HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Approve 09-24-1990 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - September 24, 1990
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held
on Monday, September 24 , 1990, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin
Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. , by Mayor
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PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of
allegiance to the flag.
* * * *
Open Space Concerns Resolved
Alfred Bilotti, 8116 Creekside Drive thanked the City Council for the
fast action received on a problem which was brought to their attention
at the last Council meeting. He stated that he appreciated this very
Request for Stop Light
Karen Andrew, 8446 Longford Way requested that a stop light replace a
stop sign in front of the High School. One of her sons was recently
hit by a car that ran a stop sign. She stated that traffic doesn't
always stop at a stop sign. This is a year round problem near the
high school. Headed north, once drivers get past the stop sign at
Village Parkway and Davona Drive, then it is a clear shot all the way
up to Alcosta Boulevard.
Cm. Vonheeder stated she thought that signals were already scheduled
on Village Parkway at Brighton Drive.
Assistant City Manager Rankin advised that signals are scheduled to be
installed on Village Parkway at both Tamarack Drive and Brighton
Drive. They are not in the current year Capital Improvement Program,
Ms. Andrew requested that the City consider a light at Kimball Avenue.
She also stated that another possibility was a stop sign at Wineberry.
Cm. Vonheeder stated that the intersection of Village Parkway and
Kimball Avenue is not in Dublin's City limits.
Mayor Moffatt explained that the City conducts yearly traffic reviews.
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Mr. Rankin advised that this request would be forwarded to the Traffic
Safety Committee for review.
* * * *
Lt. Jim Rose introduced Dublin Police Services' newest addition to the
force, Sergeant Mike Peterson. Mike has 17 years of service with the
Sheriff's Department and comes to Dublin with good credentials and
Sgt. Peterson advised that he had patrolled this area back in the late
1970's and he was amazed at all the improvements that have been made
within the City since that time. He stated he looked forward to
working in Dublin.
The Council welcomed Sgt.. Peterson to Dublin.
* * * *
On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous
vote, the Council took the following actions:
Approved Minutes of Study Session Meeting of August 22 , and Regular
Meeting of September 10, 1990;
Authorized Cm. Jeffery to attend the Finance, Administration and
Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) Steering Committee meeting in
Washington, D.C. , on October 4-7, 1990;
Accepted the Finance Report for period ending August 31, 1990;
Authorized Staff to execute a contract with David L. Gates &
Associates to prepare a Park & Recreation Facilities Master Plan at a
cost not to exceed $75, 000;
Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $508, 531. 31.
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Mayor Moffatt requested that the item related to Dublin's
participation in the Alameda County Economic Development Program be
removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Mayor Moffatt pointed out that we have a chance to have a Dublin City
Councilmember appointed to the Advisory Board.
Cm. Jeffery indicated that she thought that they asked specifically
for a Mayor.
Mayor Moffatt stated that it could be a Councilmember.
Assistant City Manager Rankin advised that in the County
Administrator's letter there was a proposal to expand the members of
the Board by 9 positions to include 3 City Councilmembers, with one
from each region of the County.
Mayor Moffatt stated that Dublin has a lot of qualified people and he
wished to nominate Cm. Snyder.
Cm. Snyder stated he certainly would accept the nomination in that the
East County area needs some representation. Livermore is represented
by a member of the Lab and Pleasanton will be represented by Mayor
Cm. Jeffery stated that since this is her field of work she also would
be interested in serving.
Cm. Hegarty suggested having Cm. Jeffery as an alternate.
Cm. Vonheeder questioned if the Board of Supervisors had approved the
additions yet.
Cm. Snyder stated he understood that they had. He spoke with the
County Economic Development Director and was advised that there is one
additional opening for a Councilmember from the East County area. The
appointment is made by the Executive Committee of the Advisory Board.
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous
vote, the Council agreed to submit the names of both Cm. Snyder and
Cm. Jeffery for nomination.
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous
vote, the Council adopted
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Mayor Moffatt opened the public hearing.
