HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 Revised Property Maintenance Ordinance CITY OF DUBLIN
SUBJECT Revised Property Maintenance Ordinance
EXHIBITS ATTACHED o Proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance
o Proposed Resolution Establishing Enforcement
o Memorandum dated April 20, 1988, from Assistant
City Attorney
o Property Maintenance Ordinance No. 7-88 as adopted
on March 1 , 1988
RECOMMENDATION ` Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and
introduce Ordinance; adopt Resolution
DESCRIPTION On April 11 , 1988, the City Council conducted an
extensive public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 7-88 which was adopted on
March 1 , 1988. The Ordinance addressed property maintenance and established
specific conditions which would constitute a public nuisance. In addition,
the Ordinance provides mechanisms to remedy any nuisance situations.
At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council directed Staff to
review specific provisions within Ordinance No. 7-88. They requested that
the sections relating to trash cans , clotheslines , and the definition of a
nuisance be revised. In addition, it was requested that the enforcement
through a complaint only process be defined. The City Councilmembers
requested that the revision on trash cans address the fact that some
residents need to store their containers in a side yard. Relative to the
condition under which a clothesline would be a violation, the Council
indicated a desire to allow clotheslines within the side yard. From an
overall standpoint , the City Council requested a clarification of what
constituted a nuisance. Staff has worked to modify the Ordinance based on
these concerns.
The following discussion outlines amendments to the Ordinance based on City
Council direction following the public hearing on April 11, 1988.
Definitions : The terms "Back yard" , "Front yard", and "Side yard" are now
defined. The purpose was intended to clarify in understandable terms ,
portions of the property which may be affected by the Ordinance. In
addition, the term "Property" was redefined to identify two specific
components : non-residential and residential. Residential property was
further defined to include only front yards , the unfenced portion of side
yards , the unfenced portion of back yards on corner lots , driveways ,
walkways , and sidewalks . This more clearly identifies the property as being
the area which is typically not fenced. These terms should provide a better
understanding of what is covered in the Ordinance .
Nuisances - Residential Pro e Section 2 . 1 was revised to clearly
identify those items consi ere a nuisance on residential property. The
main section was also amended to include a requirement stating that the
violation must exist thereon for an unreasonable period of time and be
visible from a public street . This eliminates the need to reference these
conditions in each of the subsections (a) - W .
Changes to Specific Nuisances (a) - (k) : In addition to the change
iscusse a ove , the following revisions were made to help clarify the
Ordinance :
AGENDA STATEMENT: Property Maintenance Ordinance
Page 2
Subsection (b) was revised to only address clotheslines or clothes
hanging only in front yards , in accordance with City Council direction
at their meeting of April 11 , 1988.
Subsection (c) in the original Ordinance referred to trash, garbage, or
refuse cans , required to be stored in accordance with the Solid Waste
Ordinance. The Solid Waste Ordinance does not allow trash cans to be
visible from a public street on the day after collection.' At the April
11 , 1988 meeting, the City Council directed Staff to revise the
Ordinance to allow their storage in a side yard. Staff determined that
it would be clearer to revise the Solid Waste Ordinance and remove the
reference to garbage cans from the Property Maintenance Ordinance. The
proposed amendment is contained in a separate agenda item which will be
considered under a separate public hearing.
Subsections (c) and (d) in Ordinance No. 7-88 have been combined and
are now shown in subsection (c) in the proposed Ordinance which is now
under consideration. Staff had also received an inquiry as to whether
fire wood was included as lumber. In order to clarify this situation,
the term fire wood has been specifically included in the amended
Ordinance subsection (c) . It is important to understand that with all
of the subsections , they must exist for an unreasonable period of time
and be visible from a public street .
Subsection (d) in the amended Ordinance is largely the same as was
written in subsection (e) of Ordinance No. 7-88 adopted in March. The
only change is that the March version indicated that refrigerators ,
freezers , hazardous pools , ponds , and excavations were a violation
anywhere on the property. In the amended Ordinance, these conditions
would only be in violation if they remained for an unreasonable period
of time and were visible from a public street.
Subsection ( 1) in the amended Ordinance was amended to refer
exclusively to graffiti. The Ordinance adopted in March was redundant
by including words and letters on the exterior of a building. The
Ordinance also included a reference to drawings . It was brought to
Staff ' s attention that in one case, a private home has a mural on a
garage door. Staff assumed that the City Council ' s intent was to
address graffiti and revised the Ordinance accordingly.
Subsection ( j ) in the amended Ordinance was revised by including boats
which are included in the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance No. 3-86.
Also, the City Council had amended that Ordinance through the adoption
of Ordinance No. 28-87 . The proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance
will include a reference to both the original Ordinance and the
amendment .
New Section 2 . 2 - Non-Residential Property Nuisance: The proposed Ordinance
as been amended to clarify t e conditions w is constitute a nuisance on
non-residential property. This section largely repeats conditions described
in the residential section discussed above.
The non-residential section does not address the issue of clotheslines ,
since this is typically a residential condition. However, two items which
are not addressed are the conditions related to graffiti and abandoned,
boarded up, partially destroyed, or buildings in a state of partial
construction. These were not included in order to be consistent with the
Ordinance as adopted in March.
The Ordinance already adopted by the City Council defines "Building" as the
various types of residential buildings typically found in the City. As
noted in the public hearing on April 11 , 1988 , the current Ordinance does
not apply to commercial or industrial buildings . Therefore , all nuisance
conditions which relate to buildings have been deleted from the description
of property nuisances on non-residential property. Staff recognizes that
there are non-residential buildings which may be appropriate to address
under this type of Ordinance , however, as stated above , the proposed revised
Ordinance has not been expanded to include conditions beyond those adopted
by the City Council in Ordinance No. 7-88.
