HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Update Website and Social Media Policyor 19 82 /ii � 111 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL June 21, 2016 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers CITY CLERK File #1100 -55 Christopher L. Foss, City Manager " Communications Efforts Regarding Development and Update to the Website and Social Media Policy Prepared by Lori Taylor, Economic Development Director /Public Information Officer and Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Since the City Council adopted the City Communications Plan in 2009, new communications tools have emerged which are being used successfully throughout the country. Staff will provide an update on current and upcoming efforts to increase public notification about proposed and current development projects, increase two -way communication with the community and propose an update to the City's Website and Social Media Policy. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Sufficient funding is available to make the proposed changes. Costs for project signage and noticing will be borne by the development applicant. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council consider the proposals to increase communications to the community, provide direction, and adopt a Resolution updating the City's Website and Social Media Policy. Joil,, , �, Submitted By Economic Development Director/ Public Information Officer DESCRIPTION: Reviewed By Assistant City Manager In September 2009, the Dublin City Council adopted the City's Communications Plan, which included five objectives to improve the City's public relations efforts. The Plan, which was updated in 2012 to include a Social Media Policy, has five main objectives including: 1) Utilize the City's website as a primary communications tool Page 1 of 5 ITEM NO. 8.3 2) Create systems to get quality, timely information out to Dublin residents and businesses 3) Create more transparency and communication regarding the actions of the City Council 4) Increase the City's community relations /engagement activities 5) Create a unified identity for citizens of the City of Dublin Since adoption, Staff has implemented the program activities and has worked to keep these efforts up -to -date and relevant. This has been important considering the major growth of social media and mobile platforms that has occurred in the past five years. The growth of social media usage has been very dramatic over the past decade, and while it started primarily with young users, it has expanded to include nearly every age group and population segment. Implementation of "The New American Backyard" brand, adopted in March 2015, has resulted in an even greater emphasis on expanding our communications efforts. The City's website has been redesigned twice since the Communications Plan adoption, most recently in 2015 with new, expanded content and features such as responsive design so the site reads better on mobile devices. This is critical because in 2015 alone, 34% of Dublin website traffic was generated from a smart phone or tablet. Another useful feature integrated in the new site is the Google translation tool, giving our diverse residents the ability to translate site content into multiple languages. In addition to the website improvements, Dublin's new mobile app has been improved to reach more residents and visitors. From May 1, 2015, to May 1, 2016, the mobile app had 400 new downloads. We have expanded our social media content and have grown the number of Twitter followers to 2,175, averaging 40 new followers a month over the last year. Twitter is used to inform the community of Dublin events, notifications, as well as share news from other government agencies. The City maintains a robust "Newsflash" effort where we work to expand the number of residents signed up to receive alerts on a variety of topics including emergency notifications and roadwork status updates. We have also expanded our Facebook efforts for special events such as St. Patrick's Day Festival, Splatter, and the Dublin Farmers' Market, as well as our joint Facebook page with the Chamber of Commerce known as "Discover Dublin." This site, which is focused primarily on economic development, has expanded to year -round usage and hit a milestone 1,000+ "likes" in May 2016. We have also added video content to a City - controlled YouTube page, where we have created several videos to share community information. These efforts have expanded our reach in many keys areas. In 2015, Staff learned that 73% of our residents considered our City website as a major source of information; with another 20% considering the site to be a minor source of information. The re- design of the website provided an opportunity to increase the site's relevance and increase site traffic. As a result, the updated website has seen a 10% increase in page visits and a 22% increase in downloads (Fall 2014 to Fall 2015). Our recent branding campaign included a broad outreach effort with redesigned City publications, a new resident guide, a new dining guide and other tools to help community about resources and amenities in Dublin. These efforts have been recognized recently with the Award of Excellence by the California Public Information Officers Association (CAPIO) for our branding campaign as well as with an Award of Merit from the California Association of Local Economic Development (CALED). While the City has taken many steps to more effectively communicate with the public, Staff has been working to specifically expand Dublin's outreach relating to development projects, as well as introducing a two -way community engagement tool. This report prepares an update on five Page 2 of 5 new tools that are currently being developed and will be implemented over the next several months. 1. Expanded Development Activity Page Kity) Development activity in Dublin is currently shown on the City's website in a static format. The "Development Activity" page includes a PDF of a map, and a corresponding spreadsheet which lists current development projects in a table format. Users could use codes on the map and the corresponding list to identify projects and obtain limited information about projects. In recent years, with the growth of cloud -based mapping programs, there are many new tools which allow a more robust sharing of information with the community. Staff is implementing a new interactive map based information sharing tool to provide more robust information about development activity in Dublin. This tool will replace the current static format. Users can identify projects of interest by name or location on a map. Once the user has identified a project of interest, a project summary will be displayed. The project summary includes the information about the project: a project description and key facts, graphics (which may include a site plan, renderings, and /or photos), current status, links to related documents such as staff reports, and contact information for the planner. This new tool has been optimized for use on desktop and mobile devices and will make it easier for residents and interested parties to learn more about proposed development projects. The following table shows the differences between the existing projects page and the proposed page: Details Current Site Proposed Site Project Name / Application No. Yes Yes Project Applicant Yes Yes Project Description Yes Yes Location Yes Yes Project Description Yes Yes Project Status Yes Yes Project Planner Yes Yes (with e -mail address) Application Submittal Date Yes General Plan Land Use Yes Specific Plan Area Yes Zoning Yes Related Documents Yes Project Images Yes The development activity page will provide more information to residents and interested parties and serve as a one -stop location for project information. Staff has used the proposed IKEA project as the demonstration of the new service www.dublin.ca.gov /dev. Staff plans to add all significant projects to this site over the next month and hopes this transparent "one- stop" page will allow more public awareness of proposed and approved development activity. 2. Updated Public Notices The Government Code specifies the content for notice of public hearings and actions by the City related to planning applications. This has historically resulted in notices by public agencies can be difficult to understand. Staff has created a new format for our public notices which complies Page 3 of 5 with the Government Code while providing relevant information in a clear, concise and graphically pleasing format. The new notice format (Attachment 1) includes a vicinity map, project graphics such elevations (if applicable), a link to the development activity page for more detailed information about the project, and incorporates the City's branding in a full color postcard. 