HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.4 Financial Report 06-30-1987 �. .. . .... _.. . ..1111---._._. ... _...... . ......._.. . .. .._._..._ CITY OF DUBLIN. BALANCR SHEET pm THE PERIOD 1MI140 Ju4E 30. 1987. FINAL.REPC91T. 12/17/87 - TRAFFIC STATE REy[•NUS C{M4l1NITY FIDF7tA1. TIWJSPORTATION OFFICE OF PARK ST LIGHT LANDSCAPE SAN RAMON RD SN RMN RD TRUST CAPITAL FA•ID IN ERmAL DUBLIN .. .•. •GI?lFIlAL SAFETY GAS TAX SHARING DVLRTT BL]L AID URDAV DEVIIOP:iFNr TRAFFIC DIDICATION DISASTIR Air AS�1T DIS'IR SI'ECIF I3N4 11CND RSiN DEPOSIT PROJECTS ASSETS SERVICE INFU INC. TOTAL ALl.'-^ flPID ;- FUND FUND FUND GRANT FUND FUND ACT FUND SAFETY FUND FUND ASST FND 83-1 FUND 83-2 FUND ASSW FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FIAT! Fl24DB �:••; =r. ASSETS i O Cash Z Investmmts 7131022 49231 190287 -955 797875 6173 786255 56260 34683 431064 72356 120611 3 74428 8751606 18500899 ' 2093693 2581197 Due Fr.Othr Fads - 487504 ; 466060' Due F2n Othr Govt's 5562 460498 61102? Accounts Receivable 599583 - 318 1332 -281 10075 .; 701524 ta Recvbl 701624 8616 13677,` Prepaid Items 5061 1 d Amt Provided-In; 143911 224777 16868 Trn Dbt 0 8 FixedAssets 1111 w! 1111---- 1111-- 1111--- 1111--- 1111--1111 1111--- 1111--1111- M_— 11_11 8132438 8112438 Oonatrvction in PrYra - T1TAL ASSETS ' 8228732 49231 190605 -955 0 1258373 6173 0 786255 57592 0 3.1402 1142763 72356 120611 2093696 143911 307821 16884044 31375610 - LIABILITIES Deposits frm Otters 40621 3125 113180 1569260 Payroll Taxes Pybl 78090 7E090 A11+a—Depreciatn 63309 63309 .Advnc Due Othr Fads 2581196 Due to Other Flails 8660 460498 2112038 603331 Deferred Revenues 26000 577331 Accounts Payable 510655 8094 22476 617:1 10673 :0191 145 160416 2072 50901 781739 Bon& &Certif Pbl 857869 11795000 12E32869 y ------ -- 1111--- ------ ----- ------ ------- 1111--- -1111--1111 ---'� ------ ----- ------- 1111--° '1111 -�_ 1181--- TOTAL LIABILITIES 551276 8094 22476 0 34660 460498 6173 10673 :U194 1.138.170 113180 2272454 147471 1:815901 1E917520 Rm EQUITY Ftad Reserve 5634768 3574 179416 486 520074 28820 ' 32.176 -286969 67131 2221756 143911 25115 3665782 12236340 Fund Balance 2929035 37563 -11287 -1441 85340 797875 .266181 18099 -8268 -8738 5225 7431 -3271754 4128 1372361 2221750 .Fund Transfers -886347 -120000 871240 135107 0 1111 1111- ------ 1111-- ------ 1111-- ----- ------ 1111— 1111---- ^- TC7M FUND Ewm 7677456 41137 168129 -955 -34660 797875 --_0 --0 786255 1111 0 ------46919 24208 295707 72356 7431 -178758 143911 164350 5038143 14458090 TOTAL I.IABILIT].FS h 8228732 49231 190605 -955 0 1258373 6173 0 786255 0 57592 34402 1142763 72356 120611 2093696 143911 307821 16884044 31375610 FUND EQUITY _ °_____ V ... . ....... -._ .. CITY OF DUBLIN SUMMARY REVaiUE & EXPENDITUFE REPORT ALL FUNDS CONSOLIDATED FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNT 30, 1987 FINAL REPORT, 12/16/87 CURRENT YEAR TO PEPJ:ENT OF REVENUES BUDGET NDNTH DATE BALA.*.CE BUS-=D Property Ta:.: 524900 23 71 3. 559454 -34554 1.OI Other Taxes 5005000 8580;2 5278357 -273357 1.05 Licenses & Permits 663300 '0327 .586.',20 76980 .82 Fines & Forfeitures 78500 12376 91755 -13255 1.17 Special Assessments 287393 11126 281997 5396 .98 For Use of Money & Property 2732491 272801 2793676 -61185 1.02 Intergovernmental Revenue 2772024 240451 1965453 806571 .71 Charges for Services 725450 122293 681117 44273 .91 Other Revenue 692250 23465 416916 275334 .60 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- TOTAL REVENN;ES 13481308 1594594 1265;;105 826203 .94 E\=-DITURES General Government 101 City Council 62075 41:•95 53198 8877 .8t 102 City Manager/Clerk 222953 10391 217315 5638 .97 103 Leal Services 80510 11815 784 40 2070 .91 104 Finance 11-855 16912 112225 5620 .95 105 Building `1-magement 1-199101 5-,.16 1496785 2313 1.CO 106 Insurance 103878 2820 59393 44485 .51 107 Elections 4300 2620 1680 .6i 108 Ncn-Departmental 200000 1(0000 200000 0 1.0 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total General Government 2290672 151679 2219989 70683 Public Safety 201 Police Services 16367.10 396-101 1525821 110919 .93 202 Crossing Guards 13800 5921 13328 472 .9T 203 1nirlal Control 45548 9934 39103 6145 .«- 204 Traffic Signals S Safety Lightin ' 236764 48860 179189 57575 .16 205 Disaster Preparedness 23600 5'.36 12151 10933 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Public Safety- 1956452 -167:52 17-0205 186244 �C Transportation 301 Public Works 122002 1:255 1192=9 2153 .9S 302 Street Maintenance 468560 231016 366'2?= 102'269 .1.' 303 Street Sweeping 57600 1541 19751 1849 =c 304 Street Tree Maintenance 74400 32c?3 G23 6 1'2004 S= 305 Street Lardscaoe `-maintenance 110550 ;9ig9 1550:3 12511 G 306 Paratransit Ser�-ioe 28039 8510 2 713'2 907 .91 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Transportation 921151 341S27 7 828;,3 138293 .S Health & Welfare 501 Vector Control Service 6000 Soy _ S5 3015 .ui ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Health & Welfare 6000 Sc5 29S- 3015 7, : Simunary Revenue & Expenditure Report - Page 2 LIZE ?7 I-EAR TO P0Y,-EN7 OF All Funds Consolidated Blj=i M N711 DATE BALANCE BL=-`TM Culture & Leisure Services 701 Library Service 91984 24250 85542 6442 .93 702 Parks & Recreation 358977 31811 269845 89132 .75 703 Park Maintenance 26300 722 722 25578 .03 ------- ------- ------- ------ ----- Total Culture & Leisure Services 477261 . 