTD DATE B4L\NICE, 1D1-7XT7-1,�D 80'{ RELIREATIO:J 881 Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time I42,650 11'324 74 '937 67/7I3 52.53% 701.02 Salaries, Bart Time 69.705 2,505 :I ,401 08,334 45.330% 781 ,()3 Salaries, Overtime 500 25 328 173 G5.60% 701 .04 Retirement 8,685 689 4 ,551 4/ 124 E2.52% 701.05 Group Insurance 1I.8G5 942 6.791 I5'074 31 .05% 701.()6 Worker's Compensation 7'525 I'421 4,513 3.012 Z9.ST�� 701.07 State Unemplymnt [nsrnc 701.08 Medicare FICA 1 '705 85 703 I,082 39.38% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 80I Total Personal Services 252,745 17'002 122.234 129,5I1 48.70�, 801 Services & Supplies 710.00 Office Supplies 3. I50 3 1'265 I'885 10.I011-1 711 .80 Postage 4 , 150 252 1 ,723 2,417 41 .52% 712.00 Copier Supplies 2,720 723 I'897 26.58% 713.00 Operating Supplies I3'000 847 5,535 13,465 29.13% 715.00 Advertiaings 550 424 225 65.23% 716.00 Printing & Binding I4'050 2`743 5.364 9.486 26. 12% 7I6,00 Repairs & >To I. 100 75 182 9I8 16.55% 718,00 Rentals 5.873 300 4.900 895 24. 7 7� 720.00 Bnokds & Publications 8o0 43 555 245 69'38% 721.00 ]e!-iibershipa L Dues 450 I-10 370 8O 82.220% 722.00 Auto Mileage & Allow. 3gU0 298 I,940 1.600 53.89% 723.00 Travel & Conferences 5,7:0 I. 186 3,005 2,695 E2.72% 724 .00 Training 400 5 395 1.25% 725.05 Goa & Electric I4,00 777 4,259 I0/03I 2U.30. 725.10 Water & Sewer I,2()0 164 1,026 I3.6 7� 725.20 Telephone 3,I50 313 I '090 2,051 34.89� 729.00 Professional Services ' 729.00 Internal Srro Fod Cbrg 7'5I5 3.737 3,75O 49.9901�1 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 801 Total Services & Supplies 88,710 7,I07 35,480 53.250 39.870% 801 Capital Outlay 750,50 Cptl Outlay-Furo/FNtrs 1,62.5 1,159 466 71 .32% 750,70 Cptl 0ut1mT-!!cbory/Eqp 3,100 255 668 2,432 21 .35% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 8Ul Total Capital Cxxtlu? 4,T25 255 1'827 2,808 33,6T% Contract Services 802 740.00 Shannon Services I8.T20 1,303 5,842 9,O78 Q.920". 806 740.00 Teens 2, 100 133 1,967 6.33% 887 740.00 Special Events 1'600 76I 839 47.56% 808 740.00 Senior Center Services 8.580 O,500 803 710,00 Recreation [oatructicu 33'900 519 16/233 17,667 47.8S% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Contract Services 62,820 1'851 23,969 38,O51 38, I601/. 