HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.1 Approve 12-14-1987 Minutes 1 REGULAR MEETING - December 14, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, December 14, 1987 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. , by Mayor Linda Jeffery. * * * * ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor Jeffery. * * * * PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle- giance to the flag. * * * * ALAMEDA COUNTY SENIOR HOUSING PROGRAMS PROPOSAL Staff advised the Council that in April of this year, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution approving the preparation of a proposal to develop housing in Alameda County for very low income seniors and the disabled, to be financed through the issuance of general obligation bonds . The resolution directed Alameda County' s Planning Director to work with Alameda County cities and other affected County departments to develop the proposal. An Alameda County Senior Housing Technical Advisory Committee was formed, made up of representatives of the cities (including Dublin) , County Staff, a non-profit housing development corporation and representatives from California Congress of Seniors . It was the Committee' s responsibility to develop the proposal for presentation to the Board of Supervisors. In July, the City Council adopted a resolution endorsing, in principle, a general obligation bond issue. Other jurisdictions throughout the County adopted similar resolutions. In October, the Committee ' s proposal was submitted to the Board of Supervisors for review. The proposal was accepted. The Board of Supervisors directed that the proposal be presented to the Conference of Mayors and the city councils of each city in the County for approval . The Mayors ' Conference endorsed the proposal in late October. To date, 11 of 14 Alameda County cities have endorsed the program. Staff advised the Council that their endorsement of this proposal would include the following issues : 1) The issuance of a $142, 782, 000 general obligation bond to finance the development of between 1, 700 and 2, 000 units of housing for very low income seniors and the disabled throughout the County. This will be decided through a Countywide election to authorize the implementation of the program in either June or November of 1988; 2 ) the City will participate in the program by having an allocation of at least 50 units of this housing to be developed in the City, if the program is supported by CM-6-354 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 com ' .•�, Alameda County voters. The City Council will have the power to approve or deny any proposal submitted to the City through this program; 3) General obligation bond monies utilized to develop these units in Dublin would be paid for by Dublin property owners through property tax assessment at a minimum of $20 and a maximum of $25 per year per $100, 000 of assessed property values. The assessment would occur for a period of at least 20 years and would not exceed 40 years, depending upon the interest rate at which the bond is financed. The assessments would affect all taxable properties in the County. Two other important issues pertain to ownership and management. In both cases, the final decision on who owns the land and who manages the property will be made by the County, with full consideration of the City's input. Cm. Hegarty questioned the legal aspects of who owns the property. Planning Director Tong reported that it is Staff' s understanding that it is the County' s Legal Counsel ' s opinion that they would own the property. Cm. Moffatt questioned if Dublin uses the land at Arroyo Vista which is Federally owned by HUD, would the ownership pass to the County. Mr. Tong indicated that a hypothetical situation was discussed of developing on the vacant portion of Arroyo Vista. The County has indicated the possibility of some type of joint ownership. City Manager Ambrose indicated that when the Arroyo Vista property was transferred to the Dublin Housing Authority, not all of the property was encumbered by the note. The undeveloped parcel belongs to the Dublin Housing Authority rather than HUD. Jack Shepherd addressed the Council and explained the program in detail. He indicated that since early discussions, ownership has been a controversial issue. The question of ownership and management is completely open for discussion. The County will definitely not manage the units. Mayor Jeffery questioned if this proposal covers only capital costs. Mr. Shepherd indicated yes and explained how the decision making process will work. Mayor Jeffery questioned if someone living in this project would still be eligible for Section 8 funds. Mr. Shepherd indicated that the policy decision up to this point has been not to allow this. Cm. Moffatt questioned if the cap of $25 per $100, 000 assessed