HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Livermore Citizens Advisory Committee AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 22, 1989 REPORT PREPARED BY: Rod Barger, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Final Report on the Livermore Airport Citizens Advisory Committee to the City Council Livermore and Pleasanton EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit A: Excerpts from the Final Report of the Livermore Airport Citizens Advisory Committee Attachment l: Extended Planning Area Map showing impact of 3000' set back from I-580 on Dublin/East Dublin /17 RECOMMENDATION: I�1) Hear Staff presentation. 2) Identify all Council questions pertaining to the Final Report on the Livermore Airport Citizens Advisory Committee. 3) Direct Staff to write a letter to the City of Livermore specifying all Council questions and concerns. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Undetermined DESCRIPTION: I. BACKGROUND Livermore Mayor Dale Turner submitted to the City (for review and comment) the Final Report of the Livermore Airport Citizens Advisory Committee to the City Councils of Livermore and Pleasanton. Staff has read the report and is providing the Council with a summary of the document, inclusive of pertinent excerpts for consideration. The Livermore Airport Citizen Advisory Committee was formed early in 1988 by Pleasanton's Mayor Ken Mercer and Livermore's Mayor Dale Turner. Their intent was to form a committee that could address noise and land use issues applicable to the Livermore Airport and its surrounding environs. Each mayor appointed four citizens from their respective cities to make up the Committee. Once formed, the Committee determined that its duties should be: 1. to recommend measures to mitigate existing noise and land use problems; and 2. to recommend measures to prevent future noise and land use problems. II. ISSUES The Committee held a number of meetings to discuss issues relating to airport land use and noise. The Committee concluded that control of land use is essential in order to prevent future noise problems. Consequently, the Committee' s report make two significant recommendations that impacts Dublin. These are: ------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ITEM NO. :( COPIES TO: File 1. Establish a regional airport advisory committee (reporting directly to the Livermore City Council) to address issues involving the airport and the surrounding region. The Committee would be made up of: - one member of the Dublin City Council - one member of the Livermore Airport Commission- - one member of the Pleasanton City Council - one member of the San Ramon City Council - the Alameda County Supervisor. from this district - one member of LAFCO Staff notes the following questions when considering formation of this airport advisory committee: - How is the Dublin Council person selected? - When will the advisory committee be formed, their first meeting convened and subsequent meetings take place? - What powers will the airport advisory committee have and how will they effect the East Dublin area? - How does the airport advisory committee interact with the Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission? - How long could the airport advisory committee be in operation? - What process will be used to allow affected jurisdictions to review, comment and respond to the actions of the airport advisory committee and any subsequent actions taken by the Livermore City Council? - Will the City of Livermore be formally contacting Dublin regarding recommendations included in the report? Staff posed these questions to Livermore' s Public Works Director. He indicated that he could not provide answers to them at this time because Livermore's City Council should consider them first and hopefully provide responses. Staff recommends that these questions be forwarded to Livermore's City Council for consideration. If the Council has other questions it should state them. 2. The City of Livermore should encourage the City of Dublin to exclude residential development on properties 3000 feet north of Highway I-580 bounded by Santa Rita Road and Collier Canyon Road. Staff notes that this issue could create significant problems in the future for Dublin. At this time, the East Dublin planning effort is considering land use alternatives for the entire General Plan Amendment Study area. It is almost certain that each of the three alternatives presented to the City Council will include residential land uses of varying densities within 3000 feet of I- 580 (between Santa Rita and Collier Canyon Roads) . If this recommendation is somehow enforced, it could negatively