AGENDA STATEMENT: Revised Property Maintenance Ordinance
Page 3
If the Council desires to include non-residential buildings , the proposed
Ordinance would need to be amended in the following areas :
1) Section 1.2 - The definition of "Building" would need to be expanded to
include non-residential buildings.
2 ) The language in Subsections 2. 1 (h) and (k) in the amended Ordinance
would need to be included as Subsection 2.2 ( i) and 2 .2 (j ) .
3) Section 3. 12 would need to be amended to include a reference to 2 .2 ( j ) .
These amendments would expand the application of the Property Maintenance
Ordinance for non-residential properties only.
Reference to Specific Infraction ' Maximum Fines : Section 5.2 (b) in the
adopted Ordinance specifically detines maximum penalties . For the most
part , this section recites the language found in Government Code Section
36900. The proposed Ordinance would reference the State Law instead of
repeating current language. The City Attorney has recommended this approach
since the State Law may be amended at any time. The reference to the
section will assure that if and when State Law is amended that the City
Ordinance will continue to be consistent with State Law.
Section 5. 3 - Repeal of Ordinance No. 7-88: The final revision found in the
proposed Ordinance is a section which repeals Ordinance No. 7-88 adopted on
March 1 , 1988. Instead of adopting an Ordinance which only amended specific
sections , Staff believes it would be clearer to repeal the current
Ordinance. This will assist in the administration of the Property
Maintenance Ordinance by having a single Ordinance which is referenced in
the investigation of any complaints . It should also make the specific
conditions within the Ordinance easier for the public to understand.
Enforcement Policy
At the public hearing on April 11 , 1988, the City Council confirmed their
intent to have the Ordinance enforced on a complaint basis . The City
Council has a similar policy as it relates to Building, Housing and Zoning
violations .
In 1984, the City Council adopted a Resolution which established enforcement
policy and procedures for Zoning, Housing and Building regulations . The
Resolution amended an earlier policy by proposing to investigate all similar
violations that are visible from a site where a violation is being
investigated. The procedures included in this Resolution have now been
superceded by Ordinances which establish the infraction mechanism as a means
of enforcement. Also, State Law regulates many of the procedures originally
identified in the Resolution.
Elizabeth Silver, Assistant City Attorney has reviewed the current policy in
accordance with the City Council direction at the public hearing. In a
Memorandum dated April 20 , 1988, Ms . Silver has identified that the
Resolution format is generally used for matters which are not legislative in
nature . The decision as to how the Property Maintenance Ordinance will be
enforced would fall into this category, since it is a matter of policy.
This would also be consistent with the past action taken by the City
Council .
Staff has prepared a Resolution which would rescind the current procedures
and establish a consistent policy for enforcement of violations of the
Zoning, Housing, Building and Property Maintenance Ordinances . The actual
language is based on the current policy.
Staff has attempted to clarify the Property Maintenance Ordinance and
include revisions requested by the City Council at the public hearing on
April 11 , 1988. It is recommended that the City Council conduct a public
hearing, deliberate , waive the reading and introduce the Ordinance, and
adopt the Resolution establishing an enforcement policy.
The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Section 1 .1 : BACK YARD. "Back yard" shall mean that portion of
property between a building and the back property line.
Section 1 .2: BUILDING . "Building" shall mean any house, garage,
duplex, apartment, condominium, stock cooperative, or other
residential structure .
Section 1 .3s CITY. "City" shall mean the City of Dublin.
Section 1 .4: CITY MANAGER. "City Manager" shall mean the City
Manager or his designees.
Section 1 .5 : FRONT YARD. "Front yard" shall mean that portion
of property between the street and a building.
Section 1 .6: OWNER. "Owner" shall mean any person owning
property, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll for City
taxes or the lessee, tenant or other person having control or
possession of the property.
Section 1 .7 : PERSON. "Person" shall mean any individual,
partnership, corporation, association or other organization,
however formed .
Section 1 .8s PROPERTY. "Property" shall mean (a) all non-
residential zoned real property (referred to as "non--residential
property" ) and (b) front yards, the unfenced portions of side
yards, the unfenced portion of back yards of corner lots,
driveways, walkways, and sidewalks of all residential real
property and shall include any building located on such property
(referred to herein as "residential property" ) .
Section 1 .9: SIDE YARD. "Side yard" shall mean that portion of
property between a building and the side property line .
be unlawful for any person owning, leasing, renting, occupying or
having charge or possession of any residential property in the
City to maintain or to allow to be maintained such property in
such manner that any of the following conditions are found to
exist thereon, for an unreasonable period of time and are visible
from a public street, except as may be allowed by any other
provision of law; including provisions of City ordinances:
(a) The accumulation of dirt, litter or debris;
(b) Clotheslines or clothes hanging in front yards;
(c) Boxes, bins, containers, fire wood, lumber, junk, trash,
salvage materials, or other similar materials;
(d) Attractive nuisances dangerous to children including
abandoned, broken, or neglected equipment, machinery,
refrigerators and freezers, hazardous pools, ponds, and
(e) Broken or discarded furniture, household equipment and
furnishings or shopping carts;
( f) Overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats, vermin and
other nuisances dangerous to public health, safety, and
welfare, or obstructing a necessary view of drivers on
public streets or private driveways;
(g) Weeds, dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, and
other vegetation constituting an unsightly appearance or
dangerous to public health, safety and welfare;
(h) Graffiti on the exterior of any building, fence or other
( i) Vehicle parts or other articles of personal property
which are abandoned or left in a state of partial
construction or repair;
( j ) Mobilehomes, recreational vehicles, utility trailers,
unmounted campertops, boats, cars, trucks, or other
vehicles, that are parked or stored in violation of
Ordinance 3--86 and/or Ordinance 28-87; and/or
(k) , Buildings which are abandoned, boarded up, partially
destroyed, or left in a state of partial construction
and such buildings which are unpainted or where the
paint on the building exterior is mostly worn off.