8(Il TOTAL RE{]|E-4TIDIN' 409,000 26,2I5 184'490 221,510 45. I]% TOTAL CL.]]FUTlE & LEISURE SERVICES 559.400 52.3I1 24O,421 350,979 41 .44% ' - 'f��re Report - Page 8 C[3HlE>3. YEAR, TO PERCENT OF ^ BUDGET }XJ>W DATE BA[�\0CF B[Ff,1T-TO) C9�I Xj NI'FY D�i ElD���.T 901 PLANNIING Personal Services 7:1.0I Salaries, Full Time 224,00 0.65T I24,820 03'701 5 5.6O�� 701 .02 SoIari'm, Part Time 4'800 87E 3,922 I8.29% 701.03 5a]ariea, Overtime 21550 1I5 700 2,85O LA.TV,, 701.04 Retirement 13,870 1 ,I3C 7,600 6.070 E5.6O% 701,05 Croup Insurance 24.950 1 ,8Q 8,884 ls.066 35.61% 701.06 Worker's Compensation 5,520 167 531 5,389 701.07 State Cbemplymnt Tnsrno 701.08 Medicare FICA 340 76 157 482 48 2� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Personal Services 278/96() 21,995 141,879 135,081 GI,58% Services & Supplies 7I0.00 Office Supplies 4,D50 I26 1,337 3.313 31.60% 71I.00 Postage 4'530 802 2,814 1.77G 6I .3I� 712,00 Copier Supplies 2, I00 835 1,265 3g. 7 60% 7I5.00 Advertising 716.00 Printing & Binding 2'200 27 723 1,477 32.26% 718.00 Repairs & Thtc I,000 450 450 550 4 5.00% 720.00 Boobs & Publications 1,200 438 1,101 09 9I.75� 721 ,00 Memberships & Does 400 321 79 80.25% 722.00 Auto Mileage & AIlcxN. 2,500 204 1,392 I. 108 55.68% 713.00 Travel & Conferences 5,900 1 /543 4 .357 26. 15% 724.00 Traioiag 1,I00 460 64() 41.820% 721.20 Telephone 728.00 Legal Notices 3,700 170 1,139 2`50I 30.78% 729,00 Professional Services 165,080 6, 185 8,877 156,123 5.38% 730.00 Filing Fees 739.00 Internal Srvr Fnd [hrg T,390 3.6�.5 3`695 0.0()& ___________ _________ ___________ ___________ ______ Total Services & Supplies 201 .930 8,432 24'88T I777043 I2.320,1� 740.00 Contract Services 38,500 3,745 20`580 I7'920 53.4533'. 750.88 CptI Outlay-Furo/Fztrs 2.140 I23 1,258 882 58.7V. 901 TOTAL PLAWD] 521,53O 34,30 I90,804 330,826 36,555 902 BUIlI)INC & 5AEE3-1: Personal Services 701.01 Salaries, Full Time 27,9T5 21I23 I5/985 12,590 55,8O% 701.02 Salaries, Overtime 1.470 76 330 1,140 22.45% 701.04 Retirement !,TOO l29 936 764 55.06% T01 .05 Group Insurance 4,100 IT5 I ,297 2,803 3I .63% 701.06 Worker's Compensation lTU 27 OS 84 50.59% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Personal Services 35'415 2,530 18,034 I7,38I 50.02% Services & Supplies 71().00 Office Supplies 1 ,1()0 34 507 583 46.09% 711 .00 Postage 655 S6 37 292 56'93% T12,00 Copier Supplies 350 65 285 13.57011, 716.00 Printing & Binding 1 , 10() 329 1,-071 23.50� 718.0() Repairs k Mto, ' - [J J���� Y��D T0 l P�R[�J{P OF iture Report - Page g 8C7X';ET i K)§TB DATT', D/U.^ANCE B!,Tf�ET-l-7} T20.00 Bonhn & }-)Iblioationa 2,G00 SG 2l7; 1,785 0.7 5Y' 721 .00 �Iembersbi9s & Dues 5 225 275 45.[)0% 7 22.0 0 Auto 'lilea-ge & Allow. 5-0 .5U 724.00 Training I'000 (7) I7.5 823 IT.;70% 725.20 Telephone 738.00 Internal Fnd Cbrg 2,422 I/2II 1,211 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Services & 8oppliee 9,47T 204 3,1D8 6,377 32.7l% ,40.00 Cootract Ser�ices 285,()0O 2I .2G7 I52,275 I32,725 50.g3}{ 9A2 TOTAL 8�JZLDT�C � S�G�I� 323'892 �4'0gl lT3,403 I�6.483 �2.