effect the entire East Dublin planning effort. In addition, it would be contrary to our General Plan in that our Extended Planning Area map shows consideration of residential development within 3000 feet of I-580 (see Attachment 1) . Staff recommends that the Livermore City Council and the Regional Airport Advisory Committee (once it is formed) be fully advised of Dublin's planning intentions for the East Dublin area and informed of how this recommendation is contrary to our plans for the future. It appears that the Airport Citizen's Advisory Committee would like to maximize the activities of the airport disregarding development potential for the East Dublin area. It also appears that the Committee has not taken the time to contact the City of Dublin to obtain useful information regarding the future of the East Dublin area. In short, Dublin should resist this 3000 foot limitation and call for more acceptable solutions. III CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Council review the excerpts from the Final Plan, identify its questions and concerns and direct Staff to write a letter to the Livermore City Council, specifying those questions and concerns. -2- FINAL REPORT OF THE LIVERMORE AIRPORT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE CITY 'COUNCILS ' OF LIVERMORE AND PLEASANTON — W r— a�,,t�Pr.�;w; pSYre��A1 Lc,-t tam i AC; ""lj PL�sTa,uta�S _ NOVEMBER mid FAA designates the airport air traffic control zones. However, the noise abatement procedures recommended in this report are acceptable to the FAA. The subcommittee flew various traffic patterns, including the proposed 45 degree departure pattern, at the Livermore Airport in order to evaluate their recommendations. To test the patterns as accurately as possible, the plane used was a typical general aviation aircraft and was fully loaded with four passengers. It was a very warm day (which makes it more difficult to gain altitude) , but there was also a brisk wind from the west (which helps an aircraft to gain altitude) . The Committee's proposed traffic patterns were very easy to fly and posed no safety problems during any of the departures. At the end of -our test, we were fully satisfied that our recommendations are realistic and can be adhered to by aircraft that use the Livermore Airport. After re-work of the recorliuendationS by the subcommittee, a final working meeting was held by the Committee. Prior to the meeting, a copy of the recommendation was sent to all Committee members, together with a voting sheet for all items. Replies were receive_= from all but one Committee Member. All replies received were favorable. A mew minor chances were made at the meeting and all present approved the reco.L Uendations. The Committee reco::m-mends teat a noise abate=ment ordinance be developed by t_e-Ci tv c= Li ve_::more. The Committee believes that i" j r r —n-l j v pilots ti.c m:main wc�% �.:� m�i1_2 C... a?1C` fr0:., L 1s for the polZL?Cc_ subdivision that ocerates the airport adcpt an ordinance with ou-_- T"`w'PtY tive measures for those that refuse to cooly. section il. oo. . 1 Noy tive measures 30 c= Livermore Municipal Code provides sucz puni (? "�^: �� A��C�` Q^ �VC,e_-r A,O R_'eJ:. -O � v. \ A,4 1'k.PAr;4S M 4- Discussions were also held concerning land use issues. The Ccni:71tt== concluded that control of land use is essential in order to preve-Z future noise problems . Recommendations were made which related tc Dublin's and Pleasantcn's land uses. The City of Livermore stated that it has no Mans for development that would be adversely irmpacc by the Airport. As a result, the Committee's recommendation relat_c to Livermore lard uses was confined to the purchase of land west c. the airport and hat this lard be zoned for agricultural uses. W kA t\57 b4a\%641_�IAN,S The final revised recom�.nen atlons were prepared showing the chance_ ` that were made and again were mailed to all Cc-=ittee ne-abers, to- gether with a sheet to vcte on all items and return to City Hall in -:. stamped self-addressed envelcpe. other than one member abstaining two items where he felt a conflict of interest, all members vote:; unanimously for the recommendations, esce:.