HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 Support AB 1611 MTC Rep CITY OF DUBLIN 66o-vo 1 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 12, 1989 SUBJECT Written Communication: Requesting Support of Assembly Bill 1611 F�. (Prepared by Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED o Letter dated May 9, 1989 to Mayor Paul Moffatt from Assemblywoman Delaine Eastin o Copy of Assembly Bill 1611 o Draft Letter of Support to Assembly Ways & Means Committee Chairman RECOMMENDATION ; Consider supporting the measure and if appropriate, provide input on the Draft Letter of Support and authorize the Mayor to send the Letter. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None. DESCRIPTION Assemblymember Delaine Eastin has requested that the City Council consider supporting AB 1611 . The Legislation is authored by several members of the Assembly and Senator Lockyer is listed as one of the co-authors . The primary objective of the legislation is to revise the representation on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to reflect the population within the MTC service area. The current composition of the MTC Board is based on population within the region during the 1960' s. Assemblywoman Eastin notes that Alameda County has experienced significant growth since that time, while the representation on MTC has not kept pace. The proposal would require that, upon passage of the Bill, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission membership would be amended to include one additional voting representative from the County of Santa Clara and one additional representative from the County of Alameda. In addition, a representative of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District would be added as a non-voting representative. The current voting representative of the Bay Conservation Development Commission would become a non-voting member and the two non-voting Federal representatives would be removed. These changes would result in the initial growth of the MTC Board by one voting representative. Future changes in the makeup would be based on Federal census population. The future changes would begin with the 1990 Federal Census and occur decennially thereafter. Based on the Federal Census data, the Board would be comprised of one representative for every 400, 000 persons in each County. The bill has been amended to include the 400, 000 population figure instead of the 500, 000 used in the attached copy. It is anticipated that this change based on current census projections would grant Alameda County an additional representative. Assemblymember Eastin has noted that transportation issues have become critical and it is important that the impacted areas have representation on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Staff has prepared a draft letter supporting the legislation which is pending before the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and is scheduled to be heard on June 14, 1989 . If the City Council concurs that the City should support the bill, it is recommended that they provide additional input on the draft letter of support and authorize the Mayor to transmit the letter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- r! COPIES TO: ITEM NO. fi ; I , ' SACRAMENTO ADDRESS COMMITTEES: Stato Capitol CHAIRWOMAN, P.O.Box 942849 GOVERNMENTAL EFFICIENCY '! Sacramento,CA 94249-0001 AND CONSUMER PROTECTION j (916)44s-7874 seem C k7 CHAIRWOMAN, DISTRICT OFFICE JOINT COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT OF GAIN 39245 Libeny Street.Suite D-8 r Y~ y�Y~y� ~ r •��•y IMPLEMENTATION Fremont,CA 94538 al I�fvr `ai pErgis •ate{•.{ (415)791-2151 CHAIRWOMAN, (408)263-5300. SELECT COMMITTEE ON Voice orTDD DELAINE EASTIN UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS Assemblywoman EDUCATION Eighteenth District ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND ° .i TOXIC MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION 'Sit a.,4 ' May 9, 1989 2 - CEIVED Honorable Paul Moffatt MAY 15 City of Dublin City Hall, 6500 Dublin Boulevard WDLEN Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mr. Moffatt: I am writing to ask for your support of a bill I am carrying which will restructure the membership of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) according to updated population statistics for the San Francisco Bay Area region. The current composition of MTC is based largely on the population of the region during the 1960 ' s, when the relative size of the counties in the Bay Area was much closer than it is today. While the counties of Alameda and Santa Clara have experienced dramatic population growth since the 1960 ' s, each county' s representation on MTC has not kept pace. Thus, you have a situation where Santa Clara County, with over double the population of San Mateo County, and nearly twice population of San Francisco and Contra Costa Counties, has no more say or influence over critical transportation decisions than does it much smaller neighbors . I believe that this directly violates the "one-person, one vote" concept that we have relied on as part of our democratic process . Specifically, AB 1611 will require that, upon the bill ' s passage, the membership of the commission be altered to include one additional voting representative each from the counties of Santa Clara and Alameda. In addition, a representative from the Bay Area Air .Quality Management District would be added as a nonvoting representative, the current voting representative of the Bay Conservation Development Commission would become nonvoting, and the two current nonvoting federal representatives would be removed. With these changes, the size of commission would grow by one representative. 