shall be unlawful for any person owning, leasing, renting,
occupying or having charge or possession of any non-residential
property in the City to maintain or to allow to be maintained such
property in such manner that any of the following conditions are
found to exist thereon for an unreasonable period of time and are
visible from a public street, except as may be allowed by any
other provision of law including provisions of City ordinances:
(a) The accumulation of dirt, litter, or debris;
(b) Boxes, bins, containers, fire wood, lumber, junk, trash,
salvage materials, or other similar materials;
(c) Attractive nuisances dangerous to children including
abandoned, broken, or neglected equipment, machinery,
refrigerators and freezers, hazardous pools, ponds, and
(d) Broken or discarded furniture, household equipment and
furnishings or shopping carts;
(e) Overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats, vermin and
other nuisances dangerous to public health, safety, and
welfare, or obstructing a necessary view of drivers on
public streets or private driveways;
( f) Weeds, dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, and
other vegetation constituting an unsightly appearance or
dangerous to public health, safety and welfare;
(g) vehicle parts or other articles of personal property
which are abandoned or left in a state of partial
construction or repair;
(h) Mobilebomes, recreational vehicles, utility trailers,
unmounted campertops, boats, cars, trucks, or other
vehicles, that are parked or stored in violation of
ordinance 3-86 and/or Ordinance 28-87.
Section 2 .3 : DECLARATION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any property found
to be maintained in violation of sections 2.1 or 2.2 is hereby
declared to be a public nuisance and shall be abated by
rehabilitation, removal, demolition, or repair pursuant to the
procedures set forth herein. The procedures for abatement set
forth herein shall not be, exclusive and shall not in any manner
limit or restrict the City from enforcing other City ordinances or
abating public nuisances in any other manner provided by law.
Section 3 .1 : NOTIFICATION OF NUISANCE. Whenever the City
Manager determines that any property within the City is being
maintained contrary to one or more of the provisions of Sections
2 .1 or 2.2, he shall give written notice ("Notice to Abate" ) to
the owner of said property stating the section(s) being violated.
Such notice shall set forth a reasonable time limit, in no event
less than seven (7 ) calendar days, for correcting the violation(s)
and may also set forth suggested methods of correcting the same.
Such notice shall be served upon the owner in accordance with
provisions of Section 3 .3 covering service in person or by mail.
event said owner shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the
"Notice to Abate" , the City Manager shall conduct an
administrative hearing to ascertain whether said violation
constitues a public nuisance.
Section 3 .3: NOTICE OF HEARING. Notice of said hearing shall be
served upon the owner not less than seven (7) calendar days before
the time fixed for hearing. Notice of hearing shall be served in
person, by first class mail, or by certified mail to the owner' s
last known address . Service shall be deemed complete at the time
notice is personally served or deposited in the mail. Failure of
any person to receive notice shall not affect the validity of any
proceedings hereunder. Notice shall be substantially in the
format set forth below:
This is a notice of hearing before the City Manager (or his
designees) to ascertain whether certain property situated in
the City of Dublin, State of California, known and designated
as (street address) , in said City,
and more particulary described as assessor' s parcel number)
constitutes a public nuisance subject to
abatement by the rehabilitation of such property or by the
repair or demolition of buildings situated thereon. If said
property, in whole or part, is found to constitute a public
nuisance as defined in this ordinance and if the same is not
promptly abated by the owner, such nuisance may be abated by
municipal authorities, in which case the cost of such
rehabilitation, repair, or demolition will be assessed upon
such property and such costs, together with interest thereon,
will constitute a lien upon such property until paid; in
addition, you may be cited for violation of the provisions of
the -City-ordinances and subject to a fine.
Said alleged conditions consist of the following:
The method(s) of abatement are:
All persons having an interest in said matters may
attend the hearing and their testimony and evidence will be
heard and given due consideration.
Dated this day of 19_
City Manager
Time and Date of Hearing:
Location of Hearing: .
time stated in the notice, the City Manager shall hear and
consider all relevant evidence, objections or protests, and shall
receive testimony under oath relative to such alleged public
nuisance and to proposed rehabilitation, repair, removal or
demolition of such property. Said hearing may be continued from
time to time.
If the City Manager finds that such public nuisance does exist and
that there is sufficient cause to rehabilitate, demolish, remove
or repair the same, the City Manager shall prepare findings and
an order, which shall specify the nature of the nuisance, the
methods) of abatement and the time within which the work shall be
commenced and completed. The order shall include reference to the
right to appeal set forth in Section 3.6. A copy of the findings
and order shall be served on all owners of the subject property in
accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3. In addition, a
copy of the findings and order shall be forthwith conspicuously
posted on or near the property.
