HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 Non Conforming Sign Report CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 27, 1992 SUBJECT: Report regarding Nonconforming Signs identified on the Status List REPORT PREPARED BY: Ralph Kachadourian, Assistant Planner/Zoning Investigator �< RECOMMENDATION: �i ,' Review options and provide direction FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Attached is an updated status list indicating the sixty ( 60) business locations with nonconforming signs . The list indicates all reminder letters and warning notices sent and specifies the type of approval (s ) options required to modify or to maintain the existing nonconforming signs to comply with the ordinance. The comments section of the status list indicates, 1) if a business/property owner or representative has responded to Staff regarding the letters, 2 ) the type of application submitted for approval , 3) approvals granted for compliance of existing nonconforming signs, 4 ) the locations which have been corrected, and 5 ) any changes affecting the nonconforming sign location. The following is the current up-to-date summary of the attached monthly status list : ■ Seven (7 ) sign locations could apply for Site Development Review. ■ Two (2 ) sign locations could apply for a Variance. ■ Twenty-nine (29 ) sign locations could apply for a combination of either a Site Development Review, Conditional use Permit, or a Variance. (Two (2 ) of these locations did not submit a time extension request; however they have indicated to Staff that they will be submitting applications for compliance. ) ■ Twenty-two ( 22 ) sign locations have been corrected and are in compliance with the Sign Ordinance. ITEM NO. COPIES TO: General/Agenda File /stat7-27 Senior Planner Project Planner CITY CLERK FILE FW1olol-Ma BACKGROUND: In 1986 , 180 business locations were identified as having nonconforming signs . From this original total, thirty-eight ( 38 ) locations still maintain nonconforming sign(s) . As of July 22 , 1992 , thirteen ( 13) of these business locations have submitted applications and/or building permits and are currently being reviewed and processed by Staff . The following chart indicates a complete breakdown of the current nonconforming sign list. Response Formal Applications Made; Applications Will Be Intentions No Corrected Submitted Submitted Unknown Response TOTAL 22 13 19 3 3 60 Of the original 180 nonconforming sign locations identified in 1986 , the following chart breaks down these totals : Response Formal Applications Made; Applications Will Be Intentions No Corrected Submitted Submitted Unknown Response TOTAL 141 13 19 3 3 180 78% 7% 11% 2% 2% 100% Approximately 96% of the original 180 nonconforming sign locations have been corrected or are being brought into compliance. Approximately 4% have either contacted Staff but not indicated their intentions or have not responded to the reminder letters . On December 23, 1991, the City Council gave direction to utilize the existing 1986 Sign Ordinance to bring the remaining nonconforming sign locations into compliance, instead of amending the Sign Ordinance or granting an additional time extension period. Under the existing Ordinance, the time extension period expired on July 12 , 1992 . Staff could begin nuisance abatement proceedings for the remaining nonconforming sign locations . As specified in the Business & Professions Code, the Council would need to declare the existing nonconforming signs as public nuisances , and by adoption of a resolution, could abate these signs . Staff would need to prepare a draft resolution and notice for Council ' s review and approval . -2- On April 27 , 1992 , Council directed that all enforcement action and nuisance abatement proceedings for nonconforming business signs at the three auto dealerships indicated on the current summary list, be held in abeyance pending completion of the Sign Ordinance Amendment Study relating to auto dealership/automobile product line signage. Staff ' s efforts have been very effective in obtaining compliance of the nonconforming signs from the various business and property owners without resorting to nuisance abatement action. Staff feels that most of the remaining nonconforming sign locations could be brought into compliance within the next several weeks since new applications are being prepared for submittal by the business or property owners . Staff has identified the following options and requests the Council provide direction regarding the nonconforming signs : 1 ) Utilize the existing Sign Ordinance and begin the nuisance abatement proceedings . Staff would bring back a draft resolution and notice to the Council for review and approval . 2 ) Utilize the existing Sign Ordinance and hold the nuisance abatement proceedings in abeyance until September (or other date selected by the Council) to allow applicants additional time to submit their sign applications . -3- /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 7000 Amador Plaza Road 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X X Submitted plans for Dublin General Cinema 6 review and will F/S & Wall Signs submit application. 