HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 East Dublin GP Amendment Study CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 11, 1988 SUBJECT East Dublin (formerly Dublin Ranch) General Plan Amendment Study/Specific Plan Study and Environmental Impact Report EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1. Summary Costs Based on Wallace Roberts and Todd Proposal 2. Letters from property owners to Staff, requesting City participation in Study costs 3. Letters from property owners requesting that their properties be included in the Specific Plan Study Area 4. Map showing where expansion properties are located in relation to Specific Plan Study Area Boundary. 5. Map showing General Plan Amendment Study Area . Map showing Specific Plan Study Area RECOMMENDATION t`b See Below. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Below. DESCRIPTION:' See Below. I. Background On March 9, 1987, the City Council reviewed a request from Mr. Ted Fairfield (on behalf of Chang Su-0 Lin, et al.) to consider authorizing the Dublin Ranch General Plan Amendment Study and Specific Plan Study. At that meeting the Council asked Staff to: a) Contact surrounding property owners to determine their interest in participating in and sharing in the cost of the studies, and identify the general types of land use they would like to see studied. b) Bring the item back to Council to: - review property owner input; - define the size of the study areas; - determine the scope of the land uses to be studied, and; - authorize Staff to select a consultant team. At the meeting of May 26, 1987, Staff presented the Council with a list of property owners interested in participating in the studies and sharing in the cost. In addition, those property owners indicated the types of land uses they would like to see studied for their land. With that information in hand, the Council defined the boundaries of the General Plan and Specific Plan Study Areas (see Exhibits 5 & 6) . The Council also clarified the land uses that would be addressed in the studies. At the conclusion of this meeting the Council directed Staff to obtain proposals and cost estimates for consultants' services to complete the studies and to develop the method in which costs would be allocated among property owners. This Staff Report deals with these issues and the circumstances surrounding them. II. Issues A. Request For Proposals and Proposal Costs On August 24, 1987, Staff mailed Request For Proposals (RFP) to 13 different consultant firms asking them to bid on completing the General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan studies. A second RFP was sent to 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPIES TO: Applicant Owner ITEM NO. PA File more consultant firms asking them to bid on completing the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) associated with the studies. On October 5, 1987, Staff received 3 proposals to complete the General Plan Amendment/ Specific Plan (GPA/SP) studies and 3 proposals to complete the EIR. Staff presented the 6 proposals to the property owners. After reviewing the proposals and their costs, the property owners determined that the j cost to complete the work was higher than anticipated. In response, the property owners requested the following: 1. that a Property Owners' Committee of approximately 7 of their peers be formed as a means of working closely with Staff on this project; 2. that the 2 RFP's (GPA/SP and EIR) be combined into 1 RFP as a means of cutting costs; 3. that the newly formed Property Owners Committee be allowed to work with Staff in completing the new RFP; 4. that the property owners be allowed to participate in the consultant interview process. I Staff accepted each request. After meeting with the Property Owners Committee, as