3. Planning Application Notice Signs Staff has developed guidelines (Attachment 2) for placing signs on project sites to provide the community with early notification about planning applications. The following types of projects are subject to posting a sign: undeveloped sites; redevelopment sites; major commercial additions; amendments to the General Plan or applicable specific plan; rezones; all new residential development; and other projects as determined by the Community Development Director One sign per project frontage with an area of approximately 35 square feet will provide the project name, file number, a description of the project, and a link and QR code to the City's development activity website where interested parties can learn more about the project. The project applicant will be required to fabricate and post the sign(s) within 10 -days of the City accepting a Planning Application and remove the sign(s) within 10 -days of final action on the project. The project applicant will also be responsible for maintaining the sign(s) during that time. 4. Peak Democracy ( "Open Town Hall" or "Open City Hall ") Staff has also been researching cloud -based online civic engagement platforms to help diversify public participation, and is seeking to begin a pilot program this summer. These types of tools have become increasingly popular as they engage busy residents, who are increasingly online, with a forum that is convenient for community involvement. With many working families and commuters in our region, these types of forums present an opportunity for more citizen involvement. After studying best practices, staff selected Peak Democracy, a Bay Area -based firm which is the most widely based public comment platform, used by hundreds of cities including Palo Alto, San Ramon, Danville, Walnut Creek, and Fremont. Their online tool, often called "Open City Hall" or "Open Town Hall," focuses on getting feedback from residents. The survey site would be linked to the City's website and could ask a variety of questions. Examples of information gathered by other cities include recommendations for recreation programs, traffic suggestions, and art selection to land planning efforts and development feedback. Peak Democracy staff authenticates users, monitors forums for uncivil activity, and provides transparent tracking tools which are also accessible to the public. This forum will generate high - quality public feedback from a broad community base on specific issues that affect Dublin. It will also allow staff to create a streamlined and effective way to collect feedback and distribute it to decision makers. Dublin's current Website and Social Media Policy was last updated in 2012. At that time, social media was not as robust as it is today and the tools were different. Additionally, facilitation of discussions and creating a public record of the dialogue was a concern of the City Council. Implementation of the Peak Democracy tool addresses the concerns expressed by the City Council, and Staff is confident that the two -way exchange of information will be beneficial. In order to account for new social media tools and the Peak Democracy tool, Staff has proposed an update to the Website and Social Media Policy (Attachment 3). 5. Annual Report Supplement The City's Annual Report is sent to all Dublin households each August, and also posted online. This year, in an effort to highlight the development review process as well as key development Page 4 of 5 projects, Staff is working on creating a new insert which will be included in the 2016 Annual Report mailing. This 12 -page piece will include an overview of the development process, highlights of current projects, and an explanation of how to use the new tools (such as "Open City Hall" and the new Development Activity page) listed above. This mailing will help inform residents about the new tools Staff will be using to help share information and receive feedback. In addition to being mailed to residents, printed copies will be available at City Hall and an online version will be posted on our website. The five new tools outlined above were reviewed by the Standing Economic Development Committee at its last meeting on June 10, 2016. In summary, each of the above efforts is an attempt to help the City more effectively communicate with our residents. These tools will allow us to reach a broader demographic base and generate high - quality public feedback on issues that directly affect residents. As with most communication technologies, things rapidly change due to new methods and tools that are introduced, as well as shifting resident demographics. Staff will continue to ensure that Dublin is responsive to the changing communication needs in our community. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS /PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Public Notice 2. Proposed Planning Application Notice Sign Specifications 3. Proposed Revised Website and Social Media Policy 4. Resolution Adopting an Updated Website and Social Media Policy 5. Exhibit A to Resolution Page 5 of 5 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94508 l ■ DUBLIN CALIFORNIA IMPORTANT NOTICE ((NAME >) ((AG E NCY>) ( (ADDRESS>) {(CITYSTATEZIP }) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Planning Commission Tuesday, January 1, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin Project Name: Boulevard (PLPA 2015 - 00062) Project Description: Dublin Crossing LLC is requesting approval to construct six residential neighborhoods in the Boulevard project located within the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan area. The project will include the construction of residential buildings, landscape improvements, and street improvements for the first of five phases of development. The proposed project includes 454 units comprised of attached townhomes, condominiums, and detached small -lot single family homes constructed on 28.34 gross acres. The Applicant is seeking approval of a Site Development Review Permit, Vesting Tentative Maps 8306, 8307, 8308, and 8309 to create individual neighborhoods and parcels, and approval of a new Landscape Master Plan for the overall Boulevard project area. Staff recommends that the project be found within the scope of the project analyzed by the Dublin Crossing Environmental Impact Report. Project Location: Northeast of Dublin Boulevard and Arnold Road You are invited to attend this meeting and provide feedback regarding this project. If you challenge the described action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at this public hearing, or in written correspondence delivered at or prior to this public hearing. Additional Resources www.dublin.ca.gov /dev Staff Report for this item will be available on the ❑0 City's website on the Friday prior to this hearing: www.dublin.ca.gov Kristi Bascom: V% (925) 833 -6610 4r.. kristi, bas cornQdubI i n, ca. gov sr! City of Dublin DUBLIN Planning Application Notice Sign Specifications LALIFOF::. What is an On -Site Planning Application Notice? The City of Dublin requires that applicants post a Planning Application Notice on the project site to inform interested persons of the proposed project. The City Planner assigned to the project will provide the applicant with the template for the notice upon accepting a Pre - Application or Application. The Applicant is responsible for manufacturing and installing the sign on the project site in accordance with the specifications below. Projects that Require an On -Site Planning Application Notice The following types of projects are subject to the requirement to post a Planning Application Notice at the discretion of the Community Development Director: Projects involving undeveloped sites, redevelopment or intensification of an existing site, major commercial additions, amendments to the General Plan or applicable specific plan, rezones, all new residential development, and other projects as determined by the Community Development Director. Posting an On -Site Planning Application Notice The applicant is required to post the Planning Application Notice on the project site within I 0 -days of application acceptance by the City. Verification of Posting the On -Site Planning Application Notice The applicant is required to complete the "Certificate of On -Site Planning Application Notice" and return it, along with a photo of the sign, to the Project Planner. Maintenance and Replacement of the On -Site Planning Application Notice The applicant is responsible to repair /replace damaged, vandalized or missing signs upon request by the City. Removal of the On -Site Planning Application Notice The applicant shall remove the On -Site Planning Application Notice I 0 -days after final action on the project or immediately upon withdrawing the application. Specifications — On -Site Planning Application Notice Material: Polystyrene, medium density overlay (MDO) or similar rigid weather resistant material Color: White background with black lettering. City logo shall be PMS 362 C, C/78 M/0 Y/ 100 K/2 Font Type: Title: Gil Sans Bold. Body: Gil Sans Regular Sign Size: xx square feet (xx feet tall & xx feet wide) Height: Maximum 8 feet to top of sign Location: Maximum 10 feet behind property line and parallel to the street frontage Number of Signs: I sign per project site street frontage Additional Details: Refer to the On -Site Planning Application Notice (see reverse) Questions? Please contact the Planning Division at 925 - 833 -6610. Rev. 6.2016 Z� .z Jcr� coo J 0 u u i MA ❑� �'La L 0 � co � d 0 0 r-) — •co V V •d 0 i �M o0 ct V) co ♦) N co N co V V 0 0 co •co > S E 0 > 7 0 .. E L .. co V O � -0 0 O Z E •� �� U Z • �, u c s 0 —°' °' o cL E LL THE CITY OF DUBLIN WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY The City of Dublin established its first Internet Website Policy in 2006 atid has ttrdated the Poller. with an update in 2012 to incorporate policies relating to the City's use of Social Media. eke fol4owiftg This 2016 policy update was considered by Resolution 6- 4-2-XX -16 replaces and rescinds Resolution 494 - 066 -12. City Website Policy Purpose. The purpose of this Policy is to establish regulations for the development, operation, and administration of the City -'s websites. It is also intended to ensure that the City -'s websites remain non - public forums ' atia eotttro . and a vehicle for obtaining and disseminating certain limited information related to City business. Moreover, the City has a legitimate public interest in providing accurate and apnopriate information that is limited to City- related business and wants to ensure that it has the ability to limit the use and control of the same. 2. -The purposes of the City websites are as follows: a. To provide a convenient and information -rich resource for residents, visitors, businesses, non - profit organizations, other public agencies, and schools to ftssess their obtain and disseminate specific information related to city government. b. To provide information and resources that ee) contribute to the health, safety and welfare of the public. c. To employ the latest technology designed to improve customer service and communication relating to issues of interest within the City and Tri -Valley region. d. To contribute to the improvement of City services, foster economic development, and enhance the sense of community within the City. e. To establish and strengthen long -term partnerships between the City and individuals and entities in the public and private sectors. f. To allow users to conduct City business transactions such as recreation registration, licensing and permit activities. Policy. The City shall operate and maintain the City websites as provided in this Policy. 4. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Policy: f. "City websites" mean the official City websites available at www.dublin.ca.gov, www.DublinRecGuide.com, ftttd —www.DublmStPats.com, and www.newamericanbackvard.com. and any additional domain name(s) that the City acquires for official City use. g. "Cookies" means files on the user's computer that enable a web site to recognize the user on subsequent visits and possibly track the user's Internet use between visits. h. "External Website" means a website maintained by a third party, and not by the City. i. "External Link" is a hyperlink from the City websites to a web site maintained by a third party. j. "Security Measures" means practices for protection of physical configuration and environment, software, information- handling processes, and user practices. k. "User" or "Users" means an individual or individuals who access the City webpage through the Internet. 5. 4,Non- Public Forum Status. The City -'s websites are non - public forums. W41ile the City encourages the public to use the City websites to access information and resources, the City expressly reserves the right to impose certain restrictions on the use of its websites including, but not limited to, the limiting of content to certain City related topics. City websites are reserved for the exclusive control of the City for the purposes of one -way communication to users City websites shall not nor are they intended to be used to facilitate a general debate or the free exchange of ideas. This non- public forum status does not extend to City - supported public comment platforms (e.g. Peak Democracyi that are run and facilitated bLprivate, non - partisan companies with the express purpose of engaging the public. However, the Citds support of public comment platforms, does not change the non - public forum status of the City's websites and is not intended to create a designated public forum. 6. Authority ol'the CityManager. The City Manager or his or her designee shall have the authority and responsibility for the implementation of this Policy. The City Manager Or designee shall be trained by the City Attorney or other designated individual regarding the terms of this Policy including the responsibilities to review content submitted for 12LI g to ensure compliance with this Policy. This Policy will be posted on the City websites for review by the public at any time. Z. 6 Privacy. The City is sensitive to the privacy interests of the users of the City websites and believes that the protection of those interests is an important responsibility. The City's goal in collecting personal information online is to provide the user with the most personalized and effective service possible. By understanding the user's needs and preferences, the City may provide users with improved service. The City strives to protect online personal information in the same manner that the City protects citizen and business information obtained through other means. The following information explains the City's policy regarding any personal information supplied when using the City websites. f. On certain occasions, the City websites may request a user's email address for purposes of correspondence or for City business. The City shall not share email addresses with anyone outside the City, nor disclose user information to any third party, except as required by applicable federal or state laws, including but not limited to the Public Records Act and /or as required in a court action. g. The City may use the personal data provided through the City websites to send information about City services and upcoming civic activities. However, the City will neither sell nor knowingly provide personal information for any other direct mail activities, except as required by applicable laws, including the Public Records Act and discovery in a civil law suit. h. The City shag does not guarantee, nor does it represent, that such comments, suggestions or questions submitted by email to the City or to city officials or employees will remain private or confidential and no expectation of privacy is created by such communications. Similar to mailed or delivered comments, comments received via e- mail- ,12osted on Social Media, or posted by means of an online public comment platform may become subject to public disclosure under the California Public Records Act and /or part of the discovery procedure in a civil lawsuit or other legal proceeding. i. During the course of a credit card transaction through the City websites, the information is transmitted to a third party processor via a secure connection. The City and its subcontractors use firewalls and other security technology to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. To complete the credit card transaction(s), information about transaction(s) are submitted to the relevant financial institution. The City will not share this information with any other third party unless required to do so by apphe federal or state laws, including but not limited to the Public Records Act and ordered to provide the / or as required in a court action j. The City will not intentionally release any information about the collection of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to any third party except as required by applicable federal or state law. The City websites may archive web server log files in order to create aggregate statistical reports, detect errors at the Web site, and for security reasons. To the extent that the City maintains web log files, such files shall be deleted according to a regular schedule established by the A dffi ".trot:_ e See lees �Ci , 's designated department. k. Aggregate reports may be generated about visitors to the City websites. These reports do not contain any personally identifiable information. 1. The City does not use persistent reoccurring Cookies, nor share unauthorized information with other third party entities. $. Security. The City websites apply security measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under the City's control. From time to time, security measures may be upgraded or otherwise modified to meet changing needs. While the City endeavors to keep secure all information it receives via the City websites, the City cannot guarantee the security of the information. 2 External Links. The City has a legitimate interest in limiting persons or organizations that might be linked to the City websites. The City may exercise discretion to ensure that the links to the City websites are consistent with the purpose of the City websites, as set forth in Section 1. f. Each proposed External Link on the City websites shall be reviewed to determine its relevance and appropriateness to the purpose of the City websites. The City Manager or his or her designee shall review the merits of the proposed External Link based upon the criteria set forth below. The City Manager or his or her designee shall also determine whether the External Link serves the purpose of the City websites, as set forth in Section 1. A proposal for an External Link will not be denied based on the viewpoint espoused by the individual or entity. g. When the below criteria do not provide clear guidance, the City Manager or his or her designee reserves the right to make a decision based on the general intent of the criteria outlined below and what he or she believes is in the best interest of the City. h. The City shall use the following criteria in considering proposals for External Links from the City websites: i. Sponsored by governmental and public educational institutions. u. Sponsored by nonprofit organizations that perform the following services for the Dublin and Tri -Valley community: assist persons in locating housing, housing discrimination assistance, or homeownership; assist people in finding employment or training opportunities; provide non- elective healthcare, and other human and social services; provide information or access to the arts, humanities, culture or education; improve neighborhoods; provide information or resources for neighborhood revitalization, code enforcement and /or crime prevention; enhance business development and economic development opportunities locally and regionally. iii. Sponsored by organizations partnering with the City to meet the City's strategic or operational goals. iv. Sponsored by private organizations which provide government- related information and /or services in a way that is not available on an official government website, as set forth in Subsection (e). v. Sponsored by professional associations affiliated with local government (such as League of California Cities, International City Management Association, American Planning Association). vi. Sponsored by private or public utilities that service City residents or businesses specifically to assist individuals relocating to the City. i. The City websites will not provide External Links to websites that: i. Promote or exhibit hate, bias, discrimination, pornography, libelous or otherwise defamatory content. u. Have a primary purpose of furthering the agenda of a political organization or a candidate running for office, or defeating any candidate for elective office. iii. Violate any of the City's equal opportunity policies. iv. Consist of personal home pages operated by individuals. The City may provide External Links to certain private commercial sites that maintain and display government- related information which fulfills the purposes of the City websites as set forth in Section 1, and which is not generally available through a governmental agency due to the cost of compiling, maintaining and /or displaying such information. To support the cost of compilation and maintenance of this information, these private commercial sites may include advertising or promotional material in the information display. Accordingly, External Links to such sites which contain this information, but also display commercial advertising or promotional material, may be included within the City websites when the City Manager or his or her designee has made a good faith determination that: i. The City's independent replication of the information targeted for linkage is infeasible due to financial or other considerations; u. No non - commercial site provides the information targeted for linkage; and, iii. The information targeted for linkage greatly enhances the usefulness of the City websites and services it provides. k. The City reserves the right to determine how and where External Links will appear on the City websites. 