Section 3 .5: PROCEDURE. NO APPEAL. In the absence of any
appeal, the property shall be rehabilitated, repaired, removed or
demolished in the manner and means specifically set forth in said
findings and order. In the event. the owner fails to abate the
nuisance as ordered the City Manager shall cause the same to be
abated by City employees or private contract. The costs shall be
billed to the owner, as specified in Section 3.10. The City
Manager is expressly authorized to enter upon said property for
such purposes.
owner may appeal the City Manager' s findings and order to the City
Council ( "Council" ) by filing an appeal with the City Clerk within
seven (7 ) calendar days of the date of service of the City
Manager' s decision . The appeal shall contain:
(a) A specific identification of the subject property;
(b) The names and addresses of all appellants;
(c) A statement of appellant' s legal interest in the subject
(d) A statement in ordinary and concise language of the
specific order or action protested and the grounds for
appeal, together with all material facts in support
(e) The date and signatures of all appellants; and
( f) The verification of at least one appellant as to the
truth of the matters stated in the appeal .
As soon as practicable after receiving the appeal, the City Clerk
shall set a date for the Council to hear the appeal which date
shall be not less than seven (7) calendar days nor more than
thirty (30) calendar days from the date the appeal was filed . The
City Clerk shall give each appellant written notice of the time
and the place of the hearing at least five (5) calendar days prior
to the date of the hearing, either by causing a copy of such
notice to be delivered to the appellant personally or by mailing a
copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to the appellant at his
address shown on the appeal. Continuances of the hearing may be
granted by the Council on request of the owner for good cause
shown, or on the Council 's own motion.
Section 3 .7: DECISION BY COUNCIL. Upon the conclusion of the
hearing, the Council shall determine whether the property or any
part thereof, as maintained, constitutes a public nuisance. If
the Council so finds, the Council shall adopt a resolution
declaring such property to be a public nuisance, setting forth its
findings and ordering the abatement of the same by having such
property rehabilitated, repaired, removed or demolished in the
manner and means specifically set forth in said resolution. The
resolution shall set forth the time within which such work shall
be completed by the owner, in no event less than thirty (30)
days. The decision and order of the Council shall be final.
Section 3 .$: SERVICE OF ORDER TO ABATE. A copy of the
resolution of the Council ordering the abatement of said nuisance
shall be served upon the owner( s) of said property in accordance
with the provisions of Section 3 .3. Upon abatement in full by the
owner, the proceedings hereunder shall terminate.
All hearings shall be tape recorded.
Hearings need not be conducted according to the technical rules of
Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or
explaining any direct evidence, but shall not be sufficient in
itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible over
objection in . civil actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in
this state. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted if it is the
type of evidence on which reasonable persons are accustomed to
rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the
existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make
improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil
actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in this state.
Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation.
Irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded.
Section 3 .10: ABATEMENT BY CITY. If such nuisance is not abated
as ordered within said abatement period, the City Manager shall
cause the same to be abated by City employees or private
contract. The City Manager is expressly authorized to enter upon
said property for such purposes. The cost, including incidental
expenses, of abating the nuisance shall be billed to the owner and
shall become due and payable 30 days thereafter. The term
"incidental expenses" shall include, but not be limited to,
personnel costs, both direct and indirect, including attorney' s
fees; costs incurred in documenting the nuisance; the actual
expenses and costs of the City in the preparation of notice$,
specifications and contracts, and in inspecting the works and the
costs of printing and mailing required hereunder.
A person shall not obstruct, impede, or interfere with the City
Manager, or his representative, or with any person who owns, or
holds any interest or estate in any property in the performance of
any necessary act, preliminary to or incidental, carrying out an
abatement order issued pursuant to Section 3.4 and 3.7 of this
appealing the Council' s decision and order shall be commenced
within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of service of the
Section 3 .12: DEMOLITION. No property shall be found to be a
public nuisance under Section 2.1 (k) and ordered demolished unless
the order is based on competent sworn testimony and it is found
that in fairness and in justice there is no way other than
demolition reasonably to correct such nuisance.
Section 3 .13 : NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMOLISH. A copy of any order
or resolution requ r ng abatement by demolition under Section
3.4 or 3.8 shall be forthwith recorded with the Alameda County
Section 4 .1 : RECORD OF COST OF ABATEMENT. The City Manager
shall keep an account of the cost, including incidental expenses,
of abating such nuisance on each separate lot or parcel of land
where the work is done by the City and shall render an itemized
report in writing to the City Council showing the cost of
abatement, including the rehabilitation, demolition or repair of
said property, including any salvage value relating thereto;
provided that before said report is submitted to the City Council,
a copy of the same shall be posted for at least five (5) days upon
or in front of such property, together with a notice of the time
when said report shall be heard by the 'City Council for
confirmation. A copy of said report and notice shall be served
upon the owners of said property in accordance with the provisions
of Section 3 .3 at least five (5) calendar days prior to submitting
the same to the City Council. Proof of said posting and service
shall be made by affidavit filed with the City Clerk.
Section 4 .2 : ASSESSMENT LIEN. The total cost for abating such
nuisance, as 8o confirmed by the City Council, shall constitute a
aitarelates,itand upon recordation against iin the Office
parcel of land to
Recorder of a Notice of Lien, as so made and confirmed, shallounty
constitute a lien on said property for the amount of such
After such confirmation and recordation, a certified copy of the
Council ' s decision shall be filed with the Alameda County Auditor-
Controller on or before August 1 of each year, whereupon it shall
be the duty of said Auditor-Controller to add the amounts of the
respective assessments to the next regular tax bills levied
against said respective lots and parcels of land for municipal
purposes and thereafter said amounts shall be collected at the
same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes are
collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same
procedure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ordinary
municipal taxes . All laws applicable to the levy, collection and
enforcement of municipal taxes shall be applicable to such special
In the alternative, after such recordation, such lien may be
foreclosed by judicial or other sale in the manner and means
provided by law.