57323 3:6109 121152 .75 Community Development ` 901 Planning 409780 67847 338288 71492 .83 902 Building & Safety 287700 47138 215111 42589 .85 903 Engineering 504025 68868 5042315 -210 1.00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Community Development 1201505 183853 10'7631 11'871 .91 Internal Service Fund Charges 145750 43191 85802 59948 .59 TOTAL OPEPATINrU' =ENDIT,RES 6998791 1245350 6305585 693206 .90 DEBT SERX ICE-SR RD ASSZ117 DISTR 158790 158787 3 1.00 DLBLIN7 IN OR`1-kTI0\T I\C. =PE\BITLRES Operating Ex-penditu,es 548212 1C7964 443194 105018 .81 Debt Service E.-oenditures 1379851 -1379851 0 1379851 .CC Ca:Sital E:.-renditures-Public Fac lit:. 1587675 -529275 0 1587675 .013 TOTAL LLBLI\ I\T0RLa71I0` INC. =ENDIT RES 35:5738 -1801162 143194 3072:.14 .13 CAPITAL, I`roRC E�ENT =E`-DI T,- S General Improvements 9835") -120217 11417 E6906 Community Improvements 911051 :0328 109651 83 1.00 Parks Improvements 1947147 23870 186192 1760955 .10 Street Improvements 3918458 1035353 3218498 699960 .3'2 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- TOTAL. CAPITAL. I`L�X'%L�-f E�LsDIT[r�S 690;.009 979834 3525788 33792?1 TOTAL. ALL E'l•E\DITLRES iT 5'8328 4-- -- Ic7Y33351 71'4974 5 -------- ------- -------- -------- ----- 0 PROFRIATIO\S FFOM RESE-PVES 4097020 -1170572 -22=1751 6315771 -.54 -------- ------- -------- -------- ----- -------- ------- -------- -------- ----- CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING NNE 30, 1987 FINAL REPORT, 11/12/87 REVENUE REPORT ------------------------------------ 1986-87 1986-87 Percent of Estimated Current Received Estimate GENERAL FUND (FUND # 1-1) Revenue Month Year to Date Received ------------------------- --------- -------- ----------- ---------- PROPERTY TAX 510.01 Current Year Secured 444000 8082 446664 1.01 510.02 ' Current Year Unsecured 51500 3075 67625 1.31 510.03 Prior Year Secured 19400 3943 19139 .99 510.04 Prior Year Unsecured 2000 2261 2882 1.44 510.05 Supplemental Property Tax 8000 6352 23144 2.89 ------- ------ ------- ---- Total Property Tax 524900 23713 559454 11.07 OTHER TAXES 515.00 Sales & Use Tax 4500000 842845 4863469 1.08 517.00 Real Property Transfer Tax 58000 11306 67436 1.16 518.00 Transient Occupancy Tax 160000 78461 .49 519.00 Electric Franchise Tax 121000 114820 .95 521.00 Gas Franchise Tax 38000 29003 .76 522.00 Garbage Franchise Tax 60000 3891 57158 .95 523.00 CATV Franchise Tax 68000 68010 1.00 ------- ------ ------- ---- Total Other Taxes 5005000 858042 5278357 1.05 LICENSES & PERMITS 530.01 Building Permits 651000 29296 576515 .89 530.02 Animal Licenses 8000 5375 .67 530.03 Bus Bench Ad Permits 300 612 2.04 530.04 Enchroachment Permits 4000 1031 3738 .93 530.05 Other Permits 30 530.06 Recycling Transporter Permits 50 Total Licenses & Permits 663300 30327 586320 .88 FINES & FORFEITURES 532.02 Other Court Fines 14500 1829 15690 1.08 Total Fines & Forefeitures 14500 1829 15690 1.08 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 550.01 Interest 800000 -371910 733492 .92 550.03 Rents & Concessions 53790 2780 38402 .71 Total Revenue from Use of Money & Property 853790 -369130 771894 .90 INTERGOVERNrfa''TAL REVENUES - STATE 555.01 Motor Vehicle in Lieu Tax 570000 113458 584192 1.02 555.02 Trailer Coach in Lieu Tax 5000 4128 .83 555.03 Cigarette Tat 97000 14253 97628 1.01 555.04 Off Highway Vehicle in Lieu Taff 450 239 402 .89 555.05 Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 18000 16051 .89 555.06 SB 300 Allocation 46500 5446 44612 .96 ------ ------ ------- ---- Total Intrgvrmmntl Rvnues - State "136950 133396 7. 7013 1.01 Revenue Report - Page .. Estimated irr Received Estimate Revenue Month Year to Date Received CHARGES FOR SERVICES --------- --------- ------ ----- ---------- 565.01 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 115000 28517 82712 .72 565.02 Plan Checks & Inspection Fees 371000 59847 418142 1.13 565.04 Sales of Maps & Documents 5500 1479 6443 1.17 565.06 Special Police Dept. Services 6400 190 6080 .95 565.12 Park & Recreation Fees 78650 9021 62221 .79 565.15 Other Charges for Services 7500 10299 1.37 565.16 Building Use Insurance 6200 125 4425 .71 565.18 Zone 7 Drainage Fees 2900 -3675 1207 .42 565.19 Field Use Fees -182 1879 ------ ------ ------- ---- Total Charges for Services 593150 95322 593408 1.00 OTHER REVENUES 570.02 Contributions 4750 , 570.03 Miscellaneous 1000 4557 4.56 570.05 Reimbursements - General 60 26981 570.06 Reimbursement for Public Damage 4000 330 1252 .31 570.07 Trash Bag Program 1000 575 5100 5.10 Total Other Revenue 10750 965 37890 3.52 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES 8402340 