well as all of the property owners on several occassions, a new RFP was completed. On December 7, 1987, the revised RFP was mailed to the 3 consulting firms that originally submitted proposals for the GPA/SP studies. On December 18, 1987, Staff and property owners interviewed the firms of Wallace Roberts and Todd, Hall Goodhue Haisley and Barker, and EDAW. Each firm provided revised proposals for completion of the work, as well as revised cost estimates. The proposals ranged in price from approximately $500,000 to $600,000. ' ! On January 6, 1988, Staff met with the property owners to review proposal costs, to discuss ideas to allocate study costs amongst property owners, and to discuss property owners willingness to pay for the studies. With respect to proposal costs, Staff indicated that they would negotiate with the consultants in order to hold study fees to approximately $500,000. With respect to allocating costs, property owners agreed that this should be completed using total acres on a pro- f rata share basis. The property owners also requested that the City participate in paying for costs associated with unsponsored acreage in i the GPA Study. Staff's response was no City participation since the studies are development driven. Exhibit 2 includes letters from property owners requesting City participation in study costs. This meeting ended with Staff asking property owners to indicate in writing by January 13, 1988 whether they are going to tentatively participate in sharing study costs. Exhibit 1 provides a list of those property owners willing to participate along with a summary of study costs distributed among property owners. B. Recommended Consultant Choice Based upon Staff's research it is recommended that the firm of Wallace Roberts and Todd be utilized to complete the East Dublin General Plan Amendment Study, Specific Plan Study, and EIR at a cost of $500,240. This firm's experience successfully carrying out similar studies, in combination with their strong presentation and flawless references made them the most qualified firm. C. Cost Allocation Options City policy has been to have developers pay the processing costs involved with their applications. Since the CPA/SP studies are development driven, Staff maintained that the sponsoring property owners should pay for the studies. Several property owners have su gg ested that the City should contribute Staff time and pay for the unsponsored portion of the General Plan Amendment Study. The property owners contend that because some of the land in the General Plan Amendment Study Area lies outside the City's sphere of influence (approximately 1891 acres) the City should willingly participate. The property owners also feel that the General Plan Amendment Study is a part of the long term planning for the City in which the jurisdiction would benefit. Therefore they feel that City financial participation in the General Plan Amendment Stud is i p p Y important. -2 I ! The property owners suggested that the following costs options be considered. A. Contribute Staff time: To date, 4-55 hours of Staff time at a cost of $13,100 has been paid by the Applicant to bring the application to this stage. If Staff time is contributed it is, estimated that it would cost the City approximately $50,000 to complete this project. B. Contribute to the unsponsored portion of the General Plan Amendment Study: Staff estimates that the unsponsored portion of the General Plan Amendment Study would cost approximately $127,000 of which the City can consider paying. ! C. Contribute to the General Plan Amendment Study for the area outside the current sphere of influence: Land in the General Plan Amendment I Study Area outside of Dublin's sphere of influence comprises approximately 1900 acres. The City could consider paying for