HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3 TassajaraCreekPDRez CITY CLERK
File # 450-30
PUBLIC HEARING: PA 00-036 Tassajara Creek Phase II-
Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc., Planned Development
Rezone (Stage 2 Development Plan)
seeport erepa~d by: carol ci~dzi, S~nior Vl~n~ (,,teC,'
Ordinance approving the Planned Development Rezone, and
a Stage 2 Development Plan
Open Public Hearing and hear Staff Presentation
Take testimony from the Applicant and the Public
Question Staff, Applicant and the Public
Close Public Hearing
Waive second reading and adopt the Ordinance approving
the Planned Development Rezone and Stage 2 Development
On March 20, 2001, the City Comacil approved the Planned Development Rezone and Stage 2
Development Plan for the Tassajara Creek Phase II Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc. residential
project located on the former Yarra Yarra Ranch, on the west side of Tassaj ara Road, north of the
Casterson Development (Tassajara Meadows). The Stage 2 Development Plan is a more detailed project-
level development plan that outlines specific permitted and conditional uses, development standards for
site planning and architecture, preliminary landscape plan, school mitigation and creek improvements.
There were no public comments made at the March 20th hearing.
g:\pa 00-036\CC Staff Report 4-3-01
Property Owner
PA File
Staff recommends that the City Council waive the second reading and adopt the Ordinance approving the
Platted Development Rezone and Stage 2 Development Plan.
g:\pa 00-036\CC staff report 4-3-01
LOCATED AT 5374 TASSAJARA ROAD (APN: 986-0002-002-02) TO A
(PA 00-036)
WHEREAS, Patrick Costanzo, Jro, on behalf of. Marjorie Koller and Carolyn
Adams (Applicant/Developer), has requested approval of a Planned Development
Rezone, Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase II, a Vesting Tentative Map and a Site
Development Review (Exhibit A to Attachment 1 of the 3-20-01 City Council Staff
Report) to allow for the subdivision of a 7°96 acre parcel of land into 46 residential
lots and for the construction of 46 single family residential units, with public and
private open space, and a regional trail along the Tassajara Creek stream corridor, in
the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan area; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant/Developer has submitted a Stage 2 Development
Plan as required by Chapter 8.32 of Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code which
meets the requirements of said Chapter; and
WHEREAS, the City Council approved a General Plan Amendment/Specific
Plan Amendment (Resolution 32 -00); Stage 'l Planned Development Zoning District
(Ordinance 7-00); and a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring
Program (Resolution 31-00) for the subject application on March 7, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the project site will be rezoned from the Stage 1 Planned
Development (PA 98-062) (Ordinance 7-00) to a new Stage 2 Planned Development
Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the
City has found that the project is within the scope of the certified Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Program EIR (Program EIR) and the approved Mitigated Negative
Declaration (MND) for the PA 98-062 Tassajara Creek project. Both the Program EIR
and the MND adequately describes the impacts of the proposed project, and there have
been no substantial changes or new information which would necessitate supplementing
the Program EIR or MND pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21166 and CEQA
guidelines Section 15162. The project as proposed, conditioned and mitigated will not
have a significant environmental effect (City Council Resolution 31 - 00); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public
hearing on said application on March 13, 2001, and did adopt Resolution recommending
that the City Council approve the Planned Development Rezoning and a Stage 2
Development Plan for Phase II for PA 00-036; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on
March 20, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City
Council approve the application; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8032.070 and 8.1200050 of the Dublin
Municipal Code, the City Council makes the following findings:
1o The proposed Planned Development Zoning District meets the intent and
purpose of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance because it provides a Stage 2
Development Plan for Phase II of the Tassajara Creek - Greenbriar Homes
Commtmities, Inc, residential project that will create a desirable use of land and an
environment that will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential
development in surrounding areas because the site plan has been designed to be
compatible with the proposed and approved plans in the vicinity, including the Tassajara
Creek open space area and regional trail and future residential homes approved to the
east and south oft he project° Adequate setbacks and complementary architectural
designs and landscaping proposed in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for
Phase II, have been specially designed to provide an attractive living environment°
2o The project site is physically suitable for type and intensity of this
residential project in that it is flat, has adequate access and is of a sufficient size to
provide housing as well as open space for the future residents of the project.
