HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.5 Bldg Law Enforcement Contract Review CITY OF DUBLIN q�45- AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 21 , 1988 SUBJECT Taugher & Associates, Inc. , Building Law Enforcement Services Contract Evaluation EXHIBITS ATTACHED 1 ) Current Agreement for Building Law Enforcement Services 2) 1987 Amendment to Agreement 3) 1988 Proposed Amendment to Agreement 4) Memoranda from Vic Taugher dated March 16 & 28 , 1988 and attachments 5) Building Law Enforcement Services Contract Evaluation Form RECOMMENDATION 4\ 0: 1 ) Review performance of Taugher & Associates 2) Approve Amendment to Agreement and authorize Mayor to execute said Agreement FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Below DESCRIPTION Taugher & Associates has provided the following services to the City : 1 ) Administration of the Building & Safety Department ; 2) Plan Checking ; 3) Building Inspection; 4) Housing Code Enforcement ; 5) Zoning Enforcement. Contract Review The City annually evaluates contracts for the purpose of: 1) reviewing the performance of the Contractor during the previous year ; 2) identifying any areas where the service might be improved; and 3) evaluating the cost- effectiveness of the contract . Attached to the Agenda Statement is a Contract Evaluation Form for Building Law Enforcement Services . The City Manager has utilized the criteria in the evaluation form to complete the following evaluation of Building Law Enforcement Services : Contract Compliance Has the Contractor complied with the conditions set forth in the Agreement in the following areas? Plan Review - Yes Building Inspection - Yes Zoning Enforcement - Yes Housing Code Enforcement - Yes Availability Has the Contractor been- adequately available to the public , developers , builders and staff , i . e. , adequate office hours? The Building & Safety Department Business Office is open from 8: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. , 5 days a week . During this time , there is always someone available to handle permit applications and answer common building and safety questions . The office hours of the Building Official are typically 8: 00 a.m. to 12:00 noon , Monday through Friday. The office hours for the Building Inspection Staff are typically 8 :00 a .m. through 10 :00 a .m. , Monday through Friday . Appointments can be made with the Building Official and Building Inspector to discuss more detailed and complex building issues . The City Manager ' s Office has received few complaints regarding the adequacy of the office hours for the Building & Safety Department . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ! The Zoning Investigator ' s regular hours are 8 :00 a .m. to 5 :00 p .m. , Monday and Tuesday . A total of approximately 960 hours are proposed for Fiscal Year 1988-89 . Responsiveness Has Contractor processed plans , made inspections and responded to inquiries within a reasonable time? In Staff ' s view, the Contractor has performed on a timely basis . Although we have received an occasional complaint , we have received many more positive comments from the development community , as well as residents . A few of these positive written communications have been attached to the Memorandum from Vic Taugher dated March 16, 1988. Inter-Departmental Coordination Does the Contractor make an effort to work with other City Departments in the coordination of common projects? The Contractor has met, on a regular basis , with the City Manager and other Departmental Managers to discuss inter-departmental issues . In addition , during Fiscal Year 1987-88 , the Building Official assisted in the review of the Civic Center plans which added a great deal of workload for the Building Official . He has also closely coordinated his review of the Residential & Commercial Sprinkler Ordinance with the Fire Department . Public Relations Does Contractor ' s action result in complaints regarding the professionalism or courtesy exercised by Contractor? As indicated above , given the nature of the service provided and the broad range of situations that the Department must encounter , it ' s my belief that the overall public relations for the Building & Safety Department has been excellent. Once again, this is evidenced by positive phone calls and written communications that my office has received regarding their service. Cost Effectiveness Are the costs of services managed effectively and kept within the revenue generated by the function? Is the contract still the most cost-effective means of providing Building & Safety Services? The cost of services provided by Taugher & Associates for Fiscal Years 1983-84 through 1986-87 , as well as the Budget - for Fiscal Year 1987-88 are identified below: TAUGHER & ASSOCIATES COST FOR SERVICES Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimated 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 Administration $18 , 308 $13 ,031 $13 , 500 $20, 028 $20, 777 Plan Review 20 , 709 55 , 697 47 , 926 62 , 635 77 , 657 