that { portion of the General Plan Amendment Study at a cost of approximately $50,000 - $60,000. Staff recommends that the City Council use one of the following cost allocation options: 1. Maintain existing City policy by not contributing to the cost of East Dublin studies since they are development driven and should be paid for in full by sponsoring property owners; or 2. Contribute Staff time at a not to exceed figure of $50,000 and i seek voluntary contributions from sponsoring property owners to help offset Staff processing costs. This is roughly the- equivalent of the cost to pay for the General Plan Amendment Study as it applies to lands outside Dublin's Sphere of Influence but within the General Plan Amendment Study Area. If the City Council feels that the Staff recommendations are inequitable, or inappropriate, the Council should direct Staff to develop other options and report back to the Council at a later date. ;j D. Payment Options Staff recommends that sponsoring property owners pay 100% of their individual allocated share of the study costs prior to entering into a contract with WRT, or develop an alternate payment agreement that is acceptable to both Staff and the property owners. This is suggested as a means of making certain that the City is not left holding the consultant bill in the event that the sponsors decide that they don't Jwant to participate in the studies any further. With respect to the Specific Plan Study Area sponsoring property owners willing to pay for the Study will be responsible for initially covering a all costs. They would need to be reimbursed by property owners not willing to pay initially. This would need to occur when an application to develop or subdivide those lands is submitted to the City. A mechanism to collect those monies from non-sponsoring property owners y would have to be developed. E. Alameda County Alameda County has indicated that they will participate fully in f sponsoring all costs associated with the Specific Plan. However, Alameda County has indicated that they will participate in sharing CPA Study costs only if the City is willing to contribute to the General Plan Amendment Study. If the City does not contribute, the County will not participate in sharing General Plan Amendment Study costs. According to County Staff, the County feels that because they have:an agreement with the City that identifies general land uses, there is no need to pay for additional General Plan studies. Staff feels that Alameda County is a major property owner in the GPA Study Area and therefore their full participation is essential in order to complete a thorough and comprehensive study. In addition, the `1 -3- y ultimate development of the County's land is contingent upon what occurs throughout the entire GPA Study Area, thus the County should fully participate in the GPA Study. The Council should provide direction to the Staff on seeking Alameda County contributions toward the General Plan Amendment Study. F. Expanding the Specific Plan Study Area Three property owners (Robert Branaugh, Greg Anderson and Milton Righetti) whose lands are presently located in the General Plan Amendment Study Area have requested in writing that their properties be included in the Specific Plan Study Area. Attachment 3 shows those written requests. Attachment 4 shows where those properties are located in relation to the Specific Plan Study Area boundary. The properties are located east of the eastern most Specific Plan boundary, just across Croak Road. Mr. Anderson's property is 49 acres. Mr. Branaughs property is 40 acres and Mr. Righetti's is also 49 acres. Each front I-580. Given the location of the properties and their proximity, it is logical to expand the Specific Plan Study Area to include these lands. In addition, the 9-acre site