HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-2005 Approved HCAC Minutes '°
The joint meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission and the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission
was called to order at 7:00p.m. at. the Dublin. Civic Center, Dublin, California. Chairperson Georgean Vonheeder-
Leopold of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission was appointed to conduct the meeting.
Pledge ofAllegiance
Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Parks Commissioners Present: Flores,Muetterties, Guarienti, Jones, Cain and Hart
Heritage Commissioners Present: Acuff, Lussie, Halket,Vonheeder-Leopold, Mack and Fasulkey
Absent: White
Oral Communications-None
Approval of Minutes-None
Written Communications-None
Public Hearing-None
Unfinished Business-None
New Business
8.1 Dublin Historic Park Master Plan Alternatives
Diane Lowart reported that one of the City Council Strategic Goals for 2004-2005 is to "Expand and enhance Dublin
Historic,Park". In order to accomplish this goal, the City contracted with Royston Hanamoto Alley and Abey to develop
a site master plan. The purpose of the master plan is to develop long-term options for the development of the Dublin
Historic Park which may include acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center and expansion of the cemetery on to
the land owned by the Dublin Historical Preservation Association. The master plan will take into consideration the
adjacencies of these two properties to the existing Dublin Heritage Center and look at the site as a cohesive whole.
In addition to design options, the master plan will also include costs related to property acquisition, design and
construction, and operation.
It is the recommendation of Staff that the Parks and Community Services Commission and Heritage and Cultural Arts
Commission receive the presentation from the Consultant Team, receive public comment and determine a preferred
alternative for recommendation to the City Council. Staff recommends that each Commission vote separately on the
preferred alternative. If the Commissions have modifications that they would like to see made to the preferred alternative,
Staff will communicate that to the City Council as part of the recommendation. Council will receive the presentation
from the Consultant Team along with the recommendations of the Commissions at the October 4, 2005 meeting of the
City Council.
Lowart introduced Aditya Advani, R.H.A:A., who outlined the consultant's work on the project to date, which included
site analysis, identification of opportunities and constraints, studies of precedent projects, a review of local history at the
site and three preliminary concept plan alternatives. Steve Spickard, E.R.A., presented site acquisition and development
costs for all three plan versions,plus costs for a cemetery expansion across Dublin Creek from the current cemetery.
Commission Questions
Cm. Lussie asked what is the relationship between ADA accessibility and the historical integrity of the paving materials
in the park. Would historically appropriate materials or materials that were ADA compliant be used? Advani stated that
the park needs to be ADA compliant, so materials that allowed for that would be used. Although stabilized decomposed
Minutes—September 19,2005
Joint Meeting with the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission
granite, which best approximates historic materials provides a stable surface for wheelchairs, its use may not be allowed
under current regulations. In general,hard surfaces would be used.
Cm. Flores asked if the cemetery expansion will have a turn-around for vehicle access. Advani stated that a turn around
can be created.
Cm. Muetterties asked what kind of trees will there be in the orchard area. Advani stated that historically the trees in the
orchard were walnut,but since they are very messy, we will work with the City's maintenance department to find the best
Cm. Mack asked, how many burial sites will there be included in the expansion. Advani stated that we did not include
the number in the power point presentation. Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold pointed out that on Page 3 of the Staff Report, it
specifies 115grave sites and 2,100 columbarium niches.
Cm. Guarienti asked if the ranch style playgrounds will be different in size. Advani stated they would definitely be
different in size and the location also. Cm. Guarienti asked what would be the difference in square footage between the
larger and smaller playgrounds. Advani stated that it would be about half the size of the one shown on the diagram.
Cm. Guarienti felt that it would be a good idea to have a large ranch style playground for the older children and a smaller
one for the younger children. Advani stated that we haven't got into that much detail, however it would be ideal to have a
playground for different age groups. There is space south of the schoolhouse that we may be able to accommodate
another playground.
Cm. Cain asked if the creek ever overflows. Advani replied that he does not know. Someone from the audience stated
that the creek there is in the 100 year flood program.
Cm. Muetterties asked if any thought has been given to putting in a windbreak to protect against the prevailing westerly
winds. Advani stated that there currently is no provision in the design for a windbreak, however the suggestion will be
Cm. Mack asked if there is a percentage of historic or artistic essence you plan for this project. For example would 25%
be historically correct and 75% artistic. Advani stated that historical configuration of the space was a hotel on the corner
of Dublin and Donlon and behind it was an orchard. Pre-contact history over 150 years ago, there was nothing here other
than the settlement of Native Americans. The question is.....what history do you follow? It is not in the plans, but we
are thinking of creating a gateway into the historic part of the site, creating markers or panels with imagery. People can
walk through the panels,learning about the past and present of Dublin.