�7% 903 E>JGI�,-1I—w.I�� Services � Supplies 710'0 8 �f;L:,ice Supplies 15 53 25� T11 .00 Posta�,-e S5G 98 7 I13 82.C,2% 7l5.00 PrinLing & Bind.iog 2,000 I0 23� I.763 II.85� T2 : �.�� Books � � bIicatioos 3()0 g8 204 S2.0�� 724.()0 Training 750 726.00 Small Tools �U� 500 739.()0 Iu�eroal Srrc �nd �br� I.00O 5JO �U0 50.�D� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Tntai Servioea & Supplies .5.95U IS2 l.60.5 4,345 2G.97% Contract Services 740.�4 (]emeraI EoEzeneerin-g- �40.�0 CeoeraI /Ioa�c�o �8,000 O,845 ��.5l5 12,'�8� �I . 17 0,") 740.71 General Traffic En-,-r .D00 6,,;p1 20,-182 25,8I8 13.8T� T40. Drl-r-mnt-Ena-r/Inap 210 C-0() 28,0 130,502 I78`408 T 4 01.73 Prrt Drl-rnnnt--,r-fc En,-�r 1L0.800 51746 4-,25 4 3�.40% 740.-14 Assessment Diatr En--r . ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Con�ract Services 44�'O00 43,502 2111 ,945 2l%,855 47.749/0 750.60 C-Itl 0ntla� -Furu/--stra 2,TOO 204 2,49G 7,5: � A03 17}T�l ���II�I��I�� 452.650 42,5�'� 2I3.�54 338,895 4 7.22?� TOTAL M-1211 ITT DElELDP�!ENT I,304 ,U72 102.057 57T.T67 72O,305 "M T{IC�� C��I��I� I����/ G.9I8,�QO 3Ty.lGI 3,0AG,O2U 3,O22,OG4 14.75� TRAFFIC S/IE-TT 117IND (� 205) 204 TRAFFIC SIG\�US & 8TDEF7 LTG14TING T15.05 Utilities-Q�a � i�leotr 2O,��0 9, .15:3 14.4�3 11'O4� 5�.5���� T '().�V (�ontr���ct Serrice� �J,508 I9 l�.2�2 4] '248 22.00I. ___________ _________ ___________ ___________ ______ TOTAL 7RUFFIC SAFET\' n..*\7 D S(),O80 2,664' 201 7 U5 53,29J 33.38% STA175" GAS TAX FDN7D 382 S1TTEE'7 �&I>TZNA%C� Contract Serrices Tl0.�O Street Repuir ��3�.I00 2.5�3 2().11S 3l4.982 G.iX)� 710,2� Str�ping � !��r\�io� 3�.9�0 2.392 23,85G 11,04.1 G2.84% ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ A.0�6 11 9 Co � zot Ser` ica , 27obx % E' "pendi-fure.- Report - Pa-r,(-.- tO CUTT P-..17T YEAR TO T�R CT 17 OF PRI-DGET U-Tjli DATE BALANCE 750.50 T,mprvmts Othr. Thn Bld-11 50,000 50,000 302 TOTAL. S'[PITET 4 2'-') 000 965 43,974 '379,026 IL 0,=}09:; 903 7,10. f1. '7,'f--Lc En,"r ('ntrc.t :3rvc i,0,00 "OT",\.L STATE Lvl T.\x FU D 427 000 I c:6:,iS 13!91 t 0 831026 i C). 01111, MA'XiSPORTATIC-N Da", LOPNE\7 Fl-i-NI) 2 SERVTCE. 3106 PARATRAv, 20' :1. T40.00 Contract Service 23'3 % F 1 D 7,203 4.232 STREET Ll, HITI`- - z-AJSSESSME',7` DTSTR FU`T ST(' ----.T LIGHTING 204 UZAFFTIC & STRE: 72:5.05 Gas "' Electric 1.5:5 0 61, -S8 T 4,4 903 ENGIN--EERT\.