HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Approve 04-13-1987 Minutes ti REGULAR MEETING - April 13, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, April 13, 1987 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 48 p.m. by Mayor Linda Jeffery. * * * * ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor Jeffery. Councilmember Hegarty arrived at the meeting at 7 : 55 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle- giance to the flag. PROCLAMATION - DISPATCHERS WEEK Mayor Jeffery read a proclamation expressing appreciation to the Emergency Services Dispatchers and commending the contribution and services of these professionals . The week of April 12-18, 1987 was declared "National Telecommunicators (Dispatchers) Week" in the City of Dublin. * * * * PROCLAMATION - EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS MONTH Mayor Jeffery read a proclamation declaring April, 1987 as California Earthquake Preparedness Month in the City of Dublin and encouraged all citizens to increase their knowledge and awareness of proper safety measures to follow before, during and after an earthquake. * * * * Directly Elected Mayor William Pennington, 7065 Portage Road, questioned if there would ever be an elected Mayor. City Attorney Nave advised that this could be put to the voters through a ballot measure. CM-5-115 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 L 0 CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions : Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 23, 1987 ; Approved the City Treasurer ' s Investment Report for Period Ending March 31, 1987; Denied Claim #009 (Ramon & Jean Mares) , and Claim #010 (Ellen Silvia) , and directed Staff to notify the claimants; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 23 - 87 APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF VIACOM AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 134-86 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 24 - 87 RELATED TO THE DESIGNATION OF OFFICERS AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT AND DIRECT RECORDATION OF DEEDS Authorized Staff to submit a grant application form to the State Office of Traffic Safety; Awarded bid for the 1987 Sidewalk Repair Program to Ambo Engineering, Inc. , in the amount of $38, 507 . 98; Awarded bid for the 1986-87 Street Slurry Seal Program to McReynolds Paving, Inc. , at bid price of $24, 402, authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement and authorized Staff to contract for additional work at bid price of $ . 049 per sq ft; Accepted improvements in the Dublin Boulevard Underground Utility District No. 1; Approved the installation of raised pavement markers along the existing yellow striping on the southerly leg of Bristol Road and the westerly leg of Larkdale Avenue; Accepted a status report on the Sign Inspection Program; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 25 - 87 SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE OF SB 161 (re ACTEB/ACAP Community Services Block Grant Program Funding) CM-5-116 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 Authorized the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Alameda County Sheriff ' s Department for volunteer jail alternative work program; directed. the City Manager to extend Workers ' Compensation Coverage to program volunteers pursuant to Resolution No. 90-84; Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $385, 349. 20. * * * * PUBLIC HEARING STOP SIGN AT INTERSECTION OF LEWIS AVENUE & PORTAGE ROAD Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that a request from a Portage Road resident had been received regarding the need for traffic control at the intersection of Lewis Avenue & Portage , Road. TJKM investigated this intersection and provided statistics related to traffic volumes and accident. history. Following this investigation, TJKM recommended the installation of a stop sign, legend and limit line on Lewis Avenue. They further recommended that ceramic and reflective raised pavement markers be installed along the existing double yellow centerline on Lewis Avenue, and along the existing single yellow centerlines on all approaches to the intersection on Portage Road. Lyn Dinelli indicated that she was the one who had written requesting action on this matter. She appreciated all the courtesies extended by the Council and by Staff. She agreed with the recommendations but she stated she wasn't sure if the recommendations would correct left turns from Portage onto Lewis. Raised pavement markers may take care of this situation. She presented a list of signatures from neighbors requesting action on this item. William Pennington stated he could verify what Ms. Dinelli had said, but felt that more drastic action is' needed. He brought this to the attention of the Council about 18 months ago. Michelle Temple, 7098 Portage Road indicated she has a teenage driver that she worries about. She indicated she wasn't sure she agreed with the study. Paula Rankin, 6963 Portage Road, felt the favorite thing for kids to do when it rains is to see how fast they can go around the corner. They come out of Portage Road in both directions . David Shay questioned what measures could be taken short of putting in a stop sign. He then questioned the possibility of putting in stop signs in both directions on Portage Road. Chris Kinzel indicated that the other measure is usually increased enforcement. CM-5-117 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 Pat Temple, 7098 Portage Road indicated that he routinely stops at the corner and because the road bends, it is a bad location. If there were stop signs on Portage Road, cars would have less of a temptation to speed. Forest Herd indicated he agreed with everyone else. He stops by force of habit because he has almost been hit there several times . Linda Trinidad, 7042 Portage Road reported that she has seen a lot of cars go through the new stop signs installed on Clark Avenue @ Maple Drive. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. Cm. Moffatt questioned Ms. Dinelli with regard to what drastic measures she felt would be appropriate. iris . Dinelli responded that first she would like to see raised pavement markers, second, higher pavement markers and third, stop signs. Cm. Snyder indicated he didn't see a great deal of difference between this situation and the Clark Avenue/Maple Drive situation. Cm. Hegarty agreed with Cm. Snyder and felt that stop signs should be placed at all three legs of the intersection. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed that the ordinance be revised to include stops at all three legs of the intersection, waived the reading and on an urgency basis, adopted ORDINANCE NO. 22 - 87 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS (3-Way Stop - Lewis Avenue at intersection of Portage Road) PUBLIC HEARING AMARILLO ROAD TRAFFIC STUDY Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that following the Silvergate Drive traffic study which was conducted in the fall of 1986, a petition was received requesting installation of stop signs in front of Nielsen School and reduction of the speed limit on Amarillo Road from 25 mph to 15 mph. TJKM reviewed these requests and presented their findings. TJKM performed a radar speed survey and concluded that the 25 mph speed limit is appropriate. A review of the accident history indicated that the 3 reported accidents on Amarillo Road since 1982 were caused primarily by inattention rather than by excessive speeding. Traffic conditions were observed during normal conditions and during rainy weather. The traffic problem is much worse during heavy rains when up to 20 southbound vehicles queued along Amarillo Road waiting to get into the school driveway. CM-5-118 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 TJKM recommended changing the "Buses Only" signs along Amarillo Road and in the school driveway to "Passenger Loading Zone" signs . TJKM did not recommend installation of stop signs, since stop signs do not effectively reduce speeds . TJKM also recommends that the school administration instruct parents o.n the proper way to pick up and drop off students . Another suggestion was to encourage the use of public transit to transport children to and from school . Diane Griffiths, Nielsen School Principal indicated that there are still 2 buses that use the bus loading zone. The school has written a number of letters to parents asking them to change their routes . Parents are afraid to let their children walk to school . Ms . Griffiths indicated she was willing to go along with Staff recommendations and will try to come up with additional suggestions . Barbara Machelli indicated she has been the Nielsen School Safety Person since December. Since that time she has been trying to come up with something that would correct the problems . The streets are very narrow and there are very few through streets . In order to reroute parents dropping off children, it is 3/4 of a mile further and she doubts that people will do this . She indicated she hoped that the Council would approach the School District to have their architect look at possibly redesigning the front of the school . Notices to parents go totally unheeded. She felt there should be a stop sign in front of the school. for children who are walking. She would also like to see stop signs both ways on Alegre. Lenora Holmes indicated she has a son who attends Nielsen School . They have tried a number of things in the past and this is not a new problem for the school . The entrance was barricaded at one time which caused total chaos . Mayor Jeffery questioned the feasibility of dropping children off behind the school. Cm. Moffatt felt that during rainy season, parents want to drop kids as close as possible to the door. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. Cm. Snyder felt the major problem is one of enforcement. Stop signs will only exacerbate the problem. Education and enforcement are needed. Cm. Hegarty felt the City could not do anything about the design of the school . He indicated he was sorry that parents felt they couldn 't let their children walk to school . He didn ' t feel that stop signs would solve the problem. He felt the best suggestion was to see if the School District would cooperate with something to help solve the problem. Cm. Vonheeder questioned if the red curb painted in front of Murray School had helped. Cm. Snyder questioned the possibility of putting a timed no left turn on south bound Amarillo. CM-5-119 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 Chris Kinzel indicated this would be very difficult to control and felt that compliance would be very low. Cm. Moffatt felt that arriving teachers also add to the congestion. After being advised that buses will be arriving at approximately the same time as parents dropping off children, Staff revised the recommendation related to changing the bus loading zone to a passenger loading zone. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed to make no changes with regard to the bus loading zone. The Council directed that additional enforcement be done, along with education of parents . The Council further directed Staff to write a letter to the Murray School District requesting that they look at the problem and offer any possible solutions . * * * * PUBLIC HEARING THREE-WAY STOP AT TAMARACK DRIVE & BURTON STREET Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. At the request of a resident, at its meeting of March 23, 1987, the City Council considered the placement of stop signs at various locations along Brighton Drive and along Tamarack Drive. At that meeting, the Council determined that stop signs were unwarranted at the intersection of Brighton Drive & Tamarack Drive, but rather should be placed on Tamarack Drive & Burton Street. No public comments were made. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. Cm. Hegarty questioned if raised pavement markers could be placed on Brighton Drive at Tamarack Drive to help prevent people cutting that corner. Lee Thompson advised that the Traffic Safety Committee had discussed this and pavement markers have been ordered for this location. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by majority vote, the Council waived the reading and on an urgency basis, adopted ORDINANCE NO. 23 - 87 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS (4-Way Stop Signs @ Tamarack Drive/Burton Street) CM-S-120 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING MODIFICATION OF NO PARKING ZONE ON DUBLIN BOULEVARD Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. This area of Dublin Boulevard between Village Parkway and Clark Avenue is marked partly as a No Parking Zone and partly as a Limited Parking Zone. Research of existing ordinances has revealed that part of the area is not covered by an ordinance. No public comments were made. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and on an urgency basis, adopted ORDINANCE NO. 24 - 87 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS (No Parking Zones & Limited Parking Zones) (Dublin Boulevard - Between Village Parkway and Clark Avenue) * * * * PUBLIC HEARING BUS STOPS ON DUBLIN BOULEVARD @ GOLDEN GATE DRIVE Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff explained that the transfer points for BART buses were recently moved from the stops on Dublin Boulevard @ Regional Street to the stops on Dublin Boulevard @ Golden Gate Drive. These stops are already in existence and indicated by red curb, but have not been declared as such by ordinance. A. C. Transit has also requested that the red curbing on the south side of Dublin Boulevard be extended by 40 feet to accommodate more than one bus at a time, and Staff suggested extending the red curb on the north side as well. No public comments were made. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. Onmotion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and on an urgency basis, adopted ORDINANCE NO. 25 - 87 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS (Bus Stops on Dublin Boulevard) * * * * CM-5-121 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING FIRE SAFE ROOFING MATERIALS ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the' Council directed that the public hearing for this item be continued until the Council meeting of April 27, 1987, in order to provide Staff with necessary time to prepare additional analysis . * * * * PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LICENSING FOR KENNELS Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that this ordinance, which was introduced at the City Council meeting of March 23, 1987, would establish procedures by which the City can control the operation of kennels . No public comments were made. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 26 - 87 ESTABLISHING LICENSING FOR KENNELS * * * * PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. This ordinance was introduced at the City Council meeting of March 23, 1987. At that meeting, the Council requested that the ordinance be revised as an urgency ordinance. The ordinance would then become effective immediately upon adoption. In addition to the ordinance, Staff prepared a resolution which establishes fees identified in this ordinance and the ordinance establishing licensing for kennels . The fee structure is consistent with those currently charged by Alameda County on behalf of the City of Dublin. The resolution will amend Resolution No. 96-84 by adding specified fees to the Master Resolution containing fees for a variety of municipal services . No public comments were made. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. CM-5-122 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and on an urgency basis, adopted ORDINANCE NO. 27 - 87 RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 26 - 87 ESTABLISHING FEES RELATED TO ANIMAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES * * * * PUBLIC HEARING o ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - SLEEPING IN VEHICLES Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that the Police Department recently encountered a problem with enforcing the City' s Zoning Ordinance regulating Sleeping in Vehicles on commercial lots. The District Attorney felt that the existing Ordinance does not clearly prohibit sleeping in vehicles on commercial lots in that the Ordinance does not explicitly state that it is prohibited in commercially zoned districts. The Assistant City Attorney reviewed the existing Ordinance and proposes an Ordinance Amendment to include the phrase "in any Zoning District" . It is expected that the prosecution of individuals sleeping in vehicles will be easier with adoption of this amendment to the Ordinance. . In conjunction with this Amendment, Staff has reorganized and established section numbers intended to enhance the useability and readability of the existing Ordinance, and does not amend the content or' meaning of the Ordinance. Lenora Holmes questioned if this included all vehicles, specifically recreation vehicles . She indicated that she has an RV parked in her driveway and in the summer, her children occasionally like to sleep in it. She questioned if this would be prohibited. Planning Director Tong advised that the intent of the ordinance is to prohibit sleeping in vehicles on an ongoing basis. The ordinance would be enforced on a complaint basis. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. Cm. Moffatt questioned If a complaint had to be lodged before police could enforce the ordinance in a parking lot such as the former Gemco Store . Staff responded that the police could enforce without a specific complaint. CM-5-123 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 The question was asked how this would apply to various carnivals and/or arts & crafts fairs that come to town and sleep in vehicles in parking lots . Mr. Tong advised that this type of activity is handled through a Conditional Use Permit with various controls put on the application. It would be allowed if approved as part of the request. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 27 - 87 ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 87-015 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - SLEEPING IN VEHICLES On motion of Cm. , seconded by Cm. , and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an ordinance amending the City Zoning Ordinance relating to Sleeping in. Vehicles . * * * * PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATION OF ALARM SYSTEMS Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. As part of the comprehensive Municipal Code revision, the City Attorney's Office has prepared an ordinance requiring the operator of any alarm business to register with the Police Department prior to engaging in or discontinuing such a business . This ordinance also provides for penalties in the case of false alarms within prescribed time periods . Cm. Moffatt questioned if the Police Department would take direct calls regarding silent alarms . Lt. Severini indicated that calls would be forwarded to dispatch. City Manager Ambrose indicated that Section 10 clarifies this point. This section states, "It shall be unlawful to buy, sell, install or operate any alarm system which, when activated, causes an alarm to be sent directly to the Dublin Police Department by an automatic dialing system. " Cm. Moffatt questioned if false alarms are called in, would there be a penalty. He also questioned if do-it-yourself alarm systems would have to be registered with the police department. Staff responded that punishment is a misdemeanor and yes all systems have to be registered with the police department. Mayor Jeffery questioned how false alarms would be enforced. Lt. Severini advised that a card file system would be maintained. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. Cm. Moffatt questioned grandfathering of existing alarm systems . City Manager Ambrose advised that there will be a requirement whereby all existing alarms need to be registered. CM-5-124 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by majority vote,. the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an ordinance establishing regula- tion of alarm systems . Cm. Moffatt voted against this motion. * * * * DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT TASK FORCE At the March 23, 1987 meeting, the Council determined the purpose and scope of the Dublin High School Improvement Study and established the composition and size of the Task Force membership. The Council agreed to accept applications with a final selection to be made at the April. 13th meeting. The Council approved the revised Task Force Guidelines . Cm. Snyder expressed concern that there were not more applicants . He preferred that further advertising be done. The Council agreed. With regard to the scope of the study, the Council requested that a sentence be added, "No final recommendations can be acted upon until the school unification issue is resolved. " By consensus, the Council then approved the scope of the study. * * * * EMERGENCY SERVICE NETWORK (ESN) OF ALAMEDA COUNTY Paul Rankin, Assistant to the City Manager advised the Council that the City had received a written request from the Emergency Services Network (ESL;) of Alameda County, which was originally formed through the joint efforts of the United Way of the Bay Area and the City of Oakland. ESN has a membership consisting