Building Regulations 36 , 954 73 , 981 96 , 291 123, 898 180 , 050 Total Bldg & Safety $75 , 971 $142 , 709 $157 , 717 $206 , 561 $278 , 484 Zoning Enforcement 15 , 885 19 , 424 28 , 535 61 , 221 38 , 522 Total Taugher & Assoc . $91 , 856 $162 , 133 $186, 252 $267 , 782 $317 ,006 Contract Cost In addition to the cost of services provided by Taugher & Associates , the City also incurred the following direct costs related to the support of the the Building & Safety function : Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimated 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 Building & Safety Support Services $24, 549 $30, 612 $319435 $38 , 550 $40, 252 The total costs attributable to the Building & Safety function , exluding overhead costs are shown below: Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimated 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 Contract Bldg/Safety Costs $75, 971* $142, 709 $157 , 717 $206, 561 $289,000 City Support Costs 24 , 549 30,612 31 ,435 38 , 550 40, 252 Total Bldg/Safety Costs $100, 520 $173 , 321 $189, 152 $245 , 111 $329 , 252 Total Revenue 334, 952 320,059 400, 961 567 , 615 527 ,000 Difference +$234 ,432 +$146, 738 +$211 , 809 +$322, 504 +$197, 748 # Includes 11 months of Contract Service . In any event , the fees charged by Taugher & Associates have remained within the Building Permit fee structure which has not changed since incorporation . Contract Vs. City Building & Safety Services Shown below are the historical costs and hours worked for the Building Official and Building Inspection/Zoning Enforcement Services (combined) from 1983-84 to 1987-88 (Estimated) . Building Offical **Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimated 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 Hours Worked 742 1122 942 1189.5 1360.5 Cost $42, 564 $68, 727 $61 ,426 $82, 859 $98, 434 BUILDING INSPECTION/ZONING ENFORCEMENT **Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimated 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 Hours Worked 1600. 2 2421 . 2 3172 4378 4841 .5 Cost $57 ,642 $93, 404 $124,826 185, 119 $218, 572 #* Since Taugher and Associates contract only covered 11 months of Fiscal Year 1983-84, the hours worked and costs were adjusted to reflect 12 months for purposes of comparison. In order to provide the same level of service with City employees , the following costs would have had to been incurred during Fiscal Year 1987-88. Item Est . Cost 1987-88 ( 1) Building Official $70,000 ( 1 ) Sr . Building Inspector 58, 000 ( 2) Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officers 100, 000 Vehicle Expense 7 , 500 Service & Supply Expense not incurred under contract 2 , 500 Indirect Cost (Addt ' l insurance personnel , finance admin . ) 10,000 Back-up Plan Check coverage in absence of Bldg . Official 29 , 500 $277 , 500 Contract Service Cost $317 ,006 Contract Savings ( $39 , 506) As indicated above , the City would have saved approximately $39, 506 in 1987-88 with in-house Building and Safety function. However , because construction activity may vary from year-to-year , one needs to compare in- house vs . contract Building and Safety Services over time . Shown below is a comparison of savings realized or additional costs which the City would have incurred if Building & Safety Services were provided in-house . Year (Savings)/Cost 1983-84 $40 , 494 1984-85 21 , 067 1985-86 1 , 748 1986-87 (26 , 282) 1987-88* (39, 506) 1988-89* (30, 400) Total ($32,879) # Estimated In reviewing the historical information , Staff has determined that Contract Building & Safety Services are cost effective when construction activity is low or moderate . In years in which construction activity is high (i. e. 1986-87 to 1988-89) , in-house Building & Safety Services are more cost effective. In discussing the potential future construction activity with Building and Planning , it is too early to determine if and when there will be a dip in construction activity between the time construction in the City ' s primary planning area ends and construction in the City ' s extending planning area begins. If by the end of Fiscal Year 1988-89 , construction in the extended planning areas becomes more certain, it is recommended that consideration be given to planning the development of an in-house Building and Safety function in order to achieve greater cost effectiveness. 1988-89 Proposed Contract Taugh.er and Associates has proposed new rates for Fiscal Year 1988-89 as indicated in the March 28, 1988 memorandum from Vic Taugher . The proposed rates upcoming Fiscal Year are as follows : Position Proposed Rate Increase in Rate Building Official $73.50/hr . $3.50/hr (5%) Building Inspector $46 .00/hr . $2. 25/hr (5. 1%) Zoning Investigator $37 . 