HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 033-01 Safeway SDR-CUP RESOLUTION NO. 33-01
WHEREAS, Brandon Farrell, on behalf of Safeway., Inc. has requested approval of a Site
Development Review and Conditional Use Permit to allow a with a new 55,256 square foot grocery store,
10,743 square foot of retail, and an 18-pump fueling station with a 314 square foot kiosk located at 7499
Dublin Boulevard;
WHEREAS, the applicant. has proposed to pay $274,804 for the grocery store and retail and
$129,536 for the fueling station to offset traffic impacts, before the issuance of a building permit;
WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement request is available and on
file in the Department of Community Development; and
WHEREAS, Applicant/Developer has submitted project plans for a Site Development Review and
Conditional Use Permit for the Safeway project dated received February 22, 2001, and a colors and
materials board dated received February 22, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the City prepared an Initial Study to evaluate site-specific impacts of the project.
Based on the Initial Study, the City prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring
Program for the project with the finding that although the project could have a significant effect on the
environment, there will not be a significant impact in this case because revisions in the project have been
made or agreed to by the project proponent and because a Mitigated Negative Declaration will be adopted
that mitigates any impacts of the project to a level of insignificance through the adoption of mitigation
measures and a Mitigation Monitoring Program; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing as required by law on February 27,
2001, and transferred original hearing jurisdiction for this project to the City Council pursuant to Section
8.96.020.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance.
WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on said application on March 6, 2001,
for this project; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law;
WItEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve
Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Program, Site Development Review, and the Conditional
Use Permit subject to conditions; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all
said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby
make the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Conditional Use Permit:
A. The Negative Declaration is adequate and in compliance with State law.
The proposed use is compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the
vicinity because the proposed use will be located in an area designated for commercial, office and
retail uses in Dublin.
The proposed use will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare because all City and
Alameda County regulations and conditions will be met.
There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services
to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would not be detrimental to the public health,
safety, and welfare.
The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the use and related
structures being proposed.
The proposed use is not contrary to the specific intent clauses, development regulations, and
performance standards established for the C-2 zoning district, which encourages new development
of commercial land uses. Conditions of approval will ensure ongoing compatibility with adjacent
commercial uses.
The proposed use is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, the Downtown Core Specific Plan,
and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Site
Development Review:
Approval of this application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter because the
grocery store and retail uses permitted within the C-2 (General Commercial) Zoning District and
the fuel station facility is permitted within the C-2 (General Commercial) Zoning District subject to
the approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
The project is consistent with Retail/Office designation of the Downtown Core Spedfie Plan
(adopted December 2000), which allows a range of general retail uses, as well as professional,
business, corporate, medical and dental buildings retail, uses, and is consistent with the
Retail/Office designation of the General Plan and the C-2 (Retail Commercial) Zoning District
which allow retail uses.
The approval will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare because a Mitigated
Negative Declaration and associated Mitigation Monitoring Program have been prepared by the
City which reduce any project-related impacts which may impact the public health, safety and
general welfare to a level of less than significant.
The approved site development, including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation and
parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety and similar elements, has been designed to provide a
desirable environment for the development.
The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development
because it is graded flat, has vehicular access and access to all public services.
Impacts to views are addressed because the project does not interrupt any views from 1-580 and 1-
Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed site is graded flat and.
Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the
architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening
of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the
project and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the
development's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods, and
Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant
materials, provisions and similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an
attractive environment for the public.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve
the Site Development Review for PA 00-034, Safeway, subject to the following Conditions of Approval.
This approval shall be generally depicted on the following plans: the architectural plans prepared by Craig
and Grant architects, labeled Attachment 1, consisting of four (4) sheets, dated received February 22,
2001; civil engineering plans, labeled Attachment 1, consisting of 3 sheets, dated received February 23,
2001; and colored elevations and material board, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning
Department, subject to compliance with the following conditions of approval:
Unless otherwise stated~ all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to final occupancy of any
building and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent
those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance with the Conditions of Approval: [PL]
Planning, [B] Building, [PCS] Parks and Community Service, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works, [ADM]
Administration/City Attorney, [FIN] Finance, [PCS] Parks and Community Services, [F] Alameda County
Fire Dept., [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [CO] Alameda County Flood Control and water
Conservation District Zone 7.
This Site Development Review approval for PA-00-034 establishes the design concepts and regulations for
the project. Development pursuant to this Site Development Review generally shall conform to the
approved plans and documents available on file in the Department of Community Development as amended
in red.
Approval. Approval of the Site Development Review is valid PL
for one (1) year, until March 6, 2002. If construction has not
commenced by that time, this approval shall be null and void.
The approval period may be extended for six (6) additional
months by submitting a written request for extension prior to
the expiration date to the Community Development Director.
Any extension will be based on a determination that the
conditions of approval remain adequate to assure that the
stated findings of approval will continue to be met
Building Permits. To apply for building permits, B
Applicant/Developer shall submit twelve (12) sets of
construction plans to the Building Department for plan check.
Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of
these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly
indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been
complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted
without annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans.
Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the
approvals of all participating non-City agencies prior to
issuance of building permits.
Public Art. The applicant/developer shall provide the City
following the public art: (1) a clock tower at the comer of Council
Dublin Blvd. and Amador Plaza Rd., with public art
integrated into the design of the clock tower; and (2) a public
art piece at the main project entrance along Dublin Blvd. (and
as identified as location for 'future public art location' on the
approved site plan, labeled Attachment 1). The final design
and precise location of the above items shall be subject to
recommendation by the Heritage and Cultural Arts
Commission with final approval subject to approval by a
majority vote of the City Council.
Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. PW
Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable City of
Dublin Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval
(Attachment A). In the event of a conflict between the
Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval and these
Conditions, these Conditions shall prevail.