owned by the Campbells should be included in the Specific Plan Study Area since it is sandwiched between the Righetti and Branaugh properties, If the Campbell property is included in the Specific Plan Study Area, it may be included as unsponsored acreage (since he has not indicated a willingness to pay his share) and thus- the costs would have to be absorbed by sponsoring property owners in the Specific Plan Study Area. None of the above acreage will be included in the cost allocation calculations until the Council has determined whether or not the Specific Plan Study Area will be expanded to include those properties. III. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions: 1) Expand the boundaries of the Specific Plan Study Area to include the 138+ acres of land owned under the seperate ownerships of Anderson, Branaugh, Righetti and Campbell. 2) Determine that: A. sponsoring property owners will need to pay for the studies without City participation since the studies are development driven; or B. the City will contribute Staff time at a not to exceed figure of $50,000 and seek voluntary property owners contributions to help offset Staff processing costs. 3) Provide direction on seeking Alameda County contributions toward the General Plan Amendment Study. 4) Authorize Staff to secure from sponsoring property owners their individual allocated share of the cost of the studies prior to entering into a contract with the consultant, or develop an alternate payment agreement that is acceptable to both Staff and the property owners; also, direct Staff to develop a reimbursement program that will collect monies from non-sponsoring property owners in the Specific Plan Study Area that are not willing to pay for the study at this time. 5) Authorize Staff to enter into a consultant services contract with the firm of Wallace Roberts and Todd to complete the East Dublin General Plan Amendment Study, Specific Plan Study and Environmental Impact Report at a price of $500,240 once dollar commitments have been received from property owners. 6) Authorize Staff to proceed with all tasks associated with completing the General Plan Amendment Study, Specific Plan Study and EIR. -4- SUMMARY COST BASED ON WALLACE ROBERTS AND TODD PROPOSAL(1) SPONSOR ACRES OWNED SPECIFIC PLAN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TOTAL TENTATIVE ESTIMATED PROPERTY COST OWNER COMMITMENT Specific General Pla Add'l Add'1 Plan Amendment Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Studv Area Studv Area Cost Cost Cost Cost 1. Alameda County 956 see (2) 70,763 7,513 see (2) see (2) 78,276 78,276 2. Casterson 19 19 1,406 149 645 667 2,867 2,867 3. Crosby -0- 186 -0- -0- 6,320 6,503 12,823 12,823 see (3) 4. Doolan West Associates -0- 308 -0- -0- 10,446 10,768 21,234 21,234 see (4) 5. Dublin Land Company 81 81 5,996 637 2,753 2,834 12,220 12,220 6. Fallon Investors 154 154 11,399 1,210 5,233 5,386 23,228 23,228 see (5) 7. Chang Su-O-Lin, etal. 922 922 68,246 7,246 31,328 32,224 139,044 139,044- see (5) 8. P. Lin 306 306 22,650 2,405 10,398 10,691 46,144 46,144 9. Mandeville -0- 161 -0- -0- 5,471 5,627 11,098 11,098 see (6) 10. Mission Peak Homes (Gallagher) 68 68 5,033 534 2,310 2,377 10,254 10,254 11. Pappas 159 159 11,769 1,250 5,402 5,551 23,972 23,972 see (5) 12. Redgwick 160 160 11,843 1,258 5,437 5,589 24,127 29,127 see (5) 13. Silveria 91 91 6,736 715 3,092 3, 177 13,720 13,720 14. TMI 136 136 10,063 1,069 4,622 4,751 20,505 20,505 15. Wilson 935 30,793 60,728 60,728 see (4) (Doolan East Associates) -0- 881 -0- -0- 29, Subtotal 3,052 3,632 - - - - - - Non Sponsored Properties 324 3,736 1 - - I - - - - TOTALS 3,376 7,368 $225,904+ $23,986+ $123,412+ $126,938+ $500,240± $500,240+ Estimated City Staff Processing Cost $ 50,000+ Total Study Cost including Estimated Staff Cost $ 