valuation was actually based on market value. Mr. Shepherd explained how the assessed value works based on Proposition 13. They cannot guarantee the $25 figure. They could come in with as low as $17 or $18 assessment, but they don't want to mislead the voters. CM-6-355 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 Cm. Hegarty stated that if Dublin is allowed 50 units and 800 or 900 would be used in the entire area, what is the priority for the Valley. Mr. Shepherd clarified the figures. The Valley has 50 for each of the 3 Cities, plus 150 that will be in a pool. Representatives from each of the 3 Cities plus 1 County representative will decide this. Cm. Snyder questioned if this is the best thing to do for the seniors and handicapped individuals. Mr. Shepherd indicated that the issue has been reviewed and the report encourages smaller projects of 30 to 50 units. The advantage to the progra..L is that it is a local program. They looked at a Seattle project which was very successful . At this point, they are still dealing with a general outline. They have not yet crossed all the is and. dotted all the i 's. Cm. Hegarty expressed concern regarding the tax issue. Comments that he has received indicate that people don't want anyone to start messing around with their taxes. In order for this to be successful, it must be explained correctly. There is a definite need for this type of housing, but it must be presented carefully. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 100 - 87 ENDORSING PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY IN A COUNTYWIDE PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION .OF MULTI-FAMILY RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS FOR VERY LOW INCOME ELDERLY AND DISABLED PERSONS PROCLAMATION Mayor Jeffery read a proclamation declaring the week of December 13-19, 1987 as "Drunk & Drugged Driving Awareness Week" . In 1986, 2, 543 persons dies on California roadways in alcohol/drug related collisions and an additional 69, 876 persons were injured. An increase in public awareness of the problems of drunk and drugged driving may help sustain current efforts to develop comprehensive solutions at the State and local levels . * * * * CASA (Citizens Against Substance Abuse) June Jardini, 3894 Hot Springs Court, Pleasanton, addressed the Council regarding a newly formed group, Citizens Against Substance Abuse. She requested the support of Dublin in order to educate the community in an effort to stop alcohol and drug abuse. We cannot afford to lose another generation to drugs. This program is being geared not only to students, but also to parents. She would like to see a program whereby churches, schools, seniors , businesses, and media are all involved. CM-'6-356 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 Mayor Jeffery requested that Ms. Jardini provide more information on what activities CASA will be planning. * * * * CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions : Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 23, 1987 and Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 30, 1987; Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $556, 660.24; Approved an Addendum to the Agreement for Landscape Architectural Services for East Dougherty Hills Park, with Singer & Hodges, Inc. , and authorized the Mayor to execute the addendum; Accepted the City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending November 30, 1987; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 101 - 87 APPROVING REPLACEMENT OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT AND SECURITIES, TRACT 5388 (Morrison Homes) Authorized Staff to issue a permit for the installation of a banner by the American Cancer Society on April 18th thru May 4, 1988 and authorized Staff to install banner upon receipt of Certificate of Insurance; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 102 - 87 AWARDING CONTRACT 87-10 TO LAWRENCE JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION FOR SENIOR CENTER REMODEL ($86,532) and authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement. Cm. Hegarty stated that on the Warrant Register he had noticed a payment for Police vehicle tires, and he wanted to question the frequency with which tires are purchased for the Police vehicles. City Manager Ambrose indicated that he has looked into this and the Police Department averages about 15, 000 miles per tire rather than the 40, 000 miles that most average drivers receive. He has checked with other Police Departments, and it appears that because of the special type of usage, this is a realistic expectancy figure. Cm. Snyder pointed out that the Police Department has a very different kind of usage than the average driver. * * * * CM-6-357 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING . CREST ENTERPRISES AND THE­NEW