Issuance of
Building Permits
Issuance of
Building Permits
Approval of
Hans through
Requirements and Standard Conditions. The
Developer/Applicant shall comply with applicable Alameda
County Fire, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin
Building Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda County
Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley
Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental
Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the
California Department of Health Services requirements and
standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or
the installation of any improvements related to this project,
the Developer shall supply written statements from each such
agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating
that all applicable conditions required have been or will be
Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in
effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but
not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin San
Ramon Services District Fees, Public Facilities Fees, Tri-
Valley Transportation Fees, Dublin Unified School District
School Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees;
Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District
(Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees.
Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall comply with
the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, obtain all necessary
permits required by other agencies (Alameda County Flood
Control District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and
Game, Army Corps of Engineers, State Water Quality
Control Board, Etc.) and shall submit copies of the permits to
the Department of Public Works.
Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction
shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at
the time of the issuance of the building permit.
Fire Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall
conform to all fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time
of the issuance of the building permit.
Ordinances. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the City
of Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
Window Coverage. Signs, advertisements, and other
displays shall not cover or obscure more than 25% of window
Outdoor Displays. There shall be no outdoor display of
merchandise in parking or circulation areas without approval
of temporary use permit from the City of Dublin
F, PW, PO,
Zone 7,
Prior to issuance
of Building
Various times,
but no later than
Issuance of
Building Permits
Various times,
but no later than
Issuance of
Building Permits
Issuance of
Building Permits
and On-going
Noise Control. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be PL
permitted outside of the enclosed buildings.
Infrastructure. The location and design of project specific PW
system infrastructure shall be consistent with City standards.
Solid Waste/Recycling. Applicant/Developer shall comply ADM
with the City's solid waste management and recycling
Trash enclosures. Trash enclosures shall be architecturally PL
designed to be compatible with the proposed building and
shall include self-dosing gates. Final location, design and
elevations of trash enclosures shall be reviewed and approved
by the Community Development Director.
Litter-Free Site. The Developer/Property Owner shall be PL
responsible for dean up and disposal of project related trash
to maintain a dean, litter-free site.
Modification to Fuel Station. The width between the pumps PL
shall be modified to provide a minimum of 30-feet clear space
between the pumps.
Mechanical Equipment. All ducts, meters, back-flow PL, B
prevention devices, blow-offvalves, pad-mounted utility
devices, air conditioning equipment and other mechanical
equipment (As determined by the Community Development
Director) that is on-site or roof mounted shall be screened
from view of all public rights of way. The location of such
equipment shall be subject to review and approval by the
Director of Community Development. A screening plan shall
be submitted for review and approval by the Community
Development Director and Building Official prior to approval
of Building Permit. Said screening plan shall show that all
visible mechanical and utility equipment shall be effectively
screened from view with materials architecturally compatible
with the materials of the structure. Or with approved
landscaped features
Color and material board. The final color and material PL
board shall be submitted for review and approval by the
Director of Community Development and shall include the all
materials proposed on the building and hardscape subject to
the following modifications: (1) the split face CMU material
(#02) shall be replaced with a cast stone material for use at
the base of the columns; and (2) the metal awning material
shall have non-reflective, matte like finish.
(Prior to)
Approval of
Issuance of
Building Pennits
Issuance of
Building Permits
Issuance of
Building Permits
21. Architectural Modifications. The following modifications PL
shall be made to the exterior architecture (all changes are
noted in red on the approved plans, labeled attachment A):
(1) round columns shall have a solid color all the way to the
base and an additional plinth shall be added to the base of the
columns; and (2) the final design of the rear tower shall be
subject to review and approval by the Director of Community
Development modified to continue the expression downward.
22. Refuse Collection Areas. The refuse collection service
provider shall be consulted to ensure that adequate space is
provided to accommodate collection and sorting of petrucible
solid waste as well as source-separated recyclable materials
generated by this project.
Atrash bin enclosure shall be 10 feet by 12 feet in size for a
single bin and 10 feet by 18 feet in size for two bins. Bins
shall not be larger than 4 yards in capacity. A concrete apron
extending 10-feet from the face of the enclosure shall be
installed in front of the entire width of the enclosure. The
enclosure shall have a 6-inch by 6-inch curb on the inside of
the enclosure wall to protect the walls of the enclosure from
the bins. The enclosure shall be built of concrete block or
equivalent and shall have metal doors. Chain link doors are
not permitted. The doors must be designed so that they can
be locked closed and can also be held open with pin locks
during loading. Trash bin enclosures shall be finished so that
they are architecturally compatible with the related main
structure. Trash bin enclosures shall be properly maintained
and free ofgraffiti. All trash bins used for this site shall be
maintained within the trash bin enclosure(s) at all times.
23. Parking. Prior to approving tenant improvement(s) / City PL
business license for restaurants within the proposed project,
the applicant shall provide evidence to the satisfaction of the
Community Development Director that parking available at
24. Construction Trash/Debris. Measures shall be taken to
contain all construction related trash, debris, and materials
on-site until disposal off-site can be arranged. The
Developer/Applicant shall keep the adjoining public streets
and properties free and dean of project dirt, mud, and
materials during the construction period. The Developer shall
be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the
City of Dublin.
BLDG Misc.
PW, PL Approval of Standard
On-going Standard
the center is adequate to support additional restaurant uses.
Pw, B On-going during Standard
Phased Construction. If construction is requested to occur
in phases, then all physical improvements within each phase
shall be completed prior to the occupancy of buildings within
that phase, except for items specifically excluded in an
approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor hand work items,
approved by the Planning Department. A Phased
Construction Plan shall be submitted for Community
Development Director review and approval a minimum of 45
days prior to the request for occupancy of any building
covered by said Phased Construction Plan. Any phasing shall
provide for adequate vehicular access to all buildings in each
phase and shall substantially conform with intent and approval
of the Site Development Review approval. No individual
building shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished,
safe, accessible, provided with all reasonably expected
services and amenities and separated from remaining
construction activity with an approved fence or other barrier.
Subject to the approval of the Community Development
Director, the completion of landscaping may be deferred due
to inclement weather with the posting of a bond for the value
of the deferred landscaping and associated improvements.