550,240 Total Tentative Commitment $ 500,240 Total Short Fall $ 50,000 • - 1 - (1) If the Specific Plan Study Area boundaries are expanded to include 138+ additional acres, the cost estimates will need minor adjustments. (2) If Alameda County was to participate in the General Plan Amendment Study, the Alameda County General Plan Amendment cost would be $58,934. The Alameda County total estimated cost would be $137,210. The other cost estimates would need adjustment. (3) The representative of the Crosby property originally limited their participation to $10,000. However, the representative has indicated that full financial participation will occur at the total estimated cost figure. (4) The Doolan West Associates and DeWitt Wilson (Doolan East Associates) property owners originally limited their tentative commitment to a total of $50,000. However, the representative of these property owners has indicated that full financial participation will occur at the total estimated cost figure. (5) The Fallon Investors, Chang Su-0-Lin etal. , and Pappas property owners originally limited their tentative commitment to a total of $166,000. However, the representative of these property owners has indicated that full financial participation will occur at the total estimated cost figure. (6) The representative of the Mandeville property originally limited their participation to $6,750. However, the representative has indicated that full financial participation will occur at the total estimated cost figure. - 2 - .h/.w...WL/wJw:. ...,..X....Iw.•+_...,.[..« ...�........'X.:�..........w,_ .i.,✓...:!,w.t.rl,, .�...... .�_.r...w,... ..i...._a.,.. ,^•.1..•..wxiAliLL:.•.4.(..1rw.d'^.,rrlr L. A.iw.�ar 4.r•..r.JS':5....�c U>a.•... ..... TED C. FAIRFIELD Consulting Civil Engineer January 13, 1988 RECEIVED Mr. Rod Barger Senior Planner DUELIN FWdN!NG CITY OF DUBLIN P.O: -Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 i Dear Rod: i Enclosed is a "tentative commitment letter" on behalf of Chang Su-0 Lin . et al. This letter speaks for the 930+ acre Dublin Ranch project, the 160+ acre ex-Jorden/Pappas property, and the 153+ acre Fallon Business Park ' property; a total of approximately 1,243 acres. I have signed the tentative commitment on behalf of the Lins, in accordance with an authorization letter previously filed with the City of Dublin. ! This tentative commitment is based upon the presumption that the total fee payable by Lin for these properties will be approximately $166,000, based upon your estimates of January 6, 1988. We point out, however, that this figure somewhat exceeds the highest estimates that I had originally given to the Lins, and approaches the maximum that I can justify to them or that they will be willing to pay. Given the magnitude of this planning effort and the importance of its success to the City, the County and the y property owners, we urge Dublin to take the following actions: 1 . Take all reasonable steps to obtain maximum property owner participation; especially including the County of Alameda. 2. Take all reasonable steps to minimize the cost of the studies, commensurate with competent, professional results. This would specifically include putting together an eclectic team of consultants, with the optimum blend of competence and cost, and obtaining assurance that the consultants will make maximum use of the comprehensive Specific Plan data that we have already submitted on behalf of Dublin Ranch. 