10. 4- Application for External Link. To request the addition of an External Link to the City websites, the applicant shall send the relevant URL address, website description and purpose, brief statement as to how the proposed website fulfills the pttrpose of the G websi+es fts sew c...+i. ift c, ,.+iet noted criteria called forth above. 11. 44.Disclaimer ofExternal Links and External Websites. The information posted on the City websites includes hypertext External Links to information created and maintained by other public and /or private organizations. The City provides these links solely for the user's information and convenience. f. When the user selects an External Link to an External Website, the user leaves the City websites and is subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners /sponsors of the External Website. g. The City does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on an External Website accessed through the City websites by External Link. h. The City does not endorse or recommend any third party website, product, service, view, or opinion, ttvAess ..ti.,,rwise tiote i. The City does not authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained on External Websites. j. The City is not responsible for transmissions from External Websites. 12. Final Decision. The decision to post or not post content and /or links on the City websites resides solely with the City Manager or his or her designee. The decision of the City Manager or his or her designee is final and binding. Under no circumstances will individuals or entities be entitled to compensation or damages in the event that the City Manager or his or her designee directs the City to include or exclude the content or link. 13. 4-2-.Links to the City ofDublin's Website. As a courtesy, notice of any link to the City websites is requested, but is not a requirement under this Policy However, the party linking to the City websites should be aware that its subpages may change at any time without notice. Individuals and entities linking to the City websites shall not capture pages within frames, present the City websites content as its own, or otherwise misrepresent the City websites' content or misinform users about the origin or ownership of its content. Any link to the City websites should be a full forward link that passes the user's browser to the City websites unencumbered. The web browser's "back" button should return the user to the originating site if the user wishes to back out. 14. 4-3-.Posting of Events. Information regarding community events may be posted on the City websites, so long as the posting of such information is consistent with the purpose of the City websites, as set forth in Section 1, and meets the criteria for External Links, as set forth in Section 8. While the City Manager or his or her designee may consider suggestions of events to post on the City websites, the decision of the City Manager or his or her designee is final and binding. 15. 44,Accessibility. The City websites are intended to be accessible to people with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations relating to equal access to communication, or other issues relating to City Website accessibility, should be directed to: City of Dublin Attn: City Manager 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 c4ofdublin2 dublin. ca.gov 16. 4�No Warranty or Representation. The City's web server(s) are maintained to provide public access to City information via the Internet. The City's web services and the content of its web servers and databases are updated on a continual basis. While the City attempts to maintain the City websites' information as accurate and timely, the City does not warrant or make representations or endorsements as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, hyperlinks, and other items contained on its server or any other server. Materials on the City websites have been compiled from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice from the City as a result of updates and corrections. 17. 4- 64crv4ce Marks, Trademarks and Copyright. To the extent allowed by the Public Records Act and otherwise legally permissible, commercial use of web materials is prohibited without the written permission of the City. All service marks and trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. The City retains copyright on the City Seal, all text, graphic images, and other content, unless otherwise noted. No person or entity may use the City Seal without approval of the City Council (Resolution No. 51 -02). No person or entity shall engage in any of the following conduct without written permission from the City Manager or his or her designee: a) modify and or use the text, images or other City websites content from a web server, b) distribute the City's web content, and c) "mirror" the City's information on a non -City server. Material made available via. Dublin's website are property of the C4 of Dublin and intended for informational purposes only. Any re -use, transmission, duplication, or distribution of any material found on an official City of Dublin website must be clearly attributed to the City of Dublin. Commercial uses of copyrighted materials found on a City website is expressl312rohibited without express written consent of the City of Dublin. And and all trademarked or copyrighted logos or taglines may not be used for any non- governmental purpose. 18. Notice to the City. Communications through the City websites, by e -mail or otherwise, shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City of Dublin or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, or representatives, with respect to any existing or potential claim or cause of action against the City or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, or representatives. No communication through the City websites shall be deemed to constitute legal or official notice for any purpose. 19. Errors, Omissions, Warranty, Damages. The City of Dublin is neither responsible nor liable for any viruses or other contamination of a user's system due to access of the City websites, nor for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions arising out of the user's access of the City websites or with respect to the material contained on the City websites, including without limitation, any material posted on the City websites. The City websites and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted "as is" without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The City is not responsible for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the City websites and /or the materials contained on the City websites, whether the materials contained on the City websites are provided by the City of Dublin or a third party. +9- Indemnification. To the extent permitted by applicable law, by using the City websites, the user agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin, its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, and agents from and against all claims and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of the user's use of the City websites or materials and information contained on the City websites. Social Media Policy 1. Purpose. This Policy establishes guidelines for the establishment and use by the City of Dublin (the "City ") of Social Media as a means of conveying information about the City and its events and activities to its citizens. a. The City of Dublin has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is "spoken" on behalf of the City through the use of Social Media. b. For purposes of this policy, the terms "Social Media" and "Social Media Sites" are understood to be content created by individuals, organizations and /or entities, using accessible, expandable, and upgradable publishing technologies, through and on the Internet. Examples of Social Media that may be used by the City include -, but are not limited to Facebook, blogs, 44rSr*ee-,-RSS, YouTube, Seeottel T :r. _Twitter, LinkedIn, Delicious, Google +, Instagram and Flicker. For purposes of this Policy, "comments" include information, articles, pictures, videos or any other form of communicative content posted on Social Media Sites. 