7111 Amador Plaza Custom Fireplace, Patio & BBQ 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Sign Company has Karp (owner) (M) contacted Staff. Wall Signs No contact by Owner. 7375 Amador Valley Blvd. CORRECTED Unocal Station SDR approval F/S & Wall Signs PA 86-085 7399 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner has contacted Coin Wash & Dry (M) Staff regarding Zlot (owner) letters and options. Wall Signs 7405 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner has contacted LB Nails (M) Staff regarding Zlot (owner) letters and options. Wall Sign 7417 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner has contacted Cheryl's Hair Design (M) Staff regarding Zlot (owner) letters and options. Wall Sign 7423 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X Property Owner has Gun Shop contacted Staff. Zlot (owner) Wall Signs (2) - 1 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 7435 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 N/A 5/1992 6/1992 X X Site occupied by Chez Twille Deli (M) Vacuum Cleaner Zlot (owner) Factory. Owner has Wall Sign contacted Staff. 7441 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner has contacted Vacuum Cleaner Factory (M) Staff regarding Zlot (owner) letter and options Wall Sign 7447 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Property Owner has Dublin Jewelers (M) contacted Staff. Zlot (owner) Wall Sign 7453 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner has contacted Dublin Corner Barber Shop (M) Staff regarding Zlot (owner) letter and opti Wall Sign 7459 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner has contacted Evie's Place (M) Staff regarding Zlot (owner) letter and options Wall Sign 7850 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Building permit Unocal Service Station (M) submitted 7/9/92 F/S Sign 7851 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Sign extends above Gallaghers Pub (M) roof-ridge line. Sign (above roof-ridge line) Owner has not contacted Staff. 2 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 7867 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 . 5/1992 6/1992 X Owner has contacted Dough Boys Donuts Staff regarding Wall Sign letters and options and will submit application. 7980-8000 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Building Permit Freestanding Directory Sign (M) submitted on K & S Co. (owner) 7/9/92• 7988 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 Sign removed Glory Dry Cleaners & Laundry Warning Notice CORRECTED Illegal Wall Sign 7989 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 N/A X X PA 92-036 VAR/SDR Fosters Freeze (M) application Tafjen (owner) submitted 6/4/9', Wall Signs 7992 Amador Valley Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Illegal sign on Pip Printing 4/1992 (M) San Ramon Road Wall Signs (Warning frontage removed. Notice for Owner has contacted Illegal Staff regarding Sign only) letter and options and may submit an application or remove the sign. 6363 Clark Avenue 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 X PA 92-040 Variance National Food Lab application 3 Directory Signs submitted on 6/19/92 3 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 8850 Davona Drive 2/1992 N/A PA 91-105 approved St. Philips Lutheran Church 2/13/92 ID Sign CORRECTED 5933 Dougherty Road Business closed Crown Isuzu Signs removed F/S & wall Signs CORRECTED 6253 Dougherty Road 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X Owner has not American Building Components contacted Staff. Wall Sign 6401 Dublin Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X PA 92-058 SDR Union Oil (M) application F/S & Wall Sign submitted on 7/16/92. 6801 Dublin Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X Owner has conta i Dublin Office Supply Staff regarding Kent (owner) letter and options. Wall Signs 7240 Dublin Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 Sign Reduced in BP Carwash size to comply. Menu Board Sign CORRECTED 7450 Dublin Blvd. 2/1992 N/A PA 91-042 CUP/VAR Dublin Cinema approved; Enea (owner) CORRECTED F/S Sign 4 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 7499 Dublin Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 X Each sign can be Shamrock Ford reduced to a maxi- Woulfe (owner) mum 8 square feet. F/S Directional Signs (4) Enforcement pending Zoning Ord. Amend. Owner has not contacted Staff. 7544 Dublin Blvd. 2/1992 3/1992 X X only 1 freestanding Crown Chevrolet (M) sign is allowed Costello (owner) per parcel; owner F/S Signs (3) has contacted Staff regarding letter and options Enforcement pending Zoning Ord. Amend. 