HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-1984 Approved PCSC Minutes PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING
September 11, 1984
The regular meeting of the City of Dublin Park and Recreation
Commission was held on September 11, 1984 . The meeting was
called to order at 7 : 35 p.m. , by Chairman Zika, at the Shannon
Community Center, Dublin, California.
Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Donnell, Hernandez, Ovlen, Schmitt and
Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Commissioner Donnell and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez that the minutes of the August 14 , 1984 meeting be
approved as submitted. Approved.
Summer Recreation Program Evaluation
Gaylynn updated the Commission on the Summer Program. Her
overall feelings were that specialized enrichment programs can be
offered on a self-supporting fee basis .
In designing next Summer ' s day camp program, several options need
to be considered to make it a more affordable program.
The fee could be reduced by not offering weekly field trips
which mandate expensive chartered buses .
The fee could be reduced by not providing daily snacks
and/or weekly picnics .
The City could consider subsidizing recreational playground
programs in order to provide a day care option for the
families of Dublin.
Commissioner Schmitt felt that there was a need to continue with
the snacks provided in the program and also felt that the weekly
trips are important to maintain. She suggested the possibility
of offering a discount to families with more than one child
participating in the program.
Commissioner Ovlen asked what the financial goals had been with
the program. He felt that the figures shown represented a good
return. Gaylynn explained that the program indicates revenue
only because alot of equipment was loaned to us by the Los Gatos
Recreation Department. The program would have basically broke
even if the equipment used needed to be purchased.
Commissioner Donnell also felt that it was important to maintain
the field trips in the day camp program. She suggested offering
the day camp field trips in a different way. Possibly
individuals participating only in the field trips versus needing
to register for the day camp program. Also consider appealing to
various groups, offering a group discount for participation.
Commissioner Ovlen suggested offering the field trip
individually, and to groups. He also suggested using junior high
school students as junior volunteers to help supervise the
groups, possibly offering them a futher discount to participate .
Commisioner Hernandez also suggested using the seniors to help
supervise the field trips .
Commissioner Zika expressed concern over a reduced rate for the
program. He felt that without concrete facts that the program
was not affordable to the community, the fee should remain the
same .
Gaylynn expressed that she felt that the program was not
affordable to the community because of the lack of participation
in relation to the number of telephone calls received about the
Commissioner Ovlen discussed what other communities were doing -
, camperships, corporate monies donated, approach community for
support through organizations to underwrite partial costs for any
youth programs so as not to place the high unit cost on families.
Commissioner Schmitt suggested contacting the Valley Referral
Agency for contributions .
Mae Hernandez suggested appealing to the lower income families
as well as offering family discounts .
Gaylynn suggested that we make the following recommendations to
Council at a later date concerning the 85 ' summer program.
1 . Field trips offered on an optional basis, rather than
including in day camp fee.
2 . Maintain snacks in the program for nutritional supplement
purposes .
3 . The price was competitive, but this area needs subsidizing.
Exploring various options, support from community/camperships,
family discounts, etc.
Recommendations to be made to Council in the Spring-March 1985
prior to developing Summer brochure.
Updated Facility Improvement. Recommendations
Gaylynn advised the Commission that Phil Singer of Singer and
Hodge Architectural firm has agreed to meet staff on October 2nd
to review available space, facility design and our suggestions
for improvement and development.
Mr. Singer volunteered to attend our October Commission meeting
to present slides of varying projects in other cities that might
be applicable to our needs .
The following are additions/deletions to the updated facilities
recommendation of 9/11/84 .
Shannon Park:
Delete the word gas . Install a stove.
Explore the idea of improving ventilation/ceiling fans .
Additional restrooms inside of building.
Dublin Sports Grounds :
Install lights on baseball field.
Enlarge snack bar area, more storage room, more electrical
Mape Park
Upgrade by developing imaginative play structures . Consider
development of additional recreation facility area on east side
of park.
Replace/remove wooden platform eastern side of park incorporated
in play area.
Valley Community Swim Center:
Locker Room - "Slip guard" on floors
Delete - install portable stage cover over tot pool are for
concerts .
Bicycle stands needed in entry to pool area.
Commission Ovlen suggested inviting Kolb area residents to the
Commission meeting. He also suggested showing slides to Mr.
Singer of the Amador Lakes projects .
Commissioner Zika also suggested inviting the City officers to
the meeting.
Youth Dance Survey
Gaylynn gave a short narrative regarding the history of youth
dances in area. The overall feeling from the principals of the
schools in the area, was that there was no immediate need for an
increase in offering more youth dances sponsored by the
Recreation Department.
Commission Schmitt said that she will explore Tiffany' s Disco in
Walnut Creek and report back to the Commission about what appears
to be making their dances so acceptable by the youth.
Commissioner Zika moved that we forget about offering additional
youth dances in the near future, Seconded by Ovlen. Approved.
Senior Citizen Program Study:
Gaylynn gave a short narrative regarding her contacts with other
adjacent Recreation Departments to compare policies and levels of
It was recommended that as a brand new department, we work with
local seniors to assess specific interest and attempt to develop
co-sponsored programs with the local adult education and
community college programs, in order to offer classes at a more
affordable rate and to encourage our contractural class
instructors to consider offering some discount to seniors, in
order to encourage their participation in available classes .
Commissioner Hernandez maintains her feeling that the City should
subsidize programs for seniors .
Commissioner Ovlen suggested having an intern assigned to senior
groups to analyze the situation and needs of seniors .
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Donnell to recruit such an intern for a senior study. Approved.
After School Recreation Program:
Council approved continuing the program through October and
requested an update with options at their November meeting.
The overall consensus of the Commission was that the City has a
commitment to the community to continue with this program.
Commissioner Ovlen stated that he feels that the City has a
responsibility to identify with the citizen of this community.
Commissioner Ovlen moved that we recommend 100% subsidy with
option to review quarterly for modification of the program.
Seconded by Commissioner Schmitt. Approved.
Other Business:
Commissioner Hernandez requested having a Christmas Party.
Commissioner Schmitt informed the Commission that City of San
Ramon has a Recreation and Park Committee. She suggested sending
a letter welcoming them.
Commission Schmitt asked for a six month extension on commerical
appraisal of St. Raymond's Church for possible condemnation.
Commissioner Ovlen suggested addressing architect regarding same.
Commissioner Schmitt stated that DSRSD is delighted that she is
attending their meetings, but Liz would like to have others
attend as well .
Commissioner Schmitt discussed the development of the Red Barn
Cutural Art Center; a non profit Center in San Ramon. City not
represented on the Advisory Board. Commissioner Schmitt
suggested that the Commission make a recommendation to City
Council to involve City of Dublin.
Commissioner Schmitt asked about initiating a volunteer program
in the City of Dublin.
Comissioner Ovlen suggested possibly having an intern assigned to
investigate the feasibility of developing a volunteer program.
Commission Hernandez wants to look into a Health Faire Program
such as the City of Hayward has, for seniors in our community
Commissioner Hernandez made a suggestion that we begin
preparations for the St. Patrick' s Day Celebration.
Commissioner Ovlen suggested that we take a few members of the
Commission and form a committee . Liz Schmitt and Mae Hernandez
Gaylynn suggested an initial organizing session with
representatives of the Dublin Lion' s Club, in order to avoid
duplication of efforts and assure a well organized, well received
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :15pm.