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7.4 YAC Teen Website
• C~��OF.DU1� !/t(41- 412 %Z0,1� ��i� AGENDA STATEMENT • YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITEE .946/rove -MEETING DATE: MAY 30, 2007 • • • SUBJECT: Teen Website Report Prepared by Frank Luna, Recreation Supervisor ATTACHMENTS: February 2007 to May 2007 Teen Website Summary Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Staff will update Youth Advisory Committee Members on the teen website monthly usage statistics for February 2007 through May 2007. Attachment 1 is the website summary report for February 2007 to May 2007. The report provides monthly .statistics for the website on the number of sessions (visitors) hits, pages requested, and search engines used to find the site. The number of visitors the website had during the months of February through May was 5,529. The number of hits was 689,143. The number of hits is calculated by every time the user clicks their mouse when using the website. The pages requested is the popularity of the pages visited on the site. According to the report, the most popular page visited on the site, not including the home page, was the Dublin Shield page which is the Dublin High School news paper. 'The Dublin Shield page was visited 7,891 times. The second most visited page was the games page where visitors play various web friendly games. The games page was visited 4,516 times. Another interesting statistic indicated on the report, was which web search engines visitors use to find the site. A search engine, like Google, refers web users to the site by using a keyword search. Google was the most used search engine by visitors utilizing the site. Staff and Youth Advisory Committee Members have promoted and marketed the teen website at different locations throughout the community that teens frequently visit. The locations included Dublin High School, Wells and Fallon middle schools, Dublin Library and various City facilities. Also, Staff has promoted the website at City sponsored special events such as the St. Patricks Day Festival, Capture the Caldron and Capture the Creature events, Youth Music Showcase, Tri-Valley Teen Job Fair, Middle School Dances and Dubtow.n Jam. At each event, Staff had informational flyers and promotional items such as pens with the website logo to give away. Staff has been Working in collaboration with the Dublin High Journalism Class which produces the school newspaper, "The Dublin Shield". The Dublin Shield is on the website, and is updated on a weekly basis. DubTownTeens.com is the only website where students can view "The Dublin Shield" school newspaper online. COPIES TO: • ITEM NO.: 7.4 G:\YAC\06\07AGENDASTMNT\7.4 A part-time staff person ensures that the website is updated on a weekly,basis; the site has a survey feature located on the Cool Page on the website. Staff has changed the survey question on a monthly basis. • Staff attributes the popularity of the website on the marketing efforts implemented by the Youth Advisory Committee,,and the collaboration with the Dublin High School Journalism class, specifically promoting the Dublin Shield Newspaper. Staff will ensure that the teen website continues to be updated with new games and features so teens.will continue to visit www.DubTownTeens.com 'RECOMMENDATION: • Staff recommends that the Youth Advisory Committee receive the report. • • • • • • • • t" • 2 of 2 • Akz Urchn Report: Sessions Graph - dubtownteens.corn Date Range: 01/01/2007 - 05/22/2007 Sessions Graph iv 1 I I 200 Sessions , yr- `•; _ , 4 Mon 1/01 0 - Tue 1/02' 0 Wed 1/03 0 Thu 1/04 0 Fri 1/05 : 0 Sat 1/06 0 Sun 1/07 • 0 felon .1/08 • 0 • Tue 1/09 • 0 Wed 1/10 0 Thu 1/11 0 Fri 1/12 0 • Sat 1/13 0 Sun 1/14 0 Mon 1/15 0 Tue 1/16 0 Wed 1/17 0 Thu 1/18 0 Fri 1/19 0 Sat 1/20 0 Sun 1/21 0 Mon 1/22 0 • Tue 1/23 0 Wed 1/24 0 Thu 1/25 0 Fri 1/26 0• Sat 1/27 0 Sun 1/28 • 0• Mon 1/29 0 Tue 1/30 0 Wed 1/31 0 Thu 2/01 41 Fri 2/02 48 Sat 2/03 t 24 Sun 2/04 32 Mon 2/05 19 Tue 2/06 '77,t7,-7---F, 28 Wed 2/07 73• ATTACHMENT 1 Thu 2/08 iiittt,tttt 38 Fri 2/09 ;° 41 Sat 2/10 ;t.."ta 18 Sun_2/11 22 Mon 2/12 f 41 Tue 2/13 ..._,, .,.tt... 39 Wed 2/14 ,.. ,xs'"i 38 Thu 2/15 t „, 45 Fri 2/16 Ft..::uz ,,:.:17,7:a 46 Sat 2/17 _; °'? , 19 Sun 2/18 ? 27 Mon 2/19 �^i ., ., 24 Tue 2/20 ,gym; 42 Wed 2/21 ea Thu2/22 ,...,..,,...-.t................. 61 Fri 2/23 35 Sat 2/24 35 Sun 2/25 _':`..'. :.__,.....:': 40 Mon 2/26 „,„_..:;".,.tt..:' 37 Tue 2/27 36 Wed 2/28 y,,...:">:....,..."...:', 44 Thu 3/01 _.`,t...::..titg.j 63. Fri 3/02 tttititttM 31 Sat 3/03 . ittegl 19 Sun 3/04 >. .'rµ_x..._.:r 41 Mon 3/05 ^l:^ R Tue 3/06 wx. :,..-r.... ._tt 46 Wed 3/07 ! ^..:'_.,± .�.-.' 63 . Thu 3/08 Nttitt ". 89 Fri 3/09 ""'t' - ''` 57 Sat 3/10 _ `i^TMtf.,.....,. 40 Sun 3/11 ittittfttt 61 Mon 3/12 tliktittMtt 97 Tue 3/13 `7 Wed 3/14 r 76 Thu 3/15 .. 77 Fri 3/16 -.., 81 Sat 3/17 ttttttrttil 55 Sun 3/18 41 Mon 3/19 _..................:.. 79 Tue3/20 93 Wed 3/21 Itr; 62 Thu 3/22 "...:''.__,,... 76 Fri 3/23 Sat 3/24 . . Sun 3/25 t:::%':It''.j0.*,tt.t.tftt -59 : • " Mon 3/26 !7.i' ..":"•nt.;.;E 64 Tue 3/27 tfittlttifft.# 57 • Wed 3/28 ttttitfttti 65 ". I h u 3/29 60 • Fri 3/30 tttt glt,7tt 55 43 ' Sal 3/31 ?;ttl,:tpitt:tti,'I 1 . Sun 4/01 41.iftittit-ztt Mon 4/02 f...'titi••• •"? 49 ! Tue 4/03 tit'l.:=Y7,7,7"ttg 72 Wed 4/04 ittfit'irt-Itt * 73 1 . : . Thu 4/05 ttkg-ttiiittft; 72 Fri 4/06 ittlittittg-t 35 1 • Sal 4/07 Itttitiii: ; 'Sun '1/08 •;:ttt:tt.ti •• 28 39 I Mon 4/09 tnittittitt.ti 39 : Tue 4/10 ftttlitttit,1 , Wed 4/11 ',:tnnr: 36 i Thu 4/12 51 itttift.. .177-tr:2 Fri 4/13 40 *retlitttttt!.:1 47 ! S a L 4/14 tttitttfftt.,,t Sun 4/15 tmyter=.27,7:t • 61 felon 4/16 tittettilf 69 ft Tue 4/17 ItTr:tftt 50 *tf!2! . . Wed 4/18 68 tttifitt.tittzt Thu 4/19 ttfTtltr,..t7t7;ft't - • 61 Fri 4/20 49 tft-t,ftf;Int . Sat 4/21 ttfittntft 40 S un 4/22 •.kili• 7.,7 • 46 43 1 M o rf 4/23 , Tue 4/2 4 ttili,11,:itttittt • • - 50 IttAttt-rnt Wed 4/25 4 8 :ttitit:,:p!'6,;-niftt • Thu 4/26 51 ! . tttftittt-':::t Fri 4/27 tttitttittat - 56 S a t 4/28 --3 7 tlittiflitt Sun 4/29 P.'..l' Itf:ft:777,7tt .i Mon 4/30 1T553=.77;1t1 • , 48 Tue 5/01 ttZtatt.7..t.7.4ta 50 54. i ., • Wed 5/02 7:7"Attat17,73itt , Thu 5/03 t:"ltt;rttlt.tt 62 Fri 5/04 58•tt.titti;ittlitt Sal 5/05 38 t.:77:Mitt477",.--71 Sun 5/06 ;71timf.ttIttft 42 , 57 ; Mon 5/07 it1.77atttt471 49• Tue-5/08 • • Wed 5/09 47 Thu 5/1U 53 • Fri 5/11 52 Sat 5/17 45 Sun 5/13 _, 49 Moir 5/14 Tue 5/15 55 Wed 5/16 57 Thu 5/17 - 52 Fri 5/18 39 Sat 5/19 27 Sun 5/20 _ 51 Mon 5/21 44 Tue 5/72 ,- 20 Total: 5,529 Help Information Sessions Graph 'rills report shows the trend of recent activity on your website in terms'of Visitor Sessions over time. The default lirnefrarne is one week, but this can easily be changed in the Date Range control area. • Calculation Methodology A 'Session' is defined as a series of clicks on your site by