26. Dust. Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction
activities, shall be watered, or other dust palliative measures
used, to prevent dust, as conditions warrant.
(Prior 'to)
Issuance of Standard
Building Permit
and On-going
On-going during Standard
Public Improvements. The Applicant/Developer shall PW
replace all damaged improvements, along the project
frontage, within the public right-of-way, including curb,
gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving and utilities to the
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Any
improvement constructed within the public right-of-way shall
be constructed in accordance with the City's approved
standards and/or plans and may be constructed only after an
encroachment permit has been issued by the City of Dublin.
Cart Corral Areas. Any proposed cart corral areas within PL
the parking lot shall be shown on the improvement/building
plans. Cart collection areas shah not displace any landscaped
areas shown on the submitted plans.
Clarification to Conditions. In the event that clarifications PW
to these conditions of approval are required, the Director of
Public Works shall have the authority to clarify the intent of
the conditions without going to a public hearing.
Prior to
occupancy of
Issuance of
Building Permits
and On-going
Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Assessment Studies.
Applicant/Developer shall supply the Director of Community
Development and Public Works Department with a copy of
the Developer's Phase 1 and Phase 2 (only as required by
Phase 1) environmental assessment studies. All remedialion
required by those studies shall be implemented to the
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works prior to
Improvement Plan approval.
Final Geotechnical Report. Applicant/Developer shall retain
a licensed Geotechnical Engineer to prepare a Geotechnical
Investigation for the site. The design of the underground
utilities, grading, paving, retaining walls, and foundations
shah be based on recommendations outlined in said Report.
The Geotechnical Engineer shall certify that the design
conforms to the recommendations before the City issues a
Grading/Site Development Permit.
Overall Site Parking. Applicant/Developer shall provide
parking and all improvements in a manner consistent with the
Site Plan by Craig + Grant Architects. All parking spaces
shall be double-striped with 4-inch wide stripes set
approximately 1 foot apart as shown on the "Typical Parking
Striping Detail" and shall be dimensioned per the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Handicapped and
compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified on
the pavement. The developer shall provide a minimum 1-foot
wide step-out curb or equivalent on landscape fingers and
islands adjacent to parking stalls. All landscape planters
within the parking area shall maintain a twenty (20) foot
curb radius for major aisle intersections and ten (10) foot
curb radius for minor aisle intersections, unless otherwise
allowed by the Public Works Director.
REQ'D .'
(Prior to)
Issuance of
Grading Permit
Prior to issuance
of Grading
Construction Trash/Debris. Measures shall be taken to
contain all construction related trash, debris, and materials
on-site until disposal off-site can be arranged. The
Developer/Applicant shall keep the adjoining public streets
and properties free and dean of project dirt, mud, and
materials during the construction period. The Developer shall
be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the
City of Dublin.
On going during
34. Temporary Construction Fencing. The use of any
temporary construction fencing shall be subject to the review
and approval of the Public Works Director, Dublin Police
Services and the Building Official. Security lighting and
patrols shall be employed as necessary. The fencing shall not
obstruct pedestrian access along the frontage during
construction. A safe pedestrian access route shall be
maintained along the frontage at all times.
35. Dust. Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction
activities, shall be watered, or other dust palliative measures
used, to prevent dust, as conditions warrant.
36. Public Improvements on Amador Plaza Road. The
Applicant/Developer shall replace all damaged improvements,
along the Amador Plaza Road project frontage, within the
public right-of-way, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, paving
and utilities to the satisfaction of the Director of Public
Works. Any improvement constructed within the public
right-of-way shall be constructed in accordance with the
City's approved standards and/or plans and may be
constructed only after an encroachment permit has been
issued by the City of Dublin. Any existing street trees not in
conflict with the proposed driveways shall be retained, unless
otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. Any
missing street trees along the Amador Plaza Road frontage
shall be replaced with 24"-box sized trees that match the
species of existing adjacent trees.
37. Right-of-Way Dedication along Dublin Boulevard
frontage: The Applicant/Developer shall irrevocably dedicate
a 12' strip of land as public right-of-way along the Dublin
Boulevard frontage to accommodate a right-turn pocket in
advance of the main driveway entrance and in advance of
Amador Plaza Road. An appropriate transition extending
across the proposed eastern driveway entrance shall connect
the existing right-of-way line to the new, as approved by the
Public Works Director. A professional Land Surveyor shall
be retained by the Applicant/Developer to prepare or
assemble all necessary plats, legal descriptions, closure
calculations, and reference documents to effectuate the
required separate instrument dedication. In addition, the
Applicant/Developer shall retain a title company to process
the recordation of all title documents.
PW Ongoing during PW
PW, B On-going during Standard
Prior to
occupancy of
Prior to issuance
of Building
Public Improvements on Dublin Boulevard. The
Applicant/Developer shall improve the dedicated IT-strip of
public right-of-way on Dublin Boulevard along the project
frontage to accommodate a fight-turn pocket in advance of
the main driveway entrance and in advance of Amador Plaza
Road. Said improvements shall conform to the following
Any utilities, trees, or other improvements within the
widening area shall be removed or relocated as required by
the Public Works Director, or applicable utility provider.
The pavement structural section for the widened street shall
match the existing section, or shall be designed based on
appropriate Traffic Index (TI) and Soil Resistance (R) values.
The new asphalt concrete shall be keyed to the existing using
a conform detail acceptable to the City.
The public sidewalk along the fromage shall be 8 '-wide with
integral curb and gutter. Said sidewalk, curb and gutter shall
be constructed in accordance with City of Dublin Standard
Detail CD-301, except that intermittent 4' x 4' tree wells with
cast iron grates shall be installed at locations approved by the
Director of Public Works.
The two proposed driveways shall be constructed in a manner
similar to Alameda County Standard Detail SD-3 12. These
driveways will allow right-turn-in/right-tum-out only access
to the site due to an existing raised median island on Dublin
Boulevard. The following signs and striping are necessary to
inform drivers of this restriction: R10 "One way'' signs shall
be installed within the median opposite each driveway. R41
'~,ight turn only'' and R1 "Stop" signs shall be installed at the
exit approach to each driveway. In addition, "Stop" legends,
and 48 lineal feet of Detail 23 striping shall be installed at
each exit approach.