of 85 groups and agencies . The organization coordinates and plans activities on behalf of emergency service providers, the homeless and the hungry. ESN provides the necessary structure to allow the various agencies to share information, determine needs and priorities , and keep informed of legislative proposals . ESN is requesting consideration of funding contributions from cities throughout Alameda County. Contributions could be made in the form of membership dues . As a member, the City would also be eligible to have a voting delegate attend the monthly meetings of ESN. ::m. Snyder reported that the United Way has direct involvement with this agency. He strongly supports participation. Cm. Hegarty questioned if we became a member would Dublin automatically have a voting right. CM-5-125 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 Cm. Moffatt questioned if this was for limited housing or ongoing. Cm. Moffatt was advised that this agency is involved with emergency housing and services. They coordinate services and provide technical support. Mayor Jeffery questioned if it would be possible to look at available records to determine what the advantage would be to join this type of organization. Cm., Hegarty requested that Staff investigate how Dublin could have a vote on the Board. Staff felt that the Board was probably elected by the membership. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to notify ESN of the City of Dublin' s participation and directed Staff to include funding in the 1987-88 budget. * * * * OTHER BUSINESS Amador Valley Boulevard - Extra Street Work On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council agreed that discussion and action was necessary related to street deterioration on Amador Valley Boulevard. Staff advised that the contract for street repair on Amador Valley Boulevard is nearing completion. An additional amount of $20, 000 from the Street Improvement Reserve is being requested to remove and replace additional alligatored areas of the street in order that the overlay can be applied. The area needing repairs is larger than was originally anticipated. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council appropriated an additional $20, 000 to insure the total repairs prior to placing the asphalt overlay on Amador Valley Boulevard. * * * * Dublin Pride Week Cm. Snyder requested Council support for the week of April 19-25, 1987 which is Dublin Pride Week. On April 25th the City will provide a free Citywide trash pick-up day and it was hoped that people would give extra care to their yards and sprucing up their property. He requested that the press provide some coverage with regard to this special week. The Council concurred. * * * * Soundwalls Cm. Snyder advised that he had been contacted by Jean Pfiefer, an Ashford Way resident who told him she had spoken with Wayne Bennett, a San Ramon Councilmember regarding San Ramon' s decision to put in soundwalls . She wanted Dublin to consider sharing costs for installing sound walls on Alcosta Boulevard on a 50/50 basis with San Ramon. CM-5-126 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 City Engineer Lee Thompson reported that he had spoken with San Ramon' s City Engineer, Mark Goto on this subject. From Dublin' s past experience, Mr. Thompson believed that the costs run about $50/foot. Mayor Jeffery requested that Staff obtain information and agendize this topic for discussion at a future meeting. * * * * Cable Television Studio Cm. Hegarty indicated he had received information from the Cable TV Corporation which he would have distributed to the Council . Unfortunately, the Cable TV Corporation moves very slowly. Dublin' s price is based on percentage of population. Discussion ensued regarding the affects that this delay was causing with regard to the timing of the project. Cm. Snyder felt that if we can't get a commitment with regard to a studio in the new Civic Center, we basically don't have a tenant, and we need to get out of this thing. Staff suggested bypassing the committee and communicating directly with the Cities . Cm. Moffatt felt that since this space was originally designed as an expansion area, it could be leased out on a temporary basis . Staff was directed to prepare leters to the Cities of San Ramon, Livermore and Pleasanton to determine whether or not they are interested in financially participating in the development of a Cable TV Studio in the new Dublin Civic Center. * * * * California BiCentennial Commission on the U. S. Constitution Mayor Jeffery reported that she had received a letter from the Executive Director of the CA BiCentennial Commission on the U. S. Constitution requesting community participation in the 4-year BiCentennial celebration of the U. S. Constitution. It was felt that perhaps a communitywide effort involving other Valley Cities would be appropriate. Staff was directed to contact the other cities in the Valley to determine whether they would be interested in forming.a joint committee. * * * * CM-5-127 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987 f CLOSED SESSION At 9: 57 p.m. the Council recessed to a closed executive session to discuss potential litigation. * * * * ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10 : 50 p.m. * * * * Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk * * * * CM-5-128 Regular Meeting April 13, 1987