an individual visitor during a specific period of time. A Session is initiated when the visitor arrives at your site, and it ends when the browser is closed or there is a period of inactivity. Sessions quantities will vary to some degree based on what type of visitor tracking rnetl'rod is employed. For the most accurate numbers, the Urchin Traffic Monitor(UTM) should be used. Urchin 5 rcr2004 Urchin Software Corporation • • �u '"chin Report: Requested Pages - dubtownteens.com pate Range: 01/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 Pages (1-10) / 242 Pageviews Percent f • - • - 1. / 9,879 9.38% ... 2. /dubshield.html 7,891 7.49% 3. /Dl-r_Flash.swf 7,617 7.23% ro. . g 4. /games.html 4,516 429 — w < o� 5. /quickpoll php 3,737 3.55% 6. /poll_results.php 3,647 3.46% :_.._...._.._.. 7. /news.html 3,044 2.89% 8. /resources.htnrl 2,581 2.45% • • 9. /cool.html • 2,549 2.42% 10. /jobs.html 2,500 2.37% View Total: 47,961. 45.52% Total: 105,366 100.00% Help Information Requested Pages This report ranks the popularity of the Pages (HTML files, generally) visited on your site by number of Pageviews and relative percentage. Urchin's configuration controls which file extensions are treated as Pageviews. In general, images and other embedded content, such as style sheets and javascript, are not considered to be Pageviews. Urchin 5 ©2004 Urchin Software Corporation • • • • • • • s Urchin* Report: I-lils Graph - dubtownteens.com Date Range: U1/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 . 1-tits Graph ' ' ' I ' r ' ' I ° I I I r r • 1 400,000 Hits 1/2007 0 2,2007 .a 203,087 3/2007 281,218 4/2007 ttttttttEt 197,425 • 5/2007 •- 7,413 Total: 689,143 Help Information Hits Graph • " This report shows the trend of recent activity on your website in terms of successful Hits over time. The default tiinefrarne is one week,.but this can easily be changed in the Date Range control area. Calculation Methodolgy A 'I-lit' is simply a successful request to your web server from a visitor's browser for any type of file, whether an image, I-ITh1L page, an 11P3 file, or any other type. A single web page can cause many Hits -- one for each image included on the page, etc. Urchin 5 ©20114 Urchin Software Corporation • • • • • = �� 6. n • Report: Search Engines - dubtownteens.com Date Range: 01/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 Search Engines (1-10) / 26 Sessions Percent I • • • - r • • • • ✓ www.google.com 331 73.72% r search.insn.corn 26 5.79% r- www.google.ie 16 3.56% = r- search.yahoo.corrr 15 3.34% r- search.live.corn 14 3.12% r- google.co.uk 7 1.56% r- www.google.ca 6 1.34% r- www.google.de 5 1.11% • r- aolsearch.aol.co rr 5 1.11% r- search•.conicast.net 4 0.89% View Total: 429 95.55% Total: 449 100.00% Help Information Search Engines • This report lists each Search Engine that referred traffic to your site using a keyword search. By clicking on the arrow next to each entry, you can see the actual Search Terms people typed in. Entries are ranked by the number of Sessions each Search Engine was responsible for. • Calculation Methodology Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is found, then the query of the referral is scanned for search variables. If a search variable'and term is found, then the search domain and term are entered and incremented. The list of search variables can be controlled in Urchin's configuration. Urchin 5 x1)2004 Urchin Software Corporation. • • •