774464 8590026 1.02 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (FUND T 2-5) 532.01 Vehicle Code Fines 64000 10547 76065 1.19 550.01 Interest 1562 1562 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 64000 12109 77627 1.21 STATE GAS TAX FLND (FUND r 2-6) ------------------------------- REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY 550.01 Interest 12000 17560 17560 1.46 INTERGOVERN�EtiTAL REVENUES - STATE 555.07 State Gas Tax (2106) 85900 18292 90621 1.05 555.08 State Gas Tax (2107) 169200 36011 179920 1.06 555.09 State Gas Tax (2107.5) 4000 4000 1.00 Total State Gas Tat 259100 54303 274541 1.06 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 271100 71863 292101 1.08 REVENUE SHARING FUND (FUND n 2-8) ---------------------------------- 550.01 Interest 2045 2045 559.01 Revenue Sharing 48339 48339 1.00 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 48339 2045 50384 1.04 CO1`miNITY DVLR NT BLOCK GRAIN T FUND (FUND n 2-9) ----------------------------------------------- INTERGOVERNMJEN'TAL REVENUES - FEDERAL, 559.02 Community Development Block Grant 85340 -26000 85340 1.00 ------ ------ ------- ---- TOTAL MI (UNITY DVLPMNT BLOCK GRANT FUND 85340 -26000 85340 1.00 Revenue Report - Page 3 Percent of Estimated L.=ent Received Estimate Revenue Month-. -Year to Date Received --------- --------- =----------- ---------- FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND (FUND # 2-10) ------------------------------------ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - FEDERAL 559.03 Federal Aid Urban Funds 1541000 78752 797875 .52 TOTAL FEDERAL AID URBAN FUND 1541000 78752 79.7875 ..52 TRANSPORTATION DVLPMNT ACT FUND (FUND 411 2-11) --------------------------------------------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 555.10 Article 4.5 Finds (Paratransit) 12345 12345 1.00 ------ ------ ------- ---- TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVEL0RdEN'T ACT FUND 12345 12345 ,1.00 OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT FUND (FUND # 2-12) ------------------------------------------------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 555.11 Office of Traffice Safety Grant TOTAL TRAFFICE SAFETY GRANT FUND 0 PARK DEDICATION FUND (FUND n 2-15) ---------------------------------- REVENUE FROM THE USE OF MONEY 550.01 Interest 15850 56303 56303 3.55 OTHER 570.04 Park Dedication Fees 191400 209878 1.10 570.05 Shannon Lease Subsidy TOTAL PARK DEDICATION FUND 207250 56303 266181 1.28 DISASTER ASSISTANCE FUND (FUND TO 2-17) -------------------------------------- 559.04 Intergvtl Revenue-Flood Grant STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTR 83-1 (FUND # 2-18) ------------------------------------------------- 534.03 Special Benefit Assessments 139000 1332 134776 .9-1 550.01 Interest 1829 1829 ------ ------ ------- --- TOTAL STREET LIGHTING ASSMNT DISTR 83-1 139000 3161 136605 .98 LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-2 (FUND # 2-19) ------------------------------------------------ 534.03 Special Benefit Assessments 24100 -281 21568 .89 550.01 Interest 2540 2540 TOTAL LANDSCAPE ASSMNT DISTR 83-2 24100 2259 2= 108 1.00 SAN RAMON RD SPECIFIC PLkN ASSHT DISTR (FUND * 5-20) ---------------------------------------------------- 510.01 Property Tat-Current Year 534.03 Special Benefit Assessments 124293 10075 125653 1.01 550.01 Interest 27000 24686 24686 .91 ------ ------ ------- ---- TOTAL SAN RAM1ON RD SPECIFIC PLN ASSiNfT FUND 151293 34761 150339 .99 Revenue Report - Page 4 Percent of Estimated Current Received Estimate Revenue Month Year to Date Received --------- --------- ------------ ---------- SAN RAMON BOND RESERVE FUND (FUND # 5-21 550.01 Interest 5225 5225 DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC. FUND (FUND # 6-1) -------------------------------------------- 550.01 Interest 444000 435704 435704 .98 550.03 Rents & Concessions 1379851 1379851 1.00 TOTAL DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC. FUND 1823851 435704 1815555 1.00 STATE PARK BOND ACT FUND ------------------------------------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE 1 555.12 Roberti-Z'Berg Allocation 15300 SENIOR CITIZENS BOND ACT FUND ----------------------------- 553.13 Senior Citizens Bond Act Grant 73650 TRUST FUND (FUND # 8-28) 550.01 Interest 7431 7431 CAPITAL PROJECT'S FUND (FUND it 3-XXX) ------------------------------------ 550.01 Interest 84886 84886 570.02 Non-Government Contributions 490100 22500 169148 .35 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 490100 107386 254034 .52 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND (FUND # 10-30) ------------------------------------ _ 550.01 Interest 2160 2160 565.17 Equipment Usage Charges 132300 26971 87769 .66 ------- ------- ------- ---- TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE R -ND 132300 29131 89929 .68 TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS 13481308 1594594 12655105 .94 -------- ------- -------- ---- -------- ------- -------- ---- BUDGET TRANSFERS IN To Operating Fund 832500 To Dublin Information, Inc. Fund 1379851 To Capital Projects Fund 5593340 924197 992897 .18 To Internal Service Fund 121657 135107 ------- ------- -------- ---- TOTAL. BUDGET TRANSFERS IN 7805691 1045854 1128004 .14 ------- ------- -------- ---- ------- ------- -------- ---- CITY OF DUBLIN ' STATEMENT OF REVaJUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR.THE PERIOD'ENDING JUNE 30,. 