`u 740.74 AsSmt Dstr cntrct Srvr- 3, 140 31,1") 9 ",1 FTj 7 Q 79 kL STREIT ASS,FT: DST. D 64 ,720 CFI. I I� LA\:E)SCAp�-,� S—_,,' N7D 71.1 ASS�: -- F� STR ET) L,1lN'L-)S(.,Al',E �.T-,'JNTENANCE i T2.--).O ; t:as & Elect-:'ic 000 21 7'2 15 0 1\'at.e r S. S e e r 1 ,9( 1. 19% - , 40.00 Contract Services 2;,3 Cl ;T' 36.) ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ TOT:)L S'l-REET L1i•T)S)CAPE DTI;T\NCE 66.860 1 7(�%O/ 1 0 J"o 70"') PARIN ".111-UNTENANCE 725.05 Gas & Electric 200 200 725. 10 Water &- Sewer 900 900 740.00 Contract Services 10, 1.00 10,400 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 11,500 903 E.`Cj. T 7-10.74 Assi-,it Dstr Cntrct Sr%-.c 2,()0(' 1. i 159o, 0.081��, TOTAL, LANDSKAF 80,31,50 -1 5 4,0-1 7 WC ASSNN7 DIS'M. FUNI) (Try-kCT 55"I'l (7-r-11:3) (Tract 5 1 i (FU-N-D =713 903 EjNGI\,TTl'l)TXG 740.7-1 Assmt Bstr ntrct SI-Vc 2,000 2,000 TOTAL !-\MSC'P./'LGH,"l'N'G AS`IT 'L-,-S'I-PCrF FND 2,000 TNTERNAL SERVICE FUND (# 830) 51 9( 4 -0113 9 100., 710.00 Office SuppLi-es 'L,000 L .),� -3(w, Oporat.in-,z S: pplios '19 .300 4 6 19,�iq-, 0- 7 tl.CO 2 0 717 .01 Insurance 10.800 1 soo P_j'.' TREE RCE E_­.,pend Li.i r.r: Rr--.�pr.r Ir r:e T (11 -1.7 L '. 'R TO PF, N" OF v DA TE; BAL.A"CE BU,_)GE -T.1,D 2"1 ri f) 7i-A. 'jO 5!) St 5 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ FF•*, T 17; -?'2 12-1 IS 27'") 4, 16, R.D I C I T C ASS - D15':R er c-s Pa�7. .rn s 6 1 `2. 1 6-'r, L Dri.ncin.d. �+a, ' nt- 5 J QJT-�' I T 7 i. 6 2 f-� Q IOT'Ill' V".\. R . i v RD Ali Q"Ak' I I TI 'r-MM, �r T D U I ).' Cne ra tJ;.rgl E:,pendit;jres 7 T; 0 Post, C 7 l3 T-,r 4-. t a 0— i.- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 7 d:.tunes 6,3TI Dr t 1,:3 7 W en s :7: "'.3 0 -ic i i Z"-L I j�_j ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 7 1 2 U, I c 7, 2 S Vii i-LIng (Zcm T ) C n 1,:'act S f� c e s 077 J 9 �'o 1()0 iOG 71{).31 C­o i,t r la c t 3e r,. ices 7 Al I Prc:,cert:v Tax :12 "3%"".'(" ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ C-r ("'p "..1;4 i:I i Civic -Cxpi.al_ E,.-penda-t-u s Land 0 5'C) m. r, i n;-,s h i� Than F,1.a 5 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 9 2,5()C, -�ts. C c C4.r Cap 11-a I 'E'x-ps 33S C TCT:�J' DUnT INFOEHATIC' TVC 7."T\-D 0 6 's 6 SIG 28", a 'ITAL PRoj].CTS TFUNTEDS V, Or"OVer-Re."Is 0 3 00111 1V,9_,7 ()7:i :3 0 0 7 )0 i)(1 Copier --------- ----------- ------ ----------- 5 0 UI S9 911)(1) '�S7 ,..a 4 S' It-11:3 1 J,19 00 1 jor Art r 9 s 3 21 0(" Bus S I e1.}.z­.r,s i0 0 195 ' 507; 1 ^ ^ lZ O��R[�� YEAR TO ���[3�3 �F i�ure Report - �u�e DUD[i13' 9ONM5 DA-M, D&L4NCE DlZ�E7-\7} Community Improve/nent� 'Continued) 322.0 0 Cit� Entrance Sip'os 28,000 28.