0 May 9 , 1989 Page 2 Beginning with the 1990 federal census_, and decennially thereafter, AB 1611 requires that future representation of cities and counties on the MTC be based on one representative for every 400, 000 persons in each county. Based on current projections, both Alameda and Santa Clara Counties would receive one additional voting representative (above the representatives added with the passage of the bill) when the 1990 census is complete, resulting in each county having 4 representatives on the commission. Accordingly, both the county board of supervisors and the city selection committee in each county will be appointing one new member. Ultimately, other growing counties will benefit from the provisions of AB 1611 . When the year 2000 census is completed, Contra Costa, Solano, and Sonoma counties would each likely receive one additional voting representative, based on current population projections for the year 2000 . I hope that I can count on your support and the support of your council (board) for AB 1611. I have provided a copy of the bill for your consideration. If you need further information, please contact Steve Juarez of my staff at (916) 324-7440. Sincerely, DELAINE EASTIN Attachment DE:sj CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE-1989-90 REGULAR SESSION t `. ASSEMBLY BILL No. 1611' f'+ f: ri { Introduced by Assembly Members Eastin, Areias, Bates, Cortese, Harris, and Klehs (Coauthors: Senators Alquist, Lockyer, McCorquodale, and r, Petris) 1 j March 8, 1989 k k f An act to amend and repeal Section 66503 of, and to add Section 66503.5 to, the Government Code, relating to the Q Metropolitan Transportation Commission. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST l_. AB 1611, as introduced, Eastin. Metropolitan Transportation Commission: membership. (1) Existing law creates and prescribes the membership of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. i This bill would revise the membership of the commission. The bill would require the commission's membership to be further revised,as specified,following the 1990 federal census, and each 10 years thereafter, thereby'.` imposing , a state-mandated local program. (2) The California Constitution requires.: the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement,,including the . creation of a State Mandates Claims Fund to pay the costs of mandates which do not exceed $1,000,000 statewide and other procedures for claims whose statewide _costs exceed.._, $1,000,000. This bill would provide that, if the .Commission on State Mandates determines that.this bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made .� pursuant to those statutory procedures and, if the statewide 99 50 AB 1611 —2— —3— AW1611 cost does not exceed $1,000,000, shall be made from the State supervisors shall appoint one member. With respect to Vote: Mandates Claims Fund. 2 mernbersfrom Contra Costa and San Mateo Counties, the Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. 3 city selection committee organized in each county State-mandated local program: no. 4 pursuant to Article 11 (commencing with Section 50270) The eo le of the State of California do enact as follows. 5 of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division I of Title 5shall appoint p p 6 one member and the board ofsupervisors of each county 1 SECTION 1. It is the intent of the Legislature that ;. r 7 shall appoint one member. 2 multicounty regional bodies such as the Metropolitan u 8 9 (3) One member each from Marin, Napa, Solano, and 3 Transportation Commission reflect,to the greatest extent 10 Sonoma Counties. The city selection committee of these 4 possible, the counties and cities which comprise the 11 counties shall furnish to the board of supervisors the 5 commission. To ensure that that representation occurs,it 12 names of three nominees and the board of su ervisors appoint one of the nominees t 6 may be necessary to periodically adjust the membership 13 shall a P 7 of those bodies to properly reflect shifts in population. 14 countyo represent the 8 SEC. 2. Section 66503 of the Government Code is 15 {e} 9 amended to read: 16 (4) One representative each appointed b 10 66503. a The commission shall consist of 19 PP e the ( ) 17 Association of Bay Area Governments and the Sag 11 members as follows: 18 Fretneise e $ay Genservatieft a 12 {a} Two ntenthers eaeh fretn the Gity at3d Geenty of 19 Geffifnissi Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 13 San Fratteisee and the Gettxties of Alameda, Gera 20 both of whom shall be nonvoting members. 14 testa; San Nfittee, etnd Santa Clara- With respeet to the 21 {d} 15 members frem Sae Franeisee, the mayor ehaR appoint 22 (5) One representative, who shall be a nonvoting 16 ens and the beard e€ettperstieore sly appoint 23' member, appointed by the Secretary for Business and 17 erte der. With respeet to the members lretft 24 Transportation. 18 eda, Gerltra testa; Sant Mettee, and Santa Glary &�by tl�U Cited �..;� �.' 25 {e} 8t3e rept:eserlta�e eae13 19 Getrt es,the eity s eoi�ttee ergarri�in eaelt . 26 States E)epai ttiserrt of Trattgperttttiet;acrd yep e€ . 20 eetntt),pttrst to A.ziiTiciC 14 w4h Seetien 21 5690 of Chapter-1 of Part-1 of men I-of Title 5,sly 28 � and serve en4y if the ageneie Atey 22 appoint et}e member at3d the beard of superNieers a 29 set are � to stteh agettetes appoint bee (1) Three members each from the 30 repres i.� " 23 et3e�� _ These 24 Counties of Alameda and Santa Clara. The city selection 31 (b) Public officers, whelectl ed r appointed, _• 25 committee organized in each county pursuant to Article 32 may be appointed and serve as members the 26 11 (commencing with Section 50270) of Chapter 1 of Part .� 33 commission during their terms of public office. . 27 1 of Division 1 of Title 5, shall appoint one member and . 34 (c) This section shall remain in effect only until =�L 28 the board of supervisors of each county shall appoint two 35 January 1, 1992, and as of that date is repealed, unless a 2. 