1987 ::_.FINAL REPORT, 12/16/87 EXPENDITURE REPORT GENERAL RIND GLFRFvfi YEAR TO - =. PERC N7 OF BL1)GET M(yv'TH D,1TE BALA'�CE •EUDGET-`iTD GENERAL GOXERNIMENZ 101 CITY CG,`tiCIL 701 Personal .Services .02 Salaries, Part Time 18504 . -..1871- 18503 1 1.00 .04 Retirement 1170 . 86 - _ ' 1083 87 .93 .05 Group Insurance" 13056 7725 -.-5331 .59 .06 worker's Compensation 100 90 90 10 .90 Total Personal Services 32830 =` 2047 27401 5429 .83 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 3 50 3 107 243 .31 .02 Postage 150 92 58 .61 .05 Professional Services 5000 1500 : 5000 ; 0 1.00 .08 Advertising 1500 59 1266 234 .84 .09 Printing 250 169 81 .68 .14 Books, Publs & Subscp 200 8 8 192 .04 .15 Memberships & Dues 5600 25 5521 . 79 .99 .17 Trvl, Corfs & Meetings 9400 2109 8246 1154 .88 .18 Training 900 900 .00 .19 Community Promotion 5345 -1156 5345 0 i.00 Total Services & Supplies 28695 2548 25754 2941 .90 757 Capital Outlay 550 43 507 .03 TOTAL, CITY COUNICIL 62075 4595 53198 8877 .86 102 CITY M-NAGIR / CI:ER1K 701 Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 156317 18445 156317 0 1.00 .02 Salaries, Part Time 2000 1900 100 .95 .03 Salaries, Overtime 1;66 134 1165 1 1.00 .04 Retirement 14050 1076 13353 697 .95 .05 Group Insurance .11057 235 10908 149 .99 .06 worker's Compensation 3:.30 -305 2510 1020 .71 .08 Medicare FICA 275 32 236 39 .96 ------- ------- -------- ------- ----- Total Personal Services 138395 19617 186389 2006 .99 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 3-125 258 3098 3'?7 .90 .02 Postage 1651 -1044 1438 213 .87 .03 Reproduction Svo-s 2115 190 2114 1 1 1.00 .08 Advertising 1800 367 907 893 .50 .09 Printing 745 -11669 745 0 1.00 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 210 209 1 1.00 .14 Books, Publs & SubscpS 1707 1707 0 1.00 .15 Memberships & Dues 580 541 39 .93 .16 Auto Mileage & A.1low. 5120 43-1 4697 423 .92 2 Expenditure Report - Page 2 CtJ1-._N7 YEAR TO PEFCE.V" OF EL'DG)✓T i YJ?IM DATE BALANCE BT-jD I-Y M CITY MV:\IAGER / CLERK - Services & Supplies (Continued) .17 Trvl, Confs & Meetings 5700 368 4901 799 .8F; .18 Training 2975 2103 872 .71 .25 Intrnl Sr-:-c Fund Chrgs 5830 1370 58330 0 1.00 ------ ------- ------- ------- ----- Total. Services. f� Supplies 31858 -9226 28290 3568 .89 722 Contract Ser. ices 757 Capital Outlay-Mchnry & Eqp 2700 2636 64 .98 TOTAL, CITY `LANAGER / CLERK 222953 10391 217315 5638 .97 103 LEGAL SERV'IC'ES 701 Personal Sen-ices .04 Retirement 2300 68 1175 825 .64 .05 Group Insurance 710 710 .00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Personal Services 3010 68 1275 1535 .49 705 Services &. Supplies .05 Professional Services 77500 11747 769065 535 .99 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Services & Supplies 71500 11747 76965 535 .99 TOTAL LEakL: SE-21,-ICES 80510 11815 7£440 2070 .97 104 FINANCE 701 Personal Services .01 Salaries, :u11. Time 60297 9(;26 6029:. ? I.Cu .03 Salaries. Overtime ; 29 44 1-3 156 .53 X4 Retirement 3-181 340 34S1 0 i.t;0 .05 Group Insurance 34 )8 139 341 1 1.00 .06 Worker's Compensation 1150 297 297 . 1153 .2G .08 Medicare FICA 600 70 504 96 .8.1 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Personal Services 69605 99i6 68197 1408 .9S 705 Services & Su-nrlies .01 Office Sufi^lies 2'250 7:16 1856 35.1 .84 .05 Prof--ssioral Services -23328 0 .09 Printing & Binding 2110 533 2110 0 1.00 .12 Repairs & Maintenance 220 2'20 .:-0 .14 Books Publs & Subscrps 1025 9c5 30 .97 .15 Memberships & Dues 400 75 325 .19 .16 Auto `Iilea-ve & Alb nc 2300 23-1 1775 52 5 .77 .17 Try 1, Confs & `:eetings 545 1'20 i59 86 .'29 .18 Training, 400 299? 316 8-1 .79 .'20 `liscellaneous -206 0 .'25 Intrn.l Srvc Fnd Chr,'s 600 1 01 600 0 i.t;0 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Services & Supplies 9850 -26412 7926 192.1 .SO 72" Contract; Ser%_ces 36400 3:200 3-1597 1503 .9.1 757 Capital Cutlny-`1cluxy & Eqn 2000 2 0 S 1515 4S5 .76 TOTAL FINA.\CE 117355 16 912 11223:? 5G'20 .95 Expenditure Report - Page 3 CL1-�_N7 ,EAR TO PErcCENT OF BL= NJON'TH DATE BALANCE . BUTfGET-Yom) 105 BUILDINd MANAGEMENT' 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 278 44 278 0 1.00 .04 Operating Supplies 300 16 284 .05 .07 Communication 28116 5009 28115 1 1.00 .13 Rentals 1463007 1462321 686 1.00 .21 Utilities 1200 93 :151 749 .38 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Services & Supplies 1492901 5146 1491181 1720 1.00 722 Contract Services 2200 1814 386 .82 Capital Outlay 755 Improvements Othr Than Bldos 699 699 0 1.00 757 Machinery L Equip-ent 3301 3094 207 .94 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Tctal Capital Outlay 4000 3 793 207 .95 TOTAL BLTL:DING HANAGLE-'�= 1499101 5146 1496788 2313 1.00 106 INSLTRL�NCE 705 Services L Supplies .05 Professional Services 200 192 8 .96 .10 Insurance Premiums 93200 2820 5:3451 347=19 .63 .11 Insurance Claims E\Tns 10478 750 9728 .07 ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- Tot I Services &- Supplies 103878 2820 59:393 4'485 .57 TOTAL INSLT.