(]00 325.00 �d��Lk 5�t7/Ih�� 3�� ��n I�2,�G9 2. l9� l�'�5R i]7,5Il I�.2"' 328.0(> Arrovm Vis�a So��r'dwnll I2�,O0V 2'8�l %.824 l24 .lTS 2.9V� 332.A0 Do,.ntcwn In��rvnmt Plan 6'885 5.374 1 .5I2 7�.0'�% '.)67.00 D�rt� 8d �nc�� E. Si�e 26,�(X) 17'204 9,296 32� �TJ.00 C ommuoit� '11." �r�nt ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Communit�- Inqprovomeots 8��,2�3 l2.l7� gO. l42 76J,ll3 �J.�6� Pucb Improvements 31�.00 1\'.olb Park 6-iS.570 83. I01 48'2.Q 21I 193,580 7 1.39� 346.0O Shannon Center 1iZerovto 00 11 9 5,8OO 36 3.UA Co1an Pack- 70 2-1.24i 1.73.98I 422,589 365.0O Stagecoach Park T0`568 307 68.I2"? 9iF'. 4c, 0 ����G9.00 Sr, Citizen Center 12000 . . 370.00 Do:* herty Hills Farb 8.000 8,000.1T5.OA Alamo Creek Pad.-, 25 O0 IO.S5,9 I4,54l ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Park Improvements I ,G93,308 Il3, 4E0' 946.7 5�� Street improvements 329.00 Anununal Street 2"04 000 8I5 1,023 202.97� 33S.00 San Ramon Bj Pba II 387.25 60J 682.050 3O5;,2O7 59.�9q, 337 .O0 Sao Ikamcu Rd Pbs III 6;001 0()0 1'082 22.026 3��,97 A 3.O7% '312,00 Traf-f'ic Si�uaI In-terco 40,000 �8 1.,!; T')):: 25,265 �� 347.00 'Irfc 31 Enur-a'o Pre-Empt 71 0O0 7 ,C)O0 358.00 F-ch"b/Laidscp Av-b 094 J5.110 6 35g.00 Sao Ramon Rd. P1-'s I� 30,O(}0 25,l91 37 I .00 DbIo `EIr NW 7znt-C-lrk Il8.�08 213,0'1 25.9 53 7,0 3T2.00 Trf'c 5�ols Addtn l20,000 6.I47 1I31851 5.I2� 374.O0 FE73I� 8.OD0 5� I0,392 < 1'792> I20.8�� 3-16.00 Dblo 8Ivzl PLoo Line Up 7.0()0 I.5_76 4 44 W 377 .00 /�usdr 'r--1z to Rg-n1 Cr-not 10,000 III 6,45-1 3/546 54. 4OXO 37 8.0 0 DouglbertyDd Dike Path 75,000 380 11316 73,684 379,00 DbIu Bl/VIa Pk Tro lo 5'000 5,ON 380.00 Lane 3-Dhlo Dl%zi/�-,,nl 3,800 0.08O ___________ _________ ___________ ___________ ______ Total Street Improvements 2,238,057 �,899 8O5'O3I I'�93,82O '35Z C13% TOTAL [APII.�d- PR-OJECTS ��NDS 4,998, 120 137'633 I.705'328 3,29 2,79 2 4. I2Y/O T0T�� �}Jp��DI�i3S - �L� E��Z}S 1D,443,773 578.9T5 6,866,0SI 11.577/()92 S7.23� ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ 8i'DCET 7R-AKSFEI3 O[-, From General 'Fund 001 ) 803'T14 8]8'C84 55,G50 93,��� From Cnmnn� r � � lpmt 8Ih Crot (-#209) 34.G6O 34,8GA From Federal Aid 1jrtmu Fund (¥210) 1.93,80 0 l93,30C, Fcmx Park Bond Act Fod (`2]J) l5.2o2 I5,282 (15/202) From Fuel Trfo S�ol ( #�2A) 2 0U 2,200 Frxni Sao Du000 Qi Spc� Pin <--TI2> 167.800 161 800 Fron Copitul Project-s FUnd (-"lI\) O00 185,0O0 ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------ TOTAl. BIUDC87 rMANSFE8£ OUT 1.177 . 174 l5,202 S53.266 823.808 5 7. 7,'j5