City Clerk Kay Keck advised that in accordance with Council direction,
a public hearing was scheduled in order for the Council to discuss the
established City policy of charging a $ . 10 per page copying charge.
Mr. Dave Burton, a candidate for City Council has requested that this
charge be waived for candidates and that candidates be provided with
complete packets of information for each Council meeting.
Ms. Keck advised that in accordance with State Law, the City adopted a
resolution establishing various fees and charges in 1984 . The $ . 10
per page copy charge was a part of this resolution. If, after
deliberation, the Council should choose to waive these fees for
candidates, it would be appropriate for the Council to adopt the
drafted resolution providing for this exception. Ms. Keck pointed out
that it would be necessary for the candidates to make their request in
writing, and they would be eligible to receive the packets at no
charge upon becoming an officially declared candidate for City Council
office. They would receive the packets at no charge until the date of
the November election.
Cm. Hegarty questioned if this discussion covered only Council meeting
Ms. Keck responded that this was correct.
Cm. Jeffery expressed concern related to setting a precedent.
Cm. Vonheeder questioned usage of the term "receive" .
Ms. Keck advised that the candidates would be able to pick up the
packets in the City Clerk's Office. They would not be mailed.
Mr. Burton thanked the City Council and Staff for responding to his
request. He had spoken to candidate Beth Howard who also would like
to receive the information at no charge. She requested that he state
her position that she feels it is appropriate that the City supply
candidates with packets. Mr. Burton stated he understands the
Council's concerns related to who gets the packets, but it is very
clearly stated in the Resolution that they would be provided at no
charge only to candidates. People who do not have the money should be
able to get these and this is the fair way to approach it. He did not
know how soon this would become effective, if it would be 30 days or
longer. He requested that the City Council also consider his request
to be retroactive. Mr. Burton pointed out that the Consent Calendar
contains millions of dollars of expenditures and gets approved with no
comments and felt that his request is a small one.
Cm. Hegarty asked Mr. Burton if he had thought of asking the County to
waive all their fees. He advised that all the information contained
in the packets could be reviewed at the Library or in the City Clerk's
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Office. Cm. Hegarty stated with regard to the information contained
in 7 packets, he had a hard time saying this would give all the
necessary information on which to base decisions.
Mr. Burton stated that people who want to come onto the City Council
can't just pick up a packet at the Library and learn all the
information in a few hours time.
Cm. Vonheeder responded that you can't absorb everything about City
operations in 7 packets either.
Mr. Burton stated he did not understand why the Council is arguing
about $300 when you are talking about people who are trying to get on
the City Council. He felt the Council was trying to withhold
necessary information. He recently saw an old friend who is now a
Senator and this friend referred to the situation as an "incumbency
protection association" .
Cm. Jeffery stated she felt that Mr. Burton of all people knows that
this is not true.
Mr. Burton requested that the Council just be fair.
Ms. Keck clarified that the Resolution would become effective upon
adoption. No provisions were included for the Resolution to be
Mayor Moffatt closed the public hearing.
Cm. Jeffery stated she highly objected to the fact that this is being
made an issue by candidates and no one else in the community seems to
see it as a problem. Newspapers provide coverage and information.
What Mr. Burton is asking for is not packets for people who are
running for office but rather to change and make a precedent of how
the City distributes information. He is asking for special
consideration. Unless the City can afford to give packets to all
residents of Dublin, it should not grant this request. None of the
existing Council had the benefit of this before they were elected.
She felt it is just as important for the community to know what is
going on as it is for candidates.
Cm. Vonheeder stated that even though this is a relatively small
amount of money, if the lack of $100 to $200 prevents a candidate from
being informed, they need to consider that all expenses incurred by
Councilmembers aren't necessarily reimbursed by the City. Items on
the Consent Calendar were previously part of discussions during the
Goals & Objectives process and also the annual Budget process, so to
suggest that they just appear and are routinely approved without
discussion is incorrect. All of these items were looked at a lot
longer than 3 meetings. Cm. Vonheeder stated she tried to step back
and look at this in terms of the affect to the City. She can
rationalize providing packets to the press and obviously, the City
Council needs the information in order to make the necessary
decisions. In addition, 2 packets are provided which can be reviewed
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several days before a meeting by any member of the community and they
are provided at 2 different locations. Several years ago, when the
Gann Initiative and Proposition 13 passed, from a philosophical point
of view, this meant that public agencies no longer have to provide
copies at no charge. They were able to charge in order to recoup some
of the costs so that revenues can be used for other things important
to the community.