11805 Dublin Blvd. CORRECTED Community First National Bank Sign Removed Wall Sign 6450 Dublin Court 2/1992 3/1992 X Enforcement pending Crossroads Toyota-Pontiac Zoning Ord. Amend. Wall Signs Owner has contacted Staff 6700 Golden Gate Drive 2/1992 3/1992 N/A CORRECTED Unisource PA 92-023 SDR Bedford (owner) approved on 4/29/92 Wall Signs 5 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 7360 Sari Ramon Rood 2/1992 3/1992 . 5/1992 6/1992 X PA 92-048 SDR True Value Hardware application sub- Nichandros (owner) mitted on 7/1/92. Wall Sign 8909 San Ramon Road 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X PA 92-046 Variance San Ramon Village Plaza Center (M) application sub- Oliver (owner) (Lucky's) mitted on 7/1/92. F/S Sign 8931-8953 San Ramon Road 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X PA 92-047 Variance San Ramon Village Plaza Ctr (M) application sub- San Ramon Investment Co. (Owner) mitted on 7/1/92 F/S Sign 8999 San Ramon Road 4/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X PA 92-039 Variance Shell Service Station (M) application Shell Oil Co. (owner) submitted 6/15/ Monument, F/S Sign 5777 Scarlett Court 2/1992 4/1992 X X X No time extension 84 Lumber Co. Warning 2nd Warning (M) requested by owner. F/S & Wall Signs Notice Notice Owner's attorney has contacted Staff and will submit application. 6055 Scarlett Court 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 CORRECTED Scotsman Man. Inc. Sign Removed F/S Sign - 6 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 6335 Scarlett Court 2/1992 4/1992 X X No time extension Busick Air warning 2nd Warning (M) requested by owner. Wall Sign/Directory Sign Notice Notice Owner and attorney have contacted Staff regarding letters and options and will submit application. 6355 Scarlett Court 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X Owner has contacted #11 Diablo Eng & Machine Inc. Staff and will Wall Signs remove or reduce signs. 6365 Scarlett Court 2/1992 4/1992 CORRECTED Dolan Lumber Warning 2nd Warning Signs removed and Wall Signs Notice Notice reduced. 6389 Scarlett Court CORRECTED Thorn Enterprises sign removed. Wall Sign 6465-6557 Sierra Lane 2/1992 N/A N/A PA 91-056 SDR Sierra Business Ctr approved F/S & Wall Signs CORRECTED 6591 Sierra Lane 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Building permit Bedford (M) submitted on Tenant Directory Sign 6/24/92 7 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 6575 Trinity Court 2/1992 3/1992 . 5/1992 6/1992 X X Sign company and Bedford (M) owner have Directory Sign contacted Staff and will submit application 6300 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X PA 92-049 SDR Operating Engineers Local #3 (M) submitted on Federal Credit Union 7/2/92 F/S Sign 6851 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 N/A PA 92-028 SDR Parkway Vet Hospital approved 6/4/92 Wall Sign CORRECTED 6955 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 PA 92-041 SDR Midas Muffler approved on 7/6/92 F/S & Wall Signs CORRECTED 6973 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner has contacted Corwood Carwash (M) Staff regarding F/S & Menu Board Signs letter and options and will submit an application. 6998 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X Owner/Sign Co. has Caspers Hot Dogs (M) contacted Staff Wall Signs regarding letter and options and will submit an application. 8 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder Options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 7016 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 . 5/1992 6/1992 Signs Removed John & Bill's Transmission CORRECTED Wall Signs 7001-7033 Village Parkway 2/1992 4/1992 CORRECTED AMS Bldg. ID Sign Warning 2nd Warning Sign removed. Ghysels (owner) Notice Notice F/S Sign 7042 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 Signs Removed Amador Ceramics CORRECTED Hucke (owner) Wall Sign 7054 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 N/A CORRECTED D's Arts & Crafts Sign removed. Hucke (owner) Wall Sign 7104 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 N/A CORRECTED Dublin Tire Service Sign Removed Hucke (owner) Wall Sign 7140 Village Parkway CORRECTED Broadway Muffler Conforms with Hucke (owner) ordinance. Wall Sign-Facing A.V.B. 7150 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 X X PA 92-054 SDR Hong Kong Restaurant (M) application sub- Wall Sign mitted on 7/10/92 - 9 - /ncsstat5 Non-Conforming Sign Status List - 7/92 Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder options Available Address/Name No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 SDR VAR CUP ACUP Comments with modification where indicated (M) 7249 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 . 5/1992 6/1992 X X PA 92-055 SDR Arco AM/PM Mini Market (M) application sub- F/S & Wall Signs mitted on 7/13/92 8151 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 6/1992 PA 92-029 Variance Dublin High School approved on 7/8/92. F/S Bulletin Board Zoning Clearance and Wall (ID) Signs approved for Wall ID Sign. CORRECTED 8265 Village Parkway 2/1992 3/1992 5/1992 N/A CORRECTED Professional office Building Tenant listings on F/S Sign Freestanding Sign Removed 10 -