3. Agree to contribute $100,000 cash towards the consultant fees. Certainly, to have this large area planned in "one fell swoop," and to clearly bring the area under the aegis of Dublin -- while having the vast majority of the $500,000+ consultant fees financed by the property owners, is a unique and serendiptous situation for the City. Given the unwillingness and/or inability of some of the property owners to participate, a $100,000+ cash contribution by the City would likely become the catalyst that will enable the venture to proceed. i P.O. Box 1145 • 5510 Sunol Blvd. • Plei am EX 11 T Page Two January 13, 1988 On this point, please keep in mind that a $100,000 contribution would be less than half of the cost of the general plan portion of the planning effort, and that the preparation of general plans is a cost, typically borneo' by the local entity. I 4. Agree to contribute staff time, as needed, to this venture (as opposed to seeking reimbursement for staff time from property owners).' The logic is the same as expressed above, plus the fact that the City's long-range benefits to be derived from the Eastern Dublin area will be f huge relative to this minor expense. Likewise, any effort that can be perceived as other than an all-out effort by the City, as opposed to merely a group of speculative land owners, will face increased risks in gaining the approval of LAFCO and other regional agencies. i 5. Actively seek a timely decision from LAFCO, to deny Livermore's pending request to add the Doolan area to Livermore's Sphere of Influence and, to thereby remove this key area from Eastern Dublin. "In the end," the loss of the Doolan area would severely restrict Dublin's control of what i we know as Eastern Dublin. s ' 6. Create a system whereby either the commitments from property owners need not be funded by up-front cash payments or, in the alternative, deposit the cash contributions into a relatively high-yield, interest-bearing account. In the latter case, the initial contributions could be discounted in accordance with the interest to be earned. I ' Admittedly, it has been quite a struggle to reach this decisive point in the planning effort for Eastern Dublin. Anything short of success will i necessitate a far less comprehensive approach to planning Eastern Dublin, Echaracterized by a multiplicity of separate planning efforts and applications f on behalf of individual property owners. The latter approach would, in the end, cost far more and would generate ongoing controversy, with less satisfactory results. Therefore, we urge Dublin to join with the supportive property owners in mounting a maximum effort at this time. Very truly yours, � r TED C. FAIRFI I ! TCF:ch Enc. ! cc/w-enc: Rich Ambrose f Larry Tong Mayor Linda Jeffery Peter Snyder Georgean Vonheeder Paul Moffatt Peter Hegarty i f " I - sir t i y 9 r,7 r) r "j}" ,,s��'}r/� '�= fr•���,�,-.��:. �'ltl' yJ'���f �, tC' •� � .;i v; f^�. sKi',f�a ,ry�( t• •t r,�t J��;'��y 1,7✓ 't.ia! 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J•.'r}rte l, 1 DUBLIN LAND ''COMPANY RECEI .Y. ED JAN January 11, 1988 r . DUBUN PLANN NO CITY OF DUBLIN Planning Department P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 j Attn: Messrs. Lawrence L. Tong, Rai Barger I .. j Gentlemen: Please find enclosed, an executed tentative financial committment outline reflecting the preliminary cost for completing the East Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan. j Our committment is based upon the following: I ^ 1) The present cost for performing the tasks in accordance with the Request For Proposals are $500,000, allocated as follows: $200,000 for the East Dublin General Plan study, and $300,000 for the East Dublin Specific Plan study. 2) It is my understanding that the City Planning Department will assemble the most competent composite team of experts inter- viewed by the Planning Department and the landowners committee with the objective to substantially reduce the original cost - � ' proposals. 