EWE Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that this Applicant is requesting -approval to rezone one of three parcels of property within the Heritage Park Planned Development District (1362nd Z.U. ) . The Applicant is' requesting to expand the types of uses permitted on Site A at 11873 Dublin Boulevard (Green Store) to include medical offices and labs, health club/fitness center, and beauty and tanning salon uses in addition to the bank, savings and loan institution and restaurant uses currently identified as permitted use on this parcel in the existing Planned Development. Under the existing PD, the Applicant's parcel, Site A, and the adjacent parcel to the east, Site B, is restricted in use to a bank or savings and loan institution or restaurant. ., The third and largest parcel, Site C, is limited to office use for business, administrative or professional services. The Applicant's parcel contains 29 on-site parking spaces and shares reciprocal ingress, egress, and parking easements with Sites B and C. The total number of parking spaces provided for the three sites is 483 +. The New Ewe proposes to occupy approximately 3,280 square feet of floor area within the Green Store building, and is proposed as a women's health club, offering aerobic classes, personal care programs, and a beauty and tanning salon for members. The specific uses for the remaining floor area is undetermined at this time; however, Crest Enterprises indicates that the area formerly occupied as a bar will likely continue as a bar. The basement area (approximately 1, 960 square feet of floor area) is currently vacant, and Crest Enterprises anticipates that this area will be used as medical offices if the rezoning is approved. On November 2nd and November 16th, the Planning Commission considered the Applicant's request and at the November 16th meeting, adopted a resolution recommending the City Council approve the Ordinance and general provisions for the rezoning to permit the medical office, beauty and tanning salons, and health club. The original application considered by the Planning Commission included a request to allow a massage therapist. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the massage therapist, finding the use was not compatible with the C-0 District. The massage therapist is no longer under consideration, as the Applicant withdrew the request, subsequent to the Planning Commission' s recommendation. The proposal has been reviewed by other City agencies and the Building Department has noted that some construction on the site has occured without building permits. Zoning Investigation has also noted that the Applicant has attempted to occupy the site prior to securing the needed zoning district change and related permits. Cm. Moffatt questioned the provision and use of health facilities, since the building is being broken up into 3 areas. Planning Director Tong reported that they would have to comply with CM-6-358 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 applicable building codes. Chief Building Official Taugher reported that the number of restrooms is determined per site, and the tenants must decide on the location, etc. Cm.. Hegarty: questioned if they were asking for a change in the =PD. Mr�. Tong responded yes, to a portion of the property. James Kleimer, Alamo, addressed the Council, stating that he represented himself, as well as Design Consultant for the New Ewe. He stated that with regard to Staff' s report of construction going on at the site, there is nothing going on that requires building permits. He has been doing work in the bar area redecorating, but nothing that would require a permit. The New Ewe has a lease on the building, and he felt that that should certainly entitle them to go onto the premises. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. * Cm. Hegarty stated he is very familiar with this project as he has been involved with it for a number of years. It has not turned out the way it was hoped. The Green Store building was nominated by the National Historical Association, which is an honor just to receive this type of a nomination. Mr. Nichandros tried it as a restaurant and for whateverreasons, this did not work out. Now, they come in 6 years later requesting to change the uses. Cm. Hegarty did not feel that the mesh of medical offices, a bar, and an exercise studio are compatible. The massage studio application was pulled, for which he is thankful . Parking was another concern of Cm. Hegarty. In summary, Cm. Hegarty felt worried about traffic and about how this building will maintain its integrity. Cm. Snyder expressed concern that in 1982, the Council appeared to have jumped through hoops to allow Mr. Nichandros to do what he was trying to do with this building. It is not now appropriate to change the types of businesses on this corner. Cm. Snyder also expressed strong concern regarding the integrity of this building, both the interior and exterior, based on the requirements which were established in 1982. Mayor Jeffery advised that Dublin has only 2 buildings considered historical in nature and this happens to be one of them. This one is the most visible. The original intent in allowing this building special privileges was in order to try and save the building for these historical purposes. Mayor Jeffery stated she could not envision any doctor who would rent office space below a bar. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by majority vote, the Council agreed to continue this item to the Council meeting on . December 21, 1987, in order to give Mr. Nichandros an opportunity to appear personally and address the Council. Cm. Snyder voted against this motion. CM-6-359 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR GRADING, CONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE OF LANDFILLS AND EXCAVATION & FOR CONTROL OF EROSION & SEDIMENT & REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 19-82 Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff, advised that this ordinance, which was introduced at the ,Council meeting of November 23rd, serves the same purpose as the County of Alameda grading ordinance (Title 7, Chapter 9 of the Alameda County Code) , which the City adopted by reference. The ordinance establishes minimum design and construction standards, provides regulations for grading, excavating, and erosion control, and outlines a procedure for obtaining permits. Specific requirements for preparation and submittal of plans and for interim and final geotechnical reports are delineated. This ordinance will allow the Public Works Director to waive full-time geotechnical inspection when the grading is of a minor nature and intermittent inspections and testing can assure proper compaction and soil placement. A question was raised at the November 23rd meeting regarding this ability to waive permit requirements. The intent is for Staff to fully evaluate the permittee' s scope of work before making such a decision. No members of the public expressed a desire to speak on this issue. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 56 - 87 ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR GRADING, CONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE OF LANDFILLS AND EXCAVATION AND FOR CONTROL OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT AND REPEALING CITY OF DUBLIN ORDINANCE NO. 19-82 * * * * PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE RELATING TO BINGO GAMES Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. This ordinance, which was introduced at the November 23rd Council meeting, is a part of the comprehensive Municipal Code revision process. The ordinance specifies that any person desiring to operate a bingo game within the corporate limits of the City of Dublin would make application for license with the City Manager. An Applicant, as a condition of license issuance, consents to the examination and audit of its records, at reasonable times, by authorized City representatives. No members of the public expressed a desire to speak on this issue. CM-6-360 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 57 - 87 . RELATING TO BINGO GAMES * * * * PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE WHICH ADOPTS THE 1985 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1985 .UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1985 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1985 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE & 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. This ordinance was introduced at the Counci•1 meeting of November 23rd. At that meeting, Staff was directed to meet with the Fire Chief and interested development community members to attempt to work out acceptable standards on sprinklers in residential areas of the City. A meeting was held on December 4th, and a revised ordinance on sprinklers is being developed. This ordinance will be presented at a future Council meeting. As a result of Council direction, revisions were made related to the use of plastic drain, waste, and vent pipe in residential buildings over two stories. Section 17958. 5. of the Health and Safety Code provides that whenever cities adopt the Uniform Codes, cities -may make changes or modifications to the . requirements contained in the State Building Standards. Code as it determines are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geologic or topographical e conditions. Th City may also make- modifications to the Uniform Codes as are reasonably necessary because of. local conditions. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. Cm. Hegarty questioned the changes related to how the findings were made according to the resolution. He was under the impression that changes were made because of modern technology and the fact that we sit on an earthquake fault. Mr. Taugher reported that the findings to which Cm. Hegarty refers were made a few months ago with regard to a specific project.. State Law specifies the conditions under which we must make findings. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted CM-6-361 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 ORDINANCE NO. 58 - 87 REPEALING CITY OF DUBLIN BUILDING REGULATIONS AS CONTAINED .IN ORDINANCE NUMBERS 2-84, 12-85, 13-85, 32-85, 36-87, 39-87 AND, SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO. 7-87, AND READOPTING THE CITY OF DUBLIN BUILDING REGULATIONS WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 12-85, 13-85, 32-85, 36-87, 39-87 AND SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO. 7-87 THEREIN, AND ADOPTING THE PROVISIONS OF THE 1985 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1985 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS, 1985 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1985 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1985 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE AND THE 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 103 - 87 FINDINGS AS TO WHY AMENDMENTS TO THE UNIFORM CODES ARE NECESSARY PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE PROVIDING PROCEDURE FOR ABATEMENT OF ABANDONED VEHICLES Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that numerous problems are associated with --abandoned vehicles, from the issue of public health and safety to the deterioration and blight of our neighborhoods. An abandoned vehicle is defined as any vehicle which has been left on private or public property, other than highways, and in which the owner has no active interest and no intent to again claim a right or interest. The draft ordinance provides for the abatement and removal of these vehicles from public and private property. This program is administered by the City Manager and enforced by any duly authorized representative. Excluded from this ordinance is a vehicle or part thereof which is completely enclosed within a building in a lawful manner where it is not visible from the street or other public or private property. Also excluded is the operation of a lawfully conducted business or commercial enterprise. Chief Severini indicated that he anticipates that about 95% of their involvement will be on a complaint basis . No members of the public expressed a desire to speak on this issue. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm.. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an ordinance providing a procedure for abatement of abandoned vehicles. * * * * CM-6-362 Regular Meeting December .14, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE REGULATING PUBLIC DANCES Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that this draft ordinance, which is part of the comprehensive Municipal Code revision process, is similar to the ordinance which was temporarily adopted by the City upon incorporation. The ordinance regulates public dances and requires the issuance of a dance permit for the event to be lawful . The. intent is to regulate dances in facilities open to the public that occur with regular frequency, and where alcoholic beverages are typically consumed. A permit shall not be required for any dance held by a bona fide patriotic, religious, fraternal association or organization, or held -in connection with any holiday or authorized school activities . Chief Severini mentioned that there are currently 5 business establishments in Dublin where dancing occurs . Of these businesses, 2 have valid dance permits. Cm. Snyder questioned under Section 3, Exceptions, why service organizations (Rotary, Soroptimist, Lyons, etc. ) were not included as these groups are some of the more predominant groups that hold dances. Assistant City Attorney Silver indicated that she would review this section and bring it back before the Council . Mayor Jeffery questioned why the wording "held in connection with any holiday" needed to be included, and further, if anyone can have a dance. Ms. Silver pointed out that Section 3 spells out the exceptions for obtaining a permit. She reported that she and Chief Severini would meet to clarify other issues. No members of the public expressed a desire to speak on this issue.. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an ordinance regulating public dances, with an addition in Section 3 to include "service organizations" and deletion of "held in connection with any holiday" . * * * * EASTBOUND DUBLIN BOULEVARD @ VILLAGE PARKWAY, SECOND LEFT TURN LANE Staff was directed at a previous meeting to investigate the feasibility of creating a second left turn lane for eastbound Dublin Boulevard @ Village Parkway. This second left turn lane is consistent with the ultimate planned improvements for Dublin Boulevard. CM-6-363 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 TJKM has studied the proposed improvement and finds that the intersection level of service would be. .improved significantly by .this `proposed modification. The overall cycle length would be significantly shortened, : which would improve the perceived. signal operation for vehicles in other . movements, and the lengths of the queues at other approaches. would be reduced. The required- modifications were explained and discussed. TJKM recommended prohibiting parking for an additional 420 -feet on Dublin Boulevard under I-680 and in front of the Dublin Cinema. Discussion was held regarding the possible conflict involving traffic turning right from westbound Dublin Boulevard onto northbound Village Parkway. TJKM recommended retaining the existing yield sign. Also recommended was that the westbound right turn lane be striped an additional 80 feet .further east in order- to more clearly delineate where a vehicle turning right must make the commitment to turn right. Construction costs for these improvements were estimated to be between $10, 000 and $15, 000, including signal modification, detector modification and striping. An additional $3, 000 to $5, 000 will be needed to prepare design drawings and specifications and. for project administration and inspection: Staff recommended that the Council authorize the 80 feet of striping for the westbound right turn lane and direct Staff to .proceed with-one of the options: a) include the .total project in the proposed 1988-89 Capital Improvement Program (design as well as construction) ; or b) proceed with the design phase of the project at this time and include the construction phase cost in the proposed 1988-89 CIP. If option b is selected,- a budget transfer .. in the amount of $5, 000.--would be necessary. Staff estimates that the design process will require approximately two to three months to complete, and it is anticipated that Staff would request approval from the City Council to solicit bids on this project during the current Fiscal Year, with construc- tion to take place in July of 1988 so that construction costs would fall into the 1988-89 Fiscal Year. Cm. Snyder indicated that he was glad to see this come before the City Council . There is a conflict with regard to the free right turn movement from westbound Dublin Boulevard onto northbound Village Parkway. Chris Kinzel, TJKM, indicated that this conflicting situation was pondered at great lengths. Currently the right turn movement is regulated by a yield sign. Mr. Kinzel discussed 3 possible alternatives, and felt that the best solution was to remove the island and bring the right turn movement under traffic signal control. They are suggesting, however, that this solution be deferred until the future configuration of the intersection is done. Cm. Moffatt- questioned if we are going to be modifying Dublin Boulevard within the next year or two. City Manager Ambrose indicated that it is scheduled further in the future. At this time, it will only be necessary to saw cut portions of the pavement. -CM-6-364 Regular Meeting December -14, 1987 On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by' Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized Staff to proceed with the design phase of the project and include the construction phase cost in the proposed 1988-89 DIP. The Council authorized a budget transfer in the amount of $5, 000. * * * * AQUATICS PROGRAMS & PARK & RECREATION FACILITIES SCHEDULING RESPONSIBILITY At the June 23, 1987, Council meeting, the Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Dublin, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the City of San Ramon, regarding transfer of service responsibility relating to fire protection and suppression and park and recreation services. In addition, the Council adopted a resolution requesting negotiations with the County regarding District property tax proceeds. Tax proceeds transfers have been approved- by Alameda County and Contra Costa County. It was suggested that both Cities assume the responsibility for all recreational and aquatic activities and programs to include scheduling of all District aquatic and park and recreational facilities within each of their respective territorial boundaries, effective January 1, 1988. The Cities would be entitled to all of the fees and charges collected, as well as establishing fee schedules for the related programs and services. The District would continue to be responsible for maintenance of the facilities until July 1, 1988, or until such time as the facilities are transferred to the Cities. Cm. Moffatt questioned if this was brought before the liaison committee. Mayor Jeffery indicated that it was not, but it was discussed in general terms. City Manager Ambrose explained the timing of how the scheduling and maintenance activities would occur. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 104 - 87 APPROVING. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING THE ASSUMPTION OF SCHEDULING RESPONSIBILITY FOR AQUATIC AND PARK &RECREATION FACILITIES AND THE CONDUCT OF AQUATIC AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS * * * * PARK NAMES - EAST DOUGHERTY HILLS PARK & DOUGHERTY HILLS PARK Staff requested that the Council consider park names recommended by the Park & Recreation Commission at its meeting on November 11, 1987. The names suggested for the 8 acre East Dougherty Hills Park were: 1) Creekside Park; CM-6-365 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 and 2) Willow Creek Park. The names suggested for the 90 acre Dougherty Hills Park were: 1 ) Dougherty Hills Park; and 2) Bray Park (in honor of Dublin' s Sister City in Ireland) . Cm. Snyder felt that the name Alamo Creek was more appropriate for the 8 acre' park, as this is the name .of the creek that runs through the area. Cm. Vonheeder felt that in discussions in the past, there was a consensus that parks should be named to represent something of the area. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote, the Council determined that the name for the 8 acre East Dougherty Hills Park will be Alamo Creek Park. With regard to the 90 acres, Cm. Snyder indicated that his initial thought was that it certainly would be an honor to the people of Bray to have a park named after this relationship. However, 'we have not yet finalized this relationship. We may become involved with other cities in the future in a sister city type relationship also. Cm. Snyder indicated that because of this, he would lean more toward naming the park for historical significance. Mayor Jeffery felt that Bray is a very definite Dublin name, whether they were our sister city or not. Naming this park Bray would be a way of communicating with them in a very strong way that we want to continue this relationship. Cm. Hegarty indicated that he had no problem with naming the park Bray. There was a lot of activity and publicity when we first got involved with-- Bray as a sister city. The name Dougherty is mentioned plenty of times already as far as historical significance is concerned. Cm. Moffatt felt that people .would have a better idea of where they are if we use the name Dougherty in the park name. Cm. Vonheeder indicated that -she did not realize that the sister city relationship had not been finalized and questioned what remained to be done. The Council felt that the upcoming trip to Ireland next year would finalize the relationship. Cm. Moffatt felt that if you asked 100 residents in the City about Bray, they would not know what it is. Cm. Snyder added that sadly, they really don't care. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by majority vote, the Council determined that the name for the 90 acre park will be Dougherty Hills Park. Voting against this motion were Cm. Hegarty and Mayor Jeffery. CM-6-366 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 5th ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S CELEBRATION Staff advised that Saturday, March '19, 1988, will be the date of the 5th Annual St. Patrick' s Day Celebration. As in past years, the Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club will sponsor a parade and dinner/dance, while the City sponsors the community celebration. Staff advised the Council of the tentative plans .to date, which include a parade to begin at 10:00 a.m. , with a celebration following at 11 : 30 a.m. , at Shannon Community Center. A dinner/dance hosted by the Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club will be held the evening of March 19, 1988. Hours and ticket prices have not yet been confirmed. Staff will be designing both posters and flyers to publicize the events, which will be placed in local merchant's windows approximately 1 month in advance of the event. Flyers will be distributed through the schools, Library and Shannon Community Center. Staff is also investigating the possibility of installing street banners for St. Patrick' s Day, similar to those in use for Christmas. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm.' Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the St.. Patrick's Day Celebration and authorized issuance of parade permit, provided that the sponsoring organization submits all required documents. * * * * CLOSED SESSION At 9 : 40 .p.m. , the Council recessed to a closed executive session to discuss pending litigation: City of Dublin vs. 1) John & Sal Enea 2 ) The Sawmill 3) McCartney * * * * RECONVENE TO PUBLIC MEETING At 10: 22 p.m. , Mayor Jeffery announced that the public meeting was back in session. All Councilmembers were present. * * * * OTHER BUSINESS Enea Plaza PD Rezoning On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 105 - 87 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 41-87 WHICH APPROVED & ESTABLISHED FINDINGS & GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR A PD REZONING, PA 87-018, ENEA PLAZA CM-6-367 Regular Meeting December _14, 1987 J On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 106 - 87 APPROVING A- RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND PUBLIC DEDICATION AGREEMENT WITH JOHN & SAL ENEA On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 107 - 87 INITIATING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING CONCERNING PA 87-178, ENEA PLAZA .PD, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING APPLICATION, SOUTHERN PORTION OF APN 941-1500-40, WEST SIDE OF AMADOR PLAZA ROAD NEAR DUBLIN BOULEVARD Since this is a Council initiated action, Cm. Snyder questioned if the Enea's were prepared to go forward at this time. Mr. Tong stated that the Enea' s have indicated their agreement, but Staff doesn't know if they are ready to submit a site plan yet. They will be allowed to go forward without a site plan on the condition that a Site Development Review be submitted and processed prior to proceeding with the development of the property. * * * * Senior Center Advisory Committee Appointments Mr. Ambrose advised the Council that to date, only 4 Councilmembers had announced to Staff, their appointments to the Senior Center Advisory Committee. * * * * Volunteer Recognition & Citizen of the Year Award Cm. Vonheeder reminded the Council that it is time to start thinking about the volunteer recognition reception and the citizen of the year award. Mayor Jeffery requested that Cm. Vonheeder be in charge of this program. Cm. Snyder expressed a willingness to work with Cm. Vonheeder to assist in the planning. * * * * Sister City Trip Mayor Jeffery asked that the Council be thinking about something appropriate to take to Bray to present to our Sister City when the delegation goes to Ireland in March of 1988. * * * * CM-6-368 Regular Meeting December 14, 1987 �i+N^7�,y:i''kG�a+�s ^3 :4r°•+t^�}�a,U.�v4 p.,;.:.tp.•tlfp�7:+;�.;{s+1 .:,; Yr1.l,y'rf":�t.'t,y...S,.(:�.p t•` a �F�jt 'a ..: "tfJ ..rte ! 'v.:A�. t.'•. .l,.t ), r.j." a w,}t r w; :+. �,� ;:f"r yAxn,•.a• ]i'{Y., 1 ✓i'. i. J1 .f hr�a,`� T 4, Yr �i..i.1,•s; tY .;i:lt r.t f r,. oH. l.r•' ui�''. Z.. •.1. ".t;^:f`.�r" if+�..,x'. i I. E( f� ,�at•s r-'6;#5;.e r.�i�'.h'•'1�p�,P O a1,115r P„h.... v`3;:r'�s s"t:.1 rr{" , ra ,.h r �?,.. rl�' 'r! r .-.!-,4 '�• },Ni,,,?.^,a,71,, .fie r" x� KF- 3,•i,.. .;;.,tr ¢e. P•, ".{..iw.�crY:ri�,•l ,+s: to i'.'••!. l r3-y`:'!'r1.�! :'i w`^G'/ j'"^ a€Ya tli..�1"f�Y.�'� �' r,.''y' r`a': 3°", ..,;�..Y�rzi:r 7 a1 y., � Ott ...}SfY+r ,! 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'7i'�,.'s.s'* yx '`fiC' b t' a .�.'• zf , '( r x �'a'1' f +SI ! v Y r�r '!�,A ♦ `Ny 4 rrf•'C..,? irwry''�gi�ryr �4r.�,',C1Sy� t} S`� �+a. r •s '`7. t i •'s , l r, .r.5 ,s..E�,j s � �i4+i 7; f r��:?�•s•r" '�SN,?=,, r,5�'t A '-�r{ fry •,�' �i •tt 1 3� .Mr. ::`Ambrose ;advised Ethe aCouncil•,tYiat`-^.•bids wereropened.IoiQ he Civic' Center- project; on hDecember10, ;1987, and'Staff is' ;workng "diligently tto w something to 'bring before;,theCouricil at a thej F specialmeeting scheduled on y �rx f December.:21, 19 87• iz ! GV 7(r ta?{t fri rr A.i� �l h Suy fa!1tlF{�1 �y3 iff` f Y23ye� n i/ia�r7' SaJ k¢ 5^0c Frk#ti r ~y t [. s 7.+ 1F wx 51 r;a F77 +fi•t'��+'f ,�' ,k4y.,. ray. ,rr =, ati r, Y r y7 n r' n * * * * k �a z �,zf rf ^tk, � ? ✓4 i r t ,/7 `t j yP °�`'s. + 1 4 d ? � : •x ! g >, n • ,f�. ay.s Sir t r 1, 1 k M� �.r` r77 j 1, i.t"fix�� mil{z''k v � ti,�•' t ��,sk!•L��tF v,�a�f s TX''�,� s'{�'..fly�jf irk dry i;z'r ,r. r�''r 't.,r 1 :1 t 1 it r 4 r-• � x r sw .r g Ar 1 }S1xt t� r ADJOURNMENT t " vs s y j r j 4Y at. Rr r ,i k ( faf {j� r d JY� F t ( ' --x �� xY. fr �i:f�{z�.. I� ,.'3 is,K."2 t y t _• 7:�v:� ., "' ,•o` �� :x .^.�� �e !.•�ti 3t µ .�t.4�.,, l�ovi..w?f�- a.S..ti! .i wjr�•:W i :.r�• .'tx�� There •being± .further business4to come before ;the 'Council, the meeting was f adjourned at '10 31 P m :f r ;t z tf:j t�a1`a "'° iy r 'x a r r { - �• 7, x i ;? J ! s^ * *tiY* * �rx!. � r .1 h f h ,.;��s�ih 2.., .M1. �' � I: .I:; ��f i5` 'I rri r i J � `dal M r �✓ s I �� 'f rf y Z�' rc=° x 1 r• 5. rr 2,'K- ) LP 'ti. "il ':� a ; C .ft �._; f ,tit, r f r .i ir. jv .1. �• ti' I 'G t.;•, y - t a?( 7 Z... P j} i r "' •`..yi 9 ` r'F,I 4r s� y r r rr S� #r 7 (•= w i ' w-. a Mayor, ' ATTEST: _ .City Clerk ' � k'' i rV � t 5 •' 'l @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*f@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 369 Regular Meeting December 14 1987 t r Y ' Wq n 1V tl l i • _ .. ,t. t'�1.sx .F ,,r+ ?fit.:_ S �3jn +safAr`��e'u�,. .. :'+�y ta,Fr?:_,ty�.t...�. .. :':i