2. General Policy. The establishment and use by any City department of City Social Media sites are subject to approval by the City Manager or his /her designees. Use of Social Media shall be administered by City of Dublin Public Information Office staff and any Department - designated coordinator, as described in this Policy. In approving the use of a City Social Media site, the City of Dublin Public Information Office staff, in coordination with any Department as may be necessary, shall establish guidelines for the use of the site, including but not limited to the following information: a. The purpose of the site, which may include the dissemination of general information about the City or the dissemination of information regarding a specific City Department or City Activity, Event or Project. b. What City department will be directly responsible for monitoring of, and creation of content on, the site. i. City Social Media Sites should make clear that they are maintained by the City of Dublin and that they follow this Social Media Policy. ii. To the extent possible, the use of Social Media will link back to the City's website for forms, documents, online services and other information necessary to conduct business with or utilize the services of the City. iii. The City of Dublin's website at http: / /www.dublin.ca.gov will remain the City's primary and predominant Internet presence. iv. This Policy may be revised at any time. 3. Comment Policy. As a public entity, the City must abide by certain standards to serve all its constituents in a civil and unbiased manner. a. The intended purpose behind establishing a Social Media presence is to disseminate information to residents of the City of Dublin. b. Comments containing any of the following inappropriate forms of content shall not be permitted and are subject to removal and /or restriction by the City's Public Information Office: i. Comments not related to the business of the City, including random or unintelligible comments; ii. Violent, or pornographic content and /or language; iii. Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or national origin; Threaten or defame any person or organization; Y_ Content that is hateful or incites violence; Er.Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising of any business or product for sale; V11. Conduct in violation of any federal, state or local law; viii. Encouragement of illegal activity; ix. 4. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or X. 4-0-.Content that violates a legal ownership interest, such as a copyright, of any party. ' - -- .. 2. > ; 3. Gofftew that proffiotes, fosters or perpetuates diseriffiiftatioii 611 the > > xi. Comments in support of or in opposition to political campaigns or ballot measures. c. The above listed inappropriate forms of content shall not be permitted and are subject to removal and /or restriction on public comment forums, such as "Peak Democracy." These City - supported platforms are intended to encourage active dialogue but are closely monitored for civility and do not create a designated public forum. Such platforms are run by private. non - partisan companies. Participation is Strictly voluntary d. All users of a Citv of Dublin social media site are also subiect to the site's own nrivacypolicy. The City of Dublin has no control over a third party site's privacy policy page unless otherwise stated. The City of Dublin has no control over content, commercial advertisements or other postings produced by the Social Media site that appear on the City of Dublin Social Media site as part of the site's environment. -c. The City of Dublin operates and maintains it Social Media sites as a public service to provide information about Ci , programs, services,12rojects, issues, events and activities. The City of Dublin assumes no liabilities for any inaccuracies these Social Media sites may contain and does not guarantee that the Social Media sites will be uninterrupted,12ermanent or error -free £ Although posts and comments are encouraged on the City of Dublin Social Media sites that allow posts, these sites are limited public forums and moderated by City Staff All posted content (comments, links, j2hotos, etc.) must be related to discussion of C412roaams, services,12rojects, issues, events and activities. 5. Gofftefit that is hateful or ifte4es Violefteei. > > 40. Gofftew that violates a legal ow"ership > stteh as a eopyrigh-t> g= e.Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained by the Public Information Office for a reasonable period of time, including the time, date and identity of the poster, when available. i. 4-.A comment posted by a member of the public on the Social Media site is the opinion of the commentator or poster only, and publication of a comment does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the City of Dublin or the Department, nor do such comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the City of Dublin or the Department. ff. The City reserves the right to deny access to the Social Media site for any individual, who violates this Policy, at any time and without prior notice. The Department responsible for the implementation of the Social Media site shall monitor the respective site for comments requesting responses from the City and for comments in violation of this policy. Department responsible for the implementation of the Social Media site shall monitor the respective site for comments requesting responses from the City and for comments in violation of this op lic)L When a City of Dublin employee comments or responds to a comment, in his /her capacity as a City of Dublin employee, said comments or responses shall be made only from an official account established by the City for such purposes. No City of Dublin employee making comments or responses in his or her capacity as a City of Dublin employee shall share personal information about himself or herself, or other City employees. All posts and comments are public records subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Act and Proposition 59. 4. Use of Social Media Sites to Disseminate and /or Gather Information Regarding a Specific City Department or CityActivity /Event /Project. In addition to the general provisions of this Policy, the following provisions shall apply to the City's use of Social Media to establish an internet presence relating to a particular Department or City Activity/ Event / Proj ect: a. AD epartment-designated coordinator will monitor content on Department- specific or City Activity /Event /Project- specific Social Media sites to ensure adherence to this Policy. b. The Department - designated coordinator will advise the Public Information Office staff of any concerns regarding content or comments. The Public Information Office will advise the Department- designated coordinator whether or not the content or comment should be removed. c. The City reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this Policy or any applicable law. Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained by the Department's coordinator for a reasonable period of time, including the time, date and identity of the poster, when available. The Department shall follow any applicable requirements of the City's document retention policy for retaining content. d. The City's content requirements must be displayed to users or made available by hyperlink. e. The Social Media pages shall adhere to applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies. f. Comments on topics or issues not relating to the Department or the City Activity /Event /Project that is the subject of a particular Social Media page may be removed. g. Employees representing the City government on the respective Social Media page must conduct themselves at all times as a representative of the City and in accordance with all City policies. h. Communications made through the City of Dublin Social Media sites in no waY constitute a legal notices or official notice or comment to the C4 of Dublin. To comment about a specific C412roject or 12rogram,12lease contact the appropriate department. 2669574.1 I Copyright Policy Material made available via official City of Dublin Social Media sites is the property of the C4 of Dublin and intended for informational purposes only. Anv re -use, transmission, dul2lication, or distribution of any material found on an official City of Dublin Social Media site must be clearly attributed to the City of Dublin. Conunercial uses of coI23 righted materials found on C4 of Dublin Social Media sites is exj2ressl312rohibited without exl2ress written consent of the City of Dublin. Any and all trademarked or col23 righted logos or taglines may not be used for an,r� governmental 12url2ose. 2669574.1 RESOLUTION NO. XX - 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * ** ADOPTING AN UPDATED DUBLIN WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY WHEREAS, The City Council adopted an Internet - Website Policy in 2006; and WHEREAS, the City has an existing Website and Social Media Policy, adopted in 2012; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a Strategic Initiative in Fiscal Year 2015 -216 to implement the City's marketing and branding plan; and WHEREAS, in the course of implementing the City's marketing and branding plan, Staff reviewed the City's existing communication practices; and WHEREAS, since 2012, social media has grown more robust, with new tools and platforms available to connect residents with the City; and WHEREAS, the existing Website and Social Media Policy should be modified to include language revisions that make the overall policy consistent with current website and tool implementation as well as reflective of the City's social media presence. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby adopts the updated City of Dublin Website and Social Media Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 2016, by the following vote: AYES- NOES- ABSENT- ABSTAIN- ATTEST- City Clerk Mayor ATTACHMENT 1 THE CITY OF DUBLIN WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY The City of Dublin established its first Internet Website Policy in 2006, with an update in 2012 to incorporate policies relating to the City's use of Social Media. This 2016 policy update was considered by Resolution XX -16 replaces and rescinds Resolution 6 -12. City Website Policy 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Policy is to establish regulations for the development, operation, and administration of the City's websites. It is also intended to ensure that the City's websites remain non -public forums and a vehicle for obtaining and disseminating certain limited information related to City business. Moreover, the City has a legitimate public interest in providing accurate and appropriate information that is limited to City - related business and wants to ensure that it has the ability to limit the use and control of the same. 2. The purposes of the City websites are as follows: a. To provide a convenient and information -rich resource for residents, visitors, businesses, non -profit organizations, other public agencies, and schools to obtain and disseminate specific information related to city government. b. To provide information and resources that contribute to the health, safety and welfare of the public. c. To employ the latest technology designed to improve customer service and communication relating to issues of interest within the City and Tri -Valley region. d. To contribute to the improvement of City services, foster economic development, and enhance the sense of community within the City. e. To establish and strengthen long -term partnerships between the City and individuals and entities in the public and private sectors. f To allow users to conduct City business transactions such as recreation registration, licensing and permit activities. 3. Policy. The City shall operate and maintain the City websites as provided in this Policy. 4. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Policy: a. "City websites" mean the official City websites available at www.dublin.ca.gov, www.DublinRecGuide.com, www.DubEnStPats.com, and www.newamericanbackyard.com, and any additional domain name(s) that the City acquires for official City use. b. "Cookies" means files on the user's computer that enable a web site to recognize the user on subsequent visits and possibly track the user's Internet use between visits. c. "External Website" means a website maintained by a third party, and not by the City. d. "External Link" is a hyperlink from the City websites to a web site maintained by a third party. e. "Security Measures" means practices for protection of physical configuration and environment, software, information- handling processes, and user practices. f. "User" or "Users" means an individual or individuals who access the City webpage through the Internet. 5. Non - Public Forum Status. The City's websites are non -public forums. While the City encourages the public to use the City websites to access information and resources, the City expressly reserves the right to impose certain restrictions on the use of its websites including, but not limited to, the limiting of content to certain City related topics. City websites are reserved for the exclusive control of the City for the purposes of one -way communication to users. City websites shall not nor are they intended to be used to facilitate a general debate or the free exchange of ideas. This non -public forum status does not extend to City- supported public comment platforms (e.g. Peak Democracy) that are run and facilitated by a private, non - partisan companies with the express purpose of engaging the public. However, the City's support of public comment platforms, does not change the non -public forum status of the City's websites and is not intended to create a designated public forum. 6. Authority of the City Manager. The City Manager or his or her designee shall have the authority and responsibility for the implementation of this Policy. The City Manager or designee shall be trained by the City Attorney or other designated individual regarding the terms of this Policy including the responsibilities to review content submitted for posting to ensure compliance with this Policy. This Policy will be posted on the City websites for review by the public at any time 7. Privacy. The City is sensitive to the privacy interests of the users of the City websites and believes that the protection of those interests is an important responsibility. The City's goal in collecting personal information online is to provide the user with the most personalized and effective service possible. By understanding the user's needs and preferences, the City may provide users with improved service. The City strives to protect online personal information in the same manner that the City protects citizen and business information obtained through other means. The following information explains the City's policy regarding any personal information supplied when using the City websites. a. On certain occasions, the City websites may request a user's email address for purposes of correspondence or for City business. The City shall not share email addresses with anyone outside the City, nor disclose user information to any third party, except as required by applicable federal or state laws, including but not limited to the Public Records Act and /or as required in a court action. b. The City may use the personal data provided through the City websites to send information about City services and upcoming civic activities. However, the City will neither sell nor knowingly provide personal information for any other direct mail activities, except as required by applicable laws, including the Public Records Act and discovery in a civil law suit. c. The City does not guarantee, nor does it represent, that such comments, suggestions or questions submitted by email to the City or to city officials or employees will remain private or confidential and no expectation of privacy is created by such communications. Similar to mailed or delivered comments, comments received via e -mail, posted on Social Media, or posted by means of an online public comment platform may become subject to public disclosure under the California Public Records Act and /or part of the discovery procedure in a civil lawsuit or other legal proceeding. d. During the course of a credit card transaction through the City websites, the information is transmitted to a third party processor via a secure connection. The City and its subcontractors use firewalls and other security technology to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. To complete the credit card transaction(s), information about transaction(s) are submitted to the relevant financial institution. The City will not share this information with any other third party unless required to do so by federal or state laws, including but not limited to the Public Records Act and/ or as required in a court action e. The City will not intentionally release any information about the collection of Internet Protocol JP) addresses to any third party except as required by applicable federal or state law. The City websites may archive web server log files in order to create aggregate statistical reports, detect errors at the Web site, and for security reasons. To the extent that the City maintains web log files, such files shall be deleted according to a regular schedule established by the City's designated department. f. Aggregate reports may be generated about visitors to the City websites. These reports do not contain any personally identifiable information. g. The City does not use persistent reoccurring Cookies, nor share unauthorized information with other third party entities. 8. Security. The City websites apply security measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under the City's control. From time to time, security measures may be upgraded or otherwise modified to meet changing needs. While the City endeavors to keep secure all information it receives via the City websites, the City cannot guarantee the security of the information. 9. External Links. The City has a legitimate interest in limiting persons or organizations that might be linked to the City websites. The City may exercise discretion to ensure that the links to the City websites are consistent with the purpose of the City websites, as set forth 'in Section 1. a. Each proposed External Link on the City websites shall be reviewed to determine its relevance and appropriateness to the purpose of the City websites. The City Manager or his or her designee shall review the merits of the proposed External Link based upon the criteria set forth below. The City Manager or his or her designee shall also determine whether the External Link serves the purpose of the City websites, as set forth in Section 1. A proposal for an External Link will not be denied based on the viewpoint espoused by the individual or entity. b. When the below criteria do not provide clear guidance, the City Manager or his or her designee reserves the right to make a decision based on the general intent of the criteria outlined below and what he or she believes is in the best interest of the City. c. The City shall use the following criteria in considering proposals for External Links from the City websites: i. Sponsored by governmental and public educational institutions. ii. Sponsored by nonprofit organizations that perform the following services for the Dublin and Tri -Valley community: assist persons in locating housing, housing discrimination assistance, or homeownership; assist people in finding employment or training opportunities; provide non - elective healthcare, and other human and social services; provide information or access to the arts, humanities, culture or education; improve neighborhoods; provide information or resources for neighborhood revitalization, code enforcement and /or crime prevention; enhance business development and economic development opportunities locally and