Such Notice of Lien for recordation shall be in form substantially
as follows:
(Claim of City of Dublin)
Pursuant to the authority vested by the provisions of Section
of Dublin Ordinance No. , the City Manager
of the City of Dublin did on or about the day of
19—, cause the property hereinafter described
to be rehabilitated or the building or structure on the
property hereinafter described, to be repaired or demolished
in order to abate a public nuisance on said real property;
and the City Council of the City of Dublin did on the
day of , 19 , assess the cost of such
rehabilitation, repair or demolition upon the real property
hereinafter described; and the same has not been paid nor any
part thereof; and that said City of Dublin does hereby claim
a lien on such rehabilitaton, repair, or demolition in the
amount of said assessment, to wit: the sum of $
and the same, shall be a lien upon said real property
uunnt�l the same has been paid in full and discharged of
The real property hereinabove mentioned, and upon which
a lien is claimed, is that certain parcel of land lying and
being in the City of Dublin, County of Alameda, State of
California, and particularly described as follows:
Dated this day of , 19
City Manager, City of Dublin"
INFRACTION. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent
the Council from ordering the commencement of a civil proceeding
to abate a public nuisance pursuant to applicable law or from
pursuing any other remedy available under applicable law.
Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance constitues an
infraction. The City Manager is designated as the enforcement
(a) Any person, firm, or corporation violating or causing,
or permitting to be violated any of the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an infraction.
(b) Any person, firm, or corporation convicted of an
infraction under- the provisions of this Ordinance shall
be punishable as provided in Government Code § 36900.
Any violation beyond the third conviction within a
one-year period may be charged by the District Attorney
as a misdemeanor and the penalty for conviction of the
same shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment or both
not to exceed the limits set forth in California Penal
Code section 19.
(c) Each person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of a
separate offense for each and every day during any
portion of which any violation of any provision of this
Ordinance is committed, continued or permitted by such
person and shall be punishable accordingly.
(d) The City Manager shall have the power to designate by
written order that particular officers or employees
shall be authorized to enforce particular provisions of
this Ordinance. Officers or employees so designated
shall have the authority to arrest persons who violate
any of said provisions.
Section 5 .3 : REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 7-88. Ordinance No. 7-88
is hereby repealed.
Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty 30) days from
and after the date of its passage . The City Clerk of the City of
Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three
(3 ) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section
36933 of the Government Code of the State of California.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the' City of Dublin
on this day of , 1988, by the following vote:
City Clerk
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WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin did by
Resolution No. 75-84 adopt the "Enforcement Procedures for Zoning,
Building and Housing Violations , and Construction Work Without
Permits" ; and
WHEREAS, the Resolution identified both Administrative
Procedures and Enforcement Policies ; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has recently adopted a
Property Maintenance Ordinance;and
WHEREAS , the City Council is desirous of establishing an
enforcement policy for the Property Maintenance Ordinance which is
consistent with the established policy for Zoning, Housing, and
Building Violations ; and
WHEREAS, the actual procedures for enforcing a
particular law are already covered in City Ordinances and
applicable sections of the State Law; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to resind Resolution No. 75-84
and adopt a new Resolution which includes the Property Maintenance
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of
the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the "Enforcement Policy for
Zoning, Building, Housing, Construction Work Without Permit and
Property Maintenance Ordinance Violations", attached hereto and
identified as Exhibit "A" .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Resolution No. 75-84 is hereby
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of April ,
City Clerk
regarai.ng possLuLe VLULaLIULls UL vullUtu6 LC6UL1LLLU11J ,
construction work without permit, zoning ordinances , housing
codes , or violatio of the Property Maintenar Ordinance .
These ordinances generally will be enforced on a complaint basis
except that :
1. Building work actually observed to be under construction
without permits will be investigated without a complaint.
2. Violations observed on property where the inspector has a
legitimate reason to be on property, such as a routine
follow-up inspection on a Variance or Conditional Use Permit ,
or when inspecting construction under a permit , violations
observed on the property will be investigated without a
complaint .
3. Conditions brought to the attention of the City in any manner
which involves public health and safety.
Any person making a complaint shall give their name, address , and
telephone number. This is necessary so that the complainant can
be contacted and advised of the status of the investigation. It
may also be necessary to contact the complainant to secure addi-
tional information regarding the problem.
Section 6254, of the Government Code, provides that records of
investigations of complaints are not public records. Therefore ,
investigations of complaints will be kept confidential , and
information will not be disclosed except as required by a court
In establishing this policy the City Council recognizes that a
person whose property is being investigated may point out several
similar violations in the immediate area. It may inequitable to
require abatement of a violation when the same violations may
exist in the immediate vicinity and are not investigated because a
complaint is not received.
Therefore , whenever the situation discussed above occurs , any
violation in the immediate vicinity which is similar in nature and
readily visible or which is pointed out to the investigator will
be processed as though a complaint had been registered.
All anonymous complaints will be investigated. However, no action
will be taken on anonymous complaints where the City Manager or
Building Official determines the matter does not warrant further
action. These cases would be closed following the investigation
and a determination by the City Manager or Building Official .