Cm. Fasulkey stated that in keeping with that, will there be or can we create areas to put permanent art perhaps along the
pathways. Advani stated that if the art was within the historical theme of the park,yes it could be possible.
Cm. Fasulkey asked if there will be any kind of decorative fencing placed around the entire park. Advani stated that there
are no plans for a fence around the park.
Cm. Lussie stated that if the site is going to be used for events, will there be enough parking. Advani stated that in the
half and one-third site schemes there would be 30 parking spaces, enough to accommodate just those people coming to
the park. The full site scheme would have enough parking for events and there would also be parking available along
Dublin Boulevard. The City could also make arrangements with the adjoining businesses to use their parking areas as
Cm. Muetterties pointed out that on the southern end of the property where the freeway sound all is located, is noted as
I580 and not I680.
Minutes—September 19,2005
Joint'Meeting with the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission
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Cm. Acuff stated that one artist that was interviewed for another project, created a series of handprints of all the various
people who had lived in and settled in the Dublin area. That kind of thing
Public Input
Herman Bonasch, 11453 Rampart Drive, stated that he has been a resident of Dublin for almost forty years. At the
previous meetings we spoke about some of the ancestry of Dublin, specifically Ireland. He asked if this ancestry has been
incorporated into the plans. Advani replied,yes. There will panels or walls that would cover four periods of ancestry.
Debbie White, 6766, Onyx Place, stated that she has lived in Dublin for twenty years and involved with the Heritage
Center for about ten years. The Heritage Center is very special to her. People don't even know that it is there. She felt
that if everything could not be done all at once, that it be done in stages. The historic corner area should be as big and
beautiful as possible.
Sue Hagan, 6572 Donlon Way, stated that she has a couple of concerns. She is not sure why the cemetery is being
included in the Dublin historic plan. She felt that it should be a separate proposal. Also if there is a sound wall installed
and it ends where it is planned to end, living right there and also conducting business there, would subject her living and
business space to noise and dust. She felt that the idea of a park on the corner is beautiful and really enhance the area.
She is concerned that the owners don't want to sell their land. Perhaps the City can work something out with the owners
so that everyone can be happy.
Lisa Tromovitch, 847-B Division Street, Pleasanton, stated that she is the Artistic Coordinator of the Valley Shakespeare
Festival. She thanked and commended Mr. Advani and City staff. The process has been great, the meetings well
conducted arid every ones ideas seem to have been incorporated. The design is amazing and exciting. The combining of
the history, art and landscaping is just very good.
Steve Lockhart, 4592 Pheasant Court, stated that he is the President of the Dublin Historical Preservation Association.
D.H.P.A. thought about something like this about 10 years ago. A wonderful job has been done. The Parks and Heritage
Commissions have a unique opportunity to undo what the county did to us before we were a city. This is a great piece of
work where we can put back now parkland,historic land, a much needed cemetery, all the things that Dublin really needs.
One of the great things about this particular plan is that it lends itself to the phasing processes. This is the Commissions
opportunity now to not shirk your duties and go for the whole banana. Let's give Dublin its history back.
Chair Vonheeder-Leopold stated that we are charged with coming up with a recommendation to the City Council as to
which of the alternatives we prefer. The Heritage Commission will provide input first.
Heritage and Cultural Arts Recommendations
Cm. Acuff agreed with Steve Lockhart that we need to do the full site scheme. She is concerned about the interests of the
landowner who may object to our usurping his land. She wondered if it,would be possible to trade land with the
landowner for a site that is more appropriate for their needs, thereby opening up this particular space for the City. It is
the heart of Dublin's history and we really need to try to acquire it.
Cm. Lussie stated that she supports the full site scheme. She is concerned about whether we do a half or partial site and
whether or not the City can acquire those private businesses to be in confirmation with the historical district. She thinks
it would lend itself to the full site. She would also be in favor of additional parking.
Cm. Halket stated that she supported the full site scheme. If we take the partial site, we would never have the chance
again to develop such a large piece of land. If needed, we can develop it in phases. She is also concerned that if the land
was not acquired,what would go in behind it may compete visually with what we are trying to do.
Cm. Fasulkey stated that she supports the full site scheme. She is concerned in respect to the homeowner and the sound
wall, sensitive to the needs of the landowner. She would be in favor of a land swap if possible.
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Joint Meeting with the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission
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Cm. Mack stated that she supports the full site scheme. in phases,just in case we want or need to make changes. She is
concerned with the landowner. What they want should be taken under consideration.
Chair Vonheeder-Leopold stated that she supports the full site scheme. The property acquisition cost is listed as $6
million, but it may be considerably more. Hopefully we will not have to go through eminent domain proceedings.
We have a chance to do something wonderful for the City of Dublin and we should do whatever is necessary to get it
done. There is a lot of work to do and it needs to be done at the City Council level.