24"-box sized street trees shall be planted in each tree well in
a manner consistent with City of Dublin Standard Detail CD-
501, except that the tree species shall match the adjacent
streetscape. Appropriate signs and pavement markings shall
be provided within each right-tum pocket on Dublin
Boulevard as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The
existing crosswalk striping at the intersection shall be
modified as required.
Traffic Signal Modifications: The widening of Dublin PW
Boulevard along the project frontage will necessitate
relocation of the existing traffic signal poles, detector loops,
signs and pavement markings at this intersection. The
applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the
design and construction of the modified traffic signal.
Approval from the City's Traffic Engineer for the modified
traffic signal shall be obtained as part of the City's plan
approval process.
Public Sidewalk Easements: The Applicant/Developer shall Pw
irrevocably dedicate appropriate sidewalk easements for any
public sidewalk, access ramp, cross walk, or portion thereof,
that extends outside of the public right-of-way.' The intent of
this Condition is to provide unobstructed and continuous
pedestrian access along the property frontages. A
professional Land Surveyor shall be retained by the
Applicant/Developer to prepare or assemble all necessary
plats, legal descriptions, closure calculations, and reference
documents to effectuate the required separate instrument
dedication. In addition, the Applicant/Developer shall retain
a title company to process the recordation of all title
Public Services Easement: The Applicant/Developer shall PW
irrevocable dedicate a 10'-wide Public Services Easement
along both the Dublin Boulevard and Amador Plaza Road
frontages. A professional Land Surveyor shall be retained by
the Applicant/Developer to prepare or assemble all necessary
plats, legal descriptions, closure calculations, and reference
documents to effectuate the required separate instrument
dedication. In addition, the Applicant/Developer shall retain
a title company to process the recordation of all title
Decorative Paving at Driveway Entrances: The decorative PW
paving proposed at the two driveway entrances on Dublin
Boulevard and the one driveway entrance on Amador Plaza
Road shall conform to the following requirements. The edge
of the decorative paving shall align with the right-of-way line
to distinguish where the publicly maintained paving ends and
the privately maintained paving begins. The decorative
paving shall define a crosswalk area that extends between the
curb return access ramps at each driveway to provide a
continuous public pedestrian pathway along the frontages.
The access ramps shall be aligned with the crosswalk area,
and said crosswalk area shall be 10'-minimum in width.
Issuance of Bldg.
Prior to Issuance
of Building
Prior to Issuance
of Building
43. Northern Driveway on Areadot Plaza Road: The proposed Pw Pw
driveway approach at the northwest comer of the site shall be
constructed as a standard curb cut driveway per County of
Alameda Standard Detail SD-306 with continuous sidewalk
in lieu of the radius-return style proposed on the site plan
exhibits. The objective is to de-emphasize this driveway as an
entrance since it will only serve traffic headed for the rear of
the building.
44. Additional Southbound Left Turn Lane on Areadot
Plaza Road: The existing travel lane configuration on
Amador Plaza Road along the project frontage shall be
modified to add an additional southbound left turn lane. This
change involves modifying the signs, pavement markings,
traffic signal detector loops, and signal heads only; no
changes to the existing curb alignments are necessary. Said
work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the City's
Traffic Engineer.
The new lane configuration for the existing 52' curb-to-curb
dimension shall be as follows: The southbound outside right-
turn/through lane shall be 12'-wide, the southbound outside
left turn pocket shall be 11 '-wide and 100'-long, the
southbound inside left turn pocket shall be 11 '-wide and
100' -long, and the northbound lane shall be 18 '-wide.
Appropriate transition striping to conform to the existing
two-way left turn lane north of the intersection shall be
Parking shall be prohibited along both the west and east sides
of Amador Plaza Road as measured from the curb retum at
Dublin Boulevard to a point approximately 200' north. Said
point shall coincide with the south edge of the existing
driveway on the west side, and the south curb return of the
proposed driveway on the east side. Appropriate signs and
red curb shall be installed to inform motorists of this parking
The existing traffic signal detector loops at the southbound
approaches to the intersection shall be modified to
accommodate the additional left turn lane. If required, the
traffic signal heads shall be realigned to face the new
southbound lanes.
Delivery Truck Only Sign. The eastern most entrance on CC
Dublin Blvd. shall be signed with a Delivery Truck Only Sign,
subject to review and approval by the Department of Public
Transitioning Existing Improvements. The PW
Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for transitioning
proposed street improvements for smooth transition to
existing improvements on Amador Plaza Road and Dublin
Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
Parking Aisle west of Retail End-Cap. The parking aisle PW
immediately west of the Retail end-cap shall be reconfigured
to operate as a one-way northbound-only aisle with diagonal
parking on each side. To inform drivers of the one-way
restriction at this aisle, directional arrows shall be installed on
the pavement surface, and an R11 "Do not enter" sign shall
be installed at the northern end of the aisle where it intersects
with the aisle that extends around the rear of the building.
Fuel Station Pad. The elevation of the fuel station pad shall Pw
be slightly elevated in relationship to the surrounding
pavement to prevent storm water from washing across it.
Rainwater leaders from the canopy shall not discharge
directly onto the pad, but shall instead be piped or otherwise
conveyed to the on-site storm drainpipe network.
Circulation and Queuing at the Fuel Station. The PW
circulation pattem for the Fuel Station shall be designed such
that vehicles are encouraged to travel from west to east
through the dispenser area. Appropriate signs and pavement
markings shall be provided to direct motorists. In addition, a
sign shall be posted in a conspicuous location that directs the
fuel delivery trucks to exit the site by driving
counterclockwise around the Safeway building to exit onto
Amador Plaza Road.
Disabled Access to the Fuel Station Kiosk. An accessible Pw
walhvay shall be constructed between the fuel station kiosk
and the adjacent public sidewalk.