50/hr . -0- Insurance $16 ,000/yr . -0- The increases proposed by the Contractor appear to be reasonable . Recommendation Based on the overall quality and level of professionalism which has been provided by the Contractor , it is Staff ' s recommendation that the City Council review the performance of the Contractor and approve an amendment to the Contractor ' s existing Agreement for Fiscal Year 1988-89. AGREEMENT FOR BUILDING LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1st day of August 1983 , by and between the City of Dublin, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City" , and Taugher & Associates, an Individual, hereinafter referred to as the "Building Official" . W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Building Official has submitted to the City a proposal to provide building law enforcement services to the City; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is advantageous and in the best interest of the City to enter into the Agreement hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, conditions and covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows : 1 . Building Inspection Services . Building Official shall enforce the provisions of the City' s Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Housing Codes ; the City' s Zoning Ordinance; and related State laws . Building Official shall make such inspections and investigations as may be required to effect such enforcement and issue permits as are required by City' s Ordinances and Codes . Such enforcement shall include the duties as set forth in' the Ordinance of the City for the Building Official and in the performance of such work, the employees of the Building Official .shall do the following: a. Plan Review. Building Official shall review the plans prepared by or on behalf of private developers for compliance with applicable State and City ordinances and regulations . Building Oficial shall maintain close liaison with the City's Planning Director in order that the appropriate requirements of the Zoning Ordinance are incorporated within such building plans . Building Official shall arrange review by other appropriate agencies having 'jurisdiction in such matters relative to enforcement of fire codes , sanitation codes and health codes . When satisfied that the appropriate requirements of the City' s codes have been met, Building Official shall issue permits as set forth in such codes . b . Building Inspection. Building Official shall provide building inspection service during the course of construction of private facilities to enforce compliance with the provisions of the applicable State and City ordinances and regulations set forth on the plans for which the permit is issued. In the performance of such duties , Building Official shall provide prompt inspection for each project at the completion of the various stages of construction to determine compliance. C . Zoning Enforcement. Building Official shall provide enforcement of all aspects of the City' s Zoning Ordinance and will make all necessary investigations and follow-up inspections to assure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and the conditions of approval of various variances, conditional use permits , site reviews and other zoning approvals . Enforcement will include preparation of cases for citation hearings and criminal proceedings in municipal court. Building Official shall perform other activities as directed by the City. d. Housing Code Enforcement. Building Official shall enforce the City ' s Housing Code by investigation of complaints regarding sub-standard housing conditions and where necessary, prepare cases for citation hearings, criminal proceedings in municipal court, and civil abatement proceedings . Building Official shall perform other activities as directed by the City. a IN Page 1 e. Facilities for Records . The City shall provide an office for conducting the duties set forth in this Agreement, and shall provide necessary furnishings, telephone, permit forms and codes . Within this office, Building Official shall assemble such records customarily maintained by a City Building Department. Such records shall, at all times, be the property of the City. 2 . Ccllection of Fees . All fees to be collected in connection with the carrying out of the functions set forth above, shall be collected by the City. Building Official shall review the appropriate ordinances and fee schedules in effect by the City, and shall compute the amount of such fees to be collected by the City. 3 . Compensation to Building Official. Building Official shall be compensated monthly for services rendered in accordance with the schedule contained on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto. 4 . General Conditions . a. Avoidance of Conflicts . During the life of this Agreement, Building Official shall not provide services to any client for a project which requires any permit or approval from the City. b. Compliance with Laws . Building Official, his agents and employees, shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of the State, County, the City of Dublin, and all governing bodies having jurisdiction applying to work done or to be done under the Agreement. C . Insurance and Indemnification. Building Official shall assume liability and pay all costs of defense, including legal fees and court costs, and hold the City harmless from loss, damages , costs or expenses caused by any negligent or wrongful acts , errors, or omissions of Building Official' s officers, employees and agents which may occur in the performance of the terms , duties and obligations of this Agreement. Building Official shall provide a certificate of insurance to the City, to be included as part of this Agreement, which will give evidence of general liability insurance of not less than $1,000, 000 .00 for personal injury, accidental death and property damage; and further provide to the City a Certificate of Insurance, which gives evidence of automobile liability insurance coverage of not less than $1, 000 , 000 . 