ELIZABETH H.SILVER (415)348-7130
LESLIE OSTER (41 5)571-3333
THOMAS F.BERTRAND (415)692.8878
San Leandro
To: Richard Ambrose Date: 4-20-$8
City Manager
From: Elizabeth H. Silver
Assistant City Attorney
Re: Property Maintenance Ordinance
At the Council Meeting on April 11, the Council indicated
that it was concerned with how the Property Maintenance Ordinance
was to be enforced (e.g. , on a complaint basis only, by initiation
of City staff, etc. ) . In my opinion, the question of how the
ordinance is to be enforced is a matter of policy which can be
established by Council resolution. This would be consistent with
the policy regarding enforcement of zoning code and building code
violations which was established by resolution. A resolution
is generally used for matters which are not legislative in nature
whereas an ordinance is akin to a statute. Statutes and ordinances
declare what is unlawful and designate the officer charged with
enforcement authority but generally do not specify how the statute
or ordinance is to be enforced. This is considered an administra-
tive matter to be determined by the officer charged with enforcing
the statute or ordinance. Therefore, it would not be appropriate
for the ordinance to be more specific with respect to enforcement
than it already is in designating the City Manager as the officer
charged with enforcement authority.
Richard Ambrose, City Manager
Re: Property Maintenance Ordinance
April 20, 1988
Page: 2
In conclusion, a resolution, similar to Resolution No. 75-84,
can be adopted specifying, generally, the procedure for enforce-
ment of the ordinance. I would caution you, however, that the
more specific such a resolution becomes, the more avenues there
are for challenges in a particular case if the procedures were
not followed.
Elizabeth H. Silver
The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Section 1.1: BUILDING. "Building" shall mean any house, garage, duplex, apartment,
condominium, stock cooperative, or other residential structure.
Section 1.2: CITY. "City" shall mean the City of Dublin.
Section 1.3: CITY MA11AGER. "City Manager" shall mean the City Manager or his
Section 1.4: OWNER. "Owner" shall mean any person owning property, as shown on the
last equalized assessment roll for City taxes or .the lessee, tenant or
other person having control or possession of the property.
Section 1.5: PERSON. "Person" shall mean any individual, partnersliip, corporation,
associaton or other organization, however formed.
Section 1.6: PROPERTY. "Property" shall mean all, non-residentially zoned real
property, and all residential real property, including, but not limited
to, front yards, side yards, back yards, driveways, walkways and sidewalks
and shall include any building located on such property.
Section 2.1: Unlawful Property Nuisance. It shall be unlawful for any person owning,
leasing, renting, occupying or leaving charge or possession of any property in the City
to maintain or to allow to be maintained such property in such manner that any of the
following conditions are found to exist thereon, except as may be allowed by any other
provision of law:
(a) The accumulation of dirt, litter or debris on the property which is visible
from a public street;
(b) Clotheslines or clothes hanging in front yards, sideyards, porches or
balconies and visible from a public street;
(c) Trash, garbage or refuse cans, bins, boxes or other such container stored in
front or side yards and visible from a public street except as permitted by
Solid Waste Ordinance 2-86;
(d) Packing boxes, lumber, ,junk, trash, salvage materials, or other debris kept on
the property and visible from a public •v niet;
• (e) Attractive nuisances dangerous to children including abandoned, broken or
neglected equipment, machinery, visible from a public street, and " -
refrigerators and freezers, hazardous pools, ponds and excavations in any
(f) Broken or discarded furniture, household equipment and furnishings, or
shopping carts stored on the property and visible from a public street;
(g) Overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats, vermin and other nuisances
dangerous to public health, safety and welfare, or obstructing necessary vier
of drivers on public streets or private driveways and visible from a public
(h) Dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, weeds or other vegetation
constituting unsightly appearance, dangerous to public safety and welfare or
visible from a public street;
(i) Graffiti or other words, letters or drawings which remain on the exterior of
any building or fence and are visible from a public street;
(j) Vehicle parts, or other articles of personal property which are abandoned or
left in a state of partial construction or repair for an unreasonable period
of time in front yards, sideyards, driveways, sidewalks or walk-days and are
visible from a public street;
(k) Mobilehomes, recreational vehicles, utility trailers and unmounted campertops,
cars, trucks, or other vehicles that are parked or stored in violation of
Ordinance 3-86.
(1) Buildings which are abandoned, boarded up, partially destroyed, or left in a
state of partial construction and such buildings which are unpainted or where
the paint on the building exterior is mostly worn off.
Section 2.2: Declaration of Public Nuisance. Any property found to be maintained in
violation of the foregoing section is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall
be abated by rehabilitation, removal, demolition, or repair pursuant to the procedures
set forth herein. The procedures for abatement set forth herein shall not be exclusive
and shall not in any manner limit or restrict the City from enforcing other City
ordinances or abating public nuisances in any other manner provided by law.
Section 3.1: Notification of Nuisance. Whenever the City Manager determines that any
property within the City is being maintained contrary to one or more of the provisions
of Section 2.1, lie shall give written notice ("Notice to Abate") to the owner of said
property stating the section(s) being violated. Such notice shall set forth a
reasonable time limit, in no event less than seven (7) calendar days, for correcting the
violation(s) and may also set forth suggested methods of correcting the same. Such
notice shall be served upon the owner in accordance with provisions of Section 3.3
covering service in person or by mail.
Section 3-.2: Administrative Hearing to Abate Nuisance, In the event said owner shall
fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the "Notice to Abate", the City Manager shall
conduct an administrative hearing to ascertain whether said violation constitutes a
public nuisance.