Improvements on the Neighboring Zone 7 and State of PW
California Properties: Before initiating any improvement
work on the neighboring Zone 7 and State of California
properties, the Applicant/Developer shall obtain written
approval from each property owner in the form of a valid
Zone 7 or Caltrans Encroachment Permit. The
Applicant/Developer shall also assure that safe, unobstructed
access is provided to the neighboring properties during
Prior to issuance
of Bldg. Permits
and on-going
Retaining Walls along Property Boundary. Any retaining
walls to be built along the property boundary to resolve
differences in elevation between the Safeway property and the
abutting properties shall be constructed of concrete, masonry
block, or other approved durable material. Walls constructed
of wood will not be permitted. Said walls shall not obstruct
maintenance access to the adjacent Zone 7 J-1 storm drain
channel along the east side of the Safeway property.
Pavement Slopes. Pavement slopes within the parking field
shall not exceed 5% in any direction, and shall not be flatter
than 1%. Within any parking stall designated for the
physically disabled, the slope shall not exceed 2% in any
Storm Drainage: The Applicant/Developer shall modify or
replace the existing storm drainage pipe network to convey
the on-site storm runoffto the adjacent Zone 7 storm drain
channel. If new or replacement outfall structures will be
installed, the Applicant/Developer shall obtain all necessary
jurisdictional permits (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers,
Department of Fish & Game, State Water Resources Control
Board, etc.) prior to issuance of the Site
Development/Grading Permit. Connections to any Zone 7
facilities shah be approved by Zone 7 and constructed
according to Zone 7 standards and in accordance with their
Encroachment Permit requirements. Not more than ¼ acre of
the site will be allowed to surface drain to the abutting public
streets, and in no event shall storm runoff sheet flow across
the public sidewalk to the abutting streets. The design of the
storm drain system shall be consistent with City standards, as
evidenced by the preparation and submittal of hydraulic
calculations prepared by a Civil Engineer. Drainage shall be
designed in accordance with the criteria established in the
Standard Public Works Criteria attached hereto as
Attachment "A". The Developer shall demonstrate to the
Director of Public Works that the elevations of proposed
building finished floors on this project are a minimum of one
foot above the 100-year storm event and that 1.25' minimum
of freeboard is provided at each storm water inlet as
measured from top of curb to hydraulic grade line. All
grading improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved
by the Director of Public Works prior to start of any grading.
Refer to the Hydrology and Hydraulics Criteria Summary
published by Alameda County for all related design criteria.
Prior to issuance
of grading
Existing Underground Utilities and Associated Pw
Easements: According to the Preliminary Title Report for
the project site, several existing easements encumber the site.
The Applicant/Developer shall assure that the rights of each
easement holder are not tompromised as a result of the
proposed improvements. If any existing utilities or other
improvements protected by said easements are altered or
removed, the Applicant/Developer shall submit evidence that
the easement holder consents to said work.
Removal of Obstructions. Applicant/Developer shall PW
remove all trees including major root systems and other
obstructions from building sites or parking/drive aisle areas
that are necessary for improvements or for public safety as
directed by the Director of Public Works (DPW).
Dedication and Improvement of Fire/Emergency Access. PW, F
Applicant/Developer shall provide adequate access and turn-
around for general public, fire and other emergency vehicles
(42-foot minimum outside turning radii or hammerhead) per
Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) standard
requirements in all public streets. Internal drive aisles shall be
designed to allow fire and other emergency vehicles to
conveniently pass through (20 foot minimum lane width) and
have access to all sides of the building. Applicant/Developer
shall dedicate an Emergency Vehicle Access Easement
(EVAE) through the site to assure unobstructed access to all
sides of the building to the satisfaction of Alameda County
Fire Department and the Director of Public Works.
Decorative Paving. Applicant/Developer shall not construct PW
decorative pavement within the City right-of-way.
Slope Easements. Applicant/Developer shall obtain from PW
adjacent properW owner temporary slope easements for
construction of slopes on neighboring property serving the
Location of Improvements/Configuration of Right of PW
Way. All public streets, sidewalks, driveway approaches,
street lights, traffic markings and signs, storm drainage
facilities, fences, handicap ramps, and other street
improvements shall be located within the public fight of way.
The location of improvements shall be approved by the DPW
prior to construction.
Signing and Striping Plan. A signage and striping plan for PW
the parking fields shall be submitted to the Public Works
Department for review and approval
Issuance of Bldg.
Prior to building
Issuance of
Grading Permit
Occupancy of
Any Building
Prior to
Occupancy of
Grading Permit PW
Building Permit PW
62. Disabled Access Requirements. An accessible pedestrian PW
route shall be provided between each primary building
entrance and the public sidewalk, and between each primary
building entrance and the disabled parking stalls designated to
serve that building. The accessible route and all ramps shall
comply with all current State disabled access requirements
and City of Dublin Standards.
63. Water and Sewer Lines. Applicant/Developer shall PW
construct all fire hydrants, water and sewer lines needed to
serve the, project, to the satisfaction of Dublin San Ramon
Services District, and the Alameda County Fire Department.
Water Quality Requirements. All development shall meet PW
the water quality requirements of the City of Dublin's
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit and the Alameda County Urban Runoff Clean Water
Program. The site design shall include some type of
permanent filtration system for all storm drain inlets within
the paved areas to prevent hydrocarbons and other
petroleum-based contaminants from entering the public storm
drain system. Installation details shall be included on the
plans. In addition, all storm water inlets shall be stenciled
'~qo Dumping - Flows to Bay" using a standard stencil
available from the Alameda County Urban Runoff Clean
Water Program, located at 951 Turner Court, Hayward,
Erosion Control Measures. The Developer/Applicant shall PW
install erosion control measures in all areas of the site during
construction between October 1 and April 15 to the
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. A plan for
erosion control shall be prepared and submitted for approval
by the Public Works Director. All erosion control measures
shall be in accordance with the latest standards of the
Regional Water Quality Control Board Manual of Sediment
Best Management Practices. Developer/Applicant shall PW
demonstrate to the Director of Public Works that the project
development meets the requirements of the City of Dublin's
"Best Management Practices" to mitigate storm water
pollution. The applicant shall prepare a Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and shall obtain a notice
of intent (NOD from the State Water Resources Control
Occupancy of
any building
Issuance of
Grading Permit
Issuance of
Grading Permit
67. Joint Utility Trenches/Undergrounding/Utility Plans. PW Occupancy of PW
Applicant/Developer shall construct all joint utility trenches affected units Utilities
(such as electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas) in accordance
with the appropriate utility jurisdiction standards. All
communication vaults, electric transformers, cable TV boxes,
blow-off valves and any appurtenant utility items thereto shall
be underground. Utility plans, showing locations of all
proposed utilities (including electrical vaults and underground
transformers) shall be reviewed and approved by the DPW.