-t *Martin Inde_bitzen,. wrote a letter giving his reasons for not vctinc. His letter er with the Coerdinater's response are included in the Addendum tc this report. Aster a second request, a vote response was receive` from Martin Inderbitzen on September 13 , 1 9SS and is included in -5- • �•• f?,trbZ'�uC.'L1pNS 5�,�4►ti -Y� �L, �_. RED_AHENDATIONS OF AIRPORT Comt,_,.TEE The Committee considered all items broucht before it. There was great deal of discussion, education, and give and take by all the Committee members. They all worked together in a pleasing, and constructive manner. The Committee felt that since the Airport put restrictions on some property's use, that the Airport and its use=s should be a good neighbor and accept some restrictions on their operations . The recommendations reflect this position. The Committee also considered Section 5 cf the City of Pleasanton's Resolution No. 22-117 regarding a need to update the 1925 EIR and concluded that if all recommendations as set forth in the report N=_-= adopted, an update would not be necessary. The Livermore Airport Citizens Advisory Committee recommends the following: 1. Runway 25R, 7L, should be extended 1,250 feet as present?-_: planned to improve safety for landings and departures reduce noise for east departures. This will result in easthound aircraft taking Off sorter, relative to the current runway, than aircraft do 2 . That a 1000 ft. displaced thre-s1acid be constructed on t = east end Of runway 25R to facilitate noise abate_nent cn west der-art.:ures . Deo'uire all j and large tw -_ i n-enci.. aircraft and FirilI Fighter Tvp'e to USE the displaced threshold of Runway 25 . This will result in shorter take-offs relative to t-he current runway. This extension be conditioned on. F.==_ a_proval, and maintainin the existing east clear zone. See Exhibit "D" 3 . That a regional airport advisory co=-:ittee be establ i=_ to be concerned with and report to the Livermore City �- council- concerning issues involving the airpor� and t :_ surrounding region. The coMMittee should consist o': One Me:,ber of Livermore hirzcrt coali-nissicn One Liver ore City Council Person One Pleasanton City Counci 1 Person R� One Dublin City Council Person " Ar.Ac•.�;�n . One San Ra:�on City Council Person la-eda County Supervisor from this district One Member o: L:kFCO (Lcc-=i a" ncy Fe �� •` `' c° rmation C=ission) The Co ttee to T-neet at the call of the chair. ( }a.l U:;1,,,� hew =1oEJ !T -6- • 4 . The tower is requested to have the base leg for runway 7: at or prior to El Charo Road, traffic permitting. 5 . The tcwer is requested to have traffic arriving from the west for runway 7L to proceed via the Santa Rita overpass= weather and traffic permitting. 6 RecorLmend that LAFCO add an Airport noise element as a factor in determining a sphere of influence, when appropriate. 7 . That the Airport be encouraged to communicate with valle jurisdictions and developers to promote compatible development near the Airport. 8 . That the County of Alameda and the City of Pleasanton he encouraged to exclude any residential development east _ resident ` _ c= ial ,develo:ren r (the Meadows area) = _- the exist in g safety and noise reasons: 9 . Tha� L_ve?�1Qre, i n conjunction with_ the FAA, P urchase t'c - �x; land between the Airport and F1 C;I__ Road and main -: that urccerty as agricultural c: other open space uses. 10 . That t_^.e City of Liver-more ercc,._=_e the City of Dublin =_ exclude res i ce_ntial development_ on the property 3 ,000 f z. sort_^. of hiCn aV 7-580 bounder hy Santa Rita Pcad and Collier Canyon _Goad. i 41- results c� L ' 1 , - ,Z 11. Tha: :._ resu_�s of these re� �_:ca�zons be eva_Lated prior to rurthe= consideration c_ az FAA 150 or other V noise study 7 With time delays ?n..c_ent In FAA noise studies, other possible remedies should be attemiptec .F first. 12 . That the City of Pleasanton re-onsicer the development c= the twen.-v homes currently prczcs_d east of the exzst?'c_ resice 'ial development (Cali=cr:,;a Place) . 13 . That 1--he a i rcort COMMission adc_l a prcgra-i o: pilot' education related to noise abate ment procedures and •K practices . 14 . That this Ccmmi ttee meet six r::c;,;`:s after implemental;c- these recommendations to review the effects and re_ncrl. the Citv Councils of Livermore and Pleasanton. M A -7- P McNichols, Mqr'ann; • Seibel & Inde, Izen Ali ' 18 Crow Canyon Court, Suite 395 File NO.: Post Office Box 346 San Ramon, California 94583-0346 Rep;y To: Pleasanton Telephone 415 838 7600 Telecopier 415 838 75�16 CD Vi;!iiarn C; August 21 1988 erlan 0 S� Airport Advisory Commit-tee c/o John Hines City of Livermore Public Works Department G' 1052 S . Livermore ,`.venue Livermore, CA 94550 Gentlemen: I apo 1 os i z e for my inability to attend th last Airport Adv i s or y ccmmittee meetinc . Unfort-unately, the ree:-lnc Cate con-Elict e with my lonS s an d.i n c orior o b 1 i q a c tc Valley "emorial Hospital . I am concerned that we have nct properly our duties and any y of t therefore, unatle to suppo-"- s Cr the proposed orcinance - our task should have been to c-ather facts anA analyze dz�= 0. t*-= 1: - - &.