00 for personal injury and accidental death, and $50, 000 . 00 for property danage per occurrence. City shall be named as an additional insured in any such liability insurance policy. Building Official shall pay all premiums for said insurance . Building Official shall also provide the City with a certificate of insurance, to be included as part of this Agreement, which will give evidence that Building Official ' s employees are covered by worker' s compensation insurance . All certificates of insurance which are a part of this Agreement shall be approved by the City Manager and City Attorney as to form and content . d. Assignability . Building Official shall not assign this contract without prior written consent of the City. e . Clerical Support. City agrees to provide adequate clerical support to the Building Department function as mutually agreed upon by City and Building Official . f . Subcontractor . The name, background and experience of any and every firm to which any work outlined in these specifications is to be sub-contracted by the person or firm to which the' prime agreement is awarded must be submitted to the City Manager for his approval . Unless a sub-contract is approved by the City Manager, the holder of the prime agreement must do all the work outlined in these specifications , using his own equipment and personnel . It must be clearly understood that the holder of the prime agreement, Page 2 irrespective of approved sub-contract, will b Id entirely responsible for the quality and quantity c._ work to be done under the terms of the agreement. No sub-contract to do any work outlined in these specifications is to run longer than one year, and the extension or renewal of any such sub-contract agreement can only be made with the approval of the City Manager. The agreement will not be assignable in whole or part, without the express written approval of the City Manager. 5 . Responsible Individual. The individual directly responsible for the performance of the duties of Building Official as hereabove set forth shall be Victor L. Taugher, a California Registered Civil Engineer, License #9556, and Fire Protection Engineer License #911. Upon mutual agreement and direction of the City Manager, Building Official may substitute other individuals in the above capacity as responsible individual. 6 . Term of Agreement. a. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective until terminated. This Agreement may be cancelled by the City, upon thirty (30) days advance written notice. This Agreement may be cancelled by Building Official upon ninety (90) days advance written notice. b. Notices . Any written notices to the parties hereto shall be sufficient if they are deposited in the United States Post Office, in envelopes, postage prepaid by registered or certified mail addressed as follows : City: City of Dublin PO Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 Building Official: Taugher & Associates 18681 Vineyard Road Castro Valley CA 94546 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate at Dublin, California, the day and. year first above written. CITY OF DUBL- By M or ATTEST: City C e k TAUGHER & ASSOCIATES BY /. Page 3 EXHIBIT A RATE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION FEE RATE PER HOUR Building Inspector $ 43.75 Inspection 43.75 Housing & Zoning Enforcement 43.75 Plan Checking (Residential & Non Structural Commercial & Industrial P1an .Checking) 43.75 'Principal Building Official , Inspection 43.75 Housing &Zoning Enforcement 43.75 Plan Checking (Complex Residential, Commercial & Industrial Buildings) 70.00 .Supervision & Administration •70. 00 ** Zoning Investigator Zoning Enforcement 37.50 This rate schedule will be effective for the period beginning on August 1, 1987 and ending on July 31, 1988. The rates will be adjusted thereafter annually, as mutually agreed upon by the Building Official and the City of Dublin. In the event that the Building Official is requested to perform services in excess of forty (40) hours in any one (1) week, or in the event that there is an emergency requirement for the services of the Building Official and the City is reimbursed for said services, the Building Official shall be compensated at 1 1/2 times the above hourly rate.s . Standard rates will apply for Building Official ' s attendance at Planning Commission and City Council meetings . * An additional insurance surcharge of $3 . 