3o The proposed Planned Development Rezone, the Stage 2 Development
Plan for Tassajara Creek Phase II, will not adversely affect the health or safety of
persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety
or welfare because the Stage 2 Development Plan for Tassajara Creek Phase II, have
been designed in accordance with the City of Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan and Program EIR and Addenda and the adopted Mitigated Negative
Declaration for PA 98-062. Additionally, project specific analysis has determined that
the project's design is sensitive to biological features on site and to proposed
surrounding land uses.
4o The proposed Stage 2 Development Plan for Tassajara Creek Phase II, is
consistent with all elements and policies of the Dublin General Plan and the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan because the project is within, and consistent with, the density range
of the Medium Density Residential designation of both the City of Dublin General Plan
· Land Use Element and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan (as amended), and because it
conforms to the elements and policies of those plans through the provision of
archaeological and historic protection, erosion and siltation control policies, open space
and wildlife habitat protection required by the Land Use, Parks and Open Space and
Conservation Elements and the Eastern Dublin Comprehensive Steam, Restoration
Program, roadways consistent with the Circulation Element, adequate public facilities as
required by the Schools, Public Lands and Utilities Element, housing as desired by the
Housing Element, and safe design as required by the Seismic Safety and Safety Element,
WItEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and
consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth°
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City. of Dublin does ordain as
Pursuant to Chapter 8°32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City
of Dublin Zoning Mapis amended to rezone the following property ("the Property") to a
Planned Development Zoning District:
Approximately 7096 acres generally located on Yarra Yarra Ranch on the
West side of Tassaj ara Road, north of the Casterson development in the
Eastern Dublin Specific Planning area, more specifically described as
Assessor's Parcel Number 986-0002-002-02,A map of the Property is
outlined below:
Tassa]ara CPeek
Phase Z] PA O0-
PD Rezone Stage
The regulations of the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the
Property are set forth in the Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase II, (Exhibit A to
Attachment 1 ) which are hereby approved. Any amendments to Stage 2 Development
Plan for Phase II, shall be in accordance with section 8o32.080 of the Dublin Municipal
Code or its successors.
Except as provided in the Stage 1 Development Plan for the entire Tassajara
Creek residential project and the Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase II, the use,
development, improvement and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the
provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days from and after
the date of its passage, The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance
to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with
Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of Califomia.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Dublin this 3rd day of April, 2001, by the following vote:
City Clerk
Approved as to form
City Attorney
g:XPA00 036\PD Ordinance
INC~ - Tract #7279
This is a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Ordinance for the
Greenbriar Land Company Tassajara Creek development located on Yarra Yarra Ranch
on the west side of Tassajara Road, noah of the Casterson Development, The
Development Plan consists of:
1, A Stage 2 Development Plan for Tassajara Creek Phase lI.
The Stage 2 Development Plan meets the requirements of Section 8.32,040,B of the
Zoning Ordinance and consists of the following:
Statement of compatibility with the Stage 1 Development Plan.
Statement of proposed uses,
Stage 1 and 2 Site Plano
Site area, proposed densities and phasing plan,
Development regulations,
Architectural standards,
Preliminary Landscaping PIano
Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements,
School Mitigation Agreement,
Creek improvements°
Compliance with PUD plans
Statement of compatibility with the Stage 1 Development Plan.
The Stage 2 Development Plan for the second phase of the Tassajara Creek project is
consistent with the Stage 1 Development Plan that was approved for the entire Tassajara
Creek project (Phase I and II) (PA 98-062).
2, Statement of proposed uses.
Ao PD - Medium Density Residential
Permitted Uses:
Phase II
ao Single-family dwellings,
Conditional Uses:
1. Phase II
As provided for in the regulations and procedures of the
R-1 Zoning District,
Accessory Uses:
1. Phases IIo As provided for in the regulations and procedures of the
Zoning Ordinance.
B. PD - Open Space
No land uses are permitted in open space parcels designated on the Site Plan and
related Tentative Map other than a private water line, a public trail, a maintenance
road and any maintenance activities necessary for the private water line, public
trail, creek or maintenance road,
3. Stage 2 Site Plato
The Stage 2 Site Plan consists of Planned Development Plan Sheet 1 of 58 of the project
Development regulations.