3) It is .my understanding that following review of a new proposal, . ' the City planning staff will conduct a meeting with landowners ' with the objective to reach a decision and ultimately conclude a contractual arrangement with the consultants based upon a reduced cost, not to exceed $ dollars. request made at our We strongly support the comments and financial r r landowners meeting of January 6, 1988 by Alameda County - representatives, Adolph Martinelli and Charlotte Lundberg regarding the City of Dublin participating in the General Plan study and the f Specific Plan study cost. .�^',+e,'1:r1 ?;: a�7awH :'S�':\:c"2 ! ." 0•: "S`,e^a a j %'•(�v•.,.),. 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Sul 74 • '�9 �.�n'Lw'. , /t S f/Y 1,..,Ia:�S f�,'�Yr��.%+,`r•Q w'�ri,r!dl/1,f r�f t .,. � i r.}•' y �•'/, f� .�/', �y+�y�:�y�l���h'vf.G�l i7'�r: K���� �rfr`f,.rfv" ��,/';�/:" o� c„ -irti//t, !,f✓ ,!/!�r' qt Ctf ,�6ru.�°� ,r�'S�',�;� .� d�. 5n/ ✓ i LAND ..*COMPANY CITY OF DUBLIN Planning Department January 11, '1988 Page 2, j i ! i . We also support the County's suggestion that the City of Dublin create a vehicle for assessing non-sponsoring. landowners at a future date through conditioning the development approval process , of their land. 9 . . I am certain that several major landowners support Alameda County's position and ultimately will need to meet with the City Council and discuss the ultimate goals and objectives of the City and landowners. Sincerely, c John DiMarfto i JD:pl i - l � � 1 r: 1. V Z j z 9 8 ::;Ta+o.na"'.` e.+,X11;. �(• '�`�i ! `s�'�� 1­•3 �}'•�i°M 1:;1 �,.. 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Qy'. � �� �r rGr�/�e`rr� fl .•P:%�' :N,J"t�yhyy'J��A� .�+'� O� "6� ,P,. �S�/' ,> fI ,K' /.tj'l�t,:�fi' ���� '4 j .rre'-r�/r1+tf�,pr ''�lr v _ V !. .v3�. ,. �, l'r��,'b,,'� /3 'f P'iy^7'Sf :i+ ,�r•,•f GHff�+ fry ?' /"'•'")� / 'fju`j','C/p �..r� ��r:�,l r,.,.'f rr 'y .ri a•",' '71 +�. °! G� 'fit n �1r4Y' 7• �! r Cl. tt t rfi� r ,, } .• r eZ f`f t ,.,�:1 f� ,r i S'Y.%'l�d�`,,'��r.1� ��y•+j("��i^f�••y �,�.rsf,�;�•/�f��� ��kl�.?.rp r!H�!i�r�i, !,.t.,, lr���t�S� �J,�•��� '� W,. •i Y�' -1., ,5 �' 'j. f. •»tj 9 'A' !•f /✓• i ' '"! � % 7� ; r,� h±. �.f,, f•:,,YA. a> ,r +3'Xivt'7r �, �•. ,,ray \ .!-+�, s-�Y_u �, l>f, r��1.����J,�rj^�!'�r �sA�y j t�+Gj��y.Ai,/.r!,� �{ a�.v�t� j� f'Ci�t:;•��'''+r,��'��( ,i 1i , .¢ �+�,t�'/lyCr +'<%C� .. ,,+r lr,;•ir� ' �ruP�" M 1 fr, s'1��!;An`: r,�'.•'�+1y7�f•!lr :r yy//��.�.�'i�r��u(4h`�:�.7�yy�!��^•r.,t .•f�,.A.,��' J. y� �:r1�/. �r'.:C(r JF .r "` Jr ':.y;�r'r�..1.'t�rr ,�, „f• "'�jr������,;�(s(J� .rr�.Sl'r'f,,.•,�t; ✓N),I.".ii�y i/•,r.l✓,'.,.17/.Ir..r�✓r •r:'! ;r.• ./v7•,+ '�, g} ,!• +�. •r�•/o�. t-, � },a � -! 4�f{ S'%'.X�,w .�/�;,. :.'7 ,t .Fl. •t tt 6 � + y t! t •u=••' r,. ! ,+ /F �^," >H . S..f �.i^'d ��`.,ti v�•Y ! ,�n, i �;r" Itl;• Mi +lit is �?<•.�<hi �i� ✓ �,3 Y'+ ,:? r.�'•' ,t,=�+*.�• fr.b .c r ��: ,. r v-: r, x. ,��fi:•.!F t cd'' + ,j/��4 �y C� .'�"'��, � ri(`i/r'tx.�.'!4 / i;7 e.�# ',4,f.�✓ifq.rr�.:��. �. `!r ,9' 4 fir,, l,".yy/r r��33(�'i5 !. P' '`� "+�'� i 4�r. 1 GREG D. ANDERSON, D.D.S. P�tiR TO CO�� ALAN M. ANDERSON, D.D.S. G �w Family Dentistry January 14, 1988 Dublin Planning Department R E C E I v E a 6500 Dublin Boulevard P.O. Box 2340 Suite D All Dublin, CA, 94568 DUBLIN F Lahra.Nc Dear Dublin Planning Department; I would like to make this request that the property I own be included in the specific plan study. This piece of property is 49 acres, bordered by Croak. Road on the west and its southern border is freeway 580. The parcell num- ber is 99B-3200-6-3 and the address is 3457 Croak Road. I understand there will be costs assessed to me and I am willing to pay my share of these assessments. Being that this property is accessed by Croak Road, fronts freeway 580 and the property owners to the east and west have commited to participate in the specific plan study, I think this property should be included. Thank ou, . Greg Anderson, D.D.S. ru tA "IBIT. 3835 Beacon Arenue, Suite C • Fremont, Califonda 94338 • (415) 797-3967 rt'S�•«,\• 'ti.:rlh��.C..