29 members. 36 later enacted statute, which is enacted before January 1, 30 (2) Two members each from the City and County of 37 1992, deletes or extends that date. If, prior to January 1, 31 San Francisco and the Counties of Contra Costa and San 38 1992, certification is made to the Secretary of State that 32 Mateo. With respect to the members from San Francisco, 39 the commission is reconstituted in accordance with 33 the mayor shall appoint one member and the board of u 40 subdivision (e) of Section 66503.5, this section shall be 99 80 99 100 AB 1611 —4— —5— AB 1611 1 inoperative on and after the date of certification. U 1 additional member shall be appointed alternately by the 2 SEC. 3. Section 66503.5 is added to the Government 2 board of supervisors and the mayor, beginning with an 3 Code, to read: 3 appointment by the board of supervisors. 4 - 66503.5. (a) Following the 1990 federal census, and 4 (c) The following representatives shall serve as 5 decennially thereafter, voting membership on the 5 nonvoting members of the commission. 6 commission shall be apportioned from the counties 6 (1) One appointed by the Association of Bay Area 7 represented on the commission, except ,the City and �"' rr� � 7 Governments. 8 County of San Francisco, as follows: V 8 (2) One appointed by the Bay Area Air Quality 9 (1) .A county with a population of 500,000 or less shall 9 Management District. 10 be represented by one voting member.The city selection 10 (3) One appointed by the Secretary for Business and 11 committee•of the county shall furnish to the board of 11 Transportation. -12 supervisors the names of the three nominees'and the 12 (d) Public officers,whether elected or appointed,may 13 board of supervisors shall appoint one of the nominees to 13 be appointed and serve as members of the commission 14 represent the county. 14 during their terms of public office. 15 (2) A county with a population of 500,001 to 1,000,000, 15 (e) This section shall become operative January 1, 16 inclusive, shell be represented by two voting members, 16 1991. Upon being reconstituted in accordance with this 17 one appointed by the city selection committee of the 17 section, the commission shall certify that fact to the 18 county, and, one appointed by the county board of 18 Secretary of State. 19 supervisors. 19 SEC. 4. Notwithstanding Section 17610 of the 20 (3) A county with a population 1,000,001 to 1,500,000, 20 Government Code,if the Commission on State Mandates 21 inclusive,shall be represented by three voting members, 21 determines that this act contains costs mandated by the 22 one appointed by the city selection committee of the 22 state, reimbursement to local agencies and school 23 county, and two appointed by the county board of 23 districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 24 supervisors. 24 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title . 25 , (4) A county with a population of 1,500,001 to � 0 25 2 of the Government Code. If the statewide cost of the 26 2,000,000, inclusive, shall be represented by four voting 26 claim for reimbursement does not exceed one million 27 members,two appointed by the city selection committee 27 dollars ($1,000,000), reimbursement shall be made from 28 of the county, and two appointed by the county board of 28 the State Mandates Claims Fund. Notwithstanding 29 supervisors. 29 Section 17580 of the Government Code, unless otherwise 30 (5) A county with a population of 2,000,001 or more 30 specified in this act,the provisions of this act shall become 31• shall be represented by five voting members, two 31 operative on the same date that the act takes effect 32 . appointed by the city selection committee of the county, 32 pursuant to the California Constitution. 33 and three appointed by the county board of supervisors. 34 (b) ,The City and County of San Francisco shall,on the 1.J a 35 basis of its population, be apportioned the number of 36 members specified by the applicable paragraph of 37 subdivision (a) for a county with that population. If the } 38 City and County of San Francisco is apportioned two O 39 members, they shall be appointed in the manner 40 prescribed by paragraph (2) of subdivision (a). Each 3 ! 99. 130 99 140 V June 13, 1989 The Honorable John Vasconcellos, Chair Assembly Ways and Means Committee State Capitol, Room 6026 Sacramento, CA 94249-0001 RE: AB 1611 Eastin, et. al. (Metropolitan Transportation Committee: Membership) Dear Assemblyman Vasconcellos: The purpose of this correspondence is to request the support of the Ways and Means Committee in the passage of AB 1611 . The Dublin City Council reviewed the legislation at their meeting on June 12, 1989. , On behalf of the City Council, I would like to illustrate the inequities generated by the current membership structure. The City of Dublin is located in Alameda County. If the formula of one MTC representative for each 400, 000 population was used, Alameda County 'would gain two additional representatives. The City of Dublin has seen its own population increase from 15, 048 in 1984 to 23, 549 in 1989 . The actual growth and change throughout the region must be taken into consideration in the . makeup of governmental agencies. Although the current composition of MTC may have been logiycal when it was established over 20 years ago, it is necessary to move forward and assure equitable representation. The best method to accomplish this is through the use of census data to determine the MTC Board of Directors composition, in proportion to the constituency served. Again, the Dublin City Council strongly urges your support of representative government through the enactment of AB 1611 . Sincerely, Paul C. Moffatt Mayor of Dublin PCM: slh cc: Assemblyman Baker, Vice Chair, Ways & Means Committee Senator Lockyer, 10th District League of California Cities