00/hour not to exceed the actual increased 1986-87 and 1987-88 insurance premium costs or $16, 000, whichever is less . ** Supervision duties include review and coordination of work performed by Inspectors and clerical support staff. Administrative duties include City Council and Commission meeting attendance when requested, meetings with applicants and developers, inter-agency coordination and coordination with Staff, development of office procedures , operations , etc . CITY OF DUBLIN AND TAUGHER & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR BUILDING LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Taugher & Associates , Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "BUILDING OFFICIAL") , first entered into an Agreement August 1 , 1983 to provide Building Law Enforcement, Services to the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the fees established in Exhibit A of the original agreement were to be annually reviewed and adjusted as mutually agreed upon by the Building Official and the City; and WHEREAS, an adjustment of fees for services has been made by the City on an annyual basis in the past;: and WHEREAS, the City wishes to continue contracting for services from Building Official; and WHEREAS, an adjustment of fees for services rendered is desired by both the City and Building Official. NOW, THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION I. ADJUSTMENT OF RATES The Taugher & Associates, Inc. hourly rate schedule (Exhibit A) shall replace the rate schedule which was adopted by the City Council and became effective August 1 , 1987. The change in rate shall be effective August 1. 1988 and shall continue in effect until rescinded or amended by the City Council , according to the provisions of the agreement. CITY OF DUBLIN Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk TAUGHER & ASSOCIATED, INC. Victor L. Taugher EXHIBIT A RATE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION FEE RATE PER HOUR* Building Inspector $ 46.00 Inspection 46.00 Housing & Zoning Enforcement 46.00 Plan Checking (Residential & Non Structural Commercial & Industrial Plan Checking) 46.00 Principal Building Official Inspection 46.00 Housing & Zoning Enforcement 46.00 Plan Checking (Complex Residential, Commercial & Industrial Buildings) 73.50 Supervision & Administration 73.50 Zoning Investigator Zoning Enforcement 37.50 This rate schedule will be effective for the period beginning on August 1 , 1988 and ending on July 31 , 1989. The rates will be adjusted thereafter annually, as mutually agreed upon by the Building Official and the City of Dublin. In the event that the Building Official is requested to perform services in excess of forty (40) hours in any one (1) week, or in the event that there is an emergency requirement for the services of the Building Official and the City is reimbursed for said services, the Building Official shall be compensated at 1 1/2 times the above hourly rates. Standard rates will apply for Building Official ' s attendance at Planning Commission and City council meetings . An additional insurance surcharge of $3.00/hour not to exceed the actual increased 1988-89 insurance premium costs or $16,000, whichever is less. Supervision duties include review and coordination of work performed by Inspectors and clerical support staff. Administrative duties include City Council and Commission meeting attendance when requested , meetings with applicants and developers , inter-agency coordination and coordination with Staff , development of office procedures, operations , etc . Taugher and Associates, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O.BOX 20232 AREA CODE 413 18681 VINEYARD ROAD 537.2283 CASTRO VALLEY,CALIFORNIA 94546 March 16, 1988. To: Richard Ambrose, City Manager From: Victor Taugher, Building Official Subject: Building Inspection Department 1986-87 Year End Report During the past year construction has continued to increase. The attached activity report indicates the increases. The following major projects have been completed or are mear completion. 1 . Beck Homes Tract 2. Castle Construction Tract 3. Estate Homes Tract 4. Coral Gate Condos 5. Automation Electronics Office, Phase II 6. Hexel Laboratory Addition 7. Valley Valvo Dealership 8. Admiral Van & Storage In addition the following has been accomplished : 1 . Completion of the abatement of the Nichandros property 2. Developement and adoption of an infraction ordinance and procedures 3. Adoption of a swimming pool fencing and house numbering ordinances 4. Survey of all illegal and non-conforming signs and send- ing notices to owners of all illegal signs In closing I want to express my appreciation to you and the City Councit for the support recerived. It is gratifying to know that the City of Dublin supports strong enforcement of Building Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance. BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 1986-87 ACTIVITY REPORT 1984 - 85 1985 - 86 1986 - 87 Building Regulation Valuation $35,085,685 $ 48,871 ,059 $56,724, 129 Permit fees 330,560 403,510 576,615 Permits issued 728 868 1 , 193 Inspections 3,924 5,509 6,542 Days worked 249 253 297.5 Hours in field 1 ,433.25 1 ,706.6 2, 157.55 Hours/day 5.76 6.96 7.25 Inspector office hrs. 492.4 627.35 636.45 Hours/day 1 .98 2.48 2. 