HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-10-2005 Approved PCSC Minutes • CITY OF DUBLIN PARKS AND COMMUNITY SER VICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF: JANUARY 10,2005 Chairperson Flores called the January 10, 2005 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.,at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin, California. Pledge of Allegiance Chairperson Flores led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Cain,Flores, Guarienti,Jones,Muetterties and Smith Commissioners Absent:None Oral Communications 3.1 Administer Oath of Office City Clerk Kay Keck administered the oath of office to newly appointed Commissioners Flores, Jones and Muetterties. 3.2 Brief Informational Only Reports from Senior Center and Youth Advisory Committees Greer Payton, Chairperson, Senior Center Advisory Committee introduced Al Edge,new Vice-Chairperson, Senior Center Advisory Committee. Payton reported that at the last meeting of the Senior Center Advisory Committee, the group reviewed and discussed their mission statement and objectives. Cm. Smith reported that at the last Youth Advisory Committee meeting, the group was planning for a new teen- bowling league to be offered in April. The Youth Advisory Committee also discussed their participation in this year's St. Patrick's Day festival activities. The Committee agreed to volunteer to assist with the Pancake Breakfast, the 5k Fun Run and they will be hosting their own YAC booth at the St. Patrick's Day Festival, both days. Each Commissioner introduced themselves to Cm. Muetterties and welcomed her to the Commission. Cm. Muetterties introduced herself to the Commission and stated that she was excited about serving on the Commission and working with each Commissioner in the future. 3.3 Public Comment—None Approval of Minutes ON A MOTION BY CM. JONES, SECONDED BY CM. GUARIENTI AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 2004 AS PRESENTED. CM. MUETTERTIES ABSTAINED. Written Communications-None Public Hearin. -None • Unfinished Business-None New Business 8.1 Election of Officers Parks & Community Services Director Diane Lowart advised that the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Parks and Community Services Commission state that the Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson at the first meeting in December of each year or, if a quorum is not present, at the next meeting at which a quorum is present. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire,whichever is first. Mi utes—January 10,2005 Page 2 of 4 Lowart began the nomination process by advising the Commission to nominate their choice for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Cm. Jones nominated Cm. Flores for Chairperson. Cm. Guarienti seconded the nomination for Cm. Flores for Chairperson. BY UNIANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE ELECTION OF CM. FLORES AS CHAIRPERSON FOR THE PARKS& COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. Cm. Guarienti nominated Cm. Jones as Vice-Chairperson. Chairperson Flores seconded the nomination for Cm. Jones as Vice-Chairperson. BY UNIANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE ELECTION , OF CM. JONES AS VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR THE PARKS& COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. 8.2 Committee Appointments Lowart advised that there are committees that require the representation of a member of the Parks and Community Services Commission. As per the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Commission, the Commission or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve on a Committee. After discussion,the following Committee appointments were made. Senior Center Advisory Committee Representative: Cm. Cain Alternate: Cm. Guarienti Youth Advisory Committee Representative: Cm. Smith Alternate: Cm. Cain Youth Sports Liaison Committee Representative: Cm. Jones Alternate: Chair Flores St.Patrick's Day Liaison Committee/Day on the Glen Liaison Committee Representative: Cm. Guarienti Alternate: Cm. Muetterties Art Selection Committee—Bray Commons Representative: Cm.Muetterties Alternate: Cm. Guarienti Dublin Transit Center Art Committee Representative: Cm. Jones Alternate: Chair Flores 8.3 2005 California and Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Training Conference. Parks & Community Services Manager Paul McCreary explained that the 2005 California and Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Training Conference will be held March 10`h to 12t, 2005 in Sacramento, California. The conference provides delegates with the opportunity to attend a variety.of educational workshops as well as network with fellow commissioners and professionals. He indicated that there were funds budgeted for attendance by the Commission and needed to know who would be interested in attending. Cm. Jones stated that he would be pretty busy with the St. Patrick's Day Parade for the Lion's Club therefore he will not be able to attend the entire conference. Cm. Jones decided to attend on Friday only. M4utes—January 10,2005 Page 3 of 3 Cm. Cain stated he would like to arrive for the conference on Thursday and depart on Saturday. Cm. Guarienti stated he would like to arrive for the conference on Wednesday night and depart on Friday night. Chairperson Flores stated that she would be able to attend on Friday only. Cm.Muetterties would like to attend all three days. She will arrive on Wednesday and depart on Saturday. Cm. Smith has school and SAT's that weekend and will not be able to attend the conference. McCreary indicated that he would make the arrangements and confirm them with the Commissioners individually. Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks& Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff Cm. Guarienti stated that he attended the Winter Concert on January 8'h and thought the band was outstanding. He did feel that, in the future, Staff should consider having this band perform at the new Senior Center where a stage for a big band would be available. Cm. Jones asked if the City scheduled practice fields for the schools. He advised that he has seen someone using excessive portable lighting at Frederiksen Elementary for soccer practice. Lowart advised that they do schedule the fields and that she will check to see if a permit has been issued. The same person tried to use Dublin Sports Grounds,which is closed for maintenance until March 1,2005. • Chairperson Flores asked if a poster has been chosen for the St. Patrick's Day Festival. Lowart advised,that the poster selection item would go to City Council for approval next week. Lowart reminded the Commission that there would be a meeting with City Council on February 26th to discuss Goals and Objectives. Adjournment Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Christie Marks Senior Office Assistant APPROVED: 011 I atth 4 1 Chairper� V •