Section 3.3: Notice of Nearing• Notice of said hearing shall be served upon the o•.Mer
not less than seven (7) calendar days before the time fixed for hearing. Notice of
hearing shall be served in person, by first class mail, or by certified mail to the
owner's last known address. Service shall be deemed complete at the time notice is
personally served or deposited in the mail. Failure of any person to receive notice
shall not affect the validity of any proceedings hereunder. Notice shall be
substantially in the format set forth below:
This is a notice of hearing before the City Manager (or his designees) to ascertain
whether certain property situated in the City of Dublin, State of California, kno,rn
and designated as (street address) in said City, and. more
particularly described as (assessor's parcel number) constitutes a
public nuisance subject to abatement by the rehabilitation of such property or by
the repair or demolition of buildings situated thereon. If said property, in
whole, or part, is found to constitute a public nuisance as defined in this ,
ordinance and if the same is not promptly abated by the owner, such nuisance may be
abated by municipal authorities, in which case the cost of such rehabilitation,
repair, or demolition will be assessed upon such property and such costs, together
with interest thereon, will constitute a lien upon such property until paid; in
addition, you may be cited for violation of the provisions of the City ordinance
and subject to a fine.
Said alleged conditions consist of the following:
The method(s) of abatement are:
All persons having an interest in said matters may attend the hearing and
their testimony and evidence will be heard and given due consideration.
Dated this day of 19_
City Manager
Time and Date of Hearing:
Location of Hearing:
Section 3.4: Administrative hearing by City Manager. At the time stated in the notice,
the City Manager shall hear and consider all relevant evidence, objections or protests,
and shall receive testimony under oath relative to such alleged public nuisance and to
proposed rehabilitation, repair, removal or demolition of such property. Said hearing
may be continued from time to time.
If the'City Manager finds that such public nuisance does exist and that there is
sufficient cause to rehabilitate, demolish, remove or repair the same, the City Manager
shall prepare findings and all order, which shall specify the nature of the nuisance, the
method(s) of abatement and the time within which the work shall be commenced and
completed. The order shall include reference to the right to appeal set forth in
Section 3.6. A copy of the findings and order shall be served on all owners of the
subject property in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3. In addition, a copy
of the findings and order shall be forthwith conspicuously posted on or near the
Section 3.5: Procedure. No Appeal. In the absence of any appeal, the property shall
be rehabilitated, repaired, removed 'or demolished in the manner and means specifically
set forth in said findings and order. In the event the owner fails to abate the
nuisance as ordered the City Manager shall cause the same to be abated by City employees
or private contract. The costs shall be billed to the owner, as specified in Section
3.10. - The City Manager is expressly authorized to enter upon said property for such
Section 3.6: Appeal Procedure. hearing by City Council. The owner may appeal the City
Manager's findings and order to the City Council ("Council") by filing an appeal with
the City Clerk within seven (7) calendar days of the date of service of the City
Manager's decison. The appeal shall contain:
(a) A specific identification of the subject property;
(b) Vie names and addresses of all appellants;
(c) A statement of appellant's legal interest in the subject property;
(d) A statement in ordinary and concise language of the specific order or action
protested and the ground for, appeal, together with all eaterial facts in
support thereof;
(e) Tile date and signatures of all appellants; and
(f) The verification of at least one appellant as to the truth of the matters
stated in the appeal.
As soon as practicable after receiving the appeal, the City Clerk shall set a date for
the Council to hear the appeal which date shall be not less than seven (7) calendar days
nor more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the appeal was filed. The City
Clerk shall give each appellant written notice of the time and the place of the hearing
at least five (5) calendar days prior to the date of the hearing, either by causing a
copy of such notice to be delivered to the appellant personally or by mailing a copy
thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to the appellant at his address shown on the appeal.
Continuances of the hearing may be granted by the Council on request of the owner for
good cause shown, or on the Council's own motion.
Section 3.7 : Decisiou by Council. Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the Council
shall determine whether the property or any part thereof, as maintained, constitutes a
public nuisance. If the Council so finds, the Council shall adopt a resolution
declaring such property to be a public nuisance, setting forth its findings 'and ordering
the abatment of the same by having such property rehabilitated, repaired, removed or
demolished in the m:inne r and means specifically set forth in said resolution. The
• I,Uy
resoltttiorr shall set forth the time within which such work shall be completed by the
owner, in no event less than thirty (30) days, The decision and order of the Council
shall be final.
Section 3.8: Service of Order to Abate. A copy of the resolution of the Council
ordering the abatement of said nuisance shall be served upon the owner(s) of said
property in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3. Upon abatement in full by
the owner, the proceedings hereunder shall terminate.
Section 3.9: Hearing Procedure Before City Manager and Council.
All hearings shall be tape recorded.
Hearings need not be conducted according to the technical rules of evidence.
Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any direct
evidence, but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would be
admissible over objection in civil actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in this
state. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted if it is the type of evidence on which
reasonable persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless
of the existence of any couunou law or statutory rule which might make improper the
admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions in courts of competent
jurisdiction in this state.
Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation.
Irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded.
Section 3.10: Abatement by City. If such nuisance is not abated as ordered within said
abatement period, the City Manager shall cause the same to be abated by City employees
or private contract. The City Manager is expressly authorized to enter upon said
property for such purposes. The cost, including incidental expenses, of abating the
nuisance shall be billed to the owner and shall become due and payable 30 days
thereafter. The term "incidental expenses" shall include, but not be limited to,
personnel costs, both direct and indirect, including attorney's fees; costs incurred in
documenting the nuisances; the actual expenses and costs of the City in the preparation
of notices, specifications and contracts, and in inspecting the work; and the costs of
printing and mailing required hereunder.