Chair Vonheeder-Leopold turned the meeting over the Chair Flores for the Parks and Community Services Commissions
Chair Flores stated that she is deeply concerned about the issue of eminent domain. She asked Lowart as to where the
City is with Berkeley Farms. Have we talked to them as to acquiring the property?
Lowart stated that the City Manager has been in contact with the property owner. The owner has ideas as to what they
would like seen done with the property. The City Council did entertain a proposal from the property owner last month to
look at a joint housing park site. The Council turned it down.
Cm. Burr asked if there are some long term commitments in that shopping center. Lowart stated that there is a long term
lease on the bank. We would need to investigate these kinds of issues further as part of the next phase of the project.
There are some tenants that are currently in the shopping center that we would need to look at as to how they would be
Parks and Community Services Commission Recommendations
Cm. Hart stated that she supports the full site scheme. The plan for the full site is beautiful and Dublin really needs
something like this.
Cm. Guarienti stated that option 1 has every thing. His preference would be option 2 because he likes the playground,
restrooms and the stall and lawn area. If it were a phased operation, you would need a separate restroom to support the
Heritage Center and the school. He is really torn between option 1 & 2. If the property was cut in half, option 2 would
be perfect because it takes care of the historical needs. He would hate to see waiting another ten years to get through
property issues, etc. He is not against going for the full site scheme, if we can acquire the property to do it.
Cm. Cain stated that based on some of audience input, he feels that we really need to separate. The expansion of the
cemetery should be a separate issue. The cultural arts center is also a separate entity. If we accept Option 1, it would
require the acquisition of the entire shopping center. We can't buy half now and half later. We either get it all now or we
lose it. We need to look at the project as a phased project. He favored the full site scheme as far as the acquisition of the
total program.
Cm. Muetterties stated that she supports the full site scheme. The Parks and Community Services Commission are very
excited about this project and we have commissioners who have been dreaming about this for ten years. We share our
Cm. Jones stated that he supports the full site scheme. He is concerned about the cost. Our first step should be to buy the
land. It is the opportunity for the City of Dublin to do something now. He hopes that the City works with the businesses
to relocate them. Also we should extend the sound wall to the landowner's property adjacent to the site. The Heritage
Center is one of the neatest places in town and lot of people don't know its there. We have a chance to do something now
and should go for it. The City Council has a big job ahead of them.
Minutes—September 19, 2005
Joint'Meeting with the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission
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Chair Flores stated that she supports the full site scheme. She is very mindful of the Hagan property and feels that the
sound wall should be extended to their property. The Hagan's have been very good community members and would
really want to respect their property rights. She agrees with Cm. Guarienti with going with the phases in option 1 and
moving the playground. However agrees with Steve Lockhart,that we need to go for the whole banana.
Cm. Guarienti asked, as far as moving the playground and doing some of things in option 2, how much of a chore would
that be? Advani stated that both schemes could work. Relocating a restroom building in this particular project would not
be easy. There is no real good place for it, but we can probably find another location. Portable restroom can be moved
from one place to another. He pointed out that there is a possibility of archaeological resources through the whole site.
This logic that led him to believe it was best o leave the building where it was.
Cm. Guarienti stated that if the whole acquisition took the whole site and you could do the end of the building and put in
restrooms before.the rest of it was completed. If it were to be done in phases, you are still going to need another
restroom, whether portable or not. Advani stated that we can find another place for a restroom in the full site scheme.
Chair Flores asked, are we not in a conceptual phase at this time. Advani replied, yes. If the phasing turned out that we
developed the eastern side before we develop the western site. The need for another restroom is clear.
Lowart stated that as we have done with our master plans for Emerald Glen Park and Fallon Sports Park, as part of our
task we have looked at looked at phasing plans. When we go to the City Council with recommendations from the two
commissions on October 4, that phasing would likelihood be discussed at that meeting as well. She is anticipating that
we will be given direction to look at potential ways to phase this as part of the final master plan.
Chair Vonheeder-Leopold stated that from her perspective, given the fact that nobody wants to bank all of our money in
one place,here is probably no major project in the City of Dublin that will not be phased simply because of the cost.
Other Business
Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY from Parks & Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff
Chair Vonheeder-Leopold stated that she received an email from Assemblyman Claise announcing that he was able to get
a grant for$900,000 from the State to renovate the sports field at the Bancroft Middle School. So she wants the City to
keep in mind at the staff level, that there are grants out there for the historical and art side of this project.
Lowart stated that staff has been working with Assemblyman Pombo's office, who is attempting to secure additional
funds for the museum renovation. We have heard verbally that it has happened,but nothing in writing at this time.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:38p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char J.Young ` 4
Administrative Technician
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