Location of these items shall also be shown on the Final
Landscaping and Irrigation Plan.
68. Landscaping at Aisle Intersections. Developer/Applicant PL~ PW Completion of Standard
shall install Landscaping at parking lot aisle intersections Improvements
shall be such that sight distance of cars at the intersection of
the drive aisles are not obstructed. Except for trees,
landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb
in these areas.
69. Landscaping Maintenance. Applicant/Developer shall PL, PW Occupancy of PW
construct all landscaping within the site and along the project Any Building
frontage from the face of curb to the site right-of-way to the
satisfaction of the Director of Community Development and
Public Works. Street tree varieties of a minimum 24"-box
size shall be planted along all street frontages and shall be
shown on the Landscaping plans. Exact tree locations and
varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of
Public Works. The irrigation for all street trees shall be
connected to the on-site irrigation system and maintained by
the private property owner. All landscaping materials within
the public right-of-way and on-site landscaping shall be
maintained in accordance with the "City of Dublin Standards
Plant Material, Irrigation System and Maintenance
Agreement" by the Developer after City-approved
installation. This maintenance shall include irrigation,
fertilization, weeding, the application ofpre-emergent
chemical applications, and the replacement of materials that
Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A Final Landscape
and Irrigation Plan conforming to the requirements of Section
8.72.030 of the Zoning Ordinance (unless otherwise required
by this Resolution) shall be submitted for review and approval
by the Director of Public Works and the Director of
Community Development. The Final Landscape and
Irrigation Plan shall be generally consistent with the revised
Landscape Plan prepared by SLS, The Final Landscape and
Irrigation Plan, (at 1 inch = 20 feet or larger) shall be
submitted along with a cost estimate of the work and
materials proposed.
The Community Development Director may require
additional landscaping to be shown on the final landscape
plan prior to the issuance of a building permit or require the
installation of additional landscaping prior to occupancy of
any building to provide additional shade, visual relief and an
attractive environment for the public.
Lighting. The Developer/Applicant shall submit for approval
a photometric lighting plan which demonstrates that all
exterior areas of the site will have a lighting level not less
than 1.5 foot-candles at the ground surface (except in areas
adjacent to the residential areas to the north where 1.0 foot-
candles at the ground surface are acceptable), Lighting in
landscaped areas throughout the project shall be subject to
review and approval of City's Landscape Architect, Planning,
and Public Works Departments, in consideration of IES
standards for lighting in public/community areas.
Issuance of
of Building
Final lighting plan. The applicant shall submit a final
lighting plan for approval by the Dublin Police Services. At a
minimum the plan should include: .50 foot candle lighting at
all doors, and lighting fixtures should be of a vandal-resistant
Minimum Landscape Dimension. All planted areas
between roadways/drives/parking spaces and fences or other
roadways shall be 5' minimum. Street tree plantings must be
continued along all street frontages.
Slope Transitions. Adequate slope areas shall be provided in
all landscaped areas between streets/roadways/curbs and
fences to allow slope transition at top and bottom and
adjacent to fences. The inclination of slopes within
landscaped areas shall not be steeper than 3 (horizontal) to 1
(vertical), unless otherwise approved by the Director of
Public Works.
Issuance of
Issuance of
Building Permits
Issuance of
Grading Permit/
Issuance of
Building Permits
NO. ....... : ...... : SP: WHEN SOURCE
(Prior to)
PL, PW Completion of
74. Bicycle Parking. The applicant/Developer shall install one Standard
Bicycle parking space in a rack for every 40 vehicular parking
spaces near several entries to the satisfaction of the Director
of Public Works. Bicycle racks shall be located near the
building entrances for the grocery store and retail.
Monument Signs. Design of any monument signs shall be
approved both by the Director of Community Development
to assure compatibility with design elements of the project,
and by the DPW to assure unobstructed traffic visibility.
Backflow Devices. Backflow devices shall be screened from PL
view by means of fencing, enclosures, landscaping and/or
Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. PL, PW,
Applicant/Developer shall ensure that the Final Landscaping DSR
and Irrigation Plan conforms to the City's Water Efficient
Landscape Regulations.
Health, Design and Safety Standards. Prior to final PW, PL
approval allowing occupancy of any new building, the
physical condition of the building shall meet minimum health,
design, and safety standards including, but not limited to the
a. The streets providing access to the site shall be PL
complete to allow for safe traffic movements to and
from the site.
b. All traffic striping and control signing on streets Pw
providing access to the site shall be in place.
d. Exterior lighting shall be provided for building PW
entrances and shall be of a design and placement so as
not to cause glare onto adjoining properties.
e. All repairs to the street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk Pw
which may create a hazard shall be completed to the
satisfaction of the Director of public Works and any
non-hazardous repairs shall be complete and/or bonded
f. All buildings shall have an illuminated address number PL, PO
that is clearly visible from the middle of the street.
g. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to PL,POBP
provide for security needs (Photometrics and lighting w
plans for the site shall be submitted to the Department
of Community Development and the Dublin Police
Services for review and approval.