A person shall not obstruct, impede, or interfere with the City Manager, or his
representative, or with any person who owns, or holds any interest or estate in any
property in the performance of any necessary act, preliminary to or incidental, carrying
out an abatement order issued pursuant to Section 3.4 nd 3.7 of this ordinance.
Section 3.11: Limitation of Filing Judical Action. Any action appealing the Council's
decision and order shall be commenced within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of
service of the decision. -
Section 3.12: demolition. No property shall be found to be a public nuisance under
Section 2.1(1) and ordered demolished unless the order is based on competent sworn
testimony and it is found that in fairness and in justice there is no way other than
demolition reasonable to correct such nuisance.
Section 3.13: Notice of Intent to Demolish; A copy of any order or resolution J V
requiring abatement by. demolition under Section 3.4 or 3.8 shall be forthwith recorded_
with the Alameda County Recorder.
Section 4.1: Record of Cost of Abatement. The City Manager shall keep an account of
the cost, including incidental expenses, of abating such nuisance on each separate lot
or parcel of land where the work is done by the City and shall render an itemized report
in writing to the City Council showing the cost of abatement, including the
rehabilitation, demolition or repair of said property, including any salvage value
relating thereto; provided that before said report is submitted to the City Council, a
copy of the same shall be posted for at least five (5) days upon or in front of such
property, together with a notice of the time when said report shall be heard by the City
Council for confirmation. A copy of said report and notice shall be served upon the
owners of said property in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3 at least five
(5) calendar days prior to submitting the san'le to the City Council. Proof of said
posting and service shall be made by affidavit filed with the City Clerk.
Section 4.2: Assessment Lied. The total cost for abating such nuisance, as so
confirmed by the City Council, shall constitute a special assessment against the
respective lot or parcel of land to which it relates, and upon recordation in the office
of the County Recorder of a Notice of Lien, as so made and confirmed, shall constitute a
lien on said property for the amount of such assessment.
After such confirmation and recordation, a certified copy of the Council's decision
shall be filed with the Alameda County Auditor-Controller on or before August 1 of each
year, whereupon it shall be the duty of said Auditor-Controller to add the amounts of
the respective assesssments to the next regular tax bills levied against said respective
lots and parcels of land for municipal purposes and thereafter said amounts shall be
collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes are
collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure and sale in
case of delinquency as provided for ordinary municipal taxes. All laws applicable to
the levy, collection and enforcement of municipal taxes shall be applicable to such
special assessment.
In the alternative, after such recordation, such lien may be foreclosed by judical or
other sale in the manner and means provided by law.
Such Notice of Lien for recordation shall be in form substantially as follows:
(Claim of City of Dublin)
Pursuant to the authority vested by the provisions of Section of Dublin
Ordinance No. the City Planager of the City of Dublin did on or about the
day of 19_, cause the property hereinafter described to be
rehabilitated or the building or structure oil the property hereinafter described,
to be repaired or demolished in order to abate a public nuisance oil said real
property; and the City Council of the City of Dublin did on the day of
19—, assess the cost of such rehabilitation, repair or demolitions upon
the real property hereinafter described; and the same has not been paid nor ally
p'an`t thereof; and that _aid City of Dublin does hereby L _m a lien on such
rehabilitation, repair, or demolition in the amount of said assessment, to wit:
the sum of $ and the same, shall be a lien upon said real property
until the same has been paid in full and discharged of record.
The real property hereinabove mentioned, and upon which a lien is claimed, is that
certain parcel of land lying and being in the City of Dublin, County of Alameda,
State of California, and particularly described as follows:
Dated this day of 19_
City Manager, City of Dublin°
Section 5.1: Alternative Actions Available; Violation and Infraction. Nothing in this
Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the Council from ordering the commencement of a
civil proceeding to abate a public nuisance pursuant to applicable law or from pursuing
any other remedy available under applicable law. Violation of the provisions of this
Ordinance constitues an infraction. The City Manager is designated as the enforcment
Section 5.2: Violation and Penalties.
(a) Any person, firm, 'or corporation violating or causing, or permitting to be violated
any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an infraction.
(b) Any person, firm, or corporation convicted of an infraction under the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be punishable upon a first conviction of a fine not more than
$100.00, and for a second conviction within a period of one year by a fine of not
more than $200.00, and for a third or any subsequent conviction within a one-;ear
period by a fine of not more than $500.00. Any violation beyond the third
conviction within a one-year period may be charged by the District Attorney as a
misdemeanor and the penalty for conviction of the same shall be subject to a fine
or imprisonment or both not to exceed the limits set forth in California Penal Code
Section 19.
(c) Each person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of a separate offense for each
and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this
Ordinance is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be
punishable accordingly.
(d) The City manager shall have the power to designate by written order that particular
officers or employees shall be authorized to enforce particular provisions of this
Ordinance. Officers or employees so designated shall have the authority to arrest
persons who violate any of said provisions.
Section 5.3: Effective Da,.a and Posting of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall take`eff-4-,
and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk
of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3)
public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 35933 of the Government
Code of the State of California.
OF Marcli , 1983.
AYES: Councilinembers llegarty, Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder
and Mayor Jeffery
VOES: None
PBSE21T: None
Mayo' �• /
J .
City Clerk