regionally. iii. Sponsored by organizations partnering with the City to meet the City's strategic or operational goals. iv. Sponsored by private organizations which provide government - related information and /or services in a way that is not available on an official government website, as set forth in Subsection (e). v. Sponsored by professional associations affiliated with local government (such as League of California Cities, International City Management Association, American Planning Association). vi. Sponsored by private or public utilities that service City residents or businesses specifically to assist individuals relocating to the City. d. The City websites will not provide External Links to websites that: i. Promote or exhibit hate, bias, discrimination, pornography, libelous or otherwise defamatory content. ii. Have a primary purpose of furthering the agenda of a political organization or a candidate running for office, or defeating any candidate for elective office. iii. Violate any of the City's equal opportunity policies. iv. Consist of personal home pages operated by individuals. e. The City may provide External Links to certain private commercial sites that maintain and display government - related information which fulfills the purposes of the City websites as set forth in Section 1, and which is not generally available through a governmental agency due to the cost of compiling, maintaining and /or displaying such information. To support the cost of compilation and maintenance of this information, these private commercial sites may include advertising or promotional material in the information display. Accordingly, External Links to such sites which contain this information, but also display commercial advertising or promotional material, may be included within the City websites when the City Manager or his or her designee has made a good faith determination that: i. The City's independent replication of the information targeted for linkage is infeasible due to financial or other considerations; ii. No non - commercial site provides the information targeted for linkage; and, iii. The information targeted for linkage greatly enhances the usefulness of the City websites and services it provides. f. The City reserves the right to determine how and where External Links will appear on the City websites. 10. Application for External Link. To request the addition of an External Link to the City websites, the applicant shall send the relevant URL address, website description and purpose, brief statement as to how the proposed website fulfills the noted criteria called forth above. 11. Disclaimer ofExternal Links and External Websites. The information posted on the City websites includes hypertext External Links to information created and maintained by other public and /or private organizations. The City provides these links solely for the user's information and convenience. a. When the user selects an External Link to an External Website, the user leaves the City websites and is subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners /sponsors of the External Website. b. The City does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on an External Website accessed through the City websites by External Link. c. The City does not endorse or recommend any third party web site, product, service, view, or opinion. d. The City does not authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained on External Websites. e. The City is not responsible for transmissions from External Websites. 12. Final Decision. The decision to post or not post content and /or links on the City websites resides solely with the City Manager or his or her designee. The decision of the City Manager or his or her designee is final and binding. Under no circumstances will individuals or entities be entitled to compensation or damages in the event that the City Manager or his or her designee directs the City to include or exclude the content or link. 13. Links to the City of Dublin's Website. As a courtesy, notice of any link to the City websites is requested, but is not a requirement under this Policy However, the party linking to the City websites should be aware that its subpages may change at any time without notice. Individuals and entities linking to the City websites shall not capture pages within frames, present the City websites content as its own, or otherwise misrepresent the City websites' content or misinform users about the origin or ownership of its content. Anylink to the City websites should be a full forward link that passes the user's browser to the City websites unencumbered. The web browser's "back" button should return the user to the originating site if the user wishes to back out. 14. Posting ofEvents. Information regarding community events may be posted on the City websites, so long as the posting of such information is consistent with the purpose of the City websites, as set forth in Section 1, and meets the criteria for External Links, as set forth in Section 8. While the City Manager or his or her designee may consider suggestions of events to post on the City websites, the decision of the City Manager or his or her designee is final and binding. 15. Accessibility. The City websites are intended to be accessible to people with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations relating to equal access to communication, or other issues relating to City Website accessibility, should be directed to: City of Dublin Attn: City Manager 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 cityofdublin&dublin.ca.gov 16. No Warranty or Representation. The City's web server(s) are maintained to provide public access to City information via the Internet. The City's web services and the content of its web servers and databases are updated on a continual basis. While the City attempts to maintain the City websites' information as accurate and timely, the City does not warrant or make representations or endorsements as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, hyperlinks, and other items contained on its server or any other server. Materials on the City websites have been compiled from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice from the City as a result of updates and corrections. 17. Service Marks, Trademarks and Copyright. To the extent allowed by the Public Records Act and otherwise legally permissible, commercial use of web materials is prohibited without the written permission of the City. All service marks and trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. The City retains copyright on the City Seal, all text, graphic images, and other content, unless otherwise noted. No person or entity may use the City Seal without approval of the City Council (Resolution No. 51 -02). No person or entity shall engage in any of the following conduct without written permission from the City Manager or his or her designee: a) modify and or use the text, images or other City websites content from a web server, b) distribute the City's web content, and c) "mirror" the City's information on a non -City server. Material made available via Dublin's website are property of the City of Dublin and intended for informational purposes only. Any re -use, transmission, duplication, or distribution of any material found on an official City of Dublin website must be clearly attributed to the City of Dublin. Commercial uses of copyrighted materials found on a City website is expressly prohibited without express written consent of the City of Dublin. Any and all trademarked or copyrighted logos or taglines may not be used for any non- governmental purpose. 18. Notice to the City. Communications through the City websites, by e -mail or otherwise, shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City of Dublin or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, or representatives, with respect to any existing or potential claim or cause of action against the City or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, or representatives. No communication through the City websites shall be deemed to constitute legal or official notice for any purpose. 19. Errors, Omissions, Warranty, Damages. The City of Dublin is neither responsible nor liable for any viruses or other contamination of a user's system due to access of the City websites, nor for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions arising out of the user's access of the City websites or with respect to the material contained on the Citywebsites, including without limitation, any material posted on the City websites. The City websites and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted "as is" without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Cityis not responsible for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the City websites and /or the materials contained on the City websites, whether the materials contained on the City websites are provided by the City of Dublin or a third party. 20. Indemnification. To the extent permitted by applicable law, by using the City websites, the user agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin, its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, and agents from and against all claims and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of the user's use of the City websites or materials and information contained on the City websites. Social Media Policy Purpose. This Policy establishes guidelines for the establishment and use by the City of Dublin (the "City') of Social Media as a means of conveying information about the City and its events and activities to its citizens. a. The City of Dublin has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is "spoken" on behalf of the City through the use of Social Media. b. For purposes of this policy, the terms "Social Media" and "Social Media Sites" are understood to be content created by individuals, organizations and /or entities, using accessible, expandable, and upgradable publishing technologies, through and on the Internet. Examples of Social Media that may be used by the City include, but are not limited to Facebook, blogs, RSS, YouTube Twitter, LinkedIn, Delicious, Google +, Instagram and Flicker. For purposes of this Policy, "comments" include information, articles, pictures, videos or any other form of communicative content posted on Social Media Sites. 