PL, PW Completion of Standard
Issuance of Standard
Building Permits
Issuance of Standard
Building Permits
Occupancy of Standard
Any Building
Occupancy of Standard
Any Building
Occupancy of Standard
Any Building
Occupancy of Standard
Occupancy of Standard
Any Building
Occupancy of
Any Building
Plans Approved
prior to Issuance
of Building
Installed prior to
Occupancy of
Any Building
h. All sewer dean-outs, water meter boxes, and other
utility boxes shall be set to grade to the approval of the
Director of public Works.
i. The buildings shall have received all necessary B
inspections and have final approval by the Building
Department to allow occupancy.
j.. All fire hydrants on Amador Plaza Road and in parking F
lot area shall be operable to City and ACFD standards.
k. All parking lot aisles on the site shall be improved to an PW, F
adequate width and manner to allow for fire engine
circulation to the approval of the Director of Public
Works and ACFD.
1. Applicant/Developer shall keep the site clear of graffiti PO
vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times.
Graffiti resistant materials should be used.
m. Applicant/Developer shall work with the Dublin Police PO
on an ongoing basis to establish an effective theft
prevention and security program. Applicant/Developer
shall submit a security plan for the site for review and
.'.(Prior to) '
PW Occupancy of
Any Building
Occupancy of
Any Building
Occupancy of
Any Building
Occupancy of
Any Building
Plan submitted
prior to
Occupancy of
Any Building
approval by the Dublin Police.
79. Bollards. Bollard s shall be installed to protect Fire Hydrants F
where subject to vehicle damage
80. DSRSD Standard Steamer. Standard steamer type (1-4- F
1/2" and 1-2-1/2" outlet) fire hydrants are required
81. ACFD Rules, Regulations and Standards. F
Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Alameda County
Fire Services (ACFD) rules, regulations and standards,
including minimum standards for emergency access roads and
payment of applicable fees, including City of Dublin Fire
Impact Fees.
82. Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement. Prior to F
securing a building permit, the Applicant shall provide a
Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement, including Material
Safety Data Sheets, to the Alameda County Fire Department.
The applicant shall submit separate Hazardous Materials
Inventory Statement and any other documentation required
by the Alameda County Fire Department for the 1) removal
of underground tanks and dispensers and 2) the installation of
underground tanks and dispensers.
Issuance of
Building Permits
Issuance of
Building Permits
Issuance of
Building Permits
Issuance of Standard
Building Permits
83. Handling of Hazardous Materials. All hazardous materials F Standard
must be handled in conformance with applicable
governmental safety requirements, and disposed of by a
certified contractor using proper disposal procedures. The
Applicant shall comply with the Alameda County
Environmental Heath Department' s requirements, including,
if required, the submittal of an Emergency Plan/Hazardous
Materials Management Plan
84. Permit for UST. A Separate Permit is required for the F
installation of Underground Storage Tanks
85. Alarm Account. The Alarm Account must be certified F
86. Fire Conditions. Developer shall comply with all conditions F
of the Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD), including:
Issuance of
Issuance of Standard
Building Permits
Issuance of Standard
Building Pennits
Issuance of Standard
Building Permits
Automatic fire sprinklers. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be
installed throughout. Sprinkler systems serving more than 100 heads shall be
monitored by an approved central station, U.L. listed and certified for fire alarm
monitoring. A copy of the U.L. listing must be provided to the Alameda County Fire
Department, City of Dublin, Fire Prevention Division, prior to scheduling the final
test system. (CFC, 1998, Section 1003.3 as mended).
Roadways. Fire apparatus roadways must have a minimum unobstructed width of
20 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches.
Turning radius shall allow emergency vehicles access completely around the
building. Roadways under 36 feet wide shall be posted with signs or shall have red
curbs painted with labels on one side; roadways under 28 feet wide shall be posted
with signs or shall have red curbs painted with labels on both sides of the street as
follows: "NO STOPPING FIRE LANE - CVC 22500.1". (CFC 1998, Section
Fire lanes. Areas in the parking lot shall be designated "Fire Lane" in order to
provide access to the structures in the parking lot.
Flammable/Hazardous Materials. An inventory statement (HMIS) for any/all
hazardous materials, including Material Safety Data Sheets, shall be supplied to the
Alameda County Fire Department, City of Dublin, Fire Prevention Division, for
approval of process/storage/handling requirements. Additional Alameda County
Environmental Health Agency requirements, including a business emergency
plan/hazardous materials management plan (BEP/HMPP) and local planning
(zoning) building approvals, shall/may be required. (CFC 1998, Section 8001.3.3
Emergency lighting. Emergency lighting shall be installed to the satisfaction of the
(Prior to)
f. Knox Box. A Knox key lock system is required. Applications are available at the
Alameda County Fire Department, Fire Prevention Division, 100 Civic Plaza,
Dublin, CA 94568. Please return the completed application with the building plans
when you submit for a permit or prior to final inspection for occupancy. (CFC
Section 902.4).
g. Portable fire extinguishers. Provide at least one 2A 10BC portable fire
extinguisher for each 3000 sq.R. of floor area. Travel distance to an extinguisher
shall not exceed 75 feet of travel distance and shall not be between floors. (CFC,
1998, Sec. 1002.1)
h. Fire Permit. A Fire Department permit (is/may be) required. Contact you Inspector
at (925) 833- 6606 for specific details.
i. Water Supply. Water Supply for Fire Flow and the number of Fire Hydrants shall
be sufficient for the size of the building and type construction
j. Signage. Signage is required for Fire Sprinkler Riser, Fire Alarm Room/Panel,
Electric Room/Panel, Roof Access and any location that may require access during
an emergency.
k. Rubbish. During construction, combustible or flammable waste materials or rubbish
of any kind shall not be permitted on any yard, vacant lot or open space.
1. Plans may be subject to revision following review.
87. Addressing. Addressing and building numbers. Approved PO Occupancy of PO
numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing Any Building
buildings. The address shall be positioned as to be plainly
visible and legible from the street or road fronting the
property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background.