-.\:CE 103878 2320 59353 441K .57 107 ELECTIONS 705 C1 Srvc & Surp-Cfc Supn 705 .02 Postage 950 8 7 .S`? 705 .08 Srvc &. Supp-advertisin, 220 12 2Q8 .-;5 705 .09 Srvc &. Sunp-Frntng/Bnd 850 329 521 .39 7 22 Crtrct Svc-registrar of Ctrs 2280 142 E48 .63 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- TOTAL. ELWCTIONS 4300 262 16811) .61 108 NO`:-DEFA7-r,1F\-7A1L 705 Contingent :--Serve 705 .20 `Iiscella.^eous E\-rense 2:70000 10000. 200000 0 1.00 TOTAL. NO\-DEP:IPT`IE\T_1L: 200000 100000 200000 0 1.00 TOTAL GE\\'EF.YI.: GOVERNME\T 2290672 1,751679 2219939 70683 .97 FLFLIC SAFEIT 201 POLICE SERVICES 701 Personal Services .02 Salaries, Part Time 12 50 1307 11308 104'-' .92 .Oo Z�'c�rl:er's l.olni`ensat101 400 30 :3i)ti 9-1 .77 ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- Total Personal Services 12 750 1613 11614 1136 .91 Expenditure Report - Pag CURF t TO PERCENT OF BUDGET MON1n DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YTD 201 POLICE SERVICES (CONTINUED) 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 2500 125 1970 530 .79 .02 Postage 925 27 798 127 .86 .03 Reproduction Supplies 1705 127 1589 116 .93 .04 Operating Supplies 11350 5645 8052 3298 .71 .09 Printing & Binding 2000 324 1070 930 .54 ..12 Repairs & Maintenance 2950 33 1207 1743 .41 .13 Rentals 150 21 125 25 .83 .14 Books, Publs & Subscrps 100 81 19 .81 .15 Memberships & Dues 120 80 40 .67 .16 Auto Mileage & Allownc 600 46 324 276 .54 .17 Trvl, Confs & Meetings 1700 98 1567 133 .92 .18 Training Expense 400 304 96 .76 .19 Community Promotion , .25 Intrnl Svc Chg-Ofc Eqp 4200 1050 4200 0 1.00 .27 Intrnl Svc Chg-Vehicles 105500 19821 65769 39731 .62 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Services & Supplies 134200 27317 87136 47064 .65 710 Contract Services .01 Personnel Costs 1132940 248356 1086564 46376 .96 .02 Vehicle Costs 39000 3365 35304 3696 .91 .03 Indirect Costs 73240 6103 73232 8 1.00 .04 Dispatch 124200 33338 120974 3226 .97 .05 Admin. - Financial Svcs 20605 5151 20605 0 1.00 .06 Services & Supplies 40980 18993 35086 5894 .86 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Contract Services 1430965 315306 1371765 59200 .96 722 Contract Services 3000 340 430 2570 .14 757 Capital Outlay-Mchnry & Eqp 4000 3051 949 .76 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 1584915 344576 1473996 110919 .93 202 CROSSING GUARDS 705 .04 Srvc & Supp-Optg Supp 712 .16 Contract Services 13800 5921 13328 472 .97 TOTAL CROSSING GUARDS 13800 5921 13328 472 .97 203 ANIMAL CONTROL 716 Contract Services .01 Shelter Services 14925 6303 14924 1 1.00 .02 Field Service 30623 3631. 24179 6444 .79 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Contract Services 45548 9934 39103 6445 .86 TOTAL ANIl`LAL CONTROL 45548 9934 39103 6445 .86 204 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & SAFETY LIGHTING 705 .21 Srvc & Supp-Utilities 12600 347 10038 2562 .80 712 .01 Contract Services 25600 14351 19019 6581 .74 757 Cptl Outlay-�ichnry & Eq 4000 4000 .00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- TOTAL TRAFFIC SGNLS-SFTY LIGHTING 42200 14698 29057 13143 .69 Expenditure Report - PagE CURR1 TO PERCEN'!' OF BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YTD 205 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 705 Services & Supplies .09 Printing & Binding 500 500 .14 Books, Publ & Subscrps 200 200 .15 Memberships & Dues 200 200 .18 Training 700 165 535 .24 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- ..Total Services & Supplies 1600 165. 1.435 .10 722 Contract Services 15000 448 7614 7386 .51 757 Capital Outlay-Mchnry & Eqp 7000 4988 4988 2012 .71 TOTAL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 23600 5436 12767 10833 .54 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1710063 380565 1568251 141812 .92 TRANSPORTATION 301 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINNISTRATION 701 Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 23159 3308 23159 0 1.00 .03 Salaries, Overtime 663 206 663 0 1.00 .04 Retirement 1298 105 1298 0 1.00 .05 Group Insurance 1642 20 1642 0 1.00 .06 Worker's Compensation 130 106 106 24 .82 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Personal Services 26892 3745 26868 24 1.00 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 900 59 898 2 1.00 .02 Postage 505 12 403 102 .80 .03 Reporduction Services 32.5 19 298 27 .92 .12 Repairs & ;laintenance .14 Books 20 18 2 .90 .16 Auto Allwnc & Mileage 50 50 .00 .18 Training 378 31 347 .08 .25 Intrnl Svc Fund Chrgs 2830 1120 2830 0 1.00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Services & Supplies 5008 1210 4478 530 .89 712 .17 Contract Services 87452 10015 87451 1 1.00 757 Capital Outlay-Mchnry & Eqp 2650 285 452 2198 .17 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ADl`IINISTRATION 122002 15255 119249 2753 .98 302 STREET MAINTENANCE 705 .04 Srvc & Supp-Optg Supp 2500 405 2095 .16 712 .02 Cntr Svc-St. Repair 173500 74646 108089 65411 .62 712 .06 Cntr Svc-Sign Rpr/Intl 2000 38 266 1734 .13 755 Imprvmt Othr Thn Bldgs 10410 7899 7899 2511 .76 ------ ------ ------- ------ ----- TOTAL STREET MAINTENiANCE 188410 82583 116659 71751 .62 Expenditure Report - Page 6 , ' < f y 6U !f .EAR TG IYERMNT OF " 'fi r :° BUDGET „' `30Y3 H DATE 'EALANCE BL�fiEI'-YTD 304 STREET TREE MAINUENANCE 705 ' .21 Svc,& Supp-Utilities 712 .09 Cntr Svc-Public Works ;. 74400 r 32593 .< <6239F, , t 12004 ' .84 TOTALYSTREET TREE :�LaIN-M4ANICEr: 74400 32593 62396 " :12004 .84 .305 STRM LANDSCAPE MAIN'M-1ANCE 21 Svc & Supp--Utilities 12893 2250 ` .: :12E92 1 ` ' 1.00 71'L -.15 Cntr Svc-Public Works 107579 19028 ``>.104124 345 .97 718 .02 Cntr Svc-Litter Pickup 7978 .'...:=" 1587 7977 :. 1 1.00 757 Cptl Outlay-11chnry/Egp 4000 2661 . 2661 1339 .67 TOTAL STREET LANTSCAPE MAIN=ANC 132450 25526 127654 4796 .96 306 PAR4TRk SIT SERVICE 714 Cntrct Svc-SRV Community Ctr 15694 3697 14787 907 .94 TOTAL, PAPUTRANSIT SERVICE . . : 15694 3697 '14787 907 .9-1 TOTAL TRzkNISPORTATION 532956 159654 440745 92211 .83 HEALTH & WELFARE SERVICES 501 VECTOR CONTROL SERVICES 722 Contract Services 6000 865 2985 3015 .:;0 TOTAL X-ECTOR CO\TrZOL SERVICES 6000 865 2985 3015 .:,0 CUITURE & LEISUE SaiVICES 701 LIBRARY SEX,ICE 722 Cntrct Svcs - County Library- 91984 24850 8;,542 6442 .93' TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICE- 91981 24850 85542 6442 .93 702 RECREATION 701 Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 102636 15055 102635 1 i.00 .02 Salaries, Part Time 69400 668: 51202 18198 .74 .03 Salaries, Overtime 500 4 296 201 .59 .04 Retirement -1400 546 5822 15,178 .79 .05 Group Insurance 16894 79 8457 8437 .50 .06 Worker's Compensation 7820 5500 7820 0 1.00 .07 Unemployment Ins Claims .08 Medicare FICA 1245 108 672 . 573 .51 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Personal Services 205895 27976 176904 23991 .86 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 2400 269 2197 203 .92 .02 Postage 2120 -2673 1834 2S6 .8.1 .03 Reproduction Services 2300 419 2004 296 .37 .04 Program Materials 16380 1137 882'? 80.58 .52 .07 Communications :1600 2-15 1330 2770 .410 .08 Advertising- 665 31 559 106 .84 .09 Printing 6892 -5522 5243 1649 .76 .12 Repairs & %intenance 1700 83 1612 .05 .13 Rentals 77:30 283 4806 2924 .6'2 .14 Books, Fubls & Subscrip .200 °.17'? 28 .86 Expenditure 'Report -, P,--.: 7 ;,G�. ,T rAFt TO N : PERCl 'T OF BUDGET., MGti FH DATE ' BALANCE BUDGET YTD 702 RECREATION -Services & Supplies (Continued) 'ter3_ ti: .15 Memberships &LDues 360 ter K,.360 ; 0 " .1.00 .16 Auto Mileage &Allow 3790 '.*, 39. .17 Trvl-Confrncs-Meetings 3870 -107 1481 ✓`:;;: 2389 .38 .18 Training Expense ,. 1000 .`, :.'20� 4� 955 .19 Community Promotion . f 0 .21 'Utilities 20700 . . 1453 9482 112186 .25 Intrnl Svc Fund Chrgs 2160 540 2160 ,:.. . . 0 1.00 Total Services & Supplies 77367 -3317" -..,44298, '.'. : 33069 .57 725 Contract Services .01 Recreation Instruction 34900 7 4304 :" 26764 8136 .77 .02 Shannon Services .19560 2366 " 15005 " :::. : 4555 .77 .03 Senior Center Services 9300 9300 .00 .04 Special Events 3750 3750 0 1.00 Total Contract Services 67510 . 6670 45519 21991 .67 757 Cptl Outlay-Mchnry b: Eqp 8205 482 3124 5081 .38 TOTAL RECREATION DEPT. 358977 31811 269845 89132 .75 7 03 PAFJT MAINTF NANCE 705 .21 Srvc & Supp-Utilities 5000 5000 .00 722 Contract Sen-ices 21300 722 722 20578 .C3 ------ ------- ------- ------- ----- TOT,�L: P_ MI-. !AIN`TE\:�tiCr_ 26300 722 722 25578 .03 TOTAL. CaTLT- & LEISURE SETVICES 477261 5 72 3 3 356109 121152 .75 COM IL?:ITT DEtT_LOP%TENT 901 PLANNING 701 Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 172900 26947, 160590 12310 .93 .02 Salaries, Part Time 3861 1.10 140 3721 .04 .03 Salaries, Cvertime 2319 ?.5 2319 G 1.00 .04 Retirement 11260 S 8 9 8629 2631 .77 .05 Group Insurance 19890 243 11579 8311 .58 .06 Worker's Compensation 4760 -332 5092 -.J- .08 Medicare FICA 100 65 65 35 .65 ------ ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Personal Services 215090 25534 182990 32100 .85 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Supplies 4332 1169 4332 0 1.00 .02 Postae 4400 40 4221 179 .96 .03 Reproduction Supplies 2992 280 2121 871 .71 .05 Professional Services 149980 324S2 120784 29196 .81 .08 Advertising 2104 315 2103 1 1.00 .09 Printing & Binding 6.100 i9i 1765 4635 .28 .12 Repairs & `L•-aintenance 1000 443 557 .44 .14 Books, Publs & Subscrps 1200 100 1063. 131 .99 .15 Memberships & Dues 412 412 0 1.00 .16 Auto Mileage & Alloy:. 