14 Inspections/day 15.8 21.77 21 .99 Inspections/hour 2.7 3.13 3.03 Inspections/permit 5. 1 6.35 5.48 Contract cost $ 142 , 709 $ 157 , 717 $206 , 561 Cost/inspection $36.37 $28.63 $31 .57 Zoning Enforcement Violations or complaints Cases pending 61 107 91 Cases received 177 225 232 Cases closed 131 241 208 Cases pending 107 91 115 Investigations 384 1092 1573 Hours in field 103.5 189 323 Office hours 326.5 551 .5 1258 Hours/investigation 1 . 1 .68 .94 Contract Cost $19,424 $28,535 $61 ,222 Cost/inspection 50.56 26. 13 38.92 Tau her and Associates Inc. MAR 2 81988 g Q/TY OF DUB CONSULTING ENGINEERS r,A P.O.BOX 20232 AREA CODE 418 18881 VINEYARD ROAD 537.2288 CASTRO VALLEY.CALIFORNIA 94548 MEMORANDUM March 28, 1988. To : Richard Ambrose , City Manager From: Victor L. Taugher, Building Official i Subject: 1987 - 88 Contract Review and 1988 - 89 Proposal for Services 1 . Proposed 1988 - 89 contract A. Proposed Rates It is proposed that the basic rate for inspection services be increased as follows: Current Rate Proposed Rate Building Official $ 70.00 $ 73.50 Building Inspector 43.75 46.00 Zoning Investigator 37.50 37.50 City subsidy for liability Insurance 16,000.00 16,000.00 The proposed increase for Building Official and Building Inspector is approximately 5 %. No increase is proposed for the Zoning Investigator. B. Insurance I have discussed insurance rates with my broker. It is too early to obtain definite information, but it is estimated that the cost will be $60,000.00 this year . The following is the cost of my errors and omissions insurance with the City Contributions : 1985-85 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Insurance cost $28,645 $40,067 $46,320.77 $60,000 City Cost 0 12,000 16,000 Increase 25.865 11 , 422 6,554 13,679 of increase paid by city 0 105% 61% It is requested that the City subsidize insurance costs this year in the amount of $ 16, 000.00 with the insurance surcharge to be at the rate of $3.00 per hour. C. Staffing Levels Staffing levels projection for next year are as follows : Actual • Budget Proposed 1987 - 88 1987 - 88 1988 - 89 (8 months) Bldg. Official (hrs) 1047.5 1014 1000 Bldg. Inspector 2583.3 4536 4250 Zon. Investigator 666 960 960 The following projects are about to begin in the order listed 1 . Kildara (Morrison Honmes) 174 Units 2. Pulte Homes 25 homes 3. Standard Pacific 132 units 4. Alamo Creek Village 1 56 units 5. Bordaux Estates 21 homes 6. Valley. Christian Center Classrooms & gym 7. Restaurant issued July 30, 1987 to beat school development fees. Later in the year the following projects will come on line 1 . Heritage Commons 230 units 2. Alamo Creek (Village 3, 4 or 5) 3. Albertson Addition Grocery store 4. Rainbow Investment Commercial bldg. 5 . Public Storage Mini storage 6. Scottsman Office and shop These projects will require the above staffing levels. D. Changes in Work Method We are looking foreward to an automated land information system and permit system which hopefully will be up and running in 1989-90. E. Agreement amendment Attached is a revised Rate Schedule. 2. 1987 - 88 Contract Review A. 1986 - 87 Fiscal Year Report_ — Tttache-d is- Ch—el 986 - 87 Fiscal Year report of Building Inspection gepartment Activity. B. Statistical projection 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Bldg. Permit revenue $ 567,615 $ 535,000 & 340,000 Bldg . Valuation 56,724,129 63,000,000 45 ,000,000 Permits 1,193 1 , 100 800 Inspections (Bldg) 6,542 9,000 8,400 if (Zon. ) 1 ,573 1 ,700 1 ,700 Residential units completed 196 500 450 Zoning investigations 1,573 1 ,700 1 ,700 Cases pending beginning of year 91 115 105 New cases* 232 250 250 Cases closed 208 260 260 Cases pending ending of year 115 105 95 C. Self Evaluation Building Inspection Services have been provided in a timely manner in the last year. In July an influx of permits were submitted in order to beat the imposition of School Developement Fees . These permits were processed so that all applications affected were issued prior to the deadline. Services are being provided efficiently as indicated by the statistical data included in this report. Copies of letters and messages regarding services are also attached. The sign enforcement program is proceeding as scheduled and all illegal signs except for 16 properties have been corrected. Notices regarding non-conforming signs have gone out and enforcement will begin next spring. Enforcement of the Property maintenance ordinance will bring new challenges and successes. In conclusion, I believe that Contract performance has been carried out in an exemplary manner. 