- n the basis of objective infor T,-i;-= 6,ion and therz—= mi=ke appropriate recommendations -L-o-- the continued supervzsicn and covernance c= the airport and airport activities , our information have been totally subjective corning to us pr;.-aarilv from air-port personnel and/o: airport users . The mo-st cb.4-ective in-!-o:ma,.-ior,., a Noise Assessn, =-nt Study, h-= -c been reje-,:=-'--: -w*-i-c*,- , in jry o0inicn , would be the v ery basis for any that might be made . ial F'u h e rm o r e C Uf a Z 0 r 0 aC 7 h= z been rc assume ma XimIzinz activities for tine air,)c-rt in disrega-r.,; Lo-r surrounding 1 E n C: uses , i . e . to the e x"e-.t possible, i-; L M'* ��- 0.1 prevent 6 preve development . ;'et , we have no atte.mp: to obtain information frog; surrounding 1-and owners or ap'prop:i-=:e covernmental agencies with recard to �L*iese issue_ ( for example, th-'-,e is an ),la.raec-= e County Aicport Lund Use Ccm:-.is-sion which s:! c if;-c-=11 looks at these issues an-4 we have 11--a-:- n-- input f'-07 �-=t acencv) . Pleasanton Office: San jose oi'lice: C,2 'NoSt Nell r!e.,sxton. cawornia 5,1-1 R-0. C'*'�Itow'a CITY OF LIVERMORE - INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: May 16, 1982 TO: All Airport Employees FROM: Airport Superintendent G_7 ' SUBJECT: policy for Handling' of Citizen Copplaints on Low Flying Aircraft and Aircraft Noise A policy for handling citizen complaints on _ow flying aircraft and noise has been in effect for many years. it has always been our objective to be courteous and responsive to the com_ulainant, with a solution cr •resolution to thd-,problen. There have been score minor changes to t^e handling of the complaints in the past year sucz as legging 'he complaint in a lec book. Therefore, I as listing the complaint handling procedure as the current approved policy: 1. Receive call, politely listen to c=taint, ask questions .as needed and then ask for nalne, address and phone_ number of complaining party. 2 . L-og informa ion in Complaint Loc Ecck to include nature of complaint, any information about the aircraft, th,e information on the complaining rar-,.v, initials of the employee taking the complaint and the date and time cf the incident. 3 . Investigate the complaint, attem=t to identify the aircraft and attempt to contact :::° pilot. If contact is made, nctifv pilot of complaint ,n a courteous manner, inform him of the rcise abatement- prcgram efforts at Livermore Airport and listen to his explanation of the incident a"d lcc that infor:Aaticn into the Complaint Lcc Book. 4 . After all efforts are made to r-sclve the problem, the emplovee will call the complaininc party and inform the- f- of the disposition c- the complaint. 5 . Every rmcrning, check the phone recorder for pcssible complaints from the previous nic,t and handle t:-:en as above er attempt to contact the ccn laming party if here information is neede�.; . .i:e a:tit'):"`v r__ *Prccc" _` i7 C� �. __ _..�' ._..— any _ ,lLlc i i1.1 1C1a ?t i require deviation, but in every case, complete information must be logged into the Leg Book. EXHIBIT "G" I Dublin General Plan d, G� GUIDING POLICY Consider residential development proposals(including support facilities) �(, (1A r•• an moderate slopes•with mua7-lamly �G \n dunsrties rlpically considorod on fhrtwe �',� \ •:;•;•;.}:•:-••:•a., hind and noxf to busuross park areas. Creek I IMPLEMENTATION POLICY :'.Ilrr/iunal Park}� C the location,u+font and donsrty • :•:'::':':•:::;:;:;:;;•,•:•.'.•:'.•.•.•.•.' nt II-SWenti nl dcvu lrrpm oil t will to :I'nrks•f lcsava;•}j•:•;•;•;•;•:•:';:.':'.'.'. .fe t lcfruninodwhennurnicipalscrv,ccs •1 onus'fraLdnrl. •;r�- .� can bo pruvrdu,l.nal uvough("O"wal Alva• —(7 I'!nn Iohnumenf snn/pus. GUIDING POLICY ! `) Consider rusrticnhal development y `•:•.•:`..•..••.••':' N n. rc... �;u,l:r Ilihl. t proposap lrnchrrGng suppurl lu•:ihuusJ •� 71 ur \ lluhnbililalirn,Conler onmodurafe:lrrpu,,walr fill ru s ( 1 - _ .. j U \JV• �-; •.�.'.•.•.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'., dcn5racs 7)•prr:rny consrrlcrurl an twitur j O ¢ rf.•;• { j�'i' land. <' "/_ =i �.\ `\ ut•.•:•:•:':':':':':':' j; IMPLEMENTATION POLICY the IpCahorr.c•fcnf and density O'�:}.;:;:;{:}; of resrdenrr..l dcvclopnront,vrll he `.y,t r� 6 •,`:•.'.'.;:•' .f / y/// ,/, r determined,vhon municipal Sul%"Ccs 51 can be provided and through G01142101 �.{ C4Jn• `•�;1: ///� / / /�� %/-. rnEE\':nY _ Plan rclrncuiunrsrudrus. (••— O\�C��R, •� �• \� ti T O�1 i Y STONI:IIIO(E O0 Extended Planning Area :`..� e 1 mAa r3 2000SET 8AC.K FROMZ-5$0 � Residential/Open Space(see note) C Business Park/Industrial:Low Coverage `Y 910 Business Park/Industrial Public Lands a� 1 j