2530 174 22-13 282 .89 .17 Trvl, Confs & Meetings 5700 46 5104 596 .90 Expenditure 'Report - Pab� 8 CUI, r .AR TO PERCENT OF BUDGET MG%II i DATE EALAtiCE EL= i''IT� 901 PLANNING - Services & Supplies (Continued) .18 Training 1200 250 672 528 .56 .24 Annexations/Filing Fees 4100 2270 1830 .55 .25 Intrnl Svc Fund Chrgs 45:50 1546 4534 16 1.00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Services & Supplies 190900 36600 152072 38828 .80 757 Capital Outlay-Mchnry & .Eqp 3790 2713 3226 564 .85 TOTAL PIAN-N'ING 409780 67847 338283 71.192 .83 902 BUILDI\G &. SAFT:TY 701 Personal Services .01 Salaries, Full Time 26000 3151 25859 141 .99 .03 Salaries, Overtime 1215 71 1215 0 1.00 .04 Retirement 1772 120 1771 1 1.00 .05 Group Insurance 3133 22 2392 1041 .67 .06 Worker's Comnensation 180 3 177 .02 Total Personal Services 32300 3364 30940 1360 .96 705 Services &. Supplies .01 Office Supplies 1044 ill 1043 1 1.00 .02 Postage 400 346 54 .87 .03 Reproduction Supplies 300 6 69 231 .23 .09 Printing & Binding 1830 296 1829 1 I.00 .12 Rerairs 0 .14 Books Pub's &. Subscps 371 52 371 0 1.00 .15 Memberships & Dues 350 35% 0 1.100 .16 auto `Iileage & Allow. 50 50 .00 .18 Training E.-pense 555 40.1 151 .73 25 Intrnl Svc Fund Chrgs 1850 844 1845 4 1.00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Tot-al Services & Supplies 6750 1333 6255 492 .03 722 Contract Services 247200 -1'2435 206561 40639 .8i 757 C-ptl Outlay-Mlchnry & Eqp 1450 1352 98 .93 TOTAL BUIL.DT\ b S_�' 1Z 28;100 1i 3 2Y5111 12583 .85 903 ENGI\=RI\G 705 Services &. Supplies .01 Office Supplies 577 75 507 70 .83 .02 Pos t.a e 442 442 0 1.00 .03 Reproduction 0 .09 Printing &. Binding 2181 159 2181 0 1.00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Services & Supplies 3200 234 3130 70 .c8 722 Contract Services -184:89 62-993 4543S9 0 1 .0'.`. 757 Opt-1 Outlay--`IchnrV & Ecq-P 2000 1991 6 1.00 TOTAL F-\GI\-EEI2:I\G 459559 6'32_7 189513 76 1.00 TO'r.aL: C0H,R-1IT- DEVFLOPMC\t 1187069 17321'2 1079-9i9- 11-1157 .90 TOTAL GE\ER•\L FUND 6204021 9 2S35S 5660991 543030 1 Expenditure Report - Page CURRI . TO PERCENT OF BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YTD TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (FUND 2-5) 204 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING 705 .21 Srvc & Supp-Utilities 21400 4939 19318 2082 .90 712 .01 Cntrct Svc-Trfc Signls 42600 10365 20745 21855 .49 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LG 64000 15304 40063 23937 .63 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 64000 15304 40063 23937 .63 STATE GAS TAX FUND (FUND * 2-6) TRANSPORTATION 302 STREET MAINTENANCE 712 Contract Services .02 Street Repair 110000 110000 110000 0 1.00 .03 Drainage & Maintenance 18740" 322 17863 877 .95 .04 Storm Patrol & Clean-up 13150 817 12333 .06 .05 Curbs Gutters Sidewalks 24000 4947 14533 9467 .61 .06 Sign Rpr &Installation 23500 1351 21732 1768 .92 .07 Striping & Marking 43760 19647 43760 0 1.00 .08 Guardrail Repair 2000 2000 .00 .10 Weed Control 3000 2613 327 .89 .13 Bike Path Maintenance 7000 774 3254 3746 .46 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Contract Services 245150 137041 214632 30518 .88 755 Imprvmts Othr Thn Bldgs 35000 17452 35000 0 1.00 TOTAL STREET MAINTIE\UINCE 280150 154493 249632 30518 .89 303 STREET SWEEPING 718 Contract Services .01 Street Sweeping 57600 7844 49757 7843 .86 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Contract Services 57600 7844 49757 7843 .86 TOTAL, STREET SWEEPING 57600 7844 49757 1843 .86 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 337750 162337 299389 38361 .89 COLNtIUNITY DEVELOPMENT 903 ENGINEERING-TRAFFIC 722 Contract Services 4000 4000 4000 0 1.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING 4000 4000 4000 0 1.00 TOTAL STATE GAS TAX FUND 341750 166337 303389 38361 .89 REVENUE SHARING FUND 201 710 .01 Police Contract Srvcs 51825 51825 51825 0 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND (FUND ;: 2-11) 306 PARATRANSIT SERVICE 714 Cntrct Svc-SRV Community Ctr 12345 6173 12345 0 1.00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DVLPPLIT ACT FUND 12345 61713 12345 0 1.00 Expenditure Report - Page 1U G11_ _-,T SEAR TO PEPMyT OF BU)GET M(NTH DATE EAUNCE ELTXIET- M ST. LIGHTING ASSESS`1EN17 DISTRICT 83-1 FUND (FUND r 2-18) 204 SAF 7Y LIGHTING 705 .21 Srvc &. Supp-Utilities 130564 18858 110069 20495 .84 903 ENGINEERING SERVICES 722 Contract Services 8,136 820 8436 0 1.00 TOTAL ST. LIGHTING ASSMNT DISTR. FUND . 139000 19678 118505 20495 .85 LA:NIUSCAPE DISTRICT ASSESS`E.7 FUTM 83-2 (F Z ? 2-19) 305 STREET LANDSCAPE :LAIYM iANCE 705 .21 Srvc & Supp-Utilities 11600 1559 6721 1879 .58 712 .15 Cntrct Svc-Public Works 26500 12104 23658 2842 .89 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- TOTAL. STREET LANDSCAPE MAI vTU�ANC 38100 12663 30379 7721 .80 703 PAM rLAIN TFvANCE 722 Contract Services 903 ENGIN=ING SER`•,iICES 722 Contract Services 2000 676 1096 4 1.00 TOTAL LANDSCAPE DISTR. ASS:-NT FUND 83-2 40100 14339 32375 7725 .81 I;T=AL SERVICE FUND (FL1D = 1-0-30) 705 Services & Supplies .01 Office Sun_nlles 1000 1000 .00 .04 Operatingg Supplies 32031 -5682 13432 18598 .4. .10 Insurance Premium 10800 10800 .u0 .12 Fenairs L `'.ainterance 2''2015 212 1939-1 2621 .83 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Services & Supplies 65846 -5440 32827 33019 .5u 7:57 Machinery & Equipment i5925 - 34-: 0 i5935 75=1 Depreciation & Replacement 63969 52975 52975 10994 .83 TOTAL SERVICE FLND 147,750 43191 8580'2 5998 TOTAL. OPERATING FL-ND =-NDITLRES 6998791 12 0 5 6305295 6924 6 .