3 D. Cost of Service Actual 1986-87 Budget 1987-88 Cost Administration & Plan Review $ 82,859.00 $ 71 ,000.00 Bldg . Inspection 123,702.00 198,000.00 Bldg. & Safety Contract Cost $ 206,561 .00 $ 269,000.00 Zoning Enforcement $ 61 ,222.00 $ 36,000.00 Insurance Surcharge $ 16,000.00 Total Contract Cost $ 267,783.00 $ 321 ,000.00 City Support 37, 198.00 42.252.00 $ 304,981 .00 $ 363.898.00 Hours Bldg. Official 1192.5 1014 Bldg. Inspection 2794 4536 Zoning Investigation 1581 960 included in above costs 4 FRANK RUPERT BRYANT - ARCHITECT 1533 NORTH MAIN STREET WALNUT CREEK. CA 94596 TELEPHONE: 14151 945-6538 5 August 1987 �� �, ' iy;� !,(Jlh G Mr. Victor Taugher City of Dublin Der Building Inspection Department T 6500 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Vic, On behalf of the Owner, Douglas Bradford & Associates, I would like to thank you and your staff for your cooperation and assistasnce in enabling us to obtain a building permit for 6000 Dougherty Road. With your help, we were able to meet the deadline imposed upon the Owner by his lending Institution and proceed with the project . Again , thank you for your assistance. Since ly i ,7e Michael Corrick Project Architect January 11 , 1988 RECE lye p Mr . Richard Ambrose VAN 13 City Manager Cry OF D1N City Of Dublin 6500 Dublin Blvd. Dublin . Ca 94568 Re : Mr . Robert White City Inspection Dept . Dear Mr . Ambrose: This Is Just a short note to let you know how helpful and courteous Mr . White has been . My husband and I have a problem with a neighbor and his swimming pool and " falling down° fence . In trying to correct this problem Mr . White has been very helpful , courteous and patient . We appreciate his .professional conduct and thought It appropriate to inform you of it . Mr . White Is the only City employee we have ever had any direct contact with and If he is a good example of Dublin City employees. then we commend you for your staffing. Sincerely . A - V Mrs. Jan Guc ke Mr . & Mrs . Harold D. Gurske • 6686 Ebensburg Lane Dublin , Ca 94568 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Cece Farias ob ar. de Roque FRO ichard C. Ambrose, City Manager DA November 12, 1987 Very seldom do people who work with our Staff take the opportunity to express their appreciation for the hard work. and professionalism displayed by our Staff. I want to personally let you know how much I appreciate your efforts, not only with respect to Janet Heffington's individual situation, but to the high quality of work that you provide for the City on a day-to-day basis. I am glad to have you on the City of Dublin Staff team. Keep up the good work! RCA:kk cc: C. Farias Personnel File Taugher & Associates, Inc. , Contract File City Council Richard C . Ambrose 6500 Dublin Blvd . Room 205 OAT, 2 3 1987 Dublin , CA. 94568 rz ,pr October 21 , 1987 Mr. Ambrose : For the last year I have had construction in progress at the property located at 7816 Shannon Ave , Dublin . This project. was through Alameda County Housing & Development . Unfortunately for all I have not had a good contractor. When this job started BOB WHITE was the inspector . Had it not been for his careful inspection and rechecking what the contractor said was done I think we would have had a real mess . Toward the end of the job EARL DeROQUE has been the inspector. The above statements regarding WHITE also apply to DeROQUE. This contractor has tried to pull every trick in the book , not withstanding putting the outlet for the stove in the kitchen drawer. The job had 30 day completion and is now nearing a year . Again I cannot say enough for your two inspectors and had it not been for their diligence and knowledge I would have had a very unsafe home . I further wish to bring to your attention CeCe Farios whose help was outstanding . I have had to make many visits to the office and have talked with her many times . I needed original home/tract documents which she was able to find for me. I request that you commend WHITE , DeROQUE and FARRIOS for a fine job and let them know they are appreciated . I further request that you place a copy of this letter in each of their personnel files with a written commendation . Thank you for a fine staff . /J . L . Heffington 0 1 N 'Yti AJ •trt. 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Availability (Has Contractor been adequately available to the public, developers, builders and staff? i.e, adequate office hours ) Yes Most of the time No Comments 3 . Responsiveness ( Has contractor processed plans, made inspections and responded to inquiries within a reasonable time? ) Yes Most of the time No Comments 4 . Cost Effectiveness (Are cost of services managed effectively and kept within revenue generated by function? ) Yes No Comments r � �� 1a 5 . Interdepartmental Coordination (Does Contractor make an effort to work with other City Departments in the coordination of common projects?) Yes Most of the time No Comments 6 . Public Relations (Does contractor 's actions result in complaints regarding the professionalism or courtesy exercised by contractor?) Comments 7 . Overall Evaluation Comments a