The Development Regulations for the Stage 2 Development Plan are as follows:
Single Family Cluster Homes
Lot Size: 2,700 square feet minimum
Front Yard: Front yard setbacks for detached residences should vary for
Setbacks: visual interest, where possible, along through-streets.
Ao Front entry garages 5' minimum
B. Front porch 4' minimum to side yard property line
Co Front of house 8' minimum
(All dimensions shall be from back of right-of-way line.)
Note: Sectional garage doors with automatic openers are required for all
Side Yard Setbacks: 5' minimum; 3' to garage*
* 3' landscape easement to begranted to adjacent lot
Side Yard Setback for Street Side Corner Lot: 8' minimum, 5' minimum to
side entry garage with no parking on apron
Building Separation: 10' minimum
Rear Yard Setbacks: Minimum: 15'
Accessory Structures: Accessory structure setbacks shall be as stated in the
Dublin Zoning Ordinance:
Building Height: 35' maximum, 2 stories
Architectural Projections: Eaves, fireplaces, niches, bay windows,
cantilevered floor area (balconies, second floor overhangs, etc.), porches,
other architectural projections and air conditioning equipment may project
3' into required side yards, but never closer than 2' from the property line,
There shall be a minimum 36" clear on one side yard,
Residential Massing:
Single story elements are encouraged to break up 2-
story massing, The maximum building height shall
be 35 feet,
Each unit shall be provided with a two-car garage
with minimum 19' x 19' clear area and one guest
parking space, Guest parking may be located on
street or in specifically designated guest parking
Traditional Single Family Homes
Lot Dimensions: 50' x 79' minimum
Lot Size: 3,950 square feet minimum
Lot width: 50 feet minimum
Lot depth: 79 feet minimum
Front Yard: Front yard setbacks for detached residences should vary for
Setbacks: visual interest, where possible, along through-streets.
A~ Front entry garages 18' minimum
Bo Front porch 4' minimum to side yard property line
Co Front of house 10' minimum
(All dimensions shall be from back of right-of-way line.)
Note: Sectional garage doors with automatic openers are required for all
Side Yard Setbacks:
5' minimum
Side Yard Setback for Street Side Corner Lot: 10' minimum
Building Separation:
10' minimum
Rear Yard Setbacks:
Minimum: 10' (15' average)
Accessory Structures: Accessory structure setbacks shall be as stated in the
Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
Building Height: 35' maximtun, 2 stories
Architectural Projections: Eaves, fireplaces, niches, .bay windows,
cantilevered floor area (balconies, second floor overhangs, etc.), porches,
other architectural projections and air conditioning equipment may project
3' into required side yards, but never closer than 2' from the property line.
One side yard shall not be obstructed to less than 36 inches.
Residential Mussing: Single story elements are encouraged to break up 2-story
massingo The maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
Parking/Garages: Each unit shall be provided with a two-car garage with
minimum 19' x 19' clear area and two guest parking sp'aces. Guest
parking may be located on street or in specifically designated guest
parking areas.
All Development Regulations in the Stage 2 Development Plan are subject to the
requirements of the R-1 Zoning District unless otherwise specified above.
Architectural standards,
The architectural standards for the Stage 2 Development Plan are established by the
architectural drawings in the project plans received February 16, 2001.
Preliminary Landscaping Plano~ Planned Development Plan Sheets L1 and L2
constitute the Preliminary Landscaping plan.
8o Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements
Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this PD District Rezone,. all
applicable general requirements and procedures of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be
applied to the land uses designated in this PD District Rezone.
9. School Mitigation Agreement
Prior to the effective date of any tentative map approval, the developer shall enter into a
written school mitigation agreement with the Dublin Unified School District. The
mitigation agreement shall establish the level of mitigation necessary, the amount of any
school impact fees, the time of payment of any such fees and shall address such similar
matters to ensure that the impacts of the project on schools are satisfactorily mitigated.
10. Creek improvements
Creek improvemems shall be completed as pm'~ of Phase II prior to the occupancy of any
dwelling units.
11. Compliance with PUD Plans
The project shall substantially comply with the project plans ~d details sho~ in E~ibit
A to ARac~ent 1 except as modified here~no Such project plus ue inco~orated by
Approved as m fo~
City Attorney
g:\pa O0 036\Development Plan