�0 S.A.\ Rk\K)N RD SPECIFIC PLAN _A S`T DISTR F» ;FND = 5-20) - DEBT SERVICE 903 722 Engineering Prfsnl Sr-,-cs 115 290 -290 730 Debt Service .01 Princ:irr.l Payments 87869 87869 0 .02 Interest Payments 70921 70918 3 1 ..00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- TOTAL SN RMN RD .-ASSMT DST:% - DEBT SRVC 153790 145 159077 -287 1.00 DUBLIN INT'OR`LATION, INC. FKD (FUND = 6-1 ) 705 .02 Fosta.ge 4948 3945 39.18 1000 .SO 705 .05 Professional Services 473087 81762 369070 10.1017 .78 705 .09 Printing 21606 21564 21605 1 1.00 705 .2'4 Filin. Fees 1 359 690 1359 U 1.00 705 .'26 Property- Tax 41467 -11467 0 i .00 722 Contract Services 5745 5745 U 1 .00 Subtotal - Operating Exrpendit.ures 548'212 107964 443194 105018 S1 Expenditure Report - Page L1 CURRI. TO PERCE 7T OF BUDGET MONTH DATE BALANCE BUDGET-YTD DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC. FUND (CONTINUED) 730 .01 Debt Service-Principal 173000 -173000 0 173000 .00 730 .02 Debt Service-Interest 1206851 -1206851 0 1206851 .00 Subtotal - Debt Srvc Expenditures 1379851 -1379851 0 1379851 .00 751 Land 841675 -5000 0 841675 .00 753 Improvements 200000 200000 .00 755 .01 Sierra Ct Sthrn Extnsn 546000 -524275 0 546000 .00 Subtotal - Capital Expenditures 1587675 -529275 0 1587675 .00 TOTAL DUBLIN INFORMATION, INC. FUND 3515738 -1801162 443194 3072544 .13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS EXPENDITURES CAPTIAL PROJECTS FUNDS (FUND n 3-XX<YX) General Improvements 0024 Civic Center 0030 Word Processing 16000 -15999 16000 .00 0049 DSRSD Services Study 8800 8796 4 1.00 0066 Police Vehicles 60953 -105658 60953 .00 0074 Fuel Effcnt Trfc Sgnl Study 12600 1440 2651 9949 .21 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total General Improvements 98353 -120217 11447 86906 .12 Community Improvements 0020 Sewage Facility Expansion 800000 800000 .00 0025 Sidewlk Sfty/Bus Stop Pads 57200 30290 43200 14000 .76 0032 Downtown Improvement Plan 48620 595 48620 0 1.00 0033 Dublin Blvd Undergrounding 5231 5231 t0 1.00 0067 Doherty Rd Fencing-Est Side 20000 4604 6028 13972 .30 0068 Major Artrl Fence Replacemnt 10000 5339 6572 3428 .66 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Community Improvements 941051 40828 109651 831400 .12 Park Improvments 0035 Kolb Park 817300 11377 114423 702877 .14 0060 Park Development Plan 17000 342 15637 1363 .92 0061 Shannon Park Renovation 456130 456130 .00 0063 Dolan Park 407020 7668 15861 391159 .04 0065 Amador Lakes Mini Park 72595 2134 5156 67439 .07 0069 Senior Citizens Center 102000 2253 2368 99632 .02 0070 Doherty Hills Park 58000 15645 42355 .27 0075 East Doherty Hills Park 17102 96 17102 0 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Park Improvements 1947147 23370 186192 1760955 .10 Street Improvements 0029 Annual Street Overlay 111622 79516 99742 11880 .S9 0036 San Ramon Rd Phase II 1892100 567428 1363456 528644 .72 0037 Sn Rmn Rd-III/Hillsd Lndscp 40508 253 40508 0 1.00 0038 Trfc Sgl-Alcosta/San Rmn Rd 43599 43599 0 1.00 0039 Trfc Sgl-Dbin Blvd/Sierra 221757 20166 221398 359 1.00 0042 Traffic Signal Interconnect 150000 92316 1.17085 2915 .98 Expenditure Report - Page 12 CUUZEN7 YEAR TO PERCENT OF BUDGET MMU DATE BATA CE BLMT. -YTD CAPITAL PROJECTS - STREET IM]PROVDIENTS (CO\TIN) 0044 Lndscp Vllg Pkwy to Kimball 44200 37392 6808 .85 0053 Arroyo Vista Sidewalks 5900 5788 112 .98 0055 Dghrty Rd Wring at SP Rlyd 130313 -210 130313 0 1.00 0056 Rehb/Lndscp X B-t-R to Dghrty 1041404 273222 1041404 0 1.00 0059 San Ramon Rd Phase I.' 47000 332 444;.4 2:546 .95 0071 Dbin Blvd \7h' Frntg at Clark 161000 2688 -14304 146696 .09 0072 Trf'c Sgn.ls L St Licht Addtns 29055 170 29055 0 1.00 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- Total Street Improvements 3918458 103:5353 3218498 699960 .82 TOTAL: CAPITAL: PROJECTS FUND 6905009 979834 3525788 3379221 .51 TOTAL ESP :uITLRES - ALL FLNDS 17578328 424022 10433354 7144974 .59 -------- ------- -------- -------- ----- -------- ------- -------- -------- ----- BUDGET TRANSFERS OLT From General Fund c095151 812897 886317 4208804 .I7 From Community DeveloFent Block Grant 144040 51300 12^000 24C40 .83 From Federal Aid Urban Fund 1541000 1541000 From Park Dedication Fund 768650 7636710 From Assessment, District Funds 167900 167900 From State Park Bond act Fund 15300 15300 From Senior Citizen Bond :pct Fund 73650 73650 From Capital Projects FL.^d 12"16 57 121651 -121557 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- TOTAL. TPa\SFr,S OUT 7305691 1045854 112800-1 66776S7 .1 ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- -----