•RY::\•R•., ``44�S.�a .Y 4 .?:,°l r��y`titi'"rfTa;�\�lt'+!`^`.'k'� : �.il: t' :cA: \�n:�.'�:.1�•t1'ro �.t ,rN ^•c+r..gxati .:"'`�,..x,*,y,t:�:._..e: f� ±.t,:• .Z� � t, ?';,•(,..eyti \..;\.`,..�,,•:n.`, �• `, e\ t:,��j n.;ti� ��5,•ti! 1*�•,<t •,�' «'t,r 5,2'C -trt�•`n• „�%`:)i �.r t l :^,�3�- �.t: !S`..�� �,t �':4.,i,��.:.ti h. ,`� •�;i x)41�at�.,yt � >•.� t c 1 � 'C♦ �'r::c-, «"1�: r wt� ` .,:•_,,'1 .l. '' ;1�'Li�'`.! 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"Al },.�•.�..�\..CY:1,�i��``ls��.\��h C.�t:e�,\S..\.�4k.�•\\I�_•►�:4u:�11\.�1 Ll,tt����t.1:tV'��t�,\1��1.;�.1\ai',�\�.�Sit�\:,\.v �....\:\T:1\`t.:�`�.�'�`�:::`a.:il��:s'.l'.:\Ii.,�`:�1\'��4.a\�� . . � v. 1.: .i.r. ;}. .e':+%'.'.• ./ :Y r s,ii L:it :r,.%U;�,(,.Z.l.ri,'r7 9,'•.' %� ii ,{;.rl 1 r,�'b :�•i: ���(1: v {y.rl 1`J w r' ,'> ryv n rr;; ''y ,,• s r. r�, r G • �..>^y�., 4, Y� 1� r!` Gr'''1�'f''J, r ,•sfs .Y rr s•^'.� � r��;v.gfiJ r,r.v± < 'fir D�l�',y}i/ J 1,., 1 � r r�y�J,7. ���sJ. FV�,�J �.. r`'/f^'tr r ���'T' }y LI% S /J�! 5 r' I�i.,r ,J J r ,J.' ^,1• .%/,• tii 7, S 1 J. .1 !F% rl`'I ! �t� Y` -4/��f• �,f� � % /• 1'• .Zr r •' / t r :!i i y;i r r'�: ' s :r •!�"r•}y{�s f�/� j��-!/�. J Js r,J /r r r y ! 7.Yy f!✓ r ' .Y RE :CE7 .Y. ED Mn. Rod Banger MAR 3 1�? Sen.ioA PtanneA pUBUN PLANNING City o6 Dubtin P.O. Box 2340 Dubtin, Catis• 94568 3122188 Dean Mn. Banger; A6tex our eonvensation a Sew days ago, 1 netated to Mn. Tong and tecerived venbat agreement that my kequezt to be in the speeriJic plan study would be implemented .i6 he Aede.ived my tetteA by March 26, This is my tentative commitment tetten to compt y with the time constxa.int. This commitment xeZates to centarin Srinat decisions o6 the City o6 Dubtin as Sottows . 11 That the most es6ect'ive consuttants be used with economic cxedrit being given Jon B. I ..R studies atteady on J ite in the county o66.ice4 as they ketate to spec.i6.ic pxopett.ies. 2 ) That the City of Dubtin xeZate to a eontnribut.ion s.ign.is.icant enough to show that the development o6 the North side of highway 580 is an initiative o6 the City, and in essence, 'a major d.inect.ion bon 6utuxe growth bon the City. 3) Given .the .intent in .item (2 ) a commitment by the City o6 Dubtin, would give potit.icat d.ixection to as6ect LAPCO decisions and create a- competitive urgency to the entire project viz a viz the eountex pnoposat,6 o 6 the city o4 L.ivenmone in its .journey Westward ' 4 ) Some method o6 assessment d.tsttiet. shoutd be devised by the counc.it to permit tecovexy of Sunds Snom those pxopeAty owners etect.ing not to participate econom.icaUy in this .in.itiat Sund'ing• It is my hope that the eounc.it, in its wisdom, w.if-t see this movement to an expanding Dubtin as a eoopexative oppoAtun.ity, that .tJ .host at its inception, may end up tike Humpety Dumpety, and not eas.ity be put together again. Si ce y � cc Rich Ambrose �ti t-on ig tti M.D. " Lanny Tong Mayon Linda Je66eny Peters SnydeA Geongean VonheedeA Paut Mo 6 6 att Peter. Negaxty "_;^•' '—;"e 'tP'T�.;:�};'\`C'F': ::r._ ;�,r - - ,. r.J... -;,,,t. _,��., Nt- •. y\�.,,• ' ez^;e--^�'fZv ..'tos,� .'tv�•�'^"'�'_.,,.;:a:, .. "'.p)e`..+.p..g, a .tr. s. - _ ti>;'..e e:.,. .,.ts5t•i5. ' ..,..,?rt��r..`..`�T,'r.A. , 'g;..;.-• 'ti'`9:�5' v.t`\�r. t Vic_• "I r r - n �•.r • r J'r \ r \t \. , r.\ 1s t � `\ �...y ri4\'?•3?). t `L`t �µ, uryt'�,r v,t t 1` � ` l�. Jl"`r(\'l�,!`1.'`ti r r r ;r •:`.i• •'4 .. ♦ w tt ,-`. v .t`\\ r'v, 1� A+ 1i •q �I;at 9`! t t \ � r C` • \ , t, ..,"t �,...'.. . a..r tc.. �.a, c' ..�i1 .\ .... ..-`r l:?u.._:1_�4b ���,\'.._ Z t. Y":-l;tLf.�,... }�\e�1.•C\�l,r �\'.e1,f. �. r .. :�.d. \ 17♦,Y•I J - \J r t' J - r `..•'- \[ �' •4':;'...�. 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