2. General Policy. The establishment and use by any City department of City Social Media sites are subject to approval by the City Manager or his /her designees. Use of Social Media shall be administered by City of Dublin Public Information Office staff and any Department- designated coordinator, as described in this Policy. In approving the use of a City Social Media site, the City of Dublin Public Information Office staff, in coordination with any Department as may be necessary, shall establish guidelines for the use of the site, including but not limited to the following information: a. The purpose of the site, which may include the dissemination of general information about the City or the dissemination of information regarding a specific City Department or City Activity, Event or Project. b. What City department will be directly responsible for monitoring of, and creation of content on, the site. i. City Social Media Sites should make clear that they are maintained by the City of Dublin and that they follow this Social Media Policy. ii. To the extent possible, the use of Social Media will link back to the City's website for forms, documents, online services and other information necessary to conduct business with or utilize the services of the City. ill. The City of Dublin's website at http: / /www.dublin.ca.Vov will remain the City's primary and predominant Internet presence. iv. This Policy may be revised at any time. 3. Comment Policy. As a public entity, the City must abide by certain standards to serve all its constituents in a civil and unbiased manner. a. The intended purpose behind establishing a Social Media presence is to disseminate information to residents of the City of Dublin. b. Comments containing any of the following inappropriate forms of content shall not be permitted and are subject to removal and /or restriction by the City's Public Information Office: i. Comments not related to the business of the City, including random or unintelligible comments; ii. Violent, or pornographic content and /or language; iii. Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or national origin; iv. Threaten or defame any person or organization; V. Content that is hateful or incites violence; Vi. Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising of any business or product for sale; Vii. Conduct in violation of any federal, state or local law; viii. Encouragement of illegal activity; ix. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or X. Content that violates a legal ownership interest, such as a copyright, of any party. Xi. Comments in support of or in opposition to political campaigns or ballot measures. c. The above listed inappropriate forms of content shall not be permitted and are subject to removal and /or restriction on public comment forums, such as "Peak Democracy." These City- supported platforms are intended to encourage active dialogue but are closely monitored for civility and do not create a designated public forum. Such platforms are run by private, non - partisan companies. Participation is strictly voluntary. d. All users of a City of Dublin social media site are also subject to the site's own privacy policy. The City of Dublin has no control over a third party site's privacy policy page unless otherwise stated. The City of Dublin has no control over content, commercial advertisements or other postings produced by the Social Media site that appear on the City of Dublin Social Media site as part of the site's environment. e. The City of Dublin operates and maintains it Social Media sites as a public service to provide information about City programs, services, projects, issues, events and activities. The City of Dublin assumes no liabilities for any inaccuracies these Social Media sites may contain and does not guarantee that the Social Media sites will be uninterrupted, permanent or error -free f. Although posts and comments are encouraged on the City of Dublin Social Media sites that allow posts, these sites are limited public forums and moderated by City Staff. All posted content (comments, links, photos, etc.) must be related to discussion of City programs, services, projects, issues, events and activities. g= Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained by the Public Information Office for a reasonable period of time, including the time, date and identity of the poster, when available. i. A comment posted by a member of the public on the Social Media site is the opinion of the commentator or poster only, and publication of a comment does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the City of Dublin or the Department, nor do such comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the City of Dublin or the Department. ii. The City reserves the right to deny access to the Social Media site for any individual, who violates this Policy, at any time and without prior notice. in. The Department responsible for the implementation of the Social Media site shall monitor the respective site for comments requesting responses from the City and for comments in violation of this Policy. iv. Department responsible for the implementation of the Social Media site shall monitor the respective site for comments requesting responses from the City and for comments in violation of this Policy. V. When a City of Dublin employee comments or responds to a comment, in his /her capacity as a City of Dublin employee, said comments or responses shall be made only from an official account established by the City for such purposes. No City of Dublin employee making comments or responses in his or her capacity as a City of Dublin employee shall share personal information about himself or herself, or other City employees. Vi. All posts and comments are public records subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Act and Proposition 59. 4. Use of Social Media Sites to Disseminate and /or Gather Information Regarding a Specific City Department or City Activity /Event /Project. In addition to the general provisions of this Policy, the following provisions shall apply to the City's use of Social Media to establish an internet presence relating to a particular Department or City Activity /Event /Project: a. A Department- designated coordinator will monitor content on Department - specific or City Activity /Event /Project- specific Social Media sites to ensure adherence to this Policy. b. The Department- designated coordinator will advise the Public Information Office staff of any concerns regarding content or comments. The Public Information Office will advise the Department- designated coordinator whether or not the content or comment should be removed. c. The City reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this Policy or any applicable law. Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained by the Department's coordinator for a reasonable period of time, including the time, date and identity of the poster, when available. The Department shall follow any applicable requirements of the City's document retention policy for retaining content. d. The City's content requirements must be displayed to users or made available by hyperlink. e. The Social Media pages shall adhere to applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies. f. Comments on topics or issues not relating to the Department or the City Activity /Event /Project that is the subject of a particular Social Media page may be removed. g. Employees representing the City government on the respective Social Media page must conduct themselves at all times as a representative of the City and in accordance with all City policies. h. Communications made through the City of Dublin Social Media sites in no way constitute a legal notices or official notice or comment to the City of Dublin. To comment about a specific City project or program, please contact the appropriate department. 2669574.1 5. Copyright Policy Material made available via official City of Dublin Social Media sites is the property of the City of Dublin and intended for informational purposes only. Any re -use, transmission, duplication, or distribution of any material found on an official City of Dublin Social Media site must be clearly attributed to the City of Dublin. Commercial uses of copyrighted materials found on City of Dublin Social Media sites is expressly prohibited without express written consent of the City of Dublin. Any and all trademarked or copyrighted logos or taglines may not be used for any non - governmental purpose. 2669574.1 Development & Communications Update June 21, 2016 Development Activity Page www.dublin.ca.gov/dev Development Activity: Project Page Updated Public Notice Planning Application Notice Sign Annual Report Supplement Community Feedback: Peak Democracy Update to Website and Social Media Policy •Last updated in 2012 •Clarifies website public forum status, and allows more online business transactions •Updates and expands list of social media forums •Lists inappropriate content, including campaign and ballot measures •States that City has no control over third-party content •Allows use of moderated public comment forums to encourage civic engagement Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council consider the proposals to increase communications to the community, provide direction, and adopt a Resolution updating the City's Website and Social Media Policy.