Individual suite numbers shall be permanently posted on the
main entrance doors or tenant spaces. (CFC, 1998, Section
901.4.4) If rear doors to tenant spaces are installed, they shall
include the numerical address corresponding to the address
on the front of the building.
88. Employee exit doors. Employee exit doors shall e equipped PO Occupancy of PO
with 180 degree viewers fithere is not a burglary resistant Any Building
window panel in the door from which to scan the exterior.
89. Landscaping. Exterior landscaping shall be kept at a PO Occupancy of PO
minimal height and fullness giving patrol officers and the Any Building
general public surveillance capabilities of the area.
90. Graffiti. The applicant shall keep the site clear of grattiti PO Occupancy of PO
vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. Any Building
Graffiti resistant materials should be used.
91. Theft prevention and security program. The applicant PO Building Permit PO
shall work with the Dublin Police Services on an ongoing
basis to establish an effective theft prevention and security
92. Occupancy of PO
Any Building
93. Occupancy of PO
Any Building
94. Occupancy of PO
Any Building
95. Occupancy PO
Non Residential Security Requirements. The Developer PO
shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non
Residential Security Requirements. Employee exit doors shall
be equipped with 180 degree viewers if there is not a burglary
resistant window panel in the door from which to scan the
Security Program. The Developer shall work with the PO
Dublin Police Department on an ongoing basis to establish an
effective theft, robbery, and burglary prevention/security
program for the business.
Security Plan. The applicant shall submit a security plan to PO
the satisfaction of the Chief of Police. The plan shall include:
alarm systems, inventory control, key control, methods for
securing exit driveways, a completed "Business Site
Emergency Response Card" and employee safety training.
Rear Access Doors. If there are exterior doors on the rear PO
of the building, the business name and address is to be located
on the door in a contrasting color. The lettering shall be no
less than 6" in height.
.. ' · · · · . ~ · . · :,:i:'I,~i!,C~ !!:,- ;:: :;)2 ~:; ~:
· . .
96. Wells. Any well on the site without a documented intent of zone 7, Issuance of Standard
PW Grading Permits
future use, filed with Zone 7, shall be destroyed prior to any
demolition or construction activity in accordance with a well
destruction permit obtained from Zone 7 and the Alameda
County Department of Environmental Services or will be
maintained in accordance with applicable groundwater
protection ordinances. Other wells encountered prior to or
during construction are to be treated similarly.
97. Complete Improvement Plans. complete improvement plans DSRSD Building Permit Standard
shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the
requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District
Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and
Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and
Wastewater Facilities", all applicable DSRSD Master Plans
and all DSRSD policies.
DSRSD Water Facilities. Water facilities must be
connected to the DSRSD or other approved water system,
and must be installed at the expense of Applicant/Developer
in accordance with District Standards and Specifications. All
material and workmanship for water mains and appurtenances
thereto must conform with all of the requirements of the
officially adopted Water Code of the District and shall be
subject to field inspection by the District.
Applicant/Developer shall comply with all of the following
general conditions:
Standard Procedures. Prior to the issuance of building
permits, complete improvements shall be submitted to
DSRSD confirming with the requirements of the DSKSD
Code, "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for
Design andInstallation of Water and Wastewater Facilities,"
all applicable DSKSD Master Plans and DSRSD policies.
Mains. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity
to accommodate future flow demands in addition to each
development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains
shall be in accord with DSKSD utility master planning.
Gravity Flow. Sewers shall be designed to operate by
gravity flow to DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer system.
Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may be allowed under
extreme circumstances following a case-by-case review with
DSRSD. Any pumping station shall require specific review
and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design
criteria and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD
reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20-
year maintenance costs as well another conditions within a
separate agreement with the applicant for any project that
requires a pumping station.
Fire Protection Domestic and fire protection waterline
systems shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to
avoid dead-end sections in accord with the requirements of
the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound engineering
Sewer/Water lines to be located in Public streets. DSRSD
policy requires public water and sewer lines to be located in
public streets to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable,
public water or sewer easements must be established to
provide for future maintenance and/or replacement.
Acceptance of DSRSD
Prior to Issuance
of Building
Prior to Issuance
of Building
Prior to Issuance
of Building
Prior to Issuance
of Building
Prior to Issuance
of Building
104. Depict all Easements. Prior to approval by the City of a
grading permit or a site development permit, the locations
and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water
and sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by
105. Easement Dedications. All easement dedications for
DSRSD facilities shall be by separate instrument irrevocably
offered to DSRSD or by offer of dedication on a Final Map.
106, Fees. Prior to issuance of a building permit, all utility
connection fees, inspection fees, permit fees and fees
associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid
to DSRSD in accord with the rates and scheduled established
in the DSRSD Code.
107, Improvement Plans. Prior to issuance of a building permit,
all improvement plans of DSRSD facilities shall be signed by
the District Engineer. Prior to DSRSD approval, the
developer shall pay all DSRSD fees, and provide an estimate
of construction costs for water and sewer systems, a
performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a
comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the
amounts and forms acceptable to DSRSD. FiReen working
days are required for DSRSD approval.
108. Construction Permit. No sewer or water line construction
shall be permitted unless the proper utility construction
permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will
only be issued aRer all other items have been satisfied.
Existing public and private water and sewer facilities on the
site must be properly capped and abandoned in conformante
with District requirements. Applicant shall submit plans for
abandonment along with water and sewer improvement plans.
Proposed site plans show water and sewer improvements that
do not meet District and Dept of Health Services separation
standards. Utility separations shall meet district requirements.
Hold Harmless. The developer shall hold DSRSD, its Board
of Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD
harmless and indemnify and defend same from any litigation,
claims, or fines resulting from the construction and
completion of the project.
Prior to Issuance
of Grading
Acceptance of
Prior to Issuance
of Grading
Prior to Issuance
of Building
Prior to Issuance
of Grading
Prior to Issuance
of Grading
Prior to Issuance
of Grading
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6tn. day of March, 2001.
AYES: Councilmembers Lockhart, McCormick, Oravetz, Zika and Mayor Houston
NOES: None
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