Cm. Vonheeder admitted that she has struggled with user fees for a
long time. Her biggest problem with this request is the concept of
waiving fees for a select few. You risk getting into an area of
reverse discrimination. She asked the City Attorney if the Council
would be setting a precedent.
City Attorney Silver stated she did not feel it set a legal precedent;
however, members of the community would be able to use this as an
example if they were pursuing a similar request. The City Council
could deny a similar request from another group of citizens. It may
set a practical precedent but not a legal precedent.
Cm. Hegarty stated he totally supported Cm. Jeffery and Cm.
Vonheeder's comments. In addition, he felt. that Mr. Burton is making
an issue out of something that is not an issue to begin with. He
asked where Mr. Burton was 7 or 8 months ago when important decisions
were made. Seven packets will not give them all of the information.
Ten thousand other people can come before the Council with a similar
request. Cm. Hegarty stated this is very upsetting to him. It might
only be $300 or $500, but groups have come before the Council and been
turned down for less money. The information is already available free
of charge if they are that interested in getting it.
Mr. Burton stated he wanted to respond.
Mayor Moffatt advised Mr. Burton that the public hearing had been
closed and he was out of order.
Mayor Moffatt pointed out that the Dublin School District gives the
packets away and the City of Livermore also provides them to
candidates in addition to putting on seminars.
Cm. Snyder stated that immediately after the last Council meeting, the
Pleasanton School District adopted a policy to charge for all packets.
On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous
vote, the Council denied the request to provide candidates with
packets at no charge.
* * * *
Assistant City Manager Rankin advised that the League of California
Cities Annual Conference is being held this year on October 21-24 ,
1990, in Anaheim. Prior to the Conference, each city is required to
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designate a voting delegate and an alternate. Each city has a right
to cast one vote on matters pertaining to League policy.
On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous
vote, the Council appointed Vice Mayor Vonheeder to be the voting
delegate, and Cm. Snyder as the alternate.
When polled, Mayor Moffatt and Cm. Hegarty indicated that they would
not be attending the conference. Cm. 's Jeffery, Snyder and Vonheeder
will be attending the conference.
Mr. Rankin explained that since the majority of City Councilmembers
will be attending the Conference, the City Council's second meeting in
October will need to be cancelled or rescheduled.
The Council asked Staff what items will be included on the agenda for
discussion at the October 22nd meeting.
Mr. Rankin advised that the agenda has not yet been set, but Staff
would have a better feel for anticipated items by the October 8th
Council meeting.
By a consensus, the Council tentatively rescheduled the October 22nd
City Council meeting to October 29th:
Mr. Rankin advised that Kay Keck would contact each Councilmember
planning to attend the conference in order that all necessary
reservations could be made.
* * * *
Tri-Valley Joint City Councils Meeting
Mr. Rankin advised that the City of Pleasanton will be hosting the
next meeting of the joint Councils at the Pleasanton Hotel on
Thursday, October 4 , 1990. Reservations must be called in this week
and Mr. Rankin asked which Councilmembers would be in attendance.
Mayor Moffatt, Cm. Snyder and Cm. Vonheeder indicated they would
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Community TV Seminar
Cm. Hegarty advised that the Tri-Valley Community Television
Corporation will be asking each participating City for funding to put
on a training seminar. The cost will be approximately $300 to $500
per city. The Commission feels it would be beneficial to hold a one-
day seminar and bring in a consultant. Cm. Hegarty stated that he and
Claudia McCormick would participate. Dave Adams from Livermore will
be sending information. The issue will be discussed next Thursday at
the Community TV meeting.
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Cm. Hegarty advised that there is a lot of legislation coming up
regarding cable tv. The Commission is working well right now, but
more knowledge would be welcomed.
The Council through consensus indicated that Cm. Hegarty should use
his best judgment with regard to action on the seminar.
* * * *
Measure D (Recycling)
Cm. Snyder requested that Measure D, the recycling issue on the
November ballot be agendized in order that everyone can be informed of
everything that is happening. He felt it was important for the City
Council to take a position. It places a surcharge which may not be
legal on every ton of refuse that is dumped in the landfills. Some
estimates equate this to $ . 60 per month per household. Dublin is
already assessing $1. 25 per month.
* * * *
Flags for Regional Meeting Room
Cm. Snyder asked if the purchase of additional flags for the Regional
Meeting Room could be discussed on a future agenda. Several groups
regularly meet in this room and it is awkward when doing a flag salute
to not have flags available.
* * * *
Insurance Proposal
Cm. Vonheeder stated that Tony Santos, a San Leandro Councilmember who
works in the insurance industry, has proposed that cities look at
providing fire and liability insurance to its residents. Information
was distributed to the Council and City Attorney. She explained that
no action is required at this time as it is only in the formative
Karen Andrew asked if she could obtain more information related to
this topic.
Cm. Vonheeder stated that it is just in the discussion stage at this
time, but she would be happy to provide the information that she had.
* * * *
Tri-Valley Transportation Council
Cm. Vonheeder advised that the Contra Costa County Transit Authority
which is the recipient committee for transportation funds is
uncomfortable in forwarding money to the Tri-Valley Transportation
Council because it has not formalized its JPA. Dublin and Danville
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are the only 2 agencies which have opposed a formal JPA. She and a
representative from Danville have been put on a sub-committee to work
on resolving this. She indicated that she will be requesting that
Staff look at a sample in the hopes that some words can be put
together to bring back to the TVTC at their meeting next month. Cm.
Vonheeder stated that having a JPA does not necessarily mean that we
will be locked into something we don't want to be locked into. They
will be looking at what our options are and the subject will be
brought back to the Council in the future.
* * * *
State Budget Fiasco
Cm. Jeffery advised that the League of California Cities will be
sending some information related to opposing what the Legislation has
done to cities with their budget. They are looking at some legal
aspects. There are concerns related to the constitutional legality of
what they did. This will be on a future agenda. There is a great
possibility that we will be losing our Vehicle License Fees. The
State is also trying to charge us to collect taxes.
* * * *
ABAG Election
Mayor Moffatt stated that information had recently been distributed
regarding ABAG's election. If anyone wants to become involved, the
process has started. The filing period ends on Friday, October 19th.
Cm. Snyder advised that there are currently 3 declared candidates.
These include Mary Griffin, San Mateo County Supervisor, Tom Powers
with Contra Costa County and Fairfield Mayor Gary Vilotti.
* * * *
Agricultural Development
Mayor Moffatt indicated he had received correspondence related to
Alameda County setting up agricultural development districts.
Planning Director Tong advised that Dublin has a very small amount of
agricultural land within the City limits and felt that this deals more
with land in the unincorporated areas.
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At 8 : 40 p.m. , the Council recessed to a closed executive session to
discuss Pending Litigation, 1) City of Dublin vs. Schaffer, et. al.
Alameda County Superior Court No. V-000506-9; and 2) City of Dublin
vs. Alameda County, et. al. Alameda County Superior Court No.
V-000855-4 , in accordance with Government Code Section 54956. 9 (a) .
* * * *
Following the closed session, the following statement was made: "The
Council has met in closed session to discuss pending litigation
pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a) . The 2 cases discussed
are listed on the agenda for tonight's meeting. The Council also
considered, following advise from the City Attorney, whether the need
to take action on a matter concerning potential litigation arose after
the agenda for tonight 's meeting was posted. The Council determined
by a unanimous vote that the need to take action on a matter
concerning potential litigation arose after the agenda was posted.
The Council then conferred with the City Attorney pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9 (c) to decide whether to initiate
litigation. "
* * * *
There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was adjourned at 9 : 25 p.m.
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City Clerk
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